Bearing up to it Part 1

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#9 of Other Gay stories

Claude as a Grizzly Bear bonding his older Polar Bear cousin Rory. It's a long difficult road to happiness for the 2 Bears, partially because of how badly Claude was hurt by his first love

I am a young, attractive, and very rich Bear. I am a large, solidly built Grizzly, and if I am to believe what others tell me, a handsome, and attractive one too. I am 6'5" and about 275 pounds, and stockily built. My name is Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II, I am named for my African Lion paternal Grandfather. I am my father, J.T. Kitman's only biological son. He adopted my oldest cousin, Rory Kitman, when his own father turned abusive. Rory is a massively built Polar Bear. His mom, like mine, was a Lion as was his father, also like mine. But Rory's Maternal Grandfather was a Polar Bear, so he's a genetic throwback, it happens.(Happened to me too, I'm identical to my Grizzly Bear Maternal Grandfather, despite both of my parents being Lions) But despite paternity and genetic tests showing Rory was Uncle Marcus' real son, Marcus was convinced he wasn't and he was horribly abusive to poor Rory. Despite that Rory's a very happy soul inside. He's been just like a brother to me. He's older than me by two years. I'm 26 and he's 28. We grew up together, and no one knows me as well as he does. I'm more emotional and though outgoing, I'm more introspective. Rory, on the other paw, is a happy, and cheerful soul, yet he's more confident and constant of temperament than I am. We're different in so many things, but we've almost always been very close.

I am a dead ringer for my Grandpa Warren. My mother's father. Dr. Walter J. Warren is a brilliant Nobel Prize winning Grizzly Bear Physicist. Grandma Warren was a Lion, my Mother was a Lion as was my Dad, but like Rory, I am a throwback to my Maternal Grandpa's genetics. I have his genius, enough that I graduated High School at 13 and College at 16 and Medical School and Residency at 24. I have been an Internist for two years now. My partner in our practice is one of my old Medical School professors. Dr Emil Brunner. He was tired of teaching, and getting a lot of flack for having been outed as gay. So I begged him to quit and join me in my then brand new practice. He came to work with me, and we've built our practice up to be very successful.

Emil and I work very well together. And we love working with one another. I fixed Emil up with my old High School Gym Coach, Jake Martin, a huge built Mountain Goat. Jake is massively hung and a true jock, but he fell hard for shy, intellectual Emil. My German born mentor, Emil, is a Walrus. With shining Blue eyes and a White beard and a bright smile. They are very much in love, and quite happy. Jake was my first lover. He took my cherry at age 15. He was a bit hesitant at first, but he was hot for me. And it was a wonderful experience for us both. I'd sleep with him a couple of times a month from then on, until I fixed him and Emil up. Emil knows, but he doesn't care. They are open bonded, but Jake is too much in love with Emil to want to fuck anyone else. But that Goat really broke me in well. He showed me how to become a great bottom who loves pleasing a big male.

Dad has been great to me. I always figured that he was disappointed at first that I wasn't a Lion, but he accepted his Grizzly Bear son, and he loved me just as much as if I had of been a Lion like him. Mom died right after I graduated High School early. Mom was so proud of her little genius Grizzly. She was proud that I was so much like her Dad.

Grandpa Warren, is amazingly proud of his little look alike Grandson, and when it was discovered that I was of a genius level intelligence, he cried openly. Grandpa is the archetypal absent minded professor. But he has worked hard to always be in my life when he can. He loves Rory too. He's taken Rory to him as a Grandson as well. Rory loves Grandpa, but he's sad that his own Grandparents died young, less than ten years after Rory was born. He never knew much about them, except that he's a dead ringer for his Grandpa Russell. And he only knows that because of pictures our family retainer, Alfred has. We're an odd family for sure.

I'm pretty happy most of the time. I love my work, I have a great practice. I'm a good looking Grizzly too, or so folks keep telling me.. I have Dad's shining Deep Blue eyes, and a thick Dark Brown beard, and my long Dark Brown hair is tied in a ponytail most of the time. My muzzle however, is Tan in color, and is a striking contrast to my Dark Chocolate Brown fur. I am hung well, 19", and I have huge paws and foot paws. My fur is thick and lush, and I have a decent body. Not gym buff, but muscular. I am a younger version of my beloved Grandpa. He's a good looking Grizzly too. I'm happy to see I'll age well like he did. (OK, I admit it, I have more than enough Lion blood in me that I have a big ego too)

I have to admit to having slept with Grandpa a few times too. I loved it, Walt's a great lover. But he was so afraid he would be discovered to be fucking his Grandson and dragged into a scandal, and we stopped fucking. Grandpa is a famous scientist. He's got two Nobel Prizes and he's very well known. And he was not wanting the bad publicity of being discovered to be having incestuous sex with his Grandson.. But I love him anyway, though I do miss his hot fucking. Grandpa comes down to see me about once a month, and he stays with us for a few days.. We don't fuck anymore, but I love him so much I'm thrilled when he's here.

Rory has been away for several years. He joined the Marines at 18, and he's only been back home about a year.. He's joined Dad at CMK, and he's so good at Business he's now Dad's COO, and doing well. Dad's proud of him. He's proud of me too, but he wishes I'd of come to work with him like Rory has. I can't imagine doing anything else but being a Doctor. Dad and Grandpa both are extremely proud of me. Rory too. I'm proud of Rory for his business aptitude and his success, God knows I'm not good at that.

Dad thinks I just don't wanna try it, and he can't see how I have absolutely no business aptitude. But he's coming to see that I really am meant to be a Physician. I'm proud of Rory for serving in the Marines too. He got a couple of medals and he made Sergeant and he all of a sudden decided to come home. Never told any of us why he just mustered out as soon as he could. Called us and told Dad he was coming home. (I'll find out eventually that he knew when he came home for my Medical School graduation that he loved me and he came home to try to get me, but he took a long time to work up his nerve to try)(He was also worried as to whether I had fully recovered from my breakdown.)

Rory is gorgeous. He was always a good looking Polar Bear. But he came back from the Marines buff and more muscular, and defined, and he's so much hotter now. Though he was always beautiful to me.. Rory's a lot bigger than me. He's 7'2" tall and about 350 pounds. He's got Ice Blue eyes, and his fur is thick like mine. That White fur is striking on his huge buff body. He has huge paws and foot paws like I do. When he hugs me I love it, even as big as I am, Rory still towers over me and he's big enough to wrap himself completely around me.

We've had sex at times. He fucked me for the first time, right before he went into the Marines. I happily let him fuck me. I'm thrilled he's home, and he's happy to be home. But he seems to be a bit distant. He's been home for 11 months, and we haven't slept together at all. Not like Rory, as he'd come home on leave and we'd fuck like crazy. No one fucks me like my Polar Bear. But he's been pleasant to me, and kind but it seems to me he's keeping me at a distance. I'm a bit hurt. He always called me 'Little Grizzly' and he's not even done that since he's been home. I'm at a loss to know what to do, he claims nothing is wrong when I ask him. And after I do, he'll avoid me for a while.

I met an English Badger in Medical School. Dr Nigel Davenport is an Endocrinologist. Nigel's been my best friend since the day we met. He's from London and his parents worked hard so he could go to school. He's smaller than me. Nigel's only about 5'9", and 175 pounds. His eyes are a soft Green, and very liquid. He's a very handsome Badger. His Grey fur is thick and his Black stripes are wide and sexy. His tail is solid Black, a bit unusual for Badgers.

His parents hope one day he and I will bond. But we're too close for that, we're both bottoms, and while we do love one another, we're not 'in love'. Dad understands how we are. He loves Nigel, and he invited him to move into our big home the day they met. Nigel is living with us, and he loves it. Nigel even came with us when we moved here to California. Living with us lets him send a lot of his money home to help his parents have an easier life now. One thing about Nigel, as smart as I am, Nigel's smarter, and he's got a lot more common sense than I do. No one is better at thinking on his foot paws than Nigel is. My best friend keeps me grounded, and he knows me so well. I am not in love with him, but I'd never want to live without him around.

Nigel has been complaining of being lonely a lot of late. He is happy to be living with us, but he's thinking he really wants a mate now. He's got his career where he wants it, with a good practice, and he's thinking it's time to settle down for good. Me, I haven't thought much about it for myself.. I am a romantic Grizzly, and I had always figured I'd meet the one meant for me one day. But I had my heart and mind badly scarred by my first real love. (No, not Coach Jake, he was wonderful sexually but he never loved me that way, though he went and beat the living shit out of Marty Collins after it all went to Hell on me, and I was put in the Psych unit, Jake caught up with him at a Coaches convention, and kicked his ass badly, so maybe that Goat really did love me.) And I hate to admit to having had a complete emotional break down because of what happened with him.

I'd of been an MD a year sooner if he hadn't totally derailed my life. Rory came rushing home from his tour of duty in Iraq to help Dad and Grandpa Warren put me back together. I'm gun shy about getting involved in a long term relationship because of that, and Marty was so abusive and controlling to me I have difficulty letting my guard down if someone says they love me. Other than my family.. Given that I'm just dating and fucking I kind of forget about how scarred I am inside. I'm not in any hurry to settle down. I'm getting all of the dick I want. A big, butch, Bottom Grizzly like me is very popular. But I won't go out with any one male for more than a few weeks straight. I'll find someone else to date and most of them will come back and fuck me still if I want them to.

It got stronger in Nigel's mind how lonely he is after Dad bonded his life long best friend. Harry Belford came to see us here in California one day, and he and Dad fell for one another. I'm happy. Rory and I called him Papa Harry since we were cubs. He's been like a second Dad to us, very loving and wise and caring. We're both thrilled for Dad.

Harry is a big, buff Bengal Tiger, and he's a great guy. Dad's 6'4" and Harry's 6'2" and they both are stocky and built similarly. Harry's a versatile, and Dad is a top, Dad's a horny Lion. But sadly the only ones he won't fuck are me and Rory. I'd love to be under Dad, but I hinted at it, and Dad got upset with me. I got a lecture on incest and how wrong it was for a Father to sleep with his Son. Harry told me later that Dad was upset because he had wanted me for a long time. He just was afraid of how folks might react if they found out. Harry and I have had sex though, he's a great bottom. Better than me even. And he's gone all Daddy Tiger on me a few times. And he's hot when he does.

On one particular Friday, I have had the day from Hell. A patient coded in my office. Our patients seemed whinier and impatient all day. We were packed with appointments. A little Tiger cub ran in front of Emil and tripped him. Emil fell trying to avoid hitting the kid, and broke his leg. We don't take kids as patients, but the kid's Mom brought him with her to her appointment and while we try to discourage that, we can't help it if they do bring them. And she let him run around unsupervised. Emil's on crutches, and in a lot of pain, and is slowed down a lot. I've had to shift my appointments to take some of his. And am still seeing patients at 7PM. I'm tired and I have had lunch and dinner sent in to my office, eating between patients.

I've called our family's retainer, Alfred, to let him know I'm going to be late. I am wondering if I can get out of here tonight at all. I am amazed that our patients have been willing to wait. But we went out and talked with them. And let them either decide to reschedule or to come back for their delayed appointments. I have to admit to being touched by how much they like us. A lot of them are worried about Emil too, and willing to come back and see me when I can see them. I let Jake take Emil home at 4PM as he was in pain and not willing to take pain meds and see patients.

It's now 8:30PM and I've seen the last of our patients. I'm happy that it's the weekend. It's Emil's weekend for coverage, but he's called a friend who we cover for at times, and he's agreed to cover for us. There are several Doctors who we'll cover for on our weekends and they reciprocate as well. We can get to the computerized records on their patients as they can with ours. I'm hoping Emil won't be off of his feet for long.

I drive home very tired and sore. I decide to go spend some time in the hot tub. So I strip and get a towel and go sit in it. It feels good. I am very relaxed now. Nigel comes and sits in it with me. I tell him about what happened and why I'm late. He smiles. "Glad it wasn't me" he says laughing. "No shit" I say smiling. "Weekend is covered, and I'm going to just relax, Monday might be very busy if Emil's not back to normal" I say softly. Nigel's smiling.

"Claude, have you noticed anything odd with Rory?" Nigel asks. I nod. "He's been a bit distant, we haven't even fucked since he came home" I say. "You've been going out a lot to that bar he found, and you seem to have no trouble finding tops to fuck you" Nigel says smiling. I know I have been spending a fair amount of time at the Bear Den, and I like its owner. Teddy is a hot Grizzly, bigger than me, and very butch. I've slept with him, and his brother Bob several times, together and separately. I had even hoped I might bond one of them, but Bob got bonded to a cute younger Lion. And Teddy almost seems to be married to that bar at times.

"I know, I get lots of hot dick from there, but I really do miss how Rory fucks, he's the best top I've ever had" I say softly. I hear a throat being cleared behind me. Rory, and he's not looking happy. Nigel grins, and he's up and out of the hot tub right away. "He looks like he needs to talk to you, Claude" Nigel whispers to me. I nod. Nigel smiles at Rory and runs off.

Rory sits on the ground next to the tub and Nigel was right. He looks like he's needing to talk, but not sure how to start. "Rory, is something wrong?" I ask. "Did I upset you by what I said?" I ask. "No, Claude, but I have been fighting something for way too long, and we have to talk seriously now" Rory says softly. He looks pained. I reach over and I stroke his face gently. "No, please, not right now, Claude." Rory moans. And he's rock hard and tenting out his shorts. He's well hung, and when he's hard it's impossible not to notice his huge 22 inch Jet Black Polar Bear dick, no matter what kind of pants he's wearing, and he's got shorts on and it's sticking out of the left leg of them.

I'm beginning to get a clue here. "Rory, you want me?" I ask. "I do, I have held off fucking you, because I didn't want to have something happen" Rory says sadly. "What could happen, Bro?" I ask. "That's the problem" Rory says. "You're my brother, adopted granted, but we're Cousins biologically." Rory says quietly.

And I know now. He's in love with me. He wants me as his mate. He doesn't just want in my Grizzly ass, he wants to have me for good. I know, when I was 14, we used to talk about how we'd be as adults. Rory was determined he'd be the husband, the Boss of his mate whether male or female. I knew before then I was gay, and I'd said I'd want to belong completely to my mate, I wanted to be more like a wife to whatever male I ended up with. I understand now why Rory gave me such an odd look. I was the exact opposite of him and exactly what he wanted as a mate. I had hoped back then I might end up as Coach's mate one day when I was old enough.. But when I hit 18 we tried to bond, and failed. It's why I fixed him up with Emil later. I knew sadly that he wasn't to be mine. I wanted Coach Jake to have a good mate, one who'd love him as I would have if I had of gotten him as mine. Still, he'd of made me very happy like he does Emil now.

But now, I have to think this out. I take a good look at Rory. I have always thought he was very hot. And he's only gotten hotter. But I know to bond that there has to be more than just a physical attraction. Rory has always been good to me, he'd help me with my problems, and I'd listen to him talk over his problems. Right before he left to join the Marines, he got a bit less likely to talk to me about what was bothering him. I see it now. He was in love with me, and didn't want me to know. And he must have gone away to see if he'd fall out of love with me. But how do I feel about him? I missed him. More than just the sex, and when he came home, it almost killed me that he was so distant to me. We'd talk sometimes, but the intimacy that was always there between us seemed gone, or at least much less than it had been. I was sad, because no one knew me, the real me, as well as Rory did, and I miss that so much. But if he loves me, why did he run away from me? I feel myself getting angry, and I have to get this settled. Not really sure why it's so important to me quite yet. But I have to know and I have to know now so I can figure out how I feel about him.

"Rory, you're damned right we have to talk now" I snarl. "You went into the Marines because you were in love with me, and basically you ran away from me" I snap. Rory looks at the ground. "How'd you figure it out?" he asks. "I'm not stupid, Rory, I may be naive, and a bit unaware of my own feelings at times, but give me a reason and some time, I'll always figure it out" I say softly. "Rory, was the idea of loving me so terrifying to you that you had to run away?" I ask sadly. "No, babe, but we are First Cousins" Rory says softly. "I was afraid, Dad would have a shit hemorrhage and would still be roaring at us if I'd of tried to take you back then" Rory says sadly. "You didn't think it was right to tell me, or come talk to me about it?" I ask trying to soften my voice. "I was scared, Claude, I wanted you so much, Hell, I still do" he says softly. "Is that why you're still avoiding me?" I ask. Rory nods."You couldn't come to me at all?" I ask sharply. "I am now, Claude" he says sadly.

I look at him, and I can see how heartbroken he's been, and he's afraid now that I'm mad at him. I take a second to think. I remember what Granddad always told me. And I stop talking, and thinking, and I just listen to my heart, it's never steered me wrong. (Assuming I'll stop overthinking things and listen to it) And my heart's telling me of the unspoken and unacknowledged love I've always held in it for my Polar Bear. And I know now that all of the love for Rory I've buried has come to the surface full force. He's always been my ideal male, loving, and kind, and thoughtful, yet firm too. And I spring up and put my arms around his thick neck, and I kiss him hard, and with as much passion as I can summon up. He's stunned as I faint into his arms.

We hear a muffled roar and Dad and Papa Harry are standing on the patio staring at us. Rory's holding me tightly and weeping on my shoulder. He's stroking my hair softly. "You wanted me so badly, I had no idea, you came right after me, as soon as you realized how much you loved me" Rory whispers into my ear. Dad looks like he'll swallow his tongue, and Harry, Harry's laughing hard. "I knew it" Harry says. "Our boys are in love, Jim" Harry says. Dad's making strangled growls now, he looks positively apoplectic. Harry pulls Dad off to the garden.

Nigel's standing in the French doors to the patio laughing his ass off. "I knew it, I knew he loved you, Rory, he'd fuck and date, but never got serious with anyone at all" Nigel says grinning. "Did you tell him?" Rory asks. "No, he didn't, my heart told me, when I finally stopped thinking too hard and listened to it, it told me how much and how long I've loved you, and when I knew you loved me too, I had to go after you, Rory" I say kissing him again. Rory's so happy now. "I'll love you forever, Claude" he says grinning. "I will love you as long as I live, Rory, the more I think of things the more I see how perfect for me you are" I say kissing him yet again. Rory grins. Nigel is grinning still.

"You Bears tend to go for one another, Bears are much more likely to mate with another Bear" he says grinning. Rory laughs. "I wish I had of known or had the inner strength to ask you before I went away" Rory says. "I'm glad I spent that time as a Marine, but I could not find the strength to talk to you about this Claude, if you'd of reacted badly, I would have died" Rory says softly. "We're together now, and in the long run, that's what matters, Big Bear" I say grinning. "From Dad's reaction we ought to go bond and then disappear for a while, Bro" Rory says quietly. "We'll go fuck and bond and then go hang out at the Bear Den, Rory" I say softly. "Come with us, Nige?" I ask. He nods. Rory picks me up and carries me to his bedroom.

"We'll work it out babe, I want you here with me in my, no our room" Rory says. I'm naked from being in the hot tub. And Rory quickly pulls his clothes off. "You are so beautiful of a Grizzly, Claude" Rory says softly. He's running his paw along my firm, round ass. And he tweaks my stubby tail.. "I love that tail, it emphasizes that cute rump" Rory says. "It's different from yours, babe, yours is conical and pointed but thick and stubby" I tease him. He turns. And it is, Rory's tail is the same length as mine, but it's more conical than round with a more pronounced point to it.

"Your dick is bigger too," I tease him. It is, he's got 22" in length and he's 4" in circumference. I'm merely 19". "Claude, I am a top, if I let you fuck me, I will be doing it because I love you" he says kissing me passionately. "I'm a big ole Bear bottom, Cuz, I'll cum all over you when you fuck me, and be happy" I tease him. "I knew you were perfect for me" Rory says pushing me on my back and getting on top of me.

"We have been apart for a while, and I've been home but keeping away from you, we need to get to know each other again, Baby Grizzly" Rory says kissing me deeply. "I love you, and I know you, we aren't that much different now are we?" I ask him. "I have grown a lot in the Marines, Claude, you seem to be a bit more grown too, so it's just adjusting to each other as we are now" Rory says quietly. "Babe, enough talk" he moans. And he deep kisses me with full tongue. (He won't say it but he wants to find out how emotionally stable I am now, this far after the break down, but we don't get to talk about it before the shit hits the fan. Rory's afraid of upsetting me and he really doesn't want to ruin this romantic moment.)

I put my arms around his huge neck. "I love you, Rory, I'm sorry I didn't see it before now" I tell him. "I couldn't risk you being angry at me, and losing you" Rory says. "If I had of seen it and come to you, would you have taken me?" I ask Rory. "So fast you wouldn't have seen it coming" Rory says. "You came after me anyway, once you knew, and you thought it out, you saw how you loved me, I can't tell you how much that means to me" Rory says smiling. "But that's you, never really sure of how you feel, you just have to process it out, and it's gotten worse since Marty fucked you over so badly" Rory says softly. I bristle at just hearing Marty's name. He's stroking my muzzle to get me to calm down, he knows I'm upset by that name,and I quickly settle down.

I love feeling him on top of me. He's bigger and heavier but I love it. "I'm not too heavy for you, Claude?" he asks. "Hell no, I love feeling you on me, I love that you're bigger than me, and I love how you wrap yourself around me when we're close" I tell him. Rory grins. "I want you, give me that ass now, Boy" he snaps. I grin. "Yes, Poppa Bear" I say softly. And I put my legs up and around his thick waist. Rory smiles. And he pushes his massive dick in me. My ass has missed him. And it lets him in easily as he slides up to his balls in me. "Hot, still tight and welcoming, you must of missed me" he says grinning. "I did, I never felt anything from other guys like I do with you, Rory" I say kissing him.

"Claude, I love you, and I have no words for how happy I am to have you as mine now" he says as he begins to thrust gently in me. I move counter to his thrusts, he's always liked me to do that. He's growling now. and he speeds up as he gets hotter. I'm growling and moaning, and cussing, and I can't keep quiet as my love fucks me. We kiss deeply and I squeeze his dick with my ass. He's grunting loudly and he's cussing too.

We're both really vocal and we give full voice to our heat and passion for each other. I've never been hotter during sex. I moan and cuss as he fucks me hard now. His nuzzling of my neck is turning into gentle love bites. And I can feel his dick getting bigger in me, Rory is tensing on top of me and I feel his dick twitching in me. And he bites my neck hard enough to draw blood and he roars and he's filling my ass with his thick Polar Bear cum. I feel more than I have words for. I feel like we are one now. I can feel his love so intensely it brings tears to my eyes. I've cum on his furry White 6 pack abs almost without noticing it. He's holding me tightly and panting hard. "Do you feel it, Claude?" he asks. "I do, I feel your heart and you are a part of my very soul now, Rory" I say panting as well. Rory nods. "You belong to me totally now, you love me as much as I love you" he says kissing me deeply.

I am soaked with his sweat now. I love it. I lean up and lick his chest and his pits to get as much as I can. Rory smiles and ruffles my hair. "My baby Grizzly bonded tightly to me" he says proudly. I nod. I can't make words now. I'm lost in his love for me. And I know he's mine forever now. (If only my mind had held on to that thought, I'd of been a lot happier.)

We'll be a pretty happy pair of Bears now. Once we get past Dad's probable objections. And I am aware, as I know Rory is too, that others will object over time. We are First Cousins. And he is my adopted Brother. But he's also my predestined mate, our Ursine biology cannot lie. He was meant for me, as I was meant for him, or we could not have bonded, especially as tightly as we did. I know we're open bonded, we'd of had to agree on closing our bond before we fucked or it wouldn't happen. I know how horny Rory is and he knows how much I love to get fucked. And I hope he knows as I do now, that no matter who he fucks that I have his heart, as he has mine. I do remember him telling me that he'd always insist on being his mate's first priority. (Something we both forget sooner than you'd think.)

We lay together quietly. We seem to have no need for words now. I can feel his love, as he feels mine for him. My cell rings and I am tempted to ignore it. But we both look over at it, and it's Grandpa. It's almost 11:30PM, if he's calling this late, something must be wrong so I answer. "Claude, Jim was so angry he didn't make good sense, what happened?" Grandpa asks. "Grandpa Walt, I got bonded, and Dad's not too happy" I say softly. "Why, Boy?" Granddad asks. "It was who I bonded that upset him" I say quietly. "Boy, do you love who ever it is?" Grandpa asks. 'I do, with all of my heart and soul" I answer. "Do I know him?" Grandpa asks. "Yeah, Grandpa, I bonded Rory" I say softly. I am holding my breath a bit, worried in case he disapproves. Grandpa laughs. "Good, then he took my advice and went to you to tell you how much and how long he's loved you" Grandpa says. "You went to Grandpa for advice?" I ask Rory. Rory laughs. "I did, I knew he'd help me find the strength to go to you," Rory says kissing me.

Rory takes my phone. "Grandpa Walt, he didn't wait, he figured it out by how I was acting and Nigel knew anyway, but he threw himself at me and kissed me before I could tell him all of it" Rory says proudly. "I knew he was as smart as I am, Rory" Grandpa says proudly. "But I can see why Jim's upset now, he loves you both as his sons, and he's surprised by this, he had noticed that you weren't as close to Claude since you came home, in fact, he was worried that you were angry at Claude" Grandpa says laughing. I laugh. "Yeah, he hates me and we bonded anyway" I say laughing.

"Claude, I know you, you buried your feelings for Rory, he was gone, and you were so busy with your career, you got that from me too, Boy" Grandpa says softly. "Claude, I have news too, I was going to wait til I could come see you both, but I am too happy to wait" Grandpa says. "Who'd you bond, Grandpa?" I ask.

"My little genius Bear Grandson, you're almost more me than Jim" Grandpa says proudly. "He's one of our Junior Lab Researchers, Claude, he's a cute little Cougar, Jack Grimes, and he's your age, Boy" Grandpa says proudly."He doesn't care how much older than him I am, and he understands, like you do, how I get about my work" he says happily. "I'm so happy, I know how sad you've been since Grandma died, Walt" I tell him. "Congratulations, Grandpa" Rory tells him. "I"m so happy" Grandpa says. "I'll come see you guys in a week or so and bring my Jack" Grandpa says. "You'll be welcome even if Rory and have to move out, Grandpa" I say softly.

"Claude, Jim is angry and surprised now, he'll calm down, and he'd never make you two move out, he hated Rory being gone for so long, he never understood why Rory left, and he might now" Grandpa says quietly. "Give him time, and you know Harry will be on your side, he loves you and Rory so much" Grandpa says happily. "I know, Papa Harry loves us" Rory says. "We were going to go out after we finished bonding, stay gone most of the night and hope Dad calms down" I say quietly. "Good idea, and take Nigel, Jim will give him the third degree about this, and that sweet Badger doesn't need that" Grandpa says. I laugh. "You've always been sweet on my best friend, I used to wonder if you'd bond him one day" I tease Grandpa. "Jack's English too, but I would have, but I never thought Nigel liked me that much" Grandpa says. "He thinks you're a great fuck, and you are, Grandpa" I tease him. "You sure always liked me on top of you, Boy" Grandpa teases me. "I did, for sure, and still will, you were the one who made us stop because you were afraid someone would find out." I tease him. Rory laughs. "I should have known you'd fuck him, Claude" Rory says. "I did, I wanted Dad once and he went off on me for real" I say softly. "Dad has wanted you for a long time, but he couldn't let himself fuck his own son " Rory says. "Grandpa looked at me a minute and literally tore his clothes off" I say laughing. Grandpa's cracking up. "You have such a gorgeous ass, I didn't believe it for a minute, that you would let me in it, but I figured it out" Grandpa says laughing.

"Grandpa, only one other animal fucks better than you do, and he's on top of me now" I tease him. Rory cracks up. "Jack's a very lucky Cougar, Grandpa, and I'll love him on sight, I swear" I tell Granddad earnestly. "I knew you would, you want me loved, and you'll be happy for us" he says happily. "I do, and I am, as happy for you as you seem to be for me and Rory" I tell him. "I am, Claude, he's a Hell of a Polar Bear, and he'll keep you loved forever, he's more than a match for my Boy, and he won't keep me from getting that ass of yours either" he says laughing. "So you've changed your mind?" I ask. "Hell yeah, no one will care, Jack doesn't and he's all I really have to worry about" Grandpa says. "I'll be under you if you just ask" I tell Grandpa.

Rory's smiling deeply now."I"m glad you think so highly of me, Grandpa Warren" Rory says. "I know I'm not your 'real' Grandson but I"m glad you love me" Rory says. "Who the Hell says you're not my 'real' Grandson, I sure as Hell never have" Grandpa roars. Rory has a tear in his eye. "I know what that bastard did to Marge's parents, he tried to with me and Edith, but we wouldn't let go of Martha and Claude nor you" Grandpa says angrily.

"Grandpa, we never knew what happened?" I ask. "Claude, I'll tell you and Rory when I come, it shouldn't be told to you both over the phone" Grandpa says. "I never knew either, Grandpa, I only knew Mom told me I'd never be allowed to see them" Rory says sadly. "Rory, your poor Grandpa Russell spent ten years in prison, and died there, all for something he never did, and it killed your Grandmother Russell too, and he never got out of prison alive" Grandpa Walt says. Rory's crying now. "He hated poor Clark Russell, like Claude resembles me, you resemble poor Clark so much, and Claude Sr hated him for that" Grandpa says softly. "He had one of his Security people frame poor Clark for a murder charge, and they hauled him off to prison" Grandpa says. "He tried to get me and Edith on a drug charge, but I managed to beat it, I wasn't going to leave my baby girl and my Grandsons to him, God knows what he'd of done" Grandpa says angrily.

"I never liked Grandpa Kitman anyway, he'd make slurs to Mom about whether Dad really was my father, but quietly, where only she could hear him" I say softly. He did it in front of me one day, and even though I was only 7, I went off big time on him. I hadn't even known there were paternity tests done. I refused to speak to him after that, not even on his death bed. I did tell Dad after Mom had died, and he was upset. And he told me about the DNA tests that were done, and that there was no doubt that I was his. And how proud of me he was, and for me sticking up for Mom.

"Grizzly or not, you are my son, and you always will be" Dad told me. I was pretty sure he wished I'd of been a Lion like him, but he's never held it against me, and he's always been proud of his little genius Grizzly Bear son. I can see some of Dad in me. I am as proud of a male as he is, and I do have his Blue eyes, and his big foot paws. As mine are even bigger than Grandpa's. I have Dad's bearing and way of carrying myself, even though I am bigger and bulkier than he is. And I am, and always have been, very proud to be his son.

"I'll call you later in the week, Boys, and let you know when Jack and I are coming" Grandpa says. "Call me if you need me, guys, if I can help with Jim or anything" Grandpa says. "I will, and we love you, Grandpa" I say softly. "I love you, Grandpa, and I am glad you told me about Grandpa Russell, and I hope you'll tell me all of it when you're here" Rory says sadly. "I hated to be the one to have to tell you, Rory, but you had the right to know" Grandpa says. "I've always tried to make up for their loss, but I have always loved you as much as I love Claude, Rory" Grandpa says softly. "I know, Grandpa" Rory says tearing up. "It's why I'm happy you two got together, you'll be so good for each other, and good to each other, Rory" Grandpa says. "My boys will be loved and happy together." he adds.

Rory's crying now. "Grandpa, I'm glad you approve and I love you, and I'll love Jack, I know I will" I say softly. "I know, Boy, tend to your Polar Bear, I think he needs you now" Grandpa says and he hangs up.

I put the phone down and I hug Rory tightly. "That motherfucking bastard, it makes me want to go piss on his grave" Rory says angrily. "I can't say I blame you, I lucked out, Grandpa Warren was able to get past it somehow" I say softly. "Claude, we've got to get out of here now, if Dad gets in my face, I won't be responsible for what happens" Rory says angrily. "He's that rat bastard's son, as my biological father is and I don't want to even see Dad for a while." Rory snaps. "He has no right to object to us being together either, we're both adults, Claude, and I'm not in a mood to be very gentle to him if he fusses at us, yet I know it's not his fault what happened to my Grandparents." Rory says trying to calm down. "Rory, I have no idea of what I can say here, but I know Dad well enough, that I know he had to have tried as hard as he could to stop Grandpa Kitman" I say quietly. Rory nods. "But I can't forgive any of them yet" Rory says quietly.

Rory gets up off of me and he runs in and showers. I know he's crying, and he can't yet do it in front of me. Me, I'll cry openly anywhere I am. But he's not me. And I get up and I go down the hall to my room. And I decide to go find and tell Alfred what happened and that I want to move into Rory's room. '"I knew, Master Claude, but Jim's going to be angry for a while now, you two ought to get a hotel room for a few days anyway" he says. "I'll pack for you both" he says softly. "Are you upset?" I ask Alfred. "I have always known how much Rory loved you, and I knew when you were forced to face your own love for him, that you two would bond" Alfred says kissing me.

"Rory's showering, and he's upset, Grandpa Warren told him about what happened to his own Grandparents" I tell Alfred. "Oh, my sainted aunt, he will be angry, Claude, keep him away from here for a few days, and don't let him go to work on Monday at least" Alfred says looking up at the ceiling. I've

always known Alfred was psychic, and that's one way I know he's getting a vision, he'll look up at the ceiling while he's talking. "Claude, he's already upset at how Jim is reacting and he'll blame Jim for not telling him, and for being the son of the man who was responsible" Alfred says. "But he'll calm down when he knows how sorry Jim is for not being able to stop it, just get Jim to tell him somehow" Alfred says. I nod. And I think a bit.(This is adding to my stress level a lot but I'm not aware of it quite yet)

I feel Dad's Lion paws on my arm. "Claude, what did you two do?" Dad roars at me. "Bad timing, Dad" I snap. "We just found out what your bastard of a Father did to Aunt Marge's parents" I say snarling. Dad stops and looks scared. "Rory's livid, why didn't you tell us, or at least him, Dad?" I ask angrily. "Claude, I was ashamed, Martha almost left me over it, and at me not being able to stop it, and I won't lose you and Rory over this either" Dad says sadly.

"Your Momma was scared for her parents when you were born, Claude, and you looked just like her father" Dad says. "And why didn't you two come talk to me before you bonded?" Dad asks. But I'm too annoyed to let him take control of this situation. "Dad, I have been in love with Rory a long time, even though I didn't know it, and he left to go into the Marines because he loved me and was scared to tell me, he'd hoped he'd get over it, but it just got stronger, and you saw how I fainted, Grizzlies bond the same way Lions do, Dad" I say firmly. "He's your Cousin, and your adopted Brother, Claude" Dad says. "Like that's news, I've known that for a long time now" I say calmer now. "You really don't care, do you?" Dad asks. "No, Dad, I love him so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him" I tell him. Dad nods. He can tell I'm not going to back down this time. I'm usually pretty obedient to him, unless I know it's important enough for me to stand up for myself. And I'm not giving up my Polar Bear for him or anybody.

"We're only Cousins, and it's not like we're gonna have kids, Dad" I say quietly. "The son that you bred, and the son that you raised love each other" I say softly. "I wouldn't be your son if I couldn't follow my heart, just as you do, Dad" I say hugging him "Rory wouldn't be the Polar Bear he is without having been raised by you, Dad, and I know I'm the Grizzly I am because of you" I tell him earnestly. Dad's crying. "Others might give you a lot of trouble over this" Dad says. "I don't care, nor does Rory, Dad, only the opinions of those who love us most matter, and I'd hope you'd love us enough to be happy for us" I say softly. "Dad, you gotta admit, he'll love me strongly and fiercely, he's your son, as much if not more than he's Marcus' son" I say softly. Dad smiles. "He'll be good to you, I know that, he'll keep you loved and he'll keep a firm hold on you, it'll be good for my headstrong Grizzly Bear son" Dad says smiling.

"Dad, please, you love us, and I know you can be happy for your boys being together" I say softly. Dad tears up. "I have to admit, you both are good animals, I did a good job raising you, with Alfred and Harry's help, and your Grandfather Warren too" Dad says. "Dad, we need to have you accept us, we love each other, but we don't want to lose our beloved Lion father just because we're in love" I tell him. Dad's looking at me. "It matters how I feel about this?" he asks calmly. "It does, I'm not wanting to give him up, but I'd hate to have you against us, I've been determined to do what's right always, but I have always tried to listen to my loving Daddy" I tell him. "You have, Claude, you've been a good son, so has Rory" Dad says. "My Bear sons are good ones" Dad says softly.

"I was so proud of how you got through school and then Medical school and kept a 4.0 always." Dad says softly. "My son got most of his smarts from his Grizzly Grandfather who he resembles, but I like to think my common sense and steady nature is a part of that too" Dad says. "Dad, I know I have some of you in me, I count on that day in and day out, I am proud that I am your son, even if I am a Bear" I say. "I'd of been just as proud to be a Lion just like my Daddy" I say softly. Dad's tearing up again. "Claude, you've never said that to me, I know I've told you, I love you, and that I'd of been just as proud of you if you were a Lion, but you've never told me how proud you'd be to be just like me" Dad says hugging me and weeping. "I am like you, I'm a proud male, I have the inner strength to do what's right always, and I love as fiercely and strongly as you do" I say quietly. "I have your eyes, and I think like you do, I may be a bit smarter, but we think so much alike, Dad, I've got your pragmatic nature" I say kissing him. Dad's weeping. "In all the ways that matter, I am your son, Dad" I say firmly."And I am proud to be the son of J.T. Kitman, always have been."I say softly

"Claude, I was upset, I was scared I'd lose my boys over this, that you'd fight me, or you'd run from the disapproval of others and I was always afraid if Rory found out about Marge's parents he'd hate me, I tried so hard to stop it, and my own Dad made me pay so much for trying to interfere, I was able to stop what he tried to do to Martha's parents, but I couldn't help poor Mr and Mrs Russell" Dad says sobbing hard. "Dad, I just want to know why you never told me" Rory says from the doorway.

"I was so ashamed that I couldn't stop him, I bear some of the blame and the responsibility even now" Dad says crying harder. "You hate me now" Dad says through his tears. Rory hugs Dad.. "I don't hate you, Dad, I wish you'd have told me though" Rory says. "I heard what you told Claude too, will you accept that we bonded and that we love each other, Dad?" Rory asks. "I can, I love you both so much, and I can see how much you love one another" Dad says softly. Alfred smiles.

"Dad, we had planned to go out for a while, if you're OK with that" I tell him. "I am, I will be fine, Harry and I have talked, that Tiger loves you both so much, he helped me calm down, he's really happy you two are together" Dad says. I go running to their room. I pick Papa Harry up off of the bed and I kiss him hard. "I love you so much, Papa Harry" I say kissing him repeatedly. Harry grins at me. "You must" he says pointing at my big rock hard Grizzly dick. I laugh.

I take my claws and I rip out the back of the shorts he's wearing and I sit him down on my dick. "I love feeling my big dick spread that tight ass of yours Papa Harry" I growl gruffly. Harry's moaning and bucking on my big dick. He's growling. "I love you Harry, my Dad's tight piece of Tiger tail" I growl licking his neck. "Claude, I love you and I'm glad you and Rory got together, he's loved you a long time" Harry growls. Harry's cussing and humping on my dick. I lay him down on the bed, and I pound him good. He's cussing and grunting and he shoots on my belly. I keep fucking him deep and fast. He's cussing and moaning. I roar and I fill his ass with my cum. I hold him up against my chest, and I stroke his hair and his head. I kiss him. "I love my Papa Harry" I whisper in his ear. He's panting. "I love you and Rory, Claude, I love it when you get like this with me, you fuck like Jim does when you fuck me" he says softly. I laugh. "I fuck like Dad, do I?" I ask him. He laughs. He nods. I hear Dad behind me, and he's laughing. "Had to thank Harry for loving you did you?" Dad says. He kisses me. "He's right, you do power fuck him like I do, nice to see more of me in you" he says. "I'd love to have you in me, Dad" I say softly.

"You want me?" Dad asks. "I have, for a long time,Dad, I have wanted to feel you fuck me" I say quietly. Dad strips. "Rory won't mind?" Dad asks. "No, Dad, I wanna watch and I may take Harry while you fuck Claude" Rory says from behind Dad.

I lay on my back on the bed. And Harry lays next to me. And we both put our legs up for our mates. And Dad pushes into me quickly. "I am sorry, I know you asked me to before, but I couldn't do it, but now, you're grown up enough to know what you want" Dad says speeding up in me. Rory's pushed into Harry. And he's fucking Harry hard. I wrap my arms around Dad's neck, and I moan and cuss loudly as he masterfully fucks me.

"You really did want me, you're hot for your Lion Daddy" Dad says softly. "I did, I love you Dad, and you're the hottest male I know, I see so much of you in Rory" I tell him. Rory grins. "He's got your strong masculine nature, and he's caring but dominant, and very loving, Dad" I moan. Rory's grinning too. Dad, Dad's grinning and I can see the pride in his eyes. "My boys" he says happily. He's pounding me now. And I buck underneath him. I squeeze his dick with my ass. Dad's growling now, and he's tensing up. Dad roars and he's cumming hard inside of me. I am being filled with the cum that made me. And I weep for that, it is an amazing thing. I tell Dad how it feels to have his seed that created me inside of me now. Dad's got a tear or two in his eyes. "My boys are grown up, no longer cubs, but loving and hot adults" Dad says. Rory's growling and bucking on top of Harry. Harry's cussing and moaning, and he's cumming on Rory's belly. Rory's eyes show he's cumming hard. I know that look well.

Rory's panting on top of Harry. Dad rolls off of me. "Take him" he whispers in my ear. I laugh and I lean over and kiss Rory. "Show our Daddy how much you love your little brother" I whisper in Rory's ear. Rory grins. And he rolls off of Harry and pushes his big black Polar Bear dick inside of me. And Rory and I don't fuck as much as we rut one another. I can't keep quiet, I'm growling and cussing and stroking my Polar Bear's back. Rory's varying his speed in me and he's licking my neck. "They're really hot for each other" Dad says softly. He's holding Harry tightly to him. "Baby Grizzly, I can't hold it" Rory hollers and I feel him gushing into me. I roar and cum on his White furred belly. We lay panting in each other's arms. "My Bear sons love each other and are so hot for each other" Dad says softly. "Boys, I'm sorry I seemed disapproving at first, I get scared if I think I might lose my sons to anything" Dad says softly. We both lean over and kiss Dad. "I understand, Daddy" I say quietly.

"We didn't want to lose you either, but I've been waiting so long, first to try to get over Claude, and then when I knew I could not live without him, to get up the courage to tell him how much I loved him" Rory says sadly. "He made it easy, Dad, he figured out what I was trying to say, and he asked me if I loved him" Rory adds. I nod. "When he told me, I knew I loved him too, and had for so long, just kept it buried, Dad, and I threw myself at him and kissed him" I tell him openly. Dad smiles. "You always were an impatient little shit, once you figured out what you wanted" Dad says grinning. "And that must have been when Harry and I came out to the patio" Dad says.

"I wasn't surprised, but Jim was shocked" Harry says smiling. "Why weren't you surprised, Papa Harry?" I ask. "Claude, when Rory came home he avoided you, but you two were so close always, and he was friendly but no where near as much as he'd always been" Harry says. "And the night he came home from Iraq for your Medical School graduation, he looked at you with so much love when you got your diploma and your Medical license, I knew then that he loved you" Harry says. "It was more than just brotherly pride" Harry adds. Rory blushes. "It was, I was proud of you sure, but I knew then my love for you would only keep getting stronger, Claude" Rory says quietly. "I wish you'd of come to me then" I say softly. "I couldn't risk losing you, if you'd of rejected me I couldn't have stood it" Rory says looking at the floor. "I would have done what I did tonight, thought about it a bit, and gone after you, I have loved you longer than I myself know" I say kissing Rory. Rory smiles.

"I should have known you'd be in here" Nigel says jumping into bed next to us. I ruffle his hair. "Grandpa got bonded, Nigel, he found himself a cute English born Cougar, about our age" I tell him. Nigel laughs. "I'd of taken him, but he's so into his work, I'd of never seen him" Nigel says. Dad laughs. "He's a horny old Grizzly Bear" Dad says laughing. I smile. "They're gonna come visit soon, Granddad said next week sometime" I say happily.

Dad looks solemn for a minute. "Something wrong, Dad?" I ask. "Boy, I just think it's odd, all of your Grandparents except Walt were Lions, as were your Mom and I, yet you are a Grizzly Bear, you took after him more than any of the rest of us" Dad says. "I am yours, you always said so" I tell Dad. "You are, the DNA tests showed you are mine, you have a lot of my genes in you, boy" Dad says. "It's just odd though, you two are so close, and you're a dead ringer for him" Dad says. "Dad, he's yours, you raised him like you did me, he's as much your son as I am, and you know what the tests showed" Rory says. "Dad, are you worried?" I ask. "Not really" he says. "I'll have blood work done, Dad, and you can too, it's easy to figure out" I tell him. "No, I just wonder from time to time, Claude" Dad says softly. "We can solve that quickly" I tell him. "I don't want to know, if it turned out you weren't mine, it would kill me, so I don't want to know, Claude" Dad says. Nigel's silent. As is Rory.(Even more stress just got added on me. It'll all explode on me soon enough)

I know things have gotten too serious and potentially depressing. I have to change the mood somehow. "Dad, Harry we're gonna go hang out at the Bear Den for a while, why don't you guys come with us?" I ask. Dad laughs. "Go pick up a guy to bring home and fuck, Harry?" Dad asks him. Harry laughs. And he nods. He remembers some of the guys they've brought home. Dad's popular there, as is Harry. Rory and I are too, but we're together now, and I don't know that we'll pick anyone up as it is our first night together. But we both love hanging out there. Maybe find a guy to keep Nigel from feeling so lonely.(I have no idea that we'll find a guy who'll keep Nigel from ever being lonely)