Request story for Wuff~
I sigh as I look at the full body mirror in my room, running my paws over my naked form. I close my eyes and grope at my flat chest. _Why wasn't I born a girl..._ I think to myself and whimper before opening my eyes again to once again lay my eyes upon...
**"Dominance"** The sun was going down, the security office's window faced the general western direction and cast an orange light every evening. Despite this, Gavin still did what he always did and checked his watch for the time:...
Doing a few Mares
I don't own the ponies, hasbro does. I also don't own the oc "Shadow Dash", he belongs to yamigetsu. A/n: i'm writing this clop fic for my good friend Yamigetsu and this is the very first clop fic i'm writing It might be bad....or good,...
05 Spark in the Storm
January 16 Mt. Mitchell The snow had been falling for the past few days. It was a colder winter than usual making the trip more hazardous than it should have been. Helena's mother needed her to come help with some family business, but the snow had...
10. The Princess' Jewel
**"The Princess' Jewel"** The air of the night was warm, it was a summer night in the city of Chicago and it was about as warm as the windy city got in June. No less windy though almost eighty stories up on a high rise as Thorn scaled the sheer glass...
Fun in the Pool
"How long have you and I been going out?" "Mmm, three years?" "Ahh... then it's perfectly timed..." There was a strange look shared as they arrived at their private spot on the beach, a place nobody else knew about. Quite the lovely view it had, the...
09. Like an Amazon
**"Like an Amazon"** The forest was hot on this mid summer's day as Felix jogged up the unbeaten path that he alone had worn up along the mountainside as he made his way through his typical routine. Sweat was dripping from his brow today, the sun...
The black Suit
The Black Suit No one expected it, the pandemic that is. They called it a once in a hundred year event. To try and stem the spread they shut down many businesses made everyone stay home unless they absolutely needed to go out. This is where Sam comes...
Maid a Mistake Derrick the wolf thought he was being clever sneaking into the maids room at the hotel thinking he could have some fun with the robot maids. However when he entered the room none of them were in there, it seemed as if they were all busy...
Tales of an Innkeeper Ch. 2: The Medicine of Love
Tales of an Innkeeper Ch.2 The Medicine of Love I tapped my pencil with lessening patience at the documents before me. I had been working in the Rusty Toe Inn for a few years as the local doctor due to the distance from the city itself. In my four...
an experience with Renemon
I decided to go out by myself, no matter how dangerous it may be. A boy without his Digimon wasn't such a good idea. I did not think I would run into anyone anyways, as I walked the streets. A 12-year-old boy, should really not be roaming about like...
Misplaced by Type - Chapter 6: Long Introductions
I don't own pokemon in any such way. The story, plot, characters and settings are all mine. If this is coicide to someone's own work then I apoligize to that person. If you are not of legal age or underage from where you are viewing this work then...