Pt 19 - The Druid's Growth

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#19 of The Druid's Tale

Time passes as the trip is prepared for, and while everything seems to be moving too quickly, perhaps that's all that's needed right now.

The days turned into weeks as the couple planned for their journey. It wasn't exactly a simple venture, traveling hundreds of miles through snow and wind and who knew what else... until Lily learned of two spells she thought she might be able to do. The first would let them become as air, traveling quickly through the skies towards their destination. Even with it at full speed, with nothing trying to stop them, it would take them three days to get there, but considering the blizzards and snows that were said to surround the World's Crown, Lily was expecting a week, minimum... assuming she could pull off the spell. She also knew already a spell that would allow her to move through trees instantly within the forest, but she learned there was a version that would work at any distance...

A quick, safe journey would always be preferable to a slow, dangerous one, so she set to her studies, working to get in tune with the forest around her and harness some of the more powerful magics hidden within the commune's powers. Lily spent day and night out among the plants, trying to focus and hone her craft.

Meanwhile, Gux was spending his time training up. A new batch of recruits was in need of training, as he was moved more towards that than prowling the forest himself. He missed the trees, if he was honest, and was already starting to think of ways to swap his leadership with one of the more promising members of his first class, but right now he appreciated the time he had training with his weaponry, increasing his speed and skill should the worst come to pass with this dragon they were seeking.

Neither of them neglected their son, though, as they came back each day to see his progress and talk about their own. Zaax was advancing quickly through the classes he was given, and had surprised the advanced class when he had summoned a spirit in the middle of it. He'd been being bullied for being the new kid, and the magic had just flown through him, a roaring bear surrounding him as he tried to scare off the other student. It had worked, but gotten him in trouble with the teacher, as well as all but two druids.

Both lived on the outskirts of the commune, paying much more attention to the creatures of the forest, and they saw the potential in Zaax. He, like they, was a shepherd, a druid whose magics were focused on the summoning and protecting of creatures in the natural world, rather than the plants. At first, Gux was wary... he had a slight history of being chastised by Lupus and Canis for interfering with the natural order when he saved animals, and they always came off to him as a little creepy... However, Lily was ecstatic that her son was one of the rare few shepherds in the world and eagerly asked Zaax if he'd like to learn more about his magic.

Zaax had to think about it for a little bit, and asked for a day with them to see if it would work out. Gux agreed, though he kept watch from the trees, worried for his son. When Zaax came back, he was eager to learn more, and so he became apprenticed as a shepherd. He still lived at the house, but now he was cared for each day, learning how to lead and protect the creatures around him... And lifting one worry off of Gux and Lily's shoulders.

With Zaax now eager to learn and without the bullying and hardship the other students presented the young gnoll, he was happy to go to school on his own, quickly becoming much more self-sufficient. However, rather than cause Lily to stop worrying for her child, she found she was more. Her mind wandered to him during meditation, and she began to wonder what her place was with her child... After all the time she'd been watching him grow, she felt a pang at actually letting him leave, and after one particularly bad meditation session, she sat down with Gux, waiting for Zaax to return.

"How do you feel about Zaax?" Lily asked Gux during an awkward silence, causing him to look at her strangely.

"He our son... I very proud of his growth." He smiled widely. "At first I not know about those two, but... They good teachers. He eager to learn." She nodded, though her face betrayed how upset she was. "How... you feel about them?"

She plastered on a smile, trying to look calm. "Oh, they're fine teachers! I haven't seen him so eager to learn in quite a while... But then, I haven't seen him at all lately..." She leaned against his shoulder, and as his hand went to hug her closer, she sighed. "Am I a bad parent?" He shook his head immediately, and she stopped him. "No, don't brush this off, I mean it... It feels like he's growing up too fast, and I want to just hold him close and keep talking to him like when he was that little one you rescued... He wasn't little for nearly long enough, and I can't imagine him being ready!"

Gux kissed her on the top of her head. "Gnolls grow quick and strong... learn to be independent as soon as can, to be able to help tribe with anything. Zaax... he get childhood from you, but... He not child anymore." He hugged her close, being as sincere with every word as he could. "Zaax has happy memories thanks to us. He come home every day... He loves you. You great mom."

Her frown softened at his kind words, but she still shook her head. "I don't know... He might be ready, but I'm not yet... I thought I'd have more time with him."

"He not lost yet. Make sure to talk... keep connected." His head slowly lowered, though, as he let out his own sigh. "I worried too. Want to guide him through all of life... next year transition... difficult year. Want him to have advice... We need be there..." He frowned. "But... no want wait on trip... Heart torn."

She nodded, feeling much the same. She could almost feel her heart beating in sync with her love on this matter. "Well... I don't know the spells yet. Once I do, we'll make a decision... Or, maybe, wait on the results of our venture until we know it's a good time." She hated the sound of the words, but they rang true... and she'd already waited so long. "We have our whole lives to have a family. We only have one time to help Zaax grow up."

He nuzzled her cheek, knowing how much that statement meant coming from her. "See... you great mom." They giggled to each other, starting to come out of their worry as Zaax arrived at the house, seeing them waiting.

"I do something wrong?" he asked, a little unsure of why both his parents were waiting for him.

"No. We just wanted to greet you as you got home, and spend some family time together." Lily got up, walking over and hugging him tightly, only to be squeezed by Gux and feel like the middle was the wrong place to be in the hug. Particularly once Zaax, who was now as tall as her and still growing, hugged back, squeezing her between two toned, furry bodies. "Okay... family time with less crushing mommy!" They all started to laugh, Lily while she caught her breath, and made their way inside to enjoy the evening together.

The next few weeks seemed to pass by in a flash, with all of them working and learning at their own pace. Gux's training seemed by far the least impressive, as, primarily, he was getting better at being sneaky and swinging his weapon a little more precisely, no matter what form it was in. He still preferred it as a sword, though he didn't really know why, but seeing him flourishing a huge wooden sword was quite the impressive feat.

Zaax had by far the most impressive leap in ability. With teachers catered to him, he went from basic transformations and spells to much more complex ones. He could summon animals from thin air at a moment's notice to help defend him, or to help him defend others, and whether summoned or met and convinced to come along, the animals traveling with him always seemed happier, healthier, and stronger than those he wasn't with. He mostly liked to run with the wolf pack he'd made friends with when younger, all of them seeming to have grown at a similar speed.

But while Gux's skills were honed and Zaax progressed in leaps and bounds, the most impressive growth, at least to the elders bearing witness, was made by Lily. She had focused her prowess and understanding beyond that of most of her peers, and the first time her form successfully dissolved into that misty state and she had flown around the room, she had been given a new title: circle leader. While she had always been important with her botanical studies and magical skills, her new depth of magical power brought new responsibilities. She now had a minor place at town meetings, and would be tasked with some magical research, should the efforts be needed.

She was flattered, but groaned inwardly at the sudden increase in responsibilities... she hadn't done this for the council, or for the commune... this was for herself. Why had they taken this away from her? As if she needed more to worry about now... But she kept all of those complaints inside her, at least until she got home and Gux got an earful. He'd been much too happy when he'd learned of her new position, but once it was all explained, he was on her side: it was more than they needed right now.

A few night later, Gux was feeling anxious. Now that he knew Lily had the ability to undertake the journey, he was restless, wanting to see it done, one way or another. He was sitting at the table, watching her fidget as well, something clearly weighing on her mind, though... even Zaax seemed to have something weighing on him, the way he leaned on the table while eating.

Gux looked at him, then smiled. "So... What on your mind?"

Zaax looked at his dad and seemed startled out of his thoughts, though he shrugged. "Oh... Nothing big... Thinking about day..." He tapped on the plate for a moment, then leaned again. "Just..." He looked at Gux, then at Lily, before he sighed. "Teachers want me to go on trip with them. Learn more from spirits... Say it take a week, maybe two... I want to go, and ready, but... not want to leave you two."

Gux's ears perked up. "Oh? I actually have mission with Lily I have been planning to go on... Not urgent, but could take long... Didn't want to miss time with you, but if you'd be gone." He smiled, looking like it all was working out.

However, Lily glared at him. "Wait,now? With all the other stuff I have to do? And now I'd have to get the council's permission, and..." She stopped herself, frowning, before she let out a frustrated sigh. "And I'm arguing against doing the thing I most want to do because of what other people are telling me. I never gave into them before, and I'm not starting now." She looked at Gux, then at Zaax. "When you go on your trip, honey, we'll go on ours. Then we'll all be too busy to miss each other."

Zaax shook his head. "Always miss you guys... Every day when learning, no matter fun I'm having."

Lily choked up a little, and Gux looked very proud. "We miss you too... Miss being there as you grow up, but... you've come such a long way."

Gux nodded. "I know you can do, son. You have strength of gnoll and compassion of what gnolls could be... You can do anything." Both he and Zaax started to make that whimpering crying sound, while Lily couldn't hold back the tears any more. They all came together for a family hug, with both of the adults holding Zaax tightly. "We proud of you. Always will be."

Zaax squeezed back tightly, trying to hug them both with all the love he could muster. "Love you, mom and dad. And I be back soon. Not going away forever..."

Lily just kissed his cheek. "You're our big boy, Zaax. Never forget it."

They continued their hugging for a long while, then slowly returned to dinner, filling each other in on what the next few weeks would look like apart. None were really happy to be leaving, but all were ready to go, the energy and need for adventure stirring in them all as the night wore on.

Pt 20 - The Druid's Flight

Lily and Gux stood just outside the protective magic of the commune, the rain bearing down on them through the forest leaves. For any other couple, there might have been a moment here where they looked at each other, asking if they were ready to do...

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Rose Hip Candy

Arlene the arctic fox was having a bad day. Waking up to discover red in her bed was enough of a downside, the irksome side effect of the birth control, but at least she wasn't raising her tail and lusting over every male within a three mile...

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Pt 18 - The Druid's Decision

Gux was noticing something as time went on. There was a ruling era of peace in the village, a feeling of calm that came with having a protector, and with it, rather a lot of druids were walking around sporting rounded bellies. Juniper was on her...

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