Interview with a Killer - Man-Eater

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#4 of Interview with a Killer

Another volunteer for an interview, and a rare killer: A woman! (Statistically, female serial killers are rare.) This one has a love for sinking her teeth into her victims quite literally, and has taken an interest in Baz and Vicky. Maybe the wrong kind of interest...

This is the last planned chapter to this story, but there could always be more. I've already been given an idea that I might play with in the future, and the setting is always open for a commission if someone likes it.

Interview with a Killer - Man-Eater

By XP Author

Gravel crunched under the tires noisily as Baz pulled the truck to a halt. "You sure this is the place?" The dragon looked at his companion, the would-be investigative reporter, Vicky.

The mouse nodded. "Yeah, this is where they said to meet them."

The pair exited the trunk and looked at their surroundings. They had come to an abandoned old warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The run down old building was mostly solid metal, with most of the windows missing, broken, or boarded up. Trash littered about the ground from some of the homeless that sometimes liked to take shelter in the old place, or from teens looking for somewhere to get drunk or stoned or party. The green walls were covered in graffiti almost as much as rust. The place had been abandoned some decades ago, along with the train yard further along the unused tracks nearby. A sign of the heavy manufacturing side of industry moving gradually out of the city.

Baz pushed the old, metal door open, the hinges creaking loudly. The sound echoed around the mostly empty interior. A few feral rats scurried off away from a pile of trash against one wall, fleeing back to the dark corners. The place smelled of dust, rusted metal, and old, spilled alcohol. Baz was just happy it didn't smell like urine. The homeless tended to use wherever they wanted as their bathroom. The interior was dark, with the sun only just managing to filter through the broken windows and small holes in the roof.

Vicky called out. "Hello?" Her voice echoed around them. When there wasn't a response, she was wondering if they had been pranked. She tried again. "I'm here to do the interview..."

"Who's the big guy, then?" The pair jumped as the voice came from nearby. Only a dozen feet away, the toned, feminine figure of a cheetah emerged from the shadows. Neither had even seen her there, though Baz had immediately stepped in front of Vicky protectively.

Vicky pat the dragon's arm gently. "He's my bodyguard. Are you Heather Creshit?"

The woman stepped to the side, into more direct light for the pair to see her more fully. "I am." The woman looked Baz up and down as much as he was doing to her. She was young, similar age to Vicky, maybe a year older. He guessed no more than late twenties. She stood almost a foot taller than the mouse, though still quite a bit shorter than him, of course. She dressed in very basic, baggy clothing that hid most of her body, all in dark grays. An old t-shirt that was a size too big, and a pair of cloth shorts that hung loose to her knees, leaving only toned calves and feet exposed. He could tell by the way she moved that the body hidden under her baggy clothing was athletic. She moved like a predator with practiced ease. Her tan hair was cropped so short, it almost blended in with her golden fur.

Vicky again patted Baz' arm gently. "Relax." She cleared her throat and addressed the woman. "Well, I should set up my equipment. Though..." She looked around a little. "The sound quality of this place is pretty terrible. It'll be really echo-y on the mic. Plus, is there anywhere we could sit?"

Heather gave a smile to the mouse, taking a much more relaxed stance. "Oh, yes. I had thought of that." She motioned to her right. "There is an old office over there we can use. Should echo less. Even has working lights!" She chuckled softly. "I replaced the bulbs this morning to make sure."

Baz tilted his head. "How forward thinking of you."

Heather smiled up at the tall dragon. "Well, I did invite you here. I've used this place before, so I know it quite well." She led the way to the office she mentioned. It was, like most of the abandoned warehouse, lacking in any kind of decor. Where the two large windows that looked out upon the warehouse itself would be, plywood had instead been nailed into place. The walls were covered in a faded beige color, most of the paint chipped or flaking off. Above, a large lamp hung from the ceiling, casting a wide net of light down upon a pair of wooden chairs set up in the center of the room. Heather looked at the dragon as he entered. "Sorry, I only got two chairs. Didn't know there would be a third person here..."

Baz shook his head. "It's fine. I prefer to stand." He moved to a wall and leaned back against it, crossing his arms.

Vicky busied herself setting up her camera and mic. "Yeah, it's got much less echo in here. Still not the best quality, but it'll do. Shouldn't be too big of a problem." With the size of the room, the camera had to be set up more in the corner. It meant that, for the first time since his interview, Baz would be mostly on camera. She made a mental note to see if she could crop him out. She would just blur his face if she had to.

Heather dropped into one of the seats, the one facing the wall Baz leaned against. She crossed her legs and leaned back in a relaxed pose, letting him watch her all he wanted. It was clear he didn't trust her, but then he was a bodyguard, so that was to be expected. There was also the tiny fact that he knew she was a killer. Since that was the case, she didn't bother hiding how much she was admiring the large dragon's muscular frame, even if it was hidden under his tailored suit. "You are quite the specimen, aren't you?" Baz didn't reply, which only made the cheetah smile at him. She looked over at Vicky as the mouse finished her set up. "Have you seen him out of that suit yet?"

Vicky looked at Heather. "Huh?" She looked back at Baz. "Oh... I mean, he wasn't wearing the suit when I first interviewed him. Just some normal clothes."

The feline shook her head. She hadn't expected such an innocent response from the rodent. "No, I mean have you seen him naked."

Vicky's eyes went wide and she shook her head quickly. "OH! NO! No no, we're not... like that. No."

Heather chuckled to herself. "Oh. Shame. Must have so many rippling muscles hiding under those scales..." While Vicky was clearly flustered by the notion, Baz didn't give the woman the satisfaction of a response. "And so cool under pressure."

Vicky took a few moments to regain her composure. "I... uh... I think we should just start the interview." Heather nodded, and the mouse turned to the camera to start her usual introduction. "Hello, everyone. I know it's been a little while since my last interview video. But we have another who volunteered! Not only that, but also something very rare. A female serial killer!" Statistically, the vast majority of serial killers were male. "Today, we'll be interviewing The Man-Eater!"

Heather couldn't help but laugh the way the mouse said her title. "Please, my dear. Just call me Heather."

Vicky smiled back and nodded. "If you're sure. So first, I've got to ask. Your accent. Where are you from?"

Heather again let out a soft chuckle. "I was born and raised in England. I came to the US a few years ago after... well, after staying in my home country was a problem."

Vicky nodded slowly. "Care to tell us why?"

The feline grinned wide. "Well, it was there that I got the title 'The Man-Eater.' My first victim was my father. Don't feel sorry for him, though. He was an abusive shit of a man. He drove my mother away, but I was stuck having to live with him. Got tired of him always being drunk, yelling at me, and watching him hit whatever girlfriend he had at the time. So when he tried to hit me, I fought back. Ended up biting his throat open during the fight." She took a deep breath. "That was when I learned just how good a fresh kill felt and tasted. I've been addicted ever sense."

Vicky tilted her head. "Sounds like it would be self defense. You had to flee because of that?"

Heather shook her head. "Oh, no. He was just the first person I ever tasted. After that, I had a craving for more. I tried to just eat raw meat, but it never did it. Wild animals also didn't give me the same thrill. No, it had to be a person. So I started stalking for prey. I would roam from town to town or around the bigger cities, finding strays that were alone. Homeless, drunks, or the foolish that walked dark streets by themselves. I'd follow them and pounce as soon as I could get the chance. Then I'd sink my teeth in and savor those last moments."

The feline closed her eyes, a shiver running through her body as she thought about those kills, clearly excited just by the memories alone. "However, just hunting strays wasn't enough after a few years. I wanted more of a challenge. I started hunting bigger game. Usually big guys that looked like they knew how to fight. Most of them didn't, swinging their fists around clumsily, but it would still hurt when they did manage to get a hit in. Only made the moment I ripped into those muscles all the more savory."

Vicky suddenly thought Heather's appreciation of Baz' form was less to do with attraction. "That does explain the title they gave you."

Heather nodded slowly. "Oh yes. Of course, some of the men were very easy to lure away if I wanted a quick bite. A promise of some free pussy, a quicky in the back alley, or follow them home. The look they get as I claw their chest open or bite into their throat right as they're emptying their balls into me..." She took another deep breath. "...mmmph... there's nothing quite like it." She got another smile, one more predatory than friendly. "Though I've never been above hunting a cute girl here and there, either. From the big bull types to the cute little ones pretending their just 'experimenting' with another woman."

The feline took another breath, but this time let it out in a sigh. "Unfortunately, I picked the wrong guy one night. This big buffalo bull. Almost as big as your dragon friend there. Found him walking home from a party, offered to show him a good time. He was more than happy to accept my offer... so long as I didn't tell his wife, of course. So much meat on his bones, I ended up leaving a lot more than I usually do. Which was the problem, as he was easy to identify much faster than usual. I hadn't had the chance to flee town yet." She sighed again. "And, of course, the fucker was a cop. Next thing I know, I'm the most wanted woman in the area, and not in the way I'd like. So next chance I got, I fucked my way onto a ship to smuggle my way across the ocean, and now I'm here."

Vicky had started her usual squirming. "Oh? So, did you try to start a new life once you got here?"

Heather stood up slowly. "Sorry, my legs are cramping a bit. Mind if I walk around while I talk?" Vicky shook her head. "Thank you." She started to slowly pace around the room, shaking her legs a little to keep the blood flowing. "Anyway, to answer your question, yes. I did actually try to start a new life. I found a really crappy job at a small convenience store. The owner didn't ask questions about background, just needed someone who could stock shelves. He was decent enough. But I just couldn't help but crave another taste."

Vicky watched the woman moving around. "Did you kill the owner?"

Heather laughed. "Oh goodness, no. For one, he was far too old for my taste. Plus, he'd been nice. No." She shook her head. "I killed his grandson. Arrogant little prick. Liked to brag about how good he was at football for the college team. Bragged about a lot of things. I will say, his bragging about his size wasn't just bluster, though. Boy was HUNG." She grinned again. "But, of course, I had to leave after that. So I've been doing what I used to do. Bounce from town to town. I ended up in Alta Ferro a little while ago. Don't normally stay for as long as I have, but this place is so crowded. So many people to taste! I've been having fun."

Vicky nodded once more. "Well, you've given us so much already... uh... do you have any favorite kills you'd like to share?"

Heather grinned once more. "Oh, nothing in particular." She walked past Vicky on her wandering around the room, ending up near Baz. "Though I'm always looking to try new challenges." Before either of them could react, the feline had suddenly drawn a small, narrow dagger from a hidden pocket. With a swift, sudden motion, she'd jammed the blade into the side of the dragon. "Like two at once on film!" Baz cried out in pain as the blade pierced him. It was narrow enough that it slipped between his scales. Blood started to stain his suit. He swung out at the woman, but she ducked under his swing easily. Vicky cried out and nearly fell of her chair, backing away from the sudden violence.

Baz grit his teeth as Heather took a step back. "Come on, big guy. You're supposed to be a bodyguard!" He took another swing at her, though it was a feint. The woman barely managed to avoid the real blow, having to launch herself to the side as the dragon's fist nearly connected with the side of her face. If it had, she would have been out cold for sure. Baz grunted in pain all the same, his side feeling on fire from the wound.

The next thing he knew, the woman was on his back, having used the momentum of her dodge to continue around behind him and jump up onto him. He felt her hands around his neck from behind. The claws of her feet dug into his back as she rode him, her weight pushing him forward. He tried to throw her off, but she just shifted her weight with him, almost steering him. He was so focused on trying to throw her off, he didn't realize how close he was to the boarded up windows. She pushed forward on his back, and his head smashed into and through the plywood, shattering the wood and adding a throbbing dizziness to his pain.

Baz cried out again as she literally slide down his back, dragging claws against him and shredding his clothing in the process. The only thing that kept his back from being torn to tatters as well was his durable scales, but it still hurt like hell. Dizzy, he still spun around to face her, stumbling on his feet for a moment. His vision was blurry, and he reacted too late as she lunged forward again, grasping his throat once more. "Love to play more, but I got other things to do!" She raked her claws against his throat, slashing one than the other hand across. He reached up to grab at his throat with one hand, trying to grab at her with his other. She slid back, bumping into one of the chairs and nearly toppling over it. She managed to keep her balance, but did get an idea. Grabbing the back of the chair, she swung it as hard as she could at the man. The wooden chair splintered against him, sending him tumbling back through the window he'd broken earlier. He crashed to the floor on his belly and lay there, not moving.

Heather panted heavily, though more from the excitement of the fight than exertion. As much as she wanted to go and start tearing into the dragon, she had someone else to focus on instead. Turning around, she gave a wide, wild smile at Vicky. The mouse had flattened herself against the opposite wall, hands covering her mouth as she saw her large friend taken out like that. Heather laughed softly. "What? Now you're afraid? You always get so squirmy in your videos when people talk about raping and killing little girls like you."

Vicky shook her head. "N-no... stay back!" Heather did not. She lunged forward and grabbed the mouse by her hair, yanking her away from the wall and throwing her to the floor.

Heather was suddenly on top of the mouse, straddling her hips, claws out and fangs bared. "Stop pretending, Vicky. You want this. I can smell it on you." She reached down and grabbed one of the mouse's breasts, squeezing it through her clothing. Vicky let out a whimper, still shaking her head. "Why else would such a sweet little mouse willingly put herself in the same room with rapists and killers that want to destroy cute things like you?" Heather slashed her hand down Vicky's middle, tearing into the clothing and scratching at the woman. She pulled the tattered clothes open, exposing the mouse's small breasts and white fur, with three thin lines of red showing where she'd just cut her. Light wounds that would sting, but hardly fatal.

Vicky started trying to get away, pushing at the woman on top of her, looking around for anything to grab. Heather reached down and grabbed Vicky's throat tight. "Don't go looking for your dragon to help you. I slashed his throat open. He's probably already bled out by now." She leaned down closer, squeezing her neck just a little more. "Or maybe you'd like to see his corpse up close? Ride yourself against his cooling body?" Shifting how she sat, the feline reached down to dive a hand into Vicky's pants, claw-tipped fingers teasing against her lips. "Look just how wet you are. You can deny it, but you're enjoying this. I knew you would. That's why I wanted you to come here. I've never had a willing meal."

Vicky panted heavily, though the hand on her throat made breathing harder. "I-I don't... want it..."

Heather let go of her throat, only to slap the rodent across the face. Vicky cried out as claws scraped her face, blood running from three lines on her cheek. "Stop lying!" Heather tore into the rodent's pants next, opening more scratches, this time along her thighs as her clothing was torn to tatters. Heather grabbed what was left of the clothes and ripped them away, leaving the mouse naked on the cold floor. "Tell me you want it! Tell me you want to die to a serial killer! Tell me..." Her hand was against between the woman's legs, teasing at her. "...and I'll let you cum first."

Vicky whimpered, tears in her eyes. She was terrified, in pain, and to her absolute shame, more turned on than she had ever been in her life. A part of her had wanted this, to have one of the serial killers she'd spent the last several years of her life obsessively researching to find and kill her. "Y-yes... I... I want it..." She closed her eyes. "I want to be used... and killed... oh God what is wrong with me, I want it..."

Heather laughed as the woman broke down so easily. "Good girl." She ran her finger against Vicky's slit teasingly, forcing a whimpering moan from the rodent, but didn't give her more pleasure. Instead, she sat up to strip herself. She never bothered with anything under her clothing, so with the removal of her shirt and shorts, she was just as naked as the mouse. "Much better. Now we can enjoy your last moments together."

This time, when the feline's hand slid between Vicky's legs, she did slip a finger into the soaking wet slit hiding there. Vicky let out another moan, tears still in her eyes. She didn't even need to be held down now, accepting this. The finger pushed in deeper, rubbing along the tight inner walls. Vicky was so conflicted, wanting this to happen, but at the same time, not wanting it. She had fantasized about being a victim, masturbated to that fantasy many times. Now, here she was, with a killer finger fucking her, making her moan in pleasure, and she was questioning why she was letting it happen. Did she really want to be killed so much?

Vicky's thoughts were clouded as the pleasure rose within her. A second finger slipped inside, both pumping within her quickly. She felt the feline's claws scratching just slightly inside of her, not painfully, but threateningly. The mouse moaned louder, crying out as the feline drove her onwards. Vicky panted heavily, looking up and shaking her head. "N-not... not yet... almost..." her words were half-moan, half-squeak. Her inner walls were already starting to clench around the fingers within her. "Almost... there... almost..."

Heather giggled down at the mouse. "So soon? Don't worry. You can cum first. Go on, scream your pleasure for me! Cum for me so I can taste your final moment!" She pumped her hand harder, her own arousal growing, as much as her anticipation for that first bite. She watched the mouse squirming under her, watched her chest rise and fall in rapid breaths. Watch that lovely little neck, practically seeing the arteries she was going to bite into soon.

Vicky tried to hold herself back, but couldn't for very long. She did exactly what Heather said and screamed out as she came, her pussy clenching around those fingers tight. "Cumming! I'm cumming!" Her juices gushed out of her around the digits, her hips bucking up against her hand again and again, as her tail thrashed under her. She rode the most powerful orgasm of her life for what seemed like hours to her. After the cascading waves of pleasure finally abated, she collapsed onto the floor fully, panting heavily.

Heather slipped her fingers free, bringing them to her lips and tasting the mouse's juices upon them. "Mmm... good girl. Thank you for telling me. Now, it's my turn for fun."

Vicky opened her eyes and looked up at Heather. "I wasn't... talking to... you..."

Heather blinked as she looked down at the mouse. "What?" Suddenly, a dark shadow loomed behind the feline and she swore. A massive hand grabbed her wrist before she could turn, an iron grip clamping upon her. She tugged anyway, then screamed in agony as a hand slammed into her elbow, forcing her arm to lock, then taking it too far, shattering the bones in her arm. The grip twisted hard and pulled, forcing another scream from the feline as the broken bones scraped against each other. Another blow, this time to her shoulder, dislocated the joint. When the iron grip let go of her wrist, her arm dropped limp.

Baz stood over the woman, seething with rage. "First rule of being a murderer. Always check your kills."

Heather held her dislocated shoulder with her other hand, looking up at the dragon. "How... I cut..."

Baz lifted his chin up a little, showing the scratches against his neck. The claws hadn't cut, only scraped against his scales. "Dragon scales are tougher than you think." Heather tried to lash out at him, swiping at his thigh, but he was ready for her this time. He stepped back out of the way, grabbing her undamaged wrist mid-swipe. He quickly pulled it to the side and forced her down onto her stomach, pressing a knee to her back. The feline screamed as he pulled back, until he dislocated this shoulder the same as the other. He dropped the arm, and it thudded against the floor. He reached down and grabbed her head, pulling it back, only to smack her face against the unyielding concrete below her. The screams stopped as her body jerked under him and lay still. Though she was still breathing... for now.

Baz quickly shifted his attention to Vicky, moving over and kneeling beside her. "Hey. Are you alright?" He looked at the various cuts and bloodstains in her fur.

Vicky, still fighting tears, nodded slowly. "Y-yes... I'm... it's just some scratches... nothing serious..."

The dragon shook his head, reaching up to brush her cheek with a finger. "What about you, thought. Are you going to be okay?"

Vicky closed her eyes, though she did lean against the touch. "I..." She sighed. "I don't know... I think I will be..." She looked up a little, seeing the blood soaked hole where he'd been stabbed. "What about you?"

He shrugged. "It'll leave a mark, but I'll survive. Already stopped bleeding. Dragons heal quick, and she missed anything vital."

Vicky nodded, closing her eyes again and just enjoying his stroking against her cheek. After a long moment of just leaning her face against his touch, she opened her eyes once more and looked to the unconscious form of Heather. "What about her?"

Baz glanced back. "She's not a threat right now. Broken arm and both shoulders dislocated. Definitely gave her a concussion, too. Possibly worse." He had smacked her head against the ground pretty hard, but he hadn't heard or felt her skull crack. Didn't mean there wasn't still brain damage from the blow.

Vicky sat up slowly, letting out a soft groan of pain. "Bitch deserves more than that."

Baz nodded slowly. "Yeah. No telling if she'll try and come after us for some misguided form of revenge. Or try and kill your site or something like that..." He shifted a little. "Shouldn't be hard to just snap her neck and leave her here."

Before he could stand up, Vicky grabbed his sleeve. "Wait... not like that..." He looked down at her questioningly. She looked back up at him, looking suddenly nervous. "I saw how you got when you told me about your last time. I know you were tempted to do it to me... still are..." He frowned a little, but couldn't deny it. "Do it to her instead."

Baz looked at the woman, then back at Vicky. "I-I can't..."

Vicky gave him a pleading look. "Please... I want to see it first hand. And I think you need it." She reached a hand up to touch his leg, gently brushing the hardened shaft hiding within his pants. "Pretend it's me if you want..."

Baz sighed softly. "You sure? It makes a real mess..."

Vicky nodded, squeezing her legs together a little bit. "I'm sure. I really want to see it." She looked back at Heather, who was groaning as she started to slowly come back to consciousness. "Just don't hold anything back. Give her the full treatment."

Baz grinned, nodding. "As you wish, Vicky." He pat her head gently, and stood up, moving over to Heather. Vicky scooted herself a little away, leaning her back against the wall nearby so she could watch.

Baz stripped himself of his clothing, tossing everything to the side as it was pulled off. It was the first time Vicky had seen him completely naked, and he was more impressive than she could ever have imagined. Black scales covering rippling muscles, his wings flexing behind him before folding back into place, and that cock! He had told her about it, but seeing it in person was something else. Sixteen inches long and three inches thick, with little bumps and ridges along the shaft. The balls that hung between his legs were massive, too. She couldn't help but stare, squeezing one of her own breasts slightly.

Baz kicked Heather over onto her back, making the woman groan louder. She had just started to come back to consciousness, and now was reminded of all the pain she was in. She opened her eyes slowly, only for them to go wide as she saw the monster cock hovering over her. "What... the fuck...?"

Baz gave her a sadistic smile. "I hear you like to fuck your victims before killing them. Well, I like to kill my victims BY fucking them!" He knelt down, grabbing her legs and dragging her closer. He slapped his cock against her belly, showing that the tip would end up somewhere in her guts when inserted.

Heather shook her head. "Don't you dare, you piece of shit!" Her words were rewarded with a hard slap across the face.

Baz glared down at her. "You tried to kill me and my friend. You failed. Now it's my turn." He pulled his hips back, pressing the tip against the feline's slit. She was still aroused from her torment of Vicky earlier. Not that it would help much.

She shook her head, more desperate now. "N-no! Please! Stop!" He did not stop. Instead, the dragon started to push forward hard, yanking her legs back at the same time. She started to scream in pain as he tried to force himself into her. Even just the pointed tip slipping into her was almost too much for her. Her lips were spread to their limit, then past it as he forced deeper. Blood started to trickle as she tore around him. The feline's pleas for him to stop were replaced by a shriek of agony as he suddenly surged forward, several inches spreading her insides wider than she could take. His tip was pressed up against her cervix already, trying to spear through it in the first thrust.

Vicky gasped softly as she watched, now rubbing herself openly. She watched as Baz dropped the feline's legs and grabbed her hips, dragging her back harder. Heather continued screaming as she felt her pelvis straining under the pressure, only for it to give out at the same time as the barrier into her womb did the same. As he speared through her cervix, her bones cracked and broke audibly. Her legs went from flailing and kicking to twitching and quivering. Her belly bulged out visibly where his cock was embedded within her.

He didn't stop there, pulling back a little, only to grunt and force himself forward again. He tore through her womb, splitting it open and penetrating deep into her guts. He let out a loud groan as he felt the familiar feeling of the wet warmth around his shaft. He had so missed that feeling. Heather's shrieks grew louder than before. He started thrusting deep into her now, pumping his hips and pushing more each time. Blood drooled around his shaft, dripping onto the floor under her.

Vicky moaned as she watched, several of her own fingers buried into her pussy, pumping away as she panted. She tried not to make too much noise to distract him. "Moan for me... let me hear you..." Baz spoke to Vicky, and she couldn't help but comply. She let out a loud moan as he pumped deeper, seeing the bulge in Heather's belly moving upwards with every penetration. Heather continued to shriek in agony. Baz growled down at her. "Not you. You're too loud!" He grabbed the feline's sides and yanked her back, shoving himself fully into the woman. His cock ripped right through the woman's diaphragm, and her screaming died in her throat. Blood splattered against her lips, and her breathing became short, wet, rasping gasps.

Baz groaned loud, his cock throbbing within the woman's guts. He wouldn't last long. It had been so long since he had enjoyed this. "Gonna... cum soon..." It was more for Vicky than the woman he was pounding into. Though Heather's eyes still went wide at the announcement.

Vicky, her fingers pumping at herself furiously, moaned back at him. "Do it! Cum in her... split her open!" Vicky had been expecting his cock to come bursting out through Heather's chest, like how he described with Nina. That didn't happen. Baz kept thrusting hard, feeling the pleasure rising higher, until he couldn't hold himself back any more. He jammed himself fully into her and let out a roar of pleasure, cumming harder than he had in almost ten years. Wave after wave of hot seed poured into the woman's guts, filling her insides and coating the organs in his hot jizz. Her belly started to bulge outwards visibly, swelling as she was filled.

Vicky watched with rapt attention as the feline coughed up more blood. Heather's body swelled, her belly bulged out like she was pregnant with twins, then triplets, then more and more. The cheetah couldn't even scream her pain, blood filling her mouth as the pressure collapsed her lungs. Baz thrust several more times, his balls dumping an impossible amount of cum into the woman. Ten years of pent up desire poured into her. Finally, her body couldn't take it, and with one final thrust, the flesh at the feline's belly split. All at once, her chest and swollen abdomen burst open, exploding with a torrent of blood, gore, and cum. Her body jerked under him, then lay still, quivering and shaking.

Vicky cried out, cumming even harder than before as she watched the woman explode open. The rodent's whole body trembled and shook, her pussy splashing her juices again. The sight of it only drew several more spurts from Baz. His cock poked up through the gaping hole, spraying more of his seed onto Heather's face, into her mouth, agape in shock and agony. It took minutes for him to calm, his cock still throbbing hard, but no longer dumping cum into the open cavity of the woman. Heather's heart had fluttered to a halt at some point soon after her chest burst open, and now she lay dead under him. Bloody cum filled her insides like a grotesque bowl.

Vicky crawled her way over to him, kneeling beside him, not caring that she was kneeling in bits of semen-covered cat guts. She looked down at the results. "That's... damn, that was so much more than what I expected!"

Baz panted a soft laugh. "A lot... more than usual. It has been a while..." Vicky nodded. "Hold her down for me." Vicky looked up at him, then down at Heather. She was certainly not going to move on her own. The mouse still did as asked, grabbing the corpse by the shoulders. She understood why as Baz started to pull back. She held the body down as he ripped himself free, literally ripping open the last bit of flesh at her hips and leaving her split clean down her front, from neck to pussy.

Baz sat back, panting heavily. "Fuck... You were right. I did need tha-" He looked down as Vicky was suddenly between his legs. She'd grabbed the remains of her clothing and was using them to gently clean off his cock and scales. "Hey..."

She smiled up at him. "Hey. Don't worry, just helping to clean you off. Though we're gonna need new clothes... mine are... well, like this, and yours have a big hole in the side."

Baz nodded slowly, letting her clean him off. She was being careful, though it wasn't helping him go soft in any way. "I got us covered. I have a change of clothes in the truck for me, and you can wear the coat. At least until we get you home."

Vicky smiled. "Thanks!"

They sat in silence, enjoying the unusual afterglow. Once Vicky was down cleaning him off, at least enough that he wouldn't immediately make a mess of fresh clothing, she scooted over to his side and leaned against him. "Does this make us an official murder-couple now?"

He smiled, putting an arm around her to hold her close. "I guess so." He looked up. "Hey, the camera's been rolling this whole time..."

Vicky nodded. "Yeah... I thought about that." She sighed and reluctantly stood up to turn the camera off and start putting it away. Thankfully, it hadn't gotten hit in the blast, nor had her bag to store it in. "Don't think I'll be posting THIS interview on the site."

Baz smirked. "There's sites on the dark web that would pay good money for an official snuff video like this, though."

Vicky giggled. "Yeah. Probably pay more for it this one video than I make in a year with ad revenue." She grinned at him. "Or we could just keep it for ourselves to enjoy..."

Baz chuckled back. "I say go for the money." He grinned a little wider. "Hey, who knows. If it sells for high enough, we could always make another..."

Vicky couldn't hold back her laughter. "The burster couple! Never thought I'd end up being a part of the killing side of this..."

Baz stood up. "Maybe next time you can actually do the deed yourself. Find your own style."

The two started to walk out, Vicky leaning against the larger man. "Maybe... but I think watching someone else do it is my style." She smiled wider as he put a hand around her shoulder as they walked outside towards his truck. "We'll see."

* *END?* *