Alpha Brother's Beta Chapter 5

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#5 of Alpha Brother's Beta Rewritten

Being brought home from the gym, Sky is happy to see his alpha again. All seems well until Sky's behavior suddenly begins to change...


Posted using PostyBirb

Sky was so deep in his sleep that he didn't even realize that he was being carried home. Upon being brought back home he was tossed onto the couch, something that worked quickly to wake him up. The moment he landed on the furniture, the smaller wolf yelped and opened his eyes. For a moment he wondered where he was, fully remembering how he was used at the gym. He could feel a dampness in his pants, likely from the cum that still dripped out of him. While he collected himself Tyler walked up to him and sat down next to him. With his large paw he grabbed his brother's head and shoved it deep within his hot, dripping armpit. Sweat quickly coated the other wolf's muzzle and filled his nose with the tart tang of fresh sweat.

"Wakey wakey, Bitch..." Tyler chuckled, holding Sky in place. "You must have had a lot of fun with the guys. Heh. I can smell them on you... Guess I gotta re-mark you, huh?" He pressed Sky even closer, dragging the other wolf's head up and down, forcing the nose to comb through the rough, wet armpit hair. Sky shuddered and moaned against the powerful stink, instinctively drawing his tongue from his muzzle. He used that tongue to swipe at the grimey crevice. The bitter sweat quickly collected on his tongue and the gray wolf welcomed it. While he did have fun with the other guys, Sky had missed Tyler from just that morning alone. Showing his brother appreciation, the smaller lupine not only licked the armpit but he shifted his own head up and down, smearing the sharp smell all over his face. The smell filled his nose and lingered within, much to Sky's pleasure. With another small moan the lith wolf focused on dragging his tongue against the smelly pit.

"Mmm... There's a good bitch..." Tyler said with a sigh. "Didn't take long to break you in, huh?"

While Sky serviced his armpit, Tyler reached at his brother's shorts and with a simple tug of his claws he ripped the fabric, exposing the gray lupine's growing cock. He chuckled as he witnessed the sheath swell to allow Sky's four inches to come into view. The bigger lupine just rolled his eyes and reached out for the smaller cock. His grip was rough, tugging harshly with the strength just short of ripping the thing off. This got pitched yelp out of Sky but a growl from Tyler was all it took to keep him lodged in his pit. Feeling rather satisfied with himself, Tyler pressed his blunt claws against the shaft and used them to drag up and down the cock. He could hear Sky's pained moans as he was stroked with the hard tips. They pressed into his skin, threatening to break through. The strokes were rough and had a quickness to them, delivering repetitive scratches to his brother's maleness.

Sky forced himself to keep licking and sucking as his cock was bombarded with painful drags of his brother's claws over and over again with no let up. Despite the pain, his cock still twitched and started to leak pre just from pure stimulation. Just his attention was needed elsewhere as Tyler tapped on his chest. He complied with the soundless command and removed his tongue from the damp pit. Instead, Sky was now dragging his tongue over his brother's sweaty chest, combing his tongue through the rough fur, collecting just as much sweat from his armpit. There was much more space for him to lick and he took full advantage. A pleasured sound came from Tyler as Sky's tongue flicked over his nipple. Hearing this, Sky did it again, getting another one of those sounds. So he focused on that.

Sky pursed his lips around the dark nipple, making small suckles as he swirled his tongue against the sensitive nub. Tyler sucked his teeth and held Sky's head in place as an actual deep grunt left his muzzle.

"Mmm... That's it... Doing a great job, Bitch..."

Sky's eyes went wide upon being actually praised. His tail wagged fiercely and Tyler noticed this, chuckling at the sight. Wanting to be acknowledged and praised even more, Sky went into his motions even harder than he already was. He pressed his face against the round but strong pec. While his tongue flicked against the nub and his lips teased against the surface, Sky used his free paws to rub up and down his brother's glistening abs. Alpha or not, there was nary a wolf that could resist a good belly rub and Sky made sure to gently rub his paws up and down, using his claws to drag through the fur. His actions were proving fruitful as a deep sigh came from Tyler and his own tail thumped against the couch.

"Ooh, something different... Keep that up and you might get a good reward..." Tyler chuckled, leaning back as his chest and stomach were both teased and stimulated. The pleasure of his licked nipple made his chest tingle and the pleasure combined with the deep, blissful sensation of his belly being stroked in just the right way. Even without anything very explicit happening, Tyler's cock started to grow and poke against the fabric of his shorts. Sky noticed this but he didn't act upon it, not until his brother gave him the 'okay.' He forced himself to move his mouth to the other nipple, leaving the first rock hard and shimmering with his spit. As he flicked his tongue against the nipple, Sky changed up the motions of his belly rub. He stroked a bit faster and eased up the pressure of his claws, careful to not scratch his brother and ruin his steady stream of pleasure.

"Yeah... Keep that up... Fuck..." Tyler actually moaned, using his free paw to stroke his brother's back. Rather than digging his claws in, the bigger wolf was actually gentle, sailing his claws through Sky's pelt. It worked to send deep tingles down Sky's spine and made his tail wag even harder. His heart fluttered and picked up pace, causing Sky to feel lightheaded for a moment. But he powered through the sensation and continued to service his brother, gently swirling his tongue and suckling on the hardening teat as if he was actually nursing from it. Again, with his free paw, Tyler pulled his own shorts down, exposing his crimson length. Sky did his best to ignore it but it soon became the only thing he could think about, consuming his thoughts. He pulled his mouth from the nipple and whimpered...

"What is it?" Tyler chuckled, enjoying his brother's pitiful look.

"I... W-will you mark me again?" Sky dared to ask, growing even more excited at the thought. "I wanna have your scent on me again." It was nothing but the pure truth. The piss of the horse and boar had set into and stained his fur and the musk from the bear and lion clung to his muzzle. He wanted the scent on his fur to be Tyler's and Tyler's alone. He expected to be called a freak for wanting such a thing but Tyler just smirked down at him. Over the day and a half the older wolf had grown a soft spot for his little brother. Rather than hating him, the black wolf now found him rather cute. And after the way he was just serviced, Tyler saw Sky as something that needed to be submissive but also protected. The other wolf was fragile and would be able to fend for himself if another guy like him came along... Marking him would be a great way to let the other guys know that he was under his protection: as his brother and his bitch.

"Where do you want it?" Tyler offered. "After all, you gotta clean up your messes."

"L-let's do it in my room..." Sky's answer was immediate. The small wolf started to shake with excitement as Tyler rolled his eyes playfully and lifted him up. Holding him close, Tyler carried his brother to his bedroom.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Tyler huffed, a gentle smirk on his face.

"Whatever you want." That answer shocked Tyler. He didn't expect something so casually dirty to come out of his brother's mouth. He looked down to see Sky smirking up at him this time. The small wolf reached up and teased a claw against his chest. This time Tyler was the one excited. It seemed that Sky was properly broken in. His little brother was already eager to get him to do stuff to him but now that was cranked up to eleven. Sure, Sky wanted to be fucked by his own brother but now he was acting downright slutty. It made the older male eager to get him in the bedroom but underneath his horniness, Tyler wasn't exactly sure how to feel about his brother's dramatic change. He was so straightforward all of a sudden. Perhaps his ways rubbed off on him...

His thoughts were forgotten as soon as they stepped into the bedroom. The smell of sex, cum and piss still lingered the room. Both siblings' nostrils flared as they drank in the scent and took it straight to the head. Tyler chuckled and tossed his brother onto the bed. Sky yelped but upon landing on the mattress, he chuckled as well. Collecting himself rather quickly, he looked back at his older brother with a sultry expression on his face, it was coy and inviting, almost challenging. Tyler accepted the challenge and let his shorts fall from his legs. He stepped out of them and approached his brother, gripping his now semi-hard length. Sky stood perfectly still, looking up at his brother with wide, excited eyes.

Giving his brother what he asked for, Tyler put some pressure on his bladder, forcing the fluid within to come forth. A bit of straining came first but right after that came a deep sigh from the bigger wolf. As soon as he managed to get his piss flowing, that comfortable bliss washed over his body. Not a moment later did the stream of piss flow from his tip. The hot, smelly fluid landed on Sky, quickly soaking his fur and remarking him with a fresh scent. He didn't even care as the stinking fluid dripped down his fur and pooled onto his bed below. Rather, Sky basked in the strong smelling fluid, taking deep whiffs and running his paws against his body, pushing the piss into other areas of his fur. Tyler grinned and aimed his stream higher, splattering his yellow fluids on Sky's muzzle, thoroughly coating it in his scent. The wolf on the receiving end opened his mouth and eagerly took in the bitter substance, gulping loudly as it flowed down his throat. But eventually, Tyler's stream died down, ending in thin dribbles that fell on the floor.

"Mmm... Look at you now... Perfect..." Tyler stepped up to his brother and took hold of his neck, squeezing slightly. Sky blushed and winced against the pressure on his throat. Rather than straining, Sky wrapped his paws around the strong arm, looking his brother in the eyes. Tyler took advantage of his brother's open maw and spit a thick wad inside. He let go and instead clamped Sky's mouth shut, forcing him to swallow. The blush on Sky's muzzle grew all the more intense, nearly overpowering the yellow that now stained his pelt.

"What do you wanna do now?" Tyler asked, tilting his head as he let go of Sky. His brother looked down at his brother's once again hardening cock and only one thing came to mind. But rather than say anything, Sky got into position. He slunk off his bed and turned around, resting his upper body on the warm piss that soaked into the sheets. He arched his back and lifted his tail, swaying his hips back and forth. This worked tremendously to get Tyler hot and ready. In an instant, the alpha wolf's cock was so hard it nearly hurt. He growled and stepped up to his brother, gripping his tail in his fist with one paw and aiming his own cock in the other. Without saying anything he shoved his hips forward, snarling against the pleasure. Sky moaned as his rim was jabbed by the pointed tip. That same tip shoved its way inside of him, quickly collecting the layers of cum that still clung to the puffy, abused walls.

Tyler snarled again and planted his free paw on Sky's hip with a sharp slap that made him cry out again. The wolf in control just smiled and shoved the rest of himself in deep. He had to admit, Sky was stretched out pretty good, to the point that it would take a few days for him to be back to base tightness. But for now, the other wolf was just tight enough for those puffed up walls to still clench and hug at his shaft. Sky, while lying on the bed, moaned just from the slight motions his brother made. His abused walls had taken a heavy beating from so many guys back to back. Now only had they swelled a bit but they also became all the more sensitive. Something as simple as Tyler reeling his cock back in preparation to thrust again already had him clutching the sheets.

"Having fun already?" Tyler teased.

"Hehe... Your cock is so good..." Sky said. Once again, Tyler was surprised by how much his brother had changed in such a short time. But instead of being concerned, the other wolf's tone stroked at his ego and his lust. He pressed himself in slowly on purpose, listening to his brother gulp and give a long moan. His anal walls were still stretched around the invading cock and the slow movement dragged the pleasure out. Sky's entire body shook as he pressed himself against the soaked mattress.

"Damn right it is... Now, let's see if I can get you knocked up!"

Tyler pulled on Sky's tail, pulling his brother's ass backwards on his dick. He growled while Sky yelped against the thick shaft pressing deep inside of him with little effort. The bigger wolf pushed Sky back towards the bed and let go of his tail. Licking his teeth, Tyler planted both paws on Sky's hips, digging his claws into the pelt. With a deep breath, the alpha wolf thumped his hips back and forth, slicking himself in and out at a steady pace. The pleasure that engulfed his own length made him give quiet growls and small shivers come forth that ran down his spine. He pressed himself in and out, enjoying the hugs of the sloppy, wet walls.

"How's that?" Tyler asked.

"R-really good... Mrrmf!" Sky's compliment was interrupted as Tyler jammed himself in hard. The bigger wolf chuckled and pulled his cock from his brother's ass. Sky was confused and grunted as he was lifted and pushed onto the bed. Behind him he could hear the low growling of his brother and the groaning of the extra weight on his bed. Tyler loomed over the other wolf's body, bending over him. Taking the doggystyle position, Tyler planted himself on top of Sky, lined himself up, and slipped his cock inside of the wet passage yet again. Moans and lingering breaths came from the both of them. Tyler pressed his head close to Sky's, panting in his ear and drooling down his cheek as he shoved his cock within all the way to the hilt. A grunt came from the both of them as Tyler's knot slipped halfway in the stretched hole.

"F-fuck... Not ready for that..." Tyler grunted, jacking his hips backwards.

"Gah! T-thick..." Sky whimpered upon the knot being popped free from his hole.

Tyler smiled and pressed himself even closer as he pumped himself in and out of the clenching tunnel. The motions of his humpings rocked Sky's body as well and coaxed more cute sounds out of him. "Grrr... K-keep talking... I like it..."

Another hard pump forced a yelp out of the bottoming wolf. He groaned and pressed his face against the bed, leaving Tyler to loom over him, still thrusting his cock with no relent.

"It's- augh... Stretching me so deep!"

Tyler chuckled and wrapped an arm around Sky's chest. He met the wolf on the bed, leaning his own body downwards. That gave him all the more room to slam his hips deep inside. "Uh-huh. What else?"

"I love... The way you fuck me- Rrgh..! Hard and strong... None of the other guys did it like you!" Sky admittance brought a bit of peace to his brother. Though he wouldn't say it aloud, Tyler feared that some of his friends, especially Justin and Axel, could actually compete with him. But since that wasn't the case, the big wolf could fuck his brother with full confidence and all his strength.

Growling, Tyler pistoned himself harder and faster inside of the sloppy insides, making heavy grunts from the wetness and the tunnel's tightness. His brother's frequent moans filled his ears and spurred him on to keep humping as deep and hard as he could. Underneath him, Sky dug his claws into the sheets and continued to writhe. The deep stroking within his ass took his breath away and overstimulated his body. He took deep breaths and sweat heavily against each pump of the large cock. The bottoming wolf's anal walls were teased, poked, and stretched them to the side. The knot that pressed and slipped past his ring partially drove him crazy. His own cock bobbed between his legs and dripped heavily.

"Aaah! Mmmph! T-Tyler! It's too much- I can't... G-gonna..!" Sky yelped and wailed as his entire body shook. Without being touched, the smaller wolf's cock spasmed and sprayed seed. The cum collected into an expanding puddle. Tyler chuckled as he heard his brother's pleasured noises. But that laughter soon turned into grunts of his own as the puffy walls hugged his cock tight.

"Holy shit! So fucking slick and warm...." Tyler grit his fangs and thrust himself deep inside, popping his knot inside. Feeling his climax approaching, the wolf leaned upwards and planted his paws firmly on both his brother's hips. With all the strength he had, Tyler pulled his hips backwards. His knot popped out of the hole and was jammed back inside, forcing a yell out of his brother. Grunting fiercely and flinging strings of his spit onto his brother's back, Tyler popped his knot in and out of the clenching tunnel. Doing so spread sharp, electrifying pleasure to his body. His sensitive knot squelched and popped deep inside the clenching tunnel before it was forced back out with another loud, squishy pop. He knew that he couldn't last too much longer and pressed his body upon Sky once again.

"A-alright... Here it comes, Bitch... Get ready to have my pups!"

Driving himself as hard as he could, Tyler snarled and jammed his thick knot past the rim and continued to press, shoving the wad of flesh deep inside. Snarling, the alpha wolf swiveled his head and took hold of his brother's scruff in his jaws. Sky yelped as the back of his neck was tugged and bitten hard. He winced and endured the pain while Tyler reached his peak. The wolf gave a long, burly moan as he came. Deep inside his brother, the flexing cock sprayed it's seed deep inside the awaiting tunnel. The bliss that overtook his body was nearly blinding, making him drool around his brother's scruff. His hips tensed and jerked from the pure pleasure, pressing the knot deeper and brought even more pleasure to coax more cum out of his cock.

Against the mattress, Sky wailed and strained as his sensitive walls were coated in a thick layer of fresh, hot seed. The pure heat spread to his body, making him feel warmer and warmer. That inner heat, compared with the large body pressed against his own, Sky panted heavily and began to sweat. His tongue lolled from his muzzle and he gave a worn out chuckle.

"My alpha's so good to me..." Sky whimpered, reaching behind to stroke his brother's cheek.

"Mmm, my bitch ain't too bad either," Tyler grunted, returning the soft touch. As he stayed knotted deep inside of the smaller lupine, the older sibling saw Sky in a new light. For the first time his heart skipped a beat as he looked down at the smaller male's blissful expression. Though he wouldn't say, Tyler wanted to hold his brother. But for now, he laid on top of him and closed his eyes. With Sky breathing softly underneath him, Tyler smiled and figured that he could get used to this.

But things didn't stay that way. Over time things between Sky and Tyler began to change. More specifically, Sky began to change. From confessing his love to his aggressive brother, and being used as an object, both by his brother and his friends multiple times, Sky actually gained confidence. Everything he wanted, the small wolf achieved.

Over the next few weeks, Sky grew bolder, actually teasing his brother back and starting some of their heated rutting sessions. Tyler enjoyed the change but he took note that it wasn't the same as the quiet meekness that his brother carried before. Though he had a bitch, Tyler still brought in others to spend nights with. Much to the large lupine's shock, Sky would flirt with the males that he brought. What his brother lacked in size or stature, Sky could make up with words. He never went as far as to take Tyler's nightly fling but there were times that after the older wolf was done with them, Sky would be in the hallway to convince them to stay a little longer, offering a different experience.

Now Tyler was the one listening in on the moans of his brother and a guy throughout a large part of night. From what else the older lupine could hear, they seemed much more satisfied when Sky was done with them. He knew he shouldn't care, after all he already got what he wanted from them. In fact he should be proud that his little brother gained the confidence to get some dick. And every morning, Sky would be there, admiring his alpha. Hugging, kissing, and teasing. It was nice but there was always something in the back of the older male's head that wouldn't let him fully enjoy it.

The kicker came when Sky left on his own one day. He was gone for hours, not calling or texting. And the moment Tyler decided to search for him, the front door opened and in came his brother, hugging close to none other than Rod. An awkward look flashed on the bear's muzzle as was face-to-face with his gym buddy. But Sky assured the ursine that everything was fine before he ushered him to his bedroom.

As the two disappeared behind the shutting door, a strange feeling came over Tyler. He sat down on the living room couch, his ears flicking as he picked up the many sounds that soon came from the thin walls. The entire time he sat there, his eyes on the TV despite him not actually paying attention to the images flashing across the screen. The door to Sky's room soon opened and out stepped Rod, avoiding eye contact with his former crush as he quickly left the apartment. The moment the bear was gone, Tyler rose from the couch and all but soared down the hallway.

He grimaced as he stepped into the open doorway, getting a full view of his naked brother, looking rather content. But as soon as he took notice of Tyler, Sky sat up and smiled, patting the side of his bed.

Tyler shook his head and crossed his arms. "Where were you?"

"I went out on a date with Rod," Sky explained, averting his gaze. "And it went good so I brought him back here..."

"You can't just leave and not tell me-"

"Why not?" Sky cut off. "You do it all the time. You walk out that door and disappear for hours. You think I don't worry about you or miss you? But when I do it you have a problem?"

Tyler was once again caught off guard by his brother's words. But he shook his head again and stuck to his guns. "I have a problem because you've never done this before. You've never done any of this before. Taking my hookups, and going off on dates... Y-you've never done anything like this before!"

Sky said nothing at first as he got up from the bed, covering himself up with his blanket.

"Well?" Tyler piqued.

"I'm just having a little fun, like you do," Sky argued.

"Stop doing that," the bigger wolf growled.

"Stop doing what?"

"Stop comparing yourself to me," Tyler growled again. "You shouldn't be anything like me."

"And why not?!" Sky asked, his voice heavy with emotion. He didn't understand why his brother was making such a big deal out of this. If anything, Sky thought his brother would be happy that he was coming out of his shell, actually talking and even flirting with others. He pushed himself to do those things because he looked up to his brother and wanted to be like him.

"Sky... You have something good going on. You're gonna go to the best college in the state. And after you graduate you'll be able to do anything you want," Tyler said, stepping into the room. "But if you do the things that I do, you're gonna lose all that. I know that you care about me and you look up to me and all that but... Sky, you gotta be better than me."

Much to Tyler's surprise, the younger wolf sniffled, clutching his blankets tighter. In an instant, the older sibling rushed forwards to hug his brother, thinking he was too harsh with his tone and words.

"Y-you sound just like Mom," Sky sighed shakily. "It's all she ever talks about. The day after I graduated she was hounding me about the college she picked out for me and how much she wanted me to go. Hehe... When I told her I wanted to take a year off I thought she was gonna have a stroke. I know she cares about me but... It's too much... I had to get away. The only person I could think of was dad. He shot me down, gave me your address instead."

"Let me guess, she didn't want you repeating her mistakes, huh?" Tyler sighed, immediately seeing a pattern. In an instant the older wolf was disgusted with himself. For so long he hated his brother's guts, thinking he was living the high life but it was clear his little brother went through a similar version of their dad's pressure.

"Yeah, I guess. She never said it out loud but... You know she never once talked about Dad," Sky pointed out. "Everytime I asked her about him, she told me to just focus on my studies."

Tyler clenched his jaw and held his brother tighter. "Sky... Don't... Don't worry about that. Right now, you don't have to think about things like that. I still think you should go to that college, but it's up to you..."

"I just..." Sky grimaced. "I just need some time to think. Everything's so different here than back home. It's been making me think a lot. There's so much I wanna do before I go. After all, we won't see each other again for a while when I do."

"Yeah..." Tyler said, just focusing on caressing his brother, making him feel safe and comforted. "But you got plenty of time to figure out what you wanna do. Whatever it is, I'll be there for you, Sky."

Hearing those words, the smaller wolf couldn't help but smile. He looked up at his brother and reached up to caress his muzzle. Tyler leaned down as Sky planted a soft kiss against his lips. A smile spread on both their muzzles as they continued to hold each other close, knowing that at the end of the day they could depend on each other, no matter what would happen.