The Warehouse's Haunts 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Warehouse's Haunts

Lucia, a Lucario doll, is investigating a warehouse that is filled with old dolls and parts, hoping to make a quick buck. Unfortunately, everything swiftly goes wrong.

Commissioned by Technophile34

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The Warehouse's Haunts

Part 1

For Technophile34

By Draconicon

"You sure that this place is worth salvaging, Annie?" Lucia asked, looking around the great, darkened warehouse. "I don't think anyone's been here in months. Maybe years."

"That's why it's perfect. If there's anything left, then we're the only ones to take it."

"Yeah, well, maybe there's a reason it's been left alone this long."

"Come on, don't be afraid. So it's a little dark. You have that helmet I made for you, right?"

The Lucario doll nodded, tugging at the little lamp that pressed against her forehead. It was barely more than a miniature Christmas light that had been fitted with a brighter set of materials inside, allowing her to light her way if she had to. In the outside world, it would have been diluted by the light of the moon. Here, in the utter darkness of the warehouse? It was going to be a lifesaver.

Annie, the Ampharos doll that had worked with her on a hundred or more different salvaging operations, was already turning on hers. She had one that was built into a tail that she'd customized herself with, as well as one on her forehead. It made her into a beacon of sorts, bright and glimmering, suitable for the sort of inspiration that had created her.

The two dolls tapped their fists together, and despite Annie's confidence, the Ampharos still chuckled nervously.

"So, meet back here in an hour?"

"I'm thinking further in, in a half hour."

"Yeah, that's probably better," Annie admitted. The Ampharos looked around for a moment, then pointed to a conveyor belt that was several dozen feet in. "On top of that?"

"Yeah, that works for me. Looks like the belts sweep down to ground level here and there. That should work fine."

"You telling me that, or you?"

"Why not both?"

"Heh. Good luck."

"You too."

She took a deep breath as the brightly-lit Ampharos doll started walking off. Considering the fact that both of them were only six inches tall, a couple dozen feet was a lot further away than it would have been for the ones that had made them. She imagined that it would have taken her a while to climb up to them, as well; that one had to reach at least ten feet in the air, more than twenty times her own height.

Still, at least they had a meeting point. That was something.

She watched Annie for a while, keeping her eyes on the other doll's curves as they swayed back and forth. There was something to the Ampharos's pear-shaped hips that made her look oddly tall, considering how she narrowed towards the head. It seemed to stretch her upwards, even though they were the same height. Her ass swayed back and forth, back and forth, and so did the tail that hung from it.

Gonna have some fun with that ass tonight...

Annie was the only doll she knew that could make her feel like she wasn't a fat-ass herself. It was just, on the Ampharos doll, it looked like it was natural. On her...

She reached down and rubbed her own rump, groping the silicone through the fake flesh that was put over her body. It was still stretched, still not quite fitting her, considering that she hadn't been this big when she'd first been manufactured. The Lucario line of dolls were, well, quite well-endowed in the hips and ass, but after one of the dolls that she and Annie dealt with had taken a liking to her...

Well, Lucia did her best not to think of that whole kidnapping and body modification event. It wasn't something that really sat well in her memory, and not something that she wanted to think about right then.

Her processor even blipped when she tried to go there, showing that her firewalls around the memory were still going strong.

Used to be a guy, now I'm a girl, and...well, it could be worse.

She ran her fingers over the metal plate that hid where her sex had been. Other dolls got humiliated by being turned into a Barbie, one of those dolls that had nothing down there. For Lucia, yeah, it was still embarrassing, but it was better than having a gaping hole where her dick used to be.

The harder thing to get used to were the big, heavy bags that hung from her chest. They, at least, were not something that most people had to deal with, and she grunted every time that she felt them pulling her forward.

She ran her hands along the silicone and gel lumps on her chest. The wiring was there to make her feel that touch, but they weren't the best things in the world. They hadn't been installed quite right, and the flesh was stretched in the same way that the stuff around her ass was. The positive was that they weren't in an articulated area, weren't near a joint, so the gel and silicone didn't start taking on little marks from movement the way that her ass did.

They were also just a bit problematic for the way that they delivered sensation. Lucia pushed them up, held them there, and then let go. By the time that the dimples from her fingers pressing in started to fade, the feeling of being groped actually came through to the processor. The delay was a palpable, confusing thing.

Not unpleasant, but confusing.

At least there's no delay down at my ass, she thought, chuckling a bit before shaking her head. At any rate, salvage. Let's see what's out there.

She tapped the lamp on her forehead, activating the lightbulb and letting it draw from her internal battery. She'd need to be sparing with it, but for now, it was the only thing letting her see what was up ahead. The wide-hipped, big-boobed Lucario doll began the descent into the darkness.


Despite the darkness, Lucia had to admit that the warehouse had a big chance of being a profitable haul. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of dolls that had never been turned on. The fact that they were all still in packaging - or, at least, most of them were - meant that the different parts would never have been used, never degraded. They were mint, and that meant money. Money that would go towards supplies like batteries or energy drinks that would keep them moving in the outlands.

She could already imagine some of the payments that they could demand for the parts in the warehouse, and was just starting to fantasize about how much she'd get for herself when something caught her eye. Lucia cocked her head to the side as she stepped away from one of the boxes of different parts and made her way to a half-lit, flickering cylinder that had been blocked by various machinery before.

As she leaned around the corner, she realized that there was enough light for her to turn off her lamp. She tapped the top of her head, and the light went out as she approached. It was less a cylinder, she realized, and more of a platform, a display plinth that would have been on waist-height for the makers, but was nearly five times her height. Driven by curiosity, she grabbed the sides of the little tower, and started climbing.

She grunted at the weight that she had to drag along with her. Though she had been given feminine parts, a good part of her core processor still had her movements programmed to the style of a male doll moving around. That meant that the curves of her hips and chest were continually throwing her off-balance, making it difficult to move.

She did her best, but it was still a struggle.

Eventually, despite bashing her chest against the metal tower a few times, she reached the top. Lucia put her hands on the edge of the plinth, pulled herself up enough to peer over the edge -

And gasped.

Standing there, looming over her, was another Lucario doll. It wasn't restrained or put in a box, so it had to be some sort of display model. She grunted, her joints clicking as she dragged herself up, a few servos whirring for the extra bit of power that she had to exert to get over the edge. that's what we look like from outside...

Lucia hadn't seen another Lucario doll before, and she was a little surprised to see one now. They had been rather quickly 'disappeared', as far as she understood. Some were glitchy, some were desired, but there weren't a great deal of Lucario dolls wandering around in the cities. Or, well, city. Haven was the only one that counted.

Even so, she found it rather fascinating to see something like herself like this. The other Lucario didn't have breasts that were quite as big as hers - close, but not quite - but their hips looked about the same. Lucia reached down, rubbing her hands along her thighs and then her waist, measuring them, before holding her hands out against the other doll.

"...Am I really that fat?"

Well, her belly wasn't, she knew that, and neither was the other doll's, but there was something about seeing her thighs and her hips right then. She had been telling herself that being feminized hadn't hurt her figure that much, but that was a lot of padding.

And the fact that her hips were just as wide as the wide-hipped, big-assed doll in front of her didn't do any good for the self-esteem problem that she'd been fighting since her feminization, either. She rubbed her ass again, feeling her fingers sinking into the silicone before it pushed back out again.

She glanced at the inactive doll once more, looking down between her legs. To Lucia's surprise, the other doll had the same 'Barbie' modifications that she did. Whatever sex she might have had down there had been covered over with a metal plate, blocking them off, keeping anyone from being able to please them again.

...It's a bit more obvious than I thought...

She wondered if Annie had just been being nice to her in the past. The Ampharos had said it looked just fine, but looking at it from outside...

Lucia played the memory back again, looking at the other woman in her mind's eye. The expression, the voice, everything was perfectly played to radiate the proper amounts of sympathy without actually lying.

No, she was telling the truth. There was a slight shift in her programming, in her routines, and she felt what would have been described as relief.

Shaking her head, Lucia looked at the plate. That part was older than the rest of the other doll, and as her vision filled with a quick-scan HUD, she saw that there was a definitely mark from old screws, self-mutilation, and more down there.


Kneeling down, she poked at the plate a few times, shaking her head. It was definitely worse-off than what had happened to her. It was like something that had been jammed in roughly, almost...

Almost like someone had done that part as part of a bit of fun rather than something as a punishment or as something professional.

Really weird...

She doubted that they could get anything for this doll, though. The Lucario was just a little bit too off for the proper sales that might happen at the outwards settlements, and there weren't enough Lucario dolls in Haven for a good market. She shook her head, standing up and looking the other doll right in the eye.

"Feel good to be a Barbie?" she asked.

There was no answer, the doll's jaws pulled tight. Lucia walked around it, standing on the warm bulb beneath.

"You know, I know we're made to be curvy, but...that's ridiculous," she said, looking at that blue ass. "It's not like you're going to be better just because you're bigger."

She almost felt like she was talking to herself, but saying it to someone else made it feel less cruel. She didn't have to worry about breaking herself down if she was breaking someone else, instead.

"How's it feel, huh? Being a fat-ass that can't even get off like a normal doll?"

No answer.

"I bet it's frustrating. I bet you can't wait to get that fixed."

No answer.

"Except you can't, can you? It's just a big old plate of metal that keeps you from looking ugly, or uglier, I guess."

"Do you ever shut up?"

The voice sounded almost like hers, just angrier. For a moment, Lucia turned around, looking for the source of it. By the time that she turned back to the Lucario display model, it had turned to face her.

And its fist was coming her way.

There was a moment where time almost seemed to slow down, the internal processor measuring the speed of that fist. Too fast to dodge, too fast to avoid. They were going to take a hit directly to the face. Chassis would be damaged, dented, perhaps to the point of their muzzle not opening on one side.

That all passed through her processor in the split second it took for the punch to be thrown and land.


Lucia went tumbling backwards, falling off the plinth. The only thing that saved her from shattering into a dozen pieces upon hitting the hard ground was the pile of boxed dolls down there. She landed with a thump, rolled to her side, and looked back and over her shoulder. The Barbie Lucario on the plinth had already moved to the edge, looking down at her, eyes starting to glow red.

Oh god...

Fear was present yet distanced at the same time, and as Lucia pushed herself back to her feet, she knew that she needed to get away from the other Lucario, knew that she should be concerned, yet at the same time, she was able to ignore that. She got to her feet and started running, her soles slipping on the pile a few times, but never enough to throw her off her feet and to the ground.

As she ran into the dark, she could hear the other Barbie chasing after her. She kept the lamp off, even though it meant that she was running blind. The minute she turned it on, she'd become a beacon in the darkness, drawing the other Lucario towards her. More than that, she needed to ensure that her battery didn't start running down, a definite risk with her already down at twenty-percent.


The computations were running. She could run, but Annie had the greater amount of battery power, and was more suitable for fighting. The other doll had modified herself so that she could channel some of her battery power into EMP pads on her palms. It was a possibility that they could still get out, that they could fight together, if she could find the Ampharos before the Lucario did.

Yet, as she ran, she could hear something else. There was a rustling, then a thumping, as if there were other things moving around in the warehouse besides the three of them. She gritted her teeth, trying not to think about it, doing her utter best to keep those thoughts to a minimum as she kept moving.

The hanging, dangling bits of machinery, old assemblers, sparkers, soldering irons, and more were all obstacles in front of her, and she kept bumping against them. They were all inactive, but more than a few started tugging at her chassis, and one iron managed to hook into the gap of her arm joint. She struggled against it, hissing under her breath.

Come on, come on...

A badly-timed pull almost popped the ball joint out of its socket, and she could feel the wiring that ran through the very core of her limb almost going with it. She hissed, holding onto her shoulder and keeping it from coming out further. It wasn't pain, per se, that bothered her, but rather the feeling that her limb might be left behind. She couldn't afford to lose it, nor could she afford to be caught now.

She had to keep moving, but to do that...

Fumbling in the dark, Lucia managed to find the point of the soldering iron at the end of the mechanical arm. It had managed to poke right into her torso, circling slightly around the edge of the ball and socket. Bending to the side, she managed to get it clear of the wires, and then slowly slid it back out.

Her arm was looser than it had been, however, and she knew that she'd have to be careful with it if she didn't want to lose it completely.

Taking a deep breath, she continued her slow retreat through the darkness of the warehouse.

Above her head, there were definitely footsteps. Other dolls were moving around, which meant that the Barbie Lucario that had punched her in the face was not the only active thing in the warehouse. She cursed under her metaphorical breath. She'd known that this was a bad idea, but Annie had been insistent.

Damn it, Annie...

Every time she had to freeze to let the sounds go by, she looked around, trying to find the lit beacons that would be Annie's tail and head. Every time she thought she saw them, they disappeared shortly after, and she couldn't be sure if it was a blip or something else. Lucia kept hiding, particularly as she heard the growling of the other Lucario, knowing that she was being hunted.

Eventually, though, she heard something else.


The sudden sound of an electrical discharge made her look up. She saw a blue light, the EMP blast from Annie's palms, on a conveyor belt further in the building. That, and the yellow lights of tail and head, told her that was where Annie was. Immediately, the Lucario turned herself around and started making headway towards it.

The lights disappeared, and she hoped that meant that the Ampharos was just on the run, moving through the building, ducking, dodging, trying to do the same thing that she herself had been doing.

Be safe. Be safe. Be safe.

She didn't know if there was any way to be safe at this point, not with everything in this haunted warehouse chasing them down. She kept hearing different kinds of footsteps above her, and more than once, Lucia hid under the dead parts of other dolls as the other Lucario walked by her, staring at the red lights that glowed in place of the other doll's eyes.

We have to get out of here.

But she was making headway, slight as it was. She was slowly making her way through the warehouse, and getting closer and closer to the sound of a scuffle. Every so often, she heard the zzzzt sound from before, and she knew that she was a bit closer, that the fight and Annie's survival was still possible.

Then, there was nothing.

The warehouse seemed to go silent. She waited for the next sound, the next bit of fighting or footsteps, the next buzzing zzzzt that would mean that Annie was still out there. Huddling as she did among the mechanical arms, she had to be invisible, but Lucia still wished that she had a way of hiding better.

Annie? she wanted to call out. Annie, are you there? Annie, are you okay?

There was nothing. She was silent, and so was the warehouse. A minute ticked by, then two. She wanted to turn on the light, to see what was around her, but knew that the minute she did, she'd end up getting the attention of someone else.

Another minute, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth. No sound, nothing at all. Whatever was out there, whether Annie or someone else, might be waiting her out.

Or maybe, just maybe, Annie was hurt, almost out of power. Those EMP blasts were quick to drain the battery. She might be on stand-by, waiting for rescue.

And if that was the case...


Lucia lowered herself to the nearest conveyor belt, crawling along it to keep a low profile. She wanted to turn on her light so badly, but the minute she did, she'd light up her fat-ass to anything that was still out there. It felt like she was crawling away from ghosts, or towards them, and she didn't know how to handle that.

As it stood, she just kept moving, hoping that she'd do the right thing.

After following the conveyor belt for what felt like dozens of feet, she looked down. There was a light there, one that was half-hidden in a pile of other dolls. It was the same sort of light that had been glowing on the end of Annie's tail, and she let out a slow breath of relief.

She's down there. That's why I couldn't see her. She's down there.

Shaking her head, Lucia slowly made her way to the edge of the conveyor belt, felt for one of the legs that held it up, and slid down. She hit the ground with a soft thump, and she walked over to the pile of different bodies and dolls. The ball of light continued to glow, but it was faint, the battery likely dying.

"Alright...alright, Annie, you can turn it off...I found you, and we can -"

Lucia pulled the tail, expecting to drag her friend from the pile. Instead, she dragged the tail free, and as it broke the surface of the pile, it showed every other piece of her old friend's body scattered across the top of the pile.


Falling backwards from sheer fear, she still somehow managed to hold onto that glowing tail, the light spilling over chunks of chassis, limbs with the joints shredded and popped, wires sparking with the last bit of charge that still remained to them. Her mouth hung open as she stared at the different pieces, unable to move as something walked across the pile of parts.


Something had fallen. Unconsciously, she held up the glowing tail, watching as something in the dark continued to roll across the top of the parts. One arm - Annie's arm - fell down against her leg, but that was nothing compared to what came next.


It was her friend's head, the Ampharos's face frozen in an expression of utter disbelief, shock and horror and with her lips still open. Impossible, probably, had been the last word that the other doll had tried to say, and it looked like she had only gotten to the second syllable.

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.


The other Lucario stomped down on Annie's head, shattering it apart and looking down at her.

"She should have stayed out of my way...and you should have shut up..."

Lucia lost it in that moment. Despite the plate down between her legs, everything that had been hooked up before for eliminating energy waste started flowing. The tiny gaps between her joints flooded, and semi-clear blue water started oozing out. She was wetting herself, soaking herself in pure terror as she stared up at the other Lucario doll.

"And now..."

Crack. Crack. Knuckles cracking, body parts snapping and shattering as the Barbie Lucario stepped forward.

"You're next."

", please..."

She could feel the fluids flowing, and she could tell that it wasn't going to stop. Fear had seized hold, and the venting programming had begun, everything flushing to rid her of excess weight. If she'd been coherent, she would have run, but all she could do was hold onto the lit tail of her destroyed friend.


And then there was something behind her. She slowly rolled her head back, staring up into the four-winged, claw-armed silhouette of a Cyberdramon doll. It leered over her with a humanoid doll at its side. Lucia didn't understand much, but she understood this.

She was trapped.

The End

Summary: Lucia, a Lucario doll, is investigating a warehouse that is filled with old dolls and parts, hoping to make a quick buck. Unfortunately, everything swiftly goes wrong.

Tags: F/solo, horror, nudity, dolls, robots, Lucario, Ampharos, Pokémon, anthro, breasts, butt, mutilation, wetting, series, damage,