Convicts - Part 3

Story by Atlas86 on SoFurry

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#4 of Convicts

Disclaimer: The following story contains sex that is intended to make the protagonist feel GOOD. It is completely CONSENTUAL, and takes place between good FRIENDS. The CAPS used in this disclaimer are used as EMPHASIS, in order to convey that this story does NOT contain rape. It should NOT be mistaken as sarcasm.

And on a side note...holy crap. I don't think I've had another story where someone sent me two repeated PM's trying to convince me to write this part. So, here's a shout out to the people that wouldn't stop bugging me into making another part.


And to fox-metro, who gave me the inspirational spark to actually write this instead of blowing it off.


And if you are reading this on FA...WHERE WAS YOUR INPUT?

And know, for the following feature length presentation...and just to mix things up, the entire thing follows Drake. Except for *NOT REALLY A SPOILER ALERT* an emotional scene involving Jack's family. I wouldn't want you to think that I was lazy or anything ;)

"I can't believe you did that to him!" Drake exclaimed. "On his first night, too."

"Oh, but we see now why you like him so much," Kale teased from across the room. "He felt so soft beneath me, and his ass is so tight, yet so permitting."

"Shut it, Kale, or I'll come over there and loosen up your ass with my claw." Drake growled.

"Geez, Drake. I thought you were supposed to be the cool-headed one." Wester said. He lay just to his left, a somewhat fresh buck in his paws. Wester was an avid hunter, and could almost always be seen stuffing his maw with something. "You must really have a thing for this human."

"He's a good friend and I don't want to see him hurt." Drake replied.

"Oh come on, he can't be that bad." Cenith said. He was one of the larger, gruffer males. Only an inch shorter than Kale, who was the largest, they were always competing for the best mate. "He wasn't saying no."

"You pumped him full of aphrodisiac!" Drake exclaimed. "He was completely drenched in your scent."

"We were just releasing some sexual tension." Kale said. "It was nothing that you hadn't done a week before."

"I gave him the chance to back out before I gave him the aphrodisiac, plus I didn't put two in him at once." Drake replied.

"It's very simple, Drake." Farek said. "You either have to keep your pet on a tighter leash, or else he needs to be made available for everyone."

"He's not a pet!" Drake called back, exasperated.

"Regardless, you need to understand that, although we will not intentionally hurt him, he does not have all of the rights in this community that we share." Farek said, a warning undertone in his voice. "Our needs will always come before his here, so he will either be recognized as a pet under your care, or a toy for everyone's use. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, councilman." Drake growled, and then stalked off back towards his cave. He should have known that this would have been a bad idea, and just taken Jack to his family when he had returned. But he had insisted that he stayed, if only for a little while, just to be sure that nothing else happened. It could end up being a fatal decision, or else it would just leave him very sore. As he passed through the arch into the main shaft, he saw the remains of Jack's clothing, torn to ribbons as a joke after Vera had taken him back to his cave. He was lucky that she heard the raucous and gone to investigate, or the males may have gone a second round with him. He plunged off the ledge, descending quickly to his level, and then walking swiftly down to hall to his cave.

Vera was with him now, keeping him company while Drake had been confronting the other males. As he entered, he saw her in his bed with him, curled neatly around him and gently licking at his shoulder. He seemed to be asleep, though he was quivering quite terribly. Probably a nightmare.

"How is he?" Drake asked, coming to the bed and climbing in opposite her. The bed had been designed to fit two dragons comfortably during intimate situations, so there was still plenty of room for Jack between them. He shuffled forward a little, so that Jack was comfortably compressed between both their bodies, surrounding him in heat.

"He's been having nightmares about it all morning." She said, licking him again. "It's really got him rattled."

Drake sighed, and then licked the little human just after her. He could still taste her saliva on his skin, but it was masked over by the sweat that his trembling body was manufacturing. It left a bittersweet take in his mouth.

"How are you?" Vera asked suddenly. "How did the talk go?"

Drake released the defeated sigh that had been building in his chest. "Farek was very straightforward. He's either a pet or a public sex toy."

"You really have expected anything else." Vera replied. "Farek is a very conservative person. There were laws set up based on this very scenario."

"But a human has never willingly stayed in our home before." Drake countered. "How can we have just rules if they could never be practiced and revised?"

"They were precautionary laws." Vera said. "And besides, sexual tension is very high around here now. There aren't any more submissive males, so the dominant males don't have anyone to release their urges on."

Drake paused for a moment. "I have a submissive build." He replied.

"But they respect you, now that you've stopped our fight with the humans." Vera said. "Face it Drake, Jack is the only one here that they would even consider using for that end."

Drake sighed again, and looked down at Jack. He was still sleeping, though he had stopped shaking, and was now unconsciously nuzzling up against his stomach.

"Maybe you should take him home today." Vera suggested, and rose from the bed. "Let him see some other humans, and get him some clothes."

"That's probably a good idea." Drake replied. He looked down at Jack, and placed his free hand on Jack's back. He held him in a loose embrace, and began to whisper in his ear. "Jack?"

The words roused Jack from his rough slumber, and he pressed himself closer to Drake.

"How are you doing, Jack?" Drake asked, licking his face comforting.

"Better, since Vera was here." He looked up and saw her watching him from the doorway. "Thank you for staying with me."

She smiled at him. "I'm always here if you need me." She said.

"Thank you, but I'm confined to this level without Drake's help." Jack replied.

"Then I'll come down and check on you every once and a while when Drake is gone, then." She said.

Jack nodded in reply, and watched her leave. Once the tip of her tail had disappeared from sight, he returned his face to Drake's soft belly scales.

"Jack, maybe we should go to see your family today." Drake suggested. "It would be good for you to get out of here for a while. Plus, we need to get you some new clothes."

"What happened to my clothes?" Jack asked.

"The other dragons tore them up know." Drake said.

"But you told them to not to do that to me anymore, right?" Jack replied.

Drake's heart was racked by a painful twinge. It hurt him so much to see Jack like that. He was acting just like a bullied submissive youth. He knew the feeling, as he had never been popular with the other children around the time. Especially when they were becoming sexually mature. And, though most of them were dead now, the ones who had been the worst to him were all that he had left.

"They won't do that to you anymore." Drake replied, and he meant it. He would hike up his own tail in order to stop them from taking Jack again. "Now come on, let's get you out of here."

Jack smiled, and then slid back as Drake rolled onto his stomach. Drake tried not to squirm as the human's tiny bare feet slid across his scales as he climb his side, but was free to rise once Jack was straddling his neck. He lavished in the feeling of the blankets, now warm from Jack's body, wrapping around his claws as he stood, but wasted no time in getting out of the complex. Within two minutes they were amongst the low morning clouds, heading west towards Anmore. It wasn't an overly long flight, and after about two hours, Drake noticed that Jack was a little livelier now that they were out of the mountain.

"Quit squirming up there." Drake called over the wind. "You're throwing off my aerodynamics."

"Is that even a real thing?" Jack laughed.

"Of course it is!" Drake retorted. "You could send us crashing to the ground with even the smallest movement."

"Oh really?" Jack asked. "So what if I did this."

Jack began to throw his weight from left to right, giving Drake a slight wobble to his flight. Playing along, Drake spun to the right as Jack's weight shifted in that direction. His legs had not been so firmly gripping his neck, and Drake suddenly felt him slip from his seat. He caught Jack's look of sudden panic as he spun upside down, and his tail shot out towards the plummeting human as he passed over him. It's dexterous tip wrapped around Jack's ankle, holding him tightly, though the feeling of falling would still be present.

"I told you so," Drake said, swinging his tail a little, if only to scare Jack a little more. "One wrong move and I'll go over."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Jack screamed. He kept glancing over his shoulder at the ground far beneath them. The trees and scattered roads were reduced to mere blurs at their speed, but it was still intimidating for a flightless creature to be so high and being held so precariously. "Just get me secured!"

"Alright, but you might not like it." Drake said with a shrug.

In response, Jack threw himself forward, wrapping his arms around Drake's swaying tail. "I don't care! Just do it!"

"Alright," Drake replied, and suddenly flared his wings. He came to a quick stop, though his tail, with Jack clutching to it, came forward under him. He continued to flip until he was on his back, and watched as Jack came up above him, screaming in terror. Once the human was directly over his chest, he yanked his tail free of his grasp, and he plummeted towards him. Arms outstretched, he reached out and grabbed Jack's body, holding him tight to his body as he completed his flip. He snapped his wings back down, sending them shooting forward, back on course and with Jack firmly tucked against his chest.

"Don't ever do that again." Jack said, gripping Drake as tightly as he could. "Never ever again."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Drake said. "I didn't know that it would scare you so badly."

Jack began nodding hysterically. "I have basiphobia." He replied.

"What?" Drake asked.

"I'm afraid of falling!" Jack all but screamed.

"It's okay, Jack." Drake said soothingly, licking the human's head. "I can see the town now. We'll be there very soon."

Jack just nodded against Drake's chest. Drake hoped that this wouldn't stop Jack from flying with him again, or else it was going to be a long walk home. And even so, they would have to fly to get inside. He never seemed to be too afraid to fly before, so maybe he would be fine once he calmed down.

They touched down in Jack's backyard, as it was the only place large enough for Drake fit. He set Jack down lightly on the ground, and though he was shaking a bit, he seemed to be fine.

"Alright, well, I'll be back around sunset, okay?" Drake said.

"Wait. Won't you stay?" Jack asked.

"Jack, your family has been through a lot at the paws of my people. I'm sure they don't want me hanging around. Plus, the fences aren't that high, and I'm sure to draw some attention from the neighbors."

"But you brought my family home. I sure they would be happy to see you." Jack pleaded. "As for the neighbors, maybe it would be good to build some public awareness around dragons."

Drake looked around shiftily, already beginning to notice several people staring at him. He groaned a little, and sunk as low as he could. "Alright Jack. If that's what you want."

Jack walked up to the door of the house and knocked. His wife, Vanessa, came to the door, and stood there, shocked for a moment, at the naked man and dragon lying in her backyard.

"Jack, I'm glad you came." She said. "What happened to your clothes?"

"I...lost them." He lied. "I think someone might have stolen them, while I was sleeping."

Vanessa just shot him an odd look.

"Listen, I'm going to go put some close on, and pack a suitcase with the rest, for me to take back." Jack said, and then brushed past his wife and into the house. He kissed her as he passed, though it was more of a peck, as opposed to the passionate kiss that a couple might share. Vanessa turned to watch him, but turned to Drake when he disappeared from her sight.

"Hello, I don't think we were properly introduced before." She said, staying back by the doorframe. "I'm Vanessa."

"Drake," He replied, and cast a nervous glance behind him. A group of ten or fifteen people had gathered along the fence, completely silent as they watched Drake intently. "Hello," He said nervously to the crowd, from which there was no response.

There was a small, white plastic furniture set that was present, and Vanessa took one of the chairs and sat down.

"Jack seems a little off, right now." She said, glancing back at the door. "Did something happen?"

"There was some turbulence on the flight over." Drake lied. "He fell off my back, and I caught him immediately, but it shook him up pretty badly."

Vanessa nodded. "You have to be very careful with him." She said. "When he was young, his family went bungee jumping. He didn't want to go, but they made him. They got his bungee on, and when he was at the edge of the platform, his brother pushed him off. He dislocated his shoulder when he tried to grab at the platform, and the pullback at the bottom of the fall only made it worse. That's where we think his fear came from."

Drake could not think of anything to say as a response. He hadn't even been there for five minutes, and they had already hit an awkward pause. Drake glanced back again, noticing that the crowd had doubled. He whipped his head back to Vanessa, and let it fall to the floor. He couldn't possibly get any lower without knocking down the fence behind him, and maybe trapping a few people beneath him.

"Can I get you something to eat?" Vanessa asked.

"Oh, no thank you." Drake replied. "No offence, but my sense of taste is more sensitive than a human's, and the chemicals in your food leave a sour taste on my tongue."

"Oh, of course." Vanessa said.

Drake suddenly felt something bat at the tip of his tail. He looked back, and noticed that it was a small cat, one of the domesticated ones. He hooked his tail around it and brought it around to his face, where he checked it over thoroughly. It smelled to be clean, free of parasites and disease. He wasn't a fan of heavily-furred animals, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"Was anyone going to eat this cat?" He asked, looking back and forth between Vanessa and the crowd. No one replied, so Drake began to lift the cat slowly towards his mouth.

"Drake, the cat is the family pet." Vanessa said hastily.

Drake stopped with the cat about a half-foot inside his open maw. He quickly pulled the cat out and placed it on the ground, much closer to Vanessa than himself. It stumbled away slowly, probably scared out of its mind.

"Oh, sorry," Drake said. "How long does it take Jack to pack a suitcase!?" He thought.

"How are the children?" He asked.

"They seem to be doing alright." She replied. "They have a lot of schooling to catch up on, and they are seeing a counselor to help them to cope with what happened, but I think you helped them to see that not all dragons are like those ones."

"I'm glad I could help." Drake replied.

"Do you have any children, Drake?" Vanessa asked.

"I had one clutch, of six eggs." Drake replied.

"Oh? I never saw any children while I was there." Vanessa said.

Drake nodded. "The first flight class we held for them, four months after birth, they were ambushed by the military. Few of them were experienced enough to avoid the helicopter's fire, and those that had closed their wings in an attempt to avoid the fire, couldn't pull up in time. They died upon impact."

"Oh," Vanessa replied. She seemed to be speechless, and although Drake had long since gotten over the incident, he had had a similar response when he had first been told. "I'm so sorry for you."

Drake only nodded. "That was last season. None of this season's attempts were successful."

"Attempts?" Vanessa asked.

"Mating attempts." Drake clarified. "Every year, a female's body will only accept one male's sperm in order to produce a clutch. We've always had a lot of females, so it was never really a problem, but as our numbers began to dwindle, so did our chances at successfully mating. Now, with only two females left, it will be very hard to be able to find the right combination. Dragon's use a lot of energy rutting, so a female can only take two or three males before she is too tired to continue. And with a heat cycle that lasts around ten to twenty hours, annually, she would have no time to recuperate. We have tried to mate with the females while they rested, but it seems to ruin the entire process if she is too tired to formally accept the mate. Either that, or there is too much semen at one time, and they simply cannot sort themselves out into the right combination."

"That all sounds very complicated." Vanessa replied, and cast a glance at the doorway. Jack was pulling his suitcase through it, and dragged it over to where Drake lay. He left it next to him and sat down near to his wife, giving her another, deeper kiss.

"So, how are you?" He asked.


"Are we boring you, Drake?" Jack called, though Drake only caught the last half of as he jerked out of his sleep. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but his lack of inclusion in the conversation had led to a slowly building boredom that had eventually caused him to rest his head on his paws, and fall asleep. "You could hang out with your fan club, if you'd like."

Drake blinked a few times, and his head rose a foot, disconnecting him from the puddle of drool that had collected in the grass. He looked back and sighed as he saw that the crowd was still waiting around the fence, and, in fact, had grown exponentially over the past few hours. There were now several hundred people, including some news crews, and even a helicopter circling above him. Drake felt that it was time to confront this crowd. He turned and rose to his full height, being careful not to knock over Jack or Vanessa with his tail as he did so. He towered above most of the crowd before him. He took a breath, and with the loudest voice he could muster, he called out to the farthest reaches of the group.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked. There was no response. "I'm not going to do any tricks or anything. I'm just going to lie here until I go home. There's nothing very newsworthy about that. Go home, be with your families. And there's a forest fire starting about thirty kilometers east of here, go film that."

Though there was no response, the crowd did begin to disperse. The people along the fence began to shuffle away to the sides, and the news crews packed up and began to drive away. It took about ten minutes before the crowd was gone, though there were a few single people still watching from a distance. Drake ignored them, and turned back to Jack and noticed two small boys were now with him. They were Jack's children, who now, more than ever, required his love and presence. Drake cast his eyes to the western horizon, and saw the sun droop towards its final moments. Then he looked back at Jack, and saw him embracing his children.

"Jack?" Drake said quietly. He didn't want to interrupt him, but what he felt to say needed to be brought to light.

"What is it, Drake?" He asked, looking up at him. Drake couldn't tell what he was thinking from the look on his face, though it was probably for the best.

"I don't think you should come back with me." He said bluntly. Jack simply looked stunned for a moment.

"I...I don't understand." Jack stuttered.

"Stay here, Jack. With your family." He replied. "I'll come back and see you again."

He didn't wait for Jack's response, simply turned and launched into the air. He didn't want to feel any more pain than he already felt. He liked Jack, no, he loved Jack. Like a brother he loved Jack. But he already had a family, and a life. He wouldn't ask Jack to give that all up, just to be a diplomat for his people. They wanted to use him as a sex toy anyway. It was for his own safety that he did not return.

"Drake! Please wait!" He heard Jack call after him. He did stop, hovering in mid-air as he waited for Jack to continue. He wanted to hear him say that he was glad that he was leaving him there, but he knew that that wasn't going to happen. "Can't we talk about this?"

Drake wanted to say no, and continue flying, but he couldn't do that. Instead, he turned around and descended back towards the yard. He landed on the street outside the fence, and looked at Jack from across it. He felt like he was about to burst into tears.

"Come on, let's go somewhere to talk about it." He said. "Somewhere special. I'll be back later, Vanessa."

Drake watched him hop over the short wall, and then come to his side. Drake lowered himself for him, and waited as he climbed up onto his back.

"Where are we going, Jack?" He asked, and saw Jack's finger point up towards the mountain to the north.

"Up there," He replied simply, and gripped on tightly as they began to ascend.

"In the clearing where we first met." Drake added, and adjusted his course in order to hit it. He remembered exactly where it was.

It only took about five minutes to reach it, and when they did, Drake dropped to allow Jack to comfortably dismount. He lay down facing him, expecting to have an eye-to-eye conversation, but instead, Jack went and sat down against his side. He rolled up so that Jack was against his belly instead, and that he could look at the human while they spoke.

"Jack, I-" He began, but Jack cut him off by placing his finger on his scaly lips.

"Shh...There is one thing I need to do first. Then, you can say what you need to say." He said, and then he removed his finger, and replaced it with his own lips, engaging in a passionate kiss. Drake was surprised for a moment, but then gave into the moment, and allowed his own lips to open, surround the lower half of Jack's face. His tongue reached forward, brushing against Jack's lips, and caressing them as they slowly opened. Jack's smaller, smoother tongue emerged, and Drake wrapped his own around it, squeezing gently on it. They held their kiss for what felt like a long time, before Jack tugged gently and came free of Drake's mouth.

"I love you, Drake." Jack said and kissed the end of his snout again. Drake began to feel moisture building on his eyes, and soon tears were pouring down his cheeks. Jack made a loving attempt to wipe them away, but there were simply too many.

"I love you too Jack, which is why you have to stay here." Drake replied. "It's too dangerous back where I live."

"But I thought you got them to agree to not do that to me anymore." Jack replied.

Drake shook his head regretfully. "I lied to you, to make you feel better." He said. "Farek will only let you stay as a pet, or as a sex toy."

"Then I'll be a pet." Jack replied sternly.

"Jack, I don't think you understand what that means." Drake said. "You won't have any freedom. If anyone finds you outside my cave, they would beat you within an inch of your life, or worse. I don't want you to lose your rights just because you think that we need a diplomat."

"Don't you see, Drake. It was never about diplomacy." Jack said. "I just wanted to be with you. I love you, Drake, with all my heart."

"So, you lied to your real family so you could be with me?" Drake replied. That was, in a sick and twisted way, the sweetest thing anyone could do for him. But he couldn't be the cause of the turmoil that would surely come from it.

"You can't do that, Jack. It's not right. It's not fair to them. They deserve to know the truth."

Jack said nothing. Drake knew that it was going to be extremely hard for him to say goodbye, whether to him or his family. And though he wanted it to be him that he left, he had a sinking feeling that it would be the opposite.

"Jack..." Drake said softly. "I can't tell you that I love you if I'm suppressing you."

"Then we'll run away." Jack said, completely serious. "We'll pack up all of your stuff, I'll pay for the truck with my built-up pension, and we'll go live somewhere else, maybe somewhere warm. You can come back every year so that you can mate, and that way, no one will bother us. No one will be a pet to anyone else. No one will be hurt."

Drake grinned down at Jack. He had never thought of that. It was true that plenty of dragons did the migration every year, though he had never imagined really doing it himself. He had gone on all of those long distance trips before, so he was fit enough for it. Jack was clearly determined to be with him, and he loved him for that.

"I have a better idea," Drake said. "We'll leave it all, and go without it. And when we find a good cave, a place to call home, we can go around the world, and gather new things up."

Jack smiled back. "I like that idea a lot." He replied.

"No wait, I have an even better idea." Drake added suddenly. "We'll only take, the bed. We can snuggle up together every night. And because we will be alone, no one will hear us while we...sleep."

Jack chuckled, picking up on the not-so-subtle innuendo. "You're right, that is a better idea."

They laughed and held each other for what felt like an eternity. "But only if you tell your family that you're leaving. And not by lying to them either."

Jack sighed, but nodded. "Alright,"

"Okay, I'll take you home then, and then we can go get the bed." Drake said. "You should ride with it during the flight, since it will be long and probably pretty boring for you."

Jack shook his head. "I've never travelled out of the country before. I want to see everything that there is to see while we travel."

Drake chuckled, and licked him affectionately. "Alright then." He rolled over and let Jack climb up before he took off and headed back south.


Jack let the breeze ruffle his hair as they flew back to his house. He knew that he was going to have a tough time telling his wife, the woman that he loved, that she was going to be second fiddle to a dragon, while he stood there watching. He couldn't do that to her, he would have to get Drake to leave.

"Drake, when we land, can you go to the backyard and get my suitcase?" He asked. "And, maybe, linger back there until I'm done."

"No problem, Jack." Drake replied. "Good luck,"

Jack felt them begin to descend, and looked around Drake's head to see his house below them, rapidly growing as they approached. His wife was standing in the small front yard, awaiting their arrival. Drake landed on the street, and waited for him to get off before he squeezed between the house and the neighbors, disappearing from view. Jack wasted no time, and took a deep breath before hugging his wife tightly.

"Jack?" She asked, returning the embrace with some uncertainty. "Is something wrong?"

"Vanessa, my love." He said, the last two words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He took another deep breath. "I'm leaving."

"Okay," She replied, seeming to take the news well. Maybe she didn't understand him. "We'll see you again next week, then."

"No, Vanessa." Jack said, shaking his head. "Drake and I are leaving. We are going far away, where no one will bother us."

"But...why?" She asked simply, the gravity of the situation taking a while to fully set in.

"Most of the other dragons will not accept me into their home. But Drake and I want to be each other. We...we are..."

"What?" Vanessa asked.

"We love each other, Vanessa." Jack said, and backed out of their embrace. He still held her shoulders tightly, noticing how tight they were as she stared at him with a mixture of shock and fear.

"'re leaving me...leaving us...for him?" She said, and suddenly sat down on the doorstep. "I didn't even know you were gay."

"Neither did I, until I met him, and we first made love." He said. "Now...I don't think I could stand to be apart from him."

"But what about us, about the kids, about me?" She asked.

"Vanessa, I set up all of my bank accounts under both of our names, in case something happened to me. All of the money I've made is yours. I won't need it anymore."

"But won't you need food? Or a house?" She asked.

"We'll find a nice cave, somewhere warm. We'll hunt for I meals, like Drake's always lived. I'll be fine, just as long as I'm with him." Jack said.

Drake suddenly appeared from the side of the house. Jack couldn't have hoped for better timing on his part. He placed a light peck of a kiss on Vanessa's cheek, and got up.

"I need to go now." He said, and climbed onto Drake's already lowered. Jack saw him cast a regretful look at Vanessa, but she just smiled back.

"Jack, I'm not mad." She called to him. He smiled back down at her as Drake rose. "But what should I tell the boys?"

Jack thought about that for a long moment. "Tell them...that I'll see them again." He called, and pressed his heel into Drake's side, hoping he would get the message and take off. He reached back and passed him his suitcase before spreading his wings and lifting off. He circled the house a few times before heading back towards his cave.


"I picked up this piece of canvas when I got the pillows." Drake said, walking around the edge of the nest, and peeling back once hidden corners of a large piece of fabric. It ran between the pillows and the actual nest body, and had large strings on the corner. "It makes it much easier to transport all of them at once."

"You carry that whole thing beneath you as you fly?" Jack asked, walking beside him. Drake looked down on him as he pulled the edge of the canvas up a bit. "Isn't it heavy?"

"Actually, it is all very light." Drake replied, and picked Jack and his suitcase up with his forepaws and placed him inside the nest. "Now, you have to keep a good grip on this edge, okay. I don't want you to fall in and suffocate."

Jack nodded, and gripped the edge firmly. Drake smiled down at him, and lowered his head to kiss the little human. Their lips touched, but they didn't hold it long. They were both eager to leave, and there would be plenty of time to show their love later.

"Drake? What are you doing?" A voice asked from the door. It was Vera.

"Oh, Vera," Drake said. "Jack and I are leaving."

"Won't give in to Farek's demands, huh? Well, good luck to you. But what are you going to do with all of this?" She asked, and motioned with a paw to all of the trinkets that adorned Drake's cave.

"Do you want them?" Drake asked. "You always talked about stealing this cave from me."

"Ah, Drake." She said, coming into the room and licked his snout. "You're so nice, you know that? This makes me feel bad for ditching you on our first mating season for Wester."

"I always kinda felt bad about that." Drake replied. "But you know, it's not too late to make up for it. I'll be back next mating season, and then we can see about making up for that missed first time."

She chuckled. "We'll see." She replied, and then moved past him to where Jack was waiting in the bed. "You take care of him Jack, okay?"

Jack chuckled. "I'll kick him out when he starts eating too much." He joked. Vera laughed too, giving him a lick.

"Good man," She said, and then went back to the doorway.

"Should I tell Farek that you went AWOL on us?" She asked.

"That's alright, Vera." Drake replied with a chuckle. "You just take care of yourself."

"You, too." She said, and then disappeared into the hall.

Drake sighed. "Are you ready to go?" He asked, turning back to Jack.

"All set," He replied, and hunkered down in anticipation of a rough ride.

Drake grabbed the four ropes and began to haul the large sack towards the exit, his strength causing it to slide easily across the floor. Once they stood on the edge of the ledge, he dove down and through the exit, making sure the keep the lip of the canvas up so none of its contents fell out. Once they were outside, he hovered.

"What direction should we go?" He asked.

"South," Jack replied. "I want to go somewhere warm."

"Okay, south it is." Drake replied, and enthusiastically beat his wings and sent them cruising forward. His speed was greatly reduced by the bag. He felt thrilled to be able to start a new life with his new love. It might prove to be difficult for both of them, but Drake felt that as long as they were together, they would pull through. "So, tell me when you find a good cave, okay? Around here should be good."

"We haven't even been flying for two minutes." Jack called back.

"I know, I'm just joking." He laughed, and Jack joined him as they flew off beneath the bright moon.


"There! Did you see that?" Jack called, and pointed down off of Drake's right flank. He followed his finger, beginning to circle around the general area. And as he came around, he did see it. It was a large cave opening, well hidden from above by the thick screen of tropical trees. It looked like a perfect spot, except that there was nowhere to land.

"We can't get down there, Jack." Drake said. "There are too many trees scatter around."

"But just over there is a clearing." Jack said, and pointed out to the other side. Drake glanced over and saw the small clearing he was pointing to. It looked about the right size for him to land and take off out of, but he didn't have much room to spare.

"Maybe it could work. We'd probably have to take some trees down for me to fit through, but it might work." He said, and banked towards it. He came in a swooping arc, dropping the bag first before attempting to land. He ascended for a second pass once he was free of the sac, and landed next to it with quite a stumble. He hadn't landed for three days, since Drake had stopped to eat. Jack had packed some easily accessible food in his suitcase, which meant that Drake only had to hunt for himself. Game had been scare for a while. A paw full of lizards in the desert, and a few unassuming birds further north, but other than that, Drake hadn't eaten much. He would need to gorge on something large and meaty before the week was over.

As Drake looked around, he noticed that there would be no need to take down trees. The trees, undisturbed by humans at this point, were actually rather spread out. Their tops merely fanned out much farther than normal.

"It's so beautiful here," Jack said, climbing out of the bag for the first time in nearly a week and a half. He, too, was a little unstable on his own legs, but that didn't seem to stop him from stumbling over to Drake and hugging his leg.

"See? I told you this would be a good idea."

Drake smiled and kissed him. "You are right," He agreed. "Now come on. I think I see the cave up ahead."

And what a cave it was. It wasn't as wide as Drake's old cave was, at the entrance. But as they travelled deeper in, they came to a huge, circular room. There was a large hole in the ceiling, which was well hidden from above, but it allowed quite a lot of light in. It was completely empty, and looked like it had been for quite a while.

"This is definitely a dragon's handiwork." Drake commented, looking around as he dragged the sac into the center of the room. There was a slight step up onto a large, flat circle, which was clearly designed to fit a nest. Drake blew away the dried and rotting remains of the old nest before leaving the sac nearby and heading back towards the entrance.

"First things first, we need to build a base." He said, turning back to Jack, who was pacing around the circumference of the room. "Can you go through the bedding and sort out the pillows and blankets for me while I gather up the leaves and twigs and start building this thing?"

"No problem," Jack said, and made his way over to the canvas and began to toss pillows into a loose pile a few feet away.

"I'll be back and forth, in and out of the cave." Drake added.

"Okay," Jack replied, and then pulled himself out of the sac and ran over to Drake. Drake lowered his head down to the human before him, and they kissed each other. "I love you," He added with a smile, and then returned to his work.

Drake smiled back, and then set out to gather his nest-building materials.


"God, that took a long time!" Jack exclaimed, and flopped down into the nest after carefully spreading out the last blanket. Drake could smell that he had worked up quite a sweat from the work, and highly doubted that they would need them. "But now we have a nice, big bed to sleep in."

"Yep," Drake replied, and then turned and headed towards the entrance. He noticed Jack following him.

"Aren't you coming to bed?" Jack asked.

"In a second," Drake replied, and stopped at the side of the entrance. He felt certain muscles in his groin relax, and his penis emerged from its slit. Soon, a steady stream of urine began to flow from him, and he walked across the entrance, drenching the ground beneath him as he went.

"Uggh, Drake!" Jack exclaimed. "Can't you do that outside the cave?"

"I need to put my scent down. It stops wild animals, or at one point, other dragons, from coming in and trying to set up home."

"Ah," Jack replied, coughing a little. Drake could also smell the heavy scent of urine rising in the air, quite pungent.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to smell it at all in a few days." Drake replied. "Your nose isn't sensitive enough. And it won't smell so bad in the main room, because of the high ceiling."

Jack nodded, and began to retreat back into the cave. Drake raised his leg and shook himself, spreading his remaining urine on the walls a little before his spray ended. As he returned to Jack, his phallus slipped back up into his genital slit, though he hoped that it would be back out before the night was over.

He smiled when he saw Jack lying naked in the middle of the bed, his legs spread and a smile on his face as he looked watched him approached from between them. Drake wasted no time getting to the bed, and soon was standing over Jack, his huge body casting a shadow over the now very tiny-looking man beneath him.

"Drake, I was thinking," Jack said suddenly. "I want to do what we did our first time together."

Drake smiled. He knew exactly what Jack was referring to. "I love that idea. Just let me, freshen up for you." He said, and retreated from the bed. He lay down with his on side, with his back to Jack, and curled up as tightly as he could. His snout brushed up against his own ass, and he began to breathe his aphrodisiac over the orifice. He even used his tongue to spread his own hole in order to blow some it into him. It would give Jack something to dig for. There was no need to clean himself now, as he did so regularly for this very reason, so he was completely clean for Jack. Once he was finished, he stood up and sauntered over Jack backwards, his tail hiked to give Jack a perfect view.

"Are you ready?" He asked, looked between his legs to watch him. He saw Jack nodded. "Okay, close your eyes."

He waited until Jack did as he was told, and once the human's eyes were shut, he lowered himself down onto the human's head. He was careful to regulate the weight he put on Jack's head, just like before, but with the soft nest beneath him, he could put so much more down. He felt his scales brush against Jack's soft cheeks, and began to wriggle his rump as it descended, slowly pressing Jack down into the cushions. He felt his tongue begin to dance across his sweetened ring, and soon plunged deep into him. Drake squirmed a little at the feeling. Though he had been penetrated by other males before, Jack made it feel so good. He pushed his anal muscles out and put a little more weight down, feeling Jack's face go further into him, and beginning to hit the pockets of aphrodisiac that he had left for him. It was clear that he hit them, because his arms began to try and pull him down farther, and his tongue dug into his with such enthusiasm. It made Drake shudder, and he couldn't help but give into his demands, and sink lower.

"Let's get you slickened up for the main event, shall we." Drake said, and bent his own head down towards Jack's legs. His lips brushed across his erect member, but he brushed gently past it as he went for his real target. Drake used the tip of his snout to nudge Jack's legs apart, gaining access to his anus. He began to lick and nudge it, producing so extra saliva to make sure that he was good and wet for later. He wormed his tongue down into him, noticing that he, too, had been keeping clean, and sent it in as far as it would stretch. That would give him plenty of lubricant as he rutted deep into Jack.

Once his tongue was removed from Jack's rectum, he set to work lubricating his own member with his saliva. Though he felt bad pleasuring himself when Jack was right there trying to do it for him, his saliva would be far better as a lubricant than Jack's. And besides, once they started, his natural lubricants would be ejected almost instantly, and then there would be no need for it anyway.

"Jack? Are you ready for me?" Drake asked sensually, but in a particularly dominate way.

Jack nodded into his ass, and he reluctantly pulled it away from the human. He turned over him, and slowly lowered his body until he was lined up with his point of entry. His head lowered down to Jack's right ear, and he began to whisper to him.

"Jack, for all of my life I have been a submissive male. I've been penetrated by other males for their enjoyment, and I've watched the perfect females be stolen away from me during my one chance at breeding." He said. "But now, you are my perfect female, and I am going to dominate you like no other male can ever do afterwards." Drake whispered, deep down feeling empowered by the fact that he was about to take this male beneath him. "You will feel little pain, only the pleasure of our mating, and when I am finished, you will forever be my mate."

Jack nodded and kissed Drake's cheek. "Drake, I never told you, but the way those dragons raped me before...the roughness really turned me on. Take me rough, with the same vigor you had the first time."

Drake smiled inwardly. "Very well, I shall take you like a true female." He said, and then rose off of Jack for a moment. He used a deft hand to flip him onto his stomach, and he caught the hint. He held himself up on his hands and knees.

Drake lowered himself down again, smiling at the human's back as he lifted his wet rump to him. Drake's long tongue slithered out and caressed his back as he walked forward over Jack, until his felt his rigid phallus brush his side. After a quick reposition, he thrust forward with all his might, hilting Jack in a single thrust and sending him toppling forward in surprise. The salivary lubricant performed its task admirably, as he felt no friction as he entered. Once inside the fleshy passage, he waited for Jack to rise before he continued. His head snaked down between his legs, and he licked Jack's forehead.

"Is there any pain?" He asked gently.

Jack shook his head. "None. You know, you're kind of small for such a large beast." Jack said playfully.

Drake countered with a playful growl of his own, and began to forcefully rut against Jack. He fell on his face again, but this time Drake did not stop. He watched with a grin as Jack was pushed and pulled in and out of the cushions of the bed. "Does this make up for my lack of size?" He asked, though Jack could not reply.

Their sex lasted long into the night, as they took turns pleasuring on another. Once Drake was on the verge of climax, he pulled out, and began to suckle on Jack's soft fleshy member. This gave him time to recover, and by the time Jack was near his breaking point, he would continue rutting. Finally, when the moon was hanging directly above them, shining its light in a brilliant beam straight down onto them, Drake decided to end it.

"Jack, the time has come." He said through his panting breaths. "I will now mark you as my own."

Jack did not reply verbally, only clenched his anal muscles down as hard as he could, willing Drake on. But no extra force was necessary, as Drake felt his member pulse, and with a massive final thrust, he ejaculated in a mighty fashion. He flared his wings and reared back, lifting Jack up with him as he filled the human with his seed. It would have surely been a sight to behold, if anyone had been watching their lovemaking.

Drake was exhausted, using the energy of three ruts for this single event. He dropped straight down, pinning Jack between him and the bed, phallus still buried in him. He could feel Jack squirming beneath his belly, and though he didn't want to leave the fleshy cave, he didn't want to smother his mate either. He lifted his weight a bit, and pulled himself out of Jack, pulling some of his semen out with him and onto the cushions. Now freed of his penis, Jack crawled forward until he lay in the crook of the dragon's arm, and then collapsed again. Drake fell back down, pinning most of his body again, but he wasn't struggling anymore. It was in that position that he embraced, with Drake hugging Jack tightly to his body, and they both began to drift off to sleep.

"If this is our new life, I'm going to be doing a lot of sleeping." Drake thought to himself as he yawned. He leaned down and kissed his mate and love one last time before he fell asleep.