Kurt: the beginning

Story by razgriz_ghost on SoFurry

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#2 of new folder...

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than it's by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right now if not enjoy and if your under 18 if over then also enjoy.

I forgot to mention Kurt is 17


Kurt slowly awoke am I dead? He thought as his body felt as though he were made of lead. After about 3 minutes he started to get up when he realized something or someone was on him. He couldn't tell due to the fact he had a rag over his eyes. Then he heard a feminine sigh what the fuck? Where am I? He moved his hand out from under the covers and rested it on her head. After about 2 minutes he sat up the rag fell and saw the room it was enclosed with no windows was made of wood and what the fuck he thought as he saw the straw roof. He remembered the girl and looked down and to his surprise wasn't even human but a snow leopard but what was weird was that she was wearing clothes and by the looks of it she was bipedal and she couldn't have been more than 6.

He just stared at her in awe when he heard someone clear their throat. he looked up and saw someone who could be this girl's older sister "uhh hi there where am I?" he asked hoping she could understand his dialect. " you are in the village of fenrir. And what may I ask are you?" she replied with a nasty tone "I'm a human and my name is Kurt Rettinger. What's your name?" he asked "my name is none of your god damned business. But if you must know my name is Katrina and my sister there is lulu. Now the elders of the village need to speak with you and after that you can do us all a favor and go die in a ditch." She hissed then left. Whats her problem Than lulu woke and accidentally punched him in the jewels while she stretched while laying down. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU LITTLE SHIT YOUR'E JUST LIKE YOUR SISTER he thought while in a calm voice he said "hey lulu your sister just left." She looked around "aww shit she said she would wait. HEY SIS WAIT UP IM COMING. She yelled as she dashed out of the room.

Shit she hits hard he thought while he held his marbles he got out of bed he walked over to the mirror and saw that he was nude. He then looked around and saw a pile of clothes on a chair by the bed he put them on and went outside looking for the elders. It took him about 2 hours to find them after someone finally gave him instructions on how to get there while everyone else avoided him like the plague. He came to a building surrounded by guards all of which had swords and leather armor where the fuck am I some kind assbackwars of Renaissance fair he thought as he walked up to the building and he noticed all the guards were eyeing him like he was a thief.

When he entered he noticed that he was immediately in a circular room with many other doors and he saw Katrina there looking at him from across the room. "hey asshole what took you so long?" she said in a snotty tone whatever the fuck crawled up her ass and died must have had to be something big he thought "It's hard to get information when everyone avoids you like the plague." He retorted and then he just followed her into a hallway which was a dead end. "Do you even know where they are?" he asked. She then turned around and punched him in the gut hard enough to rattle his entire body and he had no time to react he then passed out on the floor.

Kurt woke with a start when he saw 8 really old farts standing around him and he realized they must be the elders and they too were bipedal animals just like the villagers. "get on your feet human" one of them croaked he did as he was told and then one of them snapped his fingers then all of a sudden maids by the looks of them rushed in and took his measurements then they ripped of the clothes which now looked like that's was the clothes purpose all along and forced him in a portable tub of which looked like he could only sit in and forcefully washed him in front of the old farts which was none to enjoyable, and then dried him and one arrived with clothes they put them on him fast and then they left. What the fuck just happened? Was all he thought.

Then one of the elders stepped forward and he was a grey rat with a cane "now all that is done. Do you know why you are here?" he asked "I don't even know how I got here so no." Kurt replied "We brought you here with a spell. Now we brought you here to do a job for us. If you refuse we will kill you and if you take it you will live. So how about it?" He asked "well do I have a choice?" Kurt asked sarcastically "what is it?" Kurt asked under his sigh "it is an assassination in a distant land you are to kill the king. But you have to become his right hand man one way or the other to get close enough. we will leave the method up to you." Oh great just fucking great I'm in the dark ages and to kill a king well I'm fucked good thing I play hitman out the ass except this is a much longer mission Kurt thought.


One week later

The city of naimtz is in sight of the ship Well about fucking time since I can't kill myself might as well kill someone else he thought as the ship docked at the port. he learned a great deal about magic and crystals from the scholar that was to accompany him to naimtz. I am to find a way to become his right hand man huh how he thought as he left the port with little money and the clothes on his back. So he decided to go to the local pub for a drink or two. Which he found quite easily he walked in without incident and got a drink not bad this is pretty good and only a bronze coin suc-CRASH he spun around to find that a table has been over turned and the two drunk fuckers stared at each other "hic why don't you hic go fight the dagger of hic war huh?" asked douche bag #1 "why don't hic you go fight hic him huh you're hic the better fighter." Said douche bag #2 then at that moment both of them fainted and snored loud enough to match the sound of a train yard. choo-choo Kurt thought.

After his 3rd drink he decided to ask the bartender which was maybe a 40 year-old husky "hey who is the dagger of war?" Kurt asked "he's an old man that lives outside of town he comes here every now and then but that old man is the best swordsman there is." the bartender replied "where does he live? I would like to talk to him." Kurt asked "he lives on the hill outside of town. Just follow the road till you get to the first fork and take the left it will lead you to him." With that Kurt left to look for the old man.

The sun was setting when Kurt made it to the hill and saw the old man sitting by the door. He was a black dragon with a stripe running down his torso that was grey. He turned and saw Kurt then was on top of him. The old man traveled a distance of 60ft. in less than a blink of an eye. "umm hi." Said Kurt trying not to panic. "Who are you and what do you want?" asked the old man sounding pissed "I...I wanted to ask if you could train me." WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY aww shit now I'm dead but when he looked back up the old man look surprised "you want me to train you?" he asked aww hell no turning back now "Yes I want you to train me." "For what reason?" "I want to kill the king." Ok now I am dead he thought. The old man grew a smile and said "You're the first person in 30 years to ask me so sure I don't see why not. Well if I'm going to train you my name is Blitz." With that he led Kurt through the house and into his basement. "what is that?" asked Kurt looking at the door that Blitz was opening "this is my specialty chamber out here we train 10-20 years will pass before training is done. In here it will feel like 10-20 years but our bodies won't change and 1-2 seconds will pass out here." Blitz replied. With that Blitz led Kurt into the chamber.


15 years or 1.5 seconds later however you want to see it

Blitz and Kurt left the chamber "Damn I'm sore. Is that normal?" asked Kurt "actually yes. Yes it is. Now if your done with your bitching I have something to give you." Said Blitz now what would this old fart want to give me? Maybe a 1000 year old used pocket pussy thought Kurt silently laughing to himself when they reached his trophy room where loads of treasures lay such as different types of swords with jewel encrusted handles to jewel encrusted skulls. Blitz took down a rather long sword which look like it was about 5'7'' and about 3'-4' wide, had a black sheath and hilt with a sapphire between the guards and where the blade ends. Blitz took the sword and handed it to Kurt and he took it "now please leave. here is some gold and a letter show the letter to the head guard tomorrow as for now go into town rent a room at an inn and get some sleep. Kurt used zero dash which the old man taught him and went into an ally near an inn in almost no time flat. He then rented a room and slept.


Next morning

Kurt woke and went to the castle as Blitz had told him. Upon arrival all the guards draw their swords or fitted and drew back their bows whoa jumpy I see best not to aggravate them he thought "Who is the head guard here?" "I am." Replied a female snow leopard as she was as tall as him with some good sized knockers. "who are you and why do you need to know." she said eyeing his sword which he mounted on his back. where else was he going to put it? up his ass? "I am Kurt Rettinger and here." He said as he handed her the rolled up parchment she just stared at it rolled it back up and handed it back to Kurt "Guards lower your weapons" she yell and all the guards did as they were told. "now that's settled what may I ask are you?" she asked politely "I am a human miss uhh-" "taimat. Victoria taimat."she responded "ahh lovely to make your acquaintance miss taimat." Said Kurt smoothly "don't think about it buddy don't try to get fresh with me." DAMN he thought "Anyways come with me." And so he followed her to the throne room.

"Welcome" said the king as Kurt arrived "give me that scroll uhh-" "Kurt. Kurt Rettinger" "ah ok MR. rettinger what do you want" said the king while reading the scroll. wait where did that scroll come from he looked at his hand and jumped "when did who the-" "I'm sorry I had Jessica take it when you weren't looking" said the king "oh I'm sorry my name is harry lupin" said harry standing up of which he was about 5'11'' "it's ok" said Kurt after some time passed the king said "Ok MS. Taimat take MR. rettinger to MR. Anderson for his room." With that Victoria grabbed Kurt by the arm and took him to MR. Anderson which was a black wolf that is about 5'9''

"OK everyone back to the barracks it's almost lunch." Yelled to his soldiers "oh hello. And who is this Victoria?" said MR. Anderson pointing to Kurt "He is your new soldier jack." Said Victoria then she left "Ok kid what's your name?" asked jack "Kurt rettinger." Replied Kurt "Ok follow me." And so Kurt followed jack to the barracks. "HEY LISTEN. Everyone this is Kurt he is going to be a fellow soldier now so don't kill him. That is all." Don't kill him? That it? This place if fucked up. Thought Kurt as jack left

"well well well what do we have here? Fresh meat? A new friend? Or someone new to torture? Hmmmm what to do what to do" asked a 5'9'' brown bear everyone started chuckling then the brown bear pulled out a sword which was about 14'' long and 4'' wide and pointed it at Kurt's neck "time to die brown nose." Then he thrust the sword forward but Kurt dodged it and saw every one put themselves in a circle with shields. He then jumped back out of reach of the brown bear "tell me what is your name?" asked Kurt "my name is your death." He responded in a cocky tone this dude is a major douche wannabe thought Kurt as he drew his 5'7'' sword and lopped off the bears arm in one slice the bear then grabbed the shoulder where the arm used to be. "now what was that about you being my death douche bag." They all seemed stumped at the word douche bag the bear shook his head then said "don't get cocky boy it's how you lose a limb around here." He replied and Kurt saw jack come into the room with what Kurt guessed was a mage. "oh so it seems Deon lost his arm." Said jack surprised as the mage put his arm back on

The rest of the day was training which was too easy do to the training he had with Blitz. Kurt woke in the night and walked into the castle for some water where as the barracks had none. He wondered where the kitchen was then his candle went out and it was pitch black he stood still because he heard something move nearby next thing he knows his hands are bound and he is thrown on a nearby stool where he was gagged and felt his pants fall. He now felt a tongue on his precious as he now got a hard-on than whoever it was started licking it from tip to base then base to tip over and over again. then finally he heard some shuffling and heard gasping but it was feminine gasping as he now knows that it's a she sucking him off then she puts his staff into her mouth and wrapped her long tongue around it and started bobbing while licking the underside of his cock he felt the inevitable buildup of pressure and knew that he would cum soon. She then stuck his pole into her throat and started swallowing this was it he was going to cum he gasped through the gag and she pulled back and he let forth 6 sticky ropes into her mouth. He felt her swallow which caused him to shoot 3 more ropes and then she licked him clean and cut the ropes ant took off.

He just sat there thinking . She had fangs long ass tongue. Hmm she was probably a bat that would explain why she could see me I'll figure it out in the morning so that's what cumming feels like. I'm beat back to bed and fuck the kitchen. At that moment the candle reignited by itself he then picked it up and saw a puddle where she would have been crouching. He went back to the barracks. Unbeknownst to him something lurking in the shadows has been watching his every move of every second since he stepped foot into the castle.


So how did I do plz comment and rate and any ideas for next chapter?

Kurt: The Intro

Disclaimer: the characters are mine if the description is damn near that of another's character than its by coincidence and I don't own any products like coke or Sony etc that are mentioned. Also if it is offensive to anyone then get the fuck out right...

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