Heather 1

Story by peimur on SoFurry

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FYI: This story is 100% fictional. All characters and events are purely creations of my depraved mind.

PS: If you have a problem with sexual content between consenting furs of different ages, why'd you even open this?

Anywho...This is the first part of this series, most of it is build-up, but there's some yiff at the end.

"Call me Ishmael..."

"Excuse me, Ms. Jones?"

"Ummm, I ah...I said ah," he could tell the eight year old bunny was frightened, "call me Ishmael?"

Being the carnivore he was, he couldn't resist toying with her a little more, "Yes, you did, and why, may I ask, did you decide to steal Herman Melville's work and claim it as you own?"

"I didn't! I mean, you...ah...you said...you said we should use an attention getter like Mr. Melvile did in the fish book," she heaved out in one, uninterrupted string of increasingly higher pitched sounds.

"In the "fish book?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ummm, yessir, my mommy said I couldn't say that word, it was dirty," she was staring intently at her shoe laces.

"And what word would that be Ms. Jones? Moby?" he knew he was walking a thin line, teachers weren't allowed to embarrass students like this, but he wanted her to say it, he was determined his students would win the grade school academic meet at the end of the year, and they had to be able to speak assertively in front of a panel of judges.

She was trying to dig a whole in the linoleum with her toe, "Ummm, no sir, she said that word was fine, it was the other word"

God she looks beautiful blushing through her fur. "What? Where did that come from?" he asked himself, he'd never had feeling towards his students. The class was staring at him and Heather wide eyed, waiting to see what would happen; she looked close to tears, he actually felt bad for her, "Alright Ms. Jones, you may take a seat." The class was whispering among themselves, he brought the yard stick down on the desk with force, "CLASS!" HAH! He loved to see them jump like that, "Now, As I was explaining to Ms. Jones, I said use a phrase *LIKE* Melville's opening line in Moby Dick, "a few of the boys giggled, Heather blushed deeper. God that's sexy. He tried to ignore the voice, "and just what is so funny about the title of one of the greatest books in literature?" They stopped giggling, this is why he transferred from the eighth grade to the third; the control. Students were far more defiant as the grew older, third graders were still easy to control.

"Now, Mr. Doyle, I believe you'll go next..."

It had been a tiring day, at least a third of the students hadn't completed their narrative of their summer vacation, another third had done just as Heather Jones had, copying their work from an obvious source. Someone had even tried to pass off excerpts from the call of the wild as their summer vacation! No less, the student was a ferret!

He looked at his watch, it was nearing five thirty, Heather's parents would be here soon for their monthly parent-teacher conference. He looked across the room and saw Heather sitting in her desk, she was quietly working on her homework and playing with her beautiful brown hair. She's so beautiful, those big brown eyes, that silky brown fur... His sheath was starting to bulge. No, its not right to think of my students like this, she's only a child! He mentally kicked himself for having such thoughts, he tried to ignore the voice that kept whispering at the back of his mind, just look at how she's chewing her lip, its so damned sexy. NO! No its not!

Tap, tap, tap. He looked up from his desk at the door, "Enter." A well dressed female hare walked through the door, she was wearing a tailored black business suit, her hair was short, but well arranged. She is Mrs. Cynthia Jones, Attorney at Law. Normally she sent in her housekeeper, Consuela. Obviously there was something special about this meeting. "Good evening Mrs. Jones, how has the legal world been treating you?"

"Oh, you haven't heard the news yet? We won our case for Mr. Peterson," she was positively glowing!

"I'm sorry, I don't have much chance to keep up with the local news, what was he on trial for?"

"Oh, a few things, the DA claimed he had sex with an eight year old, but we were able to get him off thanks to the stupidity of the state, basically, they illegally arrested him and searched his home without a warrant, so all evidence was inadmissible." he could tell she was proud of herself, but there also seemed to be a mischievous glint in her eye.

He cleared his throat, "So, umm, to what do I owe the pleasure Mrs. Jones?"

She smiled sweetly, "Please, call me Cynthia. I'm here because Consuela told me Heather was having a little trouble, so I decided to talk to you personally to see if we could work something out for her, I'd hate to see her fail any of her subjects." She did look sincerely concerned, but there was something else about her expression he just couldn't put a finger on.

Another cough, "Well, Mrs...Cynthia, she's excelling in math and science," he was watching Heather out of the side of his eye, she was beaming, she looks so beautiful when she's happy. "However, she is falling behind the other students in English and literature," Heather was staring back at her homework.

"Oh dear, is there anything I can do?" again he could see her concern, but there seemed to be hunger in her eyes as well.

"Well, of course we could check her for dyslexia or other learning disorders, but from experience, I think the best way to bring up her grades would be to tutor her yourself, or get her a private tutor."

"Hmmm, yes, I was the same way at her age, I work an awful lot, but I'm sure you'd be the perfect tutor for her," she winked at him.

He was taken aback, "Well, Cynthia, I'm fairly busy myself, what with grading and supervising our schools academic team. I do know a few good tutors in the area, I could give you there numbers..." he was talking very fast, trying to hide how much he would love to tutor Heather.

She put her hand on his, "Well, it really would mean a lot to me if you would help her. Of course I would pay you for your time," he began shaking his head, "why don't you come over for dinner Friday night, you could help her afterwards." She gave him a smile that had one over the hearts of so many juries.

"Well ma'am, I mean Cynthia, I suppose that would be fine." He was hesitant, and trying very hard not to look over at Heather.

"Wonderful! Here's my personal information," she too a card from her purse, kissed the back of it, and handed it to him. "Come along Heather, time to go home. See you Friday at seven Mr. Black." She winked at him again.

After Cynthia and Heather had left, he looked at the card Cynthia had given him, on the front was her address, home phone, and private cell number. On the back was a lipstick kiss.


Thursday night found him sitting on his recliner in his small one bedroom apartment. As he was flipping through the channels, he stopped on one of the adult channels. The picture showed a male wolf bent over the back of a young brown rabbit. As he watched her getting plowed by the wolf's large shaft, he couldn't help thinking about Cynthia and Heather. After staring at the screen for a few moments, he realized his own cock was straining at the front of his pants. He reached down to free his wolf-hood and began slowly stroking it while watching what was on the screen. When the camera panned around to the rabbits face, he nearly blew his load. He couldn't believe it! She looked like Cynthia! But no, it couldn't be! She was lawyer, they didn't due that sort of thing. But those eyes had the same hungry look as Cynthia's had at the meeting earlier that afternoon. Raw, barely contained sexual hunger.

He continued pawing off while watching the porn. He continued rubbing his paw up and down his red pulsing member, gripping his knot with the other hand, he could feel his orgasm coming, but he held it off until the rabbit on the screen came, when he saw her body tense up and her face contort, he blew his load. Rope after sticky rope spewed from his member, landing on his bare chest fur. After he came down from his orgasm he looked back at the screen, just in time to see the credits, the first name listed was Cynthia Rabbit. Must just be a coincidence. He looked down at his shrinking shaft, licking his lips. He reached down and scooped up as much cum from his shaft as he could before it receded into his body. He brought the paw to his mouth, licking his fingers off slowly, enjoying his own taste. He wasn't gay, although he'd been with a male once to see what it was like, he preferred females, but he just loved the flavor of his cum, the sweet salty taste, enjoying the fact that he was eating what had come from his own body. After cleaning his paw off he looked down at his chest and smiled, he also enjoyed the smell and feel of having his come spread over his chest. He turned the television off, laid back in his recliner and fell asleep.


This story and the characters here-in are the sole property of Peimur Linyaari, if you'd like to use anything from this story, please check with me first.

All feedback is welcome, but don't expect me to respond to flames.