The way to a gryphon's heart

Story by Nulkurrak on SoFurry

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#4 of Quickies

This is a quickie story commission I have done for avatar?user=417754&character=0&clevel=2 kitsugen

Description: During their last night together prior to the departure of his feathery friend, a wyvern discovers the key to her most intimate of pleasures, starting with her paws and ending further down, drawn by her irresistible scent.

Kaerya (c) and Jarnolvr(c) are my characters

***The way to a gryphon's heart***

"I wonder how you envisioned this working out," Kaerya said to the black wyvern who served as her bed. Unlike his small, pleasant scales, the pile of furs stretching under them shed none of that addictive warmth that seemed to wrap around her mind. To push her logical thoughts to the farther edges to make room for dangerous impulse. "I've warned you that I'm critical of everything human-related, but you took in my criticism surprisingly well."

"They're just objects. Distractions to take my mind beyond the familiarity of my territory. Imagine if my hoard matched that of the ancient dragons. Dawn would have broken before I had you atop me." His delightfully mobile and tapered tongue visited her grey beak, a precious lick that she dearly wished it landed somewhere else, in an area better suited to fully savor it. "You're squirming again."

"Maybe I'm just trying to get you to show."

"Maybe I'm already showing while you're too preoccupied studying the last piece of my collection."

"And what a striking piece it is, with those thick, elegant spikes guarding your jaw and gently curved horns that don't threaten to impale anyone. I find your crest frill the most intriguing." She tapped her beak against the thin yet sturdy membrane, causing it to flinch. "Nothing more useful than a feature betraying a male's thoughts, intentions. Feelings."

"Rrrmmmm, your clammy paws are equally effective at that."

Kaerya stiffened, her continuous chirps of relaxation halting. Several encounters later--a few of which were spent in the wyvern's embrace--and she still froze in self-doubt at this crass betrayal of her disobedient body.

"All the better to stroke your member with, then."

"Mmmm," the wyvern's devious hum and sharp, confident glare unfurled her tucked feathers furthers, her plumes as disheveled as the sorry state of her damp, anxious paws. "Third time you suggest that. I wonder why."

Though visibly shaken, the gryphoness' beak still pressed against the tip of his snout, retaining its defiance. "Words aren't the only sharp thing about this beak. I'd personally take the paws. They do intrigue you so."

"Of course they do. More so when they're my only option at that kind of pleasure."

Kaerya struck him between the nostrils, his yelp awkwardly sharp when compared to his usual deep, resonant voice.

"Say again?"

"I'll never mention how my improper size makes our union impossible, you have my word!" The wyvern pleaded, safeguarding his vulnerable snout by combing through the feathers crowning her head in those painfully slow and highly enjoyable motions of his. The topic of her too small entrance unable to fit him blurred from her mind as she melted against his chest, her tail raised high in instinctive anticipation to be entered by his tongue at the very least, completely overtaken by the ticklish shudders pulsing through her folds.

"Fire's mercy, but you're leaking something fierce," subtle tremors shook Jarnolvr's words, his lust manifested in the heavier breaths he drew, each of them laden with her noticeable scent. "Count on the male who had never known the joy of mating to keep himself together while you slowly flood my belly."

The clouds of ubiquitous desire immediately dispersed from Kaerya's mind when she attempted to shift her hindquarters away. Her paws, equally slick with apprehension, glanced off his belly scales, her precarious balance sending her crashing on her left side in a heap of fluttering wings and agitated caws.

"I'm--" clacks of stinging distress overtook her beak upon noticing the droplets of clear arousal she had deposited on his slate grey scales. "I didn't expect to..."

The warm lash of a tongue across one of her frigid paws immediately robbed her words despite her flinch which parted her from that addictive sensation

"Don't," she snapped, plaintive vocalizations thrumming through her throat, completely torn between surrendering to his tongue's caress and saving his dignity, a habit she just couldn't shake off despite him being a wild wyvern. They were paws! Feet! Unworthy of such attention!

"There is only one other area that lacks in fur and feathers, but if I tend do that first, there is no telling whether my seed...if I can hold back while I...," the wyvern licked at his snout, too charming when struck by equally potent nerves.

Unlike her guilty self, he preferred initiative over heavy cogitation, lightly touching his snout against her apprehensive toes, the purr rippling through his scales as lovely as his gentleness. "I made a promise, Kaerya. I vowed to rub myself against your soft feathers until my scales blaze and rattle in sheer overwhelm, to then nuzzle my way up to your paws, where my tongue visits warm, slick wetness upon--"

"My sex," the gryphoness blurted out at the height of her wantonness with Jarnolvr's enrapturing scenario, her walls clenching so tight her frame visibly shook. Blood immediately rushed through her ears and cheeks, a sizzling, pounding mass that seemed to completely overtake every sensibility she still held. "Lick...lick me there first..."

"Mrrrr," Jarnolvr's thirst for that specific juice rumbled within the depths of his throat, his head dipping so close to where she needed it to be that her eyelids scrunched tight over her eyes.

No blessed lick came but for the rush of hot air teasing her oversensitive entrance, followed by an audible inhale that further bolstered the intensity of his deepening purr. Kaerya's legs and wings jerked in their sockets, brought to the brink of madness by that nagging suspense, only for her eyes to snap open at the brush of his tongue across the side of her beak. So far, far away from where it needed to go....

"Eventually. You truly have no respect for a wyvern's agency, do you?" the wyvern let out an alluring, feather-fluffing scoff, stepping back to curl his elegant neck and gaze upon her sprawled form. Her dark stripes upon her snow-white coat failed to keep his attention, and he paid no mind to the streaks of slate grey coloring the ventral feathers of her wing in intricate layers. The fluff of her chest, painted with sooty drops, tempted him somewhat, but no more than the unblemished pink of her pads.

"The paws have to be first. They look so soft, so plump, so...interesting!"

Kaerya's tufted tail slapped him over the snout, halting his advance. "Leave them for later. They're grimy and unappealing compared to my privates."

She ensured to voice her need in the most rigid way possible, to keep her ears erect and her head hunched forward to look upon every detail of his doing, composed and dignified in her request. The panting breaths leaving her slack beak tarnished that image somewhat, yet she had as much control over them as she did over the subtle twitches of her nether muscles, hungry for being filled.

"Grimy?" Jarnolv chuckled, crest flaring in bewilderment. "They stand as clean as your entrance, an equally appealing pink tough perhaps less glistening mmmm...."

One of Kaerya's paws stretched to take the wyvern in his chin, the hit so light her toes molded around it instead, facilitated by the film of nerves coating them. She immediately regretted her supposed blow, for in the next moment, the wyvern's snout sneaked under her paw so that he propped her toes right against his lips.

"Crawwwkkkkk," her unrestrained caw exploded from the depth of her being, drawn forth by the furtive flick of his slick, far too warm ribbon of pure delight across her vulnerable toes.

How could she hope to withstand this temptation? To pull away from that enslaving sensation? Improper as his gesture seemed, the previous notions she held quickly gave in, brushed away by the sailing tongue that seemed to abolish the coldness welled within her tense pads with every full, determined stroke.

And so, against her own words, Kaerya's paw failed to even claw at its captor, a victim to the vertical swishes of the slightly textured tongue that bathed her pads with a care and attention the likes of which she had never experienced. Like leaves bending to the mercy of the winds, her trembling toes spread whenever prompted, blooming like a flower, surrendering their secrets to the tapered serpent slipping between their plump, oval form, accepting its nefarious intentions.

Spurred further by her musical chirps, faltering gasps and sharp chirrs whenever he probed too deep through the fur-coated crevices stretching between her pads, Jarnolvr's upper lip caught against her toe pads, guiding them into his maw, into that well of omnipresent warmth that melted away every trace of resistance she still posed to his loving intentions. The few attempts at stealing a moment of respite from his persisting embrace ended in failure, for his long tongue always caught upon her fleeing paw and tugged it back in. In a final bid of protest, her toes pressed down upon his oppressive snout, as if to preserve the sanctity of what the wet tufts of fur lining her toes hid, but it was all in vain.

Determined to leave no area untouched by his slimy affection, the wyvern nuzzled into her paw, poking his tongue tip as far as it could go to discover if the base of her toes stood equally receptive.

"Scraaa!" Kaerya shrieked, jolting her paw back as if bitten.

"Apologies!" Jarnolvr rushed to make amends to her soggy paw, only to receive the other one instead. "Seems there is a limit to how deep I can go."

" wish not get kicked..." Kaerya whispered weakly, her energy sapped by the hungry huffs begging for more of his tongue.

Her wish immediately came true as the wyvern's attention shifted to the other offering, welcoming it against his snout, rubbing his nostrils over it to relish its subtle flinches. When he felt she had enough of his teasing, his tongue slipped from his maw, lapping at the quivering pads bending to his will. Kaerya's arousal spiked to mind-reeling levels when presented with such clear proof of how much he savored the tremors surging through her pads, how he relished the suave scents imprinted upon them. To him, this exotic experience was as fulfilling as it was to her, the motions of the wyvern's tongue precise and calculated in their deliberate strokes, guided by the rising and falling breaths of the gryphoness.

When her other paw began to fall victim to the cave's natural chill, she offered it back to Jarnolvr, both of her hind paws joined together, toes grabbing and kneading at his snout in a rhythmical flow set by the wyvern's tongue, trading between its graceful form and the pleasant texture of his pebbly scales. So deep did Kaerya drown in that frivolous ocean, that her sense only returned to her when her nether muscles began rippling with that taxing, ominous ascent that always seemed to steal her breath away. Determined not to let it fade, the gryphoness arched her tail to reach for the wyvern's throat, the tufted tip insistently pointing to the soaked patch surrounding her bare, quivering lips.

Jarnolvr's teasing tongue sailed over his lips, his appetite for the stronger flavors stoked, eyes brimming with the determination of a male who was not yet done with his female. That look alone dizzied Kaerya, her eyes shuttering, unable to witness her greatest fantasy come true, lest her climax struck before he even touched her.

The wait was even more excruciating. Her wings probed for signs of Jarnolvr's approach. Her tail tried to meet one of his feet and gauge its positioning. Her paws reached out for him, toes outstretched to widen their search area, yet this time, his silky warmth avoided them. Every part of her either burned, itched, or felt surreally tight, the quiet breaths fleeing from her trembling beak heavy with a yearning so strong her very spittle dried upon her tongue.

The gryphon's quiet song, meant to calm her rattled nerves, vanished in a sonorous squeak, her beak immediately forced shut by the first touch of his tongue upon her sex. Every muscle in her body froze, conquered by that almighty and mystifying sensation that her quivering pussy begged for more. Jarnolvr obliged, drawing a sharp caw this time, the textured surface of his blissful tongue audibly wiping away the droplets of arousal lathering the short fur surrounding her entrance before returning to the main prize. He was particularly gentle with her fever-struck orifice, caressing her petite lips with utmost care, holding his touch over them long enough to absorb the tremors rocking her to her core.

He immediately drew back when his tongue carried her taste into his maw, the previously consistent purr morphing into a moan--no, a whine--of feral, instinctive need. Kaerya willed her bleary eyes open, the strain of bliss swimming within them, smudging the image of the wyvern whose snout was a mass of creases, lips pulled all the way back while confronted with her pungent aroma.

Kaerya's gut lurched in panic. He...he hated it, didn't he? She never could lick herself down there due to her useless avian's tongue, and water...water only washed her on the surface. It always failed to tame the stronger hues of her natural odor any more than it succeeded in washing away a female's heat. In a last bid to save herself the crippling shame of forcing her friend into a most deplorable act, the gryphoness' paws reached for his snout, asking him to return to their familiar embrace.

But Jarnolvr ignored them, weaving past their sluggish barrier to attack her crevice with rougher, fuller, more persistent tongue strokes. He was no longer simply licking her, but eating her out, the squelching sounds of her spreading flesh surrendering its precious fluids to him as maddening as the irresistible thrill swarming through her being. Her indecisive eyelids fluttered worse than her wings, torn between surrendering to the ignorance-filled darkness that seemed to amplify everything or let Kaerya watch this lewdest of acts unfold.

Amidst the flicks and hazy flashes of his tongue, something else caught her attention. Long, sleek, its arrow-shaped tip distinctly swollen, the wyvern's member swung in long, dramatic arches whenever he drank deep of her honey, stiffening to barely tolerable levels of tightness.

"Enter me," Kaerya spat the words out in between two of his licks, earning herself a blissful moment of reprieve with the sudden stop of the wyvern's arousal-dripping tongue. "You're close. So close..."

The wyvern blinked several times, the curtain of lust too thick to still be able to peer through it. With clarity finally returning to his now focused pupils, he stole a glimpse of his sorry state, only now taking note of the gooey string of precum bridging his tip and the floor. Smaller beads of liquid lust embellished its length, like a necklace fashioned from raw need that only a female's insides could quench.

"What if you...what if...your seed...outside of me?" Kaerya's pawed at his throat, running her soft, pleasant toes over pebbly scales shuddering with thrumming need. "Better to be embraced by my warmth. For my grip to mold and ripple around you and suckle in all that you have to give."

Jarnolvr's answer followed swiftly. The rush with which his head delved between her legs forced them to spread wide open, tongue connecting with her sweet spot in a rough, confident manner, slurping the fresh rivulets of arousal fleeing her tightening entrance. Kaerya's paws fell on the ridges crowning his eyes, toes tightening around them with every insistent slide of his tapered eel, the pointy tip now squirming its way into her ever so slightly.

She couldn't take that. Barely past her entrance, and Kaerya's feathers already stood on end, the claws of her hind paws jutting out to brace her against the rush of incapacitating bliss threatening to overwhelm her. The prick of her claws panicked the wyvern, forcing several inches of his girth into her at one time, filling her more than anyone had ever dared.

"Rawwwwwwwwwwwk!" The gryphoness' raucous cry burst out of her, the pulsating ripples surging through her taut inner walls growing impossibly intense and demanding to her already strained senses. Her muscles seized up, legs kicking frantically, wings blowing up a curtain of dust around the pair, the gasp lingering in her throat choked by the tight appendage lodged into her.

Jarnolvr dared not pull back, letting her walls clamp down, squeeze and press against him, each of the clenches flooding the gryphon's body with wave upon wave of dizzying ecstasy. The entire world seemed to spin, as if she glided upon treacherous storm winds that tossed her about like a small, impotent bird. Then, everything vanished, drowned by the last and most intense of her shudders, hurtling her into a calm, soothing darkness where every sense had fled her but for the liquid trickles of her fire cascading out of her.

When enough of her inner essence depleted, Kaerya's beak flung open, her faded screech complementing the fading embers of her faltering pleasure. Once Jarnolvr's tongue fled her, Kaerya's body seemed to instantly deflate. Every part of her fell limp at once, head rolling to the side to gasp for much-needed air, the thin line of drool worming down her tongue petty compared to the shallow puddle of cloudy, strong-scented gryphon climax pooling on the sides of her tail.

"Craakkk...." Her weary paws tensed, teary eyes settling on the murmuring head of the wyvern, his nostrils flared above his snarling lips. Watching him breathe in the strong flavors of her spicy aroma and lap away the physical manifestation of her depraved fantasy coaxed a few more pleasured ripples down her tunnel, for there was something captivating in watching a wild wyvern practically feast on the pungent concoction.

Jarnolvr couldn't take it all in. He stumbled back on his ungainly paws, addled by her potent slime, awkwardly crumpling onto his side to let out a series of subdued whines and whimpers. Watching his seed burst out of him in thick, jagged lines that splattered upon contact with whichever surface they hit immediately dispelled her apathy, rekindling her focus. She never witnessed a male ejaculate his seed bereft of touch, nor had she expected his member to jerk so wildly, unable to lay still for a moment unless it emptied itself of all the lust trapped within. He didn't twist and turn either, laying eerily still and stoic, with only his member daring to break the serenity of his bundled form.

It all stopped as sudden as it came. The wyvern's wings and limbs relaxed as the last of his whimpers spent itself. Whether by choice or fatigue, Jarnolvr remained sprawled on his side, the rising and falling of his chest beckoning to Kaerya to join him. Only...there was so much of his seed... It soaked furs, painted the stone floor with stripes of varying width and length and soiled the inside of the wyvern's haunch, its musk sharper, thicker, far less refined compared to hers. It bore the distinct staleness present in males who had never unburdened themselves of their seed, a customary heaviness that stung her nostrils.

"I...I'm sorry, tasted so..." the wyvern's sluggish head slumped in her direction, his eyes lidded halfway.

No. It was she who was sorry, for it was a female's duty to take in the seed of a male. Jarnolvr showered her with unparalleled delights, and in return, he received naught but the cold embrace of stone. Spent and sluggish as her muscles felt, the gryphoness trudged over to the awed wyvern, his head making an effort to rise and attempt to prevent her from approaching him.

"I think it's best if..."

Kaerya's wing stilled his nervous voice as her feathered chest sailed over his, the slow, soothing motion ruined by the involuntary jerk of her paw that stepped into a gob of his seed.

"Told you," the wyvern grinned at her inability to still her kicking paw. It clung to her pads like resin, lukewarm and immensely bothersome, her efforts stopping only after she wiped some of it on the edge of a short-furred pelt. "That's what you get for going against your common sense."

Her beak leaned against that elegant snout of his, the light touch enough to cause him to flinch in remembrance of what happened when wasting his words.

"That's better," Kaerya worked her head between his throat and jaw, where she liked it most, her chirps of fulfillment enriched by his warm, satisfied purr.

***The End ***

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