Dakota's Surprise | Chapter 2 [Comm]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#2 of Dakota's Surprise [Comm]

Working can be a pretty demanding environment when you're a hard working Sylveon like Catherine. Coming home exhausted after a day of putting up a smile is no small feat. One day, when Cat comes home feeling lethargic, she finds that her boyfriend had been secretly planning a weekend full of spoiling and pampering that fulfills her need for R&R to her heart's content. <3Contains: Diapers, Diaperfur, Wetting, Messing, Fantasy, Mature, Daddy Dom, Pampering, PokemonRating: Mature

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Commission for: Kitcatcatherine

Thumbnail by: lunarcey

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Chapter 2:

Spoiling the Baby

Cat let out a mewl of content as she snuggled deeper into her blankets, the soft light of the morning sun illuminating her closed eyelids as she shifted.

Burying her head into her pillows in her half awakened state, she moved her hips around reveling in the feeling of having a diaper gently hugging her bottom and front while she slept.

Her mind drifted to memories of the previous evening, how incredibly content and safe she had felt in the strong arms of her boyfriend as he had carried her up the stairs.

She smiled reflexively, recalling how he had softly cooed in her ear, patted her on the crinkly bottom, and deposited her ever so gently into their bed to tuck her in.

Cat had fallen asleep almost immediately, wrapped inside of her warm blanket as her boyfriend got into bed beside her.

Now with the songs of birds faintly tweeting outside of their bedroom window, she scooted her padded rear closer to her boyfriend, gently rubbing against him.

"Mmm... good morning crinkly butt..."

Kota murmured sleepily, moving towards her underneath the covers and wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed her closer to his body.

The Umbreon murmured incoherently into her ear, nibbling gently on one of her ribbons as she smiled in response, her eyes still closed.

They stayed like that for around half an hour, simply enjoying each other's presence. At last, the heat from being confined underneath the covers became too much and Kota raised his head off of his pillow, rubbing his eyes.

"How about I get breakfast started for us, hmm sweet pea? I'll make your favorite, you sit tight."

Cat opened her mouth to protest, wanting to help her boyfriend prepare breakfast after all the effort he had put in for the previous evening.

Her opened muzzle was greeted instead with the familiar feeling of a pacifier bulb, which she accepted gracefully.

Suckling on her pacifier, Catherine contented herself to focus on the incredible soothing effects of the diaper pressing her legs apart. Her mind drifted in a haze of infantile thoughts of soft plushies, cuddly daddies, and plenty of Lego blocks for her to put together however she pleased.

Soon enough, the smell of pancakes and eggs wafted into the bedroom. The Sylveon felt her mouth watering as the scent tickled her nostrils, and she could no longer resist the alluring smells of breakfast.

Stretching, she was about to hop out of bed and waddle downstairs when Kota entered the room holding a tray.

Much to her delight, it was breakfast in bed that morning. The tray was placed gently on the bed which contained a large stack of pancakes, a handle of syrup, scrambled eggs, bits of chopped up sausage, and an array of chocolate chips and strawberries that were to be distributed on top of the pancakes.

"I made your favorite, be a good girl now and stay still while I fasten on your bib."

Unable to speak because of the pacifier still firmly lodged in her muzzle, Cat bowed her head sheepishly to allow Kota to fasten the previous evening's bib around her neck once more.

She blushed profusely, her heart fluttering with lightness as her boyfriend continued to treat her in a fashion that she had imagined would only happen in her wildest fantasies.

Heart thumping, she allowed her boyfriend to gently tug the pacifier out of her muzzle to then offer her a fork full of egg.

She accepted each bite dutifully, gently taking each offered forkful and chewing slowly, taking her time.

All the while Kota continued to lavishly praise her for being a good girl.

"There we go, my my we were hungry this morning! Better get that tummy nice and full so you can grow up big and strong! Come on, there's my girl."

Her cheeks continued to burn with passion as she chewed on each bite of breakfast, relishing the flavor of nutella and strawberries on her tongue.

Kota smiled, locking eyes with his girlfriend for a brief, intense moment. Cat could feel her passion for her significant lover as if it were palpable. The treatment she was receiving was almost better than she could have imagined.

She sniffled, wiping away tears as concern grew on the Umbreon's face.

"Everything okay, sweetie?"

Cat nodded. Taking in a shaky breath and looking up with a smile.

"Yes, everything is perfect. I guess that's why I'm feeling a little tearful."

"Silly girl."

Kota reached forward, cupping the Sylveon's cheek in his paw and gently pulled her head up to face him.

"You deserve this. There's no need for sadness. Plus, you're so much more adorable than I imagined. This is fun!"

Catherine beamed. She felt elated that her boyfriend seemed to be enjoying this as much as she. His initial hesitance appeared to have vanished to be replaced by a paternal confidence that made her feel small and safe.

Feeling almost weightless, Catherine finished the rest of her pancakes within a few minutes and allowed Kota to gently wipe away the excess syrup off of her lips.

"Now then, I think bottle-feeding is in order. Lean back now."

Catherine watched in anticipation as Kota took the tray off of the bed, and positioned himself behind her on the bed.

Gently, he guided her padded bottom onto his lap. Patting her diapered front with a twinkle in his eye, he produced the bottle and guided the nipple into Catherine's mouth.

A familiar taste of cinnamon and honey flooded her mouth, and she suckled obediently.

"This should round out your tummy. Looks like that diaper is still dry kiddo, I think we should change that, hmm?"

As the rose-hued Sylveon turned crimson, she began to feel something shift in her tummy. Perhaps it was the hearty breakfast, or maybe Kota had slipped something into the milk.

Regardless of the reason, a pressure began to slowly build in her lower abdomen.

At first it was a mild discomfort, but as she continued to suckle her eyelids half-drooped, the need to go became a reality.

She squirmed, her discomfort manifesting in her body language which Kota's keen eyes quickly picked up on.

"Need to go?"

Cat could not help herself, she nodded. Surprised at her immediate affirmation, Cat stopped suckling at the baby bottle and squeezed her legs together, emitting a soft whimper.

She looked up into Kota's eyes, a sensation of utter vulnerability forming in her mind as she realized what he was about to encourage her to do.

"Go on now, you can go in your diaper. Daddy Kota will change your afterwards back into clean diapers."

Cat's stomach was filled with cramps and butterflies. Her feelings of vulnerability and helplessness made it feel as if her butterflies had cramps as well.

She grimaced slightly around the nipple of the baby bottle, her hesitance and potty training preventing her from letting go immediately.

Picking up on her discomfort, Kota gently placed a paw on the Sylveon's tummy to rub in a clockwise direction. The gentle caress of his paw on her tummy seemed to do the trick.

With a grunt of effort, Catherine's cheeks flooded with a deep, red blush as her diaper became flooded as well.

A muffled farting noise came from her rear end as she pushed her accident into the seat of her diaper. The warmth of her accident began to radiate back into her body, the front of her diaper growing damp and saggy.

It took a minute for her to finish completely, by which time she had finished her bottle and lay in Kota's lap feeling the most embarrassed and excited she had ever felt before.

As the soft hiss of her accident began to subside, Kota patted the front of her diaper gently with a wry smile forming on his muzzle.

"I think somebody needs a change."

He said, a teasing undertone in his voice as he brought his paw back to her diaper giving it a gentle squeeze. Moving his paw down the front of her diaper, he gently cupped the messy accident now safely contained in the seat of her diaper.

"Wow kiddo, you really had to go didn't you?"

Catherine nodded meekly, feeling particularly aware of the messy diaper hugging her waist, keeping her accident safely contained.

The warmth of the accident pressing against her felt remarkably comforting. She realized that she almost hoped that Kota did not change her right away, although she would never admit it. Something about being a messy Sylveon stuck in her messy diapers particularly excited her.

Kota set the bottle on their bedside table, raising a paw up to his nose and pinching it gently.

"Pee-yew! I think we're going to have to run a bath for you kiddo, that smells pretty stinky!"

Cheeks burning, Kota hooked his arms beneath her back and legs and raised her up with a grunt of effort. Standing, he carried her out of the room, leaning down to gently touch his nose to hers affectionately as they made their way to the bathroom.

"Time to make my little kitten smell nice and bubbly again!"

Kato kneeled down, depositing his charge gently onto the bathroom carpet while reaching over to turn on the hot water.

"Alright sweetie, we'll have you cleaned up and diapered in no time! Lie still now, dearest."

Her hands placed meekly above her chest, Cat complied with the Umbreon's requests with bated breaths as the reality of the situation became starkly apparent to her.

I'm about to get a diaper change... From my boyfriend... Who is pretending to be my Daddy... This is literally the day I've always dreamed of!

Unable to contain her excitement, Cat wiggled her hips on the rug, her tail swishing underneath her.

"I think my little girl likes that plan, look at you all excited for her diaper change. Be a good girl now, lie still for Daddy."

Her heart taking notes from the butterflies in her stomach, it fluttered with excitement as Kota referred to himself as her Daddy.

The Umbreon wasted no time, grabbing a box of wet wipes from underneath the bathroom cupboard, he confidently pulled off the tapes from her diaper's landing zone and set to wiping.

The smell caused Catherine to wrinkle her nose, but Kota appeared unphased. Cat marveled at his discipline as his face showed no emotion other than a calm focus on the task he was doing.

She shivered, the intimate feeling of somebody gently caressing and cleaning her privates with wipes creating a feeling of vulnerability and intimacy she had last experienced as a baby Eevee.

After using several wipes, Kota appeared satisfied. Turning, he bundled up the wipes inside of her diaper and rolled the package up into a tight ball, using the tapes to fasten it together.

He glanced over at the bath, leaning over to squeeze some soap into the rising level of water and stirring it around with his hand.

"Perfect temperature, alright little one. Let's get that bottom of yours extra clean."

As Catherine lay still, Kota leaned down once again and picked her up in his arms. Gently, he kneeled by the bath and lowered her into the water.

The warmth of the water reminded her of the warm, messy diaper that had been hugging her waist only minutes before. Despite having been asleep all night, she felt a wave of drowsiness wash over her as she sank into the bath.

She felt the hands of her boyfriend gently kneading her hair. Cat allowed herself to relax completely, her eyes closing shut as she drifted in a half conscious state.

The only feelings she was conscious of was the nurturing caress of her boyfriend's paws, moving over her body to distribute water and soap into her fur.

The smell of lavender engulfed her senses, and despite herself she let out a little mewl of satisfaction.

"There's my girl, just enjoy the bubbly suds and don't worry about a thing in the world."

After a while, Kota completed his task of soaping her up and began to rinse off her headfur. The warm water running over her face felt divine, like a baptism by pure comfort itself.

"Alright honey, take my paw and I'll help you out. Let's get you dried and diapered!"

Although reluctant to leave the inviting warmth of the water, she obeyed the Umbreon's request and raised herself out of the bath.

She stepped out, and was immediately wrapped from head to toe in towels by Kota. Giggling, she stood as still as she could as she was toweled off.

Kota stood back, watching as the towels dropped off of Cat's body. Having been freshly dried, her fur puffed out in a comical fashion.

The Umbreon giggled, the sight of his girlfriend appearing more as a marshmallow than a Sylveon tickling him.

"You look so cute, I could just gobble you up."

Cat laughed, sticking her tongue out at her boyfriend as she posed dramatically.

"Like what you see?"

Kota's eyes seemed to be shining with a thousand stars, as he replied.

"Oh, you bet I do."