Pointless Sex: Double-Penetration

Story by Cronikon on SoFurry

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Pointless Sex - I

WARNING: This is pure smut, majorly lacking plot. Must be over 18 to read.

ADDITIONAL WARNING: This crap came straight from my subconcious mind, and my mind is corrupted, thus, this story is also corrupted. RAYOR.

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Alex, a young white rabbit who looked no older than 16 (in reality, he was 20) strolled down the hall of the shadiest apartment building in town, towards room 717 hardly able to contain his excitement. He wore a tight black t-shirt, multi-coloured board shorts and sandals which showed off his bare footpaws, which multiple partners had told Alex, were the best. His 6" pecker began to tent his shorts as his mind raced with what could (and inevitably) would happen to him in just a short time. He reached the door a little more than half way down the hall and knocked, remembering the code he had been given. The door opened just enough to let him in, the smell of cigarettes and pot drifting into the hall.

Alex slipped into the dark apartment..nothing but the twilight behind the drawn curtains of the window and the bathroom light behind the closed door. The mouses eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, and was greeted with the sight of his two naked friends, both brown spotted hyenas, smooching away, Sam's hands on Dylan's ass and Dylan's arms entwined with his lover, apart from the one he freed to open the apartment door. Both hyena's tails were swishing from side to side slowly, and it was evident that they were enjoying the experience immensely.

"Ahh..great to see you Alex! I'd thought you never show up..so me and Dylan got started without you" Sam giggled at his friend.

"Hey Alex.." Dylan said shyly, untagging his arms from Sam and approaching the rabbit.

"Heh, I'll let you two play around a bit..im going to go to the bathroom.." Sam announced and took off.

"You know..don't let Sam find out I told you this..but i've always thought bunnies were cuter than us hyenas" Dylan told Alex, blushing a little. Alex giggled..

"Aw..Dylan..your so cute" Alex blushed in return and leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Dylan became more aggressive, and forced his tongue into Alex's mouth, while wrapping his arms around the smaller frame of the rabbit, starting an intense game of tonsil hockey. Eventually, Alex pulled back and removed his shirt for Dylan, giggling again. Dylan blushed when he did this, his bone twitching as a new wave of arousal washed over him.

"Err..Alex, could you do something for me?"

"Sure" Alex smiled, blushing already knowing what was coming..

"Could you..um..get on the bed and show me those sexy footpaws of yours.."

Alex smiled and jumped up on the bed and laid down on his back.

'Why don't you take them off me Dylan..I know you'd love to.."

Dylan sat at the edge of the bed and put both the rabbit's massive feet in his lap. He slowly slid each sandal off the rabbits two feet, his cock twitching with excitement again. Alex's prick was now clearly noticeable, a distinctive tent having formed in his shorts. He lifted both of Alex's legs up by the ankles, so that his bare paws were in Dylan's face. He ran his rough tongue over the soles of Alex's mouth-watering feet, before popping a couple of Alex's long toes into his mouth, simulating a blowjob on them.

Just then, Sam came out of the bathroom, his 7 inch dick pointing straight out of his body, covered in a large amount of silicone-based lubrication. He was holding the bottle in his hand which he threw at coyote..

"Man..I don't get why you like his feet so much..it's just weird. Anyways, put this shit on, I believe I have a bet to win.

Alex blushed again "You know Sam, I really don't know how you two are going to do it.."

Sam just smiled as his hyena twin slid the lube over his oozing shaft.

"Okay bunny boy, i'll go first and get you loosened up..drop those trunks"

Alex blushed again, and slid his shorts off to reveal his pecker. He then did half a backwards somersault, holding his ankles up in the air revealing his bright pink asshole, already slightly loose from years of experience.

Sam then assumed his position, crouching in front of the rabbit so that his dick lined up with the rabbit's glory hole. He then bent forward and began sinking his warship into the rabbit's body, making a lewd sticky sound as Alex gasped and moaned feeling the thick piece of meat invade him.

"Oh..Sam..Jesus Christ.." Alex gasped out..short of breath. It wasn't long before the hyena was up to his knot before he began withdrawing, only to pierce it in again, drawing more cusses and moans from the starstruck bunny, beginning the cycle of pure mindless fucking.

Meanwhile, Dylan was trying to find a good position to get in to he could as well penetrate the rabbit's ass. He ended up in the same position as the other hyena, spooning him as he tried to fit his cock into the rabbit's ass as well.

"Sam..shit you gotta stop trusting for a sec..okay..oh shit..I think we can do this..get ready Alex im gonna thrust.."

Dylan's cock was resting on top of Sam's, which was half in Alex's ass, he used it as a guide to slowly, but surely, open the rabbit's butt hole wide enough so that his cock began sinking in as well.

The rabbit, feeling the second cock begin entering him was being stretched to his limits, and his prostate was being prodded by the second invading dick. He began to feel his orgasm coming over him..and began to shutter with breathtaking excitement.

"Guys..ohh....Dylan i'm..i'm..ugghhhh....ooooh.....ahhh"

The rabbit crunched his toes together as the first wave of his orgasm hit him, sending a thick line of bunny spooge out of Alex's dick, onto his bare chest and over his face..the second one shooting past his ear onto the pillow below his head.

Dylan, already horny as fuck from playing with the rabbit's sexy feet was next..as soon as he witnessed Alex's orgasm he lost it too..howling loud and proud as he jizzed inside the rabbit's filled hole, mostly coating Sam's dick which was also in the rabbit's ass. He pulled out, bringing some of the jizz with him.

Sam was last..he pumped into the rabbit's ass a few more times with the help of Dylan's jizz and then he too came..moaning loud as he shot his seed deep into the rabbit's ass. He too pulled out leaving the shellshocked, come covered rabbit, still exposed with his feet in the air, gasping for air.

"I believe you owe me 50 bucks..I TOLD you we'd both fit.."

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