Making the afternoon snacks

Story by Olemgar on SoFurry

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A commission done for Toon_Draws , which also provided the art for the cover!

Writing a small story about Berry cooking was definitely something I wasn't used to, but certainly something I enjoyed doing, a new experience.

If you are interested in my writing, please consider commissioning me! ^^

(When I hit 50 Watchers on FA, I'll host a raffle for a 2-3K story, and there's only 3 watches to go!)

All the characters belong to Toon_Draws.

Posted using PostyBirb

Making the Afternoon Snacks

By Olemgar/rodrigulino

(for Toon_Draw)

Berry opened her tent's entrance, basking in the glory of the warm summer sun above her, her fur shaking with the breeze of the wind, and most importantly, her eyes burned with passion, such as the Hearth right in front of her, ready to be used to make the perfect treats. From inside the tent came a loud and morale-increasing sound of Turkish March, from Mozart, blasting the sound so loud even Pokémon deep in the forest might be hearing it.

She walked closer to the fire, holding her trusted wooden spoon in her right paw and wearing a spotless white apron, completely ready for the task ahead of her. Make the afternoon snacks.

Berry had as an aspiration become an extremely talented cook, and for that practice was key, and what better way to get practice than to cook for your friends and teammates?

The pan and cooking pot was ready for their session, already heated and coated in natural oil. The only thing left was to do what she did best. To cook.


Berry swung the pan upwards, making the pancakes fly in the air before landing perfectly at the plate which she held in her other paw, still releasing fresh steam from how hot it was. The Weavile used her bare paws to grab the piles of Strawberry behind her, quickly throwing it in the air before she grabbed it, already having rested the pancake plate in the nearby wooden table, right in front of the Meowstic.

Before Panke could even perceive the full product, Berry quickly but smoothly added the strawberries and whipped cream on top of it, completing Panke's dish. "Bon appetit!"

"Thank you so much!" The blue Meowstic answered with glee, grabbing the fork next to him and digging in, squirming in delight from how sweet and delicious those pancakes were.

Berry held her head high with Pride, knowing from his expressions she did a good job. She didn't want to leave her dear friend for last, but preparing those pancakes was a delicate job for her, but it seemed that Panke didn't mind that much, with how fast he was eating his sweets.

She took a look at the adjacent wooden tables, filled with Pokémon already in the task of devouring their special meals.

Soles, the hard-working Raboot, Misha, the self-proclaimed Mienshao cop of the group, and Gummy, the young Riolu, were each eating a plate filled a special blend of mushrooms, avocados, and almonds, filled with all the protein they would need for their physical activities in the day, and next to it they also had a smaller plate with two eggs each as a compliment, just to add a bit of fat to their meal. Gummy in particular also had a bowl of roasted peanuts, to add some sweetness to her plate.

"Gotta say, I was never too fond of Mushrooms, but Berry truly brings out the best in them!" Soles said to her partner, with her mouth still full of food. "You can say that twice. She's truly in a league of her own." Misha agreed to her friend, devouring those delicious nuts one at a time. Gummy, although looking bored next to the two, was still eating those peanuts one at a time, not chatting much but making sure to not have an empty stomach for training.

On the table next to the two were the electric type friends, Scarlet and Emerald, a red Pluzzle and a green Minum, with the company of Horizon, an Absol with loads of golden rings around several limbs of his, eating their food and chatting away with a smile on their faces. Scarlet was eating a Camemburguer, a burger with a whole piece of Camembert cheese, caramelized bacon, and a special blend of meat, which brought a special sensation of sweet and salty to the mouth at the same time, while Emerald was slowly eating a batch of Cinnamon rolls covered in spicy jelly, bringing a spicy and sweet mix to that famous dish. Horizon, on the other hand, was eating a simpler dish, a tray full of Brigadeiros, a simple ball of sweet chocolate covered by chocolate sprinkles, an extremely sweet treat full of sugar.

"Aaaaaaaaah! I love the feeling of cheese melting in my mouth, and this sweet bacon is soooooo tasty!" Scarlet couldn't help but grin ear to ear from that delicious burger, biting eagerly while gripping tightly the edges of the bread. "Hmm... I guess it's pretty good, it certainly is something I'm not used to." Emerald might have been acting snooty, but she never stopped taking more and more bits from those delicious rolls, leaving only crumbs left on that previously full plate.

"Berry certainly has put her A-game to this food, I adore how sweet those chocolate balls are." The optimistic Absol said while reaching his paw to take yet another Brigadeiro to his mouth, taking it whole in his mouth and shivering from the sweet taste.

And on the last table sat Pandizzy and Alice, a green Spinda and an Indeedee with Several Egyptian regalias decorating her entire body. Pandizzy was eating some spicy veggie tacos, burning in his mouth while he silently ate it all, while Alice was enjoying her Caesar salad while drinking some Rosé wine, looking super fancy with her glass in hand.

"Berry, this salad is very fresh, so I say you pass with flying colors." Alice complimented Alice with a genuine smile, albeit still with a smug and royal face, drinking her wine like she was at a castle. Pandizzy didn't say anything, but he nodded as Alice kept complimenting the Weavile, transmitting his message.

In the end, after a cheery session of eating, all of the Pokémon gathered their plates and glasses to wash them thoroughly, not leaving any chores left for later. With all the cleaning done, everyone that ate gathered at the center in front of Berry and said in unison. "Thank you for the food!"

Berry just turned around towards her tent, not letting the others see her smile, overjoyed with, once again, having made something that her friends truly enjoyed. If there was one thing that incentivized Berry to cook so frequently, were those smiles in the end, and how she could repeat them with the tasty food she makes. She closed her tent behind her, picking up a pen and writing down ideas for new and different recipes she could try, to bring joy to those faces again.

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