Flying High

Story by Fenny Fennerson on SoFurry

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#9 of Pawsburg Stories

Different characters this time, not just the usual Tye/Yvette, Casey/Kayla, or Kyle/Delwyn pairing. Faith and Robert are my Shy Pervert Female and Boy Next Door leads. The two play nicely together at the local airport the first time they meet. Something about Bobby really hits Faith just right, she just can't put her own tongue on it. Bobby sure can though.

I made a Ko-Fi! Please help support me in my goal of trying to write full time!

The sun shines coolly on a fall day over the Pawsburg airport, with its handful of small hangers off to one side and its small main building. Inside the 'air traffic controller', really more of a glorified radio handler, Faith Paka sits at her desk, absolutely bored out of her fiddly mind. The coffee and cream colored canine leaning on her desk and absentmindedly watching the new mower that someone had hired to deal with the grass on the sides of the airfield.

"He's kinda cute," she muses, head resting on her hand as she sits at her desk wasting time. The large radio next to her doesn't respond, which isn't a big surprise since she didn't push the large talk button on her stand mic. "Sure wish he'd come in."

The target of her gaze continues to do the task at hand, pushing a simple motor driven lawn mower in nice, neat, straight lines parallel to the tarmac. A light yellow lab, with deep golden hair. His bright red mower looks to have seen better days as he tries to push it through the shin high grass, with his shoes crunching up the mulched roughage as he goes, totally oblivious to his leering fan inside.

With a crackle on the radio beside her Faith she jumps, jarred out of watching the hard working young man outside. The gravelly voice that comes out of the speaker causes her to roll her eyes and snatch up her microphone. It was one of the crop dusters that regularly worked the areas farms, he was about to take off and was giving her all the info she needed. Faith hated this game.

There was never anyone at this airport. Nothing ever happened here. She honestly felt it was a miracle she got paid to do what she did. The pavement outside had grass starting to push into its cracks, and all that ever happened was these crotchety old crop dusters going out to do whatever the hell they did. She didn't want, or care, for the professionalism these country pilots wanted. For the hundredth time she considered telling the cross eyed pilot to just hurry up and take off, before he died of old age and being boring.

Instead she recites out his permission to take off, which direction to fly out along, and scratching the time and a few other notes onto her jobs paperwork that she'd file away later. Quickly returning to her game, watching the workman work so much harder than herself. A few moments of searching out of her large windows is all she needs to find him again, gazing right at the seat of his tight fitting jeans as he yanks on the mowers pull string repeatedly.

"Wonder what happened-" eyes opening wide as she realizes he's coming back towards her little Quonset hut, "Oh god." A flurry of movement on her part, blocked by the tinting of the windows from the outside. Fixing her hair and trying to look professional as she adjusts herself in the top. She goes so far as to swiftly reach into her low cut shirt to pull her breasts up and together. There was no hurry, really. His ambling walk of defeat taking much longer to get to the door then she ever needed to adjust her cleavage.

As the lab pushes the door open and steps inside a little bell jangles and Faith enthusiastically remarks, "Something wrong? Do you need anything?" speaking rapidly, and flushing as he looks at her and begins to shake his head in obvious frustration.

* * *

The stout young mower tilts his head, looking at the girl in her office chair and pauses. "Uh. Yeah. I gotta call someone to come get me, the things totally busted. I figured it was on its last legs, but I think we'll have to tear it apart. Hey, do you have a bathroom in here?"

Getting up, Faith waves him on, sputtering words out at a needless pace, hoping that the machine will be fixable, that he seemed to be making good time, and goodness even with the fall breeze coming on he probably needed a break anyway. They make their way to the back of the hut fairly quickly and he stops at the door to the small bathroom and asks, "Phone?"

Pursing her lips, the air traffic control canine shakes her head, "I've got one but my boss told me we aren't allowed to use for anything short of calling like the fire department, or something. There was a pay phone out front, but they tore it out a few months ago. If you hang around I can give you a ride in a bit, just gotta do a couple of things."

"Yeah, yeah." he responds before disappearing into the small stall, closing the door as he goes. Faith visibly relaxes, and berates herself mentally for a few moments. Shaking her own head she returns back to her desk and cleans up, filing away the paperwork she'd started while her visitor does his business in privacy.

A short amount of time passes and the door to the small bathroom opens with the lab coming back out, with Faith's back to him as she seems to be focused on something outside. Quietly he walks up to her, his golden hair dripping water from a quick splashing he'd given it to help cool off of his face, "So-"

The woman almost jumps out of the chair, her cheeks flushing pure crimson as she practically babbles at him for a moment. Clearly not realizing he'd come out of the bathroom. With a hearty laugh he sticks his hand out, "Bobby, by the way."

Taking his hand and shaking it softly she responds, "Faith, do you scare people like that often?"

"Only when I think I can get away with it," he nods out towards the airfield at the large yellow crop duster lumbering its way into the sky, "Exciting stuff." His eyes follow the machine upwards as it rolls to the left and lazily begins to climb to the south. "Is it really just you out here to run this stuff?"

"Yeah, and it's pretty boring," Faith begins, "You're about the most exciting thing to happen to me in months." Her dirty mind running wild for a moment with the possibilities of what that could mean she panic giggles and shuts up.

"Me? Excitement? Damn, that's a first." responds Bobby, looking back towards his host and cocking an eyebrow curiously, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Oh yeah, just need to do some uh-. Paper. Work." Faith stumbles the words out, the brown eyed lab looking at her, with his tight white T-shirt and ruffled hair he seems to be making her play the fool. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asks, grinning down at her as she sits.

Freezing in place Faith looks up at him mouth ajar. Slowly she manages to respond, "Am I that obvious?"

Bobby just nods, "What are you doing this afternoon? I gotta get that mower back home, but there's no way I can fix it tonight. We could get food or something."

"Yes!" she blurts out in response, "That sounds great!"

The lab just laughs, and they begin to talk, chatting about places to go eat, what they could do, and generally feeling each other out. It continues for almost a whole hour without much break. The two finding even ground in a handful of places, laughing at each others silly jokes and sharing some of Faiths coffee from a thermos she brought with her for lunch.

Suddenly they pause the conversation, Bobby wrapping up a story, and both of them just standing there, a few feet from one another with eyes locked onto each others faces, Faith freezes. Bobby doesn't. With a swift motion he swoops in, stealing a kiss and wrapping his arms around her. The coffee and cream air traffic controller gives in almost immediately, the two locking lips as hands grab greedily for cool fur and warm touches.

* * *

It's an absolute tornado of motion, Bobby's hands sliding up the back of Faiths shirt, Faiths reaching around and grasping at his shoulders. The pair becoming an unstable mess, unable to stay standing and quickly stumble backwards. Faiths butt dropping onto her desk in an attempt to not end up on the floor like a pair of snakes.

Her legs wrap around his waist almost reflexively, her shortish skirt riding up her thighs to show uncovered fur above knee high socks. The crotch of his jeans pushing forward to grind against moistened white panties. It only takes a few moments of hot and heavy making out for them to have to stop and catch their breath and ultimately to call Faith a giggling mess at this point would be an understatement.

Barely able to stop her own laughter she gets out a whole sentence, "We can't do stuff here, it has to wait." Bobby doesn't even answer, he just smiles at her and stares. Brown eyes to forest green and she shivers. The rush of adrenaline and lust causing Faith to go a bit light headed.

"We can do the rest later, but I want a nibble now." Bobby growls, smiling and pressing his mouth to her neck. Teeth nibbling, tongue licking. He works his way down to her clothed chest, feminine hands grasping at his head and running fingers through yellow hair. Her response little more than a breathy accepting "Mmhmm."

With his head at breast level he bites aggressively at a nipple through the fabric, pinching it with his teeth and leaving a little wet spot from saliva. His hands touching, groping, and feeling. From thighs to her other breast, and back again. Fingers gently caressing the front of her panties, petting softly as he works his way down. Lifting her shirt and pressing kisses into her stomach and belly button.

The working dogs hands grasp at the brown mutts ass he continues to fly south for the winter, nipping and licking at her thighs. His strong tongue pressing against the pale fabric, putting pressure on her covered nub and helping to soak the already moistened garment. Looking up at her, the skirt almost obscuring his vision as much as her covered cleavage he finally makes it to the ground and his knees.

"You'll let me know if you see anyone?" he asks, "I think we both suddenly want to keep our jobs a lot more." She nods, shivering as he claws at her left thigh, nails dragging through the soft fur before reaching around to grasp her hips on one side.

Faith starts to answer, to let him know that of course she'd tell him if someone was coming in but that's probably never gonna happen and to not be worried about it, and about half way into her thought process the labs other hand pulls her panties aside and his mouth attaches to her clit. Lips and tongue bearing down and swirling it like a little piece of candy. The sentence she was trying to get off being cut off by her own loud and uncontrolled moan as she scrabbles for his head, holding him down on it.

With underwear cleared from the vicinity and held aside the rogue hand that removed the garment works quickly, pointer and middle finger penetrating into her already soaked pussy. Pumping in and out as he suckles slightly higher, the occasional little slurp escaping as he presses down and encircles her love button. Faiths hips move on their own, with almost no control over the motion she leans back slightly and continues to grab at his head roughly. Just along for the ride.

The table shakes from their affections, wiggling the stand microphone on it and nearly tipping it over. Her dampness starting to create a small puddle on the edge of the cheap wood as each thrust from Bobbies fingers works its way in. One of her hands releasing his head she reaches up, hand sliding under cotton shirt and lifting bra up and over her breast to squeeze at her own tit. The absolute picture of a hot ass mess.

It's at this exact moment that the radio squeals to life, the gravelly voice of the previous crop duster pilot coming over sounding slightly panicked, "Pawsburg control, Weedweasel, I'm having engine trouble, request short final." Faiths heart jumps through her mouth, and she releases her bust. With the motion of a woman truly desperate she reaches over and grabs the infernal electronic device and tries to stop Bobby. Who actually does pause, popping her little bit out of his mouth and looking up with a smirk the size of new continent.

She responds breathily to the pilot, "Of course it's clear, this is Pawsburg not Dallas International, get the hell down if you need to." The words escape her lips before she has time to think and as she releases the push to talk button her eyes pop and she groans, knowing that the old bastard on the other side will certainly yell at her for that. It's at this exact moment that two things happen. Bobby starts back up again, and the pilot responds. She can only pay attention to one.

Soaked and moaning it doesn't take much longer than a few ragged seconds to shove her over the edge, Bobby curling his fingers helps a lot and just as the Ag-Dog crop dusters wheels plop onto the runway with its engine belching smoke she climaxes. Thighs tightly squeezing around the labs head and if not for the airplane landing, probably audible all the way to the nearby hanger.

With a flurry of motion she half redresses, she knows there's no time for her to properly look decent but she at least manages to get her panties situated and her top back on properly. With a quick word for Bobby to hide in the bathroom she half stumbles out of the hut, running up to the ag-cat to help the old pilot out of the totally stalled out aircraft, fire extinguisher in hand.

* * *

The broken down airplane finally makes it into the hanger, the pilot pulling it in with the little go-cart looking tow machine they keep next to the building. Faith heads back inside her hut and breathes a sigh of relief. The pilot didn't even yell at her, though he asked if she was okay as he'd never seen her so flustered looking. With a pause she considers leaving Bobby in the bathroom for a little while before going to get him, but a tiny runnel of her own juices down the inside of her thigh tells her that's a dumb idea.

At least her shift is almost over, now if she can only figure out how to fit a lawn mower into the trunk of her sedan.

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