Bunny Lovin' with Judy and Stu

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Judy and Stu enjoy some father and daughter bunny-love time with the rest of their family bustling around after dinner...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owner

Bunny Loving with Judy and Stu

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Ferretfyre

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"Wow... I've never been so stuffed!"

Grinning, Judy slumped back into her chair at the family dinner table, though she could barely see the other end of it without craning around her father, Stu's, place to see if her younger brother was done with his food yet. It was only the adult members of the family there, the little ones having grown up after her parents had decided to "scale back" a little on the scope of their family. Even if they had decided that they would not actively try for more little ones, there was still room to play, a little time for "slip-ups" to happen...

Stu grinned, an arm slung around his daughter's shoulder, pulling her into him as she snuggled.

"Gosh, Judy, I've never seen you scarf down carrots like that!"

She chuckled quietly, her nose quite comfortably pressed into the crook of his neck where it joined his shoulder. It was good to cuddle with her dad, even though they were already close, the warmth of his body up against hers more comforting than anything else.

"Yeah, well, I like my carrots... Mmm..." She inhaled deeply, the scent of him drawing her in, a wicked idea flirting with her mind. "And maybe you've got a carrot for me too..."

Bunnies being more open about sex was one thing but, well, getting down on knees before her father while the rest of her family was clearing dishes from the table and chatting amicably amongst one another was something else entirely. She chuckled softly, heart pounding, as she undid his belt, Stu's stomach lightly round but not so that she would have any trouble reaching his shaft. Her father's breath caught but he didn't stop her, for it was not exactly the first time that they'd taken a little fun for themselves, one hand resting on her head between her ears as she freed his growing erection.

"Mmmph... Gosh, Judy..."

Yet what more was Stu to do but enjoy the pleasure of an after-dinner blowjob, her lips descending on him so sweetly? Judy folded her lips around his shaft and sank sensually to the base, taking him full length in one go, her eyes half-lidded with lust. Maybe she could have considered it working off the calories of such a big family dinner, but it was hard to think about anything else even with the chatter around, the feel of his cock pushing over her tongue.

Judy moaned around him, taking her father's length deeper, dimly aware of her mother chuckling behind.

"Oh, goodness, would you look at that..."

But everything was permitted between bunnies, once they were of age, and there were no little ones around that they needed to protect the sight of father and daughter enjoying some intimate time together from. Stu stood, gripping Judy's ears, the sensitive nerve-endings there prickling with heat as he took charge a little more. It was difficult, however, to control her when her willingness to submit to such a thing was so sensually and sweetly given, his daughter slurping on his shaft, adoring it, paws squeezing and massaging his balls lightly.

Oh, how she loved them, the fat nuts calling her attention, drawing back from his shaft to please them even more, worshipping them. They were too tempting to run her tongue over, lapping softly, the pink, light appendage curling under and cradling them - well, as much as Judy was able. There was so much to be desired within as she inhaled his light musk, something to be expected from working on the farm all day long, imagining them churning, wanting to spill every drop already.

Yet Stu was not to be denied, his trousers slipping down more to reveal his buttocks without the aid of his belt to keep them up and in place. His fingers caressed her ears to pull her back to his shaft, grinding into her willingly parted lips and driving deep.

"Unnff... Oh, yes, that's my girl, Judy!"

He dominated her easily, though it was a gentle, loving kind of domination, Stu taking the top role as her father, the thrust of his hips finding a rhythm that suited him fine as he fucked her sweet face. Judy gagged lightly around him as the other bunny drove in a little too forcibly, touching the back of her throat, but that was not something that was all that much to be bothered by. It was not as if any bunny, not really, was so large that sexual activity would be difficult for them. Maybe that was one of the many reasons that they were so good at multiplying?

She languished there, dazed in the aftermath of such a heavy meal, though the heat prickling through her yearned for more, everything that her dad could give her. He fucked her face with raw abandon, the earlier hint of his musk growing stronger and stronger with every stroke, sweating faintly. It was enough to send her head spinning, eyes closed, relishing the sensation of how his cock ground over her lips, her tongue straining to press up to the underside of his length, but, unceremoniously, pushed out of the way.

He didn't need her to do anything. He just needed her to be a good little slut-bunny for him.

He climaxed quickly, Judy preparing herself as his strokes sped up, the grip on her head and ears tightening. Stu's fingers dug in, but she was ready for him as he dragged her head down to his crotch, nose buried in the thicker fluff of his musk there, panting heavily through her nose as her throat worked overtime.


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She had to gulp it down, every drop of cum, his seed spilling forth, spurt after spurt. There was nowhere else for it to go and, whimpering around him, Judy's paws brushed her father's thighs, caressing his nuts, squeezing them faintly, trying to coax even more out of them. For there was nothing that she needed more, not even then, than a delicious dose of her dad's cum, the slick feel of it sliding down her throat more intoxicating than ever.

The last drops trailed off and Stu grinned as he pulled his daughter back to her hind paws, stripping the two of them of their clothes through hastily frenzied kisses. There were still others around, some watching, busier members of the family moving back and forth, hustling to get the evening chores after dinner done, though that was not enough to stop them. On the contrary, it excited them all the more, Judy pushed face-down, as naked as she'd been the day she was born, over the long dinner table, the bench hitting her knees.

She scrambled up into place just in time, her father pressing up behind her, cock in paw. It found her succulent folds as if it was meant to be there, driving in lustfully, almost fully hard all over again. He firmed up fully inside her but there was no longer anything soft and light and gentle about her father's strokes, taking his lustful pleasure from her, thrust after thrust after thrust. The slap of his hips on her backside rose to fill even their large dining room, which backed onto the kitchen, the giggles of others as they fell into each other's arms, enjoying one another too even while father and daughter did just that.

"Mmm..." Judy panted, ears folded back, the table pressing into her belly as her father pounded her and pounded her. "Yes... Make me full of your bunny-kits, dad!"

She had to have it, had to give it to him, for she wanted it as much as her father did, her folds soft and squelching around him, her arousal impossible to deny. She craved it, whimpering out her father's name, wanting more from him, the headiness of his musk swimming around her. Judy couldn't get away from it, not even then, sucking in greedy breath after breath as he grabbed at her ears, forcing her head lightly back.

It was a tiny play at dominance but something that only made her lust for her father more powerful, stringent in the heat strung out between them, whimpering and crying out as her sex closed and tightened around him. Just how he was able to get her to climax without even touching her clit was beyond Judy but, to be fair, bunnies did make the most excellent lovers, partly because of how often they did it. He ground deep into her, pushing over her G-spot with every thrust, harder and faster, balls swinging, though they only lightly bounced off her cunny with his rampant thrusts.

Stu gave bunnies the best name in the world as he thrust and thrust, Judy holding her breath, panting, yet unable to hold back a moment longer. She cried out her passion, orgasm washing through her, pussy tightening, yet the erratic ripples of contractions there were not under her control, not in any way. Her juices flowed freely, soaking his length and slickening the path of his cock, all as she wanted, her body on fire, nerve-endings tingling for more, always more.

Stu, however, was still to climax, grunting thickly in the back of his throat as he hammered into her. His hips worked furiously in that bunny fashion as he thrust and thrust, panting over her. His chest pressed down over her back as he heaved, aware of their little audience but not caring one bit about any of that as he took his daughter's pussy again and again. There was not to be any holding back between them, even though they knew that there was only one outcome to be had from his bare cock from sliding deep within her, pre-cum drooling, unable to help themselves.

His grip on her tightened, paws on her ears, though one had to be careful not to tug on them too hard when it came to bunnies - they were sensitive! Even in the passionate course of it all, however, Judy could not have honestly said that she would have minded, simply moaning out her love for her father, again and again, deliriously intoxicating by the aroma of sweat infusing the air, desire coursing through.

Oh, how they needed it and it was theirs to take, every last bit of it. His cottontail flicked up a little bit as he thrust, showing off his rump, though Stu did not consider that as his nuts tightened, aching for climax. One thrust, two thrusts - and then he couldn't take it for a single moment longer, ramming in and driving deep, spurt after spurt of thickly virile cum flooding Judy's pussy.

She whimpered, trying to push her hips up higher for him, but she wasn't in any position to do so as she panted, ears loose and flopped back long her head as her father released them. He groaned behind her, holding her hips instead, fingers digging lightly into her flesh where it was softer, though there would always be a layer of firmer muscle beneath from the course of her work.

But that did not stop them, his grunts rolling forth as he thrust with short, sharp jabs of his cock, ensuring that every drop of cum was forced where it belonged. He smiled faintly, enjoying the moment, the feel of her hot pussy twitching around him in the aftermath of orgasm, just how her velveteen folds hugged his cock as if her body simply did not want to let him go.

Under him, as he pulled his chest up slightly from her back, giving them both space to cool off, Judy stirred, one paw flung out across the wooden table as if to push herself up too. Her lips moved and he tilted his head, listening intently with one ear perked.

"Happy Father's Day, daddy."

Stu grinned down at her, tugging playfully at her cottontail.

"Thanks, darling... And I thought you might have forgotten to get me a present!"

She smiled, laying her head down on the table, enjoying the feel of his shaft inside her, while it softened. The present she'd gotten from him rested heavy in her womb, heralding the arrival of bunny-kits in the coming months.

In a way, they'd both gotten what they'd wanted for Father's Day.