Rogue Wind - The Night Out

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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Rogue Wind

The Date

'This thing feels really weird.' said Toby, still not quite accustomed to the odd underwear.

'You mean the loincloth?'

'Yeah, I can't believe you prefer this.'

'You'll get used to it. Actually, if I could I wouldn't even be wearing these pants; I'd just be wearing the loincloth.'

'Are you an Indian?'

'What's that?'

'I don't know my self. Alex told me they're technologically backwards people who live in little tiny tents and run around half naked wearing only loin clothes. . . of course though neither of us have ever been outside of Kirathain.'

'Sounds like the tribe I used to be with, I really loved it there.' And Reliath did as he remembered all the good looking guys wearing nothing more then a loin cloth.

'Why did you leave?'

'Well, I's kind was branded as 'savages' by some imperialists and apparently that was a good enough reason to start killing us. Years later I'm born, our population is low, and marriages are arranged to ensure our race can continue to thrive. I had to leave and it wasn't my choice. They wanted I to marry Aiva who lived in Arvalian.'

'Can I ask you just one thing about her?'

'I guess. . .'

'You promise you won't lash out at me?'

'Go ahead, ask I.'

'Did you hate her?'

'No. She was quiet and she liked reading, at the time I was quiet and I liked reading. We were practically perfect together; we were even going to have a kid. . .'

Toby braced him self for Reliath to fly off the handle and begin shouting but instead he kept quiet. Slightly scared of the sudden silence Toby turned his head to Reliath and instead of seeing him just a fur away from going on a rampage Toby had seen something somewhat more disturbing. He kept his usual calm and collected manner. Now Toby had this thought come across him . . . Reliath looked calm and collected and his voice seemed calm and collected . . . but his eyes and his face seemed to have this other certain quality to it, one which Toby overlooked. Calm and collected, now that Toby thought about it, it seemed more like he was depressed, then calm and collected. The only thing that gave Toby the impression that Reliath was calm and collected for even a second was his soft and calm voice.

Finally Reliath spoke in his usual manner.

'I ran. I didn't hate her but I also didn't love her. At the time I just wanted to go home.'

The two of them reached the restaurant and it had one thing Toby hadn't seen before, a menu. Back in Kirathain the one restaurant he ate in had a policy where you ate whatever they were serving. Here though everyone wore extravagantly priced suits and the food was expensive beyond Toby's imagination. The food here was probably worth more then his little shack. Oh, and they had a fancily dressed man lead them to there table as well.

'I don't really get any of the food names.' Toby commented as he looked over the menu.

'Don't let it bother you, I'm paying anyway.'

'You eat at these places all the time, don't you?' Reliath nodded.

'My talents don't come cheap.'

'How much money do you even have? Are you a noble?'

'That's a question you shouldn't ask and something I won't answer.'

A good looking feline waiter walked up to their table and asked for their orders. Reliath was first to reply and five seconds later Toby had done the same and the two of them were once more waiting.

'So . . .' Toby began awkwardly.

'Yes . . .?'

'Why are your eyes green?'

'The short version is that I'm a different species then you.'

'And the long version?'

Reliath considered whether or not he should tell Toby. Well, food in these places always took their time anyway so why not. A story would be a good way to pass the time.

'Where I'm from we have three different categories in which we label other species. Firstly there's Predators, we mainly call them vermin. They're viewed upon as brutal blood thirsty cannibals who are morally and intellectually bankrupt with the exception of military technology. These said species have intimidating eyes, sharp claws, sharp fangs, and a taste for flesh. Foxes, Wolves, Lions, Tigers, and Ocelots fit into this category.'

Toby didn't seem so pleased with being called a savage but regardless Reliath continued.

'The second category is Rodents. Basically they are the smallest and weakest of the three. They're viewed as generally peaceful and where I'm from they were well accepted; though from personal experience I find they're racist self righteous individuals who see the world in black and white.'

'I don't think I ever saw any of them before.'

'Probably not, I never saw any of them in Kirathain either. I just saw lots of Foxes and a few wolves here and there.'

'And what's the last category?'

'Mystic. I's from a very religious background and a lot of us believe we're born with these colourful eyes because we have magical powers. It's embarrassing, actually. According to them I'm supposed to have some fascinating power of healing others; ironic since I've done the complete opposite throughout I's life.'

'So basically where you're from it's believed that they are some divine higher race, I'm a savage, and rodents are peace loving creatures?'


The waiter put their food down and the two of them began to eat. Reliath had enjoyed his food carefully meanwhile Toby apparently hadn't understood etiquette.

'Thanks for bringing me here Reliath, this food is really good.' Toby said with his mouth full. A few of the restaurants other customers began to stare but Reliath didn't really mind, he actually found it kind of cute. Reliath swallowed his food before replying.

'You're welcome, Toby.' Reliath replied and went back to eating. The two of them talked a lot less then Reliath would have preferred and the meal would take a half an hour. The two of them stepped out of the restaurant.

'Now, how about we go down to a tavern and get you something to drink?' Reliath offered generously. Obviously Reliath had an ulterior motive behind his offer and Toby knew without a doubt what Reliath's plan was. Be kind, be polite, spoil him, get him drunk, and fuck him.

A part of Toby had told him self that he was judging Reliath far too quickly and that maybe the guy actually was trying to be kind . . . but that was highly doubtful. Despite the possible dark forces *or perverted plan* forming Toby agreed, on the condition that they went to the bar closest to the ship. Saying a complete no would have been rude and Toby wanted to see Alex anyway.Dear god, even back in Kirathain she spent a lot of times in those places and that always worried Toby. He always had to worry that she might get hurt, abducted, raped, or even killed. Sure, she could take care of her self and she was far smarter then he'll ever be . . . but it was hard to put those two things in consideration if a tough and insanely dangerous guy like Arguln wanted to bone her.

'So, what do you think of my life style by far anyway? Long boat rides, being surrounded by hot and strong men, visiting places, drinking foreign liquor, and eating foreign food . . .'

'It's interesting, but don't the long boat trips become a bit dull?'

'I don't find. Back when I was younger one of I's favourite things to do was read and it still is . . . back in Kirathain what did you do all day anyway?'

Toby decided to reply to Reliath's random question, 'Nothing.'

The two of them entered the tavern and took in all the sights, sounds, and smells the bar had to offer. All throughout the tavern there were mainly felines and along with their scent was the mildly inviting smell of liquor. The drunken customers were all having a good time doing what drunken men did best. Drinking excessively, singing terribly, and feeling the girls. Well, except for maybe Haida who must have been feeling both guys and girls because Reliath could have sworn he felt the Margay touch his ass. Despite all the action going on around them the two of them were standing still. From what Reliath could tell Toby was scanning the bar for something or someone, probably Alex.

Reliath then at last turned his head to the Margay which probably grabbed his ass and the guy was smiling right back at him too. Yeah, he definitely did something playful to say the least.

It was around that point Reliath decided to accompany Haida instead. The Margay was pretty cute and unlike Toby he seemed to have at least a bit of interest in Reliath. Besides, this was a far better plan, wasn't it? First Reliath was going to try and see if the Margay who felt his ass wanted a good time and if not all Reliath had to do was move on and try and seduce Toby, offer him a drink. Tonight you were very kind, Reliath, but can I please talk to Alex alone? This was what Toby was just about to ask the man who spoiled him but very luckily though Reliath interrupted him when he was about to speak.

'Well, Toby. I just remembered I have to talk to Haida about something important. Take this and get your self a few drinks. Maybe I'll get you something later, bye!' Reliath said and the two of them split up. Reliath went to try and screw Haida and Toby went to talk to Alex.

Toby sat down at a stool in front of the taverns bar table beside Alex. And good news; Alex didn't smell like smoke for once and Toby could smell her attractive scent.

'Would you mind if I buy you drink?' Toby asked and Alex turned her head and gave him a cute smile.

'Nice clothes.' she replied.

'Thanks,' Toby smiled back. 'Reliath let me have them.'

'That's awfully kind of him.'

'It sure is. He even brought me to a restaurant.' Alex's expression then turned into an odd mixture of concern and amusement.

'You know why he's brought you to that place, right?'

'I have a good idea, but he said he's not into me and I'd like to trust his word.' Toby then got the bartenders attention and ordered both himself and Alex a bottle of some foreign liquor he never drank before.

As funny as it were the sounds, feel, and smell of this tavern was much like the one Toby and Alex had visited time after time back in Kirathain. Well, sort of. Kirathain had Foxes and lots of them meanwhile here the scents and customers were far more diverse. Felines, canines, and smaller things Toby never noticed. They must have been those rodents Reliath spoke about.

'I've been borrowing Reliath's books at night.' Alex randomly said to Toby while she had her right paw placed against her cheek.

'Are you sure that's a good idea? He's kind of friendly . . . sort of but I think he's also distrusting.'

'I'm just curious what the eye of Kilijaid is. He might not tell us and if it's something that holds a dark evil curse its better we know what it is we're collecting. Korin wants it so I wouldn't be surprised if the objects sole purpose is finding lawbreakers and killing them some how.'

Yeah, that's probably something Korin would consider worth finding. He didn't care for reason, logic, or wealth. The only thing Korin cared about was justice. Poor or rich, kind or cruel if you broke the law you'd end up dead no worse or better then another, you were hanged.

The bartender handed them there glasses and almost instantly upon getting her drink Alex lifted the glass up and drank something which went down her throat much like whisky but tasted more of softer liquor. She never even bothered to notice the liquid was the colour of amber.


Alex turned her eyes to Toby while she continued drinking, she was listening.

'I have enough left to get us a room, and I really need to talk to you in private.'

Alex finished her drink. 'Isn't it a bit early to have your mind on that? At least have a drink or two first.'

'No, I mean it's important and it can't have anyone else around us.'

Alex then nodded after she finally looked back at Toby. Something was on his mind yet again and unless he had a shoulder to cry on he was probably going to have a nervous break down.

'Get us a room while I finish this drink. Don't bother getting me; I'll be right with you when I'm finished. This place doesn't have a lot of rooms and you know my knock.' Alex instructed and Toby got himself a room. Hopefully Alex was going to be here soon.

** ** ** ** **

'You sure like drinking a lot, don't you?' Reliath asked Haida who was as usual leaned against a wall drinking. He probably only did the two of them together because he thought it made him look cool. Then again leaning against a wall and drinking looked far better then drinking and stumbling.

'I sure do. The Cap'n runs a pretty dull ship.'

'And you noticed I's a guy, yes?'

'Eyes? Oh, yes. Of course I know you're a guy. That or you're very flat.'

'Did you know that before or after you felt I with your paw?'

Haida let out a drunken laugh. 'You're not upset about that are you?'

'Not at all, do you prefer guys?'


'Does your brother?'

'No.' Haida took a swig of the bottle then continued. 'Actually, he's straighter then I am.'

'He's straighter then you? How? He sleeps with the captain every night!'

'He considers him self loyal and I consider him a whore, that's the short version. . . . Kaida doesn't do it because he's attracted to the captain, he does it for the sake of being the second highest rank in the ship. Neither of us discriminate and we find both guys and girls have there advantages 'cause where we're from there's no such thing as homosexuality or heterosexuality.'

'So where you're from guys screw guys, guys screw girls and girls screw girls and girls screw guys . . . and no one has a problem with that at all?'


'Everyone screws each other and no one minds where you're from?'

'Well . . . that's a big exaggeration but generally where I'm from who and what you sleep with isn't made into a big deal and it's socially acceptable.'

'What's the name of the place you're from?'

'Astilan, I can tell you'd like it there.'

'Sounds like my kind of place. As for here and now how about you join I in a room upstairs?' Kaida took a swig of liquor and he didn't hide his interest in Reliath's offer.

'You're gonna be my first time with a Fox, you know that?'

** ** ** ** **

While Alex was drinking and hopefully not fooling around with the guys Toby was pacing back and fourth rehearsing what he wanted to say to her. A scratch was heard on the door and Toby recognized it was Alex and opened the door for her to come in.

Everything about the room was cheap but it looked far better then their own homes. The room utilized neutral colours. Beige walls, brown carpets, light coffee coloured blankets and curtains. After greeting Alex in Toby sat down on the bed and scratched his head. How was he going to say this?

'So what's on your mind?' Alex asked before she sat down on the soft bed besides Toby.

'Reliath has a sack beside his bed full of hides . . . and I'm beginning to think at least half of them belonged to his partners,' Toby then remembered the white and blue furred hide which was much like Reliaths and continued. 'I think Reliath killed his wife, and I think the same will happen to us.'

'Maybe he did. It's best though we do whatever we can to not give him reasons to distrust us.'

'That's the thing though; I think he has a problem, and a terrifying one. Even if we treat him like our gods I think he'll still convince him self we're out to get him and he'll kill us in our sleep.'

'You think Reliath's insane?'

'Yes, and he's dangerous. Reliath was digging through the sack earlier and most of the hides belonged to his partners and friends; who he considered traitors.'

'Maybe they were.'

'All of them is a bit too much of a coincidence. And he definitely cared about them.'

'You make it sound like he's cursed.'

'What? I don't understand.'

'Consider this; Reliath is a good looking young man who's honest, smart, and social. He runs away from an arranged marriage and bumps into someone he ends up caring about greatly and that person turns on him. From that point on he grows fearful and distrusting of anyone he cares about and he's caught in a paradox of meeting new people, befriending them, and eventually killing them out of fear. Again and again the same event occurs but with different victims . . . very much like a curse. Do you consider Reliath that person?'

Toby was silent for a bit. He didn't quite catch everything Alex said and he was slightly baffled. Alex was cunning and smart and the theory she proposed was certainly plausible . . . but why did it sound like it belonged on the back of a book as a synopsis? Alex made Reliath sound like a victim of some horrible vicious cycle which was interesting but the more Toby thought about it the more that didn't seem quite correct. He couldn't put his paw on it though . . . not before Alex anyway.

'Maybe he's psychotic. . . he has quite a few traits that define a psychopath.' Alex dug in her pant pocket for something to smoke. It was a simple pleasure but she enjoyed a good smoke when she was thinking things over.

'Alex, please not now.'

Alex then removed her paw from her pant pocket obediently. One of the worst fights they ever had was over Alex's smoking.

** Completely optional to read! **

It was a common habit back in Kirathain and one which Toby actually didn't mind . . . the problem wasn't that Alex smoked, it was what she smoked. Originally she had hated smoking and she done it only to conceal her scent to trick others into thinking she was a boy.

Eventually though she got more curious and tried experimenting, what she smoked wasn't for sale; it was a creation of her own. At first Toby didn't mind and he actually preferred her own peculiar smokes because it didn't smell as strong . . . it was when the two of them found out that one of the plants Alex used was poisonous that things got messy. Whatever world she was seeing it was probably different then the one Toby was seeing.

Toby said a few things, Alex said a few things, and for a surprisingly long time the two of them stopped talking to each other completely. Toby had said something to her he shouldn't have ever said. He wanted to apologize and he knew he should have but he never did, he felt too guilty to speak to Alex.

In the very end it was Alex who came to see Toby and everything was patched up. She forgave Toby and Toby said a bunch of soft flattering things. You're important to me, I don't like seeing you hurting your self, and I love you . . . the two of them agreed that she wouldn't smoke whatever it was she smoked around Toby and somehow that night ended up with the two of them having sex. She truly was important to him, even if he hadn't felt the way he had about her she still had done far more things for him he could ever hope to do for her.

** ** ** ** **

'Smart, handsome, intelligent, actually, a lot of serial killers have those traits.' Alex said in a factual voice.


'Yes, and Reliath doesn't hide that he's selfish and power hungry. Who knows, maybe you're right.'

'If I am then we should get moving. We're on a port so we could probably lose him . . .'

Alex shook her head. 'He's not stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if he's paying one of the crew a good amount to keep an eye on us.'

'Kill him in his sleep? You have been stealing his books at night so you probably could.' Alex instantly shot Toby a look of disgust and his ears perked down.

'I'm not killing him just because he might be a danger to us. Besides, there are no absolutes that he'll end up killing us, there is only the possibility. Like I said, just don't give him any reasons to distrust us.'

There was a silence between the two of them. Alex got up off the bed and Toby did the same and followed her to the door.


Alex stopped in front of the door.

'You wanted something else?' Alex asked. She was completely aware what was on Toby's mind.

'Do you think you can stay just a bit longer?'

Alex turned around and looked at Toby while she thought her answer through.

'Well . . . you are kind of cute.'

Toby smiled and Alex smiled back. Alex loved Toby's smile.

'Maybe we should have a few more drinks first, birthday boy.'

And Toby agreed. It was his birthday after all.

** ** ** ** **

When Reliath and Haida reached the room Reliath felt like he was going to explode. It's been eleven days since he fucked something. Oh, right. And that creepy satanic vixen was wrong, once again proving that life was made by choices and interactions not by drawn out lines in sand or stone. The two of them entered the room and Haida closed the door behind them. He took a final swig of the liquor and set it down to the floor as he walked to the bed.

'Think you could run downstairs and get me a glass of water to help clear my head a bit?' Haida asked just as Reliath was about to make his move.

Well, that somewhat killed the mood. Reliath left the room and Haida rested down on the bed while he waited. Maybe he had just a bit too much to drink . . . like usual.

Reliath on the other paw made a discovery; the water here came ridiculously over priced. Of course Reliath didn't mind paying a preposterous amount of money for a glass of water too much, as long as he ended up boning a certain Margay before the night was through he was happy.

When Reliath returned to the room in which he was going to fuck Haida he saw the other male sleeping on the bed. What a jerk, the guy was sleeping on the bed Reliath paid for and he never even had a drink of the water. Oh well, Reliath was just going to have to improvise. He could either give the guy a little awakening or feel him up while he was sleeping. Yeah, it was perverted but Reliath didn't care. He paid too damn much for that glass of water! Reliath jumped down on the bed and wrapped his right arm around Haida's chest while he kissed the males cheek. Nothing, the guy was still sleeping. Reliath took a drink of the water he bought for Haida and nearly spat it out.

This stuff tasted absolutely nothing like the sparkling waters of Kirathain. Reliath sat the glass of water down on a desk beside the bed and went back to looking down at the sleeping margay. He loved how cute felines looked when they were sleeping. How lucky for Reliath that this guy wasn't getting back up. Reliath was growing more and more curious. If he felt the guy just a little teensy bit Haida would never notice . . . Reliath reached his paw under Haida's shirt and he was rewarded with the sleeping feline's purrs as he rubbed the other male's stomach.

'Haida?' Reliath called out softly, he had to be absolutely certain the guy was sleeping.

Reliath brought his paw up to the felines face and lightly tapped his cheek. Usually Reliath didn't mind being around men who were completely shit faced drunk because he could touch and feel them. Of course though he was quite annoyed with the current circumstances, he couldn't just fuck a guy in his sleep after all. As Reliath continued rubbing the Margay's stomach he reached his paw down lower and lower. Besides Reliath enjoying both taking his time and hearing the purrs of a comforted sleeping Margay he also did this to ensure he had an excuse to stand on if Haida woke up.

'I just thought I'd give you a massage, that's all.' Sure, it wasn't that solid of an excuse but the guy drank a damn lot so it probably would work. Reliath reached his paw down the Margays pants and underwear, even without touching the other males cock Reliath could feel its heat.

And then Reliath felt it. Finally, he had his first feel of Haida's dick, one of his digits was on the tip of the other male's still sheathed cock His heart began beating faster, and his curiosity urged him to feel even more of the male. Reliath began rubbing the other males sheath as he turned his head to the Margays. Good, he was still asleep. There was a fear of getting caught but Reliaths own primal urges out weighed his concern and it took him no time to at last move on to feeling the Margays jewels.

They felt smaller then Reliath expected. This guy talked like a stereotypical pirate, he drank like a stereotypical pirate and he even dressed like a stereotypical pirate so Reliath was given the impression they were bigger. They weren't small and to be honest Reliath wasn't disappointed. Actually, he was kind of turned on by this discovery and slightly annoyed. He almost slept with a damn pirate! Why, why the hell did this jerk have to overdo the liquor? Reliath completely stopped his perverted experiment and he just sat there thinking of all the things he could have done to an awoken Haida. Reliath had the thought of screwing the sleeping Margay cross his mind and even more his sexual urges grew stronger. Forget sleeping with a pirate, fucking one would be a lot hotter, why the hell hadn't he ever done this before?

And then Patch entered his mind for a second. Oh right, he did sleep with a pirate. Well, thinking of dead guys was one way to lose a boner and Reliath had somewhat regained some control of himself. If he played around with the Margay anymore he'd probably get caught. No point in staying, he wasn't getting laid tonight. Maybe another night Reliath was going to have Haida satisfy him but tonight wasn't the night. He looked at the Margay a final time and left before chuckling to himself softly; Haida was sleeping with a tent in his pants. Reliath needed something to drink, fucking patch.

** ** ** ** **

Toby was never much of a drinker and he found this out way back when he was eleven, back when Arthur was his best friend. One day in Arthur's home the two of them were alone and bored and Arthur came up with the idea of 'borrowing' his dad's whisky. He dared Toby to take the first drink and Toby sure did, he took a big sip as if it were water. Poor Toby, the drink burned all the way down and Arthur laughed; apparently he already tasted whisky once before.

His biggest influence in drinking was Alex. After his first horrible experience with alcohol he thought he'd never pick up a bottle of anything again. Yeah, right. Alex was worse then Arthur was. She'd take drinks and ask Toby to enjoy them with her, and they'd drink quite a bit. Toby wasn't much of a drinker, but he always enjoyed drinking with Alex for some reason. That's how the two of them even lost their virginity. Well, Toby thought Alex was a virgin before he slept with her anyway.

There first time was somewhat complicated. They were both drunk and it was far from perfect. Toby almost got Alex pregnant and lot of other things went wrong during there first time but a lot went right as well. The making out was pretty great and the foreplay was pretty good too. The morning after though was very awkward. Alex was lying naked while she slept and a completely confused Toby just stared at her for a good ten minutes trying to figure out who the vixen was. He felt silly that he hadn't known it was Alex but he couldn't be blamed. Toby never really saw her naked before with a clear mind. When the awkwardness of the situation began to subside he felt things for her he never really felt before.

And right now the birthday boy was doing what he usually did with Alex when the two of them drank. Somehow liquor was always included in there sex life. It helped make him feel less nervous and shy meanwhile it helped Alex feel more careless . . . and to be honest she liked Toby more when he was hitting the bottle, he just seemed a lot happier. And so Toby was sitting on the bed shirtless. His member was pressed against Alex's back end and the two of them tasted the liquor off each others breath while they kissed passionately. He fell down on his back and Alex pressed her self against him. Toby could feel her breasts against his chest and his cock was now pressed against her.

The night was going to be interesting.

** ** ** ** **

Well, Reliath's solid plan fell apart completely. Haida got him self too drunk to be fucked and Toby was probably screwing Alex. And damn it, wouldn't you know it. This was one of the exact reasons he didn't want a girl on board, and the fact they that they were already doing things certainly didn't make things any better for Reliath. So yeah, maybe that psychic was wrong. Arguln was nowhere in sight and Toby, a straight male, had a girl he liked on board. Then again who knows, maybe Alex would die and while Toby was in such a fragile state of mind Reliath would seduce him. And he could too.

Of course not intentionally though. If Reliath were to draw the line at trying to seduce someone it would be doing so to a person in such horrible times. Reliath was incredibly selfish and a lot of what he did always had an ulterior motive . . . but time after time he'd generally care about someone else's problems and he'd talk to them. One time he had said all the right things to blue Fox much like him self and somehow the night ended up from tears and crying to sweating and moaning.

Unlike a lot of those Reliath traveled with this blue Fox wasn't killed out of being distrusting or traitorous, Reliath didn't even touch the guy. His name was Halne and he was from a religious tribe much like Reliath. Who knows, maybe they would have ended up the exact same if Reliath wasn't forced to move to some big city and marry Aiva; they both had ridiculous names after all. The guy was cute, fairly smart and surprisingly weak. At the time Reliath wanted nothing more then to see one of his own kind so when he first met Halne it was like a wish come true . . . Or more like some sick joke. Halne was insane. Not only was he from a religious tribe just like Reliath, he was also considered an honest to god mystic, someone that actually had some fascinating otherworldly power. And all throughout his life to his death he truly believed he had some power, one which Reliath never saw.

The guy had some serious mental problems. He saw things which weren't there, he felt things which weren't there, sometimes he'd shake uncontrollably, he'd break out into insane laughter, he'd cut him self, and sometimes he'd begin sobbing uncontrollably on how he was being possessed by some demons. And during those times Reliath's beliefs were tested. At times he'd truly believe that maybe there really were some other powers, or that maybe Halne really was sane. And in the end who knew, possessed or not Halne simply gave up and killed him self. When Reliath saw the body he stood deathly still and had the oddest feeling come over him, he felt terribly happy, maybe even joy. Halne was dead, and he didn't have to suffer with him anymore.

And then that moment was completely ruined after Reliath gazed into his dead mate's eyes and realized he wasn't coming back. Reliath was just unlucky, that's all. Why did the people he falls for always end up having some serious flaw? Why were they always traitors, insane, or generally terrible people? Whatever the case Reliath was absolutely done with relationships, befriending people and fucking them was the furthest he was ever going with anyone.

Speaking of fucking, none of the drunks here look interesting. Yeah, just call it a night. Maybe another time he could have some fun. Reliath exited the bar and walked through the ports empty streets hearing not even the sounds of his own foot steps; of course not wearing shoes helped though. He embraced the silence of the night and he felt he was in a dream like state. He loved walking alone at night, he didn't do it too often but he loved it, especially when it was with a friend or two. Reliath then imagined himself and Toby holding paws as they made there way back to the ship. The vision was an interesting one and very oddly it managed to make Reliath wish he stuck with Toby. Yeah, the two of them should have had a drink or two and went for a night time stroll through the city. Oh well, it was too late for that. Reliath entered the ship and down the ships hull.

And right at his bed Reliath saw Arguln digging through his stuff

'You better stop digging through what belongs to I, Arguln.' Reliath said in a threatening tone of voice. Arguln turned towards the Blue Fox baffled and lost for words. He didn't like the Blue Foxes tone of voice and he could tell this guy was dead serious. He was probably dangerous too, usually it was small guys like him that had a little trick or two up there sleeve.

'Captain's orders, unless you want to get off the ship I'm looking through what's yours to ensure you won't and can't kill the captain.' '

'And have you found anything that can kill the Captain?' Reliath asked sarcastically.

'A silver short sword, the most expensive crossbow I've ever seen, iron hooks, daggers, knives. . . you're lucky the only thing the Captain's concerned about is poisons. . . Show me what's in your pockets.'

Reliath dug his paw in his right pocket and took out some gold coins and he dug his other paw in his left pocket and held out a black powder.

'What the hell is that?'

'It's pixie dust.' Reliath answered jokingly. 'Nah, if all else fails this is what I use. It's like gunpowder except it's absolutely guaranteed to stick to the target. I guess you'd prefer I not having this?'

'I sure would, hand it over and you'll get it back before you walk off the ship.' Reliath handed the powder to Arguln.

'You know, when you're in a good mood you're not such a bad guy.'

'Maybe, now open that small chest already!'

Reliath nodded and reached his paw for his neck and undid a necklace which held a small key. At a time this necklace had a golden crescent moon but that was replaced when Reliath nearly lost the key. The contents in that chest were important to him and very often he had to look at them.

To be honest, Reliath would sooner die castrated then have this chest burned or lost. Reliath inserted the key into the small chest and he held it up in front of Arguln.

'Just so something doesn't fly in my face and kill me you can go ahead and open it.' Arguln stated, and so Reliath did and what Arguln saw in this small chest had surprised him greatly.

A bunch of useless small objects, that's all. Reliath took notice to the Dobermans disappointed expression and spoke. 'You can believe whatever you want, but what you see is what's there. You can even think I of a kleptomaniac if you want. . . Just keep in mind though each and every single one of these things is sacred to I.'

Arguln stared at the useless small objects once more almost desperately believing that Reliath was just joking around. An eye patch, a golden crescent moon, a small book, a pair of glasses a crimson flower, a shot glass, a feather, a broken blade, and a remaining deck of cards. Each and every one of these things was unrelated and seemingly worthless.

'. . . Why?'

'As I said, just think of I as a kleptomaniac. Now, can I put the chest back?'

'Go ahead, do whatever you want with it, I don't care.'

Reliath placed the small chest down on the bed and clipped his key back on his necklace as Arguln departed from the Blue Fox. Reliath understood why Arguln hadn't seen the same value in these objects as he had. And if Reliath were to judge which of these objects was most precious to him he would probably say what remained of the 52 cards, the crimson flower, the crescent moon, and the eye patch. Reliath climbed the bed and took his shirt off before lying down on the soft bed and reaching his paw down the side of the bed to try and grab a book, any book would do. He felt a certain soft fabric against his foot and after picking a book Reliath curiously dug his paw for the fabric soon to find it was Toby's under wear. Usually by now he'd take a curious sniff of them but Reliath knew Toby hadn't changed ever since the two of them met. That wasn't to say Toby was a slob, he just had nothing to change into and nothing to wash his only clothes with.

And once again with the thought of Toby Reliath had another quiet fit of rage which lasted about eight minutes before he finally decided to read the book which he picked up. It never really mattered where he was or who he was with, reading and fucking were two of his favourite past times. For a good chunk of time Reliath read the book up until a thought randomly came across his mind. Everyone else was getting drunk at a bar, so why wasn't Arguln? Reliath put the book down on his chest and thought about the answer. Arguln was a bit of a jerk . . . but maybe he was friends with the captain?

Yeah, he probably was.

Reliath then thought about the Dobermans impressive body and what was inside his pants. Oh, why the hell not. Whatever Arguln was pissed off about earlier he seemed a lot nicer now. Still a bit of a pissed of dick, but still a lot nicer none the less, and Reliath couldn't help his lust. Usually he was on the bottom but right now more then anything he wanted to mount Arguln. He was practically being haunted by his own imagination with tempting views of the Doberman begging and whimpering to be filled. God, the thought of making such a cocksure and aggressive man into such a bitch was probably what attracted Reliath the most.

Reliath got off the bed and began his search for Arguln, and very fitting to the Dobermans character when Reliath found him he was shouting at Kaida in the mess hall.

'You better tell your brother to stop eying me the way he does before I rip his eyes out, Kaida!'

'No, I won't. And Hauvin would never let you kill my brother. I'm his first mate, Arguln.'

Arguln let out a dark chuckle which was both forced and intimidating. Kaida's ears perked down and he backed his head against the wall as Arguln lowered his head down to Kaida's and gave a dark smile showing off his fangs as if he was tempted to bite the Ocelots head off.

'You're getting awfully brave, but still it seems you forget which one of us is the pirate and which is the slut. Its cute how you go about thinking your important just because the captain calls you his first mate. The truth is though you're nothing but a toy that knows a few numbers in his head. And let's not pretend that anyone cares about your traitorous and alcoholic brother. Hauvin does not have your back, he has mine. Let me make this clear, I'm his best friend, you're just a toy. Got that?'

Kaida nodded silently.

'And I will not have your brother looking at me or Hauvin the way he does, yes?'

'You won't.'

'Hopefully not, otherwise I'd hate to be in your brothers shoes. Reliath you can come out of hiding now.'

'I wasn't hiding. I just didn't want to disturb the two of you.'

'How considerate of you, Reliath.' Arguln said sarcastically before he left the room and to his own annoyance the Blue Fox continued to follow him throughout the ship.

'You and the Captain must go way back.' Reliath said.

'Yes, we do. We first knew each other about eight or ten years ago when the two of us were both in the navy. You're becoming a bit too brave for your health, following and asking me questions.'

'I just want to get to know you a little bit about you.'

'There's not really much you need to know about me. I'm strong, I do most of the work on this ship, and I hate being asked questions. The only reason I'm not threatening to kill you right now is because Hauvin wants you kept alive. At least until you pay us your little toll fee.

'That sounded like a threat.'

'Whatever.' Well, this was getting nowhere's so maybe it's time for a change in plans. Talking was definitely not working after all.

'Everyone else is out in the bar having a good time so why are you still in here?'


'Digging through my stuff and shouting at Kaida is a part of your work?'

'Actually, it is. Inspections need to be done to ensure you can't kill the Captain while we aren't looking and Kaida needs to know his place.'

'Do you ever go out and drink?'


'Really? Do you ever meet new people?'

'No, unless they come on the ship.'

'I feel sorry for you.' Which was partially true, Reliath couldn't imagine living a sex less life like Arguln.

'Well you shouldn't.' Arguln sat down on a bed and Reliath did the same.

'The Captain never said anything about me hurting you, so you better get off my bed right now.' Arguln demanded and Reliath did as he was told. Arguln didn't seem as much of an asshole anymore, he just seemed hateful, bitter, and in the need to stick his dick in something. Who knows, he'd probably even be nicer if they did it.

'If you want I could accompany you so you're not alone the entire night, I'll even let you do anything you want.'

'What!? Go see Haida or Kaida and just leave me alone.'

'Well, you know where to find I if you change your mind.'

Reliath left and made his way back to his bed meanwhile Arguln cursed under his breath. Why did everyone always have to bother him, why couldn't he ever be left alone? Being the strongest and arguably most intimidating man on a ship full of pirates was definitely something Arguln took pride in but that was never what he wished. He wanted to live a life alone and without the judgments of others on him all the time.

And it was probably about time too. At the age of twenty seven Arguln was already developing back problems and he was getting weaker. Very often he woke up just as tired as when he fell asleep. And it was pretty simple too, he was over worked and too stressed out. The logical choice was to just rest up and regain his strength but once Arguln woke up he always felt the need to be of some use or to do something.

Finally Arguln laid his head down on the pillow and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the ships unusual silence. He reached his paw down his pants and played around with his balls just enough to adjust them and went back to trying to sleep.

And then what Reliath had said played in his mind. Anything? And boy or not Arguln was slightly interested in the Foxes offer. After all, besides a few whores who else in the world would let you do anything you want to them? Arguln finally got off the bed and decided to pay Reliath a visit.

** ** ** ** **

When Arguln rejected his offer Reliath still had a good idea that the Doberman would probably come back. From what Reliath could tell there wasn't a lot of people out there who could refuse such an offer as his, and for free none the less. While Reliath waited for the possible return of Arguln he was looking through his small treasure chest once again. Ever since he was asked to open it he was more then worried that he might have lost something, so one by one he counted all of Aisers cards and checked if everything else was in the small chest. Luckily not a single thing was missing but despite his double checking Reliath would soon check a third time until Arguln interrupted him with a greeting which didn't quite fit his character.

'Good evening, Reliath.' Arguln greeted in a whisper. He didn't sound polite, kind, or friendly, but for him to actually Greet? That was amazing!

Reliath closed the small chest and looked up at Arguln in a 'I-Didn't-think-you-were-coming-back' kind of way.

'You said anything I want, right?'

Reliath smiled back and replied. 'Yes, just as long as it doesn't involving killing, cutting, mutilating, disemboweling, impaling, stabbing, or raping I.'

'Why do you never say me?'

Good god. Reliath figured Arguln would have been one of the few people that would never ask that. Speaking of Arguln, he was being awfully nice all of a sudden, wasn't he? Weird. Sex sure did wonders at time.

'I's not from 'round here.' Reliath replied concealing his slight annoyance.

'And you're not charging anything, are you?'

'I'm not, spending the night with a hot stud like you is good enough.' Arguln seemed slightly disturbed from Reliath's comment.

'We'll fuck if you stop talking and if I don't see your balls a single time once we start. Got that?'

Reliath nodded and Arguln continued.

'And if you tell anyone about what happened tonight I'll cut your dick off.'

'Relax, no one's going to know unless you tell them.'

'Then lets get started.'

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

All right, All right. I apologize for both being a cock tease and the pathetic cliff hanger but this chapter took a lot longer then it should have. I tried, I really tried to write the sex parts but I hate writing them and I'm never convinced I did a good job whenever I actually do them.

Basically what I'm saying is that no, the next chapter will not be showing either of them getting it on. Maybe I'll write those in later but for now I guess you can just wait for the next chapter or if you're curious imagine your self what went on.