Dakota's Surprise | Chapter 3 [Comm]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#3 of Dakota's Surprise [Comm]

Working can be a pretty demanding environment when you're a hard working Sylveon like Catherine. Coming home exhausted after a day of putting up a smile is no small feat. One day, when Cat comes home feeling lethargic, she finds that her boyfriend had been secretly planning a weekend full of spoiling and pampering that fulfills her need for R&R to her heart's content. <3Contains: Diapers, Diaperfur, Wetting, Messing, Fantasy, Mature, Daddy Dom, Pampering, PokemonRating: Mature

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Commission for: Kitcatcatherine

Thumbnail by: lunarcey

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Chapter 3:

The Outing

Kota took great care as he gently deposited his freshly dried charge onto the plastic mat laid out on their bed.

The portable changing table crinkled softly as she lay, legs brushing against each other in front of her torso shyly.

"Just a minute sweetheart, Daddy needs to find the kitten powder."

Her cheeks glowing softly, she waited patiently as the Umbreon gathered the necessary supplies.

With apparent expertise, the Umbreon laid out a paw onto the Sylveon's tummy and patted it reassuringly. He hummed softly under his breath, his attention directly for her and her alone.

Cat could not help but feel her heart flutter once more as a generous helping of baby powder was applied to her nether regions. Her tapes were placed symmetrically across the landing zone with a flourish, much to the Umbreon's apparent satisfaction.

"Man, I'm pretty good at this."

Cat arched an eyebrow, swaying from side to side as she wagged her tail for exaggerated effect.

"Yeah, you could do this for a living, huh?"

The Umbreon reached out and poked her on the nose gently, his white teeth flashing in a toothy grin.

"Hush, now. I'll bust out the southern drawl and call myself sweety bell if you keep complimenting like that."

Cat stuck her tongue out in response, laughing at her boyfriend's teasing. Part of her almost still couldn't believe it was happening. Casual banter accompanied quite comfortably by a diaper change.

He loves this! she thought giddily, excitement coursing through her. Expectantly, she raised her arms up for the other pokemon to pick up.

"Stay here a moment sweetie, I still need to get the rest of today's outfit!"

The Umbreon slinked away, headed downstairs. A few seconds later, Cat heard the pokemon rustling through some packaging.

Did something arrive this morning?

Moments later Kota stood in the doorway, holding up a pair of denim shortalls.

"It's a gorgeous day, and you've been resting inside for almost a day now. I think it's time for the little kitten here to stretch her claws a little bit."

Cat blushed deeply, seeing that the outfit appeared to have ample room in regards to her waist. Despite her thick diaper, she'd be able to waddle around without a problem.

"Do... Do I really have to... Wear that, outside?"

Kota nodded morosely, his expression denoting a firm stance on this particular condition. Cat could not help but blush further; she thoroughly enjoyed his paternal authority.

"Okay, Daddy..."

She mumbled, her paws reaching up to her cheeks to rub at them while her cheeks glowed.

"There's a good girl, I'll even let you wear your favorite pair of sneakers too. There might even be an ice cream cone in your future."

Smiling, despite herself overwhelmed with a sense of childish glee, the Sylveon watched patiently as her boyfriend helped dress her in the shorts.

After a pair of knee high socks were guided gently onto the Sylveon's rear paws, Kota sat back with a smile of satisfaction across his muzzle.

"Now that's a cute princess, I think we're about ready to go."

He walked over to the closet, reaching in to take out what appeared to be a large duffel bag.

As Cat did a double take, Kota hefted the diaper bag onto his shoulder and appeared a little sheepish as he met her gaze.

"What? I wanted to come prepared..."

The momentary lapse in character got them both laughing uncontrollably.

"Alright, kiddo. Enough silliness, let's take a stroll."

Taking her paw in his, the Umbreon guided his girlfriend through the front door and out onto the little walkway outside of their condo.

The overalls supported her pampered bottom in such a manner that it felt as if she were being gently carried by someone supporting her rear end.

Only a few other pokemon milled about, a grizzly looking Ursula minded her flowerbed while her cub pushed a tricycle around in a circle.

"See? It's quite alright."

The Umbreon gently squeezed Cat's paw, an encouraging look on his muzzle that alleviated her apprehension somewhat.

The park was only about a block away, so the two took their time strolling and holding each others' paws.

Cat felt a twinge at her bladder, the movement of her legs pushing against the diaper increasing the circulation to her lower regions.


She gave a heavy breath, readjusting the way she straddled the padding between her legs.

Kota glanced down at the slightly bulging middle section that adorned his girlfriend's waist, picking up rather quickly on what was going on.

Before there was an opportunity for him to comment, the playground came into view as they rounded the corner.

Cat glanced at the Umbreon excitedly, hoping that he would let her have free range.

As their luck would have it, nobody had thought to visit the park that day. Tucked away inside a little grove of trees, the various swings and jungle gyms that stood proudly amidst the trees were brightly colored and inviting.

Cat looked at Kota, containing excitement in her eyes as she tugged gently on his arms.

Understanding what she was asking, the Umbreon smiled and responded softly.

"Okay little one, you can run off and play. Just make sure you stay where I can see you."

Cat beamed brightly, and nodded her head in response.

"I will, Daddy!"

With uncontained glee, she skipped over to the swings and clambered into the seat of one. Before long her furry legs were swinging in the air as she built up momentum.

Kota settled himself down on one of the park benches. A black paw reached inside of the diaper bag he carried, and Kota withdrew a sandwich he had packed for the trip.

As he took a bite, taking his time with chewing on his morsel, he watched his girlfriend frolic on the swing.

He gazed at her, love and admiration burning in his heart and coming out through a glitter in his eyes as he observed Cat enjoying herself.

It appeared as if she did not have a care in the world, her laughter and glee were unadulterated as her stomach lurched slightly with each change of direction.

Kota smiled contentedly, his plan had worked marvelously. Not only had he managed to convince her that he accepted her for what she was, but he had successfully indulged her in her fantasy and completely surpassed any expectation she might have had.

She was his, and he was hers.

After a while, Cat grew tired of the swings and toddled over to the slides. The Sylveon clambered up the plastic stairs on all fours, completely unabashed by how much like a little kid she was behaving. Catherine was in the baby zone.

Having finished his sandwich, Kota reached inside of the bag once more to take out his book. Flipping to where he left off, the afternoon seemed to slip by in silent, luminous perfection as golden hour slowly approached.

As Cat slid down the slide for what must have been the 17th time that day, she felt a slight rumble in her tummy. She squeezed her legs together, feeling the bulk of the thick diaper between her thighs as a muffled crinkle came from underneath her overalls.

She glanced over at Kota, who had now become engrossed in his book and was currently paying her no mind.

The Sylveon looked around, the two were still the only pokemon present in the hidden park, much to her delight and slight sense of relief.

A sudden pressure seemed to build up in her lower abdomen out of nowhere. Cat knew what was happening and realized she was now faced with a choice.

She could toddle up to Kota and tell him that she needed to go, and he might let her use the park bathroom at the edge of the woods. Or, he might make her use her diaper anyway.

There was a third option, which made the Sylveon blush profusely as she crossed her mind.

Can I do that? In public like this? Well, there really isn't anybody around... But somebody could come at any minute... It's making my heart flutter in my chest just thinking about it...

Just as she was about to follow through with her hesitation, a stronger cramp hit her. It caught her off guard, and as she stood underneath the slide halfway to the stairs, her legs buckled and she found herself instinctively squatting.

Oh no!

She thought, as a whimper escaped her muzzle. Kota didn't take his eyes off of his book, but his ears swiveled towards the direction of his girlfriend. He knew exactly what was happening.

Cat let out a soft mewl, the pressure on her bladder had simply become too much. She felt a warm trickle of liquid spread out through the front of her diaper as she wet herself, the absorbent material swelling and pressing back up against her as her overalls supported her soggy diaper.

But her body was not done with her yet, a final wave of cramps hit that were simply too much to bear. The Sylveon pushed with all her might.

"Ffffrt.... Blortch!"

A fanfare of flatulence escaped Cat's rear end as she felt the mucky accident leave her hind quarters to be deposited and firmly contained, pressed up against her, as she soiled herself helplessly.

The Sylveon gasped, breathing with exertion as she felt that the chamber had not been emptied fully just yet. With one final, 'Blort!' she heaved a sigh of relief.

The back of her diaper felt more full than she had expected a messy accident to feel. Well-contained and pressed up against her due to the overalls she wore, she took a few hesitant steps and found that the diaper had grown almost a size bigger, hindering her movements significantly.

Cat blushed profusely, her cheeks feeling almost as warm as the accident now pressed up against her seat. The insides of her diaper felt squishy and warm, she was almost tempted to just sit down on her messy seat right there and then.

"Hey Kitten, need a change?"

Cat started, looking behind her in surprise as Kota stood a foot away. Her boyfriend had apparently snuck up on her, much to her surprise. Before she could respond, she felt the bottom of her diaper being gently squeezed and groped. An expression of interest adorned the Umbreon's muzzle.

Stepping closer, he embraced his girlfriend and worked a paw to her padded front, squeezing firmly as he whispered softly in her ear.

"Did somebody have a little accident, sweetie?"

Cat felt goosebumps as her boyfriend whispered to her, she shivered as if cold and found herself feeling incredibly turned on.

Heck... As if my diaper isn't wet enough already...

She leaned back into him, letting out a soft mewl of embarrassment as she turned to bury her face in his chest.


She muttered, her voice muffled by the Umbreon's fur. Her boyfriend embraced her, gently patting her loaded diaper seat as he murmured softly to her.

"There, there honey. Daddy's here to change his little princess out of her little stinky. Come along now, darling."

The Umbreon grabbed her by the paw, guiding her slowly over to the bench at which he had been sitting.

"Now then dearie, lean back now and let Daddy Dakota take care of everything. It's going to be okay, sweetums."

Cat nodded meekly, a sense of apprehension already building in her stomach as she hoped that nobody would discover them during her change. She was almost tempted to protest, to say that she would prefer to be changed back at home if that's alright with Dakota.

But one look into the kind Umbreon's face seemed to tell her that everything indeed would be okay.

Cat gazed deeply into Kota's eyes, finding herself lost in their warmth.

"Alright honey, is it okay if I change your diaper now sweetie?"

Shakily, Cat nodded slowly, her blush not abating in the slightest as she gave her confirmation.

"Okey-dokey, we'll be done in a jiffy."

Kota set to work, unbuttoning and unbuckling the overalls sliding them down to her knees. Four small clicks announced themselves as he unbuttoned her onesie, peeling it back and revealing her thoroughly soaked diaper.

The scent of soiled diapers, which had previously been almost completely contained in her clothes, now pervaded the air freely.

Cat did not think it was possible, but as the smell reached their nostrils she blushed an even darker shade of crimson, a sense of self-consciousness bubbling up from her tummy.

Kota smirked, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he cupped the bottom of her diaper in his right paw.

"My my, looks like we've got quite the package here. A little bit more dinner last night and you might have had a blowout, young lady."

Cat opened her mouth to defend herself, but found that she was able only to summon a weak stutter.

"Y-you... I d-didn't..."

"Hush now darling, Daddy's just teasing you a little."

Reaching inside of the diaper bag, he withdrew a pink pacifier and promptly plopped it into her open muzzle.

Cat blushed, but suckled obediently on the pacifier nipple while she watched with bated breath as the Umbreon reached for her tapes.

"Can you count along with me? Come on now dearie. One..."








"Good girl, kitty!"

Cat giggled despite herself, unable to contain her glee at how silly her boyfriend was acting.

Now that the diaper was untapped, Kota wasted little time as he grabbed a package of wet wipes. Expertly, he began to wipe up her sensitive area while humming softly under his breath.

The Sylveon had to admire him, as despite the fact that he was dealing with an adult mess he showed no sign of disgust. Not even his nose wrinkled as he finished wiping her up and curled the diaper into a tight ball, which he placed into a sealed plastic bag inside of the diaper bag.

"There we are, now for a fresh set of princess pants."

The Umbreon held up a bunny hop, causing Cat to smile behind her pacifier at the pink bunnies adorning the diaper's exterior.

"Now then, lie still for me dearest."

Kota grabbed her ankles in one paw, gently lifting up her legs until he was able to slide the unfolded diaper underneath her bottom.

The soft material alighted on the Sylveon's fur with maximal gentility, eliciting a giddy feeling inside of her as she watched her boyfriend indulge her.

"There we are, one well-diapered Sylveon ready for play!"

Kota announced this statement proudly as he placed the last tape in place, leaning back to admire the symmetrical tape job he had accomplished.

"Man, I'm good at this aren't I?"

He grinned at Cat, breaking the spell for a moment as Cat rolled her head and eyes upwards, shaking her head.


Suddenly, she sat up and scooted close to him. Their faces were mere inches from each other. Hot, sweet breath, the smell of Kota's fur shampoo, and baby powder titillated her senses.

Cat leaned, and deposited a passionate kiss on the Umbreon's face.

Now, it was Kota's turn to blush. She could see his cheeks almost shining with crimson as he gazed back at her when she withdrew, eyes big and full of the universe.

"I love you, Kota."

Kota looked down for a second, one lip upturned in a tight lipped smile as he contained his emotions. He looked up at Cat, his voice quivering as he responded back, his passion evident as the setting sun casting warm rays against his black fur.

"I love you too, Cat."