Christmas Wishes II - Kanga's Present

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Christmas Wishes II

Kanga's Present

© Cederwyn Whitefurr (Aka: Anthony Wain)

All Rights Reserved.

January, 2006.

Cassie gently took Kanga's slender paw in her own, and then led her upstairs to her bedroom. Here, as Kanga went and checked on the sleeping Joey, she came back to see Cassie standing at the door, blocking it. Kanga's ears pricked forwards and she stepped closer, before Cassie grinned and produced a large, black silk blindfold. Cassie slipped it over Kanga's head, then tied it lightly behind her friends head, and double-checked it.

"Sure you can't see?" Cassie asked, as she leant close and breathed into Kanga's ear.

Kanga jumped as Cassie's hot breath tickled the sensitive hairs of her inner ears, and then she nodded. "I can't see - I promise, but why the blindfold?"

Cassie giggled, and then lipped her friends' ear tenderly and Kanga groaned with pleasure.

"You'll see - I had...your bedroom redecorated, whilst you were out today - " Cassie smirked, then blew a gentle breath against Kanga's sensitive ears again.

Kanga's paws twitched spasmodically and her breath caught in her throat, but Cassie could smell Kanga's hesitation and bewilderment, mingled with her rising arousal.

"Just some...minor things - for your present, and only for tonight my dear, young Kanga. Unless - " Cassie giggled.

Kanga, blinded by the silk scarf, twisted herself around and her paws waved in the air, as they sought out Cassie. Cassie gently took Kanga's paws in her own and began lovingly stroking them with her thumbs.

"Unless?" Kanga asked, and then shivered at the gentle stroking.

"Unless - you prefer it this way, but I will lead you in, don't worry - you won't trip."

Cassie giggled, and then opened the door to Kanga's bedroom. As Kanga's senses detected the slight draft of the door opening, she gave herself willingly to Cassie's guiding touch. A faint scent of lavender touched the air, and Kanga froze. Cassie had expected it, and then waited patiently in the doorway, one paw holding Kanga's, the other pushing the door fully open. Kanga's head tilted backwards, and her sensitive nose twitched delicately, as she inhaled deeply.

"Lavender!" Kanga moaned softly. "You remembered!"

Cassie grinned, and then licked Kanga's cheek tenderly. "Of course I remembered your favourite smell my dear - well - second favourite, the first being a young whitetail doe - who is in a state of arousal and wanting to bed her lovely Kangaroo friend."

Kanga blinked beneath the blindfold, then she ineffectively tried to swat playfully at Cassie. Cassie caught Kanga's paws, then squeezed them and led her into the bedroom, before making her stop in the centre as Cassie closed the door quietly behind her.

"Okay, take off the blindfold sweety!" Cassie snickered.

Kanga's paws slid up her muzzle, then dug under the silk blindfold and she shook her head and blinked, then her eyes widened and her ears flattened against her neck. Her bedroom had been totally redecorated, with her bed cover made of crushed emerald green velvet, scattered over which was freshly plucked rose petals. Here and there, aromatic candles had been placed, their flames dancing like demonical imps to some unheard tune, as the cool breeze ruffled the curtains at Kanga's window. A pale grey, thick shag rug had been spread across the timber floor, and as Kanga's eyes adjusted to the candlelit room, she gazed upon the bed, then her eyes widened even further.

"Are those - " Kanga gasped, as her muzzle flopped open.

"Certainly are," Cassie giggled. "Fresh silk sheets my dear doe. There is nothing better, that the feel of silk against fur - unless you have someone to share the experience with, don't you think?"

Kanga was speechless, never having realised the effort that Cassie and her unknown helpers must have put into setting this up. Truly, it was beautiful beyond Kanga's imagining, and she stood there trying to take it all in, before she suddenly embraced Cassie and buried her muzzle against Cassie's breasts and sobbed, so overcome with emotion, she could barely stand on her shaking legs.

"Hey now!" Cassie whispered, then as she realised Kanga was not crying because she was frightened, but because she was overcome with happiness and surprise, she giggled and cuddled Kanga lovingly.

"I - how did you, I mean - this must - " Kanga moaned between sobs that choked her.

"For my lovely Kanga's present - I decided to spare nothing, as you are worth it - my dear marsupial love." Cassie shrugged, and then touched noses with Kanga. "Come on over here and sit down."

Cassie walked across the rug, her muffled hoof beats dampened by the thick rug over which she strode. Kanga followed, and then Cassie pulled her down onto the bed, making sure Kanga settled her awkward form, before she began to lovingly caress Kanga's furred cheek.

"Oooh - Cassie - " Kanga moaned softly, leaning her head into the loving caress.

Cassie chuckled quietly, then pulled Kanga close and pressed her furred lips to Kanga's. At first, Kanga's eyes widened and she hesitated, but as she felt Cassie's tongue probe her lips, she gave herself up to this young Doe and her eyes closed and she moaned as Cassie's paw slipped into her blouse and tweaked her left nipple teasingly. Kanga knew then and there, as she arched her hips against those of her friend, that she knew what her present was to be. Cassie's tongue flicked over Kanga's lips, before it slipped between them and probed Kanga's. As their tongues mingled and flowed together, Kanga groaned in pleasure, and wrapped her arms around Cassie's back and began stroking.

For several minutes, Cassie passionately kissed Kanga, before she broke their embrace and began unbuttoning Kanga's blouse. Kanga giggled helplessly, as Cassie's dextrous furred fingers undid one button, before they roamed down to the next. As each buttonhole opened, Kanga shifted from foot to foot, and then she gasped as Cassie's furred muzzle probed under her blouse and her hot breath rippled across Kanga's right nipple. Slicking her ears back, Cassie flicked her long, slender tongue over Kanga's breast, licking down the gossamer like fur as she inhaled Kanga's alluring scent.

"Oh, Cassie - " Kanga gurgled, as she arched her hips against her cervine lover.

Cassie chuckled delicately, before she undid another button, her tongue fluttering over Kanga's nipple and her hot breath rippling the fur. As the last button sprang apart, Cassie slid her paws on to Kanga's shoulders, and then gently pressed backwards. With a soft rustle, Kanga's blouse fell to the floor, and Cassie looked into her lovers' eyes and sighed in delight, as she reached up and began flicking a claw tip against each of Kanga's nipples in turn.

"Ooooo - stop it!" Kanga gasped, as her eyes widened and she began to quiver helplessly.

"Why stop something," Cassie smiled, as she caressed Kanga's breasts tenderly, cupping them in her furred paws and feeling their delicate weight. "That I know my lovely Kangaroo loves?"

"Because ..." Kanga breathed, as she placed her paws lightly on Cassie's own paws.

Cassie merely cocked an eyebrow, then slid her paws down Kanga's stomach and lightly massaged Kanga's pouch. This was almost more than Kanga could bear, as she bucked against Cassie and groaned in ecstasy. As Cassie continued to stroke, rub and lovingly knead Kanga's pouch, kanga struggled with Cassie's own blouse buttons. With a cry of exasperation, Kanga stopped and Cassie smiled at her, before she stepped backwards and rested her paws on the first button. Kanga blinked, then watched as Cassie sensuously unclasped it, before swaying her hips suggestively and unclasped another button. Kanga moaned softly, her eyes glued to Cassie's paws, as Cassie intentionally unbuttoned another, and then tantalisingly licked a long, slender furred finger.

" teasing doe!" Kanga gurgled, feeling her arousal rising swiftly.

Cassie grinned at her, and then unclasped another button, before she grabbed the bottom of her blouse and began to sway her hips hypnotically before Kanga, turning herself slowly about. Kanga bit back her longing and sat on the edge of her bed, watching as Cassie continued her slow, sensual dance. When her back was to Kanga, Cassie looked back over her shoulder and then shrugged her teardrop shaped tail flicking bolt upright as she leant over in front of Kanga. Kanga gasped, as Cassie knew she would, before Cassie rolled her hips and her own blouse slipped down her furred arms and fell to the floor. Turning back about, she smiled at Kanga then knelt over, resting her paws on the floor and setting her firm breasts to swaying.

"Like what you see, little Joey?" Cassie teased Kanga playfully.

Kanga nodded, as she groaned and twitched, her entire attention on Cassie. Cassie retrieved two long, crimson silk scarves from her jacket, and then approached Kanga. Kanga blinked, then as Cassie laid her back against the end of the bed, she took Kanga's small wrists in her own - and as Kanga watched, Cassie carefully bound both Kanga's wrists to the bed head. Now tied and in a partial sitting position, her lower back pressed firmly against her pillows, Kanga giggled and stared into Cassie's eyes.

"Well - now what?" Kanga giggled, as she experimentally tugged on her bound wrists.

"Now," Cassie murred, as she smiled at Kanga. "You get your Christmas present my dear, sweet doe."

Before Kanga could ask what it might be, Cassie produced more silken scarves and bound Kanga's ankles to opposite bed posts. Fully restrained, Kanga wriggled again, but found the knots secure - but not tight about her ankles and wrists. Having been tied up before, both by Cassie and others, Kanga was not distressed by this, and she smiled invitingly at Cassie.

"Now what fawn?" Kanga whispered, as she playfully teased Cassie.

Cassie's eyebrows slowly rose, as her furred cheeks dimpled with her smile, before she stroked a claw slowly along Kanga's inner thigh, making kanga gasp and wriggle helplessly. As Cassie ran her furred fingers over Kanga's ankles, she lowered her head and nuzzled Kanga's soft black footpads.

"Oh no - no! Not that!" Kanga yelped, as she tried to pull her foot away.

Cassie giggled, and then licked slowly along the foot pad, her tongue tickling the short, bristle-like hairs as Kanga bit her tongue to stop herself from squealing in marsupial ecstasy. As Cassie continued her nuzzling and licking, she tender splayed Kanga's two toes, and then licked them - slowly working her way along Kanga's long foot and over her ankle. Cassie's tongue felt so good against Kanga's fur, and the pleasure was undeniable.

Struggling helplessly, her nerves firing off pleasure responses faster than Kanga had ever experienced, Kanga groaned and flinched, as Cassie began nibbling her calf muscle on her left shin. Each gentle nibble was accompanied by a long, slow lick of Cassie's long tongue, and it left the fur matted down with a fine sheen of Cassie's saliva. Sensuously, Cassie's tongue worked it was slowly up to Kanga's furred thigh, and Kanga squirmed and groaned - before Cassie paused and glanced up at Kanga. Kanga blinked away the tears in the corners of her eyes, as she shivered and tried to reign in her racing heart rate.

Cassie smirked, and then resumed her licks, her cold nose pressing into Kanga's thigh - before it brushed against Kanga's pale grey furred mound. Cassie paused and inhaled the arousing scent - and Kanga's breath caught in her throat. Without hesitation, Cassie probed into this mound with her cold, wet nose - followed a heartbeat later with her incredibly long, supple tongue. As Cassie's nose parted the velvety folds of Kanga's sex, Kanga shrieked and then clamped her muzzle shut, fearful of waking Joey. Cassie didn't hesitate in the slightest, as she began breathing through her nostrils, her tongue probing deeper and deeper into Kanga's trembling depths. Soon, she settled into a slow, tender licking motion - and as her tongue flicked over the sensitive nub of Kanga's clitoris, Kanga arched her hips up against Cassie and a low, breathless gasp was torn from Kanga. Cassie's eyes closed, as she began savouring the sensations and pleasures of pleasuring her friend of many years, her hot breath and tongue working counterpoint to her cold, wet nose as Cassie's head bobbed slowly up and down.

For an hour, Cassie pleasured Kanga in this erotic, yet sensual way - bringing Kanga to the very edge of her orgasm - before pausing and letting Kanga regain her strength - before once again taking her to the heights of ecstasy. Kanga's body willingly surrendered to Cassie's tongue, the natural lubrications mixing with Cassie's saliva as it dampened Cassie's furred lips and chin, yet she did not mind in the slightest. Finally, she felt Kanga's heart would surely give out under this delightful pleasure - and she nibbled her way up to Kanga's muzzle - before she pressed her own wet lips against Kanga - and their tongues once again mingled. Kanga blinked, tasting not only the familiar taste of Cassie, but also, her own lubrication and it was not an unpleasant sensation for her, but it was quite alluring.

Kanga finally slumped back against the pillows that supported her back and neck, and she groaned helplessly, as Cassie carefully nuzzled down Kanga's throat and began nuzzling Kanga's left nipple. Cassie's tongue flicked over and around it - then as Cassie began suckling there, Kanga squealed again and bucked against Cassie who partly lay on her, her own furred breasts pressed into Kanga's shivering stomach and pouch. Pleasure built on pleasure, as Cassie suckled like a hungry Joey, her tongue rubbing the underside of the sensitive nipple and sending Kanga's mind reeling. As Kanga groaned and writhed beneath Cassie, Cassie's ears flicked backwards and she grinned, as she heard the soft snick of the door across the room.


Joey, woken from his death-like slumber by his mother's shrieks and squeals, padded sleepily down the hallway and paused outside her room. From within there, he could hear Kanga's growls, gasps and low, whimpering moans. He knew better than to charge into his mothers private room, having been taught to knock politely, and ask to enter - but as his fear rose, his thoughts was only that she was in trouble and needed help. As his shaking paw gently turned the door handle and he cracked open the door, his eyes widened as he saw Cassie, then his mother bound paw and ankle to the bed. He stared, at first unable to comprehend, then it hit him and he gasped loudly - before hurriedly shutting the door and bolting back to his room. His cheeks flamed with embarrassment, but what distracted him more, was the swiftly rising erection that tented the front of his pyjamas. Joey threw himself onto his bed, then as he squeezed his eyes closed and memories of what Cassie had done with him flooded his mind, he opened his eyes again, then rolled over and picked up the kangaroo plush off the floor. Inexperienced, Joey fumbled with it, as he felt his erection growing stronger and stronger, the urge for release burning like a furnace within him, and causing his scrotum to contract painfully tight against his groin.

He rolled onto his plush, then barely had time to slide his pyjama's down - before he gave a low, coughing moan and as his paw stroked his penis, Joey buried his muzzle into the plush's throat and he ejaculated against the plush's soft, pale white lower belly. As the pleasure of his release consumed him, he felt an immense relief and he lay upon his plush and shuddered - before he collapsed, and his eyes rolled back in his head, as exhaustion claimed him.


Kanga meanwhile, was too overcome with the pleasures that Cassie was bringing, to even notice that Joey had seen them both. Cassie paused in her gentle suckling, and then lifted her muzzle to look into Kanga's watering eyes and lick her wet cheeks.

"Oh Cassie - how can I ever - " Kanga began, but Cassie gently lay her paw on Kanga's muzzle and shushed her.

Rising, then stretching, Cassie grunted as she felt her back give a loud crackle, which made Kanga wince. Cassie smiled, then pet Kanga's pouch softly, before she rummaged beside the bed out of Kanga's eyesight. Soon, she lifted a slender double-ended vibrator - and she switched it on. As it began pulsing in her hand, Cassie grinned playfully at Kanga, before she slid it between Kanga's thighs and against her warm, damp folds. Kanga gasped as she felt her body instinctively reacting to what it felt to be a male's member, and Cassie carefully pushed it inwards, watching Kanga's expression. Once it was seated, Cassie unbound Kanga's ankles and wrists, before she lay down upon Kanga and carefully manoeuvred this strange sex toy between her own thighs.

"Oh Cassie this will feel - " Kanga grunted, as she felt the vibrator sending its pleasures rippling through her aroused body.

"Oh, I know how it'll feel - " Cassie nodded, as she slipped the tip against her own folds - then sighed in delight as she carefully lowered herself down upon it.

Once their two bodies met, the wondrous machine pleasuring both Kangaroo and Whitetail, Cassie rolled over so that Kanga lay on top. Kanga nodded gratefully, and began lovingly kissing and caressing Cassie, as Cassie grunted and began carefully thrusting against the more slender Kanga.

"Oh you..." kanga gasped, as she arched her hips downwards and her back curved as the pleasure claimed her.

"Make love to me - Doe," Cassie murred, as she nibbled Kanga's throat. "Like only you know how to."

As Kanga splayed her long legs awkwardly behind her, her heavy tail lying between Cassie's thighs, Kanga nodded and began to gently thrust against Cassie. Kanga's breasts bobbed up and down with each thrust, and Cassie grunted with delight, before she pulled kanga down slightly, and nuzzled Kanga's firm breasts. As Kanga settled into a more rigorous thrusting - her body sliding against Cassie's and the vibrator sending its delightful pleasures into them both, Kanga gasped as Cassie once again began to suckle her left nipple. Soon, Kanga gripped the bed head with her paws, and she began to hump like a frantic cervine buck, her thighs slapping against Cassie's as kanga felt her often suppressed orgasm rising like an underground explosion. Her ears slicked back and her eyes rolled, as she thrust harder and harder, and Cassie herself began to moan in delight, before kanga gave a sharp thrust against Cassie - then she threw back her head and squealed in marsupial orgasm - her entire body bucking as if it had been jump-started.

"That's it my lovely kangaroo," Cassie nodded and wrapped her paws around Kanga's hips. "That's it - yes my love...oh, yes, yes!"

Cassie buried her muzzle against Kanga's breasts, as she felt her own orgasm trigger off in response to Kanga's. As it gripped her in its incredible pleasure, Cassie pulled Kanga tight, their two bodies almost looking as one, as Cassie wrapped her long slender furred legs around Kanga's hips and began humping against her frantically. Whilst neither was a buck, to Cassie, it felt as if she were being rutted by the most gifted buck she'd ever bedded, and she was sure, Kanga's experience would not be that dissimilar.


Finally, their frenetic lovemaking settled and Kanga lay beside Cassie, her head resting just under Cassie's chin.

"Thank you, my beautiful Whitetail - " Kanga murred, as she rolled over and kissed Cassie's cheek. "For the most wonderful - present ever."

Cassie smiled, then retuned Kanga's loving kiss, then teasingly stroked a claw across Kanga's still trembling body. "Oh, but my dear, foolish young Joey - it's not over yet, I'm sure you could go a few more times yet!"

Kanga moaned and giggled, before she snuggled down into the silk sheets and cuddled up to Cassie. Cassie cradled Kanga gently, until she heard Kanga's soft breathing, and felt the calm, restive thudding of her heart. Slipping out of Kanga's bed, Cassie draped a dressing gown around her naked body, and then pulled on some thick socks. Now, her hooves were muffled, ands he carefully made her way out of Kanga's bedroom, then down the hall to Joey's room. Here, she opened the door and snuck inside, before pausing to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness. As they did, Cassie's eyes widened, as she seen Joey sprawled across his kangaroo plush, and she smiled and shook her head slowly. Carefully extricating the exhausted Joey from his plush, Cassie could not help noticing that Joey had obviously taken his pleasures with it, and Cassie laughed delicately, before she tucked Joey into bed and kissed his cheek.

"Good night, dear Joey - and merry Christmas..." Cassie whispered, as she caressed his cheek.

As quiet as a shadow, Cassie crept from Joey's room, then closed the door behind her, and returned to Kanga's bedchambers, for she was sure, after a short nap, Kanga would be up for more of their pleasurable lovemaking - Cassie had no doubt, as Kanga was, when the mood struck her, a very passionate creature. With a soft, delicate chuckle, Cassie slipped back into Kanga's bed, then wrapped herself around her smaller, kangaroo lover and dozed happily.


Springtime In the Hundred Acre Wood

Springtime in the Hundred Acre Woods. © Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain) All Rights Reserved, January, 8th, 2007. \*Authors Note: This story contains sexual acts between two young males. As the author of this work, I do not partake,...

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A Bond Is Forged - Chapter Three - Regrets

A Bond Is Forged Chapter Three "Regrets" (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain) All Rights Reserved. 2007. As Kelly lay awake, listening to the soft moans and mutterings of Jess, and Steve's louder snoring, she stared up at the stars...

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A Bond Is Forged - Chapter Two

\*Authors edit: This story has been extensively re-examined and some minor changes made, I hope you will all enjoy the new revisions\* A Bond is Forged Chapter Two (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain) All Rights Reserved. 2007. ...

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