A Green Thumb

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Rodney has a bad record of causing all sorts of accidents and mishaps while trying to massage Serling. But this time, he's been extra careful. This time things are sure to go as planned. Right?

This vignette was written for Serling as part of their Patreon commission reward for April 2019. It contains massage related transformation involving a consenting adult male. :3

A Green Thumb

"These scented oils are meant to induce an even more relaxing state, a-and I'm told there's a very pleasant tingling sensation when they're worked into the body alongside our normal massage oil. I hope you'll really enjoy it."

Serling smiled, nodded, and tried to relax as he felt the gecko's hands begin to drift back and forth across his body, spreading the massage oil across his back and his limbs one by one. He really wanted to trust Rodney. He liked the gecko, despite the massage therapist's unfortunate track record of messing up the treatments he was meant to be providing to Serling. And, to his credit, he'd gotten a lot better recently. He'd gone a whole three sessions with Serling without doing anything wrong, and perhaps that was why his boss had finally trusted him with something other than a regular massage. Not that this aromatherapy massage was much different from the standard one of course, but still, if this went well then Serling could only imagine that soon Rodney would be able to look after him for all manner of treatments, and thus free up a whole other block of times each month when the coyote could feel confident in booking appointments regardless of which massage therapists were available to tend to him.

That confidence, that encouraging eagerness which the coyote was feeling for the gecko, lasted about two minutes before Serling realised something. As much as he was enjoying the massage, and as much as he could already feel his body starting to soften and loosen up under the combined efforts of the massage oil and the gecko's dextrous fingertips, he took a deep breath and realised in that moment that he really, truly couldn't smell any nice floral aromas at all. There was an addition tingling sensation spreading through his body, but it wasn't the sort of gentle tingle he had expected from feeling gentle citrus oils or any other plant based oils blended in with the standard, albeit uniquely magical formula employed by the Spa. In fact, It wasn't really a gentle tingling at all. It was quite intense, and appeared to be building up in several spots across his body rather than all over.


He began to gasp, to question what he was feeling to the gecko not in a manner that he felt would sound accusatory, but hopefully just getting Rodney to clarify that everything was still going as planned. Before he could so much as speak a single word though, Serling heard the strangest creaking and rustling sensations, and he yelped softly not in pain, but bashfully as with a rather pleasant wave of sensation he felt a portion of his leg suddenly, almost spontaneously surrender every last drop of muscular tension it possessed until he couldn't move it, until he couldn't even feel it at all. He could feel the same tingling building up in his right arm, so while his head was still mobile upon his shoulders shifted his positioning so that he could look at it. Of course, it was in that moment that he heard Rodney gasp.

"Oh. Oh d-dear... o-oh no, not again..."

And before he could look around at the gecko to see what had caused Rodney to let slip that unfortunately rather familiar refrain, his eyes bulged as without warning another burst of intense relaxation coursed through him, and he witnessed the source of that creaking, that rustling first-hand as his arm flopped totally limp and soft, utterly relaxed to the massage table a split-second before a host of woody shoots, lush green leaves and bountiful multi-coloured flowers began to sprout from all over it.

"B-but, how? How? I w-was so careful. I made sure it was the plant oils. T-the plant oils for the scented oil massa-... o-oh, wait. Oh no. Ohhh no, t-they're labelled scented oils. Not plant oils. That means these are... ohh gosh, Serling, I'm so sorry!"

Serling still didn't understand entirely what was going on, but he could infer it pretty well as he felt his other leg go limp and heard the now distinct, unmistakable sound of wood spreading and leaves rustling as yet more greenery sprouted from his massage oil coated form. The oil his massage oil had been blended with were indeed plant oils, but not oils which promoted the smell of plants so much as they promoted the growth of plants. Again he gasped as the last of his four limbs was suddenly co-opted and overgrown with foliage, and just moments later a final, rather giddy yelp of intense sensation burst from his lips as he felt an absolutely incredible tingle surge up and down the length of his spine. His eyes bulged when he heard the much louder, deeper creaking, and as his whole body went numb from the neck down, Serling saw the whole room seemingly grow more dim around him, as all of a sudden there was a lush canopy of leaves and branches blossoming from his back and cutting off the light which had previously been falling directly upon him.

All he could do was lie there as he watched the plants continuing to grow and spread out from his body. To stretch and trail their way down the legs of the massage table and onto the floor. All he could do was lie there and marvel at the sensation, not able to feel his body any more but somehow able to feel the gentle rustling of the air conditioning over his leaves, and the exploring, groping advancement of the creepers and vines reaching further and further out across the room. He giggled as he heard Rodney cry out in shock and embarrassment once again, and blushed as he felt the vines from his right leg starting to curl and twist up around the gecko's own lower limbs, keeping Rodney from alerting anyone else to his current predicament until it had run its course.

Maybe he should have been mad at Rodney, or at least disappointed in the gecko for messing up yet another massage. But in that moment, planned or not, Serling still felt pretty darn relaxed. And, hey, if he wanted to find more reasons to look on the bright side... well, the coyote had always wished he had more of a green thumb, and now, wholly thanks to Rodney's accidental innovation, he had two!

By Jeeves

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