A Tokyo Bear Part 6

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#6 of Other Gay stories

The finale to Hikari and Kenichi's love story where they live happily ever after. I love my happy endings especialloy if they're earned

I go home when I am done. Kenichi is panicked since he didn't know where I was. I sit and I apologize to him. He's been in our room crying. He holds me tightly. "My love, I am sorry, I should have taken you with me, but I was so angry at Uncle Akira, I didn't want to face him again" I say softly. Kenichi hugs me. "He tried all during dinner to anger me, but I ignored him" Kenichi says. "You know you should have too" he fusses at me. "I know, but I have been stressed too, my love" I say softly. "I did not mean to make you upset, my sweet Horse." I say kissing him.

Botan walks in. "I fought with Dad before he left, Takeru explained to me what happened, and I was furious with him for trying to hurt you with it" Botan says. "I don't want you fighting with Uncle Akira over it, Botan" I say softly. "My father is being unreasonable and nasty now" Botan says softly. "Please, just let it go, it will pass, and I need to reassure my Horse, I went out to eat and he worried as he did not know where I was" I say sadly.

"I am sorry, I was scared, I am too insecure" he says softly. "We knew you'd be that way for a while, my love" I say softly. "Give yourself time, Kenichi, you have only been here a day, and had your love for such a short time" Botan says stroking Kenichi's cheek. Kenichi smiles. "No one here holds anything against me, they just want me with you" he says kissing Botan. "They do" I say softly. "My Boar and his Lion want me as happy as they are, and Dad loves you, and he knows I'll make you as happy as you make me, and Juzo and Aoki see so much of themselves and their love in us" I say smiling.

"Kenichi, I am sorry, I should have stayed or taken you with me, I was supposed to stay with you for the first few days" I say sadly. "You had family with me, I just did not know where you were or that you had left" Kenichi says sadly. "I was just irritated at Uncle Akira" I say softly. "Dad can be a pain sometimes" Botan says softly.

"I think my Grizzly is more stressed that he thinks, he has had a lot to deal with the last few days" Kenichi says softly. "I have, but I have my Horse now" I say kissing him. "But we have much to adjust to, now that we are together, I know how much you love me, and you know how I love you, but we have to sort out the little things" Kenichi says softly. "Dr Kinnamura and I talked about that, we know each other well in some ways, and we need to get used to living with one another, but I know I look forward to knowing my Horse" I say softly. "Baby, I snore badly, and I'll keep a tight hold on you while you sleep, and I am a bit grouchy when I wake, and...." he says sounding a little scared. "I am a bit rigid in my thinking at times, and I tend to over think things, and I will sometimes just wish to be alone, not much and not for long, but it will happen" I say softly. "Hikari loves sleeping curled up, we've done it a lot, he'll hold you as tightly as you hold him" Botan says smiling. "You would?" he asks. "I would, Botan knows me well, and we've spent a lot of time since we met curled up and holding each other while we sleep." I say smiling. "Botan is great to curl up to, his soft fur feels good, as does his strong arms wrapped around me, so I will love having you wrapped around me, my love" I say kissing him. Kenichi holds me tightly. And he pulls Botan to him as well. "He does feel good in my arms, Hikari, maybe he would curl with us sometimes" Kenichi says. Botan smiles. "I would love to, the four of us could curl up and sleep together when we can" Botan says. Kenichi smiles.

Dad comes in to the bedroom. "My Grizzly son, you should not have let Akira get to you as much as he did" Dad fusses at me. "I am sorry, Hikari, he had no right to throw that up at you" Dad says softer now. "Dad, I did not want to engage him for fear of upsetting my beloved Clydesdale, but I upset him anyway, when I went off to eat by myself' I say softly. "I just did not know where he was and I got scared, Takeru" Kenichi says sadly. Dad rubs Kenichi's shoulder. "It is to be expected, my Horse" Dad says softly.

"Dad, I am sorry" I say. "He was not very sympathetic to me either Hikari" Dad says. "I am sorry, Papa Takeru" Botan says kissing Dad. Dad smiles. "We should take him to bed, so we might comfort him" Kenichi says. "I would get Keiji and we would help comfort Papa Takeru if you would allow us to" Botan says gently. "I would like that" Dad says.

Botan goes out and comes back with Keiji. And we all spend the night curled up, and having sex in all possible combinations. About 3AM, Botan gets up and carries Keiji to their room. Dad kisses me, and leaves too. I curl up tightly to Kenichi. "Botan wanted us to have some time alone tonight" Kenichi whispers in my ear. "He cares about me too" Kenichi says grinning. "Why would you be surprised, he loves me, and he sees how happy I am with you, just like I do with Keiji" I say kissing him Kenichi pulls me to him very tightly, and he moves around to put his huge Horse cock against my ass. "One more and we'll go back to sleep, my love" he says softly. And he very gently makes love to me, and I weep from his passion for his Grizzly. "I love you, and it is a dream come true to be here with you like this, and to know we're together for the rest of our lives" he says nuzzling me. "I am sorry you endured so much pain, but I am happy too, I have you now, and it is as special and wonderful as I always knew it would be" I moan. Kenichi whinnies, and I shoot on the bed, and he cums a few seconds later. He backs out a bit, I grab his hip and stop him. "We are on our sides, my Lord, sleep with your dick inside of me" I beg him. "Are you sure, my Bear?" he asks. "I want this, I want you holding me from the inside and the outside too" I say softly. "You were made for me" he says nuzzling my neck. And he settles into his pillow and wraps his arms and legs around me and we sleep.

Our first day as a couple is over, and it is a good start despite what has happened. I have my Horse as I have wanted him since the day he first took me. And he is so happy. He looks at me with such love. And he's fighting his insecurities. And he's happy my family wants him with me.

It's going to be a wonderful life as the mate of my loving Clydesdale Horse.

A Tokyo Bear Part 5

It's late and I know it's going to be a busy day tomorrow, and I want to be up late with my Horse, so I tell Dad we ought to go to bed. We go into his bedroom, and Daichi is already asleep. I kiss Dad and I tell him I'll be OK. And I go to my room and...

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A Tokyo Bear Part 4

I sit at my desk and I think a bit. I better call Dad and let him know. And I think I need to ask my own therapist if he can see me today. And I want to tell my Boar. So I call Botan, and leave a message on his cell, he'll call me when his classes are...

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A Tokyo Bear Part 3

Dad comes out naked and gets in the spa with us. "Hikari, Akira is mad, and he is not happy with you" Dad says laughing. "He feels he should have been consulted first, before you set them up" Dad says laughing. "Dad, Botan is of age, as I am, Uncle...

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