The middle of a long night

Story by Weaver_1 on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories

Part 2 of a long night.

Weaver and Jade get around to watching the movie that was the whole idea for them catching up, but Jade seems to have some mischievous ideas about what to do while watching.

So, there was obviously a long hiatus between parts, and some of this one had been sitting half done for quite a while now. That was mainly due to the main cause of my inspiration going away for some time, but lately I had been thinking about it and I felt like finishing it. Plus the idea for how to continue it occurred to me, and just like the original part, I felt compelled to write it. So here we are again with part 2.

The middle of a long night.

The cold water soaked into Weavers fur, sending a shiver down his spine, and sending any intimate thoughts from his mind.

He stood there for a moment, letting his brain stay blank until he felt he might start shivering and not be able to stop. Turning the water back to hot, he let it warm up just enough to stop himself from freezing, then turned the water off completely. Almost immediately he could picture Jade, her hands roaming across her body, her movements, her hips-

Weaver shook his head. This was going to be harder than he thought.

Keeping his mind on what he was doing, he managed to dry himself off and straighten himself out, without getting another erection. Luckily, he realised he had taken the time to keep a clean pair of undies in the bathroom for just such an occasion, because as he pulled them on he had to stuff his slightly erect member into the tight fabric.

He sighed. At least that would stop him from embarrassing himself for the time being. Wrapping his towel around himself, and grabbing his pile of work clothes, he took a deep breath, then opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom. Down the hallway and to the right he walked into the loungeroom. As he entered, Jade looked up from her spot on the couch, and smiled at him.

His heart stopped for a moment.

The brightly furred Wolf was seated low on the couch, completely hidden from the neck down beneath- was that his blanket? From his bed? "Hey, Weaver," she said sweetly. "Feeling better?" The impish smile she gave him, caused his heart to beat again, this time faster.

"Err... Yeah," he said slowly, his ears twitching, not wanting to reveal the fact that he hadn't... Finished. "Feeling very... clean."

She laughed. At his stupid attempt at humour too, so that was a bonus. She then rolled her eyes at him, which he couldn't help but smile at. "I picked a movie," she said changing the subject. "and it's ready to go," she added, gesturing with her eyes at the TV hanging on the wall opposite the couch she was on.

"Cool," Weaver said simply, before turning to head toward his room. "I'll be back in a sec."

"Where are you going?" Jade asked, stopping him.

Weaver turned to look at her, aware of his bundle of clothes in his arms. "To... Put... On... A shirt?"

Again the Wolf rolled her eyes, then gestured for him to sit down. Weaver couldn't quite see what she was doing under the blanket, but the sound of her paw tapping lightly on the couch was unmistakable. Weavrt went to ask why she didn't want him to put on a shirt, but stopped himself when he realized that was pretty pointless since she had seen him naked not ten minutes ago. Instead he shrugged, put down his pile of clothes beside the couch, then took off the towel around his waist. Now in only his underwear, he once again found himself grateful for planning ahead.

As he went to sit down, Jade lifted the blanket slightly, and gestured he get underneath. The nights were starting to get colder, so a blanket was a good idea, plus as an added bonus it would disguise his lower half if his mind started wandering again.

Weaver sat down and got comfortable, moving his side of the blanket over himself and pulling it up to his chest. Once he was settled, Jade moved a tiny bit closer until she was leaning her shoulder against his.

The fox cleared his throat awkwardly. "So... Uhh. What are we watching?"

"You'll see," Jade responded mischievously, before sticking her foot out of the blanket to press a button on a controller sitting on the coffee table.

The movie began to play, starting with a couple of seconds of silence, before a song loudly kicked in. Although it wasn't in a language Weaver spoke, he instantly recognized it.

"Wait? The Leon prince?" He asked incredulously. "But you know how I feel about this movie." It had once been one of his faves, and he used to watch it all the time when he was a kid, but it was also very prominently tied to how he met his ex. Now it was very bitter sweet for him to watch.

Jade squeezed his arm, "I know," she said sweetly. "But I figured the best way to enjoy it again, would be to make some new memories while watching it." That did make a bit of sense, but how was she going to-

As if to answer his question, Jade leaned up closer to him, practically snuggling his arm, and pressing her body against him.

There were two very big things he noticed immediately.

One, as she smushed into his arm and side, he realized she wasn't wearing a bra!

And two.

Damn, was she so very soft!

"...O-oh," was all Weaver could manage to say. "That... that, makes sense."

Jade chuckled, then leaned into him a bit more, getting comfortable. She pulled him lower into the couch, forcing him to get comfortable as well. "It has been a long time since I watched this as well," she admitted. "So I'm going to make the most of it."

Weaver could only nod, his mind on ...other things.

By the time the opening song finished, the wolf was completely snuggled up against his right side and was idly rubbing her thigh up against his leg. Weaver opened his mouth to speak, but he honestly had no idea what he was going to say. He closed his mouth instead, and focused on trying to keep the awkward smile off of his face.

Over the years he'd known Jade, they had always been good friends, had always gotten along and had enjoyed each other's company. But, the closest they'd ever been physically, had only been the occasional hug. It wasn't that he hadn't wished for more, he had developed a massive crush on her over the years of course, but he had respected her boundaries. Jade had herself admitted that she was a hugger and that she liked to hug her friends, and that was all Weaver had thought it was, even if he did particularly enjoy hugs from her specifically. At least until that one time Weaver had once dissuaded her from hugging him too often because another person had been awkward about it at the time. A sentence he had said, and then regretted ever since, because it had basically stopped her offering hugs altogether.

But this, was not that. This wasn't just a friendly hug, this was a full cuddle. A snuggle even.

And why was she naked!?

And so damn soft.

And big.

Damn, Weaver could swear Jade felt bigger than she had looked, and she had looked pretty big. Not that he could judge particularly well, since it had been so long since he had been this close to someone. But hHe could feel her every breath against him, every movement she made amplified as her body squeezed against his, and he was finding it so difficult to focus on the movie, and not the things he could feel. Not to mention he was painfully aware of how tight his underwear was.

Wait, they were up to that bit already? The next song was starting and he'd barely noticed. Normally he could quote this movie back to front, but right now it was all a blur. A hand placed ever so gently on his thigh completely soaked up all of his remaining concentration, as Jade began to trace small patterns with her fingers between his thigh and hers.

Weaver looked down at her, but her eyes were still focused on the screen across from them, and other than a slight smile she gave nothing away.

"Jade... I," the fox began.

She looked up at him with those bright eyes. "Shhh," she said gesturing toward the movie. "Just enjoy." She gave him a smile then returned to the movie herself. He wanted to ask what was happening, but he had to admit he was enjoying the feeling of her against him. It would have been a shame to do something that would make her stop. After all this kind of cuddling had been one of the things he had missed, and often imagined doing with Jade of all people.

Deciding to try and relax, Weaver swallowed against his drying throat,but almost whimpered when he felt Jade's hand move up his leg. She ran her fingertips right along the band of his underwear, then ever so softly caressed the shaft his cock. The effect was instant, his manhood throbbing and straining against it's fabric prison. Weaver inhaled sharply, holding his breath to keep from making any awkward noises. Jade didn't even react as she ran her fingertips from the base to the tip, caressing him delicately, as simply as someone tracing patterns through the air. To make matters worse, she resumed rubbing her thigh against his, and moving his shoulder between her breasts.

Weaver clenched his jaw, trying to match her level of nonchalance, but failing miserably. It had been so long since he had had any real intimate contract with someone, let alone with someone this damn sexy, that his body went instantly into overdrive. His cock was throbbing in time with his rapid heartbeats, and he could feel a tingle running through his testicles as they reminded him of the fact that he had not emptied them while in the shower. Jade was barely doing anything, yet she was teasing him expertly, and damn did it feel amazing.

The Wolf started using her palm, running her whole hand along his length, while still keeping her touch gentle and delicate.

Weaver put his hand on hers, stopping her for a moment, "I don't-"

Jade chuckled, "shhh," she said again. "No questions until the movie is over." As if to emphasize her point, she took his hand and placed it on her thigh, before resuming teasing his cock.

This time Weaver did whimper slightly.

Well if that's how it was, and she was going to tease him with no questions asked, he was going to fight fire with fire. He began massaging her thigh, using the same patterns on her that she had used on him, delicately tracing them with his fingertips. Then, using the movie for timing, he gave it a couple of minutes or so, before copying her move and looking for the band of her underwear. Only to find, of course, that she wasn't wearing any.

Did that mean she'd planned this all along? Because damn that was hot. He traced his fingers along her leg, then across her belly, then down either side of her pubic mound. She spread her legs slightly to give him access, and gave the slightest of moans in anticipation. Weaver paused for a moment, teasing her with a lack of contact, then made her moan again the moment his fingers found their mark.

She was soaking wet already.

Weaver teased her, slowly at first, starting from the outside and working in. He teased the folds of her pussy first, then slowly ran a finger on the edge of her entrance, purposely avoiding her clit. Now Jade was making noises, clearly trying to keep from reacting. The twitches and noises she was making were so cute, and Weaver really wanted her to keep making them, so he slipped two of his fingers inside her, then teased her walls, before feeling around for her G spot. He knew he'd found it when she whimpered and tensed up. Relishing her reactions, he began very slowly massaging her, keeping his movements slow and deliberate, sliding in, out, and around her G spot in a rhythm.

He must have been doing a pretty good job, because she was starting to grip his cock tighter and move her hand faster and more deliberately. She was even starting to tease his balls as well, and he could feel them aching in response.

Weaver had almost completely forgotten the movie they were watching, being too focused on what they were doing, until he was surprised by the start of another song. They were up to the love song already, probably his least favorite part.

Jade however, took that as her cue to change her approach. She pulled Weaver's underwear down, freeing his cock, and letting it spring to life. He was almost instantly hard, and she gave him a couple of firm strokes to be sure, a grin clearly visible on her face. She really was enjoying herself.

Under the blanket, she reached over with her other hand and squeezed the head of his cock with her fingertips, then much to Weaver's surprise, slid something onto his member. It wrapped tightly around him, just below the head in a perfect circle. It felt like a cockring, but where did she get it from? Where-

It buzzed to life suddenly, sending a jolt through him.

Not only was that a surprise, but it felt familiar. It was one of the toys Weaver had in the drawer beside his bed. That sneaky, mischievous, beautiful woman.

Weaver looked down at her in surprise, and she looked up at him and grinned.

He was about to ask her about it, in fact he had only just opened his mouth, when she turned up the vibrating intensity. The vibrating ring went faster, then faster again, before changing from an intense constant speed to a pattern. His member twitched in time with the rhythmic pattern, every pulse sending a jolt through him, while Jade continued teasing his shaft with her fingers. Weaver moaned and he grit his teeth against the pleasure, and it took him a moment to process that the toy she was teasing him with, was one of his own. Which meant she had grabbed it from his bedside drawer, probably at the same time she had grabbed his blanket. Mischievous indeed.

"Oh... Fuck..." He groaned, his member now as hard as iron, his balls begging for release.

As intense as everything was that Jade was doing to him, he had to force himself to keep pleasuring her, to keep his hand moving, focused on her G spot. But, since she had upped the intensity, Weaver decided to do the same, going directly for her clit, caressing it continuously with his slick fingertips, tracing circles around it in a pattern that matched the buzzing he could feel pulsing through his cock. Jade also swore softly, and began to moan.

They continued like that for several minutes, the wolf and the fox working each other up feverishly, and relentlessly.

Before Weaver knew it, the love song had finished, and they were headed toward climax of the film. They were both panting, twitching, and making awkward grunts and moans. If she wanted him to not ask questions until the movie was finished, yet was teasing him this relentlessly, then Weaver figured it had become a race to see who would cum first. Him, her, or the credits.

Weaver had one advantage though, he knew that the vibrating cockring alone, was not enough to get him off. Sure it made him hard as hell with all the constant twitching, but it wasn't going to make him cum, so he just had to endure what Jade was doing with her hands. Which, as he switched from massaging her clit, to her G spot again, seemed to to be enough to distract her from what she was doing.

As she leaned heavily against him, Weaver positioned his hand so he could get his two middle fingers to her G spot, and grind his palm against her clit at the same time, then finger fucked her for all he was worth. Jade was moaning loudly now, while panting erratically, her hand barely maintaining contact with Weaver's cock. Even so, he could feel that familiar feeling starting to build up, his balls clenching in that all too familiar way, when suddenly.

"Oh, fuck..." Jade said breathlessly, gripping his cock tightly as she pressed against him. "I'm gonna cum..." Those were the sexiest words Weaver had ever heard, and he wanted nothing more than to push her over that edge.

"Stop!" Jade moaned suddenly, grabbing his wrist for emphasis. "Stop stop stop."

Weaver slowed his hand and withdrew his fingers, but left them resting on her clit.

Jade took a second to catch her breath, shuddering with effort. "Any... Longer, and I will make a mess of this couch."

Weaver looked down at her, one eyebrow raised, until he realized what she meant. The memory of her in the shower, squirting over him made him ache just thinking about it. It would have been so hot to make her cum right here and now, but it wasn't his couch. He moved his hand away with a shudder, as Jade reached over and took the cock ring off of him, and switched it off. They both sighed, then caught their breath for a moment.

Turning suddenly, Jade ran her hand up Weaver's length, and lifted it out from beneath the blanket to reveal liberal amounts of pre across the back of her hand.

Smiling up at Weaver seductively, she licked it up.

Damn, she was hot, but he literally could not get any harder.

"Well, it looks like the movie is finished," she said gesturing to the now rolling credits. Had they really been fooling around for that long? No wonder Weaver's testicles felt so full.

"Shall we take this back to your room?"


Weaver struggled to process everything, which was currently difficult considering how hard he was. He must have been dreaming. There was no way this was actually happening, and surely no way the crush of his life was suggesting what he thought she was suggesting.

She smiled sweetly at him. "No?" she said innocently.

Weaver stood up, then turned to look at her. Of course he wanted to. "I... We... you..." he stopped, forcing his brain to work for a moment. "Yes," he said simply. "No? I'm not sure."

With a giggle, Jade stood up, then leaned into him, pressing her naked body to his and tracing a finger across his chest. "Not sure about what?"

Looking directly into her piercing, beautiful blue eyes, Weaver said the one thing that made sense to him. "But you said, no... touching..." It was the only way he could articulate right now the one reason he was considering saying no.

To his surprise, she genuinely smiled at him. "Well, I am headed to your room." Turning back to the couch, she grabbed the towel she had apparently been sitting on, and flicked it over her shoulder. "I would like you to join me."

She took a few steps passed Weaver, before stopping to stretch, posing seductively. Weaver took a moment to admire her curves, her shapely ass behind her swaying, beckoning tail, and her breasts easily visible even from behind. She held the pose for a few seconds before walking toward Weaver's room.

"Are you coming?" she asked, looking over her shoulder and smiling at him.

There was no way he could not follow her after seeing that. And besides, he had the rest of the night to figure it out... right?