Gargoyles: Protectors of the City -- Chapter 2
#2 of Gargoyles: Protectors of the City
Broadway fell to one knee as he caught his breath. Using his forearm, he wiped away sweat which threatened to fall into his eyes.
"...You're...too fast. How are you so fast?"
Hudson, who was also quite winded but too prideful to show it, smiled and said, "You must mean, how do I stay light on my feet despite my impressive mass. A combination of muscle memory and the experience to anticipate attacks. I move as you move, rather than after. You will learn this too, in time."
"I'm not so sure about that," the broad bellied gargoyles groused. "We've been practicing for weeks and I haven't gotten any better."
"Tell that to my aching muscles," Hudson declared, laughing. "When we first began, I could have fended you off all day with nary a sweat drop. And now, just a few weeks later, you tire this old man out quickly and make him feel his age."
Feeling a bit better after the implicit compliment, Broadway reciprocated by saying, "You're not that old, Hudson."
"I'm too old to believe the pretty lie that I'm not too old. Still, I appreciate the sentiment. Don't fret, Broadway. This gargoyle has plenty of nights left to him yet. I shan't be going anywhere, any time soon."
That made Broadway feel a little better. Their clan was already too small. They couldn't afford to lose any of the gargoyles and especially not Hudson. He was too experienced and he was the only one who knew all the old stories. The oral history of their clan, dating back nearly two thousand years.
And with Lexington in his own world of computers and the 'world wide web' and Brooklyn seemingly actively avoiding Broadway, their clan had never felt smaller.
'Why do I feel like we're on the edge of oblivion? That one small misstep from Goliath, or any of us, could spell the end of everything?' the blue gargoyle pondered as he panted.
"I know that look," Hudson observed, his voice growing dark and wary. "I've seen it in many a warrior, over the years. What troubles you, lad?"
"...Hudson, I...," Broadway started, then paused. Then he decided to go through with it. If he couldn't trust their clan's best advisor with his fears, then the clan truly was lost.
"I feel like the clan is in danger."
"Aye. It is as you say," the tan gargoyle agreed.
Broadway blinked in surprise.
"You already knew? Does Goliath know?"
"Goliath knows what I know. He knows that our clan is too small. That we have no way of replenishing our population. That we have no kingdom to protect, which in turn could protect us. And that we are holed up in what could be considered enemy territory. Our only defense that of secrecy and our ability to avoid detection. A temporary defense, at best."
Broadway felt a hole manifest in the pit of his large stomach. His sense of direction lurched as he was faced with the enormity of the many-fold dangers rising before the clan.
"Why didn't you tell me this before?"
"You were not ready to hear it before. But, I believe you've matured much since we've arrived in these lands."
The heavy set gargoyle was not one who was given to experience frequent bouts of crying, but this time he could feel his eyes sting as tears threatened to well. He fought to maintain his composure, using the breathing exercises Hudson had been teaching him.
"Is there nothing to be done, then?" Broadway asked when he could trust his voice enough to speak.
"Now, who said that, lad?" the gruff gargoyle retorted, his voice as hard and determined as tempered steel. "A gargoyle's life is always one of danger. That has always been the way of things. But countless generations of overcoming dangers had made us strong and wise. We have hope and there is light on the horizon. Goliath has not been idle. Trust in your leader to see you through the crisis -- Just as he trusts in you."
Broadway nodded. The challenges Hudson described would crush any single gargoyle. But they were a clan. And they would survive.
"Now," Hudson went on to say, stretching his arms before settling into a fighting posture. "Shall we practice? Or shall we gripe about our problems in the hope that the sound of our voices alone shall drive our troubles away?"
Broadway chuckled, exaggerated discomfort clear in his voice.
"I thought you liked talking, old man?"
"I do," Hudson agreed. "But there is a time for telling stories and there is a time for action. And one does not tell stories while sparring. Come at me again, Broadway. But this time, focus on making your weight work for you instead of against you. Learn to harness your size and momentum, for they will become your most trusted weapons."
"How do I learn to do that?"
"Silly youngling. Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to? You learn by practicing!"
And so, for several hours longer that's exactly what they did.
After practice and a quick shower, Broadway decided that it was finally time to talk with Brooklyn.
The lithe gargoyle had been seemingly avoiding him for weeks now and Broadway hadn't helped matters by pretending not to notice. But it was becoming apparent that the rift between them wouldn't mend on its own.
So, spotting Brooklyn in one of the clock tower's halls, the blue gargoyle approached him and said, "Hey there, Brooklyn."
Brooklyn nodded at him but kept walking.
"Off to a patrol," the rust colored gargoyle half-explained. "Catch ya later."
Was that right, Broadway wondered. He didn't pay much attention to the patrol schedule, other than to try to memorize his own days and routes.
"Oh. Okay," Broadway said, voice a touch glum. "We'll talk after, then?"
Broadway paused for a moment, then shrugged.
"Maybe. The end of the patrol usually cuts pretty close to sunrise. We can chat next week?"
Next week? Brooklyn's avoidance of him just graduated from 'plausible deniability' to 'blatantly obvious'.
"How about I just join you on your patrol, instead?"
This caught Brooklyn off guard. After a brief pause, the gargoyle turned to face Broadway and said, "Sorry but... I don't think you could keep up. The route is designed for a fast flyer."
Broadway, not easily offended, smiled and retorted, "Oh? You think I'm too fat to fly your route?"
Lifting his chin defiantly, Brooklyn shot back, "You're built for endurance and power. Not finesse."
"I thought we were talking about patrols? When did we switch to discussing the bedroom?"
Broadway thought he'd at least get a chuckle from the crude joke. But what happened instead caught him off guard. Brooklyn was blushing!
"I... uhh---" Brooklyn stammered, as if at a loss for words.
"I'm just joking, Brooklyn," Broadway explained, suppressing a smile at the other gargoyle's flummoxed expression. "...But more seriously, is everything okay? It's starting to feel like you're avoiding me."
"I'm not avoiding you," the fighter replied, a bit too quickly.
"Oh, good. Then you'll come find me later? So we can talk."
"...Not this week. Like I said, I'm too busy. Maybe next week."
Broadway sighed and said, "Fine. But you can't avoid me forever, Brooklyn."
"I'm not avoiding you," Brooklyn repeated, tone a bit flat as if he we're running on autopilot. "I have to get to my patrol. I'll talk to you later."
"Later, then," Broadway agreed.
And with a curt nod, Brooklyn headed off. Broadway sighed deeply after his clan mate turned the corner. He didn't know what was troubling the trouble maker, but it was starting to cause real problems.
Deciding that he couldn't fix what he didn't understand, Broadway decided to ask Lex for advice. The smaller gargoyle had settled disputes between Broadway and Brooklyn in the past, though those had tended to be more straightforward problems.
Thinking back, Broadway recalled that he and Brooklyn had regularly bickered over areas of disagreement. Like, who got to use the clock tower's single DVD player, and for how long? What was the policy for leftovers in the fridge? And how to properly clean up the exercise area, post workout.
Broadway didn't even know what they were disagreeing over now. Which was strange in and of itself because Brooklyn had never seemed shy before about expressing his point of view.
All the more justification to make it Lexington's problem, Broadway decided. If Lex was the smart one, he should prove it. Maybe he'd get lucky and the well-meaning nerd could somehow find a way for things to return to normal.
But, before that, the blue gargoyle wanted to give Brooklyn a few more days to see if he might muster the willpower to approach him himself, now that the other gargoyle explicitly knew that Broadway was looking to talk.
Surely the brash, loud-mouthed gargoyle could find the courage to have a conversation with his own clan mate?
Almost a week later and Broadway still hadn't heard from Brooklyn. In fact, he'd hardly even seen the gargoyle. By this point, he was convinced that Brooklyn was well and truly avoiding him.
Sighing and grumbling to himself, Broadway decided it was time to talk to Lex. He had tried waiting for Brooklyn to sort himself out and he had tried approaching his rookery brother directly. Neither tactic had born fruit.
But Broadway wasn't so ignorant as to believe those were the only two tactics. They were just the two obvious ones that jumped out at him, short of him sitting on Brooklyn for however many hours it took to make the rust colored gargoyle confess what was weighing so heavily on his mind.
Lexington would have advice. The smallest clan member was clever and had patience for these sorts of things. The conversation about Brooklyn was certain to be awkward... But it was necessary.
Broadway spent a few minutes searching the clock tower for Lex when he started to get confused. Where was Lexington? He'd already checked the patrol schedule and the olive colored gargoyle wasn't on the list for today.
Spotting Hudson watching television in the area the clan had converted to be the main living area, Broadway asked, "Hey, have you seen Lex anywhere?"
Not looking away from the screen's flickering lights which had gripped his attention so Hudson distractedly replied, "Try the basement. Lex has been affecting repairs at Goliath's request to reduce the likelihood that humans will need to come to the tower for maintenance."
"Oh. Yeah. Good idea," Broadway said, with an appreciative nod.
Hudson just grunted in reply, caught up in the drama of the sitcom on the screen.
As Broadway headed off towards the clock tower's basement, he thought he heard the older gargoyle mumble something about, "But they were on a break!"
He hadn't actually been to the large building's basement before and so Broadway stepped carefully and quietly as he made his way through the dim, twisting hallways which were lined with pipes and machinery. The gargoyle was sure that this part of the tower had some important purpose and function, but Broadway didn't pretend to understand it.
The broad shouldered male walked for several minutes taking turns effectively at random before it occurred to him that this was probably a bad idea. He was tempted to start calling out for Lex but decided against it. On the small chance there were humans here, he wanted to spot them with his superior night vision first so that he might back away before they even knew that they had company.
About to give up his search, Broadway grinned with relief as he heard shuffling in the distance. Followed by the sound of Lexington's voice!
Broadway passed through an open door and, turning the corner, saw that Lexington wasn't talking to himself but rather had been addressing Bronx, the clan's one and only gargoyle beast.
But... What were the two of them doing? This didn't look like repairs? Lex had long strips of red colored rope which he was securing to the steel pipes nearby. And Bronx was growling and barking in excitement.
Broadway continued to look on from the shadows, very confused at what he was witnessing.
Lexington was... tying himself in place? He was using a combination of those red ropes with straps that had clock faces attached. Limb by limb, the olive colored gargoyle bound his ankles, knees, and even his torso to the sturdy iron pipe fixtures surrounding the hidden, out-of-the-way concrete path he was kneeling on.
And he was kneeling on shin guards and knee pads, Broadway couldn't help but note. Just what in the seven hells was Lex doing?
Bronx paced back and forth as he watched Lex work. Broadway thought that the non-verbal gargoyle looked to be some combination of impatient and excited. Far stranger, the four legged gargoyle grew aroused as Lex bound himself to the steel pipes, his large red erection lengthening out until it swung beneath his powerful frame, the tip swinging in time with his steps.
Looking over his shoulder, Lexington also noticed the massive arousal. With a chuckle the far smaller gargoyle said, "Be patient, Bronx. I know it's been a few weeks, but I'm almost ready for you. You gonna breed your bitch good?"
The dog-like gargoyle barked and growled, need and impatience clear in its voice as its body shook, causing its very large erection to swing in an even wider arc beneath its large blue frame.
Broadway was stunned. Was Lexington tying himself up so that Bronx could...? The large gargoyle had heard of bedroom play before, but nothing like this.
If Lex actually went through with this and finished tethering himself, the small gargoyle would be entirely at the beast's mercy. The olive colored gargoyle would not be able to stand up or throw Bronx off his back or stop the... this... Broadway wasn't sure what to even call this. His mind halted, refusing to process or ponder what was clearly about to take place.
"I'm setting the unclasp timers for one hour this time, Bronx," Lexington went on to say. "This might be our last opportunity to do this for a while, so you better make sure you're completely satisfied. If you're already horny again a week from now, it's your own fault!"
Bronx barked again at this. The huffing, pacing half-feral was practically vibrating with need. Broadway was at a complete loss for words as he saw the quadruped's girthy cock point at Lex's exposed hole.
But for his part, Lexington seemed sure and confident as he took a ball gag from a nearby bag on the floor. The male popped it into his mouth and clasped it in place behind his olive-colored head. With that done, the clan's smallest gargoyle locked both of his wrists into place with cuffs which were apparently designed to be closed one-handed, without assistance from the other hand.
And with all four limbs bound firmly to the passage's steel pipes, Lexington was thoroughly trapped in place in front of the horny half-feral. A deed done willingly and by his own hand... To place himself entirely at Bronx's mercy and under the beast's power and control.
Bronx was sniffing Lexington's upturned rear when one of the flickering fluorescent bulbs installed in the basement's ceiling chose that moment to briefly come to life directly overhead from Broadway. By sheer coincidence, for three long seconds Broadway was fully illuminated.
And Lex had been bound in just the right direction to see him. For those three seconds, the two gargoyles stared at each other in silence before the fluorescent light went out just as suddenly as it had turned on.
In those seconds, Lex saw Broadway's expression of perplexed confusion and bewildered consternation. Lex saw the look of shock and vague nausea as the other gargoyle pieced together what he was about to bear witness to.
And then the darkness returned and Broadway disappeared once more into the shadows.
Realizing too late that he wasn't alone, Lexington's eyes shot wide in alarm as he immediately began fighting his bonds, thrashing in place. The skinny gargoyle was trying to say something behind his ball gag as he desperately worked and struggled to free himself.
But Bronx was entirely uninterested in his bitch's sudden change in demeanor. The powerfully built dog-like gargoyle had his sights set on Lex's hole as he licked his chops in hunger. In no particular hurry, Bronx approached Lexington and began the quick process of mounting him.
Lex could no longer see Broadway but the panicking male knew his rookery brother was still there in the dark. Watching. Seeing everything that was happening. Lexington tugged and fought against his bonds but all he accomplished for his effort was to tire himself out. Seconds later, the moist tip of Bronx's cock was pressing firmly up against his clenched hole as the beast stood above him, the half-feral using Lex's now sweat-slicked back to support some of his weight.
The gargoyle made pathetic mewling noises behind his gag. Wordlessly, he begged and pleaded with Bronx to please stop this. To spare him the unspeakably undignified humiliation of penetrating him while the two of them had an audience.
But it was too late. Bronx was unaware and uninterested in the far smaller gargoyle's change of heart. With soul-crushing certainty, Lex found that that which he had been set in motion could not be stopped. The pressure was already mounting against his rear entrance. Lex was out of time to fix this.
Lexington groaned into his gag as his muscles bulged in discomfort. Several inches of gargoyle beast cock began to shove unceremoniously past his cheeks and into his accommodating body. The penetration was steady and sure. Bronx was neither trying to hurt Lex nor take it easy on his bipedal clanmate. The beast merely moved as his nature and instincts dictated.
Deeper. Farther. In, in, in, all the way. He pushed in until his heavier sack smacked into Lexington's smaller, tighter sack. Lexington's eyes rolled up into his head as his eyelids fluttered. The gargoyle tried and failed to pretend this wasn't happening. But such a mental escape was impossible when his ass and insides were silently screaming at him that he was being brutally split apart by the feral's too-thick shaft.
Lex panted as he tried to cope at being invaded so pitilessly. But getting a moment to rest and recover wasn't in the cards as Bronx immediately set to breeding him. The winged creature yelped and whined as a full foot of cock flesh withdrew only to slam right back into him with a body-jarring amount of force.
The four legged beast settled into a comfortable position that gave him maximum leverage over Lexington's bound fame as he pushed in, again and again as he found his rhythm. The far smaller gargoyle continued to make weak protesting noises into his gag. But to Broadway's sensitive ears, the groan didn't sound entirely unhappy.
Rather, the noise the skinny gargoyle made seemed needy and conflicted. Lex sounded ashamed and humiliated. But also hungry and eager. Broadway couldn't tell if Lex wanted Bronx to stop and pull out... or to continue on until he'd been fucked properly.
Having been caught out, Broadway figured he might as well step into the light. Moving a few feet in front of Lexington, who was busy getting his ass repeatedly pounded by the third gargoyle in the room, Broadway tried to offer up his best smile.
"Uhh... Hey there, Lex," Broadway said, not sure how one starts a conversation in a situation like this.
Then, tilting his body so he could get a profile view of the two, the blue gargoyle whistled in amazement at the sight of such a thick cock working its way into such a small gargoyle. Given how much of the huge unit was stuffed into the olive colored male, this was clearly not the first time Lex had accommodated his half-feral partner in this manner.
Lexington tried to shout something around his gag as Bronx began to aggressively fuck him but the gag was too large and too firmly lodged in place. The only sounds which managed to escape his mouth were garbled beyond recognition.
Bronx just kept on mating him as the beast settled into a steady rhythm. Broadway figured that the half-feral had probably known he'd been there from the beginning because of his acute senses. He could see and smell better than any of them, but the beast just hadn't raised an alarm because Broadway was a trusted member of the clan. And he was clearly not embarrassed to be caught mating. The creature saw no need to send up an alert about his presence in the shadows.
"I think... We should probably talk," Broadway continued on, talking over Lex's desperate mumbling.
Lexington kept on trying to say something and the barrel-chested gargoyle could see the youthful male was blushing furiously.
Still trying to lighten the mood, the blue gargoyle said, "Bronx really seems to like you, huh?"
Lex's blush grew more intense as he closed his eyes in shame.
"Hey, hey, none of that now. No reason to feel... uhh, embarrassed or ashamed or anything like that. I just came down to talk to you is all. But it looks like you were in the middle of something."
The bound gargoyle was staring at the ground now, his eyes open and wild. He was breathing hard and deep, almost hyperventilating. Broadway could only imagine what must be going through. Lex's deep dark secret had been outed in the worst possible way. And now one of his clan members was standing over him, watching him get bred by the least intelligent but best endowed of the gargoyle clan members.
"This must be... sort of like your worst nightmare, huh? Getting caught like this," Broadway said, feeling pangs of sympathy for Lex.
The bound gargoyle looked up and, after a moment's hesitation, nodded. He looked miserable. But also... somehow aroused?
"Then... uhh...", Broadway half mumbled, crouching down so he could get a better view. "Why are you so hard? Does little Lex have an exhibitionism kink?"
Lexington's face burned with the most intense blush Broadway had ever seen. The young male shook his head 'no' as fervently as he could as he once again tried to force words through the gag.
"I think you do, brother of mine," the large man said with a grin. "Setting this up in the basement... inside our own base... and using straps with timers? Part of you was hoping you'd get caught. Or at least, you were getting off on the risk that you'd get caught. I'm right, aren't I? I can be pretty slow on the pickup at times, but it seems obvious to me."
For a long moment it looked like the still panicking Lex would forcefully disagree again. But, after a heartbreaking moment of inner conflict, the gargoyle nodded.
"And now here we are. And there's Bronx. Who seems really focused on working you over. Look at him. He's sweating with the effort of fucking you. That's just... wild, man," Broadway observed, his voice full of wonder. "And you're just stuck in place, forced to take it. Unable to move a muscle, even in the case where someone happens by and catches you in the act. Even if it were humans who happened by, you'd be helpless to stop Bronx. Or to stop them from watching."
Lexington was very nearly crying then. But beneath his bound and swaying body, his penis was rock hard and beginning to dribble precum.
"Looks like you're starting to enjoy yourself," he observed, whistling again in appreciation at the sight of Lex's twitching, dripping cock. "Does Bronx's dick really feel that good? Do you like getting bred that much? Or maybe your dick is twitchy because I'm here? Is your drippy bit getting off on putting on a naughty show for dear old Broadway?"
Pleading through his gag, Lex's eyes were trying to point towards the gag. The gargoyle was trying to communicate something to Broadway. It took the gargoyle a bit longer to figure out what his younger clan mate was trying to say.
"Oh no," Broadway said with a chuckle, once he'd figured it out. "I'm not taking the gag off. I wouldn't want to interfere with this magical moment you've set up for you and Bronx. Instead, what I'm going to do is, turn around and leave."
Again Lexington started to pull and struggle against the straps with every ounce of reserve energy he possessed. But it was pointless -- the straps were too sturdy.
"And when I leave," the large gargoyle continued on, "you're going to be left here, wondering what I'll do. Wondering who I will tell. What I will say. Every moment you're down here getting fucked, you'll have to wonder if Goliath is about to storm around that corner, demanding answers from you. Answers you won't be able to provide, because you've turned yourself into a sex toy for a gargoyle beast."
The entire time he'd been talking, Broadway had kept a careful eye on Lexington's trembling, straining penis.
And sure enough, at the grand-finale of mentioning Goliath's name, Lexington's modest but cute cock began spewing cum all over the ground beneath it.
Broadway was amazed. Lexington really did get off on humiliation. The act of getting caught combined with the fear of his dirty secret being exposed was doing a number on him. So much so that the boy had managed to cum hands-free while Broadway verbally teased him.
For his part, Bronx sniffed and then made a chuffing-like sound, the half-feral's intense expression of concentration softening for a moment as he seemed to take amusement at his bitch's humiliating unintentional discharge. The non-verbal creature's eyes shined with intelligence as he continued to thrust into his helpless partner and Broadway mused that the gargoyle beast was far more intelligent and self-aware than most non-gargoyles gave it credit for.
Lex's orgasm lasted several intense seconds, helped along by the slightly curved erection shoving rudely over and against his quivering prostate. But immediately afterwards, having cummed himself out, the bound gargoyle began to cry.
Broadway leaned over and placed a large hand on the trembling male's head.
"No need for that, Lex. I was just teasing you. I'm not going to tell Goliath. Or anyone else, for that matter."
Lex looked up at him, his wet eyes full of shame, regret, and now hope. He mumbled something that might have been a 'thank you'.
Broadway was about to nod and leave, when a devious idea popped into his head. After all, it didn't seem right to just pretend this never happened and leave Lex with zero consequences for his absurdly risky behavior.
"...But, the reason we won't be involving Goliath is because I'll be handling your punishment myself."
Lex's expression froze in renewed fear, his eyes going wide in terror.
"I won't tattle on you. But I am going to leave. And I'm also not going to free you."
The bound gargoyle was shouting into his gag, trying to plead with Broadway. To beg him not to do this.
"And tomorrow, you and I are going to have a very serious conversation. You're going to tell me how many times you've done this and what else you and Bronx have gotten into together. Do I make myself clear, young man?"
Lex nodded, thoroughly defeated.
"Good. Now, have fun with Bronx. Try not to cum too much. And I want this mess cleaned up when you're done playing feral-bitch. Understand?"
To emphasize his point, Broadway leaned over and flicked Lex's tender cock tip with the tip of his blunt finger. This seemed to trigger a strong reaction in the skinny gargoyle who moaned loudly and came for a second time, his cock spewing a smaller load which joined the first which had pooled on the concrete beneath him.
"Oops! Fuck. I guess I made you squirt again. You got a bit of a hair trigger, don't you? Or maybe Bronx is a really amazing lover."
Again Bronx made the chuffing noise that could be interpreted as laughter. Then the gargoyle beast shoved forward extra deep and hard, making Lex moan and grunt in his gag. The four legged gargoyle offered Broadway a feral grin as though pleased he'd made his point.
Unable to talk, Lexington panted as he tried to recover from his second climax. A recovery made all the more difficult by Bronx's big beastial rod pounding into him as if the gargoyle were its own personal sex toy.
"Well... Uhh... Okay then. Have fun you two!"
The gargoyle beast huffed but otherwise made no further effort to respond. The half-feral largely ignored Broadway as it continued to pump and thrust. For the moment, the beast's sole focus was on repeatedly pressing himself into the warm hole that had been freely offered up to him.
As Broadway departed, he paused for a moment to observe Lexington from behind. He had to admit that it was a strangely impressive sight to see such a tight, shapely ass accommodate such a well endowed cock. From this angle, the blue gargoyle could see that just beneath Lex's twitching tail, his rear ring was stretched wide as it was made to take Bronx's thickness.
Broadway smiled at the sight. It was sort of... an accomplishment? Of sorts? Maybe that wasn't quite the word he was looking for, but it was close enough. Lex might be the smallest and weakest of the gargoyle clan, from a physical perspective, but the male had always pushed himself to keep up with the rest of them. In flight, in combat, and now apparently in ways that Broadway hadn't considered before.
Part of him wanted to praise Lex for taking the prodigious pole so well. After all, while the male seemed to be handling it fine now, there had to have been a time when it had been a mighty struggle for the young man to cope with the tremendous strain to his sensitive ring. But Broadway dismissed the thought as soon as it occurred to him.
Based on the skinny gargoyle's slumped and defeated posture as he leaned against his self-imposed bondage, the young male wasn't in the mood to accept compliments right now. It was best to leave and these two to finish up.... whatever one might call this.
'A... bonding experience?' Broadway asked himself, trying to contextualize what he'd just witnessed as he quietly departed. Then he held back a laugh at the unintentional pun. 'Bonding. Bondage. Haha,' he thought, stifling a giggle.
Broadway didn't try to pretend he had a mature or sophisticated sense of humor. And if Lex couldn't see the humor in getting caught in a non-traditional sex act literally seconds after locking himself in place, the goofier of the two gargoyles certainly could.
Still... maybe this was something the two of them could laugh about over beers, a few months or years down the line.
As the blue gargoyle continued to ponder how this unintended discovery of Lex's basement fun time might impact their relationship going forward, he began looking around for a maintenance sign he could prop up against the door, to provide Lexington a modicum of privacy.
A 'Restricted Access' sign wouldn't keep everyone out, but such a sign would have worked on him so he reasoned that it might work on others -- gargoyles and humans alike.
But as Broadway poked around to track down one of the maintenance signs, fate once again laughed at the plans of gargoyles. Even in the dim light, the somewhat large gargoyle felt his spine tingle as a massive shadow was cast over him.
Goliath was here.
'Oh no... bad, bad, bad!' Broadway's mind repeated as he tried his best not to let his sudden panic show on his face.
"Sir! I mean, Goliath. What... uhhh... are you doing down here?" the heavy set male asked his clan leader, whose smolderingly intense gaze was set directly upon him.
"Hello, Broadway," Goliath's deep voice rumbled out of his chest, sounding as full of authority and command down here in the poorly lit basement as it did in the heat of battle. "Have you seen Lexington? Elisa sent me a file on my phone and I can't open it."
Broadway offered up his best 'I want to be helpful' smile, but in his chest his heart almost seemed to refuse to beat as it was seized with icy fear.
"I think he might still be upstairs, sir?" the blue gargoyle offered. But even as he said the words he regretted them. Not only because lying to the clan leader was a very, very stupid thing to do but also because he was a terrible liar. Hearing his own words come out of his mouth, he could hear how false they sounded.
Mentally he cursed himself. Even a particularly dim witted child would have known he was lying.
Goliath's eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"Broadway... Perhaps you've forgotten I have a sense of smell? Lexington has definitely been down here, very recently. So, I will ask again. Where is Lex?"
The younger gargoyle felt his throat tighten as his sad attempt at deception was called out.
"I didn't mean to lie, sir," Broadway said, abandoning his ill-conceived tactic from moments earlier. "It's just that... Well he's... ummm... 'with someone' right now. On the other side of the door. And I think he would be really embarrassed if you walked in on them, sir."
"Oh," Goliath said, understanding dawning. "Oh! I see. Then why are you here? Or did he rope you into playing lookout for him? ...Not to mention lying for him."
Broadway winced at the less than subtle rebuke.
"No, sir. I was looking for him too and, well... I just did what I'm cautioning you against. That is to say, walking in on them. It was... awkward."
"Yes, I imagine it would be. Understood. Thank you for the heads-up. But, just exactly who is he with? A human? We have rules about bringing new humans back to the clock tower. Secrecy is critical to our mission."
In a moment of profound wisdom, Broadway decided that this would not be the best time to mention to Goliath that it was an open secret to everyone that he was becoming romantically entangled with the human Elisa.
The gargoyle knew that bringing up the clan leader's love life -- or the man's frustrating lack there of -- would have been an even more stupid move than lying to Goliath's face. And that had been a very, very stupid move.
"I'd... rather not say, sir. For privacy reasons. However, if you like I could speak to Lex on your behalf. I'll make sure to remind him of the clan policy on the subject."
Broadway knew he was falsely implying that Lex was with a human. But that was easier to explain than the truth. Plus, it had the added benefit of protecting Lex's privacy.
"Do that. And if you assess there will be any additional risks or fallout from this... liaison, I expect you to consult directly with me on the matter. Candidly and truthfully. Are we clear on that, Broadway?"
"Yes, Goliath. We're clear, sir."
Goliath nodded and then turned to leave. Before pausing a moment to ask, "You don't think... Elisa would... enjoy the scenery down here, do you?"
The question caught Broadway off guard, but he did his best to answer the question as honestly and delicately as he could.
"I... don't think this would be Elisa's first choice. If you're looking for a more romantic setting, I could recommend some rooftops with patio furniture which are also free of security cameras. Or, if she'd prefer something less 'out in the open', I could help you clean and furnish your private quarters."
"Thank you," Goliath said, nodding graciously. "But that won't be necessary. Elisa and I... are not intimate, at this time. I just like to plan for possible contingencies, is all."
"Of course, sir. I didn't mean to presume."
"No no, it's quite alright. It has been a... difficult courtship with Elisa. Humans of this age are so different from what I'm used to. With her, I always seem to be saying the wrong thing or choosing inopportune moments."
Broadway opened his mouth to respond when both of the gargoyles heard a loud, muffled moan come from the other side of the door. It was difficult to say for sure, but the noise sounded like it might have been Lexington's voice.
Goliath stood up straighter and for a moment Broadway thought the massive gargoyle might have actually blushed.
"I have other things to attend to," the purple gargoyle said. "You will see to things here, yes?"
"Yes, sir."
"And remind Lexington that this basement is a public area. This was uncharastically risky behavior on his part."
Broadway didn't think it appropriate to mention that the risk factor was probably the exact reason this location was selected. But Goliath didn't need to be burdened with details on his subordinate's sexual preferences and kinks.
The blue gargoyle nodded, respectfully. He was beginning to allow himself to feel relieved. He had certainly dodged an arrow today. Lex would owe him a huge favor after this.
Having made his feelings on the matter clear, Goliath turned to leave. But just as he was walking away, a loud triumphant roar could be heard from the other side of the door. A roar that very clearly belonged to Bronx.
Goliath turned on his heel, his eyes wide in confusion and surprise.
"...Bronx?" the clan leader asked himself aloud. "But...," he stopped as his gargoyle mind worked to puzzle out the implications. Then a stunned expression came over his face.
Broadway said nothing, deciding that diplomatic silence was the best course of action. He worked hard to keep his face as passive and neutral as he possibly could. An effort he was only marginally successful at.
Then Goliath fixed Broadway with a stern stare that made the heavy set male's spine feel like it might turn to goo under the pressure of the gaze.
"I was never here. Understand me, Broadway?"
Broadway saw Goliath's glowing eyes and knew the clan leader wasn't joking or playing around. The man was serious and this was a command that the strongest gargoyle expected him to obey.
"Yes, sir. I never saw you. We never spoke."
"Very good. Carry on," Goliath said, this time leaving quickly before his mind could become further burdened with even more details he wasn't prepared to know.
Broadway breathed a sigh of relief as Goliath stalked away. Lexington's secret was officially out of the bag but, all things considered, that could have gone far worse than it did. Luckily for the skinny gargoyle, the clan leader seemed eager to look the other way for the time being.
The rotund gargoyle didn't blame him. What clan leader wanted to deal with a mess like this when looking the other way was a perfectly valid option?
Of course, having been practically sworn to secrecy, Broadway couldn't let Lex know that Goliath had found out about his little secret. So the question became, just how long was this conspiracy of silence maintainable? Was he going to have to lie again? The idea of telling lies which might lead to yet more lies felt wrong to him.
'Well, at least Brooklyn and Hudson are still in the dark,' Broadway thought.
And then, as if right on cue and dictated by the whimsical and capricious fates themselves, Broadway heard Brooklyn's voice come from the other side of the door.
"Hey Lex, I need you to fix this stupid laptop. I think it must be the battery because-- hold up... What the fuck are you doing? ...Please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing. Holy shit, you really are."
Broadway's ears picked up a dismayed moan coming Lexington.
"...Dude. Tell me you did not just cum from me finding you like this. So now you're roping me into your kink-play? You think I'm just another prop to get your rocks off, huh? Brooklyn's just here to turn your crank? So, you're telling me that you're using me just like you're using Bronx there? Guess he's just a convenient dildo to get your juices flowing? Is that it, Lex? Unbelievable. Don't give me that puppy dog look. It doesn't work when your cock is still twitching underneath you, dripping with your perverted jizz."
That's when Broadway decided that Goliath had the right idea. He had tried his best to help Lex avoid this predictable outcome but it was too little, too late. Now the smaller gargoyle had to deal with the consequences of his own choices.
Besides, based on the fact that he was experiencing his third orgasm while being mocked by Brooklyn, the exhibitionist inside Lex must be secretly thrilled at getting caught out like this. So... maybe it wasn't all bad news? At least, perhaps not from the point of view of Lexington's horny, short sighted dick.
The beer-bellied gargoyle readied himself to make a silent retreat. As he departed, he heard Brooklyn's fading voice chide his clan mate, "Guess I'll stick around to make sure Bronx doesn't split you in two. Just how many times have you bitched yourself out like this? And how were you planning on freeing yourself once he's done with you? ...Oh, these little clocks? Wow. You really went all out on making yourself into the perfect little fuck-toy for him. Do Hudson and Goliath know what you get up to down here? And why is your cock still twitching! Un-fucking-believable."
As Broadway headed out, he shook his head at how complicated clan life was getting around the clock tower. Part of him felt bad for abandoning Lex but, with Brooklyn and Bronx there, it's not like that olive colored gargoyle was in any danger.
If anything, it sounded like Lexington might be enjoying himself a little too much. Broadway sighed. So much for his original idea of getting advice from Lex. Perhaps after today, he would need to step up and start offering his advice and recommendations to his rookery brother. Which was definitely a turnabout on how their conversations usually went.
The broad shouldered gargoyle was forced to confront the fact that other members of his clan were struggling with interpersonal issues just as complex and thorny as the ones he faced. Maybe that was just life? And maybe there were no simple answers. Not anymore. Not here in New York.
'What is it about this human city that makes everything so dang complicated?' Broadway griped to himself as made his way back to his room.