Pt 12 - The Druid's Wedding

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#12 of The Druid's Tale

Lily and Gux are married at an altar of their own making, and celebrate the only way a married couple truly can.

I'll admit, I added the sex scene from the original. I was in the mood and I hope you won't mind. There'd been too many parts without one as is.

The day of the wedding was a huge celebration, and it only grew bigger as the people who gathered (quite a lot of them, considering the perceived animosity towards Gux) were led through the woods near their hut into a large circular clearing. Trees were grown into archways, with white flowering vines covering them and draping to the ground, creating a small, natural chapel.

Gux stood at the front of it in a specially fitted formal suit made of the finest wool... which itched like crazy against his fur, but he knew it looked good on him and Lily loved it, so he was fighting the urge to rip it off and start scratching himself against every tree he could find. He had been told to stand here, look respectful, speak from the heart, and say "I do" at the right time... He had no clue what weddings looked like, and the three days hadn't been very long at all, but... He was going to do his best.

Juniper and her husband Rooster had Yew sitting between them in a place of honor. Elder Elm had his own place of honor, but nobody else from the council had decided to show up... Not that Gux cared. He waved at Elm happily, then wiggled his tail playfully at Yew. As the last few people entered, there was a flurry of feathers and movement as birds of every type all seemed to spring from every tree, rushing skyward. Beneath them small pink cherry blossoms rained down over the people in attendance, while doves spiraled down through them in a very choreographed pattern. Gux looked up, watching with elation and... confusion on how they learned to fly in a heart so quickly.

The doves nearly touched the clover carpet on the ground, then all dispersed, taking with them the petals and leaving, standing next to Gux, Lily. She was in a very beautiful, intricate white lace outfit with flower and vine designs running down it. She looked stunning, a fact that was plain to see by Gux's hung-open jaw and goofily wagging tail. Lily giggled lightly, coming over and closing his mouth with a gloved hand.

An owl flew down that was watching the proceedings, and a moment later was one of the many druids around town. Gux... didn't actually know him very well, just that he was one of the ones that went on much more about the forest goddesses and listening to them... Gux wasn't really the spiritual type, but he tried to pay close attention to the long, kind of boring sermon about how he was going to be joined to Lily forever by a silver band that would ensure their love would grow and flourish and produce many fruits, laughs, and years of happiness... It was all very nice, but Gux was lost the entire time looking at Lily... how beautiful she was, how happy she made him... how happy he was to be her mate.

He was pushed out of his revelry when he was elbowed by Lily, who was looking at him expectantly. He looked around and all eyes were on him. His eyes then went wide. "Right! Speech..." He looked at her, then sighed happily. "Lily... I never accepted before you. Tribe vicious and mean, hunters try to kill, animals run... You give me life I not know exist. Make me needed... make me loved. I not know what love is, but what I learned... I never happier. Found friend... found teacher... found place, purpose... love. I always love you until I die..." He was looking at her with those weepy eyes, his tail wagging away... if he could happy cry, he would've, but right now he was mostly trying very hard to stifle back his laugh he knew would scare the guests, but showed his greatest happiness. The little blips of sound caught the priest off guard.

Lily had tears in her eyes as she looked into his big golden ones. She then took out a small scroll she'd tucked into her breast, having already written down her speech. However, she couldn't read it through the tears, so she tossed it aside. "Gux... Despite all the people who talk down about you and think I'm crazy for doing this, I know you're the real deal. You love with more intensity than anyone I know, caring for every living thing, and you wouldn't hurt a fly except to protect a smaller, weaker fly from the bully fly. Every minute I spend with you makes my heart flutter and sing with joy, and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you enjoying everything it has to offer us... I know that it is true and returned when I say that I love you with all my being, and always will."

The priest nodded when she was done, taking their hands and placing them together. "With Eostre's guidance, may you two find many long, happy years together, bound forever in love and life in a holy union that shall never be broken." He used magic to grow a vine around their hands, signalling the bond, and though he didn't do so, a lily blossomed between them. He looked surprised, then smiled. "You are quite the blessed union... you may kiss each other as man and wife."

Immediately Lily jumped forward and up, getting caught in Gux's arms as he kissed her, leaning down with her weight until her long hair, woven with flowers, was trailing on the ground. The crowd all cheered until the kiss went on uncomfortably long, one or two awkward coughs being heard before, finally, Gux stood up and placed Lily back on her feet. Together they walked down the aisle created by the naturally grown chairs and benches, going straight from the wedding to the party that had been put together by Juniper, with a large cake in the center, two little figures standing on top: a gnoll and a beautiful bride. Together they cut the cake, fought over feeding a slice to each other, made a huge mess, and started their life together amid celebration, party, supporting friends... and the true love of togetherness.

That night, Gux carried Lily into the house, knowing that was important as he easily brought her through the threshold and right up to the bed. There, placing her down, with her beautiful (if cake stained) gown flowing around her, he didn't know how she could be a more wondrous sight. At least until she gave him the seductive eyes, her legs crossing and gliding together, before sliding apart teasingly. "Well, my mate. Aren't you going to consummate the marriage?"

His eyes went wide, and he shook his head. "I not consume! I love Lily... maybe play consume, with licks, but no eat! I not hurt love!"

She shook her head. "No, no no no no. Not... well, maybe the fun licking part, but no! It's not eating! It's..." She sighed, flopping back and slowly running a hand up her side, feeling the lace glide under her fingers. "If we hadn't ever been together, my love, this would be when you would mount me, claim me as yours, and plant your seed deep inside my fertile, virgin fields... But since I know just how well you plow them, I think we can be a bit rougher, don't you think?"

Gux laughed his hyena laugh, his tail wagging behind him. "Why not say?" He then, in one swift motion, ripped the woolen suit he'd been wearing off, revealing nothing but his naked, spotted fur and the length throbbing between his legs. Some pang in the back of Lily's head had her annoyed at the destroyed garment, but it was flushed aside by the waterfall making its way to her lower lips, her flower petals beading with dew at the lusty, eager lover before her. She bit her lower lip, her fingers curling into the sheets. She could repair the clothes later... there were spells for that.

What spells couldn't begin to compare to was the movement of her new husband as, with a lusty flare in his eyes, he gripped her dress at the breast and tore down it, fabric slicing away and her breasts bouncing free, her air being struck by the cool night air, and her lower lips glistening as they were exposed, the need in her mate's movements making her shiver. He'd become more dominant since their first bout together, even if she was usually in charge, but this...

He pounced on the bed, his huge form over her, his cock throbbing above her pussy, practically radiating heat in the form of eager need it presented with each heartbeat. "You my mate. I make happier than ever." He grinned, perhaps a little wide, before he plunged down into a deep kiss while his rough paws slid along her delicate flower.

She gasped, giving him enough time for his tongue to worm its way into her mouth, dancing and twirling with hers. It was still sloppy, not meant for the motions he was making it do, and yet she had to admit she loved the way it probed and teased her. But her mind was torn in two places as her other lips suckled around the finger gliding into her, spreading her wide and collecting her honey. She was oh so very ready for him, her body aching from head to toe... Particularly in a knot just beyond his reach.

If he'd been a little more in tune, he might have noticed the way she squirmed, or the subtle signs of her legs splaying, wanting him to push everything he had deep inside her. As he was, though, he was focused on her pleasure, which was getting whines and moans around his tongue as she squealed and wriggled, his fingers doing magic to her. They tingled and sparked, little motes of green bringing life and sensitivity to her already needy womanhood, while her own magic seemed to feedback with his, sparking along his fur and causing a tingle up his spine.

He pulled free, nuzzling her lovingly and feeling her grab hold of his fur, trying to claw him closer, but he wasn't going to let her be in charge today. For once, he was going to be the top dog, or top gnoll, and there was no disputing that. He pulled himself free as he lowered his body, feeling her move, while a paw went to her neck, gently, but firmly, holding her in place. She trilled, loving the dominant play as her legs wrapped around his neck, trying to pull him closer. She didn't need to coax, though, as he grinned. "Time to consume mate." He then dove into her pussy, his nose pressed against her clit while his tongue delved deep, even deeper than his fingers.

She arched against the bed, moaning out and pressing down against his muzzle, which was large enough to suck on her whole pussy at once, bringing blood to the area and flushing the sensitive zone with sensation. She struggled, mostly fighting to get closer, only for his paw to keep on her throat, steady in giving her all he had without her intervention. Her toes began to curl, the elven beauty struggling to hold back as she was bathed and lavished with the love and care of a full mate.

She couldn't hold back, moaning out her husband's name as she came around his tongue, coating his mouth with streaks of her feminine honey as her whole body gave all it had to him. He licked his lips, giggling lustily, before he placed a paw on her lower stomach. "You say plant seed, right? Normally want water, but... This time, I make sure nothing in the way."

She was panting, gasping, and trying to find herself in the sea of stars and pleasure she was swimming in, not quite catching his meaning until a small twinge of magic pulsed over her bladder. She groaned, feeling him tensing her muscles, and despite herself, she released, a steady glow of the golden nectar she'd been storing up over the night emptying out. She'd meant to do something about it before, not wanting to stop the moment, and picked her head up to say as much, knowing Gux was still sore about the idea of her washing out his seed.

However, she froze at the sight of Gux under her stream, letting his fur be soaked through in her stream, coating himself completely. He even opened his mouth, tasting it, before he growled lustily, looking at her while the trickling end of the stream splashed over his nose. "Get this out of way... Coated in your... essence? Soul? Deepest love..." He searched for the word a bit, then shook his head, small droplets moving to the side, before he climbed up. "My seed, just for my mate."

That hint of disgust was washed away with his statement, causing her body to flush with arousal at the soaked gnoll climbing slowly over her, his massive form surrounding her in warmth and love, while his cock slapped against her clit and made her squeak with pleasure. "I wouldn't ever wash you away, my love. Take all of it, do with it what you will... I want all of you inside of me."

He shuddered with anticipation, the salty, pheromone laden leavings of his lover on his lips, but since he knew the taste was acrid, he didn't go in for a kiss. He merely pressed his hips forward, the tip of his cock slooooowly opening his lover's flower and laying her fields bare. He yipped in delight, the animalistic sound resonating with Lily, who knew it all too well as she clung to his fur, running her hands over his chest and the scars of battle there. Some were old, but so many were knew, found in defending the forest, each one gained so he could be with her...

She'd make him know how much each one meant to her. She wrapped her legs around his, and as he pulled back, she groaned, then pulled herself, slamming to meet his incoming thrust and making them both howl in delight. Her body was on fire from the wonderful day they'd shared, how happy she was... but most importantly, at least to her, the herbs working their magic inside her. Nothing was going to hold her back as he rutted into her fully, his cock kissing right up against her sweet spot and making her shudder in ecstasy.

His paws wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her up against his fur, which smelled heavily of her while her nectar soaked deep into it, while this position gave him more leverage to rut deep into her. She moaned, gripping his fur tight and riding his throbbing shaft for every stroke, her pussy milking and pulling, feeling the first warm drops of pre drooling inside her. She expected him to lose himself, ready for the sharp sting of claws digging into her skin, but while they poked and teased along her sensitive flesh, he kept his calm, focused only on her pleasure and filling her to the brim.

That wasn't exactly hard for him, his length made for her, matching her body exactly. Every thrust was two puzzle pieces turning whole once more, the entirety of their souls crashing together in union. He growled, biting back his orgasm as his cock throbbed, not wanting to end this moment so quickly. And yet, her pussy squeezed and milked, her hands and legs pulling him closer, wanting him to give her everything he had. "Gux, give it to me! Mark me as your mate forever!"

Hearing his wife's call, how could the newlywed resist? He thrust as deep as he could, crying out his arrival as his cock throbbed, thick warm ropes of cum splashing across her inner walls and making her feel so wondrously full. She gasped and shuddered, cumming in time with the bouncing cock inside her, each pulse bringing them closer together as her legs pulled on his, making sure he didn't get away.

Eventually they collapsed together on the bed in the shredded remains of their wedding clothes, sweat and cum and every fluid they could share mixing together on the bed. They panted together, sharing kisses and small thrusts to drive the pleasure further, before, finally, Gux sighed. "I need... go." He started trying to pull free, but Lily's legs wouldn't move. His face got worried, still stained golden from her. "You said no... I go or make mess."

She lifted herself up, pulling his head next to her so she was whispering right into his little round ear. "What part of 'mark me as your mate' didn't you get, big guy? Inside and out. This might be your one shot." Gux's eyes went wide, the practical puppy face she knew and loved so dearly appearing, before he licked along her face, then his muzzle turned into a relieved sigh.

Almost immediately she could feel the warmth filling her up, flushing into her body. Now that she thought about it, it was counterintuitive to what she wanted, but she shuddered and groaned as she was filled up by his warmth, her whole body taking as much of it in as it could before it started to leak out, spraying across his crotch as he finished up inside her. She groaned, the feeling of the warm liquid leaking and breaking the seal around his cock odd, to say the least. It was intimate, personal... but she wasn't going to do this again any time soon, that was for sure.

As the puddle spread between her legs, she nuzzled into his fur. "Well, how was that?"

Gux brimmed with happiness, licking her cheek. "Nice. But weird. And flush you out... I wash self away." He looked away sheepishly. "I sorry."

She grinned, kissing his cheek, before she turned him to face her. "Oh, don't worry. You'll have all night to fill me up right, my darling love." That seemed to be all the motivation he needed, as a second later his cock throbbed inside her, and moments later the moans and throes of passion continued on into the night.

The two properly, officially consumated the marriage, falling asleep many hours later thoroughly exhausted. The next morning, Gux was woken up by the sound of Lily retching outside. He went out as well, searching for her, to discover her looking green... Like, literally green. "Lily, you okay?"

She tried to nod, vomited, then shook her head. "No... This tea isn't working..." there was a horrible smelling puddle beneath her, the bulk of it seeming to be a very similar green color to her skin. Gux didn't care about the mess as he picked her up, running quickly to the town physician, only stopping once or twice to let her hurl in the bushes.

At the doctor's office, he looked stumped. "Okay... normally these signs would be cause for congratulations, but... with how different you two are as a species..."

Gux looked at him with confusion. "Nightshade? What wrong?"

Lily groaned, looking back to her normal skin tone. "Nothing... it's fine... Nothing wrong."

Nightshade glared at her, then looked at Gux. "Lily has been dosing herself with a very powerful fertility herb in her tea. Unfortunately, it has some very powerful side effects, and with how you two are different species..." He leaned back with a sigh. "It would be much simpler if you were actually a hyena, or even if you could shape change... Though, then you'd have hyena cubs... nevermind. The important thing is that because of her tea, she's got this little ball of very confused magic in her body messing with her as it tries to combine your DNA into a child. If it works, congrats, you'll have a child on the way... If it fails, there's no telling what the damage could be. And, considering the damage being done here... You've been dosing yourself for about a month, right Lily?" He looked at her accusingly, and she nodded meekly.

Nightshade sighed. "There is a cure for both these problems, actually. The one for you two to be able to crossbreed is rarer, and involves a lot more traveling... I would suggest you go together, but the one to cure her isn't that far at all. A curative for nearly all magical ailments can be made of a combination of Deepwood Moss and Heart Beets. We have the moss in spades, and it is what is keeping her stabilized right now, but the beets... they grow in the savannah. I... think you know why that's dangerous." He looked at Gux knowingly, and he nodded.

"I not care if tribe there... I find plant for Lily." He looked determined, already getting up.

Lily shot out a hand, stopping him. "Nooooo, Gux. Please, don't go... Send a scout, or wait until I get better... I did this without asking you, it's my fault I'm-" She coughed, the green gunk in her system leaving a foul smelling stain on her hand.

Gux shook his head. "I not... listening well, but remember priest say something about sickness and health. I take care of you in sickness. I only one that can." He leaned down, kissing her deeply on the bed she was laying on. "I be back soon." He then turned to the doctor. "How long I have?"

Nightshade shrugged. "We can keep her like this for as long as we need to, but the longer it happens... the worse off her body will get. This isn't an unknown reaction to the tea, but it's rare... you're lucky there was that noble woman that came through with a Kenku not too long ago..." He shrugged. "Time isn't of the essence, but if you want your wife to be in less pain..."

He nodded, holding Lily's hand one more time, before he left the hospital, stopping at the cottage only to grab his armor, his stick, and the lily he'd worn the first time he'd fought his tribe. Hopefully, he wouldn't need to fight again, but... He was ready if he did.