Part 3 introductions, confrontations and a night of fun

Story by Tobias Woadpaw on SoFurry

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Part 3 introductions, confrontations and a night of fun

Tobi stood there wide eyed and rooted to the ground with fear. "holy shit" he thought "he is right here in front of me!! " it took him a few seconds to react.

Tobi extended his hand a bit shakily and blurted out, "h..hi my name is T..Tobias but call me Tobi." Cody chuckled "Its nice to meet you Tobi, do you live around here?" Tobi gulped and steadied his nerves , "yea I live down the street, how about you?" . Cody jerked his thumb over his shoulder "down the street and around the corner." He said as he sat on the bench next to Tobi.

"Oh my Gods he lives soo close, I can't believe I never saw him around here before." Cody thought to himself. He glanced at the fox, "and he is much hotter then I remember him!" Cody looked at the fox and saw Tobi was taking quick glances at him. The fur on the back of his neck stood on end, "is he checking me out? Could he be..?" Cody's thoughts were interrupted by the younger fox next to Tobi.

"oh for crying out loud Tobi you look like you're ready to jump this guy!" the young fox said. Tobi winced and looked daggers at his brother. "Cody this is my little brother Brian" Tobi said through gritted teeth. Cody laughed "it's nice to meet you Brian." He said as he caught his breath.

At this point the bus pulled up to the stop, Brian was the first to hop on. Cody and Tobi walked to the doors "h..Hey uh Tobi would you like to umm you know sit together on the bus?" Cody asked. Tobi's ears perked up and at the suggestion, "yea sure." He replied barely able to control the speed his tail had started to wag. As they walked to the back of the near empty bus they passed Brian and one of his friends in the front seat talking animatedly to one another.

Cody and Tobi sat the second to last seat and stowed their bag's underneath the seat. "so.. do you like video games?" Tobi asked Cody. The husky looked over at him with those beautiful blue orbs and Tobi almost melted on the spot.

"Yea I do! Have you ever played any of the Halo games?" Cody asked as the bus lurched forward. Tobi smiled at him "Of course I have!! Have you played the Fable or Mass Effect games?" he asked . "Only like twenty times!!!" Cody responded ecstatically looking back at Tobi.

All of a sudden the bus turned a sharp corner causing the two furs to be pressed together. Both of their eyes went wide as their body's connected, Tobi's face was centimeters from Cody's their eyes locked and time seemed to slow around them. "He smells so nice, and his body...Gods his body feels so unbelievable!! " thought Tobi. At the same time similar thoughts were passing through the husky's mind "he's so cute, and not only that he has a personality to die for!!". As the bus completed its turn around the bend the two young furs straightened out and there stare broke. "that's it i am going to ask him" thought Tobi. "Hey..uh Cody do you.. want to come over my house and sleep over ?" Tobi asked hesitantly. Cody looked at him with barely concealed joy "yea that would be stellar!!" the husky replied.

"Let me just check with my parents." Cody said as he started to dial, the phone rang twice and then his mom picked up. "Hi mom can I sleep over a friend's house tonight?" the husky listened to his mom, "yea he lives a few houses down from us...I can! Thanks mom I will see you on Saturday!!" as Cody hung up Tobi was finishing a similar conversation with his dad. "Thanks dad , see you when we gat home.. I love you to." He looked at Cody and smiled. "He said yes, how about your folk's? " Tobi asked, "yea same with mine!" replied the exited husky.

As they were about to resume talking the bus pulled up to the school, they got off the bus and walked in to the building, both steeling looks at the others body when they weren't looking.

First period for both of them was Math and as they took their seats in the class room Mr. Robinson the old goat who instructed the class had just arrived and was setting out his notes on the desks. He looked up at the class, "ok all lets open up to chapter fifty..." the rest of the next two classes passed in a blur for Tobi every was going great. Next thing he knew he was sitting down with his two best, and until this morning only friends John and Keith .

"Hey hot stuff!" said John, who was also gay but unlike Tobi he was out of the closet and had a boyfriend. The otter had come out to his parents with his boyfriend Keith a little more than a year ago, they were pretty cool with it when he told them. Since then they have been pretty open with their relationship. John was the only one who Tobi had told he was gay, although Tobi was certain Brian had figured it out to.

Toby chuckled at the two otters "Hey John, hi Keith, how you two doing today?" John leaned his head on Keith's shoulder "we are stellar as always, and who wouldn't be with this hunk next them?" said John. Keith looked down at John and smiled giving him a kiss on the nose. John looks over at Tobi and cracks a half smile "Tobi you look different. There is a bounce in your step, the light in your eyes..." John gasps "oh my god you met someone!!!" Tobi blushes under his fur and before he can say anything a voice that makes his neck fur stand on end says "hey Tobi can we sit with you?".

Cody had just finished buying his lunch when he turned around and scanned the lunch room. he spotted Tobi towards the back of the room sitting with two otters. With jerk of his head he motioned for his friend Kevin to follow him. They walked up to the table and when Cody was behind Tobi he cleared his thought " Hey Tobi can we sit with you?". The fox did a cute little double take and enthusiastically said "yea sure!! This is my friend John and I think you know Keith from the swim team." Cody chuckled "how could I not know the best swimmer on the team? So this is the famous John we have all hear so much about! " The otters smiled and laughed . Cody smiled back and sat down. He introduced his friend to the group, "oh this is Kevin by the way he plays goalie on the soccer team." Max held out his hand to each and said "Hello" in a deep voice. As he began to eat Cody saw a odd look pass between the otters then over to Toby.

He considered asking about it but shook the thought from his head , "so" he said "you guys seen the movie Salt?" the answer came in the form of an almost simultaneous "YES!". The rest of the lunch period was spent discussing the ups and downs of the movie until the bell rang. Each fur left to go to their last two classes of the day. Tobi made his way to art class and Cody went to his history class, where he dreamed about Tobi and the "perks" of being in the same gym class with him at last period.

Tobi, Cody and John filed into the locker room with the rest of the class. Tobi still unsure about coming out usually kept his eyes to himself. John on the other hand felt free to peek around. A privilege he used often. Today Tobi decided to "take in the view" he glanced over his shoulder at Cody who was just slipping out of his jeans down to his boxers which showed off his nicely toned ass.

"HEY! WHAT YOU LOOKING AT FAG?!" Tobi felt his blood run cold, then before he could react his back was to a locker and he was on the tips of his toes! Holding him there pined to the locker was a tiger named Trent. "hey I asked you a question que.." as Trent was finishing his sentence Cody yanked him off of Tobi and pushed him into the lockers on the other side of the room. As Toby was being helped up by John he saw Cody standing protectively over him. " leave him alone Trent!" Cody yelled. Trent was glaring at Cody from the floor "what do you care if I rough him up?! he's just a fag!" the tiger shouts at Cody. Cody stares daggers at Trent "No he's my friend! And I am not going to let a piece of shit like you hurt him!".

Trent got to his feet rage showing clearly in his eyes but before he took more than a step further the locker room door swung in and a small jack rustle terrier in gray sweat pants and a blue T-shirt stood in the door frame. He looked from one fur to the other, "what in tha bloody Queens name is going on in eir?!" he yelled in a thick Scottish accent. The room went dead quiet for a few seconds, "well?" he barked out. John was the first to answer "Trent just attacked Tobi for no reason Coach Ferguson, Cody was just protecting him!" there was a splutter from Trent's corner. " it was not for no reason Coach I saw that little fox fag lookin.." at the word fag Coach Ferguson turned his burning gaze on to Trent and gave him a mixed look of disgust and rage. "Summers! If I ever even so much as hear you start to form that word again I will have you expelled so fast you head will spin like a top!! For now detention with me after school for a week or two will have to do." Ferguson took a deep breath "Now the you lot get dressed and get out here now!!" he looked at Tobi " and if you could, McCarthy keep yer eyes to yer self!" with that he stormed out of the room letting the door slam on his way out. As they made their way to the door Trent shot a glare at Cody and Tobi, " I'll get you for this you and you little fag friends, when you don't have the teacher to hide behind!" .

The rest of class passed without any further problems. Aside from the awkward looks from the rest of the class and the angry glares from Trent. Tobi felt worried about Trent but was reassured because Cody was next to him the whole class. at the end of class John, Tobi and Cody waited until the other furs we done changing before going in so Trent did not get an excuse or a chance to corner any of them. "Well I am going to hook up with Keith for a movie, catch you two later!" John said. As the otter turned to walk away he through a discreet wink at Tobi and walked out. Cody, Tobi and Brian walked to the bus where Tobi and Cody discussed the pros and cons of the Halo game series until they got to Tobi's house.

The three furs dropped there bags and shoes off at the front door "Dad we're home!" Tobi said there was no answer. He must be out then Tobi thought to himself, "Hey Brian we're going to play some games in my room for a bit, you will be fine on your own yea?" he said.

Brian looks over his shoulder at his brother. "Right I am heading next door to Isaac's house for a bit I'll probably eat over at theirs." Tobi looked at Brian "ok then, just give da a call when you get there!" he said as his brother was half way out the door, " oook ." was the only reply Tobi got as the door closed. Shaking his head he looks at Cody "little brothers eh?" Tobi says as he starts up the stairs. Cody quickly looks up from ogling Tobi's ass "hhmmm? Oh I wouldn't know I only have my older sister and she has not lived with us for two years." As he said this Cody's ears drew back and he seemed distant , Tobi stopped at his door. " hey what's wrong?" Cody looked up at him coming back to reality, "oh its nothing, so what game are we going to play?" he asked smiling. Tobi smile returned in a flash, "well we can play, the Halo series, Army of Two, Left For Dead 2 ..."

Two hours, many snuck looks and "adjustments" later they were on the 1st level of Halo 2 when they heard the front door open and close. "Hey boys I am home, and I brought a pizza!". As soon as the word pizza left his father's mouth the boys were half way down the stairs and to the kitchen. The ravenous young furs began to pile the slices on to their plates " Heyyy Tobi is this your mate Cody?" his father's casual use of the word mate almost stopped Tobi's heart then the his father's meaning clicked. "uhh.. oh ya ya dad this is Cody!" Tobi stammered out. Roderick leaned forward towards Cody, "nice to meet ya Cody I am Mr. McCarthy ." Cody shook Roderick's hand "it's nice to meet you too sir if I can ask ." The rest of dinner passed smoothly they talked about school avoiding of course the subject of gym class, then Roderick looked up at the clock a yawns "well boys it's ten o'clock and I've got to go catch some Zzz's , oh Tobi I almost forgot Brian is going to stay over Isaac's tonight." And with that Roderick retired to his bed room.

Several hours later When they were back up in Tobi's room Cody and Tobi just finished the game when Tobi started to yawn. "awww he's even cuter when he's sleeping" Cody thought smiling as he stared at Tobi, "what are you smiling at?" the fox asked Cody who was startled back to reality. "uhhh nothing man uhh hey where do you want me to sleep?" asked . "well haha unless you want to sleep up here with me..I mean.." Tobi could not believe what he just said "shit I am such an idiot I just bl.." he thought. "Sure that sounds fine" said Cody . Tobi almost dropped dead right there and then. "really?" he asked expecting the alarm clock to go off at any second. "could it be? Is he?"

Cody had heard what he said but he still could not believe he had said it out loud. "Oh Gods oh Gods I am so screwed, how could I have been such an idiot?!" He thought,

"Really?" he heard Tobi say Cody looked up at the fox to see a mixed look of shock and... was that hope?

"Yea if you're ok with it." The husky hesitantly said.

"Ok that was unexpected." Cody thought "maybe I am over reacting. "Tobi looked at him with astonishment. "Yea I am ok with it! Here help me remake the bed so we have some clean sheets to sleep on!" Cody got up off the floor and helped him make the bed. "This night just keeps getting better and better!!!" thought the exited husky.

The two furs found themselves next to each other in the sheets. A few minutes later an air of awkwardness was floating between them. As Tobi shifted around his foot paws brushed up against Cody's. Tobi's fur stood on end and he bushed pink "Sorry I did not mean to-" Tobi started to say only to be interrupted by Cody

"Its ok man don't worry about it." Said the equally flushed husky.

Cody's mind was abuzz with thoughts "Ask him you have nothing to lose!! Does it do it now it's the perfect time!" He turned around and looked at the back of Tobi's head. "Hey Tobi can I ask you something?" The fox's ears perked up.

"Yea shoot." He replies. Cody licks his lips putting the words together in his mind. "Have you ever thought about you know... trying something with a guy?" The Fox was silent for a while, Cody was beginning to regret following his impulse. Just as Cody was going to tell him to forget it and dismiss it as a meaningless question, he got an unexpected reply.


"Hey Tobi can I ask you something?" Tobi's ears perked up.

"Yea shoot." He replies.

"Have you ever thought about you know... trying something with a guy?" Tobi froze his mind reeling at the question he had yearned to hear. The silence went on for a time as Tobi attempted to form a response.

"Umm... yea actually you." He heard no reply from the husky, and starting to fear the worst turned around to look at him tears starting down his cheeks. Any pleas or excuses he was about to say were cut off, and died before they could leave his mouth. Even if they tried to they would find their way blocked, for as Tobi turned around tears in his eyes he was met with a warm if not a bit awkward kiss from Cody.

The two stayed locked in that kiss for what seemed like an eternity and then broke apart. Tobi looked at Cody shocked at what had just happened. "Did we...did you...what?" was all Tobi could say.

Cody looked at Tobi a smile on his muzzle, "Tobi I have wanted to do that since I first saw you at the swimming match." Said the husky as he wiped the tears from the foxes face. Tobi blushed at the statement.

"Really?" asked the fox blushing deeply.

Cody chuckled "yes." And kissed Tobi on the nose. At this point both of the furs were blushing deeply.

"Sooo" said Tobi "you want to I don't know...try something?" In answer Cody reached over and pulled the fox closer to him, into a deep kiss. Their tongue's wrapping around each other as they met. Each could feel the heat coming off the other in waves as they embraced.

Seconds later they were stripped down to their boxers. Their lips locked together, and their hands exploring the curves and form of each other's body's. Braking the kiss Tobi looked up at Cody "let's take these off shall we?" he said as he slipped out of his boxers, Cody quickly did the same. Each fur took a moment to admire the others equipment. Then the two furs once again embraced kissing and panting. Cody let out a low moan and Tobi gasped as their rock hard members rubbed up against each other.

Tobi reached down and grasped Cody's large dick in his hand and began to jerk him off. Cody's ice blue eyes widened and he began to let out little yip's of pleasure. Still stroking Cody's shaft Tobi moved his head down towards the husky's nine inch pulsating meat .

Cody looked down confused. "Tobi what are you- " Cody's words were lost in a moan as Tobi started to lick the shaft of his cock. Slowly the fox worked his way up to the tip of Cody's penis. Lapping away the pre. Then slowly taking the husky's dick into his mouth he began to suck. His head bobbing up and down each time a little faster than before. Cody started to pant letting out yips and groans. The husky began to thrust his hips in time with the fox's bobs.

Tobi could feel Cody's knot starting to form. He started to bob faster and faster over Cody's cock. Then with his other hand he grasped Cody's knot. This pushed the panting husky over the edge, "T..Tobi!" he gasped "Tobi..I'm gona CUM!!" Cody let out a low moan that soon turned into a howl of ecstasy as he shot six ropes of warm sticky cum onto and into Tobi's muzzle! The fox swallowing as much as he could.

Cody looked down and saw the mess on Tobi's face as the fox looked up panting at him. Cody reached down and grasped Tobi's eight inch foxhood "Here let me help you with that!" and started to pump. Tobi let out a low moan as Cody worked his cock. Each pump sending a wave of ecstasy through his body. The moans turned to yips as his knot started to form and a trickle of pre leaked out of his dick. Cody leaned down to lick the pre off Tobi's meat. As soon as he licked the tip of the fox's member Tobi let out a loud moan and shot four strings of fox cum onto Cody's face.

Tobi looked down at the surprised husky. Through a fit of giggles at the expression on Cody's face Tobi attempted to apologize. Giving up when the husky started to laugh to. Soon they embraced and kissed again only this time found it a bit sticky from all the cum in their fur. Cody looked at Tobi "Say Tobi you think we could shower? This is starting to get uncomfortable." He asked. Tobi looked back at him "Yea it's just across the hall, we just need to be careful we don't wake up my Da or Brian."

Cody gave Tobi a quizzical look "I think that if all that noise did not wake them up we should be fine." The fox chuckled and said "Yea we were loud weren't we?" with that the two furs hopped out of the bed and into the shower where they discovered that soap can be used for other things then cleaning.

Unknown to the two young lovers someone had heard them. Brian had fallen asleep with his head phones and music on. But Roderick had heard the whole thing, "Well." To himself "It looks like I am going to have to talk with him a lot sooner than I thought!"

The next day Tobi and Cody were curled up in each other's arms. A knock and a voice at the door woke them both up with a start. "Hey boys! Rise and shine I made some chocolate chip pancakes for ya!" said Roderick.

Tobi yawned and stretched "ok Da we will be down in a sec." he said.

Five minutes later Cody and Tobi walked down the stairs. Smiling and glancing at each other. Roderick was facing the stove and had his back to them. As such he could not see the looks on their faces when he said "Well looks like the two love birds have finally crawled out of bed!".

The pair froze in their seats and exchanged panicked glances. Then the silence was broken by Roderick whom having finally turned around caught sight of them. He began clutching his sides and laughing. "ha haa Oh the looks you two have on right now are priceless!" Roderick said wipeing an imaginary tear from his eye.

"Da did you know?" asked Tobi not sure how to make sense of his father's reaction.

Roderick looked at him "About you being gay? A few months back I think it was now. I had just come home and saw the lights on in your room and I thought what's he doing up at this ungodly hour? So I went up to your room and I saw you asleep on your bed with your laptop next to you. Well you may guess as to what I found in an open file named "stuff". Roderick smirked as he saw his son slightly embarrassed look at his friend.

Roderick cleared his throat to regain the two furs attention. "As for last night well you two weren't exactly subtle about what you were doing were you? And I may be old but my nose has not gone to hell yet I could smell what you blokes had been up to from the hallway." As Roderick finished up he took a sip of his coffee.

Tobi looked at him dumbstruck. "You knew and you didn't ask me about it? Do you know how stressed I have been thinking I had to hide it from you?!" The young fox burst out in a fit.

Roderick held up his hand to silence his sons protests. "I know you must be mad at me Tobias. I thought If I confronted you about it you would just deny it and get mad at me! Though I see now that I should have asked and I am sorry I didn't." Roderick set down his coffee and walked over to his son. "But right now I want you to know that no matter what, I will always love you!" and with that he pulled Tobi into a hug. Tobi retuned his father's hug . When father and son separated Tobi had a grin on his face. He sat back down next to Cody who wrapped him in a warm hug . Roderick retrieved his coffee and sat down across from them.

"Right, now don't think you blokes are off the hook!" Roderick said looking at each in the eyes. "Now I know you two are in love and all but be careful when you show your affection for one another." He takes a sip of his coffee before continuing. "Not everyone will be as open minded as myself." He took a breath "Now as for sex I.."

"DAD!!" interrupted a blushing Tobi,

Roderick continued regardless. "As for sex I won't forbid you two from having it, Gods know it would do little good any way. But I do ask that you both be smart about it!" Roderick looked from one embarrassed fur to the next. " I will take that as a yes then" he said upon hearing no objections.

Roderick glanced over at Cody "Cody you can stop worrying I'm not saying a word to your mum and dad." The husky looked at him and said "Thank you so much!" appreciation clear on his face.

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