GD: Skyrim Part IX

Story by Mr Drake on SoFurry

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#10 of Gamer Diaries: Skyrim

Hello all and happy Friday! It's time for some more Gamer Diaries. Sorry I missed last week. I had other things to post and I didn't want them to overlap. I'll figure something out for next time.

Happy reading.

This is a non-profit fanfiction. The Elder Scrolls and Skyrim are registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc.

Khash the Argonian was created by the talented RabbittWinri.

Gamer Diaries


By Evan Drake

Part IX: The Dawnguard

I'm beginning to think I'm just cursed.

I came out of the Riverwood trader, once again with a pouch heavy with gold when an orc in strange armor came to me. I instantly readied my spell in case he was another thug sent after me.

Turned out he was a messenger. Said something about a vampire menace and that even the Hall of Vigilants had been destroyed. And that it was up to us to join the Dawnguard and stop the vampires from overrunning Tamriel.

No one around us even batted an eye. Not surprising; this guy sounded off his rocker. I hadn't heard a single word of vampires since I got here.

He seemed pretty into it though so I told him I was interested to shut him up. He mentioned an old fort near Riften and to go there and ask for some guy named Isran.

Then I saw the way Khash's eyes had lit up and realized at that moment I fucked up.

Well, it wasn't like Farengar needed his stone tablet right this moment, and I wanted to go to Riften anyway.

If nothing else, I could find some cool gear to steal and maybe learn a bit about the area.

The moment I saw the fortress, I knew it was a wasted trip. The place was impressive or it would have been in its prime. Now it was an obvious shadow of its former self, all but reclaimed by the elements.

Inside there was the most intimidating man I ever met. Everything about him screamed he wasn't one to mess with.

The moment he looked at me, I straightened up and hoped I didn't have anything on my face.

He said, "Who's the runt? This isn't an orphanage."

I said, "She's with me. And we're a package deal."

It was weird how I instantly forgot all my fears because Khash was being threatened. This kid was having a bigger effect on me than I thought.

Isran didn't say anything. Just walked up to me and looked me in the eye. I somehow held my ground under his piercing glare. He was determined and unflinching. The kind of guy who would see his mission through no matter the cost.

Eventually, he snorted and shoved a crossbow into my arms.

He said, "Whatever happens to her is on you."

Nothing was going to happen to her. Not if I had a say in it.

Either way, the place was a dump. Good weapons but that was it. From what we overheard of his conversation, the vampires weren't playing around. Whatever they were after, they meant business. But then again, that wasn't my problem. Someone else could play hero.

I was hoping to just take my welcome package and split, but then Tolan, the last remaining vigilant, said he wanted to meet me at Dimhollow Crypt. He was going to face the vampires alone.

Great. If I didn't go and make sure he got out alive, I'd never hear the end of it.

At least the crossbows were cool.