Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - A Frog Maiden's Kink Session (Saria Pt. 4)

Story by JCSolis01 on SoFurry

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#9 of Pokephilia Story - Love has No Bounds (Reboot)

Saria's Tale Part 5

This is one of my kinkiest stories I've posted, and if it's well liked, i might post another one like it.

Saria and Razor are enjoying a hot spring day when they come across Lakeshire Town's sex shop. Curious, the two enter to give a look at the store's wares. It's here where they find something very interesting, and it's this interesting items that leads them to having some fun with bondage, latex, and overall BDSM.

What kind of kinky fun will they have? Why not read and find out?

Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - A Frog Maiden's Kink Session

By J.C. Solis

Pokemon is Copyright © of Game Freak, The Pokemon Company, and Nintendo.

I do not intend to infringe on copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction

Pokephilia Story - Love Has no Bounds

A Frog Maiden's Kink Session

By J.C. Solis

It was another hot day in Lakeshire Town, though thankfully it was not that sweltering. Summer was only another month or so away, and the heat was already starting to creep up in and around the area of town and Lake Shire. The heat was not terribly uncomfortable, but it would only be a matter of time until everyone would be on the search for a way to beat the heat.

Saria and Razor were over at the Poke Park, enjoying the day with some ice cream as the day went on ahead. The two were taking licks from their cones and enjoying the ambience, reminiscing on all that's happened and what they hoped to do. It was currently Saturday, which meant a day off of work for Saria and a good time to enjoy being outside. At the very least, she got to spend time with her cute and loveable Froggy, though it wasn't like the two of them didn't already spend a ton of time with each other.

Their relationship had really taken off, more so than the two could have ever hoped for. Their romantic life was especially rigorous, though bedroom antics were not the only thing the two enjoyed. They enjoyed going out to dinner at restaurants, seeing movies with their friends, enjoying a good swim over at Lake Shire, or even just lollygagging around and just letting time pass by. But of course, bedroom antics were the most enjoyable part of their relationship. The two were quite the sexually active couple, with them incorporating everything from foreplay to even some bondage with rope to try and get a good fetish buzz going. Saria, herself, was turning into quite the nymphomaniac, and sometimes she found herself to be insatiable. Razor, too, was also turning into a sex addict, though most of the time he was just along for the ride.

But today, the budding nymph was not too interested in bed fun. Rather she just wanted to enjoy a good time at the park. The blue ninja frog, on the other hand, wanted to get closer to her and perhaps get cuddly. He wrapped an arm around her neck, getting close to her and pulling her to his side.

"What a day, right Razor?" sighed Saria as she leaned her head against him. "It sure is freaking hot right now. I can't believe it's only going to get hotter."

"Tell me about it," said Razor. "I'm a water type, but even I'm feeling under the weather. Hell, even my ice cream is melting fast."

"Well, take bigger licks if you don't want your ice cream to drip onto your hand, Froggy," warned Saria, "otherwise you'll be licking ice cream off your hands."

"Is that what you do when the ice cream drips onto your hand, sweet?"

"Well, if there is nothing else to do about it."

"Reminds me of something else you lick off when things get too messy."

Saria's cheeks burned red, realizing what he was implying at. It was true that the last time the two went at it the scene turned a little messy, and she licked away at him to help clean up. But just remembering that moment made her blush. After all, what happens in the bedroom ought to stay in the bedroom.

Soon, both Saria and Razor finished their ice cream, taking a few final munches of their sugar wafer cone as they at last felt cooled off. But it was still the middle of the day, and there was so much that the couple could do. All their friends were too busy to hang out or even to have a battle, despite the pleads from the two that and promise that they'd be quick Yet the two were adamant on leaving the house. The day was simply too nice to pass up, and they really wanted to get out of the house. The two then got off of their park bench and walked further into the park, where the playground was at.

Saria noticed the swings sets, and a bit of nostalgia took ahold to playground days in youth. Currently, three of them occupied by children accompanied by caretaker Pokémon: A girl and a Blissey, a boy and a Gengar, and another boy with a Gardevoir. Saria hopped onto a swing, feeling like it was ages since she last swung on them.

"Come on, Froggy, push me!" Saria cried out.

"Aren't you too old to be swinging on a child's swing set, sweet? Can that thing even take your weight? Gre heh," joked Razor.

"What're you implying, hmm?" said Saria as she gave him the stink eye.

"Nothing. All I'm saying is that these swings are for little kids, not grown adults. Wouldn't it look kinda funny for one to start swinging on the swings?"

"Just push me, Froggy!"

With a sigh, Razor complied. Saria sat on the swing as she tried to push herself forward with her own momentum. The Greninja got behind her and began pushing her, with every push getting harder and harder as he tried to launch her further up. The lass was giggling with glee and cheer at being pushed, and she just wanted to keep at it. She kept climbing higher and higher, feeling the wind rush past her when she'd fly along. After a while, she was swinging to the point that she was almost being completely horizontal, and it was at this moment that she decided to do a bit of acrobatics.

Saria let go of the swing and went flying into the air, performing a somersault as she flipped over once. And when she fell back onto the ground, she extended her legs out and landed on her two feet. She then turned to the kids and gave a bow as though she was some street performer or acrobat.

The children were all in awe and surprise at what the young lass had done, and they even felt like giving it a try.

"Wow! So cool!" said the little girl.

"That was so awesome!" said the boy in the middle.

"I wanna give that a shot!" said the last boy.

Saria faced the kids with nodding disapproval, wagging her finger to warn them.

"Don't try this at home kids," said Saria. "I used to be an acrobat when I was in college, so I know what I'm doing."

"Yep. Don't try this at home, kids," repeated Razor. "Leave these tricks to the experts."

The caretaker pokémon themselves were also surprised, though some of them just had derogative commentary.

"Oh my goodness, that was impressive" said the Blissey.

"Show off," grumbled the Gengar.

The Gardevoir then looked at Razor and said, "Isn't your trainer just a tad bit too old to be swinging on a swing set?"

Razor just groaned as he made a face palm. "That's what I tried telling her."

Saria's cheeks blushed at hearing the Gardevoir. She didn't expect such a curt remark, though at least she got to have some fun on the swings.

"Alright, Froggy, you're turn," she teased as she looked at Razor.

"Now way! Let's just get out of here," rejected the ninja frog.

Saria burst into laughter as she walked away with him, bidding the children and their pokémon farewell before heading off for the exit. It was still fun to swing on the swings, and Saria even got to feel like a little kid again.

The two decided to head further into town, which would make for a nice stroll to kill some time. The streets were already full of people who seemed were trying to do the same thing. All sorts of trainers were walking down the sidewalks with all sorts of pokémon--normal types, fighting, fairy, dark, grass. There were just so many pokemon of different types, and all of them had the same cheery face as they walked along the sidewalk with their trainers. It was such a diverse array of people and their partners that made it all seem like there was harmony. It was all so very peaceful, and the world at last seemed okay. There weren't any protests about Pokephilia, there wasn't any new news about the violent antics of Team Shroud, and everything just seemed as it should be.

Saria and Razor entered the entertainment district within downtown Lakeshire Town, which was next to the boardwalk piers on Lake Shire. There were all sorts of entertainment venues, from Restaurants to Night Clubs to all sorts of shopping locales and much more. Off to the side was the beautiful Civic Center, where the Town Hall and Public Library were at. Saria liked coming to this part of town, and everything was just so lively. The movie theater would soon be packed full of people who want to come see the next blockbuster, while others would rather enjoy a good reading session at the Civic Center Library--which was quite the hotspot for people to come to read, use the computer lab, and study for school. If they wanted a book for themselves, then they could go to the bookstore as well, which even had a small café inside for those who'd want a to sip a cup of tea or coffee as they read.

Saria and Razor had been to almost all of these places over the years, and they knew Lakeshire Town like the back of their hand. But there was one store in particular that caught the attention of the two pokephiles, and it was a place that even made them feeling uncomfortable.

It was the town's one and only sex shop, a small little place where the kinks would go to buy their fetish related items. The store was called "Zazzy and Co.'s Intimate Pleasure Shop", and those words were glowing in greena neon colors on the front of the store, with the windows blacked out so as to hide what was in there out of decency. The two of them looked at each other before looking back at the store, with thoughts that dared them to get closer.

"What do you think Is in there, Razor?" wondered Saria.

"Kinks galore, that's what," replied Razor.

"You know, we always seem to pass by that store, but never once have we stepped foot in there," she noted,

Though Razor agreed, he felt a little adventurous. "In that case, let's get a look for ourselves," he beckoned. "Come on, let's go in there and take a look inside."

"In there?!" shrieked Saria, not knowing whether or not she had the spine to go in. "I don't know. I mean, I always see that place whenever we go by here, but I always figured that that place was for like super horny and naughty people."

"Well, we're not too innocent ourselves, now are we, My sweet?"

Saria giggled, seeing that he had a point.

"Alright then. Let's head on over to see if it's open."

The two of them crossed the street and to the front of the shop, with the front door plastered with signs that said everything from "Welcome" to a disclaimer that said that only people eighteen and over could enter. There was even a few curious signs that read "If you're coming in here, then you know why", and one that said "Just come inside. You know you want to". Saria figured that the store's proprietor was no nonsense when it came to people who wondered whether or not this place was for them.

Saria opened the door and the door chimed with the sound of a hanging bell from it. When she and Razor took the first step inside...

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! *Squawk*" said a cawing voice from above them.

Saria let out an "Eep!" as she jumped from having been startled by a Chatot that was on its perch right next to the door, with Razor letting out a chuckle that his trainer was startled. Soon the footsteps of someone coming from a side hall could be heard, and every footstep made Saria nervous. Who knew how the owner of the store would look like. But the person who came out of the hallways shocked the two in how radical she looked.

A tall, voluptuous and ebony skinned woman came from the side, wearing what appeared to be a red, black and yellow latex cat suit outfit that made her look like a dominatrix. She even wore a latex mask of various colors as a long black ponytail came out of a hole that was behind her head. She was sexy and overall intimidating with her outfit on, and even more so with the way that she carried herself around.

"Now welcome, you two," said the woman as she approached them. "Welcome to Zazzy and Co.'s Pleasure Shop. The name's Zazzy, and I run this joint. I haven't seen your faces in this store before, but I've seen you two around town every now and then, so I at least know that you're locals."

Saria couldn't help but shake the feeling that she recognized the woman in front of her. She thought that she saw her from somewhere, though all she had to go by was both a hunch and a far away memory she could not recall. And all that bondage latex she wore didn't help.

*Squawk* "Show them the good stuff, Zazzy! *Squawk*" said the Chatot next to the door.

"In a minute, Polly," said Zazzy. "First I got to see if our guest are up to the task of handling our wares. This place ain't for the faint of heart.

"R-r-really?" stammered Saria upon hearing this. "I just... well, I..." Saria was too nervous to finish a proper sentence.

"Come on, girl. What's the matter? The Meowth got your tongue or something?" teased the latex wearing woman. "I don't bite too hard."

"I... I was just curious about coming in here. Razor and I wanted to come in and... and look at your wares."

"Sorry about my trainer, Miss Zazzy," apologized Razor, though he knew that she wouldn't understand his pokémon speech. "She gets real nervous whenever we meet new people or places she's not familiar with. My name is Razor, and she's Saria"

"It's alright, Froggy legs," replied Zazzy, who seemed to understand what he said. "Not everyone's got the guts to walk into a sex shop. You two just happen to be the first customers I had all day, and it's sure been a slow one what with that priest being holier-than-though and all that jazz."

Saria and Razor looked at each other with surprised faces, having not expected the sex shop owner to understand the Greninja's voice.

"You understood my pokémon?" asked Saria.

"Sure did, and I guess that you did too to even ask me that question. Heh, guess I'm not the only one here who has been delving into a little bit of taboo Pokephilia."

"Well, if that's the case, then who's your partner?" asked Razor.

"Me," said a male, metallic voice coming from the side corridor.

A tall and strong looking Bisharp came down the corridor, looking mean and lean. His eyes were adamant and sharp, and were looking right at the two as he came in full view. His look was that of distrust and caution, as though he didn't know what to expect from them.

"The name's Axel," said the Bisharp. "Welcome to our shop. I hope you two aren't gonna cause any trouble, right."

"Axel, honey, there no need for that," chastised Zazzy, to which she then turned to the two. "Sorry about my dear Bisharp being so frank. We got some trouble recently with those Anti-Pokephilia Crusaders, and so Axel is a bit on edge."

"No problem, Miss Zazzy," replied Saria. "My friend has been having problems with that vigilante group Team Shroud, and he's been all nervous wondering when they'll be coming after him next."

"You mean the son of Pastor Solis? I heard all about that, especially when the poor pastor was ranting about that in church a few weeks back. I feel sorry for your friend, Saria. I know seeing what happened what happened to those folks who got burned by the fire bombs was pretty horrible. I still get angry just thinking about that."

"Don't worry, Susanna," said Axel. "Those ingrates will get what's coming to them."

"I thought I told you not to call me that name, Axel honey."

Saria's hunch was confirmed. She felt that the woman was rather familiar, as she seemed to be a famous gym leader here in Daegar that Saria had even met at one point or another. And with the Bisharp saying her name, she knew exactly who she was.

"Wait, would you happen to be Susanna Blakely, the former Dark type gym leader?" asked Saria.

Zazzy grimaced, realizing that she had been found out. With this she only gave a nod.

"Oh Arceus, I'm so happy to see you! You were the eighth and last gym leader before reaching the Daegar Pokémon League Championship. You were so strong that most trainers-"

"Oh hush now, Saria dear," Zazzy snapped. "Yeah that was me. I was once a gym leader and all, that's true. But that was a lifetime ago, mind you, and I've left that all to my past. I'm no longer that gym leader, and to be honest it's quite the load off my back. It was getting hard to blow away trainers while also blowing dark type cock in my spare time. It was just so damn tiring, having Pokephilia affairs and running a gym. I even almost got caught a few times even, and it's no fun not being able to enjoy some quality time with my pokémon because of gym responsibilities. I just wanted some time to myself. Now Susanna "The Dark Type Rouge" is dead, and now I'm reborn as Zazzy "The Dark Mistress", humble erotic shop owner and sex queen of Lakeshire Town."

Saria and Razor looked at each other. It seemed that the former gym leader had a lot on her chest, and she just wanted to let all of that out.

"Well, can you show us your wares, Zazzy," asked Saria.

"Sure as hell, sweetie. Take a look at what we got," smiled Zazzy. "Come on, Axel. Let's Zazzify these two!"

"Sure thing Susann- uh, I mean Zazzy," agreed Axel, and then he turned to the two customers. "Trust me, you two, you're not leaving this store without so much as purchasing a tube of lube and a dildo."

And so, the two pokephiles began to browse the store. There was a whole menagerie of items to choose from, from lubricants with temperature sensation to kinky lingerie to even things such as fuzzy hand cuffs, BDSM whips, and even full cat suits and latex on display on clothes racks. It was all such an erotic collection of items, and every one of them had their purpose or use. The store was a mecca for kinks, and Zazzy prided herself with a vast selection of items. But when Saria and Razor turned around a corner, they saw on display something that completely caught their attention.

It was a BDSM bondage rig, one in a cube frame with a central square that looked like it could be used to flip the person over, and on it hung a mannequin with it legs, abdomen, and arms suspended in the air by the mechanism, and it was love at first sight for Saria and Razor. The two had never seen anything like it, and it sure seemed like a lot of fun to enjoy--depending on one's idea of "fun", that it. The two of them absolutely fell in love with the machine, and it was something that they want to try out. As said, Saria and Razor did practice bondage and dominance session sometimes whenever they had sex, but they never used a machine like this.

Razor was especially entranced by the machine. Already he was picturing what he could do with it, and it was all pretty naughty. He had some plans for how to use the machine, and he hoped to try them all out on Saria.

Zazzy seemed to note the star struck looks on Saria and Razor's faces, and she chuckled at realizing their awe.

"I bet you two like this here machine. Well, as you can guess it's a machine for kinks into BDSM. It's quite the display, ain't it?"

"How much does it cost?" asked Saria.

Zazzy chuckled, seeing how eager she and Razor were looking. "Now hold your horses, Saria. Normally people who're really experienced in the practice are the ones who use this machine. Normal folks like you could get hurt and-"

"We'll take it!" blurted out Saria and Razor at the same time.

Zazzy was caught off guard, seeing just how eager her customers were.

"That was a quick decision," noted Axel.

"Maybe too quick of a decision," murmured Zazzy. "I just don't want these two hurt themselves or each other. This thing can be dangerous."

"I think we ought to sell it to them, Zazzy. Even if they are starting out in BDSM, it's a good rig for them to learn on. At least we can show them how to use it."

"And besides, I trust my Froggy here with using it on me, Zazzy," explained Saria. "Razor knows me to a fault, and I trust him. I know that he won't take things too far, and that he will always have my interests at heart whenever we do things like this. We already practice bondage while having sex, so we aren't completely unprepared."

"I wouldn't dare hurt Saria, at least not too much, Gre heh," added Razor. "I value her well being too much to go too far. And I hope to have lots of healthy fun with this machine. I know we'll enjoy it well."

Zazzy placed her hand on her chin and scratched it, contemplating whether or not to let her new customer have it. It would make a easy sell, and Saria and Razor did seem like the careful types, despite them being perhaps over-eager. And for sure the two were going to buy all sorts of other things as well. But Zazzy just felt rather unsure. But one look at Saria and Razor's faces made her know that those two would be careful when using it.

"You got yourselves a deal, you two," she finally agreed.

Saria and Razor were ecstatic to hear this. They now had their very own bondage rig, and it was something that they had never thought they'd ever get the chance to own. The two of them would be sure to buy other things that they may need for their sex adventures, and for sure the two of them would have a blast. It was only a matter of time before Saria would be hung on it and Razor would get to do all sort of things to her.

And it was a prospect that the Ninja Frog was looking forward to...

Saria and Razor were at home with the two sex shop owners as they were installing the new bondage rig to the floor and ceiling of the room, which was an empty room that was used for storage. The two cleared out the boxes and stored them away, leaving enough space to make use of the room properly. The room was turning into quite the sex dungeon, and for sure anyone would do a double take upon stumbling across it, the way it was turning out. The two of them didn't even want to tell their friends, for fear of being made fun of with jokes about depravity and going overboard.

Axel was torqueing a bolt to the floor, which was the last one need for the device to function. With that done, he picked his wrench and put it into a toolbox he had with him. Zazzy was right next to him, and this time she was wearing normal civilian clothes instead of her dominatrix outfit: a pink blouse, some black yoga pants and some brown sneakers. She was clearly very beautiful, and her ebony skin and wavy black hair was lush and lively. It almost made one wonder why she would decide to wear a skimpy latex outfit to work in her store when she had so much beauty going for her.

"There," concluded Axel as he tightened the last bolt with his torque wrench. "That ought to do it. Everything's all set up."

"Awesome!" cheered Saria. She then looked at Razor. "We have a rig installed in here now, Froggy. You know what that means, right?"

"More ways to fuck your brains out, I assume? Gre heh he," replied Razor with a chuckle. He then looked at Zazzy and Axel. "On a more serious note, thank you two so much for installing this rig for us. I don't think either me or my sweet could've put this thing in here. I know that we're going to have a lot of fun with it."

"Sure thing, froggy legs," said Zazzy. "But like I said, just be careful with this thing though. If you don't hurt each other through going at it too hard, then this thing could still choke you guys if you're not careful with the rigging."

"You guys remember when we showed you how the rig works on our sample back at our shop, right?" asked Axel. The two nodded. "Good, because the two of you need to be careful, like Susanna said. You could end up getting caught in the rigging and dislocate a limb, among other things that can happen."

"I though I told you not to call me by that name, Axel Sugar," chastised Zazzy.

"Well, like it or not but it's your name, Suzy."

"That name too! You know I tell you not to call me that in public!"

"Then change your real name to Zazzy then," said Axel, wrapping his arms together with a humph and grumble.

Zazzy was rather taken by her partner's sudden boldness, though deep down Axel knew that he may regret that the next time they had fun together. Hoping to resolve this issue later, Axel and Zazzy picked up their tools and headed away.

"Anyway, have fun with the rig, you two. Let me know all about how well it turned out, and in case you need any more equipment you know that you can always drop by the shop for some new toys and the like."

And so, the two sex shop owners went out the front door, leaving Saria and Razor to reminisce on their new toy. They returned to the room and saw their new toy, eyeing it carefully and seeming to like what they had with them.

"So, do you wanna try it out, Razor?" asked Saria. "I don't know if you wanna wait until later to try and use it, but-"

"How about now," blurted out Razor. "Now would be as good time a time as ever."

Saria smiled, seeing how eager her pokémon was. She started with taking off her clothes, slowly removing her layers as she began to strip one article of clothing after another, all with Razor watching her. Soon, she was almost completely naked except for her panties and her D-cup sized bra. Before doing anything else, she decided to make a few things clear.

"Don't you think we need a safe word, Razor?" she suggested. "We need a word for me to say when I think I might be reaching my limit. When I say a certain word or phrase, that's when we ought to stop and then you let me go."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Razor agreed. He was tying a strip mask onto his head, one single line latex mask that would cover his face--though getting it to fit onto his Greninja shaped head was tricky. "But what kind of word do you want to use? I can't really think of one."

Saria tried to think of what to say, and sure enough she came up with one.

"How about 'My Lover'? That'd be a good phrase to say, don't you think?"

"Yeah, that's the perfect one to use. You just say 'My Lover' and I'll drop whatever I'm doing and come to your aid. Though to be honest, I hope it doesn't come to that."

"Why, because you want to prolong this session as much as possible?"

"That and also because I don't want to hurt you that much. The last thing I want to do is to leave something like a permanent mark or anything like that, you know."

"Well, I hope that we don't go too far then."

With that, Saria began to lower her panties, slowly lowering them down and doing a bit of a strip tease to her pokémon. She pulled on the panties sideways as she lowered them to the ground, her exposed and waiting sex just ready for the big moment that was still a ways off. She then slowly took of her bra by undoing the back. Once loosened, she did one quick motion and then the whole thing fell off, revealing her supple and snow white breasts to her lover. She was now completely exposed to him, her snow white and imperfection free body in full view of her lover and sex partner.

It was only ironic that she stripped naked only to put on another outfit, this time one that would be a lot tighter and would cling onto her skin. She picked up a black latex cat suit, and it was both sleek and slimming. Though Razor offered her help, she refused and tried to stick in one leg at a time before enveloping her whole body in the entire suit. Soon, the young woman managed to get inside the suit, and it was such a unique experience to try on something that was so tight to her skin.

The suit covered most of her body, though it left exposed her breasts, her crotch and her ass. These were designed to be the area with most access.

Saria looked good in her outfit. She loved how it felt, and it was more comfortable than she thought at first.

"Alright. I'm ready, Froggy," said Saria.

But one look at Razor and she saw that something about him was changing. His face was more stern and serious, and his eyes looked like they could stare her down with sinister intent. He seemed to be getting into character.

"Right. Let's get this started then," said Razor as he went up to Saria, grabbing her hard by the wrist and pulling her to the rig.

Saria was caught by surprise. She didn't expect to be treated this rough from the get-go. And as Razor brought her to the rig, she even began to get a little nervous. Razor bent her over and tied pulleys to her abdomen and elbow joints, pulling on them so that they were fixed. She was now halfway dangling when Razor began to tie her lower body as well, and with a bit of strength he lifted her lower part into the air with the other pulleys. Now she was dangling up into the air and free floating, though her restraints made it impossible for her to move around.

Razor liked having control over her. It wasn't often that he got to take the reigns in a session like this.

"This feels kinda weird, Razor," said Saria.

Suddenly, she felt a hand slap her on the ass hard. She let out a groan as she felt the sting of Razor's large, webbed hand smack her rear.

"Right now, to you I'm not Razor anymore, My Sweet," said the Greninja, his voice sounding menacing and vicious. "From now on, you're going to call me "Master". Any other word will result in punishment from me. Is that clear?"

Saria obliged. "Yes, Master."

A wave of submission came over Saria quickly after realizing how serious her pokémon was getting. She wanted to play her part in this session, and so she would allow Razor full control over her. For all she knew, she had no rights, no liberties, no freedoms. She was now his slave, and whatever he wanted to do is what he'd do.

"Good, good." And the room filled with another smacking sound, with Razor spanking her ass again. "And this is for you to remember that. If you behave and listen, then I promise to make you real happy. Any mistakes, or if you're not doing your best and-" Another smack filled the room, with Saria moaning in pain. "More of this will happen. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master."

Razor walked in front of Saria to brandish his now erect cock. His phallus was now long and hard, and he couldn't wait to get started. The smell of pre-cum filled the air, and Saria could smell it from her spot. But to heighten her pleasure, Razor also had a blindfold in his had. He went to Saria to put on her blindfold, all while Saria got more of a whiff of his cock. Her eyes went dark with the blindfold, and now she had to rely on her other senses for what's going on.

A curious that the rig could do was flip over, as Razor pushed a few buttons on the side of the rig so that now her back was facing down and her breasts and front was facing upwards. It was quite the curious thing, but necessary for what he was about to do next.

"Are you thirsty, Saria?"

"Yes, Master," replied Saria, getting the idea of what kind of drink he had in mind. "I-I'd like to drink some of your cum, please."

"Now why would you want to drink cum? Is it because you're going to be my cum slut?"

"Yes, Master. I am your cum slut. I want your cock in my mouth and to drink from it."

Razor giggled, hearing exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Ask and you shall receive," and he put his cock in front of her nose to smell. The pheromonal scent of semen could be smelled, and it was so tantalizing. "Open," said Razor, and Saria followed her orders.

Razor stuck his member into Saria's mouth, to which she closed her lips around it to suckle him. Saria sucked on his member while licking it like a lollipop, and taking in the delicious taste of his cum as she took greedy gulps of the white, sticky fluid that kept squirting out of him. All the while, Razor bent over to reach her pussy, making sure to not put to much weight on her body and on the rig--even though the rig could easily take his added weight. He could see her pink snatch just wait for him, and with that he rubbed her clit with his hand, inciting Saria to moan as she felt her now sensitive entrance being rubbed. She moaned into the suckling and pussy rubs, enjoying every sensation and feeling as her mind was in euphoria. And with her eyes blocked out, she only had her other senses to help feel around her, which were all magnified many times over.

After a while of rubbing her entrance, Razor decided that he too wanted to taste something. He moved his tongue scarf towards her entrance, placing his most wet and sensitive part--the tip--onto her entrance and give more rubs. She was already wet and flowing, and Razor got to taste her just as much as she got to taste him. The feeling of a wet and sticky appendage rubbing against her clitoris caused Saria even more pleasure as she moaned harder. But what Razor did next was just so teasing. With his hands free, he decided to grope her breasts, cupping them into his hands and giving them a good squeeze. He jiggled them around and played with them, massaging them and giving a good rub to her nipples. They were already erect and sensitive, which is why he decided to go at them.

With a combination of cock suckling, pussy licking and tit groping, the scene was set for something lovely. The pressure behind the Greninja's cock was growing. He wasn't quite close to orgasm, but it was still something.

With a few of his own groans, Razor stood up from the groping and licking and grabbed her head. He began to thrust into her mouth, thoroughly face-fucking her and rubbing against her lips. Saria made squelching noises with her lips as the cock slide through them, in and out in repetitive motion. She felt like such a cock whore, and she loved it. His cock jut slid along her lips and even into her throat, causing her to choke sometimes. She loved Razor gripping her head just to pound into her. She loved the dripping of cum and the taste of his rod. And she hoped to get that drink that he had promised her.

Razor was now groaning hard, the pressure behind his cock now becoming unbearable. And so, He was going to give his slave that drink he promised.

Razor's cock erupted into her mouth as jet after torrential jet squirted into her mouth. Saria got to taste with her tongue every slimy and pheromonal drop. The taste was somewhat sweet, though it tasted mostly as one would think a bodily fluid would taste like. Saria swallowed all the sperm greedily as her mouth began to fill with sticky fluid, but the torrent was too much as her mouth began to fill with seed. But soon, the torrent stopped, and she was left with a mouth full of cum. She wanted to savor it all, to feel its texture and to get a good taste of it before swallowing it all down her throat.

"Did that sate your thirst, slut?" asked Razor.

"Yes it did, Master. It was so delicious."

"It's because you are a cum whore, are you not?"

"Yes, Master, I am a cum whore," repeated Saria. "I need your cum inside me. I want all of your cum inside me."

"And you will get it all soon, slut. I still have some saved for later, but for now, I have a present here for you. Let me put it on."

Razor flipped Saria over right side up, with her face looking down. He then removed her blindfold so that she could see a box that he got from the side. This was an item that he had Axel make for him in secret, and it was something that would be the fulcrum of the whole event. Saria eyed the box curiously, her mind still hazy from the face fuck and elated from the aphrodisiac properties of the semen.

Razor opened the cardboard box to reveal a sort of collar, almost like what one would put on a pet dog. He took it out to reveal the black neck collar in the light, and on it was a dog tag of sorts, and the word's "Razor's Toy" were written on it for her to see.

"From now on, you are mine and mine alone, Saria," said Razor. "In this room, you'll obey everything that I say, and I get to do whatever I want with you. Your pussy is mine. Your ass is mine. Your tits are mine. All those things and more are mine to use and abuse, and I get to punish you or reward you however I see fit. Is that clear."

Saria nodded, her mind now feeling even more fuzzy, but still lucid enough to know her place in this moment.

Razor reached for her neck with the collar, opening the buckle up and putting it around his trainer's neck. This was the moment he had been waiting for. This was the moment where he would claim his trainer as his own. In this moment, he was the one with power. He was the one who'd decide what to with her--whether to reward or to punish.

He closed the buckle around Saria's neck, and "Razor's Toy" was now branded and marked for ownership. Saria now realized what all this had come to. She was now at the whim of her pokémon. She was now his sex slave.

And so, the climax of this steamy sex session would come. Razor put back on her blindfold and got out a green dildo and a tube of lubricant gel that were off to the side, and he was going to put them to good use. He went to her crotch and prepared to penetrate. He gave her ass a good slap, leaving a little bit of red on her right cheek where he hit. He then took the bottle of lube and squeezed some on his cock, rubbing it with his other hand to get his member nice and lubricated--it was a special warming gel that was supposed to heighten the feeling of sexual pleasure. He also put a good deal of gel onto the green dildo, making sure that it was nice and lubricated as well.

The time came. Saria had been waiting patiently for this moment, and she was expecting to be penetrated at any moment now. And that moment was now upon her to enjoy.

Razor aligned his member with her entrance and slowly began to push forwards. He slid further and further into her, feeling the effects of the warming gel as Saria's warmth and fluids activated the lubricant's properties. She loved the warm and tingling feeling of the lube, and it would be something she hadn't experienced before but will now definitely love to use again. Razor continued to slide further and further, his Greni-cock once more seeming to have no end to its length. Eventually, he reached her cervix right at the moment that his length ran out. He was now completely inside of her, and both of them loved the feel of their sex organs touching again. With his own member now in, Razor got the dildo and placed it at the entrance of her ass, pushing a little bit but not quite penetrating--this was to let her know what was coming.

The dildo was shaped almost like Razor's own penis, but it was perhaps a tad larger and had more ribbing along its side. It was springy and had a moderate hardness, as it was meant to be easier and more comfortable for the woman who used it. But soon, Razor began pushing the member past the sphincter and into her ass. Saria yelled out in both pleasure at this, seeing that both of her holes were now filled with Greninja-phallus-shaped objects. She felt like she was in sexual heaven, and the feeling was going to get much better than this.

Razor didn't plan on leaving her mouth alone, though. He unwound his tongue from around his neck and extended it towards his trainer's mouth, shoving the member into her mouth so that at least she would have something to chew on. It would be quite a bit of multi-tasking to move all of these things together, but it would all be for fun. Now all three of her entrances were filled. Now the fun could begin.

He pulled out his member and the dildo until only the tip from both remained, leaving Saria with a heavy wanting for what was to come. He then crashed hard into her pussy, almost painfully hitting her cervix as he pulled out once again and pushed hard into her again in quick succession. He did the same with the ribbed dildo, pushing it in and pulling it out in quick motion. With both of these things he was going fast, as he didn't want to give Saria a moment to get comfortable or to adjust. He wanted to pound her as hard as he could, even more so than when he did with the face-fuck session.

The room was filling with the sounds of smacking skin on skin, and the two of them were getting heavily engrossed in the moment. Saria, even though she was bound in the air, tried to move her pelvis along so that her motions would meet together with his. And it seemed to work, for Razor was pushing against her cervix even harder. The pain from her cervix being touched was eclipsed by the sexual pleasure she was feeling, and there was nothing else like it. She even loved the dildo in her ass, as the little green silicon penis rubbed against her sphincter. The gel on both members only served to heighten the moment, and the two of them were absolutely in love.

Saria's mind was starting to come apart. She had a fake, ribbed cock in her ass and a real, throbbing one in her pussy, along with a slimy tongue that she got to kiss and suckle up front--taking in good amounts of his slick saliva like it was his other bodily fluid. She was covered from all angles, and it was just magnificent. She wanted this to continue on forever. She wanted to keep being fed cum, to being pussy and anal fucked and just enjoy every abuse that was happening to her. She had reach her full nymphomaniac side of herself, and she wanted this fun to last forever.

But sadly, in the real world all things must come to an end. Razor and Saria both began to feel the growing pressure in their sex organs and the time was about to come to cum. Razor was now pounding her pussy with rabid intensity, as well as sticking the dildo even further and faster into her. Saria bobbed her hips to meet his own, and the pain of being hit in the cervix was getting stronger as Razor continued pressing on it. But soon, all would be eclipsed in a few moments as their world was starting to look hazy. Saria and Razor both were panting hard, and they were enthralled in each other's love.

Razor let got of the dildo to focus solely on his own member pounding away at Saria. He grabbed her ass and kept pounding harder and harder as his organ began to the initial throbs of his orgasm. Saria, too was near the edge as her pussy started to contract even more. The two of them were simply in heaven, and there seemed to be nothing else to eclipse their moment.

But then, their world and their surrounding came down hard.

Razor thrust one hard and last time into her, pushing his penis right at the entrance to her cervix. His cock erupted in a gush of euphoria and sensation that totally blew away his mind. Saria was in the same boat as her own orgasm shut down her mind. Her mind went out like a light bulb, her last fleeting thoughts of how good it was to fell the gush of cum enter past her cervix and into her awaiting womb. She wanted this moment so badly, and now she reached it. Greninja cum was splashing into her most intimate of areas, and though the potent seed would not impregnate her, it certainly tingled her uterus and made for a wonderful feeling. Razor had indeed held back a good amount of sperm, for she felt herself be completely filled with no more space to fit more.

Razor felt his cock keep gushing with such intensity that it began to hurt. But his mind was too lost within the moment to realize his pain, or perhaps his pain only added to the pleasure he was feeling right then and now as spurt after spurt of cum kept erupting from his cock. He filled his sex partner with so much that some even began to spray out of her and onto both of their crotches and onto the floor. The air began to fill with the familiar scent of sexual pheromones, and it was something that only heightened their already mind shattering moment. Soon, he ran out of cum to pump into her, and his cock was just throbbing dry. But his mind was still being rocked by the moment, and he was happy to enjoy it with his partner.

Razor bent over to hug Saria from behind, putting some of his weight onto her and the machine. He wrapped and arm around her breast and pulled her close to her while his other arm stroked her hair. This was now the part where the two would start to come down to Earth. Now was the time to relax and to pick back up the pieces.

"Are you finished now, My Sweet?" asked Razor.

Saria was still mumbling incoherent words but it seemed that she was lucid enough to say: "Yes... My lover..."

These were the magic words. It was now time to let her go.

Razor tried and release her from the rig. He undid the straps, hoping that Saria would come out of it in a few more moment. But when he released her with a quick release from the rig, Saria fell to the floor with a thud. She seemed to still be too out of it to even stand or pick herself up, but at least her mind melting moment made the thud onto the floor less painful.

"Wow, you're really out of it, Saria," chuckled Razor.

The Greninja crawled onto the ground and laid down next to her with his front facing her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him, taking off her blindfold to see that she was still incoherent. He only chuckled as he noted to how tired she looked, with her body broken and her latex cat suit with stains from all sorts of fluids. He was just happy to have spent this moment with her, even if this was the first time he did a true BDSM session with her.

"Oh, I-I'm so full... Master," she murmured as she opened her eyes. "You filled me right up. I can feel your sticky cum sloshing inside of me."

Razor only laughed. "Guess I was kinda pent up."

"M-m-master, did I do good?"

"Yes you did, My Sweet," he replied as he pet her head. "You did wonderfully. This, by far has been the best sex we've had in a long while."

"Well... I'm glad we did this, Master. I'm glad I was such a good slut. I'm glad to have been such a good cum dump."

When Razor heard this, something came over him.

For as much as he liked playing along and using foreplay, roleplaying and domination, he didn't like Saria to address herself like that. Outside of BDSM sex, he didn't like her calling herself that. Outside of this session and sessions like it, Razor would never hurt her or touch her inappropriately. He wanted her to respect herself and feel like a respectful woman, and it would only be in moments like these that he wanted to hear those words.

After all, he loved her to a fault, and wouldn't want anything to happen to her.

"No you're not a slut, Saria," he clarified as he smiled, putting a hand on her chin and lifting up her head to look right at her eyes. "You're a wonderful and sweet woman, and the only woman I love this much. You put your trust in me, that no matter what I wouldn't go too far. You trusted that I'd make you happy and give you pleasure, but also that I'd keep you safe in all of this. And I'm glad I managed to do that."

Saria's emerald gems looked at Razor's sky blue eyes and saw how sincere he was. He really meant everything that he said, and he wanted to see her happy. She returned the smile in return, her cheeks blushing red at how tender things had gotten.

"Does this mean I can take this collar off, Master?" she asked, seeming to now be coming out of the daze. "I like being your pet and all, but this thing is starting to hurt."

"Gre heh, funny I ordered that thing because I thought it'd be comfortable," he chuckled. "If you want, you can take it off now. You only have to wear it when we come back to this room for another round. After all, I doubt you'd wanna go advertising that your some Pokémon's fuck doll out In public."

"I think I'll keep it on for now. It does feel kinda weird yet kinky, acting like a sex slave and all that stuff."

"Suit yourself. But I think we're done here. You're not my slave anymore--unless you'd like me to keep slapping your butt and groping your breasts.

"I dunno. I kinda liked being a slave. If it means mind melting orgasms like that, then I'd think I'd be on board for that."

"You horny minx," said Razor as her pulled her even closer to her.

Their bodies were pressing hard against each other now, with Razor giving Saria a good kissing session to finish. Their lips connected and their hearts were still beating. They embraced for a good while as they kissed their pains away, as they tried to drift back down to earth after having the time of their lives. For sure, the two of them would love to have a session like this again. Whether or not they would go as hard and fast as they just did would be up to the future to decide. For now, they just wanted to be together, to caress each other and avow that they would love each other now matter what.

Their session complete, Saria took off her latex suit and collar, putting it off to the side so that the two of them could go shower off. Though she might no longer be "Razor's Toy", she still loved her cute little Froggy lover to a fault, and she wouldn't like to have it any other way. For sure, Zazzy and Axel would like to know of their little escapade, at least to know how well the rig turned out. And as she hopped into the shower, got clean, dried off and spent the rest of the sun lit day to relax and unwind, she wondered what the future would bring to her and her froggy.

There was only hope that the world could learn to love each other, to not fight and to enjoy each other's company amongst those who practiced Pokephilia and those who weren't too into it. It was a daring new world out there, and Saria and Razor were a daring couple who hoped to break boundaries and enjoy the fruits of what Arceus had bestowed upon them.

So was their hope, and so was the love that they shared...

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