The Magic Of The Souls- prolog: The awakening

Story by foxxyluv on SoFurry

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legal crap

this story contains adult Male sexual acts and homosexual gestures IF YOU ARE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO READ WRITINGS THAT INCLUDE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR THEN LEAVE NOW. if you do not wish to read sexual behavior or homosexual behavior then please leave now, this story contains sex between a plant and an elf and will also eventualy contain sex between creatures such as elves and antho's if you do not wish to read this please leave now. the caracters in this story either belong to me or i have permission to use them, DO NOT USE THESE CHARACTERS WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER. as always if you have any constructive critisizm i welcome it with open arms, thank you and i hope you enjoy the story.

_ The Magic Of The Souls- prolog: The awakening _

The wind blew through Firenic's hair making him shiver lightly. He stared at the lake watching thin layers of ice form, invisible to anyone who wasn't looking hard enough.

'The frost is coming early this year, and the lake is already starting to freeze' Firenic thought as he rose elegantly from the rock he was perched on, his coat rustling as he stood.

Because Elves generally avoided killing living creatures Firenic only had one very light coat. All his other clothes were made from the same plant fibers as were the other elves clothes. They were comfortable and very light but they didn't do much to keep him warm.

'I'm the only one who even needs a damn coat' he thought to himself 'the only one to stupid to use even simple magic... no-one else needs a coat. cast a simple spell and bam warm for a week. but no, not me.' Firenic yawned and shook the cold out of his joints.

But Firenic wasn't stupid at all, it just seemed he had been born without the gifts of magic. In fact the only thing remotely magical about him at all was his green thumb, it was said around his little village that if he planted it, a flower would bloom even in the worst of winter frosts. Of course this was an exaggeration, he was good with plants, but he couldn't make them go against their nature.

Firenic was walking toward his home when he caught a glimpse of read fur turning a corner in front of him. This was a strange sight for the elf, he found it unlikely that one of the other Elves were wearing any fur, and thought it would have to be someone, or something from outside the village. He was curious for a second and even thought about finding, and following who or what the fur belonged to, but the cold wind blew once more even stronger, rendering his coat all but useless, and changing his mind in an instant.

He walked home slowly arms across his chest offering almost no protection from the cold, it would be warmer inside though, away from the wind.

His house was strange even for Elves, he used to have a little shack made of branches and small like tree's like the other Elves. But the small trees had grew rapidly, spiraling around each-other to form a shelter that looked like not six average sized trees, but one enormous tree. 'it's more comfortable than the shack was anyway.' he though

There was an opening barely large enough for him to easily fit though, and a bush stood in front of it blocking all wind, rain, and any wondering eyes from the inside. Vines with glowing round fruit grew up the inside of the trees, they went all the way to the top and covered the branches. During the day the fruit in the branches would collect sunlight and the fruit below would shine brightly, during the night the fruit would glow the dim but comfortable silver light that Firenic assumed came from the moon. Though It seemed impossible the floor was covered in soft warm grass, it never grew longer than Firenic's thumb, but it was thick, lush, and softer than a pile of feathers.

Firenic removed his clothes and laid on his back, naked on the grass. Inside his home was always the same temperature no matter how hot or cold it was outside and because of this he often slept naked, letting the warm grass tickle his skin.

He wasn't going to sleep now though, it was the middle of the day. He lay there staring dreamily at the glow of the fruit for only minutes when he suddenly had the desire to eat one. He had only eaten the strange fruit once before and he could barely control himself when he did, the fruits were strong aphrodisiacs. With no mate the Elf only had one way to satisfy the urges that overwhelmed him as soon as he bit into the strange fruit.

'This time though I will be ready for the effects' he thought as he plucked the glowing fruit from the vine.

The fruit was warm and so soft his hand seemed to melt into it. The smell was that of a warm freshly baked apple pie, that the Firenic would occasionally get trading with one of the human merchants who stayed in a shack not far from their village for a few days while on their way through the forest. However the taste was much sweeter than any apple pie, and yet it tasted salty, a bit saltier than Firenic's own sweat.

As Firenic bit into the fruit, its insides which consisted of a glowing goopy juice leaked out onto his cheeks and chin leaving streaks of glow, more juice flowing from every bite. When Firenic had finished the fruit the thick juices had already covered his chest.

'the worst thing about this is the mess.' He thought for a second as his dick hardened. "But since I'm already a mess" he laughed aloud to himself and he grabbed an especially plump fruit and bit a small hole in its skin.

Some of the thick juice leaked out onto the grass seeping down into the ground as he moved the fruit down and positioned in front of the head of his penis. The warmth of the fruit made the skin under his fur darken as he pushed his throbbing member into the small hole in the fruit, spreading and slightly tearing the skin wider to allow the head further inside. As he pushed in further his knees began to shake, weak from the sensation. By the time he had hilted into the fruit he was on his back, on hand on the fruit, the other, slick with the fruit's juice, was playing with his hole. He pushed one finger into his hole moving it in and out slowly. Firenic had never fingered himself, and didn't know why he was now, but he liked the sensation he got from having something in him. As the elf thrusted into and pulled out of the fruit slowly, the juices covered his dick and sac, and it flowed back to his hole, lubricating it and helping finger himself. Firenic imagined that a dick was penetrating his ass instead of his fingers, he moaned as it thrusted harder and deeper into him, he pushed back forcing the cock deeper in him when furry, red hands reaching around him holding him tight pulling him back deeper and deeper still. Strangely enough even though the massive member in his ass was clearly long enough and deep enough to cause great harm Firenic only felt pleasure and sensed nothing was wrong with his innards. As the furry hands that were tightly wrapped around him lifted him into the air he realized the thing in his ass wasn't his finger or a cock, and the furry, red hands weren't furry or red, but silky and green. His imagination had gotten the better of him, causing him to let his guard down, to see and feel only what he wanted to, and now he was paying for it. Two more vines pushed into his hole, leaves either falling off or being ripped of as they entered. 'I've got to get away' the elf thought before moaning from the strange pleasure of having the vines spread his insides twisting as they went deeper. Another smaller vine slithered up his leg and wrapped around the fruit on his penis, moving it back and forth faster and squeezing it tighter than Firenic ever had or even could without crushing the fruit. As Firenic came he saw the vine pierce through the skin of the fruit; his eyes went wide with shock and horror a he felt the vine enter the slit of his penis, widening it almost painfully. The vine pushed in deeper, till it had filled his entire length then stopped waiting barely even long enough for Firenic to adjust to its presence it began thrusting in and out, moving deeper each time. Two more vines pried open his mouth forcing their way inside. They swirled around his mouth exploring every crevice, they were soft, warm, and they tasted almost of flesh, but there was another taste that Firenic couldn't place. The tentacles began secreting a tasteless ooze in his mouth making it go almost numb as they moved closer and closer to his throat. The sensation wasn't unpleasant, in fact nothing so far was particularly unpleasant, his own meager struggling was more painful than anything this.... Creature was doing to him, and as the moved deeper into his body he became more and more numb a pleasurable numb, as if a warmth were moving through out his body, taking away all aches and pains that he didn't even know he had and then there was nothing but blackness.

All elves are beautiful, of course, but he stands out somehow. I don't know why, maybe its the way he carries himself, maybe its his eyes, or his gently smile, the way his hair flows so beautifully in the wind, or maybe its all this and more. Whatever it is that makes him stand out just makes him more beautiful, its more than beauty, its warmth, enough warmth to make me want to lay down next to him, and let my muzzle rest on his lap...... what I wouldn't give for that, but unfortunately I cant afford to waste time, especially not with such risky pleasantries.

I'm here at the capital for a reason, even if I don't quite know what that reason is yet. I was summoned by the king, and I shouldn't be late.

Before the reign of King Zalon the fur clans had been at each others throats, all trying to conquer each other, and prove supreme dominance. During the Kings first two years of rule he had settled all of the issues between the clans in ways that allowed everyone to prosper, and eventually some of the clans even integrated. Eventually great bonds were formed between clans, those that were once two became one clan, and many furs fell in love with furs from other clans. Mixed species were rare for... anatomical reasons most hybrid infants die before they are born or shortly after. But the small chance of success encouraged most interspecies lovers to try anyway. I was lucky, I not only lived, but I grew up strong without the problems that most hybrid have. It probably had something to do with the gift that he was born with.

And that's when it hit me, "I'm here because of my gift, the king must have been told about it, but why would he need something like that now for?"

"your right" an elderly elf said as he stepped up behind his right shoulder " I do know about your wind"

My eyes widened in surprise and horror, the little elf hadn't been there a second ago or maybe he had, I hadn't even realized I had spoke aloud.

"worry not child, your musings have not offended me" he said looking at my face and smiling gently. The elf sat down on the damp grass only a few feet form the path gesturing for me to do likewise.

"King Zalon?" I hesitantly sitting on the grass

"He is I" the king said laughing heartily "but for simplicity's sake drop the King". the kings humor seemed to drop suddenly

" you are, I assume, Samuel Luv Fox, the whispering wind. Am I right?"

"yes sir, you are correct, but please just call me Sam if you could." I said blushing at hearing the king use my silly nickname.

"Do you know how you obtained your gift, my boy?" the king said suddenly almost casualy.

I looked at him confused "I was born with it, sir, and it kind of... woke up, when I got older, It was always there I guess, but I didn't really notice until the wind....."

Zalon razed his eyebrows "It became part of you." he said with a sort of understanding in his voice, almost like he was telling me rather than asking a question " It filled your insides and then was absorbed into your being almost like a lover would his beloved."

I nodded cheeks turning redder under my fur out of embarrassment of having my "awakening" being compared to making love even though I knew that was the best way, maybe even the only way, to explain the feeling of awakening.

"But do you know what 'IT' was, you were born with, what your gift is, why you can control the wind around you, how you were awakened?" this was something that I thought about often, where did my powers come from, and why just me, why is no one else the same but all I could say was "No, I don't."

Zalon looked almost disappointed at my answer but said "I expected as much. you were born with a gem," he touched my chest dead center between my nipples "right here, deep in your chest"

"but isn't that where my heart is" I interrupted "why yes, it is" he laughed "it is" but he didn't explain "the gem is called a soul" he continued "and most are born without it, and it usually is passed from parent to child. Your case was unique, because neither of your parents had a soul themselves. It may have even been because your parents were different species that allowed the gem to form inside you, I'm not quite sure. But in any case you have it and not only that, but its been awakened. Souls, being so close to the heart, awaken when your heart beat becomes fast, so in times of great stress, fear, love, or even a large physical strain. But then it can't awaken until it becomes mature, so any stress in your childhood wouldn't trigger anything, otherwise if you weren't awakened the second you were born, you would be by your first fit."

the king seemed content with explaining the meager details of how the soul worked, but I doubted that this was why he called me here to talk, so I interrupted him once again "yes, yes I understand how it works now sir, thank you, but why call me here to tell me this? there must be something else, something you want me to do maybe, or something you wish to ask me that you don't already know the answer to?"

the king nodded gravely as if something he'd been running from caught him. "there is, I have something I must ask you to do, but before I ask you to do this, I must tell you why, because before you decide whether you will do it or not you must understand why it must be done. In a land not far from our own live a race called humans, and some amongst this race are drunk with power, they search for those such as you who have souls. They believe the souls belong to them if they have the power to take them, and if someone's soul is removed from them, they die from the damage the heart receives from the process of removing the gem. Though they have not yet invaded our lands in search of soul, I fear it will not be long before they do so. If you so chose to help me, I want you to journey our land in search of those with soul training your own powers and theirs as you go, gather as many as you can, make them as strong as you can, and when the time comes that the humans do invade our land help me fight to send them back where they came from." the king stood up " I'll give you some time to absorb everything you heard, the resources' of the village are at your disposal whatever you decide, thank you for coming to hear out an old man."

And then he was gone as suddenly as he came, as if he vanished into thin air.