Puppy Love Chapter 2

Story by lupinepoet on SoFurry

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While this is not an erotic or smut story per se, it does deal with adultery, church sex, and sex between humans and furs. As such, the story may contain adult elements and themes, nudity, scenes depecting sex, and language some might find inappropriate.

Also, this is a work in progress. I started this story a few months ago and recently finished the fourth chapter. I have no idea how it will end, so any ideas, comments, and critiques are welcome. Flames will be laughed at and discarded.

All day Monday I couldn't focus on my classes. And every time I saw one of the anthros at school, even the ones I was friends with, it was hard to keep from pulling away. Finally at lunch Dustin Williams cornered me. "Let's sit over here." Before I could argue, he maneuvered me to a relatively quiet corner of the cafeteria. I sat down and poked at the mashed potatoes on my tray.

"So what gives?" he asked. I couldn't meet his eyes. Dustin was a few inches taller than me with a shaggy brown mane. We'd been friends since kindergarten. He got me though the time when Tommy Harrison dumped me for Susan Heisland because she got breasts before I did. And when Dustin snuck out to serenade Jamie Duncan on Valentine's Day, I covered for him.

But all I could feel was his green eyes looking at me. His father's green eyes. Dustin reached out to me. And I jerked away.

Dustin gasped.

I hung my head and sighed. "It's my mom, okay?"

"Is she sick?"

"No, she's -" And I finally looked at Dustin. His eyes met mine and the words "she's screwing your dad" died in my throat. "Dustin, I'm sorry. I can't talk about it right now, okay? I just need some time..."

He held up his paws. "No worries, Rachel. Just talk to me when you can, okay?" I nodded. He reached for my hand. This time I let him touch me. His paw squeezed my hand, then he let go, gathered his lunch, and left me to my thoughts.

That night at home I buried myself in my homework. I even took my dinner up to my room under the pretext that I "had too much work to do."

My dad smiled at me. "Just bring the dishes down when you're finished and I'll wash up for you." As I walked upstairs, Dad called out to me. "Let me know if you need any help with your homework, Rach."

I closed my bedroom door with my hip, then sat the plate and glass on my desk by my school books. I took one look at my dinner and thought of my dad, so wise and gentle and kind, having dinner with my mother. Sleeping beside her. Watching the news together. Having sex with her. With no clue of what she was...

I ran to the bathroom that adjoined my bedroom and my parents' room, my dinner left to grow cold.