The Grass Is Always Greener

Story by jaime_lion on SoFurry

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Twilight who is incontinent wishes to go back to other diapers that are not as absorbent even though she knows the diaper she wears is the most absorbent and Spike has to talk her out of it. Commissioned by me written by a person who wishes to be anonymous.

The day was gray and gloomy. A cold breeze was blowing through Ponyville, interspersed with

bouts of bitter rain. A perfect day to spend indoors, drinking hot cocoa and enjoying a good


And that's exactly what Spike intended to do. Sitting down next to a window, Spike was

enjoying the sounds of the blustering wind and the tinkling of the rain on the window. He had

only just taken a sip of his cocoa and opened his book, when he heard a series of loud THUNKS,

followed by yelling from his guardian.

"SWEET CELESTIA THAT HURT!" He heard from the library, and immediately got up and

went to see what had happened.

Upon entering the room, Spike saw Twilight sprawled out on her stomach, a book open on her

face. Books littered the floor around her, as she slowly pulled the one on her face off and got

back up on her hooves.

However, doing so was not without considerable effort, as her movements were hindered by the

obviously well used diaper that was taped onto her hind quarters. The fade when wet moons

were now completely gone, replaced with a light yellow tinge, and the back was shaded with a

slight brown color, and was drooping considerably. She ended up having to use her wings to

steady herself as she finally recovered.

"What happened?" Spike asked, a bit of concern in his voice. Though Twilight was managing

her condition decently well lately, things were still quite fresh for the young alicorn. Going back

to diapers would be quite a shock for anypony, much less someone so learned and gifted as

Twilight. She was still adjusting.

"Well I decided since we're staying inside today to go ahead and dust the books and make sure

everything was organized properly. Things were going great, until all of a sudden this... thing!"

She said with emphasis, motioning to her swollen diaper, "Ballooned out and caused me to lose

my step! I fell straight onto my stomach and all the books I'd been levitating to the desk fell on

top of me!" She exclaimed, obviously incredibly irritated. "Why do these have to be so thick!?"

She lamented.

Spike sighed and walked over to a chest near Twilights desk. As he opened it, he began to

respond to her. "Well for one, you don't take breaks to change frequently enough to wear

something slimmer, and two, these are a gift from Princess Luna. And quite a generous gift

might I add, given how many diapers you go through." He replied as he laid out the changing

supplies he had retrieved from the chest.

"SPIKE!" Twilight yelped, a deep blush covering her face. "Why do you insist on calling them

that?!" She hissed, clearly embarrassed by how casually Spike referred to her undergarments.

"Well what do you want me to call them? They have cute designs and hold your accidents. That's

what a diaper does." He said as he guided Twilight onto the changing pad.

She laid down with a grimace, as her diaper shifted under her. "Y-yeah, but diap-, I mean, that

word, is so childish! Can't you just call them 'Protective Undergarments' or something?" She

asked, her blush deepening at her own accidental use of the D-word.

Spike rolled his eyes. "Sheesh. What a mouthful. No thanks, I'll stick with diaper. Big words are

more your thing anyways." He said as he began to untape Twilights soiled diaper.

She huffed, but decided to change the subject. "Isn't there any other brand I could wear? I

understand that these are free, but they're so thick! And childish! Aren't there more... Mature

ones?" She asked with a whine.

"I mean sure there are, but I'm pretty sure we tried all of them already. Legs up." Spike said, as

he peeled the diaper from her front. Twilight obliged, lifting up her back legs as Spike started to

gently wipe her down. "I mean take this diaper for example! Can you think of a single other

diaper on the market that could handle what you put this one through?" He asked as he used

wipes to clean her messy bottom, making sure to get as much off per wipe as he could.

Twilights blush deepened even further, something the young dragon hadn't thought possible

moments prior. "W-well no... But I could just change more frequently!" She retorted, not even

aware of the stream of pee that was flowing into her open diaper.

"Twilight we've been over this. You can't tell when you've used your diapers. I mean, I'll bet you

wouldn't even know you were peeing right now unless I told you!" Spike said, waiting for the

stream to stop before he continued wiping. Twilight let out a whine and covered her face with

her hooves. She didn't respond, the news that she was peeing mid change was enough to make

her too embarrassed to speak.

Spike continued. "Combine that with the fact that you get too involved with whatever tasks

you've set out to accomplish, and no, you can't just change more frequently. You don't ever know

when you need a change! I always have to tell you when it's time. And switching to any of those

other brands would either increase the frequency that I have to check your diaper and change

you, or increase the amount of leaks you have."

Spike let that hang in the air as he silently focused on his task. Twilights dribbling had stopped

and he started wiping again, taking great care to clean every crevice. Once all the mess had been

wiped away, he pulled the soiled diaper out from under Twilight. He then slid a clean diaper

under her. "Bottom down please" He said, as he helped guide her down so he could wipe her


As he gently wiped her down, Twilight spoke. "But I'm not a foal." She said in a sad, broken

whisper. It was hard on her, being not only Celestias star pupil, but a princess as well! She had

taken great pride in her status, and this recent addition to her wardrobe was a constantly open

wound on her pride.

Spike sighed as he finished wiping Twilight. "No, you're not a foal. Nobody thinks your a foal,

no matter what you're wearing. You're the great Twilight Sparkle! You've helped save Equestria

more times than I can count!" Spike said as he reached for the foal powder. "Diapers don't make

you a foal Twilight. You have a condition. And diapers are the solution. It just so happens that

the diapers you need have cute designs on them. So what? Just because it's cute means it's

foalish? Tell that to Rarity! Everything she makes is cute, and I've never heard someone call her

dresses foalish!"

Twilight sighed and nodded. "That's true, but anyone can wear a dress. Usually grown ponies

don't wear diapers." She said. "Much less use them."

"True." Said spike as he pulled the diaper up and started taping it on. "But these are anything but

usual circumstances. Listen, the bottom line is you need diapers. Period. And we've tried every

diaper on the market. And none of them work without seriously changing the way BOTH of us

operate our daily lives. Except these diapers. The ones made by Princess Luna, that we get for

FREE." He emphasized the last word as he taped the final tape in place.

Twilight sat up, slightly wincing at the loud crinkling of her fresh diaper. "You're right Spike."

She sighed."But I just hate how thick these are! I just wish I could wear something that's easier

to move around in." She said with another big sigh.

"I know Twilight, I know, but the grass is always greener on the other side. Those diapers may

seem nice, but they're ill suited to your condition. Now here, let me help you gather your books

so you can get back to your task and I can get back to my cocoa." Spike said as he put the

changing supplies back in the chest.

It only took a few moments to get the books regathered and on Twilights desk. As he finished

placing the last book, Spike turned to Twilight and gave her a hug. "I still think you're awesome

Twilight. And nothing is gonna change that, least of all a silly diaper." He said as he broke the


"Thanks Spike." Twilight said with a slight smile. "It means a lot that you've stuck by me

through all this."

Spike smiled and turned to leave. "Are you kidding? There's not a thing in Equestria that could

convince me to leave. Face it, you're stuck with me." He chuckled as he walked to the door. "I'll

be back in a few hours to check up on you, try to be careful okay?"

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. "I'll try!" She responded, as she went to find her duster.

Unknown to her, she was already soggy before she even got back to the desk. But that's okay.

Her diapers would hold until the next change, and it's not like she could tell anyways.