Inches for Charity

Story by x_panther on SoFurry

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Porn for the sake of porn. Based on a yiff with a furied of mine a while back; he and I go way back. This is a warm-up story that I started and stopped and now have completed in two different sittings. Maybe this will help kick my butt back into gear on the other two series I have sitting with eager watchers and anticipations.

Standard warning: don't like go away; too young, go away; like it, leave comments! :)

Apx 7pgs long

"So what did they say when you, Xander Kline, actually proved that you have the Biggest Dick on Campus?" By far it wasn't the strangest question that had ever come out of the dobe's muzzle, his pointed ears focused at the fur across the round table from him. Working for the schools Rainbow Gazette to build up his resume for later career in journalism led him to covering some of the more homo-centric campus events; which was fine considering he would have been j even if he wasn't the reporter.

For the interviewee, however, the subject wasn't exactly an every-day question. He was already considered one of the largest guys on campus just by build and frame; but now he carried an actual title Biggest Cock on Campus handed to him by the Fraternity Oversight Committee for the schools Inches for Charity scholarship fundraiser. He leaned forward in his chair, his wide muscular shoulders flexing a little as he inhaled a sharp break as the large panthers chair creaked under his 350 pounds of solid muscle, "Well, first of all, I almost didn't show up to the competition," the large panther admitted as he balanced his chin on his paws, each easily able to crush a grapefruit with his massive grip. "Being as big and purple as I am, the last thing I needed was more attention to my body."

The dobe himself wasn't a stranger to the gym, but as hard as he might try, he was stuck at five foot flat; cursed by his miniature dobe heritage. He always wore a tight fitting white shirt under a polyester printed button up so that anyone passing by could see the definition in his musculature but not show off overly much. The hulk in front of him though was a different story. Damon had seen Xander around campus, at a distance, and he always seemed to be wearing the same clothing: tight black spandex shirt that looked like it was painted on over his violet purple fur, and a pair of track pants.

Damon shook his head, "Oh no, Mr. First Place. After wining such a prestigious competition modesty isn't going to fit all your fans." The dobe held up the little digital recorder and shook it lightly at the large feline, grinning from ear to ear. Damon himself was a closet sizequeen but he wasn't on the measuring committee so he really didn't get to see the measurement process first paw.

Xander coughed into his fist lightly and tilted his head down a bit, "Well... Honestly, they didn't say anything until they actually called out the final cost of the bid."

The dobe grinned, recalling the way the scale was set up for the 'Inches for Scholarships' event. Each participant went from business to business selling tickets with bids on them; one such preset bid was ten cents per total inches measured at the competition with a multiplier of diameter, or the individual ticket buyer could insert an amount. Other, more contractual bids had been placed such as Biggest in Show, which this burly panther had taken the crown, "And what might that bid have been?"

Xander's ears fold to his head as he looks up at the dobe, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink under his eyes, more of a trained response than an honest blush, "Well... from what I understand the final bid was big enough to make the dude almost back out of paying up."

Damon shook his head again, "Hey, no dodging the question again. What was the final bid?" the Doberman asked, feeling a bit of excitement building in his lower belly. He was really getting curious on that final measurement.

Xander mumbled a little and coughed into his paw again before lifting his head up, "Well, the dude had signed the contract for 1000$ an inch with a diameter multiplier."

The Doberman scoffed lightly, "Even at average that could be quite a high bid," Damon grinned and leaned forward tilting the recorder over and poking the small stop button on the face of it. "Off the record if you really want it to stay that way."

Xander leaned back and folds his thickly muscled arms across his chest, the material of his muscle-shirt creaking as much as the chair under him. With a long exhale, his ears stood back up and passed a stiff glare across the table at the patiently waiting dog. He could swear he could hear the Dobermans tailstub breaking the sound barrier as it wagged back and forth. "Final bid was just under 55 thousand dollars."

Weather it was a moment of stun or confusion, the dobe's face showed either calculation or miscomprehension that he heard a monstrous number, "Fifty-five hundred...or fifty-five thousand...?" Damon choked out, literally having to use a paw to hike his jaw back up into position.

The heavy handed panther nodded lightly, the purple furred panther practically dripping with masculinity cracking a small little grin across his face, though his arms didn't budge, "Thousand," he stated rather mater-of-factly. Xander was use to being the center of attention in the past, even through high school he had won the regional 'Best in Body' at a body builders competition but to hide his more bulging secret he wore a dancing belt to minimize his 'gift'.

Admittedly, the Dobermans mind continued cranking on the numbers trying to draw a conclusion then just gave up, "If you don't mind me saying that's ... just fuckin' not possible," all of his professionalism tossed to the wind as he stood up and leaned forward on his paws. "That would make you bigger than some of my past boyfriends."

The panther slowly stood up, his near seven foot tall frame lifting from the groaning chair. Even in an empty conference room made for 20 individuals the panther looked like he was cramped in a small area. His eyes stayed locked on the dobe's as he slowly leaned forward, that little crack of a grin turning into more of a lecherous now that the dobe had admitted his taste for large males in a round-about way. "Aaahhh you callin me a lyeh?" the base voiced feline responded in his best fake Italian accent.

Poses matched, they just stared at each other, the Dobermans grin slowly cracking open and mirroring the burly panther. Damon cleared his throat and slowly stood up crossing his arms over his chest and slowly let his eyes drape down over that figure across the table from him, "No... not at all." He paused for a moment as his eyes settled on the crotch of the others bulging track pants, "I'm just trying to decide if I should ask for a demonstration or not."

That little sparkle of interest instantly made the panther relax a bit of his own eroticism making his hidden away sheath bulge a bit more. It had been a while since he had any real action, and he knew that the smaller they were the tighter they were. The material of his boxer briefs were already straining to stretch under his clothing as his gift began to push down the leg of the tight material, "A demonstration, huh?" his motions were fluid as he moved to stand back up then step a foot up onto the literal thigh height table to the feline, the obvious bulge starting to sag in the material.

The Dobermans eyes stayed focused on the feline's lower torso, indeed the feline was stacked rather heavily. Damon's mind slowly processed for a moment then realized that the feline was exposing the outline of his lengthening shaft through the thin material, not to mention the sheer size difference. He could easily fit on the feline's chest and still have room to roll over. "Yes, a demonstration," he nodded, his own arousal starting to build as his eyes just traced over the cut muscle lines popping through the dark shiny material covering the felines torso, his own pants suddenly feeling way too tight. Just because he was short didn't mean he was a slouch where it counted, but he had only measured up to seven inches in the scholarship fund raiser.

The panther took a step back, slowly straightening his legs as he lifted a paw to wave the shorter dog closer, "Come here, short stop. You bring a tape measure with you?" It really wasn't like him to be so forward with his arousal, but he couldn't help it. The dog was cute, really cute; cute right down to the brown dots over his eyes. He just simply let go of his hesitations as the dog started to move around the table.

The dog was silently ecstatic. There was no way he wouldn't have missed the chance to hold a champion in his paws; especially one that had beat out all the other students at the college, including the mostly equine rowing team. "Sorry, I'll have to measure by paw," a sly smirk popping up on his muzzle as he stood just a foot or two in front of the bulky feline. His nose practically burned with the scent of the arousing feline, the distance being closed making the purple furred fur filling his vision. His head was at chest level with the large feline, though his face was more interested in Xander's reaction.

'Eager to play. Normally they run away when they find out how big I am,' Xander thought to himself as he lifted his heavy paws up an dropped them onto the Dobermans strong shoulders. "Kid, I think you're going to need a second set of paws," he grinned and squeezed Damon's shoulders lightly, or so he thought. His muscle mass sometimes forgot how bulky it was.

Damon gasped lightly at the squeeze on his shoulders; it was that moment in time he wished he hadn't gotten dressed in the morning. His own arousal was starting to waft from his own groin. "I think I can manage," the dog grinned and lifted his own paws and hooked onto that elastic braced waistband holding the felines garments in place. "You better not be a disappointment."

Xander's muzzle cracked open with a bit of a grin as he felt those small paws tug loosely on his waistband, making his soft-on throb down along his thigh. Mentally measuring himself, he was already stretched to the ten inch point and still had a lot of room to grow. "Well, don't keep me waiting. I believe we both have homework to get to."

Without much ceremony the dog slid his fingers along the rim of those track-pants to the felines strong hips and with a yank the dobarman dropped to his knees almost getting knocked out as the hardening flesh bounced off the side of his muzzle; he had managed to take undergarments along with the quick tug down. Without realizing it he had fallen backwards against the chair behind him and looked up at the feline, the dark jet black flesh hanging over a set of purple grapefruits causing it to arch outward.

The panther stood there simply with his paws on his hips, grinning down at the Doberman as his shaft whipped out against the canines muzzle. He had done that on purpose in the past, but this time it was a surprise when it actually knocked the canine off balance. Feline pride started to shine through as he looked down into the Dobermans shocked brown eyes, "Well...?"

Almost drooling, the canine worked his way back up onto his knees and reached both paws forward like a cub going for a bucket of Halloween candy, lifting that girthy length up in his paws. He simply couldn't believe the sheer mass of the felines still hardening male flesh, "No... fucking... way..." the dog gasped as he tugged on the black flesh as it slowly gains a redish tint as it hardened.

A shiver made the felines fur stand on end at the touch of the small paws lifting his heavy shaft up, his own heart beat causing the flesh to expand and lift on its own. He never did get tired of the look of amazement on a furs muzzle when they realized exactly how big is big; and he wasn't kidding. He just continued his grin down at the Doberman as the small paws tried to close around the girth of his shaft and still coming nearly an inch shy of closing. "They measured me at sixteen inches long, and just under three and a half in diameter," he grinned wider as the Dobermans head snapped up and looked at the felines square muzzle.

The Doberman couldn't help but play with the dark flesh in his paws, wobbling the pole of feline masculinity in his paws, "You got a flag to run up this thing?" the Doberman smirked and received a chuckle in response. He slowly stood up and continued to rub his paws up and down that hard length, coaxing a dribble of feline essences out onto his pawpads. "You are by far the biggest guy I have ever seen!" the Doberman paused for a moment, "and considering my last boyfriend was a Clydesdale, that's saying a lot!"

The bolstering dog was only making the feline's shaft harder; he always did appreciate the comments on how big he was when they weren't in displeasure, but this was the first time he felt like he wasn't a total freak for having a stud-length cock... literally. "So you like 'em big huh?" the panther lifted his paw up and gently stroked the dogs tapered trimmed ear softly.

Damon grins a little wider as he tilts his muzzle up, staring up at the nearly two foot taller feline, "I can show you how much I like 'em big." The dogs muzzle splitting open with his tongue hanging over his chin; again his tail stump thumps back and forth against his kaki colored pants.

The almost pup-like enthusiasm did its job on the panther's hesitations, his fleshy rod standing at full attention at the perfect angle to accentuate its size against his belly. With only a grin, he reached his bulging arms down and gripped the lower rim of his spandex shirt and quickly whipped it off over his head as he kicked the puddle track pants and underwear from his ankles. He knew this was going to get messy, so he made sure his clothes made I to the wall.

The movement from the panthers shirt over those tight eight pack gave the dog the wordless 'get naked' command, the dog almost ripping his pants off only managing to get his pants off his red jock-strapped hips to his ankles before the panther literally palmed the back of the dogs head to pushed that tan and black muzzle against the fully hard pole. It was almost immobilizing as Damon realized the full size of that monster against his fur and he knew he wanted it all; his fingers lifted up and hooked over the panthers purple sheath and hoisted his weight upwards a bit more and slathered his tongue over that black softball sized tip. The taste of the heavy black flesh almost enough to set the dobe's salivary glands into the typical canine overdrive.

Xander's ears flicked a little as he watched the small canine nuzzle up against his shaft, his big hand relaxing down between those pointed ears tempting him to thrust his shaft up along that short face fur. But before he could actually do so, the wet lick across his tip made his knees almost buckle.

If he had never been turned on before, he was now; the short Dobermans pawpads slid up and down on the panthers shaft quickly, tracing the fine bumps and veins along that black cylindrical flesh as his tongue treated the round bulbous tip like a quickly melting ice cream cone, savoring every delectable lick along the ridge of that thick shaft. Then, with decided gusto he spread his muzzle wide as he could and pushed it down over the head of that round cocktip; the sheer size of the massive black shaft plugging his muzzle all the way back to his soft pallet before running out of room to move.

Xander winced as he felt the blunt prickle of teeth against his cockflesh, making his ears fold down and his head jerk to look down at the muzzle backing around his shaft. The sheer tightness around his shaft making him moan and his tight muscular ass flex causing a giant blob of thick panther goo to jet out of his shaft. His paw resting on the back of the dobe's head trying to pull him further down over his shaft but there was simply not enough room in the small dogs muzzle for any more of him.

It wasn't much longer before the Doberman had to forcibly rip his head back from the black anaconda clogging his throat; sputtering lightly to clear the thick fluid from his airway as he looks up at the panther, his paws pushing the monster up against the purple sculpted bellyfur. "Fuck... too big for this end," he punctuated with a cough, his ears still standing up straight, "if you don't mind."

Xander was more than happy as he saw the little dog spin around on a footpad and lean forward on the table to present that little perky muscled rump to him. It, by far, was the hottest ass he had seen in a long time; the musculature traced and framed by the split of tan running up under the dogs stub tail just made his fur bristle. Yeah, he wanted it; he wanted to pound it with his grapefruit sized balls. With the bruit force of a body builder he gripped the small dogs hips and lifted him up a little off the floor, leaned himself forward and mashed that nearly blunt cock tip up against the Dobermans button hidden under his tail. "Oh, I am so going to make sure you feel every inch of it."

He couldn't believe he was actually letting his libido get the better of him in a public place, hell in the school for that matter. He was wanting it, even as he felt his footpads leave the floor he wanted it, even as he felt the mash of the hot flesh pressing under his tailstump he wanted it. Then the pleasure began; oh the sweet pressure against his backdoor. He loved it, it feel so wonderful to feel something so wide trying to break in past his tight little ring. Relaxing as he feels that flesh buck against his hole, he leaned his head back, the sting of the first stretch starting to tug his hole open. The panther knew what he liked, the wordless instruction from a sizequeen to a cock-monster. The sharp sting making his toes splay out as the wide tip speared past his tight flesh lodging itself right behind that muscular ring. He had to growl at the sheer bliss that made his short pelt razor along his back. "Oh...! Fuck!" It defiantly was a stretch for his hole to give way for that fat tip to squeeze past his tight little ring.

If he had of cared about appearances, he wouldn't have worn such a blissful goofy grin across his muzzle as his wide shaft split the Doberman open. It had been far too long since he had another around his shaft rather than just his own fist. The tight squeezing of muscles egging him to push again; harder this time shoving almost a third of his shaft into the narrow body under him. He wanted to prove the Doberman a sizequeen, he wanted to burry every last inch of his shaft into the thin dog. Again he shoved, cramming another third of his shaft into the tight space giving way around his shaft. His ears perking up at the shrill squeaks and moans escaping from the canine's muzzle; then the scraping of blunt claws across the tabletop as he drove himself deeper.

It hurt, of course it hurt! But it hurt so wonderfully. Even as the long shaft shoved into his backside, his eyes watered and he squeezed tightly around that hard bucking flesh mashing into his backside, or would if his walls weren't being stretched to near the ripping point. The strain of the thick shaft pining for more space in him already tenting out his lower belly as he tries to push back against the hard thrusts forcing more of that thick flesh into him, his tailstub flexing down as if trying to help egg the penetrating shaft deeper.

Xander, with all of his strength and muscle, was running out of stamina to push that last quarter of his shaft in. He wanted it bad, badly enough to lean his chest down against the back of the Doberman and lean his hips forward using his heavy body mass to force the last four inches of his shaft through that tight muscle. Finally, after rocking his hips forward with the last thrust, his wide muscled hips thudded against the black and tan rump. He needed to exhale but there was no air left in his lungs as he ground his heavy hips against that tight little ass squeezing his sheath for every inch it could give.

Those last inches made him quiver, almost sick as the flesh packed every last available inch and even found a way to push deeper, the hard final thrust making his tight little athletic rump push right up against that wide hip base of the feline; successfully cramming his backside full. Damon's ears drooped a little as he tried to bare down around that hard shaft plugging him finding no extra purchase, he knew he was full as he'd ever be able to be; and it felt wonderful. Tongue lulled out and head turning to the side as he gently grinned at the big feline looking over his shoulder, matching the dopy grin with his own as he wiggled and ground himself against the felines purple fur. His breath coming in pants as he wiggles, "fuck... you're... big" is all he could manage, as he flexed his belly pulling his innards tight around the long poll of flesh stuffed in him.

That wasn't the end of it though; Xander had bigger ideas for that squirming tensing flesh around his shaft. His mind had pretty much shut off the fact he was balls deep in a little dog in the middle of a college conference room. The panther knew nothing else accept the tightness holding him firm, the flesh tempting him further into the forbidden zone. Then a little flash when off in his head as his grin split his muzzle open again; lewd to the point of evil, he knew he wanted nothing more than to fuck. To fuck the living hell out of the dog under him until neither of them could walk straight.

Xander wrapped his massive paws around the Dobermans hips tight again and pulled his own back, slowly at first but gaining speed as he drew inch after inch of his anaconda from the flesh trying to strangle the life out of it. The sensation of the hot flesh dragging stiffly against his behemoth was almost enough to make him pop right then and there. His tip stopped short of popping free from the tight ring of now slightly red flesh. He waited there for a moment and lifted a paw to the dog's lower back and pushed him down in the middle to better align the dog for the next pump.

Damon just about whimpered as the thick shaft left his insides, he wanted it to stay there forever, or at least long enough to get him off. His pointed ears drooped forward a little as he bit his lower lip feeling the softball sized tip trying to pull free from his backside; the tight stretched flesh puckering out in protest of exit. Sheer strength made him bend in the middle and he looked up over his shoulder with that sad puppydog eye look at the insanely grinning feline over him. His expression changed like a dark sky in a lightning storm as that monster plunged back into him with the speed of an arrow.

Sheer force of a mountain falling forward was the only way to describe how much power the feline put into his hard thrust, his hips slammed against that black and tan butt hard enough to scoot the rosewood table forward with the audible thunk of his heavy balls smacking the Dobermans up against the underside. Yeah... that's what he wanted; the shy and meek front he kept around him was shut off and now he was nothing but a mass of sexual energy.

Xander drew his paw down the slender dogs back and gripped that tailstump hard and yanked it up to the point of threatening to break it as he watched his shaft slowly slide back out of the tight little ring around him. His full violet pelt bristled as he dragged inch after inch of flesh back out, but only about half way this time before slamming it back home again.

The dobe's head fell to the table top with a heavy thunk with the second hard thrust in, the friction of the wide shaft simply overloading the nerves in his lower body; each little throb feeling as if a sea was massaging his insides. The third thrust wasn't as shocking to his system, neither was the fourth and the countless others that seemed to pound him across the room. Damon's ability to speak had been forgotten as the feline simply did what he loved when it came to outright sex: fuck.

Xander was quite good at that at least; the outright fuck was something he never got to do with other partners because they were simply too fragile for his massive bulk to literally beat the orgasm out. The big feline's paws slapped onto the table top as his thrust gained speed and power, his polished black claws scraping rather telling claw marks into the finely finished surface as his hips did what they had to. Each hard thrust dragging his orgasm closer and closer as he pounded, rutted, ground, and beat that tight little passage around his shaft into submission. His hips practically a blur, his balls like swinging wrecking equipment by the time his ears picked up the soft moans from under him. The meekness of the sound was enough to make his tail bristle out with excitement. 'He's enjoying himself,' he thought as his hips thundered each thrust through Damon with the force enough to make the dogs eartips wobble and limp tongue drag across the lacquered surface.

Damon was in heaven... well more like limbo. The ache in his lower body was exquisite; this simply was the type of sex he loved; hard, fast, and outright lewd; and it's what always got him off. His own shaft was thumping against the bottom of the table top with each pendulous swing of his own eggs being beaten with the wrecking balls slamming behind them. He was already about to pop and he didn't want it to happen so soon. Though he wasn't fully disappointed as he felt a stretch in him again, his passage was expanding beyond its previous max because the panther behind him was readying to burst.

The panther was at his breaking point; he had already dug his claws into the table top and squatted his bodybuilder ass as his last thrusts neared. He was ready; his tight muscles were burning from the stamina-shattering ass pounding he was giving. His shaft was swelling again, not much in comparison to the monsters sheer size. His orgasm was going to be monstrous, earth shattering, the best he had ever had in his student career. His ear flicked to the side as his belly fur tightened, his jaw fell open and let out a rather long grunt as his sack drew tight.

All that could be heard was a howl as Damon's passage reached it final maximum, then a squeal as the dog squeeked in shear bliss as a hot rush of fluid quickly splashed out the fire burning in his backside. Well, not really a splash, it was a fire hydrant breaking in him. The sheer volume of the panther's cum gushing into him in rapid succession making his well toned belly expand with each thick shot of seed firing into the short dog. Damon had felt this expansion before, but never to this extent. Volumes of seed this large were only kept in research hospitals, and that sheer fact is what got Damon off, his own proud shaft shrieking out hits white yawn in long painting ribbons under the table with enough force to pool in the very seat he had been sitting in only minutes before.

The purple fur over the dog was lost in his own orgasm, his hips grinding in place against that toned tan and black ass that fit perfectly against his wide hips. His claws were dug into the surface under his paws so deep that he splintered the tabletop in order to pull Damon to his chest and belly. Xander's chest heaved with each labored breath in attempt to qualm his exertion, his shaft blasting out nearly a gallon of his thick seed before tapering off into a trickle then to a dribble before stopping. His black nose twitched a little as he held the dog against his toned fur, only to moan and shiver in post-orgasmic bliss. "Fuuuuuuu....." is all he could manage between breaths.

Damon was in much the same state, his head lulled to the side as he was leaned back against the purple fuzzy wall behind him. His gut was expanded to the point he looked three months pregnant. He was still awake though, his shaft twitching and drooling the last of his nut-busting orgasm. "Good.... God..." his words broke between breaths as he grunted and ground his tailbase against the panthers sheath realizing now that his feetpaws were still not on the floor.

With only a simple smile, the panther leaned down and licked Damon between the eyes to the nosetip, his breaths calming but still rushing to catch up the oxygen loss, "The nicest thing I've ever been called." Xander grinned a little as he nibbled on the dog's ear. "So... I guess this means I should take you on a date sometime."

Damon's eyes opened and rolled up to stare at the bright blue globes shining back down at him. It was a rush of a romance, but it was just the type he had longed for; a hunk that was interested in him, was eloquent and intelligent, modest at appropriate times, and able to fill his needs without hesitation. He grinned to himself and lifted his paw to the panthers arm to stroke it gently. His two ears splayed out as he let his head dip forward only to spot his forgotten digital recorder laying on the tabletop with its bright little red light glowing like a kid that had caught his parents in the act of passion. "That sounds like a great idea." He grinned a little as he flicked his tongue over his own chin before looking back up at the panther above him. A bit of a silly grin passing over his face as he ground himself against the feline's hips once again with a question boiling to mind, "Since you have proven your crown of Biggest Dick on Campus. For the record, I should ask: what's your major?"

Xander grinned with an ironic glint of humor as he wrapped his other arm around the black and tan dog at his chest. Without much ceremony, he simply stated, "Film Production and Macroeconomics."

The End... for now at least! :3

Comments, suggestions, praise welcome!