Theo's first time

Story by Cardigan on SoFurry

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Theodore's best friend and crush offers to help him "gain more confidence." But things don't go as planned.

Word Count: 2093

The door to the apartment swung open and in came a dalmatian burdened by paper bags.

"I'm home," he shouted from the paper wall.

A voice echoed from two rooms away. "Need a hand?"

"Yes, please."

The dog's ears picked up hurried steps. Soon, those sounds became the brown-furred wolf, Marco. The brown canine grasped two bags from Theodore.

"Thanks!" Said the dalmatian. "I wasn't expecting to buy so much stuff."

"Hey, that's adult life for ya."

On their way to the kitchen, the dalmatian pondered on his current life situation.

The only reason they can afford a place of this size while being undergraduates is thanks to Marco's wealthy parents. They've even offered to pay for other things too, but both decided they were better off working to buy at least their own food.

The dalmatian still had to teach his best friend about arranging the groceries, but he was getting the hang of it. After twenty minutes or so, they finished the task and hung out for the rest of the night.

They sat on the couch in the living room to watch TV and mess around on the phone. It wasn't too big so they are side by side; their hands occasionally touching each other. Which wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for someone's feelings.

Yes, Theodore had a crush on his best friend; and was quite ashamed of it, too. The wolf reacted fine to his friend coming out, but the dog feared revealing that secret more than anything.

They spent an hour more in that position before Marco left for his room. The dalmatian went to his own after a few more minutes. And, since it was a school night, the dog dressed down to go to bed.

Usually, Theo would go to sleep quickly, but he had something on his mind. He was living with his friend and crush. Would he be able to conceal those feelings while seeing him every day?

Another thing on his mind was the wolf's body. He just couldn't help thinking about it after spending so much of the day together. His athletic build, his beautiful eyes, his perfect hair.

Soon, more devious thoughts took hold, and he imagined parts of Marco's body he'd never seen. It didn't take long for a stiffness to grow in his boxers. The dalmatian sighed before giving in.

He removed his underwear just enough for his shame to flop out. He grabbed the hot rod and gave it a stroke. The dog was already pretty pent-up.

No time later, he got a pleasant rhythm going. Up and down, up and down. The moves felt great, but he needed the imagination to enhance the experience.

Soon, his hand wasn't his anymore. Instead, it belonged to the brown wolf. That paw provided tender and loving strokes. Little more and Theodore felt the hot breath of his crush on his face.

He moaned softly in the dark as his mind conjured all sorts of encouragement and flattery from his imaginary companion. The wolf loved him so sweetly and lewdly; he got closer and closer to the edge.

"Hey, Theo?" Whispered the wolf that wasn't there.


"I love you."

"Oh, Marco!"

And so the release came. The shot of seed flew from crotch all the way to his chest, each spurt messed up the dog's spotted fur who gasped in bliss.

The afterglow was glorious, but brief. It took no minute for the shame of what he had done to set in.

Then a sudden question blared in his mind. "Did I close the door!" The canine sprung his upper body to check.

He had. Nothing to worry about. At the confirmation, he plopped back down the bed relieved.

He sighed again, then muttered. "Will I have to hide forever?".

Even though the feelings troubled him, sleep came easily after that.

Two months had passed, and they settled into their new routines. Theodore worked as a cashier in a supermarket when he wasn't attending classes. Marco tried to join the regular workforce but it was a short-lived effort; instead, he took artistic commissions online to help out with the living expenses.

It also exposed them to a lot of new people, as those who go to university always do. Both found their own small group of friends in their respective The dalmatian found himself in a queer group while the wolf fraternized with other artists. Stil, they always found the time to hang out with each other.

One thing that differed them was their intimate encounters. Marco was always bragging to his friends about how he had sex with three women, while Theo could not find himself any partner at all.

Shyness played a factor, but his feelings for the brown wolf really impeded him. In his head, doing it with someone else felt like cheating on the wolf.

One day, they were both in Theodore's room; the dalmatian worked on an assignment; the wolf kicked his feet up on the bed.

"Man," said Marco, "you're always working or studying!"

"Nuh-uh. I hang. I'm hanging with you right now!"

"Naw, bro. You're studying! I'm hanging out!"

Concentrated, if a bit offended, the dog kept on working and silence, apart from the noisy keyboard used by the dog, fell down the room for minutes.

After fiddling with his phone for a while, the wolf broke the quietness again. "Like, when are you even gonna start dating?"

"I dunno..."

"Man, you should really get to it. Sex is great!"

"Oh boy, there he goes," thought the dog.

"Like of all three chicks I fucked, Janice was my favorite."

Theodore wouldn't mind Marco going on and on about his intimate life like that, but it stung. He was having his sex escapades, while the dog remained in wait for nothing.

"Why don't you get a guy, huh?" The wolf broke the dalmatian's train of thought. "I'm sure there are a lot of gay men at uni."

"You know I'm friends with some of them."

"See? Whatcha waiting for?"

The only answer the wolf got was the end of the clicking on the dalmatian's keyboard.

Theodore stretched his hands high and released a cute grunt. "Finally, done."

"Don't you ignore me, mister."

Cross-armed, the dalmatian turned his office chair to meet the wolf. "You say it like it's the easiest thing."

"It ain't, but," the brown canine sat properly, "it's not that hard."

"So you say." Theodore approached the wolf. "C'mon. Let's catch a movie or something."

"Man... I think all you need is confidence." Marco grabbed his friend by the wrist. "And I know how to give it to ya."

Confused, the canine scanned the lupine. "And how's that?"

A naughty, childish grin formed in the lupine muzzle. "We pop your cherry."

The whiteness in the dalmatian's spotted face turned pink. He had heard his friend loud and clear. It was something right out of a wet dream.

After finding the composure to respond, the dog spoke. "What! That's crazy."

"Heh. Am I not your type?"

"Definitely not what's wrong here!" He noticed what he had just admitted a second too late, leaving him to blush.

"Nice! And like, we don't even have to go 'all the way,' dude."

"Stop messing with me, man..."

"I'm not! Want me to prove it?"

In a single, sudden move, Marco pulled Theodore down and pushed him onto the bed. The dalmatian, too surprised to do anything, only grunted as his body hit the bedding.

"What the fuck, man!" Said the dog.

Soon, the wolf rose above him, locking Theo in all ways but physically. His muzzle dangled mischievously above his friend's.

"Theo, you have all the power to push me right now. But y'ain't doing it."

The dog grunted.

Then Marco's playful tone disappeared into a grave voice. "Tell me in full letters to stop, and I will. For real."

Oh, fuck. Marco was serious. The possibility of that being a fantasy was farther and farther away. They waited in that awkward position for what felt like minutes, trading moist, hard breathing. Ultimately, the dalmatian wasn't able to deny his own wishes.

"That's what I thought," said the wolf while making his mouth closer and closer to the dog's.


Both closed their eyes. Then, contact happened.

The wolf's tongue came from above, piercing through the other canine's muzzle; Theodore let his friend in. The curious guest met a shy host. The wolf broke through the reluctance and led them both into a dance.

Their lips smacked, as their first time was lovely, but awkward. They move their heads and cause mild discomfort to the other. But... it was all as Theodore had dreamed.

Then a hand moved under Theo's shirt, which caused him to grunt. The man kissing him snuffed his reaction. The hand danced and explored all it could feel. Up, down and in circles. The dalmatian's not-too-developed abs went completely groped.

The snouts parted, and they got a good look at each other. Both were panting at the intensity of the move, but smiling in the happiness it gave them.

Looking into his crush's eyes, the surrounding reality finally settled in. The man he longed for had just given him his first kiss; and soon, would also take his virginity. He couldn't help getting misty-eyed.

"Was that good?"

"It was... great."

"Why don't we proceed, then?"

The brown canine removed his t-shirt to reveal his toned torso. An athletic build that displayed its fair share of muscles but still left a limber physique. The dalmatian was, of course, hypnotized.

"Aren't you going to take yours off?" Said Marco.

"Ah! Yes, of course."

He followed his partner in toplessness, bringing to light his own body. Theodore had always been confident in his appearance, but having his frame scrutinized triggered some self-consciousness.

A single word escaped the wolf's lips. "Handsome..."

Well, that was odd. To Theo's knowledge, Marco had always presented himself as a straight man. Would he say that just to mess with him? That wasn't the right tone.

"C'mon, man," said the dog. "Why are you making fun of me like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"All this. Kissing me. Groping me. Calling me handsome. What's up with that?"

"Theo, I-"

"The worst part is you don't even know! It fucking hurts."


The dog sighed, grunted, and thought about it again and again. No more hiding. "I have a crush on you, Marco. And had for a while. And you fucking up with me like this sucks hard."

The reply from the gulping wolf was silence.

Theodore rose from his position. "Let's stop this."

But, with a hand on each shoulder, Marco pinned the dalmatian back in bed.

"Dude, I said stop."

"Say, Theo. Remember those three chicks I banged?"

"What the hell! This is not the time, you asshat!"

Only the teary eyes of the brown wolf stopped the dog's anger.

"I chickened out. Every single time."

"W-What? Why?"

"Fuck. Fuck!" The wolf's grip was gone as he moved his fingers to clear his eyes.

"You can tell me, Marco."

"I like women, I really do. But when I was ready to do it, all I thought about was... you. And I don't know why."


"And now," he sniffled, "I had this dumbass idea. Oh, God. Please, Theo, don't hate me."

What a strange position to be in. The dog at last knew his crush felt the same way, but he also basically tricked him into this situation instead of talking like an adult. He wasn't going to hate him; but was he to do?

Theodore sighed before wrapping his hands around the naked torso before him. Then he gingerly brought his friend to bed over him. The gesture obviously confused Marco.

"Let's just stay like this for now," said the dalmatian.

"So you aren't mad?"


Theodore's beating heart took over Marco's pointy ear. After a handful of unsure seconds, the wolf finally gave in and hugged back.

What a day the dog had. Hanging out with a friend, kissing a crush, and lying down topless with Marco. Honestly, he didn't know what to make of the circumstances. But knew couldn't handle them at that time; not while being hugged by the man still attracted him to.

For that moment, he would lie there. The lupine's breath mimicked his rhythm as the wolf's muzzle raised and lowered before him. Whatever else fate had in store for them was going to have to wait until they woke up.

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