Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Two

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#3 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Two

"Going In"


Furry Sith Lord

Night had long since settled on the city and the winter air had Leggo and Merrik bundled up as they waited to meet The White Citadel contact. The temperature was frigid and felt as if it was going to snow at any moment. Lou had been keeping an eye on the weather fearing the meeting may be canceled due to snow. The White Citadel had arranged the exact location so if anything went wrong they could blame them for the delay.

Leggo loved the snow and when it snowed back home he would romp and jump in it and make snow wolves in it. Lou was just the opposite and absolutely hated the snow with a passion. He would lock himself in the mansion and huddle by a warm fireplace and would not leave his safe warm area. He learned long ago about Leggo's love for the snow and if he ventured outside Leggo had a couple of snowballs with his name on them. It was literal he would literally write Lou on the snowballs.

Leggo was anxiously hoping the kids would come home on vacation when it snowed so he would have a couple of playmates to play in the snow with. Lou was also hoping for that so the kids couple kept his husband busy while he cuddled by the fire.

Merrik paced as he waited, then he saw Leggo approach, holding a hot drink. When Merrik turned and saw him, his mouth dropped open. Leggo took a big sip then noticed the look Merrik was giving him.

"What?" Leggo asked.

"What the hell, you were getting food and didn't offer to get me anything." Merrik asked, a touch of hurt in his voice.

"Yeah, so?"

"That's rude dude, if I was getting something I'd be like, hey you want something?"

"Yeah and you'd spit in it." Leggo countered.

"Not true, I'd poison it because of the way you treat me. But not spit in it, spit is much too precious to waste on you." Merrik replied.

"Baby," remarked under his breath, then he rolled his eyes and loudly took a big sip of his drink just to annoy Merrik.

"Guys, keep your wits about you. The contact should be there any minute." Lou said and each heard the comment in the earpiece hearing aid Lou had modified. Leggo wore his in his left ear and Merrik in his right ear. Their faces had been doctored to make it look scarred on the side they wore the hearing aids. Some professional makeup artists that dressed up actors in movies.

Leggo's face felt itchy where the rubber skin was applied and he was dying to scratch it but if he did then his claws would probably tear the rubber and give them away. He wondered how Merrik was so calm and not trying to scratch the one he was wearing.

His eyes caught some movement at his feet and he looked down to see a white spiked ball slowly creeping along the ground.

"Hey, why is this sea urchin walking on land?" he asked Merrik.

"Sea urchin!" Both Merrik and the spiked ball replied at the same time. Leggo stepped away as the white hedgehog unrolled itself and stood upright looking at them.

"I beg your pardon." it said and Leggo used his free paw to rub his eyes and Merrik bent low to get a better look.

"Hello there," Merrik said and the hedgehog bowed formally.

"I believe you two are the ones I'm meeting." it said and Leggo stooped down.

"It's a hedgehog," Leggo replied and the other two stared at him in disbelief.

"Forgive my brother, the master of the obvious." Merrik kidded.

"My name is Sanic and you two are?" Sanic asked looking at Leggo in wonderment that such a large fur could be so stupid.

"I'm Leggo."

"I'm Largo." Merrik lied and Leggo looked at him.

"Pleasure to meet you both."

"But he's a hedgehog not a sea urchin." Leggo replied and Merrik slapped his forehead.

"Is there a problem with that?" Sanic asked as he eyed him.

"Well I'm just wondering why you pretended to be a sea urchin when you're a hedgehog." Leggo replied.

"Stop being a puppy!" Lou shouted and Merrik had to force himself not to laugh.

"Forgive my brother but it's obvious that he's a little slow." Merrik said.

"A little?" Sanic replied skeptically. "Look Leg.... um..."

"Leggo." Leggo repeated his name to help Sanic learn it.

"Sorry, Leggo. I'm not a sea urchin and I wasn't pretending to be one. I rolled myself up so my spines could protect me as I was walking, because you two are so big, I feared you may step on me." Sanic explained as if he was trying to help a young cub understand something.

"Oh," Leggo replied dumbly. Lou grinned because he knew Leggo was not as slow, simple, and stupid as he pretends to be. It was his humble way of becoming non threatening and while others would vainly think they had one over on the wolf they were merely playing into his paws. Lou could easily use this to his advantage because while Leggo was blinding them by pretending he was inferior they often did not see Lou working behind the scenes to gain the upper hoof until it was too late.

It was a great tactic they employed because Lou was Prey he was not seen as a threat but the Predator wolf was so once the opposition thought the dangerous wolf was subdued they never saw the deer as the real threat and he could swoop in and win. Although truth be told sometimes even Lou was annoyed by Leggo playing dumb.

"So what happens now?" Merric asked.

"This is just a preliminary meeting where I interview you both and report back to Bear."

"Bear?" Leggo asked.

"He's the leader of WC."

"Wait, what's WC?" Merrik asked.

"It's short for White Citadel. We use it as code so as not to alarm anyone should we speak of the WC in public." Sanic replied as he lowered his voice to almost a whisper. Both white foxes had to lean in to hear what he was saying.

"Are you both wearing hearing aids?" Sanic asked as he spoke normally again.

"We're conjoined twins, or rather we were. The vets were able to safely separate us but it affects our hearing. Without this I can hear you make noise but can't understand what you are saying. If my other ear is blocked I'd be helpless so this helps us understand you better." Merric said but Sanic was watching as Leggo stooped on the ground and was examining his back checking out his little spines. Sanic was becoming increasingly annoyed with Leggo.

"Do they come out like a porcupine's quills?" Leggo asked.

"Does your dick come off when you tug on it?" Sanic asked, annoyed.

"No reason to snap, it was just a question." Leggo replied, the hurt was obvious in his voice.

"Leggo, enough leave him be. Merrik get him back on track talking to you guys." Lou cautioned as he was worried his husband was pushing things too far. The last thing he wanted was Sanic to report that The White Citadel should have nothing to do with them because of how Leggo was pestering him.

"Any other questions?" Merrik asked and Sanic turned his attention back to the matter at hand.

"Yes, Why have you both become this legendary figure of The White Fox?"

"Actually, long ago there was a hero called the White Fox and he helped furs. I grew up hearing about him and loved him because he was a white fox like me. They say he died and over time everyone but us forgot about him.

I wanted to be the new White Foix in honor of him but my brother started to pretend to be him too and he robbed the bad furs like that bird thief The Robin of the Hood." Leggo said stretching the real truth of the story but Merrik was nodding in agreement hoping to impress Sanic.

The real story behind the White Fox was that Leggo tried to join a fraternity in college. They shaved off his fur as part of an initiation prank which left him looking like a fox. He had been so embarrassed he quit school and one night while trying to buy some snacks a robber tried to rob the store. Leggo rushed in and captured the bad fur and the story of the White Fox started. He continued fighting crime until his fur grew back and retired his White Fox persona. It wasn't until C.I.Z.A. had learned that he was once the White Fox that they made Merrik shave and turn into a fake version of it. The plan was to capture Leggo so they could cubnap his sons without him interfering.

"Why do you want to join the WC?" Sanic asked.

"Merrik, follow the script!" Lou ordered.

"Seriously? I'm tired of species turning their noses at me because of my color. I'm tired of being blamed for everything that goes wrong. If a squirrel walks down the street carrying an assault rifle the cops ignore him but follow me because I'm white. I just want to fit in and have a normal life away from these small minded fools that can read nothing but a cubs book that tells them to hate me because of my lifestyle." Merrik said his eyes burning with passion just as Lou had rehearsed it with him when they practiced the lines.

"How about you, Leggo?" Sanic asked and Leggo shrugged.

"I just want to be a hero. I want to show species that rare white fur animals aren't bad and are like everyone else. I want kids to look at me and be like 'I want to be like him when I grow up.' I want kids to dress up like me and play games where I'm saving species and fighting the bad furs. By my tail I want a TV show about me and video games." Leggo said feeling a touch nostalgic.

"That seems like a tall order." Sanic remarked.

"Don't you wish there was a hero for furs like us? Someone with rare white fur?" Leggo asked.

"Well, now that you mention it..." Sanic said but his thoughts were interrupted as Leggo moved his nose close to him and started to sniff him. "No, don't do that! I'm very ticklish." Sanic warned and Leggo's eyes lit up. Merrik used his paw to cover his eyes as he knew what was coming next. He'd known Leggo long enough to know how he thinks.

Leggo used the tips of his claws to grab Sanic b y his nose and lift him up so his belly was clearly visible.

Stlob fath!." Sanic tried to say but he sounded like he had a stuffy nose with Leggo holding his. Leggo then used his free paw to tickle Sanic and the helpless hedgehog tried to wriggle free but Leggo had him trapped. He was mercilessly laughing uncontrollably as Leggo continued to hold him.

"What are you doing? Stop being a puppy!!! I swear if you blow this for us, I'll make you pay big time!." Lou was shouting but Leggo continued to ignore him.

"I shurinder, I shurinder!" Sanic pleaded. Then finally Leggo stopped and released the hedgehog.

"There, now that we share tickles we can be friends." Leggo replied and the hedgehog sought to catch his breath.

"Please forgive my brother, Sanic. He means well."

"Just because I'm little doesn't mean you get to be a bully," Sanic said as his voice was cracking and he started to tear up.

"I didn't mean nothin' by it. You've been so mad at me that everytime I share tickles with someone they become my friend and I want us to be friends... I'm sorry I didn't mean to bully you... I just don't know what to do so that you'll like me." Leggo said. He immediately laid down exposing his belly to Sanic. "Largo, hold my nose so I'm trapped and Sanic you can tickle me all you want to get me back for being bad." Sanic wiped the tears from his eyes and looked at the giant White Fox's belly exposed in front of him. Sanic used his toes to rub Leggo's belly and Leggo forced himself to laugh. Sanic became more confident as he heard the laughter and he began to more aggressively tickle Leggo.

"I hurender, I hurender!!!" Leggo cried as he was tickled and he really wasn't ticklish but he did see the look of contentment on Sanic's face and that made it worth it for him.

"Wow, that's the first time anyone's ever done that. Most furs are afraid of my spines and they either pick on me or keep as far away as possible." Sanic said after he had finished. Leggo forced himself to struggle to get his breath back. Merrik watched the whole thing with a look of horror at first and now confusion.

"So, can we be friends?" Leggo asked and Sanic blushed slightly.

"I'd like that."

"I think I have everything I need. I'll b e in touch." Sanic replied and he curled up into his curled form and crawled away.

"What the fuck was all that about?" Merrik asked after Sanic was gone.

"I just got us inside, you're welcome." Leggo replied.


"Look, my son Tyger once taught me that when someone is hurting then if you put yourself in their paw prints, They'll get closer to you because you've been through what they have. I smelled the loneliness on him and when he said he was ticklish I knew I had an opening that would get him to like me after he got revenge by tickling me." Leggo explained.

"Amazing." Merrik said.

"That's my puppy! He can be as annoying as tails but his good heart always shines through." Lou remarked and Leggo blushed.

A large white polar bear sat at a desk in his air conditioned office searching the internet for any articles about The White Fox. He has the mode set to privacy to limit being spied on by the FDI and C.I.Z.A. He had a few special firewalls set up for added protection but setting it to privacy mode made him feel better for some reason even though he knew better.

His cell phone rang and he answered it after reading that Son Sanic was calling. He added the title 'Son' to every contact in his phone.

"Hello my son," Bear answered. He called everyone that was a member of his White Citadel community 'son' or 'daughter' because he saw them as his children once they were fully indoctrinated into the community. They in turn called him 'Papa Bear' because he enticed them to. He liked to pretend to be like a father to all of them but after he spent months indoctrinating them and bending them to his will, they were made to blindly follow his orders. Some out of fear and some had their minds so twisted they actually believed what he had programmed them to believe.

Because they had all experienced persecution because of their fur color they enjoyed being able to come together and being among their own kinds where they did not feel so alone. Even if the leader was like a cult leader to them, at least they had a home where they felt like they belonged.

"Papa Bear, I have the report on my meeting with the white fox brothers." Sanic replied.

"How did it go, my son?"

"They are separated conjoined twins and when the doctor separated them, he was either hasty or possibly experimenting on them because they have quite a bit of scarring and damage to their ears where they were conjoined." Sanic stated.

"So what atev they like?" Bear asked as he leaned back in his chair and it made a squeaking noise.

"Well, there names are Leggo and Largo and they seem to be polar opposites,"

"Polar, you said?" Bear interrupted catching the use of the word and finding it amusing.

"Sorry Papa Bear, I meant no disrespect." Sanic's voice became nervous as he failed to realize the amusement in Bear's voice.

"I'm not upset, I just find it amusing that you used it when talking to a polar bear." Bear clarified. "Continue."

"Leggo is kind and compassionate but he seems to be a little slow at times and needs things explained carefully for him to understand. He seems to be the older of the two and he is definitely stronger."

"You sound like you like him." Bear replied and he turned to his computer and began a search to see if there were any reports of conjoined white foxes separated.

"He was really nice to me and went out of his way to try and be friends. He even let me tickle him when I got upset at him."

"What happened?"

"I... I thought he was picking on me when he tickled me but it turns out he thought it would help make us friends so when I got upset he tried to make things better by showing me his tummy and letting me tickle him back." Sanic said blushing although Bear couldn't see it.

"Wow, that shows a lot of trust he put in you. It's no wonder that you like him so much that I'm going to have to meet with him."

"I'd like that Papa Bear. He'd be a great addition to our family."

"How about the second one?" Bear asked. He found a lone article in an old medical journal mentioning conjoined white foxes. He planned to read it after he finished the call but he was more interested in the fact Sanic had made a friend.

Sanic had been picked on because he was small and his albino color. Even when he arrived here he was having difficulty fitting in and another one of Bear's sons had been picking on him, which forced Bear to intervene to protect the little hedgehog. It was amazing that the fox had somehow managed to get Sanic to open up to him. The fox must be very charismatic to do something like that.

"Largo is definitely the smarter of the two but I don't trust him. He stands back and watches everything looking for an opening to use for his advantage. It seems like he uses his brother as the muscle of the team but he gets easily frustrated at the simpleness of his brother.

When asked why they were acting like that old hero The White Fox, Leggo said he wanted to be a hero like the original was while Largo was merely after money and thought if he pretended to be like the bird from that classic story Robin of the Hood, then he'd get a free pass to do what he wanted. You can bet he'll try and do the same with us." Sanic replied.

"Leggo sounds like a perfect candidate to join us but I'll have to keep my eyes on this Largo. Anything else?" Bear asked.

"Nothing that I can think of at the moment."

"Good then come home swiftly because I miss you son, as does the rest of the family." Bear replied and they hung up the call. He knew Sanic would be skeptical of his claim that the family missed him but he wanted to make the hedgehog feel included and possibly open up a little bit more. He had some great talents that he liked to make use of but the hedgehog's reclusive behavior was not healthy.

Bear returned to reading the medical report about the conjoined white foxes and saw that the patient names were Leggo and Largo. The top portion of their heads were fused and their ears and during the separation surgery the surfaces of their brains were fused. The vet carefully tried to separate them however he had to use his scalpel to cut the tissue of their brains and Leggo had less tissue fused so the cut was more on Leggo's side than Largo's. The vet feared there may be some damage due to the separation and there may be learning and possible cognitive functions that were affected. Both ears wear completely fused and the separation diminished their use and reconstructive surgery was needed to make them look normal again. Metal plates were added to re-enforce the cut areas of the skulls during the separation process.

What Bear did not know was that Lou had fabricated the entire story and used his talents to make it look authentic. He even had an actual vet write the whole thing so it seemed authentic. Lou was sure that Bear would be looking for anything on two conjoined white foxes and he needed to make some stuff up to ensure The White Citadel believed their cover story.

Bear opened a draw and removed a bottle of whiskey then used his teeth to pull the top off and chugged straight from the bottle. He only drank about half of it but it had been sitting in his desk for so long that the effects immediately started to affect him. His head was feely fuzzy and the memories that troubled him slowly.

He was often troubled by the young cubs he'd killed for the Central Intelligence Zoo Agency. The look of terror on their faces as he was forced to snuff out their lives. He had been trained to be an unfeeling killing machine but no fortress was ever impregnable and the more he killed the more it wore on him until he could no longer suppress his true feelings. They used his white coloring to get close to species with rare white fur as a trick to lure them close. The poor victims would see him and think he was like them and understood their pain and their struggles. He did things he'd never forgive himself for!

After leaving he hoped he could build a safe place for white furs where they could find acceptance and it be a safe haven. Things turned ugly when he heard his old boss announce the WC's existence publicly in order to cause the other species to panic and fear. A doberman named Chopper Lupus- D was the leader of the C.I.Z.A. White Fur Division and Bear had been acting under his orders to kill all the rare white fur species he had.

Bear had sworn revenge to get back at the doberman for using him but before he could someone else had revealed that Chopper was a cubophile and the FDI arrrested him and he was sentenced to a lifetime in slavery. He would be forced to wear a purple collar that would both make him a slave and make his body respond as if he was neutered. He'd never be able to get near a cub again without feeling an electric shock as if a cattle prod was used on his knob. A fitting punishment for someone like him but it was not near enough punishment for all the furs he ordered to b e killed.

Bear pressed a button and a albino squirrel entered his office. She was wearing a sweater, like she did year round working for him because of how cold he likes it to be.

"Yes Papa Bear," she replied.

"Daughter, I need you to get BH to pay me a visit. I have a task for him." Bear said as she wrote his instructions down.

"I'll get right on it." She said and the thanked her as she hurried off to find the fur Bear was looking for.

Shadow Of The White Citadel- Chapter Three

Chapter Three "Dancing Cubs" By Furry Sith Lord "What's going on?" Lyon asked as I dragged him into our dorm room. His fur was still wet from showering after the game they won and the whole team had been pumped up over their...

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter One

Chapter One "Updates" By Furry Sith Lord Life certainly has changed over the last few months and things have gotten better for my brother Lyon and me. Several months had passed since we were reunited with our...

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Commission 01

"The Family Visit" Written By Furry Sith Lord "Ahh It's good to be home because I thought we'd never return. Why are the flights to the states so damn long?" Natasha complained as she carried armfuls of luggage as she entered their simple...