M Mightyena x M Umbreon

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#34 of Pokemorph Sex Stories

Two secret high school lovers, a femboyish Umbeon and a jock, football playing Mightyena try to have one last moment together in secret before graduation starts in the locker rooms, but Umbreon wants their relationship to be more exposed. So Mightyena makes a promise to him that will give them both a compromise.

"AAAAAAAAAAAND TOUCHDOWN" The speakers of the stadium said as one of the players of the football team had scored a goal, making the audience cheer as their school representatives have won this year defending its winning streak.

One of the people in the audience was an umbreon pokemorph by the name of Aaron, cheering for the team as he admired them for being so strong and he wanted to become like them after so much time, especially with how big and attractive they looked, he wanted to emulate them in every regard.

But more than that though, there was a particular person that Aaron had not only admired, but also loved, and that was Mike who was part of the football team in the first place.

And that was one of the other pokemorphs, Mike, who played for the team, was Aaron's best friend and not to mention his gym partner, who had been his friend through their four years of high school now, but soon... Soon they were going to graduate and depart their separate ways, which was only a few weeks from now and Aaron wanted to make the most of this, with Mike being on his last game, Aaron wanted to make their time together count more than ever.


The locker rooms were full, as the entire team was there, cleaning up and taking showers of their musky sweat and stink from playing in the field.

"Good work everyone, you've done well to defend our winning streak, while showing those bitches how it's really done" Said their coach, a Machamp, as he laughed heartily.

Once all the members of the team were done bathing, they all gathered as their coach was announcing something.

"Since you all did a good job, we're all going out tonight, my treat!" Said Machamp as the rest of the team were excited to go out for tonight at tno expense of their money, with the exception of one pokemorph.

"Coach, can I skip out? I have something I need to take care of some projects tonight" Said Mike as he excused himself.

"Hm? Can't that wait? This'll be our last night together" Said Arcanine, wondering why he didn't want to come with them, especially since this would be the last time they can spend together as a team.

"I have to do it tonight, the deadline is tomorrow morning so I can't really relax" Mike reasoned with them.

Machamp was disappointed, but understood his situation.

"Alright, good luck with this project of yours, we'll be leaving for now alright so you best head home for this project" Machamp said as all of them left except for Mike of course.

As his friends left, Mike smiled and took off his newly worn, clean shirt and waited, and waited.

After a few moments, someone had indeed entered the locker room and him and Mike were the only ones there now.

"Are they gone?" The person in front of Mike asked him.

"Yes they are Aaron" Said Mike as he and Aaron embraced each other.

"It's kind of annoying how we've been hiding from your own team for nearly four years now" Aaron said as he nuzzled into Mike's big, furry, muscular chest.

"Heh, it will change once we graduate~" Mike said as he stroked Umbreon's head, while kissing the top of it lovingly.

"How so? We've been keeping ourselves a secret from all your friends this whole time and frankly that kind of hurts" Umbreon said, he honestly felt hurt when Mike told him that.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Aaron asked him.

"Well... I wouldn't be surprised if we went our separate ways if we don't seal the deal between us so... Umbreon... I want you to live with me when we graduate" Mike said to him.

"Wait... You really mean it?" Aaron asked as his heart fluttered, he had never thought Mike would ever say something like that, especially when they were nearly graduating, not to mention the way he always kept their relationship a secret, he thought he'd actually be glad to be rid of him.

"Of course! I mean, we've been together thick and thin, I might as well go all the way, and I have no intention of hiding my feelings for you anymore" Mike explained, and took Aaron's shoulders in his hand, smiling warmly at him.

"No more hiding?" Aaron asked him.

"Out in public if that's what you're asking" Mike winked at him.

"I don't know what to say... I... I was actually doubting that you saw me as anything more than a fuck buddy" Aaron admitted to him, blushing as he felt flattered by Mike's declaration.

"Hey what do you take me for? A brute who doesn't know how to love?" Mike said, chuckling as he kissed Umbreon sweetly, before he started taking Aaron's clothes off as he made him lift his shirt up.

"Couldn't wait that long huh?" Aaron laughed as he began caressing Mike's body, admiring how furry yet sturdy his body was, feeling his body up as they slowly became hot from the slow stimulation and arousal that they were feeling.

Mike took his pants off, leaving himself in his jockstrap for Aaron to see, eyeing the piece of underwear that made his cock bulge, the cock was already hard and straining against the fabric, a small stain on it that indicated that Mike was precumming.

Aaron could practically smell the musk radiating from the cock, and blushed as he could see the side of the cock was visible from how much it was stretching the jockstrap out.

"Missed it?" Mike asked, smirking as Umbreon, like always, was flustered at the sight of his cock being hard.

"Yeah... It's been a while..." Aaron said before he knelt down and started lowering the jockstrap, letting the cock bounce out of the tight confines and twitching in the air, relieved of being restrained inside the tight fitting cloth.

"Go on, taste it, you know you're just dying to" Cooed Mike as he began to rub it on Aaron's nose.

Aaron gulped and felt nervous, he could never get used to it, Mike's cock smelled so heavily of musk and the warmth it radiated against his face was enticing for his overall being to contain himself and started licking the cock.

Mike groaned and loved the feeling of Aaron swallowing his cock down and deepthroating his cock as it pulsed in his mouth, twitching and precumming, feeling Aaron suck down on the memer like a slut, barely getting halfway as his other hand grabbed the rest of the cock's length and started to touch and tease it.

"Ngh... Yeah... Suck it babe..." Mike moaned as he tightened his fists and resisted the urge to make Aaron go even deeper.

Aaron looked up at him before complying with his wishes, as he released the cock from his mouth and started teasing it by licking the tip of his cock with his tongue, circling around the head and licking up any of the salty precum he could get.

"Hah... You really like to tease me huh?" Mike said as he started to feel his cock getting jolts of pleasure.

Aaron nibbled on the sides of his cock, stimulating every inch he could find including the knot, which was a sensitive part for Mike, who looked down at Aaron who was looking cutely at him, staring him directly in the eyes.

"Babe...You really... Huff... gonna tease me with those eyes huh?" Said Mike as he looked back at him.

"Well it would be no fun if I just do this plainly would I?" Aaron said and descended below to suckle on his balls.

"Ngh... Yes... RIght there... You feel it don't you? How full my balls are, how they're begging to unload inside you any minute?" Asked Mike as he grabbed Aaron's head to keep it right there.

Aaron made sure to suck his balls really well, taking a deep whiff of Mike's cock in the process as he pressed his face as much as he could on his crotch.

The smell made him feel horny as his cock was slowly hardening and began bulging on his pants.

The manly smell was addicting to Aaron, and he wanted to savor it as he undid his own pants and started to grab his own knotted cock, stroking it and releasing precum.

Mike saw this and grabbed his arm to prevent him from stroking his own cock.

"Hey! I was-" Aaron tried to say before he couldn't speak as his maw was locked onto Mike, making his tongue enter Aaron's maw, with both of theirs meeting and entangling onto each other as Mike got on top of Aaron but with minimal weight, their cocks on top of each other as they released their precum.

Aaron and Mike could feel small surges of pleasure run through their bodies as they frotted, moaning each other's names as they rubbed up against each other in an erotic embrace.

"Ngh... Mike... Your cock is... It feels so warm against mine...!" Aaron said as he and Mike kissed each other.

"And yours is twitching against mine so much... Sounds like you want it inside already~" Teasied Mike as he emphasis by thrusting his cock harder against his.

"Ngah! You bastard... Teasing me like this when I want it so bad..." Aaron said, gasping in ecstasy from the feeling.

"You haven't seen anything yet~" Said Mike as he then took hold of both of their cocks and started to jerk both at the same time with one furry hand.

"G-Guwah! S-So suddenly...!" Aaron cried out, feeling the pleasure of not only their cocks rubbing up against one another but also Mike's hand jerking the two cocks off, feeling his smooth, soft fur on their cocks.

"Yeah... You feel my hot cock rubbing up against yours don't you? You want to just blow your load all over my muscles too don't you?" Mike said, dirty talking with Aaron as he smirked at him.

"Fuck... Y-Yes... Your cock and your body... Their so hot... I... I can't take it... I'm gonna cum soon...!" Aaron panted, his climax was getting closer and closer.

"Go ahead... Huff... Let's cum together~" Mike whispered into Aaron's ear.

And not much longer, Aaron and Mike did shoot their loads together, splattering their bodies with their cum, screaming in pleasure before they slumped over each other in bliss.

"Huff... That was... Great..." Aaron said as he basked in the afterglow, pushing Mike off as he was too heavy for him to handle.

"Oof! Did you really have to push me?" Mike asked him, rolling to his side.

"You're too heavy for me dammit, I already told you that many times -3-" Said Aaron as he laid down panting.

"Hey, we're just getting started, no need to rest yet" Said Mike as he then lifted Aaron up on top of him in a reverse cowgirl position, rubbing his still rock hard, lubricated cock on Aaron's anus.

"H-Huh!? Wait... But I just came!" Aaron shouted with a red hue on his black fur that he could barely hide from how this was all not going how he was expecting it to be.

"Come on, you took it before, you can take it again~" Said Mike as he prodded his anus with his doggy cock, growling like a predator and biting his shoulder playfully.

"Can't you let me rest!? >w<" Aaron asked as he felt himself getting hard again, he had missed his massive cock ramming into him, and they were going to do it in the lockers no less.

"Nope! We gotta improve your stamina if we're going to be living together so I can ram into you all night long!" Mike said before he brought him down onto his cock.

"Wait...! N-Ngh... Its... Fuck... My body feels sensitive after cumming...!" Aron tried to say as he felt the cock stretching him open, just like the times when he rode him in his house after a long day of practice, with his musk smelling strongly.

Aaron snapped himself out as before he knew it, his cock was already inside him, making a small bulge and outline of Mike's cock was barely visible on Aaron's stomach.

"There... All the way in... Ngh... Just like... ALWAYS!" Mike said before thrusting deep inside him again.

"Guwah! Hey take it easy Mike...! My ass hasn't been fucked since last month...!" Aaron said, panting and precumming from the anal assault.

Aaron didn't relent, like a predator catching his prey, he could do whatever he wanted to him, whether Aaron wanted it or not, which turned Aaron on as he felt like he was being fucked by a real predator's ferocious assault on his body.

"I can't resist it Aaron! Your ass... It's simply too amazing!" Mike howled as he then began slamming into Aaron with the ferocity his species could muster.

Aaron could feel his mind just trying to keep up with the sheer amount of pleasure he was experiencing from the speed that he was being railed at.

"Huwaaaah! M-Mike... I'm gonna go insane if you don't slow down...!" Aaron screamed with how much he was being fucked silly.

Mike's eyes gleamed and upon hearing that, resolved himself to go faster.

"Gyaaaahh!!! N-No.... I... My mind... I'm becoming a slut...!" Aaron screamed as his eyes rolled up with how merciless Mike was being.

"Well you better get used to it... Huff... Hah... I'm gonna fuck your brains out every night when... Ngh... We start living together!" Mike said, growling and licking his pretty lovingly, licking his cheek like a literal dog.

Aaron panted and started to jerk himself off, he couldn't stand anymore fucking, Mike knew him as a guy who had a short fuse when it comes to sex, and it looked like Mike was trying to do something about it.

"Is... Uwoh.... Is this about me cumming too soon when you.... F-fuck me in the rear...?" Aaron asked as speaking was very difficult with how very little breaks he got from between Mike's thrusts.

"Yep, you're gonna have... To start... Getting... USED TO IT!!!" Mike emphasized his words with even more powerful thrusts each time.

"N-No fair! I n-need to have a say in this...!" Aaron said, now riding his cock back after all the pleasure he was feeling.

"Such is the price of letting you fuck with me in the first place...~" Mike whispered into his ear before biting down on it, and then nibbling and sucking on the sensitive body part.

"Uwah! N-Not there.... Its sensitive... Please... N-No more! I'm... I'm gonna cum from having my ears sucked...!" Aaron said as he felt his cock becoming closer and closer to climax.

"Good, I'm gonna cum too! Take my load Aaron!" Mike said as he pulled him down and thrusted up, making their hips meet with the rough fucking.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Mike and Aaron screamed, spewing their load everywhere, onto their bodies, their cocks, their ass, and the floor of the locker room.

Aaron fell unconscious as he had passed out from the pleasure, with drops of cum falling out of his ass and the tip of his cock, snoring as he laid down on Mike's body.

Mike kissed the top of his head, letting his boyfriend rest.

"Good night Aaron, my sweet Aaron~" Said Mike as he sooner or later picked his body up.


Aaron woke up somewhere unfamiliar, he knew this wasn't his bed based on the ceiling being an unfamiliar thing he was used to waking up to

He looked around and realized that Mike was hugging him and was next to him in bed, with the two of them being shirtless.

"M-Mike?" Said Aaron, confused as to why they were here since they always went to his house, but Aaron assumed this wa Mike's house.

"Hey... You sleep well?" Mike asked him.

"Yes I did... Why did you take me here though?" Aaron asked him.

Mike smiled.

"Don't you remember my promise to you?" Mike asked him.

Aaron remembered how Mike had promised him that they were gonna live together when they graduate.

"But didn't you promise that after we graduated?" Aaron asked the athletic Mightyena.

"I've been thinking about things... And you're right, if we're gonna live together, I have to be honest about myself with everyone at school" Mike said as he pulled him in for a hug.

"So you mean..." Aaron was about to say, and Mike nodded.

"Let's tell everyone about the both of us~" Said Mike.

The end.