Volt's New Hoard

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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#37 of Commissions

Commissioned by [icon]Lightdra[/icon]After filling Peaches up past her limit, Volts seeks out a new female to add to his renewing hoard.


Posted using PostyBirb



Peaches dug her hooves into the soft grass underneath her. It was hard to keep her balance at this point. The dragon was making her tired and sore from round after round. She couldn't even remember how many times the rutting dragon had ejaculated within her. All the mammoth knew was that she felt heavy, nearly too heavy to keep herself up. And the hard pumps to her backside made the heavy doses of seed slosh from deep within her.

"Getting tired are we?" Volt chuckled in pride. It had been far too long since he pushed a mate to the brink like this. It felt good, not only in the physical sense but physiological as well. Even after so long it was good to know that not much changed.

He still had the strength and skill to break in his mates, leaking them nothing more than a moaning mess, filled to the brink with his seed. If there was anything that Volt loved, it was the sight of another one in his hoard expanded. Whether that expansion came from his seed or the forming eggs filled with his whelps, it brought extreme satisfaction either way.

But he knew limits, at least the limits of those he bred over and over. He was aware of Peaches' state and he decided that this would be the last round...

Grunting heavily, the dragon thrust his cock deep inside of the hot, soft folds. Between how wet she was and the flood of seed that oozed around his shaft, Volt had no problem slicking himself back and forth within the still tight tunnel.

"Yes. You will always be the special one." Volt paused to grunt again, struck hard by the sensitive spines along his cock being teased and squeezed. "The first I've bred and you will be the first - mpph - to bear my whelps..."

Peaches couldn't say anything in response; her body was too consumed in pleasure and opening her mouth would only result in a gush of the dragon's fluids racing out of it. But the very idea excited her, more than anything else. She always wanted to be a mother and there was no doubt her children would be special. Now she was awaiting the dragon's next climax. She wanted to be absolutely sure her womb was filled cum; that there would be no way she wouldn't come out of this without becoming pregnant.

The dragon picked up his pace, rolling his hips against Peaches' backside. From the deep seated pleasure, another deep snarl rose from Volt's throat. Every time his pelvis slammed against the mammoth's backside, his cock would sink deep inside of the hot, wet space.

The growls only got deeper and his humps only got harder. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to his limits. Even though it was the umpteenth time he reached his climax, the dragon still had more than plenty of seed to give. And with another pump, that fluid rushed from his balls. Groaning from the intense climax, Volt bucks his hips a few more times as he came, shoving his spurting cock deep inside for good measure.

He could hear Peaches moaning from being filled yet again. But there was a clear tiredness behind her voice. But rest assured, the dragon was finished and he slowly pulled out and crawled off of Peaches, leaving his mate dripping and still panting heavily.

Volt himself sighed and shook his body. Despite how long he rutted and how much seed he expelled, the dragon was still full of energy and in the mood to rut. Luckily, Julien had told him about the presence of other female mammoths like his very own Peaches. The male had left some time ago but his words were still on Volt's mind. With his current mare indisposed it was time to seek out a new mate to join the hoard.

But before Volt could take a step or even stretch his wings there was a bout of heavy rustling from the foliage behind him. For a moment, Volt thought it was Julien returning to check on his mate. But as the dragon turned around to face him, there was an unfamiliar scent in the air. There was something large and heavy approaching but it certainly wasn't Julian.

The scent was fragrant, much like the scent that clung to Peaches. Volt flicked his tongue across his muzzle and purred. There was another mare approaching, it was clear to him now. As the foliage started to part, Volt grew excited. His length was already slipping from his slit again and he was pumping out his pheromones, making sure it was widespread and potent for the approaching mammoth to pick up on.

Steffie finally pushed through the thick growth, groaning in annoyance and discomfort from the branches scratching her body. But her focus was quickly forced somewhere the moment she stumbled in range of Volt's scent. Just one little whiff was enough to make her feel strange. She immediately noticed the dragon before her, suddenly intrigued by him rather than fearful of this creature she had never seen before.

She was already curious to know where her friend was. She had been gone for days and it made Steffie worried. But now that curiosity was focused solely on the dragon before her. Almost as if she was in a trance, Steffie was already approaching Volt without realizing it.

"Uh, h-have you seen my friend? Her name is Peaches..."

"I have," Volt said, ending his words in a coy purr. "Would you care to follow me?"

Steffie nodded and indeed followed close behind the dragon. Despite her words, the whereabouts of Peaches was no longer on her mind. Steadily, the mammoth's mind grew clouded and her thoughts were steadily growing consumed with nothing but the foreign creature. She couldn't explain it, but there was something about him that made her want to be close. And the closer Steffie got, the more excited she became.

Volt himself was heavily aroused by both Steffie's scent and appearance. As much as he wanted to breed, the dragon restrained himself, seeing the chance to take things slow. It would be rather amusing to tease the mammoth in his presence and it was a prime opportunity to show off the state of his prime mare.

"She's just a little further," Volt said, bowing his head as Steffie passed him by. He eased the effects of his pheromones just enough to allow Steffie to lead his side. And while she ventured ahead, Volt himself started to trail behind. Rather than seeing the look that would be on the new female's face, he desired to see how her body would react. So as Steffie drew closer and closer to her friend, Volt was stalking behind her, his eyes shamelessly laser focused on the plump pair of lips between her legs.

Steffie herself hadn't even noticed the sudden change in her priorities. As far as she was concerned, she was looking for Peaches from start to finish. Although, the dragon wasn't very far from her thoughts either. She was grateful [to him for leading the way.

And with just a few more steps Steffie came upon the other mammoth she was looking for. But to her utter shock, Peaches was lying on the grass in a puddle of thick seed, fast asleep. It was still oozing from her vent passively, only making the puddle bigger. Not only was she a sight but the smell coming from Peaches was nothing more than a thick mix of sex, sweat, heat, and many other exciting things.

The sight and smells joined forces, taking hold of the onlooking mammoth's senses. In an instant it all made sense where her friend had gone and how she ended up like this. Now knowing that, Steffie's body was growing hot and there was a pang within her. She couldn't help but wonder what it was like, pinned under the foreign creature, used like that over and over again. Before she even realized, her mouth was watering and her body was already preparing to mate.

Volt was right behind her, watching it all happen. The moment Steffie laid eyes on Peaches. Volt sent out another dose of pheromones. He made sure it was full of potency this time. The effects worked faster than even he expected and within seconds he was treated to the sight of Steffie's pussy already becoming wet with fluids. The effects put her body into overdrive, producing more than ever before.

Volt sniffed at her and his nose was filled with the smell of a mare in heat. It was more than a little tantalizing and he couldn't help but lunge forward. In a quick motion the dragon dragged his tongue in between Steffie's hindlegs, swiping it right over her dripping heat. His tongue eagerly picked up the sweet juices while the mammoth was left to make an unexpected moan.

But Volt was quick to draw back before shushing her. He placed his hand on her trunk, charging the limb with just enough energy to make the mammoth tingle. They raced through her body and face, jumping back and forth. They were teasing her, accomplishing its goal of making Steffie whimper and shudder.

Again, Volt shushed her but this time he reeled his hand back, withdrawing the charges alongside it. "Hmm, we shouldn't want to wake her, now would we?"

Steffie shook her head slowly and Volt nodded approvingly. He had yet to take full hold of her and yet she was already being obedient. Another good one he did stumble upon. Now the dragon was eager to see if she felt as good as she acted. But like he himself said, they needed to be far enough to not wake his first and main prize.

So, the two of them took a little walk through the clearing. All the while, Volt was purposefully rubbing his body against Steffie's. He was doing this to both rub more of his pheromones on her body while also sending more of those shocks of energy through her body. They were small bursts, hardly enough to make her seize up in a moaning fit. But they did stealthily enlarge her, little by little, bit by bit. And the changes themselves were happening so subtly that Steffie herself didn't notice her ass steadily enlarging or her breasts doing the same.

As they continued to walk, Volt took every opportunity he had to bump or rub his body against the mammoth's. At this point, even if Steffie had noticed it would have been too late to do anything about it. He could feel the heat of his pheromones wafting off of her, they were fusing with her own natural heat, making it all the more intense. A product of that was the sweet, nectar scent of the fluids once again dripping from in between her hindlegs.

It was at that point that Volt stopped and Steffie did too. He decided that they were far enough, and even if they weren't, he couldn't wait any longer. It was time. The dragon had a burning desire, a near desperate need to sate himself using Steffie as many times and for as long as either she or he could handle.

Just like he had before, Volt mustered another heavy dose of pheromones, directing them at the mammoth full potency. They hit Steffie with full force and she was finally allowed to moan as the heat within forced her to moan. Just like Volt, she was now desperate to be filled and she couldn't wait any longer. She approached the dragon but didn't act, rather she waited for the dragon to tell her what to do. Volt smirked and reveled in the control for a bit before clearing his throat.

The dragon kept his smirk as he rolled over. He spread his hindlegs, exposing the fully erect cock that protruded from his sheath. It bobbed freely in time with the ancient creature's heartbeat, making him growl from the passive pleasure. Thick drips of precum were already squirting from his tip, streaking the grass he lay on.

While the dragon brandished his unique cock, Steffie was right there, getting an eyeful at the long, thick rod. Her body was already filled with heat but now her mind was filled with all kinds of dirty images as well. She wanted to act upon said thoughts but Volt had his will firm on her, keeping the mammoth at bay until he chose when the fun would begin.

Volt couldn't deny that he found the sight of Steffie squirming in need very amusing. It was nice to see just how wild with lust he could make females become. With a small chuckle, the dragon spread his legs even wider, making his cock bounce. He could hear Steffie moan from the sight and he finally let her approach him.

"I want to be sucked on." The command was simple and he was more than sure the mammoth could manage.

With her no longer held back by Volt's will, there was nothing stopping Steffie now. She rushed up the dragon, stopping just short of his body. She was quick to lower herself to the grass, using her truck to angle and slip the dragon's dick into her mouth.

As soon as it was inside, the mammoth didn't even hesitate, her head was already bobbing along the length and her tongue was swirling against the glans and fleshy spikes. Steffie worked the entirety of her mouth to tease and trace along Volt's cock. She also made no effort to dial back the pleasured moans rising in her throat.

Volt himself was very much enjoying his new mare's forward approach. It meant a little less work for him. He allowed her to go on and worship his cock for a little bit longer. There were things he wanted to do to really test her out but he figured it could wait just a bit longer.

He made small purrs at the sensations on his cock and the hot mouth engulfing his entire length. She was already showing abundant signs of talent. He wondered just how hard or far she was willing to go. With his help, she would be able to go even further. With his guidance and her joining his hoard, he could have her in a state just like Peaches. The more to bear his whelps, the better after all.

Volt gave silent command to Steffie and she responded by popping his cock out of his mouth. The mammoth obediently waited while the dragon took action on himself. Using his ability, the dragon sends powerful tingles through his own body, channeling them into his cock, making the appendage lengthen and thicken. He pushed it up and allowed Steffie to take it into her mouth again.

Despite the added size all around, Steffie had no issue taking the heavy cock, easing into her mouth and once again slurping along it. Her mind thought of nothing else but worshipping the dragon's cock, and her body followed through with the simple desire. The ancient creature's expanded length hardly fazed her, in fact it only excited her. There was now so much more for her to work with, and she wanted all of it.

Volt watched, purring deeply at the sight between his legs. Steffie was doing better than he expected, not even faltering against his expanded cock. Even the bulges and spines along his length were taken on easily. The large, soft tongue was teasing all over and even in between them. Every inch of Volt's cock was stimulated by Steffie, just teasing and licking along it brought her an immense sense of satisfaction.

As she lowered and lifted her lips along the shaft, Steffie used her tongue to tease the fleshy spines and on the way up she swirled the tip of the pink muscle against the cock's tip. Completely dedicated to her actions, the mammoth paid no mind to her own body. She ignored the heat that was driving her crazy just a few minutes ago and even the steady dripping over his pussy failed to catch her attention.

Volt was starting to growl now, really feeling the effects of his new mare's efforts. The pleasure struck him hard and was renewed before it could fade away. Up, down, left, and right; Steffie's mouth and tongue was working his cock over, even coaxing heavy doses of pre. It was now dripping freely within the mammoth's mouth. Just like the dragon's dick itself, Steffie was eager to lap up the bitter fluid, smearing the stuff along her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

The dragon was already feeling immense pleasure but his greedy nature only felt him wanting even more. And he commanded so out of Steffie. Still eager to please, the mammoth knew exactly what her new master wanted out of her. Easing her body forwards a little, she pushed her slightly expanded breasts against the spit-lubed cock. Pressing them both against the shaft, Steffie continued her blowjob, bouncing her tits in time with her mouth.

Now Volt was finally clenching his jaw. He made small squirms under his new mare's onslaught, feeling the rise of his climax growing steadily in intensity.

"I hope you are ready to receive a reward for your efforts."

Steffie said nothing but the needy look in her eyes was clear enough to see. The mammoth was putting in even more effort than she was before, bobbing her head up and down even faster. Her breasts were squished and bounced along the shaft at the same speed. And of course, the tip of her tongue was there to provide just a little more to the dragon, flicking against his spines on the base and the cockslit on the tip.

A good tonguing against the cocktip was just what the dragon needed. He threw his head back and the toes ending his hindlegs flexed and curled. Finally, the magical beast's cock spasmed and his thick load raced up his shaft. His hot, gooey cum jetted into her open maw, splattering against her tongue and the roof of her mouth, making them even more slathered than before.

As big as Steffie was, she was no match for the torrent of cum that was blasting from Volt's cock. Even closing her lips around it wasn't enough. The seed squirt past her sealed lips, streaming down the cock it came from and onto her own soft pelt.

Volt was quick to act the minute his orgasm tapered out. He was the one to tug his cock from the seal of her lips. He enjoyed the sight of his cum and her saliva splattering from her mouth but the dragon didn't allow himself to get distracted. Now it was time to really test out what she could do.

"Stand up for me."

The command was yet again met with obedience; Steffie rose to her full height and stood still, even as Volt started to step away from her. The dragon took a bit of time to truly get a good look at Steffie. He looked her up and down as well as from back to front. He was slowly walking behind her, now finding the newest target for his cock. Being somehow able to feel this in the very air, Steffie was growing even more excited by each passing second.

Volt made a small huff as he jumped, pushing himself upwards. He jumped onto the back half of the mammoth and took a moment to get a good hold. All the while, the dragon was using his power to expand Steffie's ass, giving him more to hold and view.

The intense tingles and filling out of her ass caught the mammoth by surprise but there was a sense of pleasure along with it. A strange pleasure that she had never experienced before, it made her moan softly as her ass grew larger and heavier.

Volt stopped once he reached the size he found enjoyable to feel under his hands as well as to view. With that set and done, the dragon angled his own lower half, scooting a bit lower down Steffie's body. A smile spread across his muzzle as he pressed his tip against those heavily dripping lips. Both the dragon and mammal made their own respective moans of pleasure

With another grunt, the dragon shoved his cock inside of his new mare's ass. It was immediately hugged by hot, soft, perfectly tight walls. He shuddered against the sensations and shoved even more of himself inside of the hot hole.

"I am so glad to have found another able to take me so well."

Volt chuckled and squeezed Steffie's ass, shoving himself inside and pulling himself back. His thrusts started quick and shallow, just getting a feel for the soft walls and the intense heat that surrounded his girth. He couldn't get enough of inserting himself into moaning females. After so long of not doing so, his body felt alight with the deep seated pleasure of sating his ancient, primal instincts.

"Let's see just how much you can take," Volt purred, shoving his full length back inside, thumping his body against the full, jiggly cheeks. He enjoyed the sound that it made and aimed to repeat it. The dragon got to work, rolling his hips against the soft backside, slipping his cock back and forth within the clenching hole.

"Yes, already proving your worth."

Steffie was already panting heavily, her moans came out freely and echoed throughout the clearing. Volt savored them and felt immense pride from being the cause. It was only right that he ensured such sounds were for a good reason. So, the dragon fucked his mare with even more vigor, plowing into her ass with each and every inch he had.

The mammoth herself was already overloaded with pleasure. Despite the dragon being smaller than her, she was filled with more cock than what even her own species could give her. And every shove and pull back sent powerful bolts through her whole body. It shook heavily but Steffie was determined to hold herself up, fulfilling her duty to be a good mare.

Volt could sense this and chuckled. He was again lucky enough to find someone else worthy to be bred over and over again. Just the thought of it brought about an intense spike of pleasure within him. His whole body seized for a moment but Volt was quick to catch himself, willing his orgasm to delay itself for a few moment's longer. He was just starting to have fun and something such as that would have to wait...

So, the dragon continued to hump into his mare, plunging his cock deep inside of her. But he did a bit of experimenting as he did so. He was now jamming his cock within at different angles, hitting different spots within the mammoth's ass. Doing so got a new set of moans out of the female. Some were light gasps while others were near screams, aided by the sudden rocking of her body.

'These creatures are certainly interesting. And full of surprises,' Volt thought to himself as he hit another sensitive spot within Steffie. 'It's as if they were made for me to breed. Perhaps it is just a coincidence. A coincidence I will take full advantage of.'

Volt gripped Steffie harder within her hands and pulled his body in as close as he could. He was now ready and allowed himself to expel his seed. It was more than clear to him that Steffie was indeed worthy of such a thing and the very idea of unloading on her made him extremely excited as well.

With a final deep pump inside, Volt finally came a second time, gushing his thick load deep inside of his mare's ass. The cock was pulsing and spurting frequently, filling up the tight space right quickly. While the dragon shuddered and growled against her backside, Steffie was whimpering and shuddering against the building pressure and the sticky heat that only grew stronger and stronger in intensity.

The cum flowed freely from Volt's cock, rushing out into Steffie's body. It barreled through her guts and went straight into her now steadily expanding stomach, making it full and heavy with seed. And even then it only continued flowing, forcing her to feel the stuff sloshing within until it started flowing upwards, spurting from her lips and trunk.

While his cock was still spurting a bit, Volt pulled it free from Steffie's ass and dragged it downwards, streaking across her taint before the tip was poking into her pussy.

"Now the real fun shall begin."

A smile spread over Volt's muzzle as he shoved his cock inside of the hot, lubricated vent. Alongside the mammoth's scream of pleasure was the dragon's sudden wince and deep growl. It rumbled from his chest, bringing a deep plume of heat that jetted from his nostrils.

Ready to take things to the next level, Volt used his power to expand his cock while it was inside of Steffie, making her cry out yet again. But that was just a taste of what was yet to come.

The added girth and length was finally barreled within the mammoth's walls, filling them nearly to their limit. Every inch of flesh, knot, and spine brushed and teased the walls of Steffie's pussy.

Shoving itself deep before being pulled back, Volt's cock was thrust in hard and stretched the soft tunnel around it's own features, ensuring the mare would feel each and every bit of it.

Steffie was panting hard and her front legs were threatening to give out on her. Every thrust from the dragon only shook his body to her core, leaving her weaker and weaker. Around the cock filling her, hot juices were oozing, becoming all the more frequent; she was close. More than close.

In truth Steffie's orgasm would have come the moment she was penetrated but somehow it was being delayed, forcibly held back. But now she could feel it growing in strength, barreling towards her like a boulder running downhill, faster and faster.

Instead of crying out or screaming in ecstasy, Steffie's own body shook and her insides held tight to the cock that forced her over the edge. Her climax gushed out around the dragon's length, adding another layer of lube, heat, and even a scent that Volt found rather tasty.

While it was nice to feel Steffie's orgasm around his shaft, what Volt was looking for was a climax of his own. And he was doing the work to achieve it, pushing right past the hard clenches of his mare's pussy, forcing his way even deeper within.

Aside from Steffie's moans, Volt was treated to the heavy slurps of a tight pussy hugging his cock tight, hardly willing to let it go. But the dragon was the one in control and he forced himself to pull and push himself within.

"Yes. So perfectly tight."

Steffie could still say nothing in response but she appreciated the words. It felt good to know that she was pleasing the dragon. The growls filling her ears and the cock filling her up were planting seeds of immense satisfaction within her. Volt willed it for her, he wanted his mare to be proud of the pleasure she was delivering onto him.

As the dragon lurched his body harder against Steffie's, the mammoth could feel the seed that made her so heavy, sloshing back and forth within. It sent powerful tingles through her body, adding to the sensations.

Volt could feel it was well and it made him burn with pride. So much of his cum was set deep inside of her. And even more was waiting for the mammoth. He was holding himself back, wanting to give his mare a bit more pleasure before he let himself release inside of her again.

The two creatures made more noise in the clearing, making the sounds of their moans and pants echo throughout the area. Steffie was still crying out against the hard humps deep inside of her. And Volt was the cause of those noises, making her own by growling from the intense softness and heat engulfing his pumping length.

"Nearly there. It is almost time for your reward. No doubt, you will filled and bear my whelps."

A few pumps into Steffie was all it took for him to shove his cock as deep as he could with a deep snarl and a puff of steam from his nostrils, the dragon reached his third climax. In a swift action, he was able to expand his balls at the very last second.

Those heavy and swollen orbs churned and pulled up against the dragon's body. Hard pulses made Volt's cock thump hard as huge volumes of seed were gushed in deep. Her womb was bombarded with cum, making it nearly impossible for the mare to not be pregnant.

The mammoth's body swelled further, filling out against the onslaught of thick, heavy fluids. It was too much for her insides to keep holding and it gushed out, spraying around the thick cock it came from. Even more of it oozed from her trunk, leaving her more of a mess than she already was.

"Mmm... You'll be having my eggs in no time."

The dragon pulled out again, spurting the rest of his load against Steffie's backside, properly marking her as his own. Another purr rumbled from him as he stepped back from her.

With Steffie now a new addition to his hoard, Volt was now wondering just how many other mammoths were awaiting him in this place. He was now all the more curious and eager to find out. Soon enough, his hoard would be expanding, one mare at a time. They would be filled up daily and have his eggs in return. Certainly a fair trade in his eyes.