Between Warm Sheets

Story by RealZero on SoFurry

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#1 of Smut Fiction by RealZero

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Various forms of spoons have already been used by the Ancient Egyptians, as fas as we know.

When "spooning" was introduced, though, I have no clue, but it was certainly a great idea, as this story is once again proof of!

---Bryan, a male Bengal Tiger, and Gaea, a female Tasmanian Devil, are great and close friends that love to share the bed after a fun day of nerd-stuff together. Cuddling up close is just far better than sleeping alone, after all.

But...sometimes it's...hard to stop the thoughts running through your head, constantly keeping awake at night. Bryan is lucky to have a friend like Gaea, though, who will happily help him find some well deserved rest, in one of the best ways possible.

Finally, after many, many years of doing anything creative, my try to write a short, silly smut-fic involving two of my characters: Bryan and my newest (as of posting) character Gaea, who does not have a reference image YET. (I'll edit it in later)

Includes cuddling, being horny, and tasty hot-dogging. ;-)

Bare with me, English is not my native language, and it sure is not a compelling story, but hopefully fun nonetheless!

Text and characters are mine

Maybe some day in the future, after I have a pic of Gaea, I'll also create a nice thumbnail and add it later. :-)

Few things are better than the feeling of slipping under the warm sheets of your bed at the end of the day. Quickly getting rid of the clothes of the day, to whatever degree you prefer, and jump right into the heat of the soft fabric.

The "degree" that Bryan preferred when slipping into bed was still wearing his boxer briefs. Not because of the tiny bit of additional warmth, his fur was doing a well enough job for that, but to, as he said, "keep everything in place". But, of course, a lack of warmth wouldn't be a matter tonight anyway.

The Bengal tiger with green eyes stayed with Gaea tonight, a good friend of his. He knew the Tasmanian Devil for quite some years already, and this weekend was once more one that they spent playing games, watching movies and discussing the pros and cons of cartoon remakes.

But ultimately, the time for bed had come.

It was their usual thing to share the bed with each other. Bryan and Gaea were close friends, both single, and, among other things, shared the hobby of cuddling up and whatever it would lead to.

Gaea was wearing her panties along with an oversized, white shirt in bed that complimented her mostly black fur quite nicely. Her bra had been taken off and flung into a corner of the living room many hours ago. Not that she'd wear it all too often, to begin with. She preferred it this way and was happy she could walk around free like that, without an aching back or other discomforts, despite her sizeable and, at least to Bryan and herself, attractive breasts.

She had already cuddled up into a blanket when Bryan joined her. He laid down behind her, pulled another blanket up from the end of the bed and covered both of them under it as he moved in closer to her.

Gaea had her bright blue eyes closed already, her glasses resting on a bedside table, her arms crossed in front of the chest. She enjoyed the warmth of the bed and the darkness of the room after an exciting day.

Without opening her eyes, she grinned slightly when he moved closer. She enjoyed being the "little spoon" like this, calming down from her usually hot temper, feeling Bryan's chest warm her back and their fur stroking lightly against each other. She let out a barely audible, relaxed sigh as she cuddled back into him.

Bryan shared her enjoyment of their sleeping position. Her warmth against his chest was pleasant, her tail occasionally brushing his belly, and her soft, fluffy hair close to his face were also things he was pretty fond of.

But there was more he was fond of in this situation.

Gaea's grin widened, exposing all four of her pointy teeth. Her eyes were still closed when she felt Bryan's arm wrap over her, stroking her side. His hand was gently placed on her belly, fingers slightly spread as they travelled upwards through her fur until meeting her crossed arms.

She chuckled without a sound, baring her teeth further with her widening smile. She knew what he was up to and certainly didn't mind, as his favourite way to cuddle up was enjoyable to her as well.

She lightly moved her arms out of the way, brushing his slightly with two of her claws, allowing his hand to slide past them. Then, skilfully gliding under the fabric of her shirt, caressing her belly and chest along the way, Bryan's hand quickly found its way to one of her boobs. Gently but greedily, he wrapped its fingers around, pressing against it lightly, the palm of the hand brushing along her nipple, the only part where the white stripe covering her chest was slightly interrupted.

Bryan let out a, certainly audible, joyful sigh and purring sound. He loved the feeling of boobs as much as he loved the view. The moment when he closed his hand around them, the hot, pleasant shape pressing against his palm, and her nipple gently, nearly tickling, stroking along the sides of two of his fingers.

He loved them in all sizes, big or small, but hers fit perfectly into his hands, and he loved that, letting out satisfied sounds to show it. Letting his thumb lightly move up and down for a bit, he appreciated the lovely, rounded shape.

Now the position was nearly perfect. Nearly!

The tiger moved his shoulder a bit, pulling up and repositioning the blanket a little without letting go of her chest. Then, as the last step, he pushed his hip against her, his body gently moving her tail slightly.

Gaea still smiled, slightly less than before, as she started to allow her body to relax and to drift into sleep slowly, but supported him the best she could in his endeavours without having to move around too much.

She enjoyed the warmth equally when she felt his hip pressed against her. Bryan's legs were meeting hers, their feet touching for a short moment. She brushed her tail along his body lightly.

Once more, her smile widened when his hip pressed against her butt. Again, she could feel his body's heat but also unmistakeably the shape of his penis as it pushed his shorts against her own lingerie. Not fully erected yet, but she could certainly tell that all parts of his body were comfortable. She playfully wiggled her butt just ever so slightly to allow the length of his shaft to cuddle up between her butt cheeks as much as their clothes permitted.

With one final grin, enjoying satisfied sounds coming from Bryan, she allowed her mind to finally get some well-deserved sleep, one of her hands holding his forearm without pulling his hand away from her boobs.

Sleep. Bryan's mind most likely slipped there one or two times by now. But to say he had a "good, long night of sleep" would've been a lie. He couldn't even say how long the night had already been when he woke up once again.

Did he wake up? Or maybe hadn't he fallen asleep at all? He wasn't entirely sure when he opened his eyes fully.

The room was as dark as before. No light of dawn was greeting him through the windows of the room. It was nearly pitch black, let alone some solitary stars in the sky. He blinked slowly, breathed in and out calmly.

Bryan was in the kind of state where his mind was fully awake, but his body felt utterly exhausted and just wanted him to keep on sleeping.

He moved his fingers, pleasantly surprised. His hand was still being caressed by the soft touch of Gaea's boob. Either he didn't move much in the bit of sleep he had gotten, or her shirt did an excellent job at keeping his hand in place. Either way, he appreciated it.

The tiger brought his head closer to her body, pushing hair aside with his head so he could kiss her neck lightly. Then, he gently moved the tips of his fingers over her boob. Her fur was so soft, but yet her body was pleasantly firm.

"Okay, don't overdo it, you don't wanna tickle and wake her up, don't want her to feel as beat as you currently do.", he thought to himself, slowing down his movement again, once more just his thumb stroking over her chest.

"But damn..."

He lightly moved his hips against her. He sure was in a horny mood, reminding him of his hormone-driven teenage years.

The penis in his shorts was pressed against her butt. Still not fully erected, but god, he felt excited and close to exploding as if he had rubbed it against her all night. An idea that he didn't find dislikable at all.

"Okay, phew, you gotta calm down a bit." he thought, bringing just a tiny bit of distance between his hip and hers. He tried breathing calmly, moved his head close to hers, pressed the side of his head into his pillow and tried to force himself back to sleep for several minutes.

To no avail...

Sometimes they were horny thoughts, sometimes thinking about the past day or just some silly, random ideas, but there was always SOMETHING on his mind keeping him awake.

He wanted to let his frustration out with a sigh, but not wanting to wake Gaea up, he just exhaled deeply through his nose.

Very lightly, his hip brushed against her butt once again, even a mere touch exciting him deeply, making him fight the urge to start drooling as if he hadn't had any water in days.

"Alright, but let's not give her a hard time, be cautious, let her sleep", he bargained with himself, trying to find a way that would help him get to sleep without ruining Gaea's well-deserved rest.

Bryan's hip pressed harder against his sleeping-buddy's butt, slowly rubbing his shaft up and down along her cheeks, pleasure sparking through his lower body. He knew there were no moral problems or obligations here, though.

They had been sexually active in several ways before, and he ensured they have each other's "okay" for stuff like this.

But still, he didn't want to be some "bothersome pervert" that didn't even let her sleep at night. "Mhh, let's do this carefully.", he pondered, excited, horny, but still controlling each of his actions cautiously.

Gently he rubbed his penis up and down along her cheeks. His foreskin moved back and forth along the shaft, the fabric of his shorts brushing against his hardness.

Bryan pondered for a moment, then very cautiously removed his hand from her boob, making sure he wouldn't get stuck on her shirt on his way down.

Once this dangerous bit was successfully passed, he moved downwards to her hip, grabbing it just at the height of her lingerie. The rubbing alone was lovely and would certainly be enough, but like this, he would be able to enjoy some more of her heat pressed back against his body.

And like that, his hand gently pressed Gaea's hip back against his cock as it moved up and down slowly.

Bryan had to hold back. Sure, ultimately, he just needed to unwind to go back to sleep, right? But hey, he wanted to take some time and enjoy. But first...

Up until now, his right arm wasn't much involved in the action. As Bryan was on his right side, it didn't have much room to move, and just found a halfway comfortable place between their two bodies. But now, both of his hands would be needed.

His left hand still on her hip, he slowly moved his right arm further down. His fingers reached for his shorts and managed to pull them up further, just a bit.

He needed to make sure the fabric would cover all the top of his penis at all times. It wasn't perfect, not its intended use, after all, but maybe the piece of clothing would at least help cover a little bit when things would inevitably get...messy in a bit.

That was taken care of...kinda.

Bryan tensed the muscles in his lower body, making his penis twitch slightly. Breathing shallow under all his excitement, he still tried not to make any loud sounds as he pressed his hip forward again, keeping hers in place with his left hand.

He felt his fabric press against hers, too much in between to feel fully embraced, but yet it was such an overwhelming, pleasant heat that grabbed him.

His eyes were closed, breath steady, as his lower body moved up and down against her, at some times along the entire length, some strokes only rubbing along the tip of his cock.

Time went by slowly, at least he assumed it was, as he was caught between his own excitement, wanting it to last just a bit longer, but yet trying not to move and disturb her body too much.

Gaea was a person that usually slept very well. And this night was no different. No bad dreams, the knowledge she had a nice and warm companion at her side, and a hand full of beautiful, shining stars outside of the window. No unpleasant interruptions, just a bit of sleepiness still lingering. Interruptions?

She was slightly awake now, and despite her weariness, only needed two or three seconds to take a grasp of the situation, as it made her smile once again, still tired but positively amused.

Instead of Bryan's hand warming her chest, it was now pressing onto her hip with pleasant and warm pressure.

She felt his movement, his shaft moving along, up and down her butt several times. Sure, he wasn't touching any of her most sensitive spots directly, but just knowing and feeling him enjoying her body made her feel powerful and proud, as if SHE was the one currently in control.

Gaea enjoyed the touch, the heat, hearing his breathing getting faster, despite his tries to stay calm and silent. She wanted to enjoy it like this for just some more moments.

Bryan was hot. Even more than before. Hot as in horny, but also heated from his movement, especially from holding back his breath the best he could.

But he wasn't just yet willing to end it here. So instead, he gave Gaea's butt cheeks another brush with his hip before pausing for a moment. As he took a deeper breath, his fingers lightly brushed her lingerie, some of their tips barely sliding underneath it, touching the fur on her sides.

Her upper body moved, just a bit, as her head turned just the tiniest amount.

Bryan couldn't see Gaea's face due to their position, and because of the darkness of the room, but knowing her, he was sure to hear her cheeky smile swinging along in her words, which gently broke the silence.

"Mhh, oh, having trouble sleeping? Seems you're having problems finding a comfortable position, eh?" she inquired, smiling indeed.

"Hehe, I'm sorry. Didn't want to wake you up.", he responded, equally calm, if slightly embarrassed for waking her up. "Guess I'm having a hard time getting my mind to rest."

"Aww, yeah, I sure can feel you have a hard...time. Let's see if we can get you into a position where you don't have to lie so...stiff."

She chuckled lightly, winking even, despite knowing he wouldn't be able to see it.

To strangers, it would come as a surprise to hear Gaea so playful and teasing. She needed to be in a safe and comfortable environment to really behave like this. But once she was, she loved being a little tease, enjoying "playing with her prey", the people she liked, but in the end, making sure not to let them down.

Gaea moved her hip back towards him, pressing against the shape of his cock once again. She wiggled her butt slightly, signalling him to continue.

Her eagerness made it even harder for him to contain his heat, and he gladly followed her guidance, very slowly starting once again to move his hip.

This time, though, Gaea was there to support him. Just a bit, she kept pushing back against his lower body, willingly taking his hand's job to keep her hip in place. And just like that, he quickly seemed to adapt to the situation.

Once more, Bryan moved his hand back to his favourite position, stroking through her fur until he could grab one of her boobs again. He squeezed it gently, causing her to let out a small moan, a bit out of being surprised, but mainly to get him fired up even more.

He kept up the movement like this for some seconds, enjoying both, not having to hold back not to wake her up, as well as having contact with her sexy boobs once again, making his breathing grow even more excited.

"Now, now, I'm sure I can make some louder sounds come out of you than just purring, can't I?" She answered his intense breathing teasingly before giving his hip a single, harder bounce with her own.

"Hah, oh you!" he moaned back at her. This was sudden. He needed to hold back a bit as he could feel his orgasm approaching. He had to use the situation to its fullest.

His shorts could not completely cover his erection anymore, as they had been pulled down further along the movement. Once again, he reached down with his right hand to adjust it, just before suddenly changing his mind.

Instead of pulling the shorts back up, Bryan grabbed his tail, moved it slightly, and pushed his shorts down as much as he could manage to in his position, at least allowing his cock and balls to now move freely. Indeed, there were more important things to think about than dirty sheets now!

He pressed his now bare shaft back against her hip, a jolt of pleasure going through his own as he felt his foreskin finally being pulled back entirely.

"Mhhhh.", Gaea moaned, moving her butt lower, feeling his full shape brushing against her underwear.

She slipped one of her hands under her shirt, grabbed Bryan's hand, spread his fingers with hers, and guided his movement, indicating him to keep the motion going.

He clearly understood her message and did as he was told. While slowly brushing his penis against the soft fabric of her underwear, his fingers on her boob moved again.

They gently pushed through the fur, massaging and gently kneading the firm surface. Each time he moved his hips upwards, he pulled Gaea's upper body closer to his own by her boobs.

Gaea could feel whenever Bryan needed to take a break. Not only because his hip stopped moving but also because he used every little time-out to let his fingers quickly locate her nipple. Sometimes it was a single finger, gently stroking over it, tracing the top, slightly tickling, feeling how it grew erect under the stimulation. Then moving outwards, running softly along the rim of her areola, that his fingers located through her fur without a problem.

"Mhh, hah!" the Tasmanian Devil moaned again when two of his fingers gently grabbed the sites of her nipple, just very lightly pinching it, stroking along the few millimetres of the erected skin. She loved the gentle tickling on her skin, the small, circular motions he was treating her with.

Her right hand slipped under her own shirt, reaching for her free boob, lightly grabbing it. One of her fingers started caressing the other nipple, supporting the tiny nub in its growing stiffness, trying to mimic the attention Bryan was giving her other side.

She had tiny claws on each of her fingers and toes, and contrary to Bryan's, they were not retractable. But she knew them well enough to handle things skillfully without hurting herself or others.

Bryan couldn't fully reach the other side with his left hand, but Gaea's movement made him aware that her whole chest was taken care of, as it should be. He growled slightly, motivated, thinking about her caressing her own body in addition. And every once in a while, he managed to brush her other boob with at least his fingertips.

"Mh..ngh." Moaning, Bryan rubbed further against her butt, his stiff shaft occasionally getting tangled up into her underwear with the rim of its tip, barely breaking his excitement.

"Let you with that.", Gaea exclaimed, chuckling lightly when he once again had to break free from her lingerie's captivity.

She raised her hip lightly, moved her left hand down quickly, and brushed Bryan with her tail once more, allowing her to adjust her pose and pull her lingerie down to her knees.

Without further interruption, she pressed her butt back against his shaft, moving along its length, feeling the pleasant bump when embracing his tip with her cheeks.

"There, going commando!" she grinned as she pressed more forceful against him.

"Ah, oh my...!" He muttered.

It WAS more comfortable. Bryan had already loved this before, but now, without the fabric separating them, he was able to press his cock deeper between her cheeks, making it abundantly clear why this was called "hot-dogging".

"Oh god..." he pushed hard against her, her fur stroking up and down on his shaft, the heat of her inviting curves embracing it. "you' hot. Oh god..."

He tensed up, the feeling of his cock and balls being close to exploding from before returning once again as he had to grab her boob harder to hold back, exhaling quickly and shallow.

"Ah, yes! Ngh...don't let go!", she loved firing him up further, having him lose control more and more, and seeing how he enjoys her body so much. But words would not be the only thing she could contribute.

Gaea pressed her right arm against the mattress, supporting her own position. She had more in store than simply keeping her hip in place for him.

Without hesitating, she used the first opportunity of him slightly slowing down to start her own hip movement.

She pressed against him, trying to tightly grab his shaft with her cheeks as she started to move. First up and down, then adding some small circles to the flow.

"Mhh, mhhh, ahh", she moaned to motivate him, but also because she liked hearing her own voice echoing in the room, once again squeezing her own right boob with her hand.

The very first push of her hips surprised Bryan, interrupting his own motion and freezing him in his tracks. But not for long!

"You're so sexy, oh god!", he kept moaning and tried to adjust to her movement. The first few rubs of his shaft seemed to follow her own motion clumsily, but as soon as he was caught in the groove, he managed to adapt and compliment them.

Gaea loved his growing excitement, and she loved feeling how they became a working unit like that. Whenever she moved down along his penis, the shaft moved upwards, causing more pleasurable friction and letting her feel her cheeks moving along the inviting shapes of his rod. Their moving hips were dancing together, a very satisfying, intense dance.

Her own heat had grown considerably by now, orgasmic aura filling the room with every further move of the mattress.

She was sure that he was close, judging from his moans and breathing. And she wanted it for him to end with a bang.

Gaea was correct, indeed. Bryan stopped for a moment, tensing his lower muscles again, trying to calm down once more just so he could manage some seconds more. He had been on his edge several times by now but always managed, somehow, to hold back. He was sure, though, that quite some precum was already covering his tip.

His palms were sweaty, fingers letting go of her boob for some seconds in between to let some air between their bodies, but never for long. He loved the feeling too much, her hard nipple brushing against his fingers and through his fur.

This time, though, it was not Bryan himself to end his little rest.

With a loving, sexy push, Gaea's butt crushed back against his hips, pulled away slightly, then pushed back again. "A...Ah!" he moaned, "mhh...".

He was quickly made aware of the motion she was going for.

Gaea was now using some pleasurable force with each move. Instead of constant rubbing up and down, she pushed her butt against his hip, the inner sides of her butt cheeks rubbing the sides of his shaft, the mattress moving heavier under the sudden jolts.

She would then move her hip forward again, not too much, but just enough so her cheeks could brush his cock into the other direction, and then - bump, another push back against his shaft.

And this was her way to go. Moving away from him slowly, brushing everything gently, then back, a heavy push, embracing him, just like she would do it if they were doing it doggy-style. Only this time, it wouldn't go inside her, but instead, her hot cheeks alone would be embracing him. Bump! Another push, the mattress shaking.

Bryan gasped. He loved this. Oh god, this woman's butt was something else. No wonder it was always a hard decision on where to touch her when he had the opportunity.

"Ah, hah, oh god!" he moaned more, feeling closer than ever before. Maybe a minute? Maybe just seconds? His instincts were taking over to get him into a position where nothing would stop him now.

"Mh, aaah! I am close...every second!" he managed to mutter in between moans. Then, he pushed his right arm forward, pressing into the mattress and sliding underneath Gaea's body.

She knew his plan and would lovingly assist. She moved slightly, her hip movement just barely stopping, allowing his second arm to reach around her.

And like that, Bryan's other hand was able to reach its goal, grabbing her right boob away from under her own hand, taking in the juicy, pleasant feeling in both hands, holding them firmly.

"Oh yes, ah! Don't hold back!" she moaned. Her words would undoubtedly do their job, using all the seconds left to bring his build-up to an as big climax as possible.

And her hips would make sure to play the central role in this as she continued, now that he was holding tight to her.

"Hah, ah, yes, mhh, ah!", once more she kept moaning. She was heated, not close to orgasm herself, but equally motivated to feel him lose it, and she knew her voice would help.

He kept his grip on her, just conscious enough not to hurt her in the process but otherwise wholly overwhelmed by his roaring climax making his balls and cock feel huge.

"That's it.", his mind, his instinct screamed to himself.

His body and muscle memory needed to make sure he was in a good position, don't interrupt and ruin it now.

"Ah, hah, hah, god!" he moaned, relaxed his fingers for a bit, then grabbed Gaea's boobs tightly again as she continued to rub and slap back into him, faster and faster.

Up until now, Bryan's hip tried to move along, moving his shaft up and down whenever their bodies were closest, with every touch. But now, he could just push. Push, and give her all he got.

"Ah, yes, ah, don't...stop, faster, don't stop now, go on!" he moaned, nearly screaming, as he pulled her upper body towards himself, holding her tits tight, pressing her upper body against his own as he felt his orgasm taking over, his cock ready to start pumping out his semen.

Gaea would answer his plea. Being pulled back by him, she leaned her upper body against his, giving him all the room on her boobs that he needed.

"Ah, hah, hah, yes, give those buns some more white stripes!" she moaned for him, knowing she didn't need words to answer, but actions.

And like that, she slapped and slapped her hips and butt cheeks back against him, faster and faster, hitting him twice every second by now for the grand finale.

"Ngh...haaah!" Bryan finally had to give in, feeling the first gush of hot sperm pushing its way through his shaft and out of him.

Gaea caught his signal perfectly. Then, just as the first push of semen made its way out of him, she pushed back into him one last time, feeling the hot liquid shooting out between her cheeks.

But this was not the time to stop! As both of them pressed their hips tightly against each other, she once again started moving her cheeks quickly up and down along his pulsing shaft. Never breaking contact, she tried to squeeze the hot cum out of him, along with his own gushes.

Whenever her cheeks were embracing his tip, she'd feel the hot liquid pushed between them, and when she moved down in time with another gush, she could feel it hitting her lower back.

"Oh...gooood!" Bryan moaned, audibly strained, not sure if there actually was as much cum gushing out of him as it felt like, or if it was just the first two waves that pooled up between their spooning bodies on the bed, spreading its hot stickiness all over their belly and back.

He gasped, his toes curled under his climax, as his breath started slowly calming down with the last drips of cum escaping him.

"", he exclaimed, exhausted, his weakened arms and hands letting go of Gaea's boobs, the left hand sliding down to her hip.

"I", he closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath.

Gaea calmed her breath as well, gently rubbing his cock just a little more, feeling the sticky liquid spread all over her cheeks and on the mattress.

"So..." she showed her usual grin to the darkness of the room once again. "...position a bit more comfortable now?"

"Haha...", he chuckled weakly. "You are...damn."

He was tired NOW. And exhausted. And damn he was feeling good and strong now! Not strong enough, though, to move much.

He raised his head, planted it lightly on her shoulder.

"That was...great. You're the best."

She turned her head a bit, smiled and turned her head back.

"Thank you, my big, strong man, hehe.", she chuckled lovingly.

"So", she moved her body a bit, feeling the wetness of the mattress. "you're on cleaning duty tomorrow, I heard?"

"Heh, yeah.", he smiled, letting his head fall on his pillow. "Sure. And we can clean each other in the shower?" he nudged her playfully.

"Hehe.", she nudged him back with her shoulder. "If you say we'll end up clean there."

She closed her eyes, grinned, and lifted her arm so he could grab her boob once again.

"Sleep well.", he mumbled, audibly exhausted.

"You too.", she replied and let herself drift back to sleep happily.