
Story by eddiew on SoFurry

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Ok, hopefully the last prequel I'm going to do with these characters, moving forward from here on!

This story contains explicit m/f sex scenes between consenting couples, quite a lot of character development, a pinch of bittersweet, a small amount of angst, a fairly large hint of prostitution, some mild femme dom, a light spanking, a dash of exhibitionism, and at least one premature ejaculation. And some implied m/f twincest. Warm, snuggly, twincest.



Biting her lower lip apprehensively, the tall dingo gazed fondly at the two young people before her, feeling a knot of emotion rattle around her stomach. Around them, the familiar confines of her office seemed somehow more foreboding, the oak furniture with its rich leather upholstery seeming to frown over actions not yet taken. Collecting herself, she took a deep breath.

"Are... are you both sure you want to do this?"

It was a question she asked of all her new staff, and while these two had been around for many a year, it was only now that she needed to ask - and that made it all the harder. Until now she had kept them innocent, insulated, somehow managed to provide a sheltered upbringing despite the trade of her establishment. Indeed, it was perhaps in part due to these two young felines that the Forestmoon Rest had the air of a fine gentleman's club, for while the world's oldest trade may be plied in the private rooms, it was strictly forbidden to commit any act of indecency in the public halls.

Guests were expected - no, required - to arrive clean, and polite, and dressed as if in their Sunday best. They would be greeted by the security team at the front desk and, once they had been deemed suitable, were free to request an immediate private audience with one of the staff, or move throughout the entertainment halls - the stage, the bar, the games room, ballroom, restaurant and the arboretum.

It was this air of class and dignity that had allowed the Forestmoon Rest to continue its trade without interruption for twenty years, and this separation of the two worlds within the walls that had allowed the dingo to keep her young charges safe. While they may have worked for their keep cleaning and waiting tables, they had never been allowed near the private rooms, and the security crew had been given clear instructions to warn away any guests whose eye might linger a little two long. The young felines were not that sort of staff.

Until today.

It had been heartbreaking to have to issue them the choice, but that was the way of it - the Forestmoon Rest could not afford to keep those who did not contribute fully to its upkeep. Everyone from the chefs to the grounds keepers to the stable hands would take their turn at providing night time entertainment to the guests - and even the sturdy, solid, security team had their moments, although they tended to fulfil a rather stereotypical niche that neither of the slender young felines was going to slot into. It was a strange dual life, and both halves were required from everyone to keep the establishment running.

"Ollie. Ellie." The dingo took their hands in hers, squeezing their slender fingers tightly.

"It's all right, Aunty D," Ollie told her softly, a gentle smile spreading over his soft features.

"We're ok with this," Ellie nodded.

"Are you?"

"It's not like we haven't grown up here," Ollie said gently.

"And it's not like we haven't been... training, these last few months."

Aunty D sighed. "It is very easy to suggest that one spend the night with a friend of many years. I knew you would be safe and happy - and I knew you'd been thinking about Kida for a long time, Ollie," she winked and he blushed. "But this... is different. This isn't with a friend, and it may not be for your pleasure. I have told security to keep an eye on you, they won't let you get into trouble - but if you're going to do this, then you will have to say yes to someone tonight. Are you really ok with that?"

Ollie took a deep breath at the same time his sister did. They glanced at each other, exchanging a look that the dingo recognised as an unspoken confirmation of a long past decision, but she waited for them to nod.

"Very well," she let go of their hands, dabbing at the corner of her eye for a moment before reaching into a pocket and producing several slender, dyed leather collars - the visual markers worn by on-duty staff to distinguish them beyond doubt, colour coded for the guests' convenience.


The feline reached out a hand, hesitated for a moment, then selected pink.

"The ladies' man tonight?" the dingo smiled. "Good choice, although there are some gentlemen out there who will be sorely disappointed." Ollie blushed again. "Ellie?"

Unlike her brother, Ellie didn't pause for a moment, selecting a collar made of entwined strips of blue and pink.

"I see," Aunty D raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't know whether that will lead to less disappointed people, or more," she smiled, tucking the remaining collars back into her pocket, and reaching out to fasten Ellie's around her slender neck, turning to Ollie to do the same for him before stepping back.

"Now, you've had your Ladies' Tea, every day this month?" Aunty D looked at Ellie, who nodded. "Good girl. And you, Ollie? Had your Gentlemans' Draught today?" He nodded. "Good lad. Not that I imagine you'll need it at your age, but, well, it can certainly help recover quickly from those little accidents of youth."

Ellie giggled as her brother looked at his feet.

Aunty D sighed, looking them both up and down from head to toe, reaching out to tug Ellie's blouse a little straighter, pulling Ollie's belt in another notch. She nodded slowly.

"Are you really sure?" she asked quietly.

They nodded, and she bit her lip, determined not to cry. Catching hold of each of them, she hugged them tightly. "I love you both."

"Love you too, Aunty D," they echoed.

"All right now," the dingo swallowed. "All right... Go on now, go... wait some tables for a bit, serve some drinks. Don't push it, just... let things happen. And don't be afraid to change your minds! Security will back you up if you need to say no. Go now, go, go go!" A hand on each of their shoulders, she turned them, and pushed them out of her office door, closing it behind them. Biting her knuckles, she leaned her back against the wood.

Ellie looked at her brother. He bit his lip and slipped his hand into hers. Together they walked the corridors until they reached the staff entrance to the restaurant. Ollie looked out through the small glass window.

"Busy tonight..." he said quietly.

"Yeah..." Ellie nodded. "Bro..."

"I love you, sis," he told her, turning to hug her tightly.

"Love you too," she smiled, chin on his shoulder. "You sure?"

"Yeah. You?"


"Little scared though..."

"Yeah... Ollie? Would it sound weird if... if I said I don't want you to watch?"

He gave a shaky laugh. "No, not really. I don't think I want you to see me, either. I can go round to the bar or the games room, maybe, if you want."

"Thank you," she murmured quietly. They paused.

"I'm sorry," he told her, running one hand up the back of her head to ruffle her ears. "I wish I could do better for you..."

"No, no no, this isn't your fault, and it's not a bad thing," she said quickly. "Look at everyone out there - everyone waiting tables, everyone in the kitchen, dealing cards, or on the stage. These are good, honest people, making good, honest money. Nobody's stealing, nobody's fighting or cheating or breaking the law. It's ok," she leaned back enough to put her hands on his cheeks, bending his neck until their foreheads touched. "It's ok."

He closed his eyes and sighed. "I know. But I do wish I could make a lady out of you."

Ellie giggled. "And I wish I could make a gentleman out of you. But the best I can do is keep you fed and sheltered and warm at night. That'll do for now."

"For now..." he repeated.

"For now." Her tone told him she understood his meaning, and that they were in agreement.

"I love you," he told her again.

"And I love you. Whatever happens tonight changes nothing, no more than 'training' with Kida and Perrin changed anything. I'm still your sister, and I still love you."

Taking a deep breath, Ollie nodded.

"Now," Ellie told him, her hands on his shoulders. "Go round to the bar, serve some drinks, and find a nice, pretty, lonely girl - then keep the people in the next room awake all night."

Ollie laughed. "Gotcha," he smiled. "Love you."

"Go," she told him, turning him by his shoulders and pushing him in the middle of his back.

He went, turning the corner of the corridor and being lost to her sight.

"Whoo..." Ellie mouthed silently. Looking up, she peeked out of the small window again. "Wait some tables... ok. Wait some tables... I can do that. I can."

The restaurant was, as usual, full of couples. An outsider might be surprised that only a few of those couples contained a person with a Forestmoon collar, but Ellie had long since become accustomed to it. The Forestmoon Rest could provide many forms of entertainment, and one need not plan to book a private room to enjoy its hospitality. It was a mark of careful management and firm security that even those who didn't come through the doors seeking company could feel comfortable.


Pausing in clearing a table by the wall, Ellie looked up. Leaning on the railing by the entrance, a richly attired leopard smiled at her.

"Good evening, Duke Clearbrooke," Ellie smiled.

"My word, it is you," the leopard grinned. "I swear I didn't recognise you in that uniform, used to you dressing like a maid! And a collar?" his eyebrows shot up. "You... you're not... really? Seriously?" With a surprisingly athletic movement, he vaulted the rail and strode over to her, catching her elbow in his hand and drawing her into a booth at one side of the room and sitting her down across the table.

"Ellie... how old are you?" he asked, his face quite serious.

"Eighteen years, six months," she answered.

"You look less," he said. "If you're being pressured, or rushed, you can tell me. I will help you, if you need it," he said earnestly.

Ellie giggled. "I'm eighteen and six months," she told him. "And I know what I'm doing."



"You weren't told to say that?"

"Actually I was told to say I turned eighteen yesterday and never had sex."

The duke blinked, then burst out laughing. "I can believe that," he grinned. "Upon my word, Ellie, you did give me a scare for a moment. I apologise for doubting the madam, I should know I can trust her to look after you. Well, well..."

He picked up a menu, glanced at it, and recited two meals off it from memory while Ellie fumbled for her slate and chalk, rather caught off guard by the change of direction.

"Oh, and I expect that to be brought out by yourself," the leopard smiled. "Just because you've 'graduated' now doesn't get you out of being my favourite waitress. Anyone tries to sidetrack you, tell them you'll have to catch up later!"

"Uh, yes, sir..."

"Oh, and a bottle of the forty seven Vallée de la Lune blanc, please. And two glasses."

Ellie nodded. "Yes, sir." Standing, she finished clearing the neighbouring table, then carried the duke's order through to the kitchen.

"Wonderful!" he exclaimed, setting aside the book he had been reading as she returned to his table with his order. She noticed that the seat opposite him remained conspicuously empty.

"Sir? Would you like me to see if I can find the lady you're waiting for?"

"No need, Ellie. Do have a seat, won't you? I think I remember the trout being your favourite, yes?" he asked, pushing a plate towards the other side of the table.

"Uh, sir?"

The leopard hesitated. "That is unless you're going to give me a rather heartbreaking no and call one of the bouncers over to eject me..."

Ellie blinked. Then realisation hit her. She blushed and sat down hurriedly. Duke Clearbrooke smiled widely, then looked pensive. He leaned forwards.

"This... isn't creepy, is it? I do appreciate I've known you for a few years now, I hope I'm not acting like a bit of a cad, watching you for ages, pouncing on you at the first opportunity..."

She giggled. "A cad, Duke, would have tried to pounce on me before I had a collar."

"Oh, thank goodness," the leopard sighed. "You... won't think any less of me?"

"Well, I already know that you have a bit of a habit of coming here Wednesdays and Saturdays, and that you don't always confine yourself to the restaurant and the game room, especially when you arrive alone," she smiled. "And I am wearing a collar." She glanced down at her fingertips, hands clasped over her meal. "If anything, I should image you'd think less of me."

"Ellie... you are a beautiful, kind, and smart young woman who has brought many smiles to many faces and is working an honest trade. And here I am, looking for someone wearing a collar. I think we might conclude that we are both equally dignified - or undignified, as the case may be."

Ellie giggled. She poured a generous quantity of wine into his glass, and a few sips into her own. "To equality in indignity," she smiled.

"Equality in indignity," he repeated solemnly, clinking their glasses together.

"Thank you, Ollie," the middle aged badger nodded, draining one of the whisky glasses before picking up the other two. Turning, he nearly bumped into a tall hyena making her way in through the door at the side of the bar.

"Whups! Beg pardon, miss Stoutwood! Good to see you back in town and in one piece!"

A smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, she nodded politely. "Good evening, reverend. Have a good night."

"I will!" the badger called over his shoulder, heading for a table containing a smiling young woman.

"Never changes," the hyena said to herself, shaking her head. "Hey, Ollie."

"Good evening, miss Alyssa," Ollie smiled across the bar.

Taking a stool, the hyena eyed him as he wiped away a minor whisky spillage.

"You know, I still can't get used to you serving. What, three, four years since I started coming, and only now you're actually handling the drinks?"

"We're very strict with our standards, miss. Madam would have been... upset, with an under-age barman. Ale?"

"Yes please. And yes, I'm happy to see it, it's good to know she's taking care of - is that..." reaching over the bar, she hooked a finger under his collar, and pulled him nearer, causing him to bash the wooden mug he had picked up against the stone surface. "No. Way."


"Ollie," she looked him in the eye, a smile playing about her lips, her nose almost touching his. "This is a Forestmoon collar."

"Yes, miss," he nodded.

"And it's a pink one."

"Yes, miss."

"Pink meaning 'ladies may approach me'."

"Yes, miss."


"Yes, miss?"

"May I approach you?"

Ollie blushed. "Yes, miss," he nodded.

Grinning, the hyena slipped her finger out of his collar and let him stand up. "Hell yeah. Now take that thing off, I don't want anyone else trying to sneak you away when I'm not looking. I'll still take that ale though." She watched him retreat to the barrel at the back of the bar, filling the wooden mug to the brim - and slightly over, as he knew she liked to see - studying his slender form, and cute bum.

"Hey, Ollie?" she asked as he returned. "What you having?"

"I'm really not supposed to drink on duty..."

"We'll I'm booking you for the whole night, and I'm asking you to have a drink with me, so it's ok, isn't it?"


The barmaid at the far end chuckled, nodding as Ollie looked along to her. "Special circumstance, and all." Grinning, she grabbed a mug, filled it with ale, and pushed it into the feline's hands before gesturing that he should go and sit on the other side of the bar.

"Good boy," Alyssa grinned, patting his head.

The ballroom was less busy than the restaurant - in fact, it was empty.

"Um, sir?" Ellie asked as the duke drew her into the middle of the room, lit only by a few candles.


"Isn't something missing...?"

"Hmm? Oh, you mean there's no orchestra. Yes, I know. Da-da-da-dum-dum..."

Ellie giggled as he hummed a soft waltz, submitting to his lead as he nudged her into motion.

"I don't really know how to dance..."

"That's quite all right, neither does anyone else, most of us just move to the music and hope we don't trip. La-la-la-dum-la..."

Smiling, allowing him to have his dance, Ellie relaxed and let herself move with him. He seemed to have quite an extensive repertoire, and while his pitch left a little to be desired, his rhythm was really quite good, and he led her through several dances, faster, then slower, then closer. She felt his arms tighten around her as she pressed herself lightly against him.



"What are you doing?" she whispered, giggling.

He sighed, and hugged her even tighter. "Pretending. Do-do-da-da..."

"Pretending?" she asked softly, tucking her nose under his chin.

"That's why I come here, after all - to pretend. To pretend that I'm someone else, that I'm not my father's son, that I didn't let him pressure me into an arranged marriage. It's nice to imagine we're a happy, honest couple."


"She knows, if you're wondering. My wife, I mean. We are friends, she and I. It was good for our families that we be wed, so we were. But I've never once shared her bed, nor has any man. Alas, she simply... doesn't lean that way. I'm lucky, I guess, that she doesn't mind me coming here. Recommended it to me, in fact. Probably realised I'd go crazy otherwise. Wise woman. Admirable. Beautiful." He sighed.

"I'm sorry..."

"So am I, sometimes. Other times I'm just glad to know her at all. Worst of it is, I might actually learn to love her. If I haven't already. Breaks my heart to eat breakfast with her every morning having spent the night without her. Still, we are friends," he reaffirmed. "That will have to do. Meantime for tonight, I'll continue pretending that you love me."

Ellie smiled sadly up at him. "I am fond of you, you know, sir."

"Thank you, Ellie. I'm fond of you too. Please don't allow my honesty to dampen your spirits, you are a beautiful young woman. De-de-da-dum..."

She let him hum on for a few more minutes, holding him close, wanting him to feel the affection that he needed. Idly, she let one hand trace up and down his back, from his shoulder blades to the upper curves of his bottom - surprisingly tight and muscular for an aristocrat. She had expected those born to wealth to lean towards soft and flabby, but the duke seemed to take good care of his body. She giggled as she felt a slight nudge somewhere around her lower tummy as their bodies pressed together.

"Sir? Would you like to find a private room?"

"Hmm? Oh, no," the leopard smiled. "Don't mind me. I'd like to do this properly, if you don't mind. Nice and steady. Perhaps you would stroll around the gardens with me?"

"Of course," Ellie smiled.

Overall, Ollie thought, sitting at the card table was not exactly the night he had anticipated. Nor was he particularly good at the game, three times busting out, only to have Alyssa buy him back in - and then win his, and the other players' money off them as well. This behaviour had sparked a deal of discussion around the table, but since there was nothing in the rule book against buying another player in, and there was no evidence of conspiracy between them, and Alyssa did have the impeccable character reference that came in the shape of her badge of service to the Magerangers, it was ultimately decided that they would be allowed to continue.

Exactly why Alyssa felt like having such a useless card partner, Ollie wasn't sure, but at least it didn't seem to be costing her anything, as his, or rather her, chips were once again gathered to her side of the table.

After about an hour, she decided to cash up - a move which sparked a few grins around the table, which promptly faded when it turned out she was taking Ollie with her.

"Miss... Alyssa...?" Ollie said hesitantly as they stood by the bar again.

"Yes?" she smiled at him, her expression one of amusement.

"Um... is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes. Relax! And have a drink."

"I... really shouldn't, miss... I'm not good with alcohol..."

"Oh come on, we've been through it, it's ok if someone else is paying for your time."

"Miss, you really won't want my time if I drink too much," Ollie admitted, his ears drooping.

Alyssa sighed and rolled her eyes. "Lightweight. Oh well. Better that you told me I guess. All right, look look, let's pick a bottle, and head somewhere private, hmm? Oh, and I do hope someone's trained you on massage techniques, because I could really use a back rub. And get your collar back on. I kinda like it."

Ollie nodded.

"Your groundskeepers do excellent work," the leopard commented, looking through the sparkling fountain to the late summer sunset on the horizon. Around them, neatly trimmed topiary and potted plants decorated the small courtyard at the centre of the gardens. "Perhaps I should offer them jobs on my estate..." he mused, looking along the radiating lines of maze-like hedgerows that neatly divided the lawn into eight, zigzagging just enough to hide the lawns behind, and not coincidentally providing privacy screens for those who liked to find their entertainment under the open sky. Tonight seemed quiet, and only one of the eight spokes had the little 'in use' marker flipped up.

"You might be surprised how disappointed they'd be to leave, sir," Ellie smiled, hugging his arm as it looped through hers, allowing the duke to lead them along the path, still proceeding away from the main mansion building.

Smiling, the leopard inclined his head. "If it's a matter of... physical comforts, I'm sure I could arrange something suitable," he suggested.

Ellie giggled. "Well, I'm sure that would make it more tempting, sir, but... The people here, are like a family," she laughed. "A very diverse, strange, and sometimes dysfunctional family, I admit, but... Oh, how do I make this sound right?" she hesitated. "People come here when they're out of options. People turn up on our doorstep, willing to work because they have nothing left. No home, no money, no friends, and no job. We provide all of those, and then, when the next new person arrives, they pass on that good will."

She sighed. "It isn't glorified, and it isn't graceful, and I know that many of the townsfolk look down their noses at us... but we look after each other, and we take care of each other, and we want the best for each other."

"That's a pretty good definition of a family," the duke said quietly.

"Sometimes we fight and argue too," Ellie admitted.

"Then it's the perfect definition," the leopard laughed.

They stopped under a tree on the edge of the grounds. Beyond the fence, dense woodland swayed in the light summer breeze. Turning back towards the mansion house, they could see a young man moving along the pathway, lighting the garden lanterns as he passed, the flickering glows reflected on the slender ornamental moat.


"Mmm," Ellie nodded, her eyes on the reflections. She glanced up, only to find the leopard looking directly at her, and blushed. She kissed him as he leaned down, her arms around him, his hand on the back of her head as she purred against his chest.

"You can turn around, you know," Alyssa said, amusement in her voice.


"Ollie, remember what I've hired you for... Are you really gonna be ok with this?"

Blushing, he nodded, turning, and finding her unfastening her belt, her vest and shirt already on the floor. He found himself captivated by the play of her toned muscles as she slipped her trousers down her legs, kicking them off and stretching, without a hint of self consciousness. Noticing his gaze, she put her hands on her hips and looked back at him.


He jumped. "Y-you're very beautiful, miss Alyssa..."

"Liar. Rangers don't do beautiful, we do sturdy," she laughed gently. "But thank you." Quite naked, she walked over to the edge of the large bath that was recessed into the floor. "Oh, I need this. Keeps you sharp, does the job, but wow do you need a bath some days..." She sighed as she let herself down into the warm water. "Oh yeah, luxury rooms... worth every copper..."

"You coming in or what?"

"Miss? Oh..." the feline blushed again, and began to unbutton his shirt.

"Yep... I always knew you'd be a cutie," she grinned over the side of the bath as he approached, her eyes rather obviously pointing a little below his waist. "Grab me some soap, would you?"

Deeply conscious of his nudity, Ollie half walked, half shuffled around to where the rack of soaps rested against the wall. "An-any preferences, miss Alyssa?"

"Mmm, nope, I'll trust your judgement."

Not too floral, Ollie thought. Rose? Absolutely not. If there was one thing Alyssa was not, it was girly - but then, would that be considered an insult? Lavender, no. Sandalwood? Or was that implying she was masculine? His eyes caught on a greenish bar. Apple! Everybody liked apple, right?

She turned to face away from him as he reached the edge of the bath, sliding down far enough to dunk her head under the water for a moment before resurfacing. Taking the hint, he knelt behind her, lathering up his hands before moving to the back of her head, running his fingers through her mane of rich auburn hair.

"There you go, good lad," she hummed in what was possibly the softest tone he'd ever known her to use.

When he'd done her arms and shoulders, she stood, allowing him to lather downwards from the base of her neck. He hesitated around her bottom, but, thinking of her earlier attitude, pressed on, working his fingers through her short, soft fur. If he didn't know her better, he would have sworn she actually giggled when he worked under her tail and down the crease between her buttocks.

"Good boy."

When his hands reached the water half way down her thighs, she turned on the spot, for a moment providing a magnificent view of her front that quite took him by surprise. Sturdy indeed, but not overly bulky or defined - she managed to be an iron model of the female figure, wrapped in satin.

For a moment, she just grinned down at him over the curves of her breasts, then lay back in the water, floating with her chest just under the surface, splashing him as she lifted one leg. She prodded him lightly in the chest with her toes.

Smiling at this oddly gentle gesture, Ollie continued his task, lathering and rinsing her legs in turn.

"Good lad," she smiled, sitting, and then standing once more, this time facing him.

He hesitated under her amused gaze, but she simply lifted her arms, laced her fingers, rested her hands on top of her head, and waited. Fair enough. Under her arms, across the top of her chest, right down the middle of her sternum, across her stomach.

Alyssa laughed, shaking her head. Putting one hand on her shoulder, one on the back of his head she pulled him forward, pressing his face between her breasts.

"There, ice broken," she told him, resting her muzzle on the top of his head. "Now you can touch them, yes?"

Ollie nodded, his nose full of her fur, his senses full of her scent and touch. Without really meaning to, he kissed her chest.

"Easy, tiger," she laughed, rubbing the back of his left ear, amused when he purred at the touch. "That's for later. Let's be nice and clean first, eh?"

"Yes, miss..."

Letting go of his head, she nudged him back, returning her hands to her head as he ran his up her flanks to cover her breasts.

"That's more like it." Alyssa hummed quietly as the felines small hands lathered her chest. "Good boy... mmm, you do know what you're doing, don't you? I see Missy D doesn't miss much in her employee training... very thorough... hnnyah... Ok, enough, enough!" The hyena slapped his hands gently, her nipples already standing to stiff attention. "Hey, no grinning! You're not finished!" she admonished, hands on his shoulders.

"Yes, miss..." Ollie murmured, his hands gently caressing her lower tummy, soapy fingers working through her short fur, sliding gradually lower until his hand cupped between her thighs. She whined through her nose as his fingers made little soapy rings against her body, quite certain that his aim was more than just cleaning, and equally certain that he was having the effect he wanted. He jumped when she moved her hand to his stomach, and she laughed.

"Relax, cutie. You're mine tonight, remember?"

"Yes, miss..." the feline shivered as her fingertip came to rest against exposed pink skin.

"Someone's excitable," Alyssa chuckled as his body responded to the contact. "I guess I don't scare you that much after all - that or they've got you on the Gentleman's Draught."

"Um, both, miss."

She laughed. "Perfect." Stepping back, she sat in the warm water, leaning back until it covered her to her neck, rinsing the soap out of her fur. Looking up at him as he stayed standing, seeing his visible arousal, she gave a lopsided smile. "Go grab me a towel?"

Ollie nodded, pulling himself out of the bath, very briefly drying himself on a small towel, before returning with a large, fluffy, near-blanket. Alyssa laughed. "Overkill?" she suggested, climbing out and allowing him to wrap it around her.

"I like to think of it as going the extra mile," Ollie offered, and she smiled.

"Well, if you're going to be like that... Maybe it's time for that back rub," Alyssa decided, patting herself with the towel as she moved towards the bed. "Uh, leave the oil, just makes my fur greasy."

Ollie nodded and followed.

Ellie purred as the duke's hands found her waist, running lightly up her back. One hand on the window glass in front of her, she giggled as she felt his hands tug lightly at the bottom of her blouse.

"Perhaps we should close the curtains, sir?"

The leopard considered for a moment, dipping his head to nuzzle at her shoulder. "I doubt anyone can see us," he murmured. "Fourth floor and all."

"But we are facing the garden, and we are right in the window," Ellie giggled as he tickled her flanks, his fingertips slipping under her clothing, dancing over her fur.

"Mmm, are you shy?"

"Um, not... when it's just you..." she answered, biting her lip.

"But what if it wasn't?" he asked. "This is what you're buying into, Ellie. You don't get to be shy. Are you sure you're ok with it?" She hesitated, and his hands stilled against her flanks. "If you're not... please tell me, Ellie. Please don't let me do anything you aren't comfortable with."

Ellie sighed, turning in his arms, touching her nose to his as he leaned down.

"With you, sir, I'm comfortable," she smiled reassuringly. "I've known you a while. You're not perfect, but you're kind and you're gentle, and everyone who's been with you has spoken well of it. But not in the window."

He grinned in relief. "Perhaps we should retreat a little then?"

"Perhaps we should," she nodded, allowing him to lead her across the room. A quick glance over her shoulder validated that no part of the gardens was visible through the window anymore, just the dark, rolling woodlands distant. Anyone watching from out there would see nothing - which was probably a good job, because his hands were tugging the hem of her blouse upwards. She giggled as he stopped half way, her garment now covering her head instead of her chest, binding her arms upright.

"My word... you are beautiful," he murmured, and a moment later she felt him kneel, nuzzling her midriff gently, softly kissing her tummy. He hugged her tightly, his head pressing against her middle, and she smiled, though her expression was hidden by cotton. After a few moments he seemed to recover himself, standing, and pulling her shirt off her upraised arms.

"You're blushing."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, I rather like it. Are you sure you're all right, though?"

"Yes, sir, it's ok."

"Are you sure?"

Caught up in his compassionate gaze, Ellie took a deep, calming breath. Her heart was pounding. Part of her did want to say no, she had to admit it. She knew that half the world would look unkindly on her now, but... everyone she had grown up around was here. Every kind, gentle, loving soul she cared for shared this life. And it just didn't seem that bad. To earn one's way by giving happiness and pleasure, to provide company for the lonely, relief and release for the stressed, weary, and frustrated. It wasn't that bad.

And the duke was rather attractive.

Smiling, she reached an arm behind her back, feeling for the two buttons that fastened her chest cloth in place.

"Quite sure," she murmured breathlessly, as the soft linen fell to the floor.

To his credit, the duke held her gaze for several long seconds before his eyes slipped downwards.


He didn't need to tell her because it shone in his eyes. Her curves were perfect to him, her modest bosom everything he had been hoping for, and Ellie felt a surge of warmth well up inside her. Yes. She was sure. She hugged him. He laughed and held her, nuzzling her ear as she quite calmly slipped her skirt down her legs. She wasn't entirely sure how his shirt and pants came off, but moments later they stood together, quite naked, embracing in the candle light and the pale glow of the rising moon filtering through the window.

"You're beautiful," he murmured, and she smiled, running her hands up his back, ruffling his spotted fur as she hugged him to her.

"And you're very handsome, dear duke."

He actually blushed, and she felt a sudden swell of affection for him, tucking her nose under his chin and purring.



"Would you... care to dance?"

She giggled. "Really?"


"We don't have to go downstairs again, do we?"

He chuckled. "No. Right here will be fine. It's not like we can't hear the music."

Ellie laughed. "Then yes, sir, I'd love to dance."

Alyssa grunted as Ollie's hands worked over the small of her back. For saying that the feline was lightly built and none too tall, he had quite a knack of exerting surprising force on pressure points and tense muscles - which was exactly what she needed.

He apologised quietly as she huffed out a breath into the pillow.

"Good boy, Ollie, good boy," she reassured.

"Are you quite sure this doesn't count as some form of masochism? I'm supposed to charge extra for that..."

Alyssa laughed. "I'd have imagined that's only when you're on the receiving end, surely?"

Ollie paused, his hands just under her shoulder blades. "I think it takes a... certain mental preparation," he suggested. "I don't think it's something I could really get involved with."

"No? Don't fancy giving someone a quick crack with a whip?"

"Um, no, miss..."

"Good, me neither. Get more than enough bloody knuckles and bruises just doing my day job. Now, a light slap across the arse... that's another matter. Some people like getting it, some people like giving it, and there's no damage done in either case."

Ollie nodded. "That I could probably deal with..."

"I'll remember that," the hyena grinned over her shoulder. "And I think... I'm relaxed enough now."

"Yes, miss," Ollie nodded again, lifting himself as she twisted underneath him, shortly finding himself looking down at her chest.

"Come here," she prompted, holding out her arms, and he leaned down against her, finding himself caught up in an unexpectedly gentle hug.


"Yes, miss?"

"You ain't a virgin, are you?"

The feline almost laughed. "Er, no, miss."

"Thank goodness. I mean... if you were, you could tell me the truth. Whatever happens in this room tonight doesn't leave these walls, you've my word on it, and I really wouldn't have minded if you weren't experienced, but... you know, I'm probably not the person you'd want to be with first time. And I sure as hell wouldn't want it to be for money."

"It's really not my first time, miss," Ollie smiled.

"You're sure?"

He did laugh this time. "Yes, miss."

"Good. Because there are only two reasons why you'll ever find me flat on my back. And I'm about done hugging, so now there's only one reason."

"What's that, miss?"

"Hmm, how can I put it... ah, I know!" Without another word, she laced her fingers and put both hands on top of his head, giving him a firm shove down the bed, not stopping until her elbows were nearly straight.

"Good boy..." she smiled.

Ellie purred warmly as she felt the duke's hands caress her ears, a soft, gentle, reassuring touch that let her know everything she was doing was exactly right. Her own hands lightly traced up and down his flanks, her elbows on the edge of the mattress, her nose just inches from his fur.

Panting, the leopard gazed down at his companion, drinking in the softness of her features, the gentle set of her eyebrows, the sparkle of fun in her eyes. She had read him well, holding quite still, understanding on instinct that if she moved too much, he would very likely lose control right then and there.

He bit his lip as she drew back her head, warm tongue running down the length of his naked skin until his arousal stood openly in the evening air. She kissed the tip and he trembled. Smiling, she repeated the kiss, again and again across the head of his erection, gradually making her way down one side until her nose pressed to his fur. His breath caught as she flicked out her tongue, lapping sideways across his underside, setting the tip dancing, a tiny bead of moisture shining in the candle light.

"Ellie... I..."

"Sir?" She returned to his tip, holding his length in both hands as if about to sip from a giant mug.

"Would... would you please... join me. On the bed?" he asked, his breath panting quietly.

Ellie giggled. "Yes, sir," she murmured, nuzzling him for a few moments longer before standing. Placing one hand in the middle of his furry chest, she nudged him gently, edging him backwards into the middle of the mattress, following, crawling up over his body. Leaning down, she kissed him, feeling his hands tighten over her shoulders.

"I need you," he whispered, pulling her head down until their cheeks touched.

"I'm yours."

Hugging her tightly, he twisted, and she rolled with him until she was gazing up at his handsome face, his eyes glittering with reflected fire.

"Are you sure? Because gods help me, Ellie, if you aren't you have to tell me right now..."

Brushing her fingers over his lips, she quieted him, soothing his fears even though her own heart was thudding in her chest. She really was going to do this. Not just for the money, and certainly not because it was expected of her, but because she wanted to.

This kind, gentle young man had come to her for comfort, for the warmth and physical passion that his marriage had denied him. Far from a betrayal of trust, he had come to her to cement the relationship with his wife - by admitting his needs as she admitted hers, he allowed them to continue to love each other, even though she might never hold him in her arms as Ellie now did. Through her actions, she would help them stay together.

And, quite honesty... he was very, very sexy. That definitely helped. Ellie suppressed a giggle as she lifted her legs, hugging his waist with her thighs as her hand moved between their bodies. He gasped as her fingers closed lightly around him, his hips thrusting against her hand for a moment before he regained control.

"I'm yours," she repeated softly, guiding him to her entrance.

Eyes closed tightly, he whimpered softly through his nose as the space between them closed.

Holding him warmly, nuzzling his cheek, Ellie murmured to him softly - not saying anything in particular, just reassuring him, letting him know how good he felt inside her, how safe she felt in his arms, how much the handsome gentleman he was. She let out a soft gasp of pleasure as he pressed into her.

Head next to hers, her nose at his cheek, he moved within her, eyes still closed even as she brushed his cheek with her fingertips.

"You're beautiful," he told her softly, his breath panting as one hand hooked under her thigh to help draw him closer to her.

"And you're handsome," she murmured, wrapping her tail up between his legs, across his bottom to lie along the length of his back.

"I... I love you..."

Ellie hesitated, then bit her lip, closing her eyes for a moment, a wave of sadness overcoming her.

"And I love you, my husband," she whispered softly, crossing her ankles over his bottom, hugging him as close as she physically could.

He trembled, his hands working their way under her shoulders, pulling her to him for one, two, three... "I'm sorry," he whispered, and a moment later the pressure of his body within hers had gone as he pulled his knees under him.

For a moment, she didn't understand, and then she felt the tremor in his muscles and felt the small, wet splash against her tummy. She hushed him as he repeated his apology, kissing his cheek, her hand diving between their bodies to wrap around his length, squeezing him firmly, dragging his tip through her warm fur as he spent his pleasure on her.

"I'm sorry," he sighed for the third time, his body slowly relaxing, trapping her hand between them as he leaned his weight onto her.

Ellie kissed his cheek again. "That's quite all right. What would you like to call me tonight?" she asked softly, and saw him blush as he lifted his head.

"Ellie will do... just fine. I am sorry."

"Don't be. You love her. Not me. Her."

"Yes..." his lower lip trembled slightly.

"That's ok," Ellie smiled, ruffling the fur on his head even though a small part of her felt just a little bit sad at the truth. "I get it. That's why you're here with me."

He kissed her, softly, a fleeting brush of lips.

"Thank you for understanding."

"That's why I'm here. You didn't have to pull out you know," she giggled, changing the subject.

He blushed deeper. "I forgot to ask if you'd been drinking your tea... and I suspect you may have just a little leopard in your lineage..."

She hugged him. "Yes I have, on both counts, but you're a gentleman, dear duke. You truly are."

"No, not yet..."


"A gentleman would never leave his lady wanting. I believe we have some unfinished work to attend to." He pushed himself up onto his hands, and surveyed the gap between their bodies. "But first, do you think there's a towel around here?" he asked.

"Nnnya!" Hands firmly gripping the feline's ears, Alyssa felt her climax blossom, waves of pleasure shooting out from between her legs, racing along her body, leaving her trembling in their wake.

Panting, grinning, she stared up at the ceiling for a while as her breathing normalised, tugging Ollie just far enough away to keep him out of contact with her body.

"Good boy," she sighed, letting go and smiling at him as he leaned back. "Whoo, you have been practising that haven't you. Oh yes, you're going to be a favourite of mine... Now be a good lad and go wash your mouth for me? Thank you," she nodded as he padded across the room to the wash basin, one corner of her mouth turning up in a lopsided smile as she watched his oh-so-cute little bum.

She beckoned him as he turned, drying his face with a towel, and he returned to the bed, lying against her flank, hugging her. She kissed him on the forehead and he blushed.

"M-miss?" he whispered, and she chuckled, stilling the hand that had wrapped around his length, feeling him return to full erection as she pressed him between her palm and her thigh.

"Good boy. Just a minute or two... then I think it's time for something else. Lie still now."

He nodded, snuggling tight against her, draping an arm, leg, and his tail across her body as if trying to be her blanket.

"So who've you been practising with?" Alyssa asked, her fingers idly tracing the random spots in his fur, tapping each in turn.


"Anyone I'm likely to have hired?"

"Who, um... who have you?"

Alyssa chuckled. "Anyone young and cute who'll sleep with a grumpy old ranger."

"You're not old, miss."

"Maybe, but I am grumpy," she told him, tapping his nose with a marginally unsteady finger and looking just a little drunk - which wasn't surprising, since she had been sipping on the wine for the last quarter of an hour as he had worked to please her. "Not everyone can stick that. You did well tonight."

"Thank you, miss."

"You know... sooner or later, I am going to yell at you. Don't take it personal, just means I'm trying not to actually kill someone out in the field. Better to have a scream and a shout when you're hidden away in a room full of cushions than when you've got an axe in your hand, eh?"

Ollie hesitated. "Uh, yes, miss," he nodded, glancing over at the pile of Alyssa's clothing on the floor. She giggled.

"They make me leave them at the door."


"At least, all the ones they can find," she grinned wickedly. "Now," she went on before he had a chance to say anything. "Are you going to be a good boy and lie still while I screw you?"

"Yes, miss..."

"Good," she nodded, shoving him hard in the shoulder so that he rolled onto his back. "Now you lie back," she told him, kneeling over his thighs. "Think of Forestmoon, and don't say a word. Got it? Not a word."

Ollie nodded, biting his lip and wearing an expression of greater unease than he felt While she may act tough, there was a gentleness in her touch that told him the consequence of disobedience wouldn't be particularly bad. But he had always liked to think of himself as a good boy... He gasped as she pressed his tip against her body, feeling the warmth of furless skin.

She eyed him for a moment. "I guess you can make other noises though," she decided. "Just not too loud."

He nodded, gritting his teeth as she dragged his tip along the length of her warm entrance, wetting him, half closing her eyes in pleasure. Back, front, back, front, pressing his aching erection against the top of her folds for a few seconds, then sliding him back again, enjoying his body without ever letting him enter hers. It took a little getting used to, but as he got her timing down, he managed to regulate his breathing around her movements, falling into silence as she had requested.

"Good boy," she nodded, and dropped into his lap.

The gasp that burst from his lips was as unrestrained as it was voluble, and he slapped a hand over his mouth as she raised her eyebrows. Raising a finger to her lips, Alyssa smiled.

Gods, she was warm inside. Perhaps no more so than any other female, but still, right now, she felt warm. Her body, toned and muscular, yet soft and curving, seemed to be as well cared for outside as it was inside, gripping him like a velvet trap.

"Mmmyeah..." she moaned softly, moving her hands to his midriff, pressing him down into the mattress as she rocked her hips.

Trying to breathe softly through his nose, Ollie let his hands run up the length of her arms as the hyena moved over him. He could feel the play of her toned muscles under her fur, and realised, not for the first time, that it would be very unwise to get into a fight with her. Or to try to exert his will in any way, really, since she would probably take it as a challenge... But that was ok. Her will was likely to end in a very pleasant evening for them both, all he had to do was keep quiet and lie back.

Which would be easy, except... he tensed his hips, a slight prickle of an altogether too familiar sensation beginning somewhere between his legs.

Alyssa must have noticed the flicker of his expression and the tension in his body, because she paused for a moment, hands pressed down on his furry chest, one eyebrow raised.

"You better not be thinking about letting one slip out, Ollie."

The feline bit his lip and said nothing.

"Good," Alyssa nodded, resuming her motion, guiding his hands up to her chest.

Gardening, Ollie thought frantically. Think about gardening... Pushing that awkward little mechanical mower when the weather was far too hot to for it. Planting flowers. They had recently been transferring bluebells from the woods beyond the grounds into a neat little arrangement near the manor.

Alyssa moaned softly, manipulating his fingers into lightly pinching at her nipples, arching her back slightly as she twisted her hips in a small circle. Perhaps intentionally, perhaps not, she was rhythmically squeezing down on him now, her body tightening with each push backwards.

"M-miss..." he hadn't meant to speak, but he was going to have to warn her...

"Shh," she put her finger to his lips. "And don't you cum."

Ollie gritted his teeth. Bluebells. Mowing. Moving those heavy rocks into the new rockery. Baking rock cakes in the kitchen. Putting buns in the oven. Oh gods, he couldn't stop it! He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see her expression.

"I - I'm..."

He felt her move, her weight in his lap vanishing for a moment, only to come back down with a soft thump of fur on fur, his erection now trapped between their bodies. Whimpering through his nose, he tried to at least keep quiet as she pressed herself down onto him, her warm entrance planted against the under side of his arousal, directing the wet surges of his pleasure right into his own fur.

Panting softly, he felt himself redden, his ears falling to an unhappy slant.

"S-sorry..." he cracked his eyes open to find her peering down at him, her eyebrows raised, and looking remarkably like a school mistress who'd just found him writing 'bum' across his desk.

Without warning, she swung herself off him, leaned forward to hook a finger behind his collar, and pulled. A moment of confused motion, and Ollie found himself face to face with the carpet, bent immobile over the hyena's knee. Jabbing her right elbow into his back, grabbing his tail with her right hand, she hoisted it over his back, bringing her left down with a gentle slap across his bottom. "Bad boy!"

It was more the shock that made him squeak, rather than the pain - for one, it didn't hurt at all, but it was extraordinarily embarrassing! He was supposed to be an adult and - "Bad boy!" Two, three, four times she brought her hand down for that little smack, each time repeating those words until they echoed in his head, a dismal statement of his failure to please her.

After the tenth swipe, she released his tail, hooked a finger under his collar again, and pulled him back upright. Blushing deeply, Ollie found himself quite unable to meet her gaze, feeling utterly wretched to have disappointed her so much. The corners of his eyes prickled and he fought to keep a tremble out of his lower lip.

Alyssa kissed him, softly, right on the nose, then, displaying the uncanny strength that the Magerangers were renowned for, lifted him bodily across her knees into an oddly motherly hug. One hand petted his ears as his muzzle pressed against her shoulder, her other arm tight about him, holding him to her.

"Nevermind, Ollie. It's ok. You're only young. Heck, Idjit Foxglove could never keep it in until he was past twenty five, and you must be nervous as hell doing this first time. Boys always lose it quicker when they're nervous. I guess I can cut you some slack."

Resisting the urge to sniffle, managing to inhale with quiet control, Ollie nodded.

"Although you are supposed to be a professional, you know," she went on, one hand falling to his middle, a fingertip dragging through the sticky patch in his fur. "So as part of your job training, every time that happens," she nudged him back gently until she could look into his face. "I'll do this," she said, and jabbed her finger into his mouth.

"Mmffh? Mmmgh..." he wrinkled his nose as the taste hit him. Not unpleasant as such, but... it was his and something never seemed quite right about that. It was somehow undignified - not that dignity looked like it would be particularly in supply when he was with Alyssa. Still, he thought as she hugged him again, turning him sideways and keeping her finger pressed to his tongue... there were worse things that could happen. There was a strange kind of safety in being with this tough talking hyena. Sure, she could be pretty rough in getting what she wanted, but she was the kind of person who gave the impression of keeping away the really bad things that were out there in the world.

Which, he supposed, she was - many times he had listened to her tell stories of her life as a ranger, of the missions she had been on, of the bad people she had stopped and the good people she had saved. It was actually very comforting to find himself bundled up in her arms.

Even if she had just turned him on his face and smacked his bottom.

"I think you should go have a bit of a wash," she suggested, and he nodded, standing somewhat reluctantly, rather missing the warm embrace.

Alyssa watched him head for the wash basin again. Yep. He was a cutie, she thought, smiling while his back was turned, and feeling secretly pleased that his control had failed him. Of course, it wouldn't do to tell him that...

"And wash your bits, boy. Come on, do it properly now!"

"Yes, miss..." he murmured.

Knees hugging tight to the leopard's flanks, Ellie gritted her teeth, one hand covering her muzzle as she fought not to shout aloud. Soft moans were one thing - she had been repeatedly told that they were very much a turn on - but what she wanted to do right now was shake the window, and that wouldn't do at all.

While the duke may not have been technically skilful, he was certainly enthusiastic and dedicated. Where he lacked refinement and accuracy, he displayed attentiveness and care, watching every movement that she made, listening to every sound that escaped her, gently manipulating her with fingers and tongue until she lay flat back on the bed, fingers clawing into the covers, eyes tight shut as he held her on the brink of climax for long minutes.

"Ellie?" he murmured, looking up along the length of her body as his finger twisted inside her.

"Mm-mmyah... s-sir?"

"Would you like to?"

"Y-yes..." It didn't really matter what he was asking, she'd have accepted anything, any contact, anywhere, as long as it let her down from this knife edge of pleasure! "P-please... sir... let me..."

Grinning, the duke dipped his head, running his tongue over the top of her entrance, seeking out that little pink button of flesh even as his fingertips sought that special place inside. Without warning, he pressed hard on both of them at once.

Ellie's world fell away.

Nothing existed but the bed beneath her, his touch between her legs, and the raw surge of pleasure that leapt and danced within her, sweeping her into its arms to carry her off to places far beyond the horizon.


She blinked, the room seeming foggy. All of a sudden the duke was at her side, cuddling close against her flank, his nose at her cheek.


"Are you happy now, my lady?" he asked quietly, and she blushed.

"I am very happy, my duke..." she murmured, turning her head and kissing him. He must have rinsed his mouth, she realised, only the lightest trace of her own taste lingered on him. Had he actually made her pass out? A soft whimper escaped her as his hand found its way between her legs, cupping her, fingertips exploring warm, wet skin.

"You're hard..."

"And you're soft," he smiled. "May I make love to you, again?"

Ellie blushed at the question, asked so openly yet so politely. Nodding, she kissed his forehead as he bent to nuzzle under her chin.

He moved more slowly this time, without the urgent haste of before, gently encouraging her to turn over onto her stomach, hooking his hands around her hips, pulling her bottom upwards to meet him. She moaned into the pillow as he entered her, her tail wrapping around him, wanting to draw him closer.

"Please turn your head," he asked softly. "I really like to see your face..."

She did so, managing to catch sight of him from the corner of her eye without lifting her head from the pillow.

"Thank you. Do you know you're beautiful?" Ellie blushed as he caressed her bottom, simply enjoying the contact, not urging her into motion. "Beautiful girls forget sometimes, I think, what power they have."

"Power...?" she murmured.

"All you have to do is smile... and you change things." His hands tugged at her flanks, encouraging her to lift herself until they knelt together, his arms around her chest. He nuzzled the side of her neck and she giggled at the tickly touch. "You can make a stranger's day brighter, just by letting them know you've seen them and are friendly. You can change a person's mood with a grin and a wave. You can make a bad day into a great day. All with a smile."

The leopard hugged her tightly, and she turned her head enough for him to see the smile that came to her face not because he wanted it, but because he made her want to.

His hips bumped her bottom, and she let out a small, happy noise as his fingertips edged lower down her tummy.

"Come here then." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Alyssa beckoned to the feline, intentionally softening her expression as she realised he really did look rather nervous. He stepped closer, biting his lip as she cupped her hand possessively between his legs. "Calm down, boy. You haven't busted out yet. Or at least, only in cards," she grinned, and he looked apologetic. "Now, you give me two more really good orgasms, and I'll be happy for tonight, ok? Can you do that for me, Ollie?"

"Yes, miss," he nodded, smiling hesitantly.

"Good boy," she told him, amused as his ears immediately took on a happier slant with the praise. Was he really so tuned into her already? She really was going to have to come back another time, he was going to be a lot of fun.

She let her hands rub over his furry sheath, encouraging him to erection again in a remarkably short time. "Well, I see the Gentleman's Draught works pretty good on you!"

"Yes, miss," he blushed.

"Good. Now, what to do with you..." She had an idea, but being a clear foot taller than him was going to make it difficult. Casting her eye around the room for a moment, Alyssa's gaze locked onto a padded foot stool about six inches in height. She pointed at it and, without needing to be told, Ollie went and fetched it for her, though he looked a little baffled as to why she wanted it.

Grinning, hooking her hand into his collar, the hyena turned him, nudging him until his back pressed against the wall next to the bed.

"On the stool," she told him, and he hastily placed it at his feet, hopping onto it as she kicked it against the skirting board. His nose brushed her chin. Perfect.

Bracing both hands against the wall, she pushed up onto tiptoes, looking down at the feline as he gazed up at her. "Put it in, idjit," she whispered, fighting to hide a smile. He nodded, looking remarkably shy as his hands dipped between them, grasping his length and angling it until the tip pressed up between her warm folds.

Alyssa sighed as she relaxed down onto him. "Oh, and no more talking," she told him. He whimpered softly as she raised herself again, and she stretched her neck to press her chin onto the top of his head as he ducked under her.

"You know, if I'm not very much mistaken..." she told him. "I think you like a take charge woman."

Ollie hugged her gently, nuzzling her fur as she moved against him.

"Yep, I thought so," she laughed. She nudged his forehead with her chin until he stood up straight, pressing the index and middle fingers of her right hand to his lips until he opened his mouth. "Orrr..." she mused. "Is it that you like a take charge, person? I think... you probably... like to get something... in your mouth..."

The feline went, if possible, a deeper shade of pink.

"Oh-ho! So my little Ollie isn't quite as straight as he'd like us to think with his pink little collar, eh? My, that is interesting... So, you ever done it with a guy? Or just thought about it?"

Not really knowing how to answer, what with being told not to speak and with her fingers in his mouth, Ollie just looked at her, instinctively running his tongue around her fingertips even as their hips rocked together.

"Oh you so have!" Alyssa grinned. "I know that look! Was it Ty? Everyone goes with Ty. Classy gent. I bet you had a really good night, didn't you? Putting that cute little mouth of yours to work on him. Or did you lift your tail?" she smiled slyly. "Does my cute little kitty like to be on the bottom?"

Ollie whimpered, wondering if it was possible to feel more embarrassed - his cheeks were hot, his ears were on fire, his stomach was full of butterflies, and he was hard as a bone. Was he really enjoying this, having his personal life scrutinised? Well, perhaps just a little... but only because it was from someone like Alyssa, someone who managed to make him feel both timid and safe all at the same time.

Plus... she kind of seemed to like what she was reading in his face. How could he be worried and embarrassed about her knowing something she wanted to hear?

He gasped a little as she pulled her fingers out of his mouth, purring as she kissed him, left hand on the back of his head, her tongue lapping against his. She hummed into the kiss, waiting until his eyes half closed before moving her right hand. He jumped as her fingertip found the bare skin under his tail, his eyes widening for a moment.

But she could see that his expression was not that of a boy who wanted to say no.

The feline felt a shiver run up his spine as Alyssa's fingertip slipped within him. Oh gods, how embarrassing... if... she hadn't... started it it... He felt very confused, helpless, but... not unhappy.

"Please..." he whispered, tucking his nose under her chin. "Please don't tell..."

"Oh gods, you're such a cutie," she told him. "I'm gonna give you such a bonus..." she shivered, a tremor running up her body, and he hugged her. "I'm... gonna..."

Holding the feline tight in her arms, head bowed over his shoulder until her hair pressed against the wall, Alyssa climaxed, growling softly into Ollie's ear as her body tensed around him. He hugged her and petted her back, his hands ruffling and smoothing her fur, his nose nuzzling her cheek, kissing her softly.

She panted as her muscles relaxed, her grip on him loosening until they simply stood chest to chest, his arousal still hard inside her, her left hand braced against the wallpaper.

"So, yeah," Alyssa said, clearing her throat. "It kinds of gets me off when boys are all shy and embarrassed..." Ollie giggled. "And I told you, nothing leaves this room. You can tell me any secret, any fantasy, and nobody hears about it, ever. My word, as a Mageranger. I'll never break that and you know it."

Smiling, he nodded.

"Naturally, same goes the other way, too. Else I will break you."

Ollie kept nodding, his eyes widening a little, wondering if she was joking.

"It's a beautiful night," the duke murmured softly, dipping his head to nuzzle at Ellie's shoulder. "The stars are bright..."

Ellie shook her head, pulling him closer to her, but didn't turn around. She wasn't quite sure how he had talked her into this, hopping herself up on the windowsill, her back bared to any who might be out in the garden - even though that was probably nobody, and if there was someone, all they'd see would be an unidentifiable silhouette against the candles behind her.

"And I'm sure someone out there would love to see a full moon."

In spite of herself, Ellie giggled.

"No," she told him softly.

"Ah, well," the leopard sighed, tucking his hips up tight against hers, causing her to draw in a sharp breath as he filled her. "I guess you're a classier lady than I. Am a gentleman," he added after a pause, and she laughed.

"You're perfectly classy, sir. Just... not shy. And maybe a little bit of an exhibitionist?"

"Mmm, maybe," he huffed into her ear, holding her hips and pulling her tight to him. "It is just a little thrilling to think we might be seen... But I really don't think there's anyone out there," he went on, casting his gaze over the darkened gardens beyond the window. Leaning back a little, he ran his hands across her breasts, making her purr.

Turning back from the wash basin once again, Ollie found Alyssa had returned to sitting on the edge of the bed, her hands on the mattress between her thighs. Extending a hand, she beckoned him over.

"I see the Draught's still doing its job," she grinned, wrapping a hand around his erection as soon as he was close enough. "So, can you last another full round?" she asked, giving him a squeeze and getting a sharp intake of breath in response.

Ollie felt heat rise to his ears. "I... I don't think so, miss," he admitted, a small shiver running up his body as she tugged at him.

"Honest answer," the hyena nodded, pulling him in closer, putting her arms around his waist, tilting her head back to look up at him from the middle of his chest. "That's ok, we can work with that. If I get you off, can you get it up again?"

It was a blunt question and made him blush, but Ollie nodded. If nothing else, past experience with the Gentleman's Draught had taught him that it tended to ensure he was good for three, perhaps four. Once, Ellie had extended that to five, but he had been sore for a day afterwards.

"Good boy," Alyssa grinned. Then she threw him onto the bed.

Landing flat on his back, Ollie's breath left him in a huff as he blinked up at the candlelit ceiling. Moments later, that view was blotted out, replaced with light tan fur as Alyssa moved over him. Their height difference was going to be challenging, Ollie realised suddenly, as he found himself looking up at her lower tummy even as her breath washed over his arousal.

"Don't suppose you could stretch a bit?" she asked, sniggering. "Oh well, do what you can I guess. Now keep quiet." Ollie just managed to stifle an exclamation by burying his muzzle in her fur as she licked his tip.

She was forceful, almost rough, taking him into her mouth and sucking at him with an almost feral passion. For a moment, it was all he could do to cling to her, arms around her back, muscles tense and nose pressed to her tummy as she fired his nerve endings with wild abandon. It was almost uncomfortable, and for a second he feared he might actually soften in her mouth... but moments later she had relaxed her approach. Soothing, calming; stimulating, but no longer overpowering. Ollie let his head fall back onto the mattress, watching how a little patch of her fur waved above him as he breathed.

"Tell me if you're gonna lose it."

There wasn't much point in nodding, since she wouldn't see him. Instead, Ollie brought his hands down from her back, hooking his arms around her thighs. Yes, he could just reach. His fingertips found naked skin and she rumbled approvingly, a rough approximation of a purr. Her tail flicked behind her as he nudged inside.

He was fun to play with, Alyssa decided, pressing down firmly on his thighs to hold him still as she worked on him. Just for amusement, she pushed down until her nose met his fur, sucking on him hard and just brushing him with her teeth, grinning around her mouthful as he tensed up under her. She could probably keep doing this to him all night, it would keep him hard, but the periodic over stimulation would likely make it difficult for him to climax - but then, that wasn't what she wanted. She drew back and looked at his erection.

"Now then, little one," she said, addressing it as if it had ears. "What is it that you like, hmm? Do you like to be kissed? Mmm, yes you do," Alyssa smiled as she felt the feline tense under her. "Licked?" Ollie whimpered. "Oh yes. Let's go with that, shall we?"

Ollie bit his lip as the hyena bent to her task, the soft warmth of her tongue proving to be highly effective, an urgent pressure starting to make itself known even as he tried to focus on her body, moving his fingers gently over her warm skin.

"Oh, and now look, you're leaking a little. You messy little cat. I bet you're getting close, aren't you?" She chuckled as his hips twitched.

"Y-yes, miss..." he panted, figuring this would be the one thing he was allowed to say.

"Good boy." She pushed herself up, turning over him, kneeling across his hips, favouring him with a lopsided smile as she pushed down onto him. "Hold it as long as you can," she told him simply.

That was going to be a challenge, Ollie thought, as she started to move above him. She had him pretty much on the brink already, there really wasn't much more holding that he could do... He held onto her hips tightly, trying to release some of the tension through his fingertips, knowing that he really couldn't hurt her.

Alyssa smiled as she watched his face crease up in concentration. She wondered what he was thinking about. Probably anything other than sex. A mischievous idea struck her. Leaning forwards, she bent low over him, pressing her breasts against his collar bones, planting a kiss between her eyes.



Watching his eyes close, listening to his breathing. Alyssa tried to guess the timing. Three... two... one...

"Your sister, naked," she said. "Masturbating."

He trembled under her, his arms locking tight around her, mouth opening in a silent shout as she pressed his head back into the mattress with her muzzle. Three, four, five... and he seemed done.

"Mmm, love that feeling..." She nuzzled his forehead as he blinked groggily.

"Wha - what did...?" he asked, and she snickered.

"Just messin' with your head."

Not just a little, either, Ollie thought. For one heart stopping moment, right on the brink of orgasm, he thought Alyssa might have identified the relationship he had recently started to share with Ellie... Not that he was really ashamed of it, but... sooner or later, someone was going to be very, very disapproving, and he didn't want that someone to be Alyssa.

"You ok?" she asked, watching his face. "Relax, boy, everyone thinks about their sister doing it at least once in a lifetime. Plus, yours is a cutie, most brothers would have tried to spy on her! Hell, I wouldn't mind a piece of her myself. Hey, was she collared up tonight too?"

Ollie nodded.

"Damn it! Should have grabbed you both at once!" She laughed. "Wow, look at you blush! But..." she studied his expression. "You're really not freaked out by that idea, are you? You kinda like it, don't you? Kinky little cat!" She sat up, smirking. "Mmm, well, I'm gonna work on that one for next time then. Wonder what Missy D will say about it..."

Of course, Ollie thought, there was always the possibility that Alyssa wasn't going to be disapproving even if she did find out... And while he had yet to be involved in sex with more than one partner, the idea that the other two might be both Ellie and Alyssa...

"Mmm, Draught really does work well on you," Alyssa commented, rocking her hips in his lap, proving to both of them that he remained hard inside her. "I wonder how many we can get out of you before you lose it... I think we should find out!"

Ollie swallowed nervously. He had a sudden feeling that Alyssa was going to prove to be more demanding than she had originally said...

Ellie moaned softly against the leopard's shoulder. She could feel he was getting close, his movements becoming more sporadic, breath panting raggedly against her cheek as he hugged her tightly. She could tell he was trying to be gentle, but passion and control rarely go hand in hand, and despite his best efforts he was bumping her pretty hard against the window ledge... But it didn't matter. She could see he needed her badly, and she could take a small bruise or two.

"Ellie, I..."

"Let go," she murmured into his ear. "Let go, sir. It's ok. I'm yours. I'm yours."

He groaned, stifling the noise against the side of her neck, clinging tightly to her as his entire body went rigid in her arms. Hugging him, stroking his back, nuzzling his cheek, Ellie urged him on, letting him know everything was fine, encouraging him to take his pleasure in her until he sagged against her. She let her legs fall to a more natural position, just sitting there with him, balanced in the window, diamond shapes of moonlight shining against her back, highlighting the pale spots in her fur.

Risking a moment, Ellie turned to glance down into the gardens. They were quite empty. If anyone was watching, they weren't anywhere that the lights of the mansion could reach. She relaxed.

The duke drew back to look into her eyes, his hands cupping her cheeks.

"You're beautiful," he reminded her, and she blushed. "Oh, if I wasn't married..."

"But you are," she told him gently. "Remember that. I know you love her."

He nodded sadly. "Yes, I do," he sighed. "But I am really very fond of you."

"And I of you," Ellie smiled. "My handsome gentleman."

"Not so gentlemanly I think," the duke mused. "It would appear that once again I have yet to perform my duty to my lady..."

"It doesn't matter," Ellie reassured.

He leaned forwards, putting his arms around her. "It does to me," he told her softly. "Please, let's go back to bed, and I will show you how a gentleman treats his lady."

Ellie hugged him tightly.

Ollie blinked, squinted. Daylight. Ah, yes.


Well, that was bound to happen sooner or later. He groaned and shifted slightly, becoming aware of a warm pressure on his left flank. He forced his eyes open.

"Hey," he murmured.

"Hey too," Ellie smiled sleepily.

"I'm pretty sure I went to bed alone..."

"Mmm... I got back later. You were asleep."

"Fair enough." Ollie put his arm around her, hugging her gently. "Love you," he told her.

"I..." Ellie's eyes sparkled. "I love you too..."

"Are you ok?" he asked with sudden concern, his fingertip moving to the corner of her eye and coming away shining wet.

She nodded, biting her lip. "Yeah. Yeah I am. Thank you for saying that though, I needed to hear it. I was afraid..."

"Sis... did you really think I wouldn't?"

"I don't know. Maybe. It doesn't matter."

Ollie hugged her tightly. "I will always love you," he told her. "No matter what happens, no matter what you do, there is nothing can change that. You will always be my sister. You will always be the girl of my dreams."

Ellie sniffled, but she was smiling.

"Although you do smell of cologne," Ollie added, and she giggled. "A good cologne, too."

"And you smell like..." she sniffed. "Uh... Mageranger standard issue perfume? Alyssa Stoutwood? Really?"

Ollie shrugged. "She's nicer than she lets on."

"Huh. Always figured she had a softer side."

"I never said that. I said she was nicer, not softer."

Ellie laughed. "Tough love?"

"Something like that."

"I'm amazed you're in one piece. Ollie?"


"Am... am I still sexy?"

"Sis," he murmured, touching his nose to hers. "The only reason I haven't rolled you onto your back is because right now I'm not sure I can do anything about just how sexy you are."

"But I am? Even though I..."

"Yes you are. Extremely. Nothing you do will ever change that."


"I'll prove it to you."


"Um. Later."

Ellie thought for a moment. "Ok. Love you, little brother."

Ollie smiled. "Love you too, little sister. Love you too. Back to sleep now?"

"Yes please."

Snuggled close together, they allowed themselves to drift back into a gentle doze. Both of them knew they were going to have to talk more about the previous night.

But they knew the important part now. Whoever they may be a companion to didn't matter. Whoever they may provide personal services to was unimportant.

The bond between them remained unbroken, and unbreakable.

Everything was going to be all right.

Just Friends [version 2]

A rewrite and retcon of an older story, probably the first in the collection chronologically. Now fits in a little better with the overall plan for the set :) For the curious, the original illustration is [here](%5C) and the original...

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Standard Rules

**Standard Rules** Alyssa's kick sent the bearded man staggering backwards as she advanced on him. Her hand found his shoulder as he turned to run, dragging him back to face her, slamming him up against a tree. Pinned, trapped with no way out, the...

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Sequelling **[To Have and To Hold](%5C)**, and being the background story for [Spontaneous](%5C) and [My Girls](%5C). Not my best attempt at anything dom/sub, just didn't seem to come out as sexy as I'd hoped... probably won't try for it again,...

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