Silver and Gold – Lust – ch7

Story by poneyboy on SoFurry

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#7 of Silver and Gold

The sound of running water woke me from my sleep. I stretched slowly sitting up, noticing that the sound was coming from the bath room and Kris was no were in sight. Assuming it was Kris taking a shower I lay back down thinking about last night. It started to come back but the only thing I could think about was the last thought, did he like me?

He was kind, gentle, efficient, slightly annoying at times but only to have fun but did he like me or was he only doing what was normal for weredogs, was he just being nice to me because of what had happened? Maybe I should see where this goes and if something happens it happens.

"What ya thinkin' about?" Kris's voice brought me back to reality as I quickly sat up.

"Nothing mu......" Kris stood there completely naked in his human form, his muscle gleamed and shone with his lightly tanned skin as the odd water droplet caressed and ran down is naked frame. A small patch of hair on his chest snaked its way down to his groin growing thicker with each inch until it became a full blown thicket as it reached his large and heavy balls, his penis hung limply in the morning light as he stood motionless, it must be at least 5 inches soft I dread to think how big and thick it could be.

"Like what ya see?"

"Sorry" I quickly looked away feeling the blood rush to my ears and face as they began to burn.

"My you really are a shy one" he chuckled and walked over to his dresser and started to put some clothes on much to my relief, "so did you like what you saw?"

"Um .....well ....I'm ...... not sure what to say" I kept my eyes away from him as I tried to will the blood away from my face, he burst out laughing.

"Well did you or did you not like what you saw?" I could tell he had a large grin as he spoke.

"Um......yes" the last part was a slight whisper as I looked down at me feet.

"There you go! You see that wasn't so hard was it! You need to relax and open up a bit more, now let's go get some breakfast" before I was give a single chance to say or do anything he swept me up in his powerful arms and carried out in to the hallway and down the stairs quickly walking into a room which could only be the kitchen to only then to gently put me down and walk off to the table leaving me still stunned and very red faced.

"God morning Jayson.....are you ok?" Luke's voice snapped me from my little ordeal as tried to push the blood from my face.

"I think so after having one of the most embarrassing moments of my life!" I stood the still stunned and shocked, what have I got myself into now?

"Kris what did you do?"

"What?! I only stepped out of the shower he looked at me and I asked if he liked what he saw, he didn't answer and went all shy" he was trying to hide a large grin.

Luke turned to face me "So what did you say?" he also had a large grin, my eyes went wide as the heat rush back to my face as my mouth fell open trying to stutter a reply but nothing came. They both burst into laughter.

"Leave him alone you two! You're making him uncomfortable on purpose" Jane's voice rang out from where she was cooking.

"Sorry Jayson I couldn't help it" Luke have me a warm smile easing my embarrassment slightly "So how did you sleep?" thankfully a less stressful subject.

"Not too bad thank you, but this thing kind of restricts some places and it can be bit tight on areas when I lay down" I looked at my bandage that is wrapped around my leg and hip which covered my sheath and balls. It was extremely embarrassing when Jane or one of the nurses changed them, more so the nurses as they would just handle and move 'things' around.

"Well you shouldn't have to worry about it for too long as your stitches are coming out today, how does it feel?" Jane said as the smell of cooking food began to intensify.

"Not sure I haven't been given the opportunity to walk on it much" I gave a playful glare to Kris who just stuck out his tongue, "well I'm glad the bandages are coming off they are slowly driving me nuts among other things" Luke and Jane laughed at my indirect attack on Kris.

I slowly took a few steps forward trying to put some weight onto my leg see if it could take any, much to my surprise it could but not much as it would start to hurt and throb if put too much on but it was still a great improvement from hoping around on three legs, Jane commented on my healing rate and put it down to the full moon that was in couple of days time.

Breakfast was amazing, the food and how much of it was just staggering as they just kept on trying to give me more, normally I would have been happy with a bowl of cereal but no there was bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, etc.

I had just managed to polish off one of the funniest meals of my life because Ryan and Kris where having a little scrap about something and Kris was acting more like a 12 year old than Ryan. I lay there watching the little spat over something trivial until they noticed me laughing. They both looked at each other and then down at me with a large grin on each of their faces.

"Leave him alone, I need to take his stitches out" saved by the bell that is Jane.

She got up from the table and picked up a small bag of what I could only assume was sterile instruments by the sound of the clinking metal. "Are you able to follow me" she asked and I nodded as I slowly got to my feet keeping my weight off my leg until I was up. I followed her to a small room which must be the study.

"So how are you doing?" I could tell by the tone of her voice she didn't mean the injury.

"I don't really know, I feel fine but there is just something missing like a hole or void if you know what I mean" she started to take the bandage and dressing off.

"I know what you mean, I have lost many of my friends human and were alike and it never gets any easier"

"I guess in some way it shouldn't"

I let her finish taking the dressing off before I lay down, this was the first time I had really had a good look at it, from the bottom of my ribs to the top of my knee was nothing but shaved skin.

"How many stitches are there?" there must be more than 60 as the pink/white skin made the stitches ever more noticeable.

"About 100 or so, it took us about 3 or 4 hours to get every piece of silver out" she started to cut each stitch and then pull it out, I was amazed to see the small holes quickly disappear as they healed, Jane just laughed as I continued to stare in wonder at my own body's actions. I shuddered when I noticed some stitches right next to my sheath and balls "yes they were a bit awkward to get at but I managed to get them and don't worry it all intact" she gave me a warm smile as I began to blush once more this stressful morning.

"Thank you" I said weakly, I lay still as I could as she continued to cut and pull the stitches from me wincing every now and then when she pulled a little hard to free the tissue binding strand to only leave two small holes that would only heal over in a matter of seconds, I was just amazing to watch my own body's response.

It didn't take that long for her take all the stitches out but she did take her time in making sure that the area that had the largest amounts of silver where healing and the wound would not open up again. When she finish she started to scratch the back of my right jaw and ear, I leaned into her and licked her arm gently and lovingly but this time it didn't feel weird or if I was doing something wrong.

"See your getting there and you're not blushing so much" she said. All I could do was lay there and relax as she continued to scratch my ears, I can see why dogs like this so much it's heaven. Sadly she started to pack up the instalments and we left to go back to the kitchen where Kris and Ryan where still squabbling.

"Wow, now that is going to make a cool scar!" Luke said as he put his paper down giving it a good look, starting from centre of the hip was like a white mass that as it went down the leg and the side of my abdomen it quickly turned into a mass of white dots that slow dissipated into my dark skin and coat. A bit like an explosion of white that started from top of my right hip and worked its way around my leg and up to my ribs, to only then gradually fade away, I guess it would make a cool looking scar.

"What" I asked Kris as he was grinning at me and starting to worry me slightly.

"Oh nothing just that we are even now"

"What do you mean?" his grin grew wider and more devious.

"You've seen mine and I've seen yours " my eyes went wide as I quickly realized what he was on about, where my coat had been shaved to make the wound clean and easy to access it gave very clear view of my sheath and my balls as my thick coat would of normally hidden them.

"So do you like what you see" I asked turning it back on to him, I had a hard time trying to keep my face straight.

He burst out laughing "nice try and the same answer as yours." BACKFIRED! I felt the heat that I had been holding back rush my face and ears once more as my ears folded back with embarrassment.

"Kristopher leave him alone he still trying to work things out" Luke said as he come over to have a closer look at the forming scar.

"What day is it?" it tried changing the subject but also the days in the vets with the sleep inducing pain killers had mucked up my body clock a little so I didn't really have a clue what the day was.

"Nicely done" Luke gave me knowing smile "it's Saturday" it's only been a weak since it all started, that all?

My ears and head fell once more but because of sadness and loss "why don't you go and take nap for while?" his words where soft and kind but they didn't help with the feeling that I had lost so much in so little time.

I walked off into the living room slowly being careful on my leg as I went. I could feel their eyes on me as I left room. I found a dark place right behind one of the couches next to the wall. I could never sleep with there was light.

Laying behind the couch with my head on my paws thinking about what had happened and changed but really not thinking about anything at all, so many things were flying around my head, but I couldn't settle on any of them to think about clearly. Does Kris like me? What is going to happen to me? Am I going to join their pack or do I have to find other werewolves to join theirs? How am I going to fit in and how am I going to fit back in with the human world? How much of me has to change to do that?

The questions and worries just kept coming and coming. The more I thought the more confusing and worrisome they became. I need to stop, I need to rest, I need to sleep it away.

I forced my eyes to close but more so forcing my mind to stop thinking, to stop bringing up painful and sad memories of what was. Slowing my breathing to control my thoughts and body to ease myself into a dreamless sleep.

Squeaking wheels was all I heard as my eyes shot open and my muscles tensed as I wait for the next sign of movement to happen, my eyes where unfocused and the bright light stung as I tried to look away from it but my muscles would not let me move.

"You all right pup" Luke's voice rang out calming me from my shock and fright as my muscles relaxed.

"Yeah, you just spooked me that's all. How did you know I was back here?" I hidden myself around the back the couches.

He laughed lightly "Kris used to come here when he was upset or worried about something, you two are very similar in some ways" he laughed again as he looked thoughtful for a moment before he sat next to me leaning against the wall "so what's worrying you?"

"Lots of things" I said with a heavy sigh.

"Then tell me lots of thing!"

I rattled off a few of things that were worrying me from how I would fit in or how I will be able to have a life again. I must have sounded a little crazy just going on and on but Luke just sat there nodding to each and every one of my concerns.

"You will fit it in I have no doubt about it!" I do, "we'll help you find your trigger and help you to rebuild your life but until then you are very welcome to stay with us as long as you like. Yes I know this is all so very different to what you know and have learned but this is YOUR world also and you have every right to be part of it so please" he moved whilst cupping each side of my jaw with his hands bringing his nose close to mine "stop worrying! That's my job not yours!" his smile and eyes were soft and so very kind but very serious at the same time.

I licked his chin softly to only see him do the same to mine but he was in his human form, it was a little different but it felt more natural and meaningful than a just simple thank you in words.

"See you're already fighting in, now come on lets go outside and get some sun" he stood up and helped me to my feet also chuckling at my shaky legs as I stood, he put the couch back in its rightful place then walked off through the kitchen with me following until we got to a large door.

"Why's there a dog fla....." I suddenly realised how stupid it was to ask why there was a dog flap in the door with four people that could change into a dog and use it without having to change forms. Luke just laughed as I realised this as he offered for me to use it, I gave it a quick look over before pushing the top of my head against it then lifting it up with my nose and walked through being very careful not to catch my feet on the bottom of the flap.

The sound of laughter hit my ears as I shut my eyes from the attacking sun, I cracked my eyes slightly to see where I was going and to let my eyes adjust the gloriously sunny day, I heard the door open and close as Luke came out also, why couldn't he have done that in the first place rather than me having to go through the flap. He laughed at my annoyance as I wondered around blindly for a moment.

My eye slowly focused, adjusting to bright warm light letting me see clearly enough to look around, the laughter was coming from Kris and Ryan who where wresting by the pool which was one of the biggest I had ever seen in a private garden and the garden was huge in its self with a large lawn and lots of trees blocking anybody from looking in but letting the bright sunlight in. Jane was sitting on one of the many chairs that occupied the patio watching the two play and wrestle as Luke sat next to her and started to talk while I walked out onto grass near the pool and gently lay down in the sun.

"Common pip squeak give it your best shot!" Ryan was trying to push Kris into the pool, Kris had his back to him and was just leaning back on him with his feet on the edge of the pool laughing.

"Kris that's not fair you're bigger than me!" Ryan wined as he tried and tried to push with all his strength but just ended up getting nowhere with Kris still laughing.

"Aaww can't the little pup push the great big alpha?" Kris was enjoying Ryan's futile attempts. I felt sorry of Ryan but I also wanted to get Kris back for earlier.

"Ryan push him in the back of the knees" Ryan quickly took my advice giving Kris a sharp push to back of each knee resulting in Kris's knees buckling and giving way as he swiftly fell into the pool, clothes and all with a loud yelp.

Ryan cheered as Kris started to splash about trying to work out what happened as he swam for the steps to get out, where he was met with laughter from all of us as he stepped out completely sodden from head to toe.

"Aaww did the big alpha get wet" I asked giving him a large cheesy grin.

"Your next!" he said giving me another one of those devious looks as he started to move towards me.

"Don't you dare!" I quickly got to my feet as he got closer, I knew what he was planning and it involved the pool.

"Oh I dare little wolf" his grin grew wider with each step as the water dripped off his clothes. I ran but he was on my tail almost immediately as I tried to out run him but with my bad leg I had a slight hop as I ran making it harder to pick up speed but I manage to duck and doge at each of his attempts to catch me. Much to Ryan's amusement but this only spurred Kris on more so as he redoubled his attempts.

I found myself at the edge of the pool with Kris standing in front of me with the same grin, he mirrored my movements as I moved the left he would also, I moved the right he would do the same.

"Ryan a little help?"

"Nope!" he folded his arms and gave me the same type of grin as Kris would.

"Thank you very much, you ain't going to be getting any more stake from me!"

"Looks like your on your own little wolf" he leapt at me arms wide and grin even wider as he flew at me trying to take me into the pool with him. I ducked as his arms wrapped around the air where my head and shoulders had been only moments ago as he soared above me, I quickly brought my head up into his gut and lifting him higher into the air sending him crashing very undignifiedly into the pool with an almighty splash.

The sound of clapping came from the patio as I looked to see Luke smiling with a very surprised expression "nicely done pup, nicely done", to be honest I wasn't too sure what I had done as it all happened so fast.

"Got cha!" a hand erupted from the pool and took a very tight grip of my tail starting to pull me in with it's owner, my claws scrape over the surface of the stone edge of the pool desperately trying to stay dry, with one quick strong yank I was sent crashing back into the cool smothering embrace of the water.

"Aaww did the poor little wolf get wet!" was all I heard over the laughter as I surfaced and tried to make my way to the steps out of the pool "don't leave just yet you'll miss all the fun!" I turned to give my reply but was stunned to see Kris quickly taking off his now very wet clothes and proceeded to change into his dog form. A sudden black and tan splash next to me revealed that Ryan had done the same.

We spent the next couple hours swimming, chasing each other in the pool and around the garden. I was the slowest but I was able to duck and doge their attempts at catching me, but after a while I started to become very tired and stiff from doing so much after doing so little over the past week, but it was a good way to get my leg and hip back to normal but most of all it is good fun.

I sat under one of the trees panting heavily from a little wrestling match with Ryan, damn he's quick just like Kris. I sat there watching Ryan and Kris now wrestling with each other thinking to myself that I could get use to this as I started to yawn, I didn't know what time it was but couldn't have been that late after 2 as the sun was still pretty high in the sky.

"I think someone needs a bath" Kris's voice snapped me out from my yawning, I turned to look at him but quickly snapped my head the other way as he had changed back into his human form but had failed to remember something.

"Will you stop doing that!"

"What? You said that you like what you saw earlier and anyway there's not much point putting on those wet clothes to only take them off for a shower and it saves dripping all over the house" he quickly picked me up as he had done so many times before much to my announce and embarrassment.

"Please put me down! I can walk perfectly fine thank you" I tried to wriggle free but he just held me all the more tighter to his bare chest.

"No, you're still limping for a start and I don't want you dripping all over the house thank you" without any other words he proceeded to walk into the house and up to his room to only then place me into the large shower as he shut the door behind us. Oh great what now.

"What are you doing?" I kept my eyes on the ground to avoid looking up.

"Having a shower, why what do you think it looks like and don't get all shy on me please" he had a sly playful tone to his voice as he turned the shower on. It didn't take very long for me to get completely wet again as my coat was still held a lot of water.

He got down on his knees but before I could ask what he was doing as started to lather up my coat with some distinctly sweet and fruity smelling shampoo that had appeared in his hand.

His hands rubbed and massaged each muscle while rubbing the shampoo in to my dense coat giving it a good and thorough clean as he moved his skilled hands over me. He was so very gentle when he washed where my stitches had been slowly rubbing in the shampoo in soft small circles as he gently moved over the damaged area. It was heaven in a shower, I was swaying lightly as he moved over me giving me one of the best and most relaxing times of my life. I started to murr as he continued rub his hand and fingers over and through my coat making my skin and body tingle in delight.

He grabbed a sponge and proceeded to get it soaking wet and covered in shampoo "Excuse me but these need to be cleaned as well" his hand shot down to my sheath and balls with the sponge and started to clean around them. I froze immediately as the blood rushed to my face and ears as I tried to hold back the moans of sheer pleasure as he gently worked over my ever thickening sheath, willing it's occupant to stay in its home with all my might. As quickly as his hand had arrived down there it left leaving me stunned and shaking softly in pure pleaser, what the hell just happened?

"You alright down there?"

"I think so. I don't think I've been washed like that since I was 3, it's just a little bit of a shock to say the least" I said as stood there still stunned.

"Oh sorry I guess my alpha instincts are showing through, and before you ask alpha instincts are when an alpha looks after his pack and pack mates" he said very nonchalantly as if it was the norm, which was true for him but me it was almost other worldly.

"Oh ok" shaking myself physically and mentally from my little daze as he started to wash himself, I started to look him over as he started to wash his hair so closing his eyes to do so. Strong muscular legs and thighs covered in a light layer of fine oak brown hair that got richer and thicker as it crept up the inside of his thighs, with soft smooth and lightly tanned skin that a Greek god would envy. His arms, chest and abdomen equally tanned and soft but with a chiselled out line to his muscles that flexed and bulged with each glorious movement of his body. And again it was all covered in light layer of lustrous oak brown hair that converged in a dark mass down to his groin where his large low set balls and thick uncut cock hung nestled between a neat but thick mat of hair.

I looked away as he started to rinse his heavenly body free of the suds and grime that had built up over our fun and games earlier, after he washed himself off he took the shower head of its stand and proceeded to rinse my coat of the dust and grime that had come off with shampoo leaving my coat all clean and soft as he ran his hand through it as he worked the water into my coat. When is hand the shower head drifted down to my to wash my chest and groin I had to physically bite my tongue hold back the moans that desperately tried to escape my muzzle as his hand crept closer and closer to my ever so thickening sheath, his hand never actually touch it but the small gets of water of the shower head tingled and danced over it leaving me almost whimpering as the pleasure and the pain from biting my tongue and now lip mixed and built. He had almost finished when his hand ran the length and breadth of my sheath as he pulled away making me release a moan as he did so. Shit!

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah it has just been a while since......... well you know......." I lower my head as the water did nothing to quell the heat the ripped across my face and ears as they folded.

"Oh really" there was something in the tone of his voice that gave me the impression that he was planning something, but he only put the shower head back in place turning it off and proceeded to leave the shower cubical with me still standing there dripping wet wondering what he was up too.

I kept my eyes on him as he started to dry himself with his back to me, trying to work out what he was up to but he wasn't giving any sign or clue to indicate that he was planning something. I stepped out being very careful not to slip as my claws did not allow much purchase on the smooth tiles that made up the floor, without any warning a large blue towel was draped over me as a set of hands started to rub the towel into my coat. I stood still trying to keep my balance as the hands who I presumed belonged to Kris started jostle and push my coat around drying it, as quickly as it came it went only to be replaced with a large hair drier that only freaked me out a little as the silence was abruptly broken by the sound of rushing air and the whirling of motors as the air buffeted and moved my fur around as the moisture was blown from it.

As the hair drier was doing its job as I felt a brush being pulled through my coat as the hair drier worked with it, the hair drier was quickly discarded as the brush took centre stage in my grooming as it ran through my coat leaving the skin feeling all tingly and pleasurable.

I lost myself in the feeling of the brush working over my skin, gently pulling and raking my long thick coat from the top of my ears to the back of my legs as it worked its magic on me. It moved down to my side gently brushing over the scars and the long hairs the bordered the short clipped hairs around them. The brush moved lower as it moved around my sheath and balls working over the sensitive skin electing moans as it moved around and over them gently and tenderly as the bristles gentle pulled at the fur around them causing my sheath to fill and throb.

My eyes snapped open as the loud deep moan passed my lips waking me from trance, I looked to my sheath to see to my horror the thick pointed tip of my cock protruding an inch or more from my rapidly filling sheath.

I bolted into the bed room but only to feel a set of teeth gently but securely wrap around my tail halting my movements, I turned to see Kris in his dog form with my tail in-between his jaws as he held me still. I froze not knowing what to do or say, he swiftly released my tail and moved around me.

It was like slow motion as he gently knocked my sides so I would fall on my left hip and shoulder without any pain or discomfort to only lay down next to me on the soft carpet of his room with his hip parallel with my head and mine with his.

He gently nuzzled my leg out of the way and dragged that large wet tongue over the head of my exposed cock, I shuddered and moaned as he continued to lap at my throbbing cock as more slid from it is home into his waiting jaws. His tongue slid into my sheath caressing the unexposed parts of my cock while rhythmically sucking on my aching head and shaft making me buck and squirm lightly.

I lay there moaning at each movement of his thick skilled tongue as it rubbed and licked over my throbbing shaft has he continued to push my sheath further and further back to meet my growing knot that was starting become so very tight within my sheath. He wrapped his tongue around the base of my knot and with one finale suck he pulled it free from it's tight home, forcing a whimpering moan from me.

As moan after moan and whimper after whine escaped my lips as my cock was bathed in pleasure and a new sensation I had only imagined in my virgin mind as his tongue and lips moved over and around my tender throbbing flesh, my eye were rolling back from the sheer amount pleasure.

Something out of the corner of my eye made me hold my breath, as the sight of Kris's thick shaft bobbed up and down with each movement and breath he took only centimetre from my nose.

I gave it tentative sniff, as the male musk filled my nose and mind with passion and lust, I gave it long testing lick electing a moan from Kris as I did so, it was rich, earthy, musky and so masculine. I gently took the head into my mouth trying to mirror Kris's movements and strokes of his tongue, I lapped and suckled gently worked his sheath back to his large bulbous, much to my surprise and delight his knot started bump and moved against my lips with each of his small thrusts down my ever so willing throat.

He moaned and suckled as I licked and suckled on his with equal passion, the lust and wanting of that sweet tangy pre that jetted the back of my throat with each thrust. The moans in the room where becoming deeper and deeper with each passing moment. The need and want becoming unbearable as we suckled and thrust down each other's throats, the pressure was building to its limit as my movement became urgent and erratic as my balls pulled up to my body.

I was so close as forced myself to concentrate on Kris's long thick throbbing cock that moved in and out through my lips, I could feel it building and building as I tried to hold back for as long as I could but he just kept sucking harder until he moved, his jaw opened wider and clamped down behind my pulsing knot almost sending me over the edge.

I opened my mouth wider trying to mirror his actions, trying to force myself to concentrate on what I am doing. I gagged lightly as it thick throbbing shaft slid further down my needed throat, his knot past my lips before clamping down behind that large amazing lump of flash as it throbbed within my waiting muzzle.

I tried to hold off as long as I could but it was just too much as he tightly held my needy knot tipping me over the edge as I thrust one last time into the amazing muzzle as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through me as I shot load after load of my strong virile seed down this throat, but I wasn't given much time to bask in the my orgasmic glow as his cock pulsed and throbbed violently quickly filling my mouth and throat with his own seed.

I swallowed as much as I could but it was all too much, I pulled off the pulsing monster coughing slightly as I gasped for air as Kris still kept his lips firmly lock around my throbbing member as he shot load after load across my gaping muzzle.

My head was spinning as I lay there, the scent of males rutting was heavy in the air as I gasped for air down my used mouth and throat. I shuddered and moaned as he finely relinquished his mind numbing hold on my knot, licking it clean as he went forcing me to whimper in sheer delight.

I instinctively licked the cum off my muzzle as it began to slowly drip off, I caught every drop not wanting to waste a thing of that wonderful rich musky goo. I looked to Kris who was also panting heavily but his eyes they were glowing that magnificent amber gold, they practically shone in the sun bathed room.

Exhaustion and the after effects of the adrenalin where beginning to take effect as I came down from my other worldly high, I started to sway a little as everything blurred over gently as I rested my head on the floor just as my eyes fluttered shut.