The Damsel's Tower

Story by AdventChild on SoFurry

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#2 of Bryse Bulwick

A quest leads Bryse Bulwick to rescue an entrapped damsel in an enchanted tower, but things aren't what they seem.

Originally, a Sonic and the Black Knight fanfic with mind/reality warping, but changed it for my OC

The land of Bovisa, where anthro bovines roam consisting of bulls and cows. Their features have horned bovine heads attached to mostly humanoid bodies with five fingered hands and five toed feet: no hooves. Genitals are also identical in human likeness as well with sheath less males and females with boobs that they refer to as 'udders' from time to time, no actual udders. Additionally, fur color can be varied from the usual browns, whites, tans, and black to blue, purple and others. The world itself is more of a medieval fantasy one where magic exists yet they wear no clothes, basically a worldwide nudist colony. Though there are apparel that can be worn for working like aprons and enchanted items that can boost stats such as cloaks, rings, necklaces, belt of potions, collars/cowbells and the like.

Meet Bryse Bulwick, a 6.5 ft jet-black bull in his late 20s with a body builder physique, ivory horns that curved upward, dark blue eyes, and a muzzle that ends with a pinkish snout. Best described as a bullheaded jock that is proud of his muscles and strength as well as his ten-inch black cock with pink mushroom head tip, and a bit of a womanizer too. He wields a double axe and member of the Cattle Crusaders guild whose headquarters is also a pub and brothel and has a bulletin of all available quests/jobs far and wide. He tends to jump headfirst into quests to get stronger and to get the most gold and best loot, thinking that it'll attract potential mates and to further his goal of being top guild member.

On the edge of a tree line during the middle of the night, there was a small encampment that faced a large grassy plain that stretched for acres with another forest and mountain range just beyond it. A small campfire lit up the area that had a pot of broth hanging on a spit roast with a leather tent next to it. A large log lied next to the fire with a large double headed axe leaning on the tree behind it. There sitting on the log was a naked muscular black bull with a pinkish snout, blue eyes, and a black dick with a pink mushroom tip. He ate his bowl of soup, looking out at the field as if searching for something.

"This was the spot where the tower last appeared. I hope it didn't move anywhere else or I'd be wasting my time." He said with a hint of annoyance at the end.

There had been tales recently about a tall stone tower that sometimes magically manifest itself out of the blue. Usually it stays in one spot, blinks in and out of existence for about a day's worth before teleporting to some random area. Within there was a beautiful cow maiden that was locked away at the top of the tower by a cruel warlock who placed a spell on her that she could never leave. A spell that can only be broken if someone is able to take away her virginity.

For some time, it sounded more like an old folk tale. That was until the many eyewitness accounts that have seen it in the areas nearby kept pouring in that seemed to make it more credible and transparent. Even to the point where a quest was posted at the guild recently to find evidence of such a thing for huge sum of money. Add that with a pretty cow to be able to mound as another personal reward how can he say no to that? But he had to dig a bit on the location of where the tower was last seen to get a leg up before the other interested guild members which is where he is at currently.

After well past midnight, he was nodding off a bit, having trouble staying awake. He was about to turn in for the night before a sudden flash blinded him slightly, having to shield his eyes with his arm. About a football field's distance in the plains in front of him, a large thirty-story stone tower that stretched to touch the clouds. At the bottom there was an open doorway that led to a spiral staircase while at the top there was a square window illuminated by candlelight.

After the initial moment of shock of what transpired subsided, he grabbed his axe and strapped it around his back. He then hurried to the tower, not wanting to miss the opportunity for adventure as well for the reward of gold and a girl that comes from it. Going through the doorframe and into the gray stairwell, he gazed upwards as the many stony steps led to a door at the top. Not that he was worried about the climb up as he conquered many mountainous treks before greater than this. Yet he proceeded with a bit of caution, thinking that there could be physical or magical booby traps.

It took the black bull around half an hour just to get to the top in front of the wooden door without any problems. His hand trembled as it reached for the knob, anticipating what he will find. He took a deep breath, gripped the handle, and swung the door open.

In front of him and on the opposite side of the circular room was a XXL bed that could fit three people on it with pink sheets and matching transparent canopy. The window he saw earlier hung over the bed as moonlight shone through and blanketed the bed. At the foot of the bed was a small wooden nightstand topped off with a lit candle.

On the left side of the room lied a small round table with a bowl of fresh fruit which made him think that someone was keeping the maiden well fed. How was she able to eat otherwise if she was bound here? Along the left wall was a bookshelf full of tomes, mainly spell books and novels as means of entertainment possibly. On the wall to the right, there was an oval golden framed full body mirror mounted on the wall. The wooden floor had a simple blue oval rug.

But there was clearly one thing that was missing in this room that he came for.

"Where's the maiden?!" he exclaimed with eyes darting around, even looking under the bed. Still no sign of the lovely captive cow anywhere.

Was he too late? Was she rescued before he got there? Did the maiden somehow escape? If so, then why is the tower still have the ability to appear in random places?

He scratched his head in utter confusion but ultimately gave up since there was nothing he could do. With a snort and a grunt, he just ate away his frustrations as he chomped down on much of the fruit that was provided, knowing that he wasn't getting any reward out of all this. Soon, he half emptied the bowl, leaving some apple and pear cores and pomegranate seeds on the table.


He was getting more tired by the minute. Looking at the door before turning towards the comfy bed, he didn't feel like traversing the stairs just to sleep at the campsite and decided to spend a night in the tower, thinking about his next move in the morning. He did think about taking and selling some of the books for easy coin along with the full body mirror that looked the most valuable out of anything in the room.

He took off his weapon harness and axe and leaned it on the wall to the left of the bed. Then, he plopped down onto the soft cushiony bed and lied down. After letting out another yawn, his heavy eyelids closed, drifting into deep sleep. Not too soon as the black bull slept soundly in the blanketing moonlight, the changes began soon after.

Bryse's muscles began to deflate along with losing nearly a foot in height in the process, giving him lean body frame.

His feet cracked as they shrunk by a few inches, becoming rather petite with dainty toes in appearance. His legs took on a feminine form with shapely calves and thicker thighs.

His pelvis cracked and pop, resulting in wider child-bearing hips and a waning waistline. His butt bloated with couple layers of fat. He moaned a bit as his ten-inch shaft grew stiff right before it shrunk by the inch until it receded into his body along with his gonads, resulting in a plump moist pussy in their place.

His moaning continued as pink nipples perked up and grew stiff, becoming puffier and increasing in diameter. Suddenly, two ginormous jugs grew beneath them as they inflated from A to G cups in a matter of seconds.

Like his legs, his arms slimmed to a slenderer state, ending with dainty hands and thinner fingers.

He let out a girlish groan as his head changed, becoming smaller and rounder. His snout/muzzle shrunk and narrowed slightly. His horns shrunk until they were barely a foot in length. From his scalp dark wavy brown hair flowed down to the base of his tail.

Gone was the muscular black bull as a busty female bovine now laid in bed.

As she slept, more strange happenings occurred as the fruit bowl seemed to reset itself into a filled state and the scraps seemed to vanish into thin air without leaving any messy trace. Then, around her left ankle a blue ethereal chain appeared attached to the bed with Bryse still blissfully unaware throughout the remainder of the night.

Hours passed and morning rays poured through the window onto the sleeping female. She mumbled under her breath as she tossed and turned on the bed. Not yet noticing the changes but something felt off. Why did her chest feel heavy? And why did it feel empty between her legs?

She stirred and grumbled a bit more before her eyes flittered open, taking a few seconds for her vision to return to normal. After letting out a yawn, her eyes drifted downward to see two massive black mounds obscuring her view. With wide eyed shock, she sat up immediately and looked all over her changed body.

"What happened to-?!"

She stopped as she clasped her throat, noticing how different and higher pitched it became. She got out of the bed quickly and went over to full body mirror, taken aback and frozen. Was this really her now? Shaky hands traced every curve of her body, even squeezing her tits and exploring her new pussy depths. Both actions elicited a moaning moo out of her as her body shuddered as she experienced feminine sensitivity for the first time, dribbling some milk and cum.

"I...I need to get out of here." She spoke as the initial shock wore off.

She went over to her stuff that leaned on the wall and grabbed the hilt of her axe.

"Urg! ...Argh! Come on!"

She struggled as the weapon weighed more than a ton and wouldn't budge an inch in her weakened state. No choice but to leave it for now and come back for it later when she gets back to normal. Before leaving, she spotted the table with the fruit she ate last night, now all neat and refilled, giving her another round of surprise.

"This accursed place... I need to go now!" she said as she as headed for the door.

"AHH! ~OW!"

She felt something tug on her ankle, making her trip over onto the ground before reaching the door, resulting in sore leaky tits landing front first. Looking behind, she could see the ghostly tether that attached herself to the bed. She tried everything to break the bondage by pulling, tugging, even biting but to no avail.

It was clear that Bryse became the tower's new damsel.

Overwhelmed with hopelessness, she curled up at the foot of the bed, silently sobbing. However, it didn't take long as she heard heavy footsteps climbing up the stairs, increasing in volume as they gotten closer. She got up in anticipation on who would come through the door as the footsteps stopped at the top.

Then, in came a tall 6.5-foot beefy bull with shaggy reddish-brown fur that covered him from head to toe. His short beard braided as the hair on his head with slightly darker hues. A weapon harness strapped a large silver Warhammer onto his back. His flaccid nine-inch penis dangled between muscular legs that she had a hard time looking away from it as enticing it seemed to be. However, it was a bull that she knew from the guild and one whom she considered somewhat a rival.

"Don't be alarmed, fair maiden! I'm here to free you from the shackles that bound you!" the bull said with bravado, his dick getting semisoft at the sight of her assets.

"M-Mikahl?!" she exclaimed as the red bull was taken aback at the mention of his name.

"How-how do you know my name?" he stammered a bit.

"It's me, Bryse!"

"B-Bryse?! Really?" he said, then he took notice a familiar weapon and harness next to the bed, showing it was true. "B-But how?"

"I tried to get a head start when I found out the tower's location. But when I got here, I've found no lady to save whatsoever. Then, I slept in this bed, and I woke up like this! And now I'm stuck here!" She explained, pointing to the magic chain that bind her to the bed.

Then, an idea hit her.

"Mikahl, quick! Grab my axe and cut the chain!" she said as she went over to the door to straighten it out.

The bull did as he was told, grabbing the axe, and raised it over his head. With one giant swing downward, he hit the chain, splintering some of the wooden floor. Bryse winced and flinched upon the impact, but looking back to see the results, a saddened expression donned on her face.

" didn't work!" she said as the chain was still there, looking undamaged despite the large weapon hit.

Mikahl put away the axe back in its leaning place and went over to Bryse, embracing her as his hands held onto her hips.

"M-Mikahl?! Wha-what are you...?" she said while blushing. A part of her wanted to push him away yet another part wanted to get closer and more as female hormones steadily rushed within. It didn't help matters when the bull's penis was fully erect, nearing thirteen inches as almost pressed up against her.

"Well, Bryse, do you remember the conditions of breaking the curse? I believe that's the only way."

"Break the curse...?" her eyes widened in shock when she realized and pushed away from him, landing on the bed. "No way! I'm not having sex with you!"

"Well, it's that or would you like me to cut your foot off?" he said, making her wince and hold her ankle in reflex. "Or would you want me to leave so you can be trapped in this tower for the rest of your life and until it teleports somewhere far from home and have another bull try to mate you?"

The distraught female just sighed in defeat and sat on the bed, knowing that he was right with her limited options.

"Okay, fine." She said as she lied down. "Let's just...get this over with."

"Wow, didn't think you'll go with this so quickly."

"Well, it's just as you've said, and I obviously don't want to live here cooped up for the rest of my life." She replied. "Let's hurry this up please."

"Heh, can't say no to a beautiful bovine like you, can I?" he said, taking off his gear and putting them aside. "But I like to treat my women delicately and slowly. It's better to ease into it than rushing."

Bryse gulped nervously at the notion, blushing, and feeling slightly heated as female instinct took hold, gaining an attraction to the bulked-up bull. Mikahl slowly climbed onto the bed and spread her legs a bit, catching full view of her snatch.

"Hey what are you- Ooooo~hhh!" she moaned, clutching the sheets and arching her back as he dove snout first to her crotch and began to lick her pussy with tongue digging deep parting the lips.

As he continued to eat her out, she moaned with body shuddering and toes curling in utmost pleasure, letting out some precum for him to taste.

"Mmm.... you taste pretty good." He said, before travelling upwards past her navel and stopping at her breasts.

"My, my, you have such nice firm udders." He commented before he groped them with his hands, eliciting another mooing like moan from her mouth.

Then, he started licking her tits as his tongue swirled around stiff erect pink nipples. Her body shuddered again in response as she became more lost in the throes of pleasure. He stopped the tit teasing as he was now face to face with Bryse. The bovines dreamily gazed into each other's eyes before pressing their snouts together into one long passionate kiss. At this point, female hormones went into overdrive within her, any male resistance seemed to have mostly diminished.

"Ready, Bryse?" Mikahl said he broke the kiss for a moment as his over foot long's tip pressed against her entryway.

"Oh, yes! Give it to me, Mik~aaaaaaaahl!" she moaned out as the bull penetrated her deep midsentence with a single thrust.

His shaft pumped in and out of her, grinding against throbbing vaginal walls. She panted and moaned constantly as her body shuddered with each thrust, making her to hold onto him for stability. Their snouts connected into another long romantic kiss.

"Haah...mmm-oooo~h....ah...Fah-faster! Please!" she pleaded.

"Unh...aaah! Will-ooh-do!" he complied.

His pace quickened as he went in and out of her like a jackhammer, feeling her tight pussy pulsate faster. She had to wrap her legs around him to get steadier with their panting and moaning matched in rhythm as the bed rocked like a boat about to be capsized. The rapidly hard throbbing of their genitals signaled that climax was coming close.

"Ooooh~...Aaaah! Mi-haah-Mikahl! I'M-AH! CUM-MOOOOO!" She mooed out as she drenched his dick with pussy milk.

"Ungh....Ooooh...M-Me! TOOOO!" Mikahl mooed as well as his cock unleashed a stream of cream into her womb until it overflowed and oozed out of her snatch.

He exited her with a wet splotch that dripped from their crotches. In the afterglow of sex, they embraced once again and kissed. The ethereal chain around Bryse's ankle vanished into thin air.

"Hey, your chain's gone." Mikahl noted as he pointed out. "Looks like the curse is broken."

"Thank goodness." She sighed a breath of relief. "But shouldn't I turn back to normal?"

"Hmm...ah ha! Loss of virginity remember?" he said thoughtfully, rubbing her belly a bit. "You're with calf...our calf now, until you give birth in less than a year. You could change back with a spell or potion, but do you really want to be male again, Bryse?"

She pondered over a bit. Thanks to the hormones, female instinct and over time with her pregnancy, she'll likely be used to being female completely when the baby comes out along with the notion of being a mother exciting her rather than scaring her. Also, having sex as a female was the most exhilarating thing she ever experienced. It just felt too good!

The only downsides were long maternity leave, probably working at the guild/tavern as a bar maid, and taking care of the child. If she were to ever go questing again, she'll have to use lighter weapons, most likely to learn magic just in case, making her strength build as a male went to total waste.

"No, I don't think I can after all this. I'll get too used to this body." she replied. "Also, better call me Bryselle from now on."

"Heh, sounds nice. So, Bryselle, before we head back and complete the quest, are you up for round two?" He said as his dick rubbed up against her clit, causing her to shudder.

"*Giggle...Let's! But let me be on top this time."

The End

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For Whom the Cowbell Tolls

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