Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Fourteen

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#15 of Shadow Of The White Citadel (Completed)

Chapter Fourteen



Furry Sith Lord

Ben and Tyger walked up to the black van that had a white unicorn painted on it. The figure that abducted Lyon approached the back end of the vehicle; his body was completely covered in a black outfit so there was no way to identify him. Tyger guessed it was a man only because he did not appear to have any breasts but other than that

The figure removed his mask as they reached the rear of the van and Ben strained with his one good eye to see who he was. The beating he had received from the jocks left him bruised and his right eye was blackened and swollen shut so he couldn't use it until it healed. His skin was bruised from it's normal color to sickening yellow and purple. Even his white fur could do little to hide the color of the bruises covering him. He walked stiffly with each step causing him pain.

"Welcome to the party pal," Will said as he opened the door and Tyger nodded to him. Inside Lyon sat on the floor with his back against the wall as he colored and their father sat on a chair with his hooves folded on his lap as Tyger and Ben climbed inside. Will carefully closed the door and made his way to the front to climb into the driver's seat.

"You know Lyon, you owe me a big apology." Ben remarked as he and Tyger sat on the floor and Lyon looked at him blushing.

"I'm... I'm so... so sorry. I didn't know they'd do that to you! I thought they'd tell you to back off or something." Lyon handed him the picture he had been drawing with his crayons. It was an exact likeness of him and was so detailed it almost could be a photograph except it was drawn with crayons.

He was stripped to the waist wearing only a black pair of shorts and his muscles were displayed. He was holding the hand of Tyger, who was also drawn perfectly except he had exaggerated Tyger's muscles and made him appear to be bigger and stronger than Ben. Ben wanted to laugh because he knew he was stronger than Tyger but as he looked away from the picture at the real Tyger he also realized he could never hurt him even if he tried.

"The police came asking about why I tried to abduct Lyon and I said the script you gave me to them. They seemed satisfied that I was just trying to force Lyon to convince his brother to get back together with me. They asked several more questions and I did the best I could in answering." Ben explained.

"I'm sure you did fine, son." Lou replied then turned to look at Tyger. "Merrik admitted to cubnaping your brother just as you said he would. He also demanded that you be turned over to keep you both safe."

"Next Uncle Jon will report me and Ben missing," Tyger started.

"That's Ben and I." Uncle Jon said as he turned around from the passenger's seat up front and Will entered the van.

"Sorry sir," Tyger replied as he started blushing this time.

"You're dad will be returning home tomorrow after I pick him up from the airport. He's not gonna be pleased when I tell him his boys were taken." Lou said.

"Or that Merrik was bragging about being the one to do it. If you are right father then dad will storm in and confront Merrik at his base in front of the other agents." Tyger concluded.

"Oh you know he will," Lyon remarked.

"I hate to ask but what good will that do?" Will asked.

"It should shake them up some and be a perfect distraction for father to sneak in a little surprise." Tyger remarked and Lou chuckled.

"Then I babysit you brats for a few days and reveal publicly that I rescued you guys from your abductors. Sadly they got away as I was securing your safety." Will added.

"Hopefully, both C.I.Z.A. and The White Citadel will be finger pointing at The Brotherhood of The Snake as they try and get more Intel on them. With them entering this giant drama the two groups will be divided in who they are trying to destroy leaving us a chance to do our own things." Lou instructed.

Ben thought back to when he had tried getting back together with Tyger. He remembered Tyger refusing and his ears lowered as he walked away with his tail dragging on the ground. He realized that he had made the biggest mistake in his life.

"Wait!" Tyger shouted and ran up to him. "Do you really mean what you said when you asked to get back together?" Tyger asked.

"Of course,"

"Then I need a favor, a big one, and if you do this then it'll prove you really want us to get back together." Tyger said.

"Name it." Ben replied firmly.

"I need you to attempt to cubnap my brother."

"What?" Ben asked incredulously.

"Look it's a long story but my brother and I are in danger and my father has been trying to protect us and destroy the ones endangering our lives. He needs some help to pull off a plan he has going and he and I both agreed that we could use your help. I know it's asking a lot but if you do this and help us out I promise I'll date you again.

I mean don't get me wrong things aren't gonna be like they were but it will be a start to see if you're really serious or not. You'll be lucky if I hold your paw because it's gonna be a long time before I ever consider being physical with you again."

"Physical? The most we've done is kiss or paw each other off. Even after your father told you how to make love... it... seems kinda gross and neither of us were willing to try. I'm sorry if I'm not as smart as you, but I really don't see the loss here." Ben countered.

"So that's a no then?" Tyger asked.

"No, that's me saying I'll help you out with no strings attached. I want you to love me because you love me and not because I forced or tricked you into it. If you'll just give me an honest chance to try and make things right then that's enough for me." Ben replied.

Ben stopped having his flashback as they continued going over the plan. He saw that Lyon was coloring again and it looked as if he was drawing a wolf and a deer so he guessed they must be his parents. He could see that they were embracing each other in the picture and made him wish he could do the same to Tyger.

He leaned over and whispered something into Tyger's ear and Tyger's face reddened then Tyger's paw slid over and rested on his paw.

The deer watched him and there was a slight smile on his face as if he knew something but wasn't going to share it. The other tiger named Will made a comment and Lyon was busy insulting him. The guidance counselor Jon was watching with rapid amusement at the argument between Lyon and Will but the deer was focussed on him and he had to admit it felt a bit unnerving. If Tyger wasn't holding his paw he didn't know what he'd do.

Lou waited silently at the terminal as Merrik darted about as if he was a hummingbird commenting on anything he saw. Lou was trying to ignore him but he was so obnoxious that it was eating him up inside. If Merrik hadn't complained a bunch of times to the airport staff then he would be complaining about how long it was taking for his husband to arrive.

His penis was swelling in the chastity cage as he waited and the wait was driving him insane. He was dying to grab his husband and make him release him from the cage then he was going to fuck him raw for making him wait this long. It was not that he couldn't paw off that was bothering him, it was the cage itself that was instigating the discomfort and forcing him to try and have erections that it blocked because the cage prevented him from extending his member to it's full size. The other problem was that depending on the position he was in it also pinched his testicles every now and then.

"If he fails, then I swear to my paws I'll break every bone in his body." Merrik was complaining to him again and Lou was so sick of hearing it he was tempted to break all of Merrik's bones.

Finally, an announcement was made and passengers departed the plane. Both Lou and Merrik waited with bated breath until Leggo finally exited wearing his dress uniform. He approached them then took a small wallet out of his pocket and flashed a gold badge and an ID card identifying him as a member of C.I.Z.A. White Fur Division.

Lou grabbed him and attempted to lift him but the weight of Leggo was too much and he couldn't lift him. Leggo looked sympathetically at his husband and smiled at the attempt.

"Amature," Merrik replied as he pushed an outraged Lou aside and lifted a shocked Leggo off the ground slightly and spun him around then set him down again. Leggo forcefully pushed Merrik away as Lou stepped up close and began to swear and shout at Merrik. A couple of security officers ran up and subdued Lou forcing him to the ground.

"Federal Agent, please release him." Leggo replied calmly as he showed his badge to them and they grudgingly released Lou.

"I don't give a fuck who you are Merrik, if you ever touch my husband like that again I'll rearrange every bone in your body as painfully as possible." Leggo said calmly but his eyes were burning with rage.

"Relax partner, we're on the same team after all." Merrik retorted as he rolled his eyes at the threat. Lou stepped in front of Merrik and used his hooves to grab Leggo's face and pull him close as they passionately kissed. Merrik impatiently watched and even started tapping his foot and impatiently looked at his wristwatch to indicate they were taking too long. They continued to ignore him as they continued to extend their tongues into each other's mouths.

"I'm like a fish and you are water, I am a squirrel and you are nuts." Lou stammered as they briefly stopped to catch their breaths.

"Heh, heh, you said nuts." Leggo joked as he smiled tenderly at Lou.

"What I mean is, that I can't live without you." he finished and Leggo forcefully but still being gentle to not hurt his lover leaned in again and they began to kiss.

"Oh come on, we don't have all day for this." Merrik grumbled and without stopping Leggo used his paw to push Merrik away from them.

"I'll be back at base check in once you two get your heads straight." Merrik angrily shouted and he walked away trying to conceal the hurt he felt that they had ignored him after everything he had done for them.

Lou and Leggo were only in their fur as they lay on their bed. Both were breathing heavily as their bodies were covered in sweat. The chastity cage that Lou had worn for the last 6 weeks was on the nightstand next to the bed and Lou turned looking at it and used his hoof to forcefully knock it on the floor.

"Don't ever make me wear that for this long again." Lou grumbled as Leggo licked his face and Lou had to wipe away drool.

"That was the best mounting you ever did. I gotta lock you in that more often my little stag." Leggo cuddled against Lou's chest.

"Little?! I was so horny that once you released me it actually hurt." Lou complained.

"Yeah but it was worth it, you gotta admit." Leggo jeered as Lou gave him a dirty look. "At least it was for me."

"I'm sorry by the way." Lou lowered his ears the way his boys did when they were embarrassed.

"Why sorry?"

"I wanted to tell you sooner but what we just did, I needed it so bad." Lou stammered and Leggo looked at him suspiciously.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Leggo demanded and Lou's face went completely red.

"The boys were captured while they were at school and Merrik has been bragging that he captured them. I'm... I'm sure.... He won't hurt them." Lou tried explaining as Leggo furiously rose and walked over to a pair of boxers on the floor and tried putting them on. The fury on the wolf's face scared the color from Lou's face.

"Arg, these are tight, did I gain weight?" Leggo grumbled to himself.

"That's because they're mine." Lou replied weakly.

"I don't care!" he shouted and grabbed his clothes and dressed quickly before running out of the bedroom. Lou remained unclothed in his bed as he watched and he tried to not smirk because as much as he enjoyed seeing the love Leggo had for his sons, he was predictable as always.

He heard a shouting match between the maid and his husband and he rose to dress himself. He looked at Leggo's underwear and sighed as he put on the over sized boxers that hung like a circus tent on him. He now regretted Leggo taking his pair not only because they didn't fit him but because he was going to smell of wolf for the rest of the day.

They entered the base and Lou trailed after Leggo and he stomped his way towards Merrik's office. Other agents that passed by quickly moved out of his way as they saw the look of rage on his face. He barged into the office as Gele was having a meeting with her boss going over paperwork and she smiled at Lou then frowned and edged her way out as Leggo began to shout. Lou patiently closed the office door as she left and he saw several agents watching the events trying to listen in and prepare themselves in case they needed to take action.

"You son of a bitch," Leggo shouted and Merrik looked at him with confusion but he remained perfectly calm.

"Don't talk about our mother like that." He replied completely unphased by Leggo's remark but he kept a little stern edge in his voice. Leggo's heckles stood out on end after Merrik's reply and he took a step closer and his fangs were bared.

"I'll fucking kill you; you little bastard!" Leggo raged and Merrik held up 1 finger on his paw gesturing for Leggo to hold on a minute then Merrik leaned to the side to see around Leggo and addressed Lou.

"Do you know what he's talking about?" Merrik asked calmly and Lou folded his arms across his chest.

"He's referring to you cubnaping our boys."

"Oh, that." Merrik lowered his paw and turned to face Leggo again. Leggo was so angry that drool was dripping from his fangs and falling onto the desk. Merrik observed this and took out a tissue and began to wipe up the mess.

"Now excuse me, but do I go to your husband's office and drool on his desk?" Merrik griped.

"No but I'm pretty sure you were the one to pee on our couch after I just had it professionally cleaned."

"Excuse me?" Merrik replied as he looked shocked at them.

"Actually it was me," Leggo turned and bashfully explained to Lou.

"What in the tail?" Lou cursed.

"Well it smelled new and clean and I was... just marking my territory." Leggo said and he tried a bashful smile as Lou stared angrily at him.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" he exclaimed then he pointed a finger at Merrik. "Either way you're no longer invited over, the last thing I need is both of you pissing on everything." Lou complained.

"Fine, blame me because your big oaf of a husband can't keep it in his pants." Merrik grumbled.

"Can we get back to the matter at hand?" Lou griped.

"Look I don't have my nephews with me." Merrik tried to explain.

"They are not your nephews!" Leggo shouted.

"Don't pull that you're not part of the family crap because you want to blame me for their disappearance! Originally when I said I had them I thought Lou was fucking with me. Since I learned they had really been taken I've put my top guys on recovering them.

Look Leggo you're my brother,"

"No I'm not, we're not related in any way." Leggo interrupted but Merrik continued ignoring him.

"And they are my nephews and I'd never harm a single fur on their bodies, I love them even after they tried to kill me." Merrik said, smiling his famous smile.

"Are you high?" Lou asked incredulously. Before he could answer Gele knocked and entered the office.

"Sir, you need to see this." she said as they stepped out and on every computer terminal the letters B.O.T.S. was displayed and an audio voice kept saying "This is an important message."

"You guys watching infomercials?" Leggo asked.

"Someone hacked into our servers again." she replied and Merrik looked at Lou.

"You're doing?" He asked skeptically.

"Impossible, you know I can't access your computers without being under tight surveillance." Lou lied as he kept his expression looking as if he was worried about what was going on.

About a minute later the image of a gold dragon with it's long snake-like body was coiling itself around the screens.

"We are The Brotherhood of The Snake, resistance is futile! Our superior technology has defeated your inferior technology. You will surrender to us or be obliterated." a non binary voice said and the message repeated a few more times until a skull and crossbones appeared then all the screens went black as the system rebooted.

"Brotherhood of The Snake? Any idea what that is all about?" Lou asked Merrik as he shrugged in response.

"Something with The White Citadel?" Leggo asked.

"If it was a white dragon then I'd say yes but a gold one... I'm not sure. It could be a hacker having a little fun at our expense or it could be something else entirely." Merrik retorted.

"If you don't have our sons then who does? The White Citadel?" Lou asked sternly.

"Maybe, but it seems odd they'd take your boys but try and recruit Leggo and myself. His indoctrination slash brainwashing works better on a willing victim. Cubnaping your sons will make it harder to trick them into joining him." Merrik explained.

"If not them then who? These B.O.T.S. guys?" Leggo asked.

"It seems we have our work cut out for us." Lou remarked.

Bear sat in his air conditioned office and he was reading various posts on the B.O.T.S. website. There were messages dating back 30 years to when the internet was first reinvented. He had been on for hours reading and studying about The Brotherhood of The Snake and found that they followed a large portion of his ideology. Some places he disagreed but given enough time if he made contact with them he figured he could show them the error of their ways and lead them to his line of reasoning.

He saw them mention their involvement in attacks that happened before the news media reported the incidents. The whole plan was listed and how their media Alpha would have one of his paid reporters report the story the way they wanted it to be.

He was surprised because he thought the stories of The Brotherhood of The Snake were old wives tales gullible species believe in. It didn't surprise him that species believe in nonsense because most of the species believed in a cub's story about rare white fur species being evil. He was shocked that now he was convinced they were real and they had been pulling the strings he once thought the government was behind.

He found the post about the creation of white cubs using a sophisticated new program that falls short of AI but can be convincing so the robots appear to be real cubs. Their creator, one of the 12 Alphas, was going to be a surrogate father to them to test out how convincing they are. The white cubs would be used to hide the 12 Alphas identities should anyone try and connect them to The Brotherhood.

Phase two was turning the robots into an army and using them to topple the government and bring about a new ruler ship with The Brotherhood as the new power. Right now they rule from the shadows pulling the strings but the Gold Dragon wants to be in the spotlight ruling like a dictator with all species subjugated to him.

For a brief moment he wished he was still a member of C.I.Z.A. but after a couple of the posts he realized C.I.Z.A. might be working for them. Even the FDI was taking orders from them and back 20 years ago an Alpha betrayed the Brotherhood and the Gold Dragon ordered the FDI to take action and arrest the former Alpha. Once captured, the Alpha's entire life was ruined before he was turned into a slave and sold to the Gold Dragon.

It was becoming clear that he was mistaken about who the true enemy was and he gave a chuckle because the cub's book mentioned that rare white fur species would fight a great evil and here he had found the great evil that The White Citadel was destined to fight. If he was wrong about The Brotherhood of The Snake then maybe he was also wrong about the cub's book too.

The book said a great battle would lead many species to become extinct but since he had knowledge that a battle would bring about the end then maybe he could change things and give the story a happy ending! The prototypes on the robot cubs said they had built in detonators and explosives in case they were captured and someone tried to get their secrets. If he could get his hands on one of those cubs he might be able to reprogram it to seek out the 12 Alphas and eliminate them. Since his contact WLuver45 hated The Brotherhood as much as he did he wondered if he could convince him to help reprogram the cubs and build some copies to infiltrate The Brotherhood of The Snake and end them once and for all.

Still he was not sure he could completely trust WLuver45 completely so it was time to arrange for a face to face meeting. Whoever he was, he was Bear's best hope to try and eliminate the greatest source of evil in the world. The Brotherhood of The Snake!

To Be Continued...