Ignacio 5

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#98 of Claude gay stories

Now that they are a Triad, Claude, Ignacio, and Pedro go tell Claude's Dad, and Claude and Rory get into a fight. Alll sorts itself out though and they go on to a great future together

"Claude, we need to go talk to Jim now" Pedro says firmly. I nod. And we all get up and go to Dad's room. Harry hugs me as we walk down the hall towards their room. "I'm sorry, Claude" Harry says sadly. "No, it's my fault, Harry I wanted you to have my Pedro" I say. "Your Pedro?" Harry asks. "We joint bonded him" Nacho says proudly. Harry hugs me. "Our boy" he says proudly. "I got insecure, Harry, I had some trouble with the pain Mick left me with" I say. "My poor Lion son, that rat bastard Bull hurt you so badly" Harry says hugging me. Nacho hugs us both. "We'll keep him happy, we did not see what we should of, he was hurting and yet could not ask for the love and reassurance he needed, he has forgiven me and we will go on, and our Pedro and I will make sure he gets all he needs, even if he cannot ask" Ignacio says smiling."I'd hope you'd both want me again" Harry says . Pedro murrs. "You are a hot and tight Tiger, of course we will" Pedro says. Ignacio nods. "We would love to get you and Jim together, I'd love to fuck you while we watch Jim fuck Claude" Pedro murrs. "I would as well, Jim is a beautiful Lion as our Claude will be at that age" Nacho says grinning.

I can hear loud voices in their room. "Claude, Jim and Rory are fighting, Rory was mad at how Sam went after him, and Jim agrees with Sam" Harry says. I sigh. "More drama" I say softly. "What should we do?" Nacho asks. "I'm going to kill two birds with one stone" I snort and I go into Dad's room.

"We're talking, Claude" Rory snorts at me. "I'm not going, I have something extremely important to tell Dad, and then something to say to you, Rory" I snap. Dad looks at me. "I hate to tell you, Dad, but you were wrong" I say. Dad looks at me. Nacho and Pedro nod at Dad. "We joint bonded, we're a triad now" I say proudly. "What happened?" Dad asks Pedro. "We took him together, and when we kissed we were bonded together when our Claude fainted" Pedro says proudly. Dad cracks up. He kisses me. "My horny son, had to have two big Cuban Polar Bears to keep him happy" Dad says proudly. "Welcome to my little family, Pedro, you'll love him as deeply as Nacho does" Dad says kissing Pedro. Nacho looks so proud now.

Rory's glaring at me still. I turn to him. "I'm sorry that Sam went off on you but you hurt me badly, Bro" I snort. He looks at me. "Teddy told me you worried that I would not love you or want you anymore now that I had my own Polar Bears, we came to you so you would know I still loved you, and you totally blew me off, I get that you wanted to feel Nacho's big dick, but then it was like I wasn't even there, so much for how worried you were" I snort. "Claude, you told me you'd always love me, you made sure I knew that you loved me still and I had a chance to get some hot sex with your Bears and Teddy" he says. "What about me?" I ask. "Well , you have them now" he says smugly.

"I do, but I thought my brother loved me more than that" I say angrily. "Maybe I wanted you too, or at least to have my Brother acknowledge I was in the room" I snort. Rory looks surprised at how angry I am. Rory's quiet now. "I see, so that's how it is now" I say shaking my mane. Dad looks grim now. He knows what that means, he ought to as I got that habit from him. Means I don't know what to do or say now, but I'm upset. In short, anything is liable to come out of my mouth.

"Rory, maybe you ought to go to bed now" Dad says trying to keep anything more from happening. Rory's mad too. "What do you mean if that's how it is now?" he asks. "You don't really love or need me anymore, you've got Teddy and the Hell with me" I snort. Dad's not happy now. "How fucking dare you say that to me?" Rory snarls. "I put up with seeing you hurt and abused by that damned Bull for so long and now things are better and you begrudge me making up lost time with my Grizzly" Rory snaps. "I only went to you because I thought you needed reassurance that I did still love you" I holler. Rory looks at me. "But apparently you don't care whether I do or not, and I'm not going to apologize anymore, I fucked up, is that what you wanted to hear, Rory, maybe I should of stayed with him and let him kill me, is that what you wanted" I yell. Dad's got tears in his eyes now. "No, Claude, please don't" Dad says very quietly.

Rory looks sad now. "Claude, you get over emotional and then go running off" Rory says angrily. "Yeah, I have always been that way and Mick made it worse, and I'm going to therapy" I say angrily. "What did your therapist tell you?" Rory asks me angrily. "That I was being a touch over sensitive but it was perfectly understandable especially after he hurt me that time and I ran away for over a week" I snort. Rory looks sad now. "Rory, you should go now, you know how God awful that was" Dad says angry now himself. "You always baby him" Rory snorts. I see why Rory's mad now. He's always felt Dad loved me more than him. Because I have so much of Mom in me. He thinks Dad always sides with me. He should know better, Dad goes off harder and more frequently on me than on Rory. Rory's been around for so many roar offs between me and Dad.

"Enough" Nacho roars. "Rory, what do you want from me, I've begged for forgiveness for putting y'all through so much from Mick." I say. "I can't heal and move on if y'all keep punishing me for it, bad enough I do it to myself" I say weeping now. "What do I need to do to get you to forgive me?" I beg. Rory's taken aback. "Rory, I hurt so, and I know I hurt you too, and I won't lose you, it's why I came to you to let you know I still loved and wanted you, and you ....you... well, you didn't seem to care" I say weeping now. "Claude, I did care, you came to me and told me you loved me and always would, what else did you need?" he asks. "I needed closure as I thought you did too, I thought you'd want to fuck me at least, make love to me and let me know I wouldn't lose you either" I say breaking down further.

Pedro hugs Rory to him. I can see Rory start to calm down. "That's enough, Claude" Nacho says angrily. He grabs me. "Stay away from him for now" Nacho says angrily. "He needed you, bad enough we didn't see what he needed, but we've not known him for long, what's your excuse, Rory?" Nacho snarls. "Sam told me how close you two supposedly were yet you were seemingly not caring how he felt" Nacho says holding me to him tightly. Rory's silent. Pedro lets him go. Pedro takes me from Nacho, and carries me back to our room. I cry on his shoulder all the way.

Pedro walks out and quickly comes back with Nigel. And he tells Nigel what happened. Pedro curls me up while Nige and I talk. "Claude, let this calm down and then you and Rory need to talk, maybe even go see Jonas together" Nigel says softly. "He thinks Dad sided with me because he loves me more than he loves him" I say sadly. We talk a bit more.

Teddy comes running into the room. "Claude, I'm so sorry, I had no idea what was going on, I'd never hurt you" he says hugging me tightly. "I know my 'Big Griz' would never hurt me" I say. "This all just got out of hand" I say kissing Teddy. He's still upset. "Claude, Rory's furious, he's throwing things into a suitcase saying we're leaving and not coming back" Teddy says. I sigh. I get up. "Claude, if he feels he needs to go away, maybe you should let him" Pedro says softly. "No, I don't want to go, I love it here, I don't wanna leave our family just because he's angry." Teddy begs. Pedro smiles. "But you'd go where your own Polar Bear husband went?" He asks. Teddy nods. Pedro smiles.

"Claude, I've seen how much you love Teddy, for his sake as well as you and your brother's sakes, you have to calm down and go to your brother" Pedro says stroking my mane. Nigel nods. "I'll go too" Nigel says smiling. I kiss Nigel. "Thanks Furball, but I have to do this by myself, me and Teddy are the only ones who can reach Rory now" I say kissing him. "Papa Bear, would you show Nigel how good you are in bed, and keep him occupied" I say softly. Pedro grins. "Such a beautiful Badger" Pedro murrs. "I would be honored to take him" Pedro says. "He loves our Lion and he helped me to get to you when you needed me" Pedro says. And he pulls Nigel to him.

Teddy and I get up. "What will you do, I've never seen Rory so mad?" Teddy asks me. "Not sure, but I'll figure something out" I say softly. We go to their room. Rory's furious at me."What the fuck do you want?" he roars at me. "To talk some sense into you" I snort. "That's rich, my crazy little Brother's gonna talk sense into me?" he snorts. "He doesn't love me more than you, he loves you as much, just differently" I say angrily. "How fucking dare you, as if you'd notice or care" he roars. "I do care, I'm upset because I came to you, again I've come to you, I can't lose my brother's love" I snort. Rory's really angry at me. I figured I have to make him madder. Like I do with Dad at times. I have to keep pushing him til he explodes.

"You're selfish, you've never cared about me or anyone else, as long as you get what you want, the Hell with me and anyone else" I roar at him. He's about to lose it now. Teddy's backed up into a corner in fear of Rory's rage. He's so calm most of the time, it's easy to forget he's got Dad's temper too. "You've always been that way, angry at me for openly feeling while you're always so emotionally constipated." I say sharply. I have to stand there and ignore my warning senses, he's about to hit me and I won't move. I know I should back flip out of reach. They're literally screaming at me to move now. But I stand my ground and pray it won't hurt too much. And Rory punches me hard. Right in the face. I slump to the floor. I"m not hurt too much. But he needs to think I am. He's standing over me. He looks mad still, but he's beginning to cry too. "I know you could have avoided that, Claude, I know how you are, why?" He asks sounding pained.

"I knew there was buried anger there inside of you Rory, you've always thought Dad loved me more, and that I was an emotional mess who everyone would cater to, and so he'd always get what he wanted" I say. "And you were mad at me, for putting up with Mick for so long and hurting all of those who loved me" I say softly. "It was a shot at me you deserved and needed to take, Bro, for how badly I've hurt you, never meaning to, but hurting you still" I say quietly. Rory holds me tightly and cries. And I cry too. "I know I hurt you Rory, you and Dad and so many" I say. "I can never make it up to y'all and that hurts worse than anything Mick did to me" I say as we cry together. "I was so scared, one day he would have killed you, and you walked away finally and got Ignacio and then Pedro" he says. "Very little consequences like always" He says. "Just a broken jaw, and a shattered sense of security, enough to run from my own loving Polar Bears" I say softly."I'm sorry, Claude" Rory says.

"I got hot, I was looking forward to us working on Teddy and I guess I forgot about you, Claude, and I'm so sorry" he says crying harder. "Rory, I love you, I always will love you, nothing made me happier than for you to take Teddy, he's a great Grizzly, and he loves you as I always wanted you loved, I just wanted to be loved like you and Dad and Nigel were loved, but I made a major mistake" I say. "I have to grieve for the pain Mick left me with, the pains I caused all of you, and it caused problems with me and my own Polar Bears" I say quietly. Rory picks me up off of the floor and he lays me on the bed and he and Teddy get on either side of me.

"You've got a Hell of a Black eye now" Teddy says softly. "I'm sorry, Claude" Rory says. "No, I figure for all I've put you through over the years I owed you at least one clean shot at me" I say meekly. "You knew?" Rory asks. "You had to stand there, I know your warning senses had to tell you I was gonna hit you, and how you should have moved to avoid it, and yet you stood there and let me hit you?" he asks. "I did, like I said, you deserved to get in at least one clear shot at me" I say softly. Rory grins. He kisses me.

"We do need to talk soon, Claude, I did feel like Dad always takes your side" Rory says softly. "We are different, Rory, I'm more Mom and you're like half Grandpa Kitman and half Grandpa Russell" I say smiling. Rory laughs. "We are so different, and I have Grandpa in me, and I never thought of that" he says. I put my paw on his chest over his heart. "In here, as much as you look like Grandpa Walt, you are more alike in here, with a bit of Grandpa Claude in you too" I say softly. "Dad figured out when you were little that you needed to be handled differently than he did me" I say. "He loves you, he's talked to me about it at times, how to reach you, and how hard it is for him, you're a lot more private than I am" I say. "He got you to intervene for him, didn't he, Claude?" Rory asks. "He did, he knew you'd tolerate me being potentially what you'd feel as intrusive, and he just wanted to know what was going on with you" I say. Rory smiles. "You do love me, and I'm sorry" he says.

"Rory, I know I've got a long way to go before I'm healed from what I let happen to me" I say. "I'm sorry I hurt you, and I'll do anything to make it up to you" I say softly. Rory smiles. "You let me hit you, I kind of still can't believe that" Rory says. "You know how strong I am and you could have avoided it, and yet you knew I needed it to let my pains out" Rory says nuzzling me. I weep. "I love you Rory, I needed you to calm down, I'd die if you left me" I say softly. Teddy's looking at us now. "He came to you for me, I told him you wanted to leave but I didn't and he came to help me calm you down" Teddy says. "You love my Teddy too" Rory says nuzzling me again "I do, it wasn't that you guys were fucking, nor that Pedro was fucking Harry, no one even seemed to know I was there" I say quietly. "I know you can't handle that I'm sorry, Claude" Rory says. "I would like to borrow your Polar Bears one day and have us all work Teddy over" Rory says stroking my body. "I wouldn't mind" I say softly.

Nacho walks in the room and he's mad until he sees how we're curled up. And then he notices my Black eye. "Should I ask, mi amo?" he says finally. "We had it out, my Polar Bear husband" I say softly. "Claude knew I needed to get my anger out, and we're all good" Rory says kissing me. "Claude, what did Rory mean by you let him hit you?" Teddy asks. I sigh. And Rory explains to Teddy and Nacho about my reflexes and agility and the warning sense I inherited from Mom. "If you are trying to hurt him physically he'll know and know how to avoid it" Rory says as he finishes explaining. "You can't touch him if he doesn't want you too, but he could not avoid Mick's slapping him around" Rory says. "Its on my agenda to talk to Jonas about it" I say looking at Rory. "I don't fully understand why either" I say.

Nacho looks at me. "It is as he said already, you felt you needed to be punished and not to be loved" Ignacio says softly. "You felt you deserved nothing but scorn and abuse" Nacho says quietly. "Are you two good now?" Ignacio asks Rory. "Yeah, we need to talk and with Dad too, but he loves me and he understands me way more than I thought he did, Nacho, I'm sorry I was being a pain" he says. "We too are good now, I spoke with Father Lion and he explained a lot about how you and Claude are" Nacho says. "I don't think Claude knew how hurt you were by his abuse from that Bull, Father Jim said you cried so at times" Nacho says softly. I look at Rory. "I wanted to kill him too, and truthfully I'm amazed it took Sam so long to go off on him" Rory says calmly.

Nacho kisses me. And he kisses Teddy. "I would have you again soon" Nacho murrs. Teddy smiles. 'They want you and Pedro to work him up along side Rory" I say. "You would not be upset" he asks. "I'll find something or someone to do while you do it" I tease him. "We would prefer to do it as we planned. the three of us and maybe your Grandfather working our Lion and your beautiful Grizzly up at once" Nacho says smiling. "For now, we will go to bed, our Pedro and I wish to take the night and make sure our Lion knows how much he is loved" Nacho murrs. "I wanted to ask you?" Rory asks. "Yes?" Nacho says. "You're not bothered by your own Father being a part of your triad with Claude?" Rory ask. "I know he fucks me, and Grandpa and Dad and it doesn't bother him, but well.." Rory says.

Nacho smiles. "I have loved my father so, as long as I can remember, we'd curl up and cuddle each other but not have sex" Nacho says "I know now I had to love him, and he is my mate but he and I share Claude as our bottom" Nacho says smiling. Rory smiles. He gets it I see. Teddy looks thoughtful. "Claude, what about you, Pedro is hot, but he is older than you two by quite a bit?" Teddy asks."We will have our Pedro as long as he lives and we will go on without him when he's gone, I won't not take him because he won't live as long as we do" I say. "I am older than Claude too, and he does not care" Nacho says smiling. "Pedro is a hot and loving and caring Polar Bear and I love him, as I love my Ignacio, and I'll still legally bond them both when it is time" I say grinning. "You want to belong to us so badly" Nacho murrs.

"Time to take you to bed" Nacho says picking me up into his arms. "We will keep you to us for a day or so, we need to heal our Lion's pains, let him know he is the most important thing in our worlds." Nacho murrs. And we walk out and to our room. Alfred has moved Pedro's stuff to our room. And put his things up.

Pedro is holding Nigel tightly. Nigel looks done in, covered in sweat and panting hard. "I'll have to work on these bottoms some more, like Oscar 3 hard fucks and he's exhausted" Pedro says laughing. I kiss Nigel. "He's amazing" Nigel pants. "He is, and so is Ignacio" I say. Nacho murrs. "Show him how much you fuck like I do, my son" Pedro murrs proudly and gets up. "You mind, mi amo?" Nacho asks me. "Not at all, I love my little furball, he needs to see how good my Polar Bears are, and Pedro was right, he helped our Papa Bear help me" I say. And I lean down and I kiss Nigel. "Come to me if he's upset or you need to know how to handle him" Nigel says smiling. I kiss him. "No one knows me as well as my Badger" I say smiling. Nigel grins. Nacho mounts him. And Pedro pulls me to him.

Emil walks in. "I was looking for my Badger, Mein Claude, but I see he is busy" Emil says smiling. "Will I do, Meister Emil?" I ask. He grins. And he looks at Pedro. "I have heard, you love him as much as your son does" Emil says smiling. Pedro grins. "You may have him, Nigel told me how you two are, many love our Lion, and we will not keep him from those he loves" Pedro says smiling. . Nigel nods. Emil slips his robe off. "He is a sexy Walrus" Pedro says smiling. Emil blushes. "He is, he's a beautiful and hot Walrus, my Papa Bear" I say. Pedro's murring and he's getting hard again.

I lay on my back and beckon Emil to me. "I am glad you will let me still have Claude" Emil says very gently. "You care for him, as he cares for you, and I will be happy to watch you take him, give him your best, Emil" Pedro says grinning. Emil leans down and kisses me as he gets on top of me. Ignacio is really working Nigel now. Long dicking him like he does me, and Nigel's as tightly wrapped around my Polar Bear as I usually am.

"They love you so" Emil whispers as he slips up me."They do, do you still love me, Emil?" I ask as he works his fat Walrus dick in and out of me."I will always love you Claude, as I know you love me" Emil moans in German. "You will be happy with them, and they will let me still have you" he says happily in German. We kiss and he speeds up inside of me. "I want to cum up you, make you know you are still mine, Mein Lion" he says softly. I kiss him. And I clamp down on his fat Walrus dick. He cums loudly, bucking and trembling on top of me. He's panting hard too. Pedro kisses him. "You do love him, you just love your Badger more" Pedro whispers to him. Emil blushes.

"My Pedro knows how animals are" I say proudly. Pedro blushes. We're interrupted by Nacho's orgasmic roar. Nigel's clinging to him panting hard. He's cum all over Nacho's belly. Emil smiles. and he pulls out of me. "I will take my Badger to bed now, we'll talk soon" he says kissing me and Pedro. Nacho rolls over and holds me to him. Pedro gets in front of me and holds me as well.

I kiss them both and go to pee. I can hear them chatting in Spanish as I pee and wash up a bit. I go back out. Pedro and Nacho pull me to them. "We are going to keep you to us for a few days, anyone wants you have them talk to us" Ignacio says quietly. Pedro nods his agreement. "We need to keep you with us, you still need to heal, mi amo leone" Pedro says quietly. "You need us now, you are more hurt than you wish to let on, mi leone" Ignacio says smiling. "We know how you hurt, Claude" Pedro says softly. "You need your mates now, you need us to love you, and heal your heart" Nacho says quietly. "You will spend as much time with us as you can for the foreseeable future, Claude" Ignacio says in his 'you've been given an order' tone. "I want that, so it will be easy for me" I say softly. Pedro murrs. "You belong to us, me and my father now, you are our mate and will be as long as we all live" Ignacio says firmly."Even though we will legally bond in a year, you are already Mrs Dominguez, mi padre and I's wife" Ignacio says firmly. "Yes, Daddy Bear" I say quietly. Ignacio murrs. Pedro laughs. "It makes me hot to hear you call me that" Nacho murrs. "Like when he calls me Papa Bear" Pedro adds grinning. They're both rock hard now.

"We are horny Polar Bears, Claude" Pedro says laughing. "I'm glad of that, I want my Bears as often as they'll take me" I purr. Pedro grabs me and pulls me in between them. They nod at each other. And I get rolled to my side. Pedro pushes his big Ursine dick up me and pumps me a bit. Ignacio pushes his fat Polar Bear dick up beside his Father's dick. And they rut me hard in tandem. I cuss and moan and kick as they work me. "We will do you like this as often as we can, to prove to you that we both love, want and need our Lion" Pedro pants. "You belong to me and my beloved Father" Ignacio pants hard. They're both stroking my body.

And I purr for my Bears. I'm used to this now. This double penetration makes me hot for my guys now. And I know it means that they love me so much. Feeling those fat Black Polar Bear dicks rubbing together inside me make crazy. I kick and I gush cum all over. Pedro's grunting hard. "Feels so hot, my Nacho's dick rubbing against mine, inside of our loving Lion's ass" he grunts.

I look into Nacho's eyes. He's so hot, and he's not making words just lustful grunts and moans. He has so much love in his eyes for me and our Pedro. I kiss him. "I love my first Bear so" I moan. Nacho bucks and growls and roars and I feel his thick and fertile Bear sperm gush up me. Pedro roars. "Too fucking hot" he groans and I feel him gush up me. My guts are full and slightly distended from the massive Polar Bear loads inside of them. They both kiss me repeatedly. "I love you, mi padre" Nacho pants hard. "I love my son, so , my Nacho has always meant so much to me" Pedro pants. "Your Lion loves being between you both like this, shows me I belong to both of you" I pant. They both murr loudly. And they're so happy now. They pull out of me in unison and their huge loads gush out of me as they do. They hold me tightly between them.

"I am glad you are mine and Nacho's now, you are such a beautiful young Lion and you make this fat, old Polar Bear so happy and feel so loved" Pedro says kissing me. "And my Nacho, I have loved you so for so long, I think I have never let myself see how much I truly needed you as mine" Pedro says leaning over me and kissing Ignacio. Nacho murrs. "I have loved you as well, my Father, and I am happier than I could dream to have both you and my precious Lion as mine now" Nacho says kissing his Dad and then me. "You both are beautiful to me, I hope you see that one day" I say quietly. Pedro smiles. "I do not believe I am beautiful, but it means the world to me that you think I am" Pedro says softly. Nacho and I laugh. Pedro looks at us. "I said the same thing, Papa Bear" Nacho says grinning. Pedro murrs. "Makes me hot from you too" he murrs. "Papa Bear, what doesn't make you horny" I tease him. He's snuffling me. "Your scent makes me hot, and when you call me Papa Bear, I want to fuck you until you can't walk" Pedro murrs. "Won't ever hear me complain about that, mi Pedro" I say laughing.

I get up and I sit on Papa Bear's dick and I ride him hard. "Your Badger did that to me, I had never had it done, and he was good" Pedro pants as I move faster on him. Ignacio stands up and puts his hardening dick in my muzzle."Suck me up, mi amo" he growls. "You will ride me when done with our Papa Bear" he growls gruffly. I keep sucking him and I deep throat him. He murrs louder as his dick goes down my throat. I keep riding Pedro's fat Ursine dick and he's grunting loudly. Pedro roars and I feel him gushing up me hard. He's panting. "I love mi amo leone so much" he pants.

"I have never had sex whenever I wanted it, his mother was not much for it, only at times and always on her terms" Pedro pants to me. Nacho smiles. "He can't get enough of us, Father, we fuck him and he wants more" Ignacio says proudly. And he pulls out of my mouth and lays on his back on the bed. His big, fat Ursine dick sticking up proudly. Pedro kisses me. "Take him, let me see how you make him cum, make him cum as hard as you did me, my love" Pedro says kissing me.

I get up off of Pedro's softening dick. And I sit on Ignacio's fat Polar Bear dick. "I cum in you and I get hornier" Ignacio pants as I slide up and down on him. He grabs my hips and impatiently begins to thrust up me. He's grunting and his eyes are glazed. "Yo Tengo" he hollers and I feel him gushing up me. Panting hard he pulls me down to kiss me. "Have to remember I can't hold off when you ride me" he pants harder. I kiss him back. Pedro lays on my other side and we kiss and they stroke my body gently. And we start talking a bit. Just lovers getting to know each other. After a while I hear Pedro's stomach grumbling.

"Is my Papa Bear hungry?" I ask him smiling. "I am, mi amo leone" he says. "I get hungry after I've had a lot of sex, and I don't think I've ever had this much sex in one day" he says stroking my mane. I kiss him. "Is my Nacho hungry?" I ask. "I am starved, my Lion" he says kissing me. I get up and go out to the kitchen. I go through the fridge looking for what to cook.. I feel a big pair of paws on my back. "No, mi amo, you need to rest" Pedro says softly. "We will take you to the diner I chased you to, later you will cook for us, we love that you wished to, but my love needs tending too" Pedro says stroking my back. I hear laughter. I look over. Dad's standing in the kitchen door.

"He loves you, he'll tend you as much as you'll let him, Pedro" Dad says softly. "I would like that at times but he must rest now, he is not as healed as he would like us to think, we can go out and eat, the food at that diner looked good, and we will go" Pedro says firmly. "Yes, Papa Bear" I say. He murrs. Dad laughs.

"He's got your number, Claude" Dad says smiling. "I would not risk our Lion for anything, Nacho knows this as well, and he sent me to you" Pedro says. Nacho comes out casually dressed. "Go dress, Claude, Papa Bear will too, and we'll go eat" he says looking at me. I nod. Dad laughs. "Jim, get your Tiger and come with us?" Pedro asks. Dad smiles. "It's almost breakfast time now" Dad says smiling.

I look at the kitchen clock. It's 5AM Sunday morning already. I'm amazed. "We will go eat, come back and fuck and then go to sleep" Ignacio says smiling. "I am looking forward to sleeping with my loves" Pedro says softly. "You guys go, you need to keep him with you today, Pedro your boys will being going to work on Monday, so keep them with you today" Dad says smiling. I kiss him. "They love you, and they both seem to understand you so well already" Dad says. Nacho smiles. "We will try, I swore I'd be all I could to him, and I would try to think of him always, Papa will too" Nacho says smiling. "I know, you love him so" Dad says and he goes back to bed.

Pedro and I go and dress. And Nacho takes us to the diner in his new Jaguar. He's proudly driving it too. "Does my Papa Bear want a car too?" I ask. "I would, we will attend to it soon enough, Tuesday Sam wishes me to go with him to his gym and get used to it before I start work" Pedro says happily. "We can go when I get out of my office, should be about 5 or so" I say "I will take you to your office and then go to the Hospital Pharmacy, and I will pick you up after I get off, Claude, and we will come get Papa Bear and take him to get his own car" Nacho says in his 'obey me' tone. "Yes, Ignacio" I say softly. I purr to myself. He's being his usual firm, but gentle self. But he and my other Polar Bear are determined to look after me. Without my even asking for it. I feel so happy right now.

"Claude, we will see Jonas sometime this week, I will call him on Monday from my work, I wish for the three of us to go, Papa Bear seems to know already how to help you, and I would learn too, I think Jonas can help" Nacho says firmly. Pedro smiles. "You do fairly well, Ignacio, I was hurt more than you thought, but you've been there for me except for once, we're all still learning each other" I say. "I am glad you will spend as much time as you can with us" Pedro says leaning back and stroking my paw. "I want to be with my Lord Bears" I say quietly. They both murr loudly.

"You are my wife and father's wife too" Ignacio says firmly. "I know I am, and I am proud to belong to my Cuban Polar Bears" I say softly. Pedro looks into my eyes. "We are proud to have you, such a beautiful young Lion, and he loves and adores us so" Pedro says smiling. Ignacio nods. "You are so proud to be ours, it shines from those beautiful Sapphire Blue eyes, they are full of love and pride now, and I would keep that in them, I do not wish to see them full of pain again" Ignacio says softly.

We pull up to the diner and go in. We order and we talk. "I'm sorry guys, I was too sensitive" I say. "Claude" Ignacio says firmly. "We move on, we will talk about that with Jonas, but we all move on" he says firmly. "We know now what we have to do, we have to tend our loving little Lion as much as he will tend to his husbands." Pedro says softly. "As open as you are, you do not always let your pains show, we need to make sure you always feel as loved and wanted as you make us feel" Pedro adds. Ignacio nods. Nigel was right. I need to feel understood as much as I need to feel loved. And Pedro and Ignacio are trying very hard to understand me. Pedro seems to already, though Ignacio is working harder to 'get me'.

And they talk in Spanish to one another. I wonder if Pedro knows I too speak Spanish, Nacho does.. I sit and I listen. They're talking about Ignacio's brothers and some acquaintances. I am silent now. I feel a bit of shame still. I love them both and I owed them better than to go off like I did. Pedro leans across the table and puts his paw on my shoulder. "You are so transparent, mi amo leone, why are you troubled now?" he asks gently. "I feel shame and guilt for not trusting my Polar Bears" I say sadly, looking down at the floor. Pedro smiles at me. Ignacio however is laughing at me. I flush bright red.

"That is so you, mi amo, you cannot let it go, you feel shame where it is not necessary, please my Claude, let it go, we are not upset with you, we love you, I knew how hurt you were when I took you, I took it on when I took you, and I do not regret any of it at all." Ignacio says softly. I fight tears. "I told Father as well, we knew you were damaged, yet we still want you as ours so much" Ignacio says leaning over to kiss me gently. Pedro kisses me too. "We understand what happened, mi amo leone, and we love you, please do not beat yourself up, Jim was right, you go overboard making up when you feel you were wrong," Pedro says softly. "Your Polar Bears love you so, we will make sure it does not happen again, and we do not wish to see you keep hurting yourself over nothing" Pedro says smiling at me. "I'm sorry, Papa Bear, I'll try" I say quietly. Pedro smiles.

"It is not that you do not understand him, my son, it is all in how he reacts to you" Pedro says. "He is different with you, mi padre" Nacho says. "He is respecting me as your Father and he sees me as a Father figure too, as well as his mate" Pedro says quietly. "He is afraid of you a bit still, he would not risk upsetting you Nacho" Pedro says. "Do you not trust me, Claude?" Nacho asks. "I do trust you, Pedro just seems a bit, well, softer in how he deals with me" I say. Nacho laughs. "Am I too gruff with you?" he asks. "No, you love me, you are as gentle and tender with me as you've always been" I say. "I think I have been overwhelmed and I'm still too sensitive" I say. "We know, it is why we would not let you cook, we will eat, and take you home to bed." Ignacio says softly. I purr. Nacho smiles. "You do listen to me" He murrs. "I do, I am too raw I think, Daddy Bear" I say. My Bears smile at me. "He makes me so hot when he calls me that" Ignacio says grinning. "Like when I call Pedro Papa Bear?" I ask. Pedro murrs happily. He puts my paw in his lap and he's rock hard. Nacho laughs. He puts my other paw in his lap and he's rock hard too.

"We'll eat and take you home, fuck you hard and go to sleep" Pedro says grinning. Ignacio nods and he's grinning too. When the food comes we eat and we talk. Pedro is happy and he's telling me about how Nacho was growing up. Nacho blushes a bit. But what I hear tells me how close he always was to his Dad, and how much they always loved each other. And I'm suddenly very proud of my Father and Son Polar Bear mates. "You look happy now, mi amo" Nacho says. "Just enjoying listen to my beloved Bears, and how much they've always loved one another" I say quietly. Pedro laughs.

"You do love us so much, you love hearing about our mate when he was young, you love the intimacy we share with you mi amo" Pedro says happily. I smile. "Sam's right, you're as sharp as he is, and you sum up animals so well, I think I see where Sam got it from" I tell my older Bear mate. Ignacio smiles. "I see what you mean." Ignacio murrs. "Father is sharp and very canny" Nacho says grinning. Pedro blushes. "Makes me hotter for my Papa Bear." I say purring. Nacho laughs.

I lean across the table and I kiss Ignacio. "I am so grateful you had faith, and were so patient, enough to wait for me, Ignacio" I say softly. "Sam told me to keep being patient, that you would be pushed too far soon enough" he says. "We were taken by surprise that night when you stood up to him, but I was more than ready, my love, you needed a gentle, loving paw, and I could not have asked for a better response from you, you'd look at me with such love and affection, even as I was taking you to the ER" Ignacio says happily. "You appraised me in the car, and I could see your eyes soften, you were in such pain, but you were fascinated by me, and my gentle dominance" Ignacio murrs. "I was, I forgot him, except for the pains, and all I could think of once I got home was you" I say. Ignacio murrs louder.

"Jim said you literally threw yourself at him" Pedro says laughing. "I did, I'd been talking to Nigel, Yuri and Oscar" I say. "I had let him have his time to sort things out, Sam said you would come to a decision quickly if at all, he said you were a very impatient Lion when you wanted something" Ignacio says. "He literally pounced on me from across their Living room and kissed me before I could react, mi padre" Ignacio says proud. "He knew I would come after him, but he knew how much it would mean to me if he came after me instead" Nacho says proudly. "I see that you are an impatient one mi amo leone" he says grinning.

"I had to be sure, I had to know I wanted him, not just because he was a Polar Bear like Rory, and that it was right for him too" I say quietly. Pedro smiles at me. "And you got two loving Polar Bears" he says proudly. "I'm luckier than I deserve to be"I say softly. "Claude!" Nacho says firmly. "We are all together, we were meant to all be as one, you are all mi padre and I could want, and you do deserve to be happy" he says. "I am glad you can feel our love, but you need to let go" Pedro says quietly. "Time, and patience and working things out with your therapist will put this behind us, we are as devoted to you as you are to us" Ignacio says emphatically. "Please, Claude, stop looking to hurt yourself" Pedro says softly. I'm kind of stunned to hear Pedro put it so succinctly. He's right.

We get home and they carry me to our room. Nacho rips my shorts and shirt off as we walk in and he drops his pants and he slides me down on his big fat Polar Bear dick. And kissing me repeatedly he moves me up and down on it. I'm moaning and cussing as he moves in me. He gently nips my neck and I roar and cum on his belly.

A bit rough but all in all we've started out good. My Polar Bears will love my so much and as long as we live. I am much loved by my Father and Son Polar bears. And we'll be extremely happy from now on.

Ignacio 4

I'm sitting in the hot tub on the patio. Just relaxing and enjoying a peaceful respite. So much of my life has changed for the better. I now have a Cuban Polar Bear mate who loves me more than I could dream of being loved. My family adores him. His Dad...

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Ignacio 3

Nacho comes out. "Are you OK?" he asks gently. I nod. "Sam and I talked a bit, and I tried to apologize for making him hurt so for so long because I was fooled by Mick" I say. "We saw mi amo, he did so much to keep you hooked and at his side" Ignacio...

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Ignacio 2

I think a bit. I know what I should do. I should wait, go see Jonas tomorrow and then make up my mind. It's the right and proper thing to do. But I am not 100% sure I should wait. And I'm pretty sure that I don't want to wait. Those closest to me think...

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