It Started With Toast - Opening

Story by DJ TigerFox on SoFurry

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It started with Toast - Opening

WARNING - this story is going to contain romance between two male characters so if you don't like this kind of stuff please don't read but if you couldn't care about this stuff feel free to read on.

*Sigh how long has it been since I joined Cortex's team I think it was now a year at least, sigh it all started with a slice of toast.

1 year the Wumpa market

Standing at the entrance of the market, the orange T on my collar shining in the sunlight, my fur flowing in time with the breeze. The day was hot, resulting me in wearing shorts not in my favorite color and a green short sleeved top.

Looking around I start to walk to the nearest stall filled with wumpa fruit when I noticed the local newspaper on the stall next to me.

"Local Resident Crash Bandicoot Saves Island Again"

I just laughed at that knowing that his favorite thing in the whole world was right in front of me, putting the paper back down I looked around just in case I wouldn't have Crash bump into me while I was out shopping. Ok to be honest shopping at the Wumpa Market was a bit dumb as I was only going to buy....well wumpa fruit. Not long ago I found an old family recipe for an amazing Wumpa ........toast ,*I know not the best food idea ever.* picking out some of the freshest and juiciest fruit they had on offer a youngish bandicoot came from behind the stall and walked right to me. She had long blonde hair; she was wearing a light pink crop top and a blue skirt.

"Hi there buying some Wumpa fruit? Her voice was high and had a sweet tone to it. Looking the size of each one I had picked she took them off me and weighed them together then put them in a brown paper bag. "Err right that will be.." looking around she before leaning in to me "I don't have a bandicoot wearing blue shorts behind me do I?" I take my time to look behind her to see nothing.

"No, no one is there, why is there a problem? After I had said this she let out a little giggle.

" oh ok, its just that every time I come to work I seem to have my brother Crash following me here so he can get free Wumpa fruit." She lets out another giggle before telling me the price. " That will be $5" holding her hand out I hand her the money before looking back at the paper then realizing that the person I was being served from was Coco herself.

"Wait your Coco right? Crash's sister? Taking my money she turns and puts it into a cashier and replies back to me " well I guess I get some of the glory too then" she laughs, " well then have a nice day" she give me a sweet smile and walks off.

As I turn to walk home I here her voice scream from behind one of the stalls "CRASH!!! GET BACK HERE WITH THAT WUMPA FRUIT!!"

I try my hardest not to laugh but couldn't help myself, I then resume to walking home.

I'm walking up the path to the house and catch the sent of the newly bloomed flowers on the trees, cherry blossoms to be correct, they were my favorite plants, the path ended that the front door of the house.

The house was made entirely out of wood which being surrounded in trees made it feel like part of the woods. Walking up to the door was slightly different this time as just before I got my key out and unlock it I found what looked like a type of gun on the grass next to the path. Just thinking to myself I unlocked the door putting the bag down on the kitchen table before coming outside, looking around then picking up the object and then walking back in.

The house wasn't really mine it was my brother's but he let me use it when I decided to have a break from DJ-ing for a bit. Looking through the cooking books I managed to hide away from Reko picking up the one called Wumpa Island Specials opening it to page 45 the recipe named Wumpa Toast. Placing the open book on the table I started to get the necessary ingredients, including the Wumpa fruit and place them next to a bowl. Leaning over to look at the book reading the first instruction " bash the Wumpa Fruit till soft and mushy.......well that sounds about right" I let out a little chuckle at that point only to finish by feeling sad and lonely that no one was there to hear it.

1 hour later.....

The scent of Wumpa toast had filled the house; the kitchen however was covered in flour and egg as I was never really a good cook to start with. Reaching over to grab a slice of toast I took one bite of it and nearly fell onto the floor, it was good, my cooking was good for a change.

Meanwhile outside the house a figure had walked onto the path

"Humm I must have dropped it here somewhere" the voice said in an Australian accent. Continuing up the path the stranger felt some of the petals fall off the nearest tree before looking up at the tree.

Back inside a had just picked myself up off the floor when I heard some sort of breaking noise and then a bang, I ran to the front door and threw it open to find a half dingo, half crocodile unconscious on the path with a bit of the chimney next to him.

In a panic I try to look around for someone who could help me when I lose all hope and try to carry him inside.

10 minutes later.... (I'm weak ok)

I walk down stairs after placing him in my brother's bed and pick up the phone when I realize that I didn't think he was just one type of animal so they wouldn't treat him.

My ears perk up when I hear moaning coming from upstairs. I walk back to the room he was in and knock on the door and walk in to see the creature rub his head.

"Oh my head" looking around in a panic the stranger asks me "where am I and what the heck happened?"

"Err" I pause for a bit before saying "you were knocked out on my path by my.... chimney"

"Blimey I was knocked out that easily" getting out of the bed he holds a hand out

"The names Dingodile mate" I hesitate accepting his hand but gave in after a bit.

"I'm Anthony but everyone calls me Tiger as I can get ferocious on the DJ deck" after the handshake Dingo lifts his nose into the air and sniffs round.

" Wow what's that smell? His tongue hanging out of his mouth

Almost forgetting I had made some Wumpa toast.

"That would be my cooking" I let out a little laugh this seemed to make Dingo smile.

I tell him to follow me downstairs to the kitchen he notices the toast.

"Oh please tell me that toast" carefully picking a slice up I nod and he takes it from my hand and eats it with such speed it made me happy that someone would actually like my cooking. "It's a bit cold mate" he lets out a sigh "if only I had my gun I could warm it up for ya"

Realizing what he just said I remembered the gun I found and walked over to the desktop that was in the woodwork room "err it was broken so I fixed it up..if it is yours?

Taking it from my hand Dingo asked me to open the back door and place a piece of wood on its own, about 20 seconds later he hold the gun up and pulls the trigger and then a blast of fire shoots out for the end of it incinerating the plank of wood, I'm there with my jaw dropped right onto the floor at such a sight and then whistles.

"Heheh bring out the butter were gonna make some toast!" I laugh at this and he joins in. We stand there laughing for about 3 minutes when he suddenly stops and turns to looks at he the laughter gone from his face and into a serous look, this makes me stop and look quite scared.

"Err what? Looking at him with the look of someone just about to get bullied.

"ya say you fixed this right? Holding the gun up "why don't ya join the group?

I'm just standing there looking puzzled and was just about to answer when Dingo pulls out a phone and starts to talk to someone on it.

"Hey boss its Dingodile here I think we might have a new recruit" listening in I could only just make out what the person on the other line was saying.

"Ahh very good Dingodile bring them up here and I'll see if they are fit enough it join the team" Dingo hung up and started to walk towards me before grabbing my hand and then pressing a button on his phone. There was a bright light and the only thing I could hear was Dingo saying "welcome to our place", before everything went black.

I slowly started to wake up and could barely see but yet I could still hear, there was only one voice I could hear, it was kinda low yet it had an idiot tone to it.

"He cute little foxy, Tiny wanna hug him" there was another voice but this one had a slight insane tone to it.

"Tiny you can not hug everything we get on this station" this voice ending with a crazy laugh.

By this time my eyesight had come back and I leaned up only to be met with one hell of a hot tiger standing in front of me making me blush under my fur, luckily my fur was able to hide the blush.

The tiger all of a sudden picked me up and brought me into a tight hug nearly stopping me to breathe. He put me down when he saw that my face was turning blue. Dizzy from the lack of oxygen I turned around only to see another face, which was blue.

"heehehe you look just like me now" the strange little creature lifted one of his feet up when I realized he was in a straight jacket. I took the foot hand shook it. "I'm Ripper Roo and that big softy there is Tiny" he leaned in towards me "he's all muscle no brain so he's a bit dumb".

While this was going on in the main room on the station Dingodile was talking to Cortex about me, whatever Dingodile said about me seemed too impressed and Cortex walked into the room and sighed me up right there and then.

*Well I guess that's how I became one of the team...even if we keep getting defeated by the bloody Bandicoot...sigh maybe this day we will win for a change....Hey we all can dream.

dark gaurdien chapter 7.txt

Dark Guardian Chapter 7 Just then to ruin the hug moment the intercom on the wall went off with a deafening screech. Aww sorry to ruin the moment but Spike if you want to see Anthony alive again come to the roof quietly AND aloneheheheh ...


dark gaurdien chapter 6.txt

Dark Guardian Chapter 6 BANG Sparks grip around Spikes neck loosens and lets got of him and falls to the floor. Confused Spike backs away from the figure behind Spark. The lights turned back on and there standing was the mutated Mightyena...

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dark gaurdien chapter 5.txt

Dark guardian Chapter 5 Damn door wont open! as Anthony tried to open the room where Spike was being held the lights on the ceiling flickered on and off, there was a high pitch screeching as the elevator at the other end of the corridor doors...

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