Aftermath Of A Bad Day

Story by Mordecai Singvogel on SoFurry

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This here is something I wrote to get some of my negative feelings out in a creative way. A story about a cat and a fennec couple, who come to a disagreement. There is no happy end for one party involved

Morgan sat at his favourite chair in his living room. In the fennec's hands was the newest addition to his favourite book series, and he was totally absorbed in it. His large ears twitched as the hours passed him by without he himself noticing it. The sand furred man was supposed to do some housework that day, but he couldn't bring himself to step away from the gripping tale. He knew he'd get his ear chewed off once his mate got home, but it was probably fine. Thomas was never angry for too long.

As the lithe canine happily read his book, Thomas walked up the steps of their house. The calico cat was fuming. His boss had yelled at him for shit he wasn't even responsible for. Someone had fucked up and the insufferable woman took her frustration out on him. And not only that, someone had parked too close to him, so he had to climb in his car through the window. And it wasn't the easiest thing to do for a muscle fat feline. But at least the fennec promised him that a nice dinner would be ready when he came home.

Morgan's ear twitches as he hears Thomas unlock the door. He shuffled to find his bookmark and put the book away. But he wasn't fast enough. "Honey, I'm home..." The cat called as he stepped in. The front door was visible from the fennecs chair, and he froze, looking at the feline. He didn't look quite right. Angrier than he usually was. Regardless, Morgan tried to smile. "Welcome home. I-I'll go put dinner on"

It didn't take long for Thomas to look back at Morgan. Furrowing his brow, he sniffed the air. "You didn't start it yet? I thought you said you'd make it before I got home? Was there more..." He said, stopping as he saw the open book in the fennecs hands. "You did nothing but read a book all day?" He almost yelled, making the canine whimper. The cat slammed the door closed behind him and he tossed his bag on the wall. "Again!? You did nothing again!" They had an agreement! Why did Thomas constantly fuck it up!? He screamed in his head as he walked towards him.

The closer he got, the smaller Morgan seemed to become. He was afraid. The two had never gone to blows. Sure they screamed at each other from time to time, but it had never gone that far. Tomas wasn't a violent man, regardless of how he looked. But today, he was angrier than he had ever been, and the fennec saw it. "B-But..." Morgan started. "Don't even start!" Thomas cut him off. "What now? Are you going to ask me to help you?" He crossed his arms and looked down at the lithe canine, who just sat there, eyes wide. And as the feline asked the question, Morgan moved his eyes away, ashamed. He had before.

Thomas could feel thumping in his head. His mate didn't say anything. And he knew what that meant. He was going to ask it, but now didn't dare to. Well, if the canine wants to play like that, maybe he should pay him for it somehow. The fennec was absent minded at the best of times, so why not make that permanent? A smile slowly creeped on his face. "Fine. But on one condition. Keep your eyes down, and don't move. I'll do what ever I want to you, and you'll thank me in the end. Got it?" The fennec said nothing, but nodded weakly. "Good boy."

The cat opened his pants, and pulled his cock out with one hand, and gripped the canines wirey hair. He slowly stroked himself, trying to work up an erection. From the corner of his eye Morgan watched him, expecting to be forced to suck him off, which he was more than happy to. It wasn't the first time the two had rougher fun. But something about Thomas's smile put he on edge. The smile and that the barbed shaft wasn't in his maw already.

Thomas slapped his mate's cheek with his cock. The fennec whimpered, keeping one eye closed. He opened his mouth and tried to turn his head to suck him off, but was quickly and forcibly pulled back. "What are you doing...?" He mumbled quietly. "Quiet" Thomas hissed in response and gripped the hair tighter. The feline slowly dragged his barbed length through his mate's fur, towards his ear.

The fennec shivered as he felt the tip at his ear. Morgan opened his mouth to speak, but didn't dare to. He just closed his eyes and gripped his knees, waiting for what ever Thomas had in store for him. The cat slowly pushed against the ear, making the canine squirm at the feeling.

It didn't take long for Morgan to start whimpering, as his ear canal was forced to open around the feline cock. "S-Stop!" he finally yelled, and started trying to pull away. But Thomas didn't care. He kept Morgan's head in place by his hair, while he pushed forward until he felt the skull on his tip. The cat gripped the fennec's head with both hands before pulling away slightly. And then he thrust forward as hard as he could, piercing the skull.

Once the fennec's skull gave way to Thomas, he twitched, letting out a sharp yelp. His entire body tensed and relaxed as the feline started moving his hips head back and forth, forcing himself into the gray matter. With each pull, the barbs dragged some out with them, making the canines eyes lose their shine a bit more with each. And each thrust ripped his brain more.

After the first few thrusts Morgan kept muttering something. There was a real word or two, but none of it made sense. He twitched and drooled as his mate kept thrusting in his ear, not caring for his wellbeing. All that mattered for the feline was his pleasure now. The fennec couldn't even do the most basics of tasks, so why not do what he wanted to him? Thomas grit his teeth and gripped as hard as he could on the canine's head, finally able to fit his entire length into his head. The tip of his cock came out the other ear, leaving a huge hole in the mans brain. Thomas looked down at his damaged partner. He was drooling and muttering non-stop. His eyes darted around the room, unfocused and glazed over.

The feline took him by his chin, and forced him to look up, causing further damage to the gray organ. Thomas' eyes were cold and uncaring as he stared into Morgan's. "Who are you?" He asked the canine, but he couldn't respond for a long while. "Mor..." Was all he was able to blurb out. "Almost." Thomas said. "But wrong. You're mine. You're nothing but my plaything now. Do you understand?" Morgan looked around before nodding. The movement caused his entire body to twitch involuntarily. "Good boy. Now, who are you?" Thomas asked again. "Nothing..." Morgan answered. "Good."

He started thrusting once more, and scraping more and more out, keeping the poor fennec twitching and losing more and more of what he once was. And with each thrust he was that much closer to his climax. Thomas kept gripping Morgan's head, tight enough for him to whine in pain, as he growled and sped up his pace. "Quiet!" he ordered as the whining started to get louder. "Good playthings don't make a SOUND!" He thrust hard into Morgan's head as emphasis. And the brain damaged canine obeyed.

It didn't take long for him to finally thrust forward one last time, and cum into Morgans cranium. The fennec went limp as semen spread in the cracks and creases of his brain, damaging it further. He drooled on the chair, blood and cum dripping from his ears and nose. Without missing a beat, Thomas shoved his bloodied cock in Morgan's mouth. He didn't care that he destroyed his mates life and mind. He was satisfied. He thrust his slowly deflating member into the wide open mouth, cleaning it from the worst of it.

Once done, Thomas sighed happily, shoving his cock back in his pants. "Gotta find a good use for you now. Maybe this time you won't forget your job, but at least if you do, you'll have an actual reason for it. He said, as he walked to the kitchen to make himself his dinner. All through his cooking and eating, he considered Morgan, and the situation he put him in. Now that he was fully calmed down, there were bangs of guilt. But more than that, he was strangely satisfied with it. "Come here!" He yelled, as he finished his meal. He wasn't sure what he could expect. Half hoping the fennec had passed, half hoping he was entirely fine, what he saw he didn't expect he'd see in his wildest dreams. Morgan crawled on all fours to him. Eyes empty and as big a mess as he had left the poor man, and sat before him, almost as if he was nothing but a pet.

Thomas couldn't help but laugh at the sight. It was too perfect, in its own way. And at that moment he made up his mind. Why not keep him as a pet? Grinning from ear to ear, the feline forcibly disrobed the fennec. He threw his clothes in the fireplace, and got the collar he had gotten his former mate for bedroom fun, and locked it around his neck.

Morgan, no longer aware of most around him, and without the ability to think for himself happily accepted the strong felines control. Like a lost puppy, he clung to Thomas' leg all day long. And as the weeks went by, and the cat brought new lovers in, Morgan was made good use of. A toy was forced between his ears into the hole Thomas had made, and every hole in his body were penetrated. Some were appalled at the sight, others interested. And Morgan was all too happy for the attention he was given, no matter how painful some of it was.

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