My so called love life 3

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#65 of Claude gay stories

Claude and Al bond and get moved in. A lot of sex ensues.

Edward's ready. He tells me he'll find out how to have things delivered to the condo and do his usual. I know what he means. He'll have our stuff moved for us, he'll hire a mover. And he'll have the furniture and towels and cooking stuff and plates delivered. He'll have it set up tonight, but he'll still want to formally move tomorrow. He's taken the keys I gave him. And he'll take his wagon and go ahead. He's told me Alfred will be in tonight, and Dad will pick him up.

Emil and Nate come out soon, and Edward's already gone. I kiss them both. "I'll love my Walrus, while you check the place out Nate" I say smiling. "I would have you, I am hot for you knowing how much you want and need us with you" Emil murrs. We go to my Mercedes. I see Harry brought my convertible home. I'll get it later. I'm anxious to get started fixing the place up.

We drive there. Emil and Nate are impressed when they see the building. I ask the guard a few questions about getting in at night and how to have things sent here. He's a truly, handsome and sexy German Shepard Dog. With soft eyes and a hot body.. "Dr Kitman, I'm glad to see you moving in, you're a handsome Lion, would you consider being under a German Shepard security guard?" He asks shyly. He's hot. "I'd love it." I say. "I get off in an hour" he says softly. "Come up when you're off" I say smiling. And we go up. I've given Nate and Emil their keys and I show them how the elevator works. "No one gets up without a key, good reason for us to just go naked when we're home." I say.

Emil murrs. He loves going naked. I have to admit I'm looking forward to having him and Bob run around naked. They're such sexy big built males. We go up. Edward's already there. He's been measuring the rooms. I'm amazed to see how he's dressed. He's naked which surprises me. But he's wearing his long Deep Green housework apron. Which on him actually looks sexier than if he was totally naked. The Green against his Red fur is very sexy. (He's not going to be totally naked except occasionally. This is mostly how he goes around, naked except for the long apron..I've seem him naked, and he's got a huge Canine dick, with a really fat knot, but he's aware we can't have sex and he'll not temp me by showing it off.) "Claude, it's so beautiful" Edward says. "I can't wait to see how you'll decorate it and just let me know what changes you want made to the kitchen." I say. "Claude, no changes, it's perfect for me" he says happily. "And I love that bedroom behind it" He says happily. "I'll be very happy here, Claude, it won't be difficult to keep it up, and you and Nate and Bob and Emil clean up behind yourselves " Edward says. "Give you plenty of time with your mate" I say. "Claude, he'll be here tomorrow night, thanks to you I'll soon have my Gerry" Edward says kissing me. Nate laughs. "He must like it here" he says. Emil and Nate walk off, they'll check the place out, and pick a bedroom.

"Claude, I've got the living room furniture coming, and furniture and sheets and such for the bedrooms, and my kitchen equipment coming too, it'll be here in an hour or two" Edward says. "Master Nate is correct, I love it here, this place is so beautiful, I understand why you felt at home here" he says kissing me again. I love seeing him so happy. Edward really means the world to me. It really is simple. Edward's English retainer soul is happy, fancy expensive materials and getting in at the beginning. He'll be able to use his exquisite taste to its fullest and he'll have less to do, but enough to keep him busy. (When Bill asks to borrow him to organize and run parties, and set up apartments for clients both here and at other building he owns who need to move in fast. Edward's thrilled to do it. Bill treats him differently. Edward is family to us, yet to Bill he's an efficient and valued Butler. Edward loves it and he loves decorating an apartment. His 'gifts' let him know what they'll want. And in turn, he helps Bill gain a reputation as a place where monied and famous people can move into quickly and quietly. And Edward being the soul of discretion as he is knows who they are but doesn't even tell me.)(It does come back to bite me in the ass. A famous Film Director makes a pain of himself trying to hire Edward away. Edward would never leave me. But this guy is openly and aggressively trying to hire my Fox away from me. I'm amazed at how much he's offered Edward. I'm touched by how much money and perks my Fox Father has turned down to stay with me)

I go out into the pool and float a bit. Emil's stripping as he runs toward the pool. He dives in and swims over to me. He's grinning. "I love this, the view, the pool, this place is amazing" Emil says happily. He must like it, he's rock hard. I swim over to the steps and I lay on them on my back. Emil's right on top of me. "Meister, make love to your Lion?" I ask. "I'd love to, I want you so" he says mounting me. The lower 3/4s of our bodies are down in the water and he's grinning so.

He's giving me a tender, loving fuck. His face shows so much happiness. "I love fucking in the water, Claude" he says grinning. I nod. I can see Nate and I taking lots of Walrus rides in this pool. He's being so loving. I know he's trying to thank me, for loving him as much as I do. When he comes, he's convulsing on top of me and I've never felt him gushing so much up me. Panting, he tells me in German how much he loves me. "I know, my Emil, I love you that much too." I say. He rolls us over holding me in his lap with his massive Walrus dick still up me.. He's leaning down and kissing me. "Edward already knew which bedroom we'd want, I'm glad he's here with us, he's a great butler" Emil says. I've never really seen Emil this happy. He's nuzzling me a lot.

"Liebchen, you have made my life so much better since the first day you were in it, you cared for me, you love how I make love to you, you set me and Nate up when you and I didn't bond" Emil says softly. "Emil, you amazed me, from the first I saw you, brilliant, charming when we were alone, sexy and you made me weep the first time you made love to me" I say softly. He nods. "Liebchen, I feel something now, something I've never felt before, I am openly happy, and I don't know why I feel that way, but I am joyous here" Emil says kissing me gently. "If we get you mated I will be as happy as I am capable of being, I want someone for you who'd love you as I would" Emil says nuzzling me. "I'd of been proud to be yours, Emil, I know I'd be loved truly and completely and forever" I say leaning back and kissing him. "Still you are so happy to see how thoroughly Nate loves me" Emil says. "I love Nate too, I knew when I couldn't get you, that he'd be perfect for my Emil, I had already given you a piece of my heart, Meister, and you'll always have it" I say. Emil smiles gently. "This place has made you so happy, my Walrus, and Edward too" I say. "It is a beautiful place, our bedroom has a balcony with a stunning view too" Emil says.

I love seeing Emil express so much joy. We're off to a great start in our new home. "I would just stay in the pool and relax a while" Emil says. "I think I will spend a lot of time here in this pool with this amazing view" he says grinning. I kiss him and get up off of his huge dick. "Meister, I hope you know how much I love you, and how glad I am that you seem so happy here" I say. Emil kisses me and tears up. "Leave me, Liebchen, for a bit" he says softly. "I know how you love me, you cherish your Walrus, and I am so grateful you have loved me as you do" he says. I walk away. He needs his privacy and some time. But I'm glad he knows how loved he is.

I haven't picked my own bedroom yet. I walk around and look at them. I have to laugh. The one I want has already got its furniture in. I busy myself with making the bed and checking the bathroom. I put the towels up and I love this bathroom. A big stall shower with two shower heads. A huge double sink vanity. And it's a very masculine Gray tile on the wall and Charcoal Gray fixtures. It makes me see this place was well designed by someone with excellent taste. No wonder Edward's so happy here. (Bill designed and picked the materials and fixtures. He really meant this to be the building's showpiece and it's perfect for us)

I'm really going to like it here. With the room set up I decide I'll stay here tonight, Edward will have already packed my toiletries and they'll be brought with the rest of my stuff in the morning. No need to go home and risk an emotional scene. Rory and I are better, but I think we're both still too tender.

"Our room's this nice too" Bob says hugging me from behind. "Edward called us, said he had the furniture and stuff if we wanted to be here tonight" Bob says nuzzling me. "He's amazing" I say. "I'd not say it, but I'm glad to be here and out of the house, Jesse and I spent our first night here and it seems fitting " Bob says. "Emil and Nate say something similar, Emil's so happy here" I say. "He's happily swimming in that pool, I've never seen him so joyous, Claude" Bob says. "Brings up a point, we going naked around here?" he asks. "Since you need a key to get in here through the elevator, I think it's fitting " I say. Bob yanks off his clothes. "Teddy and I have worked out a schedule for the next two weeks, I'll be there some times and he'll be there at others, by two weeks, we should be able to work together again" Bob says. His Grizzly dick is firming up.

"Would my Big Griz like to help me break in my new bed?" I ask. He's rock hard right away. "Jesse's rounding with his Doc and will be gone awhile, so I'd love to" Bob murrs. I walk out and lay on my back on the bed. Bob gets on top of me, and slams his big Ursine dick in me up to his balls. "Jesse can't quite do me that way yet, but my baby's trying hard to learn to take me" Bob says proudly. "Rut me, Big Griz" I pant. Bob lays into me fucking me hard and fast and nipping at my neck. I moan. "I'll take you full out Bear style until he learns, Big Griz" I pant. He kisses me. "My little Lion" He says proudly. I start yowling as he works my ass hard. His nipping turns into serious love bites. But that's how Bears are. I moan and cuss and wrap myself around his bigger Grizzly body. "My baby Lion" He murrs proudly. I yowl and spurt cum on his belly. And he grunts, he loves how my ass squeezes him when I do that..Bob grunts loudly.

He grabs my back and rolls us over. He's out of me for a second and putting me on my knees. I know what's coming. He pushes up me and he grips my neck with his sharp teeth. He's ramming me hard. hips see sawing fast and hard. He knows how we Lions are. I yowl and gush cum onto the bed. He's let go of my neck. He growls loudly and as he cums he lets out an ear splitting roar, as he empties those big Grizzly balls into my ass. Panting he begs me not to stop fucking him even when I get a mate. "I'm going to be open bonded when I mate again, I can't give up fucking my Big Griz" I pant. He kisses me. "Thank you, Claude" He says softly. I smile. He gets off of me.

I take his paw. "Bob, I can't tell you how glad I am that you came with me, I finally knew why we didn't bond when I saw you and Jesse together, and I'm so happy for you, I'd never want my Big Griz to leave my side" I say softly. Bob kisses my paw. "I know, you care for me as much as I care for you, like you do Nate and Emil, I'm just glad you love me as you do, and I won't leave you, Claude" Bob says softly. He kisses me. "We'll find the right guy for you, truthfully I'm amazed you didn't take Bill, he's all you'd ever said you wanted, and he's got money too, but I think Dr Woods has his heart set on your being his Mare now, you should think of taking him" Bob says. "He's got a point, 2 Doctors would be more understanding of the demands on each other" Bob says. "I'll think about it, Bob I've got til Friday anyway" I say. "Assuming he'll wait that long to call, and I doubt he will" Bob says gently.

He's grinning. "One of my favorite pizza places is, just right down the street" He says. "I'm gonna go get pizza" He says. "When we're established here we'll order for delivery" I say. "Bring a few back for the rest of us, and put it on the bank card I gave you" I say. "Gladly, Baby Lion" he says and he puts his clothes on. I go wash up a bit. I put shorts on out of force of habit. And to my surprise, the living room is mostly furnished, A few big chairs, a couch and a big screen OLED TV. I turn it on and the cable works already. I sit and turn to TCM and watch an old movie. I look around the room. Edward has decorated it beautifully. Like I thought, this place is bringing out all his decorating skill, he loves it here, the fancier materials this place is made up of has sparked him to do amazing things. I laugh when I see the piano he bought. He loves me to play. Classical and I write music of my own. Edward's proud of my musical talent. Edward loves for me to play Classical pieces for him while he cleans the house, as it really relaxes him while he goes about his day. I'd play but I'm not sure I feel up to it.

Edward walks up. "A German Shepard is here, he says you wanted him to come up when he got off work" Edward says. He's smirking a bit, he knows why the guy is here. I walk behind him. And the security guard from earlier is standing there in the foyer shyly smiling. I hug him. "I'm Jake" he says happily. "I hoped you'd still want me" he says. I take his paw and lead him to my bedroom. He's smiling broadly. "You did want me" he says. "I don't lie Jake, I meant it, I liked the shy but firm way you asked me" I say. I pull my shorts off. And he strips quickly..He's a beautiful GSD. Big Canine dick and his knot is beginning to swell already. (Jake will tell me later that he's really hot for Felines) I lay on my bed. He lays down by me. I put my arms around his neck and pull him to me and I kiss him. He's smiling. "A few tenants have had me fuck them, but they won't kiss me" he says softly. "I will, and if we had of bonded I'd proudly be your Bitch, Jake" I say. "You're a beautiful German Shepard" I say. He grins shyly and it's so sexy.

We kiss a while, And his knot keeps swelling. "We'd better get to it, before your knot gets too big for me to take" I say softly. "You'd let me knot you?" he asks shyly. "I love being knotted and turned, Jake" I say. He murrs loudly. "I'd love to knot such a beautiful Lion, Bill told me how good in bed you were, and that you seemed so down to Earth you wouldn't tell me, a mere Security Guard. no." He says grinning. "You didn't say no, and you want me so much" Jake says softly.

I put my legs up, and he's up me to the top of his knot right away. He fucks me passionately. He's damned good in bed. I grab his back and push, and his knot pops up me with a wet sounding squish. His eyes are glazed and he's thrusting erratically and shallowly. He's not wanting to hurt me with his fatter than usual Canine knot. (Hurt me Hell, It feels so good I can't make words.) He howls and I feel his Canine cum gush up me. He strokes my mane, and he kisses me. "I'm not usually that fast, but you're such a beautiful Lion and I've never had my knot up such a tight ass" He says softly. "Jake, you were amazing, turn me when you're ready" I say kissing him. He murrs. "I'll take you, Jake, when I can, just call me " I say smiling. He leans back and slowly turns me so my back is against his chest and then he puts me up on my knees. He throws his leg over my back and we're butt to butt. He's panting hard. He's shuddering from his first turning orgasm. I yowl and cum from the pulsations of his big, fat knot over my prostate. For the next hour we both rush from orgasm to orgasm. Finally, panting hard, he gently pulls his deflated knot out of me, with a loud wet squishing sound. He pulls me to him and we lay together totally spent. He's kissing me. And I'm stroking his hair and he looks blissfully happy. He's an amazing Canine lover. His bushy tail is gently twitching, like he's trying to keep it from wagging. I kiss him. He murrs. And it begins to wag uncontrollably, he blushes and I kiss him again. And I tell him I'm glad I pleased him so much. And it wags harder and faster.

I have a flash, next time I go to the Bear Den I know who'd be perfect for Jake. A short, stocky Bengal Tiger, named Ben Jordan. He loves Canines and he's a clerk in a drug store around here. He's a fun guy, and Bob says he's a good bottom too. I'll ask Bob to ask him if he'll date Jake.(He will, Bob tells him about our GSD security guard, and they'll bond on their first date. Jake brings him up to introduce him to us, and Jake looks so awed and happy, it brings me to tears. Nate's right. I live for this, to know animals are happy because I helped them find each other.)

I hear laughter from the door way. Nate's standing there. "He's a hot looking Dog, are you worn out or could you take a Snow Leopard" Nate says laughing. Jake's murring. "I can, give me five minutes, two if you come kiss me." Jake murrs. I kiss him. "Jake, you're welcome anytime, to fuck or just hang out, you're a great guy" I say kissing him. I get up. "Claude, meeting you was so special, hot sex, you like me and you want to be friends" Jake says. "Knowing Claude, he'll fix you up when he knows you better" Nate says laying by Jake. Jake kisses me. I see it in his eyes, he's happy to feel wanted , and befriended. (He was lonely, he'll hang with us a couple of times a week, and more often when he and Ben bond. I ask him to move in but he won't because he works here)

"Spend as much time with Jake as you want, if he's a versatile maybe Emil would like to meet him" I say. Jake smiles. "I am Claude, I like getting fucked by a guy bigger than me" I smile. "He'll love Emil "I say. I put my shorts back on.

I go out and I tell Emil about Jake. And that Nate's in with him. He smiles and gets out of the pool. Edward brings him a towel. "Liebchen, I have never been this happy" Emil says. "We'll take him to our room, Liebchen" Emil says. . "Meister Emil, I love seeing you this happy, you mean the world to me, y'know" I say lovingly. Emil kisses me. "I know, you love me, I am a lucky Walrus, I have a Snow Leopard and a Lion who love me so" he says grinning. "You wanted me with you, Claude, and you have never failed to show me how much I mean to you" Emil says. I smile at him. I'm so thrilled that my Walrus mentor is so happy, he deserves to be.

I decide to go watch TV in the living room. I sit and watch a few old movies and chill. Edward's got more furniture delivered. A dining room set and a sideboard. And the living room, foyer, laundry room, and the other bedrooms are soon furnished. Edward's an amazing Fox, he won't want things to stay unsettled and he'll get it all done and furnished as fast as possible. Bill had all the utilities transferred to my name and told Edward we could move tonight if we wanted too. He wanted to sleep with me but had to go attend to one of his other buildings.

Leaving me to wonder what I'll do tonight. I'm not willing to go to the Bear Den. Teddy will be there and undoubtedly Rory will be too. Not up to dealing with that quite yet. Having them both there and me trying to pick someone up. Awkward squared. No other bars I like to go to. I sit and think a bit on how I'll pass my Saturday night and not be alone and as if on cue, my cell rings. Al? He must have been too anxious to wait til Friday. Bob was right, I wonder if he's been thinking of me since this morning like I have been thinking of him. I'm feeling like it's fate that we saw each other this morning. Life is moving us together, and who am I to fight it.

"I know you said to wait and call you on Friday, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since this morning, and I don't think it's wise to leave you unattended if I want you still single when I try to bond you, too many guys would snap you up or at least try to" Al says softly. I laugh heartily. Al is as honest as I am. Al nickers loudly."That's so sexy" He says. "Al, come over if you want to, we can have a great time in my new place, its got a rooftop pool and hot tub and Edward's got it almost completely furnished. "I say. I give him the address and tell him I'll let the guard know to send him up. He nickers and hangs up. I call the front desk and tell them I'm expecting a Dr Albert H. Woods soon. They'll let him up. Whether they'll announce him first I don't know but I really don't care.

Edward comes to me in the living room. "Claude, think it out quickly, if Al comes here tonight, he'll bond you, he really wants you to be his Mare, if you let him come to you right now you'll be his the minute he gets a chance to kiss you." Edward says. "I'll bond him right off, do I already love him, Edward?" I ask teasingly, but then again he'll know if I do almost before I do.. "You will take him the minute he kisses you, you've loved him in the back of your mind since the Horse party, he's so much what you want, easy going, smart, sexy and understanding, he's more like Emil than you've let yourself see, he's an Equine version of Emil and you'll love him forever, but you have to decide if you're healed enough" Edward says. I think of Al. (Hell, I've not stopped thinking of him for most of today.) How he makes love, how much I enjoy being with him. I think because I had Rory I didn't let myself see how I felt about that big Paint Stallion. I'm in love with him, Edward's right as usual. "I'll let him come on, and if we bond, I'll be his Mare happily" I say. "I just wanted you to think it out, Claude, he'll never leave you, he'll be so happy to be your Stallion" Edward says softly. "He'll be at your side until the day he dies, Claude" Edward says softly. I smile. And I kiss Edward. "So like you, Fox father, it was too important to not tell me, so I'd be prepared" I say.

My cell rings and I walk off. Grandfather? I answer out of sheer curiosity. "Claude, I am not surprised Edward would not leave you, he loves you and you've been so good to him" Grandfather says. (Grandfather is his title. He's the head of Edward's clan. He sees to the training and assignments of the family. And he makes sure we treat them properly. He's always liked me. He's a beautiful older Silver Fox.

I can't sleep with Edward but I sure as hell did with Grandfather when he came to check on Edward when he was so sick. He's an amazing Canine lover. He gave me my first knotting and turning and I damn near wouldn't let him out of me. We rutted a lot in the week he was here. He's always had a soft spot for me as a model owner for Edward, like Dad before me, now he's hot for my ass too.) "Claude, I sent Gerry with Alfred, can you bring Edward to the airport, tell him Alfred wants to see him and get some info on the house, try not to let him know" Grandfather says. "I want to surprise him, we're hard as hell to surprise, but I want to try" he says. "I'm happy you'll let him have a mate, but then you and your Dad have always been so good to Edward, Alfred too, and I've talked to Jim and he'll be as good to Alfred as he was to Edward" he says. "I'll do it, and I'll try not to tell him, but he reads me so well" I say. Grandfather laughs. "I know you'll get your mate soon, and I hope you'll help Edward get his" Grandfather says softly. "I will, I want my beloved Fox father happy" I say.

"Claude, I know what you told him, that you'll tend him when he retires, I always figured you would, and I'll send you the papers" he says. "Edward will be with you as long as he lives, and I know no one will take care of him like you would" he says. I'm weeping softly. "I've never known love and devotion like his, Grandfather, I cried when he told me he'd come with me" I say through my tears. "I know, Claude, but he loves you so much, like his own son, it's hard for us, tending families while unable to have our own, except if we stay here." he says. "But you and Jim before you made him a part of yours, and he's a lucky Fox, he's known only respect and love and devotion from your family" Grandfather says. "I'll send a replacement when he does retire, and your biggest problem will be keeping Edward from still trying to run the house" He says laughing. "I may just turn the supervision of running the house over to him, if it'll make him happy" I say. Grandfather laughs. "Few owners have understood how we are like you and your Daddy" he says proudly. "Go to the airport for 9PM and meet your father, and make sure Edward comes" he says and hangs up. I quickly call Dad and tell him we'll go too. He gives me the flight info and where to meet him. He knows he has to go as the head of their household. But I don't tell him about Gerry.

I hang up and I go back out to the terrace. I get into the hot tub. Edward knows Al is coming. He'll bring him out to me when he gets here. I lay back and relax. I look at my watch. 4PM so I have plenty of time before we have to go to the airport. I'm relaxed and my eyes are closed so I have no idea how much time has passed.. I hear Al's voice. And he's staring at me, not surprising because I'm naked in the tub. Edward's grinning. "Edward, Grandfather called, Alfred wishes us to meet him at the airport, he needs to talk to you before he goes to the house" I say. Edward frowns. He hates to be pulled away when he's got things to do. "If Grandfather told you that, I guess I have to go" he says and he turns and walks away. Al's stripped. He's such a gorgeous Horse. He slips into the water.

"Al, it's so nice to see you again" I say. "I have to take Edward to the airport for 9, but I'd like you to go with us, I've always loved hanging out with you for other things besides sex, but I'd kind of like to ride the Paint Stallion a few times before we go" I say giving him my biggest smile. Al grins. "Claude, we need to talk first" Al says softly. I smile at him again and he looks flustered. "We met at the Horse party and I didn't have a chance to try to bond you, you got Rory right after" Al says nervously. I look him right in those bright Green eyes and he's blinking rapidly. He's so nervous. "Would you like to try to bond me now, Al, is that what you're trying to ask me?"I ask sweetly.

"Would you think of taking me, Claude, I know now I love you, I think I always have, and I'll love you as long as I live" he says sounding a little scared. "Al, I know I'll take you if you try to bond me" I say quietly. He looks stunned for a minute. "Al, I've been thinking about you all day, since I saw you this morning, thinking about how you and I have been every time we got together, and I think I've loved you too ever since we first met." I say. His Red and Black Horse Cock is hard and sticking up out of the water. "Claude, I know I love you, and I swear you'll never regret it if you take me" he says. "I said I would already, Al, come here and kiss me, I'm kinda anxious to be your Mare" I say. He quickly slides across the tub and takes me in his arms. "Al, I love you" I say quietly. "Claude, I'd have all I'd ever want if you take me" he says. "Shut up and kiss me, Al" I say. He presses his soft lips against mine and I faint. His strong arms hold me up out of the water. I wake to laughter. Emil and Nate are in the pool watching us.

"You took your Horse, Liebchen?" Emil asks. I nod. Al looks so damned grateful. "I'll make sure you never regret taking me, Claude, I swear I will" Al says. Nate laughs. "Emil said the very same thing when we bonded" Nate says cracking up. "Claude, please, you're a Lion and well I have to..." he pleads. "No reason not to on our account" Nate says laughing. Emil nods. He pushes Nate back on the pool steps and mounts him. Al grins and carries me to the pool steps and lays me on my back. "I know how he cares for you two and Bob, I know we'll spend a lot of time together" Al says pushing his massive Horse Cock up me. I arch my back into his thrust up me, and I moan as his flare pops through my ass ring. "I hope you'll ride me too" Nate says grinning. "If Emil will let me I'm willing to, but I'm going to finish in my Lion first, I've waited so long and I wont wait any longer, he's gonna be my Mare forever" Al says laying into me. "I always loved how you could take me so easily, no lube, no easing it in, it just pops up you" Al murrs. I moan and throw my arms around Al's thick neck. He's long dicking me now. He always loved to. I feel his big, heavy Horse balls smack my ass cheeks as he fucks me. I look up into those Green eyes and I know he's getting close. "Breed me, Al, make me your Mare for always" I beg him. I clamp my ass down on that massive Horse Cock. He lets out a loud whinny that I'm sure they'll hear all over town and floods my ass with his Equine sperm. He looks down at me with such love.

I can feel his heart now. He has a big Equine heart and he gave it to me, he's my Paint Stallion as long as we live. He leans down and kisses me repeatedly. "I have all I ever wanted now" Al says softly. "I hope you can move in soon, Al, I want you with me as much as we can be together" I say. Al grins. "I'll only be away from you when I have to be, you know how it is as a Doctor, but this place is so close to the hospital it'll save us both so much time, time we can spend together" Al says happily. "I don't have much, only a small apartment, with rented furniture, I was not home a lot, but that changes now, I've got so much to stay home for" Al says nuzzling my neck. The joy in his eyes almost brings tears to mine.

I quickly explain about Takeru coming tomorrow and what all yet needs to be done here. Al smiles. "I'm gonna like having a butler, I'm used to cleaning up after myself, doubt I can stop" he says. I laugh. Emil grins. "We are the same way despite Edward we clean up behind ourselves and he loves it" Emil says. "We can go when we get back from the airport, Claude, all I have should fit in your Mercedes" he says. Al has an E550, smaller than my S560 but still roomy. He's seen mine and ridden in it. I have to tell him about my E450 convertible I guess. (I do and he loves it, he'll drive it when I'm not using it. And he looks so sexy driving it too. His coat colors look good with it, and his mane flying behind him as he drives with its top down is hot.)

Al can't stop kissing me. Not that you'll hear me complain. He'll be touching or kissing me if he's close, kind of like Bob does. He's kissing me and he resumes making love to me, gently and tenderly. "Claude, I went for it quickly the first time, I wanted you quickly bound to me completely" he says slowly thrusting in me. I wrap my wet arms and legs around his bigger Equine body and he looks so happy. Emil's fucking Nate again. Very tenderly. Al's Horse Cock is making me nuts as he thrusts slowly but deeply. I love how it feels. I'm such a slut for Horses, and I'll gladly be a slut for my very own Horse.

Al throws his head back and whinnies loudly. I feel his cum spurt up me again. Panting he tells me how he'll always love me. We kiss and he gets up off of me. Bob comes out onto the terrace. "Bonded him, Big Horse?" Bob asks smiling. "I did, he told me he'd take me if I'd try, and he did" Al says happily. "So you listened to me?" Bob says. "I usually listen to my Big Griz, like I do to my Meister Walrus" I say.

Al looks questioningly at Bob. "He fucked the Bull that sold him this place last night and I teased him about why he didn't take him, and I told him that this morning you seemed determined to make him your Mare, and he must have thought it out" Bob says. Al kisses him. "If you put the idea in his head I thank you, I knew you were watching us at the diner" Al says. Bob nods. "You looked like you'd bond him if you could just lay him down and fuck him there" Bob says laughing. "He called me tonight, said he didn't want to leave me unattended, to make sure I was still single when he tried to bond me, so I told him to come on" I say smile. "I came, and I was trying to figure out how to ask you, and you said you'd take me if I just tried, and you did" Al says proudly. "I knew before you came here, while I was waiting for you that I'd end the night as your Mare, Al" I say softly. Al nickers proudly.

Bob laughs. "Al, he sometimes has to have time to sort out his feelings, you'll learn quickly how to help him or just come to me or Emil" Bob says ruffling Al's mane. "I could see so much love in your eyes for Claude, and I knew you'd try to take him" Bob says smiling. Al gets up off of me. Bob is staring at Al's massive Horse Cock. "He's such a good slut, he just took you, I watched it, your huge dick just slipped up him" Bob says laughing.

Emil's done in Nate and Nate's looking impatiently at Al. Al grins and looks at me. "I don't want a closed bond, I promised Bob I'd always take him, and I won't say no to Emil either, you'll fuck who you want to Al, I'll tell you who and when, and I'd hope you would too" I say. Al grins. And he tells me of someone he thought he'd bond once. But the guy demanded a closed bond and after a lot of thought, Al realized he couldn't do it. Al kisses me. "Jesse'll want him too, Claude, he's a beautiful Horse" Bob says. Al blushes a bit. "Get used to it, you are a very attractive Horse and if you come to the Den with him, guys will see you together and you'll get hit on a lot" Bob says smiling. "They know Claude's a good bottom and if he bonded you, then you have to be a great Horse top" Bob says. Al smiles. "If I always come home to you, will you let me have who I want?" Al asks." I know you'll always come home to me, you wanted me so badly, you'll never leave me, Stud Horse" I say, I lean over and kiss him.

Al leans over and pulls Nate to him. "We will take Claude while you take my Snow Leopard" Emil says and he mounts me while Bob sticks his big Grizzly dick in my mouth.

Soon I'm lost in the feelings of taking the males who love me the most. Good way to start our life together.