Chapter 6: The Loss of Two Warriors

Story by RazialDrakken on SoFurry

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Hey guys,

Here is chapter 6

Chapter 6:

The Loss of Two Warriors.

The ride to the shore took King Zallerferd almost half an hour and knew if he could fly, it would've been less. However, he told General Whirlwind and Lt. Rockwall to scout ahead.

Zallerferd hoped that this day wouldn't come and longed to be back in his bed with a nice cup of tea. However, that was not the case, and now he abdicated the crown to Razial Drakken. He wished that there could've been a ceremony but knew that it would have to wait.

Right now, Zallerferd could see the Great Ocean ahead of him as he galloped down to the tree line and waited. General Whirlwind and Lt. Rockwall landed right beside him.

"Report!" Zallerferd said as both General Whirlwind and Lt. Rockwall put their hands over their hearts.

"Sire, Braxus is at the mouth of the cave, and we saw two dead soldiers down there. One had a dagger in his chest, and the other's head was decapitated." General Whirlwind said as Lt. Rockwall nodded.

"We remained hidden as you asked." Lt. Rockwall said as Zallerferd looked towards the cave.

"Good. Now, any thoughts as to show this minotaur our welcome?" Zallerferd said with a smirk.

"Oh, yes," Rockwall said as his eyes glowed green and reached out his hand towards the cave, causing the whole area to shake. The side of the mountain cracked as boulders came crashing down in front of the cave and blocked the entrance.

Braxus dove out of the way, nearly being hit by several large rocks.

"Looks like someone with more power has come to play," Braxus said evilly.

Lt. Rockwall dived into the ground and tunneled towards Braxus as General Whirlwind, along with Zallerferd, followed. Rockwall came bursting out of the ground, wielding two black diamond short-swords, and launched his attacks at Braxus; moving at top speed.

Braxus, who had drawn his greatsword, parried the attacks just as fast while Zallerferd came charging in with a double-ended ice sword. Braxus ducked under this and kicked Rockwall away as he engaged Zallerferd.

Rockwall landed on his back and slid ten feet away as General Whirlwind joined in the fight with his Wind Sword. Rockwall flipped up and plunged back into the fray as Braxus smiled, dark energy swirling around him.

Braxus let out a roar, sending out a shockwave of energy that blasted all three back in separate directions. General Whirlwind collided with the ruble that now blocked the cave as pain exploded throughout his back and wings, crying out. He looked up to see Braxus jumping down upon him as he scrambled to get out of the way. The rocks behind him exploded from the impact of Braxus' Great Sword.

Zallerferd landed up near the tree line while Rockwall landed in the water. Both were able to rise in time to see Braxus' attack on Whirlwind.

"Viento!" They both yelled as Whirlwind's helmet came flying out of the ruble and landed several feet away.

The dust cloud from the collision was so dense that neither of them could see anything. Then Braxus was blasted back as the dust started to swirl around Whirlwind as he limped towards him. Braxus landed in a crouch and looked up to see him coming.

Rockwall and Zallerferd ran to rejoin the fight but found the wind was kicking up too much sand for them to see correctly. Viento raised his sword high above his head as Braxus smiled.

"So, it's a test of might, is it?" Braxus said as he stood, and his sword began to glow the same sickly green again. His eyes glowed red as the energy of the same color swirled around him.

"Viento! Be careful!" Zallerferd shouted as he tried desperately to see. He wanted to Element Work the water but didn't want to risk hitting Viento or Rockwall.

Viento radiated power as the winds whipped at his clothes and suddenly lowered his sword to mid-level and shouted, "DRAGON'S TEMPEST!"

The winds went wild as they gathered behind Viento to form a giant Spectral Dragon. It opened its maw as the winds roared out along with streaks of sky-blue light and blasted forth. Braxus let out a roar of his own, unleashing a blast of sickly green light. The two energies collided in the middle with a cataclysmic explosion that sent everyone flying.

Zallerferd landed in a pine that wobbled significantly and threatened to blow over as he heard a snap. He cried out in pain due to his left-wing breaking on impact and clung to the base of a branch.

Rockwall was pushed deeper into the water but noticed the water had retreated from the blast. He shook his head as he looked up. It seemed eerily quiet as more dust hung in the air like fog. He stumbled forward a couple of steps before coming to a stop.

As the dust settled, they saw Viento Whirlwind's body lay broken on a large boulder with blood dripping out of his maw and nostrils. His whole body was battered, with chunks of his armor missing and several cuts. His eyes looked blank as he stared off into nothingness as one of his horns was broken in half. His Wind Sword laid next to his hand.

"Viento!" They cried as they both started rushing over but stopped as the dust settled enough to reveal Braxus was still standing. Black blood trickled out of his left nostril and had several cuts along his arms, legs, and body. However, he seemed to be panting hard from the attack.

"That was a close one," Braxus said as Zallerferd tried to control his anger. He could see Braxus had put a lot of energy into that blast to defend himself.

"Rockwall, take Whirlwind's sword back to his son! I will stay and deal with Braxus." Zallerferd said as Rockwall nodded, putting his hand over his heart.

"No one is leaving here alive." Said Braxus as he started collecting his power again.

However, Zallerferd took advantage and drew water from the ocean, slamming it into Braxus. Rockwall ran over and grabbed the sword. Quickly, he dived into the ground and tunneled off.

Braxus broke through the water by jumping high into the air and tried crashing down on Zallerferd. He darted out of the way.

"You shall pay for what you've done," Zallerferd said as Braxus let out the most vicious laugh Zallerferd had ever heard.

"You think you can stand up to my power? Have you not seen your ally? I shall crush you as I did him." Braxus said.

"We shall see." Said Zallerferd as he started Working the water and reformed his double-end ice sword. He charged Braxus as they both moved at top speed.

Zallerferd had to admit that this General knew how to fight and felt a hoof collide with his stomach. He didn't feel anything other than a push as Braxus grunted in pain and jumped back.

"What kind of sorcery is this?" Braxus said with anger.

"I would think you'd remember from the last time, Braxus, or didn't your master remind you? I can harden my scales like armor." Zallerferd said with a smirk.

Braxus thought for a moment before he replied, "Ah, I do remember. Well, in that case, I have something for you."

Braxus quickly brought his sword around and blasted sickly green energy at Zallerferd.

Zallerferd instantly put out his hands and grunted as the blast hit, pushing him backward. He could feel the heat on his hands, even with his power activated and reflected the blast upwards. He ducked out of the way. Immediately, the air grew cold as Zallerferd held his hands over his head, and Braxus saw a wall of water behind him.

"Neptune's Thousand Ice Spears!" Zallerferd yelled as the whole wall of water turned to ice and divided up into many spears that rained down on Braxus.

Before Braxus was struck, he caught Zallerferd off guard with a blast that sent him crashing into the rock face and obliterated his body. Braxus died as many spears went through his body with a sickly thud. But his face was one of happiness because he killed an old enemy.

Razial Drakken waited for his brother to return and couldn't believe the situation they were in. The barrier was showing signs of breaking down, and already two Dragons had been killed. Not only that, but Zallerferd proclaimed Raz king, and he felt sure that this was somehow a mistake. He knew the Oath by heart, and he would, of course, agree to it, but the way things were going was, at best, chaotic.

Most notably, the Governors' protests to this rather a rash decision on Zallerferd's part, but Raz understood. A clause in the law said if the heir turned eighteen, but the current king could not swear him in, that heir could take over and have a Governor swear him in.

Suddenly, there were angry voices out in the hall of the Governors being awake at this ungodly hour and burst into the Throne Room. Most were still wearing their sleeping garments as Aira strode forward.

"Razial Drakken, what is the meaning of waking us in the middle of the night?" Aira asked as Raz rose to his feet.

"Silence!" Raz snapped, and everyone went quiet.

"There is little time to explain what is going on and to act. King Zallerferd abdicated the throne to me because he had a mission to fulfill," Raz said as the look of shock spread across every face.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" Sarah asked as Raz looked at her.

"King Zallerferd has gone with General Whirlwind and Lieutenant General Rockwall to stop General Braxus from opening the barrier. At least, any more than it already has," Raz said.

"General Braxus?" Aira said, horrified, and apparently, she wasn't alone in that fear. Several Dragons, including Maz, had heard that name before.

"Why did he go with only Viento and Rockwall? Why didn't he take more?" Aira asked evenly, but Raz could tell she held back her anger and, perhaps, sadness that her husband left without telling her.

"King Zallerferd chose the two most powerful in their element besides him and Mazial here. That part I didn't understand until I remembered the Prophecy," Raz said calmly.

"Prophecy? What Prophecy do you speak?" Breeze Stillwater asked as Buckner stepped forward.

"Father, it is the prophecy about Razial and Mazial Drakken," Buckner said quietly, but Breeze was still having trouble understanding it himself.

"Governor Stillwater and everyone. Let me tell you about the Prophecy my brother had," Maz said as he recited word for word what the Prophecy said.

After he finished, Raz continued, "Do you see, now, why he didn't take Mazial or me? He wanted us to stay behind and start drawing up battle plans because the Barrier of Strife, The Dark Angel, is about to collapse. That is how General Braxus came through, and now, I must call on each of you to help come up with a plan."

All the faces around him changed to understanding and nodded. Everyone took their respective places and began to deliberate.

"The first thing I would advise is sending the Dragons home early," said Aira as Raz thought this over.

"That would probably be for the best. However, we need more soldiers than we currently have. Anyone above the age of eighteen should be considered unless they are widowed with children," Raz said as everyone agreed, and Kyle stepped forward.

"If I may, I would be honored to make the arrangements," Kyle said as Raz considered him for a moment.

"I have no objection. However, Kyle, please try not to scare too many Dragons. They have no idea what is going on just yet," Raz said as Kyle nodded and headed for the doors when they burst open. There, leaning against the door frame, was Lt. Gen. Rockwall. His clothes were all ripped as he bled from several different cuts and his nostrils, clutching a sword in his right hand as his other hand was propped against the frame.

"Rockwall!" Raz yelled and quickly rose to his feet, running over to him.

Kyle instantly recognized the sword in Rockwall's hand and said, "Where is he, Rockwall? Where is my father?"

Rockwall hung his head and said, "Both General Viento Whirlwind and King Zor Zallerferd have perished while destroying Braxus."

Aira let out a cry as Kyle looked down at the floor in anguish, tears flowing down his face. Rockwall held up the Wind Sword for Kyle, who took it.

"I know your father would have been proud of you and would want this sword passed to you," Rockwall said in an unsteady voice as Kyle nodded and fought down the pain.

"Thank you. I must go gather the soldiers. Excuse me," Kyle said as he left the room and walked past Rockwall.

The news hit Raz just as hard, and he had to wrestle between his duty and personal feelings. It seemed like a cruel joke that the role of being king played on one's heart, and Raz was now getting his first authentic look at what it was going to take to rule. He went back to the head of the table as Nurse Gailheart attended to Rockwall.

"Nurse Gailheart, while you are down in the Medical Wing, please have your staff get ready for the wounded," Raz said as she nodded and helped Rockwall out of the room.

Raz looked around the table at all of the Governors, all of which had tears in their eyes, and said, "I don't think you need any more evidence. I understand your emotions, but we must be strong for those with us and not let Zallerferd's and Whirlwind's deaths be in vain. We shall make arrangements for their funeral, but first, we need to get organized and prepare troops to battle the coming enemy." Raz said as they all nodded again.

"We need to start building defenses for each of the Regions. It would probably be best if we send word to all four Regions," Governor Drakken said.

"I agree. However, I daresay we need to do it now, while Zallerferd gave us time," Reed Earthbond said as Rocky stepped forth.

"I will go, father, and prepare our Region," Rocky said as both Raz and Reed agreed. Rocky nodded and walked out of the room.

"Mother, I need you to head back to the Fire Region. I expect our defenses need to be brought up to par. Mazial, I want you and Buckner to go down to the archives to dig up any more information on what we are dealing with here. Perhaps, there is a way to combat this evil more effectively," Raz said as everyone agreed, and he smiled at them.

"Now, I must go down and see how Kyle is faring with the recruitments. This counsel is adjourned until this afternoon," Raz said as they all got up and started to depart.

Raz hoped with all of his heart that he was doing everything he could to protect his Kingdom. He looked out the window to see the sky growing pale and knew sunrise was only an hour away.

"Raz?" A voice behind him spoke as he turned to see his father standing there.

"Oh, hello, father. What can I do for you?" Raz asked politely.

"I was wondering if you were well, son," Miles said in a fatherly way.

"In all honesty, it's challenging for me to put my personal feelings aside. The only thing that is driving my mind right now is that Zallerferd wouldn't want me to quit. Nor can I leave the race of Dragons undefended. I thank you for your support, father. In short, I will be alright in time, but right now, I am taking it one step at a time," Raz said as he and his father walked down the golden steps.

"You're showing tremendous courage, and I am so proud of you. The way you handled yourself in there proves to me Zallerferd has taught you well," Miles said as Raz had to fight the horrendous flood of emotions he held within, threatening to come to the surface. He managed this as he and Miles finally walked out onto the ground to a commotion of Dragons asking why they had to go home.

Kyle was busy trying to round up recruits who were a little reluctant to move without a good reason. Raz, seeing this, shot a fireball up into the air and exploded with the sound of a cannon as everyone went quiet.

"Now that I have your attention, I will explain the situation. Early this morning, we received word that the barrier between this world and the Dark Realm is on the verge of collapse. King Zallerferd abdicated the throne to me and told me to start drawing up battle plans. He, along with General Whirlwind, died in a battle and bought us some much-needed time.

"That's why I sent Kyle here down to gather up those willing to fight. I won't say it will be easy, but we all have to live here. This is our home, and we want to protect it along with the ones we hold dearest. I will not command you. No, I will ask you to join me, and together, we will stop this evil that threatens our world, our homes, and everything we stand for. I ask you, brothers and sisters, to stand up with me. To stand in the face of evil and laugh because we know; yes, we know that together, we cannot be defeated. Together, we will crush evil's might!" Raz yelled out as the crowd cheered with him as thousands upon thousands of recruits came out of the crowd.

Kyle was accompanied by several of the Supreme Region guards, including Hector, who smiled at Raz. They started organizing the recruits into units of short-range, mid-range, and long-range fighters.

"Raz, you sure have a way of inspiring Dragons," said Blaze as Raz smiled.

"Thank you, Blaze. I will speak with you later. I must go check on Lt. Rockwall," Raz said as he patted Blaze on the shoulder and walked off towards the Pearl Tower. He entered the Entrance Hall and quickly descended the stairs, two at a time. He went into a door just to the right of the steps that said Infirmary.

The room was exactly how Raz remembered it, with a long row of beds on the far side. In the second to last bed, Rockwall was slowly eating breakfast that Nurse Gailheart provided. The curtains were drawn back as Rockwall looked up to see Raz walking toward him.

"My Lord. I didn't expect you so soon. Were you able to draw up battle plans?" Rockwall said in a rather rough voice.

"We have things in place. Kyle Whirlwind is organizing thousands of recruits and is coming along fine. I have sent word to all the other regions to prepare for battle. I also have Mazial and Buckner looking into the archives for more information about this Dark Realm," Raz said as Rockwall nodded and looked at his plate.

"It's not going to be the same without them," Rockwall said mournfully.

"No, it's not, but we will not let their sacrifice be in vain. Lieutenant General Montgomery Rockwall, I hereby declare you Head General of the Supreme Region," Raz said as Rockwall looked up at him in surprise.

"I thought you were going to make Kyle Head General," Rockwall said as Raz shook his head.

"No, I am making him a General, but you have been here the longest and therefore are the most experienced we have. There are several thousand troops outside needing your kind of leadership. As soon as you are able, I will see you at your seat in the Throne Room this afternoon," Raz said as Nurse Gailheart came over.

"Hello, your highness. I have a report for you. We are fully stocked and ready just in case things turn ugly." Gailheart said as she handed Raz a scroll.

Raz unrolled it and looked it over as he nodded and said, "Very good, Nurse Gailheart. Please keep me updated with all reports. I must see how my brother and Buckner are faring. Excuse me."

Raz walked out without another word and felt relieved that things started to look a lot better during this trouble. As he climbed the golden steps, Raz thought he should check on the barrier after talking with Maz and Buckner.

Raz finally reached the library floor and opened the double doors to see shelves upon scrolls and books as the morning suns filtered in through the large glass windows. He found Buckner and Maz sitting at a table over in the corner of the room, pouring over history scrolls and books. Some looked relatively new, while others were as old as the Tower itself.

Mazial took notes as Buckner read information related to the Dark Realm and seemed to be going strong. Buckner turned another page and looked up to see Raz walking over to them.

"Sire! You are just in time. We found out a little more history on the Dark Realm," Buckner said as Maz poked his head up from his notes.

Raz felt strange being called Sire and Highness because these were terms used more for Zallerferd than himself. He shook these thoughts aside and returned to the task at hand.

"What do you two have?" Raz asked quizzically.

"We found some helpful information regarding the Dark Realm, and the story goes like this: Many eons ago when the universe was still young, there were fourteen Archangels who lived in peace and harmony with everything. Then, one day, seven of the fourteen strayed far into the darkest corners of the universe, playing games with one another. When they failed to return, the other seven went out looking for their lost kinsmen only to find an evil void had consumed them--twisting their hearts and minds until they became the Dark Angels of the Seven Deadly Sins.

"The Seven Light Angels were horror-struck and desperately pleaded to their siblings to come back to the light. However, the Seven Dark Angels were so twisted with evil that they failed to hear the message and attacked them instead.

"A great battle ensued for which the universe had never seen before. The Seven Light Angels were finally able to trap their siblings in the deepest and darkest part of space, but not before they sent a falling star to a world called Earth.

"The battle was won, but at a high price. The Seven Light Angels grieved for the loss of their siblings. Nevertheless, they built Dragos together to seal off the Dark Realm from the rest of the universe along with the Dark Void that ensnared their siblings. However, the Seven Light Angels knew that the evil could not be sealed off forever, and they divided the seals into seven different barriers. These barriers would extend the seals' collapse, thereby ensuring the Dragons would have a chance to defend themselves. For only one Dark Angel and their minions can go through that portal." Maz finished reading as he looked up at Raz.

Raz looked utterly blown away as he sat down next to them and thought this out. It seemed to him that everything his race had endured so far was a result of a battle. A battle took place between Michael's fellow angels and their Dark Brethren. Not only that, but Michael employed the Dragons to act as guards, and Raz couldn't help but feel a little betrayed by this fact.

"Very good. Were you two able to find out how to stop Strife?" Raz asked as Buckner nodded.

"Yes, it would seem that he can be killed, but he is mighty. He, like Michael, has infinite life, but it can be destroyed, and we have yet to find out what this is. If I had to guess, his bane of darkness would be by the light that weakens him," Buckner said thoughtfully.

Raz nodded his head and looked through some of the leaflets as he said, "that is excellent news. It seems, at last, we have some control on this situation."

"Yes, but there is still more information to go over before we are completely done. I am taking notes as we speak," Maz said as Raz nodded again and rose from his seat.

"Well, I shall let you two continue. I need to attend to another task," Raz said as the other two nodded.

Raz walked out of the library and descended the stairs. He needed to go check the barrier and to collect General Whirlwind's body. Once outside, he motioned for Hector and Kyle to come over.

"Yes, my King. What can we do for you?" Hector asked as he and Kyle put their hands over their hearts.

"I need you two to accompany me to the shore. Kyle, I think we should go collect your father's body. It's only right if you come along." Raz said as Kyle gave a slight nod.

"Thank you, Raz. You're the greatest friend anyone can have," Kyle said in a low voice.

All three walked out into a clearing on the grounds and kicked off from the ground, soaring high up into the air. Raz was, once again, met with the peacefulness of flying high and felt all his troubles disappear. Nevertheless, this feeling was not to last, for as he looked up, Raz saw the landscape scarred with the signs of battle.

The mountain that once stood tall now had one side missing while trees were upturned with great big roots sticking up into the air. The shore had small craters where rocks had fallen and had scorch marks that blackened the sand. The vultures circled something in the distance, and Raz knew what it was.

They quickly landed and drove the buzzards away before they did too much damage. Kyle slowly walked over to his father and laid a hand over his eyes, closing them. Kyle knelt beside him and began praying over his body.

Raz looked for the other three bodies, but apparently, they were obliterated in the blast, and he looked back towards the wall to see scorch marks with the imprint of a body.

"What happened here?" Hector asked as Raz looked at him.

"A battle won, but at a great price. Zallerferd and Viento Whirlwind gave their lives to buy us some more time." Raz said as Hector looked horrified.

"How much time do we have left before the barrier starts to collapse?" Hector asked.

"Not long," Raz said coldly.

Hector nodded as Kyle gathered his father in his arms and said, "I'm ready to go."

All three of them retook flight and headed for the Pearl Tower. Raz couldn't believe the amount of destruction that took place to win that fight. Moreover, how much more destruction was there going to be before it was all over. He wasn't sure, but they all had worked so hard to build this Kingdom, and Raz would be damned if he would see it destroyed now. After all, isn't that the reason they were fighting in the first place? To protect not only the Dragons but Dragos herself. She had given them extraordinary gifts, and now they needed to protect her as well.

As they came in for a landing, Raz waved off the guard tower and proceeded to the main entrance. They landed in front of it and hurried down to the hospital wing into the morgue. Nurse Gailheart came in after them and clapped a hand over her maw as she took a deep breath to steady herself.

At first, no one said anything because the shock was still overwhelming until Raz said, "I understand how you feel. But we need to honor his sacrifice by making sure he gets a proper burial. I trust your staff will have him cleaned up and ready at sundown."

"Yes, yes. Of course, your highness," Gailheart said as Raz put his hand on her shoulder and went out of the room.

"What did you mean by tonight?" Kyle asked once they started climbing the steps.

"I mean that we will have the memorial tonight for Zallerferd and your father at sunset before we send everyone home," Raz said thoughtfully as Kyle's eyes misted again.

"Right. I'll go and let everyone know," Kyle said and left Raz standing there, alone in his thoughts.

Raz was glad he could make Kyle happy. It was the very thing the Dragons needed the most right now. The task of protecting them looked overwhelming very early this morning. But now, it looked a little less intimidating, and Raz felt they could win this war for the first time.

Suddenly, Raz heard his stomach growl loud and put a hand on his midsection. Raz worried so much about the problems swirling around him that he'd forgotten to get breakfast. He climbed the steps to the throne room and asked one of the servant workers to bring him breakfast from the kitchen. The worker bowed and went out of the room as Raz took his seat at the long wooden table. He stared up at the five flags blowing slightly in the Breeze coming through the open balcony doors.

Raz was brought out of his reverie by footfalls in the hall and half-expected to see the servant worker returning with his food. Instead, he saw Blaze carrying two silver platters of food and smiled at Raz.

"I was passing the kitchens when I heard a worker say he needed some breakfast for the king. I only assumed that they were talking about you and asked if I could deliver it. So, here I am," Blaze said as he set down the two platters on the table.

"I thank you for bringing me my breakfast, but what is the second platter for?" Raz asked curiously.

"Oh, I forgot. I was going to ask if I could join you for breakfast. Sorry," Blaze said as he fidgeted with his fingers.

"Of course. By all means, please." Raz said, rising out of his seat and gestured Blaze to the seat next to his. Blaze sat down with a smile as they dined on eggs, bacon, and toast.

"Thank you, your highness." Blaze said as Raz chuckled.

"If we're alone, you can call me Raz," Raz said as Blaze inclined his head.

"I can do that. Anyway, we had just finished with placement, and I am among the short-range fighters. Though, admittedly, I'm not as good with Fire as you or your brother." Blaze said sheepishly.

"Nonsense. I've seen you dish out some pretty good techniques. I daresay we are on the same level."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"Well, I'm sure this training from the Supreme Region will help, as well."

"No doubt. I heard the other day that you have developed a Signature Flame Work."

"Indeed, I did."

"I can't wait to see it. How is your energy afterward?"

"Pretty low. I have to take time to recover."

"Well, it sounds like to me you need to practice more energy conservation," Raz said as he took a bite of an egg from his fork.

Blaze was contemplating this and said, "That is the one thing I do have trouble with. However, like you said, 'I need to practice.'"

Raz chuckled as he took a drink of juice from his goblet. He was thinking about his fire skills and felt a little training couldn't hurt. Everyone could stand with a bit more training for the dark days to come. They were going to need it.

"So, not to bring up any hurt feelings, but how is your first day as King?" Blaze asked politely.

"It's been rough. I was expecting to be crowned tonight. That's why Zallerferd called me to his tent. He wanted to let me know he moved up the coronation." Raz said as Blaze nodded.

Raz knew that their dinner had been interrupted by a guard, and he had to leave Blaze. That was not a particularly fond moment, but Blaze didn't hold it against him. He understood that Raz had responsibilities and would need to take care of those before pursuing personal matters.

"Well, you seem to be doing quite well. I heard your speech this morning, and it was moving. Like I said earlier, you have a way of inspiring Dragons," Blaze said as Raz inclined his head.

"Thank you for those kind words. Which reminds me, I need to work on my speech for tonight, and you should get back to practicing your energy work," Raz said as Blaze nodded and rose from his seat.

Raz watched Blaze take both platters and walk to the door. He looked back and gave Raz a wink before walking out. Raz smiled as he sat down again with a quill, ink, and parchment, writing out his speech for tonight.

Deep in the Dark Realm, Strife re-watched the battle between Braxus and the three Dragons. He smiled evilly, thinking General Braxus did an excellent job weakening the barrier, and now, he was going to capitalize on it.

It would seem that these Dragons had grown influential, but judging by the fight with Braxus, Strife felt more confident about killing every last one of them. He was sure that Michael made the single greatest mistake, and now the time came to act.

He got up from his chair and waved his hand as the smoke mirror disappeared from view. He walked over to his balcony and looked at the mass of demons broken into several thousand squadrons. They cheered when they saw Strife standing upon the balcony, and The Four Horsemen were among them. They all hammered at what looked to be a solid wall of rock, but Strife knew that this was the barrier to Dragos. The hole wasn't quite big enough to allow the Four Horsemen to go through, but little by little, the demons chipped away at the wall. Strife knew it wouldn't be long now. He would have his revenge and destroy the Dragons Michael loved so much.

Suddenly, there was a loud CRACK as a massive piece of rock came crashing down. The Demons cheered and roared with triumph as Strife realized the barrier was ready to permit the Four Horsemen along with a legion of Demons.

Strife bellowed loudly with excitement, and the Demons celebrated with him as he said, "Go forth, my children. Go forth and rid that planet of those Dragons. Kill every last one of them. KILL THEM ALL!"

The day ran into the evening as Raz was out by the courtyard, going over his speech. He had met with the Governors earlier with General Rockwall, who had given them an incredible insight into what defense they should take and how best to combat this evil.

Maz and Buckner completed their research and informed the council of their findings. It wasn't too much more than what Raz had already discovered, but the information seemed to impress the Governors. However, some still worried that something big was coming. Raz couldn't help but agree with them and felt on edge himself.

Raz saw the increase in guards around the grounds as everyone offered help in every way possible. Food supplies were brought in, and troops were sent to protect the four regions of Dragos.

The Governors told Raz that having the memorial this evening wasn't a good idea, and he half agreed with them, but he wanted to honor Zallerferd and Whirlwind for their efforts. So, the whole of Dragos turned out to see the memorial before heading home.

Raz slowly walked up on stage and said, "Hello, and thank you all for coming. I know this seems hard to believe, and I find it hard to realize that we lost two of the most honorable, bravest, and kindest souls we know. We must..."

Raz stopped in mid-sentence as he felt a low rumble that shook the chalice of water on his podium. Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently as some of the Dragons from the crowd let out several cries. Raz stumbled over to the edge of the platform and looked up to see the pillars swaying.

Several Dragons were underneath as Raz felt fear grip him and yelled, "Rockwall! Rockwall!"

"I'M HERE, SIR!" Rockwall yelled just as the pillars began to crack and topple.

"GRAB THOSE PILLARS!" Raz shouted as Rockwall held out his hand while his eyes glowed green.

Raz stumbled over and yelled, "Move! MOVE IT! NOW!"

The Dragons looked up and screamed as everyone scrambled out of the way. Raz stumbled away as Rockwall let it go as it crashed to the ground.

Raz looked to the south-eastern sky, and his heart sank. There, in the distance, was a massive billowing cloud of sickly green smoke. Flashes of lightning were bouncing up through the smoke and reminded Raz of a thunderstorm.

"Oh, my God!" Raz said in horror and looked over to see Rockwall looking at the smoke, as well.

"General Rockwall! Start gathering the troops!" Raz shouted as Rockwall put his hand over his heart and departed.

"King Drakken! What is going on?! Buckner asked as he came stumbling over.

"The barrier! It's breaking down! God help us! God help us all!"