Saphira Meets Thorn

Story by Calkulater on SoFurry

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#2 of Saphira Finds A Mate

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the character except Saraha the Elf and Aura the Dragon. This story is copyright (c) 2007 by me, Calkulater, so no stealing! Author's note: I don't know how to make things italic or bold in this little box that I post the story into, so I'll tell you this: all mindtalk between dragons is in italics, if you want to imagine them like that. Chapter 3 Saphira Meets Thorn Thorn mindspeaks to Saphira, "My name is Thorn of Murtagh, what is your name?" and Saphira replies, "Thorn is it? I like that name. My name is Saphira of Eragon." She privately tells herself that Glaedr was right. "So, Thorn, tell me how bad you want this, and you just might get it!" Saphira said. "Why tell when I can show?" Thorn yells into her mind. He then flies straight towards her, and when he sees her, he backwings and says, "YOU! Your rider is mine's enemy. However, I have not seen any reason to follow those evil ways around you." Saphira thinks to herself again, "Wow, Glaedr was right! Thorn seems like a great dragon!" "Well, Thorn, I see no reason to be hostile to my own race, let alone the last male on Alagaesia! Now, let's get down to business." "Yes, let's." Thorn dived for Saphira, instincts taking over. Saphira pulled into a climb, Thorn close behind. They climbed above the clouds, almost until they could not breathe. Suddenly Saphira flipped in mid-air, her instincts also taking over. By now, Thorn was driven so wild by Saphira's trailing scent that he almost took her there. But he controlled himself. Saphira and Thorn dove, belly to belly, reaching supersonic speed, until at the very last moment they broke out of the dive, the courting ritual completed. Saphira immediately turned toward her cave, with Thorn racing towards her full-tilt. A short time later, Saphira landed wordlessly and ran over to her recently built nest. Thorn landed, and almost fell over from Saphira's scent; it was so strong in her cave. Saphira repeats what she said to Eragon all that time ago. "So this is what you want?" Thorn huffs in anticipation at what he knows will happen next. "Well then, come get me." Meanwhile, a few miles away from the cave, Glaedr sits in his deepest, most private chamber. He is too old to be driven into mating frenzy, but he is still very aroused from Saphira's scent. It's been so long..., he thinks. I only wish I were young enough to mate with her... At this, he thinks what it would be like to be young again, to have his own mate. He remembers his mate, a deep green dragon with some blueish hues named Aura. He remembers when she took him for the first time, how good it felt to finally have one of his own kind. She'd been a very beautiful dragon, one never matched by another in his opinion. Until that fateful day... * * *

Flashback It had been only 3 months since they had mated the first time, and only a week since their first offspring had hatched. Luckily, the elves had let them keep their first batch of eggs, a small clutch of 3. The little ones were asleep in the rear chamber, the one he is sitting in as he has this memory. Him and Aura were laying in another chamber, this one with more room, and a beautiful view of the lake. Glaedr and Aura were just telling each other about their lives up until now. Aura told him that she'd never had it so good until she'd met him, and Glaedr leaned over to kiss her. Their tongues jockeying for position in one another's mouths, they rolled around in their bed in the evening's cool blue light. Aura was not in heat, but female dragons have the ability to release their scent for their mates. So she did. As soon as Glaedr smelled his mate, he told her, "Do we have to? We've mated at least 3 times today!" "Oh, you males are so easy to get. I can make you beg for it, even if you didn't really want me." Aura said. "And who said I didn't want to?" "You did." Aura bit down lightly on Glaedr's tongue when she said that. "So you want to play dirty, eh? Well, let's go." He said, and walked to the window. He leaped off the edge and said to Aura, "I'll meet you in the sky for my treat!" "Males... They're so predictable!" Aura thought to herself and took off. "But first, you owe me for last time you made me look for you!" "Well then, SURPRISE!" He silently caught up behind her, flew right over her, and pinned her wings to her sides. "Hey, no fair! You're way bigger than me!" Aura shouted at her mate. "Well, I'm not the one making males go wild with my scent!" And he flipped her over in mid air, simultaneously flipping onto his back and flying upside down. They looked into each other's eyes, and they both said at the same time, "I love you." Glaedr entered his mate in mid air, his mate's vagina squelching. He knew his mate liked it rough, so he immediately repeated the action, though not fully withdrawing. Aura went rigid with the incredible pleasure her mate was causing her. If Glaedr had not been flying under her, she would have fallen. Glaedr was nearly in the same state, but could control his wings enough to keep them in the air. He thrust again, his mate shuddering with the incredible pleasure. Aura managed to tell her mate, "You... You are evil!" This only caused him to redouble his efforts into being as rough as possible. He pulled into a backwards dive, making his mate hug him tighter. When he reached the bottom of his dive, he pulled up so quick that the g forces rammed him into his mate. "Do you like my method? I thought it up last night just for you," Glaedr said. Aura merely licked his neck, her tongue the only thing not taut with pleasure. He had reached the top of his ascent, and Aura was nearly pulled out of his arms due to the g's. He started another dive, ramming himself in on the way down this time. He pulled out, only to have her pressed back onto him by the g's at the bottom. This continued for another five times, and then he could feel himself nearing completion. He maneuvered into a large loop, reaching his climax at the very top of the loop. Aura roared her incredible pleasure into the night air, her mate exploding into her, she clamping down on him with every muscle she had. They went through at least twenty circles in the air before they were finally done. As Glaedr came to the near top of his loop, he pulled out and turned for home. "Aura, my mate, you must wake up now, or I cannot land." Glaedr told her, sending a brightly colored rainbow into her mind to wake her. "Glaedr?" Aura asked. "Yes, my love?" "You are incredible." Aura said this with an air of finality. It was the last thing she would ever say to him. The next morning, Glaedr woke up to find his mate gone. "Must be on a hunt. Such a dedicated mother!" He thought to himself. He tried to contact her, but all he got in response was a faint trickle of thought. "Aura, are you okay?" She did not reply, but the trickle did seem to get stronger. "Aura! Speak to me!" When he got no reply, he knew something was wrong. Aura was normally very eager to speak to him. "Oh, no. Oh, no, oh no, oh no." He thought to himself. He quietly bugled a note of despair. He knew that the only thing that could make her be like that was injury or capture. Since they lived in the middle of the forest, she must have been injured. He cracked the cave floor he took off so fast. His claws dug little holes in the rock. He flew like never before, shouting with his mind, "It's ok, Aura, I'm coming to help you! Try not to move; whatever injured you might not hurt you more if it thinks you are dead." He heard a very faint response, "Gal... Galbator..." and the trickle stopped. Glaedr roared loudly enough to be heard for several hundred miles, and loud enough to scare elven children in the village 87 miles away. He knew that the only person that could ever be evil enough to kill a dragon was Galbatorix. He knew that if he ever saw Galbatorix again, he would kill him or die trying, whether the man killed his mate or not. He found her body chained to a large boulder, her body mutilated almost beyond recognition by whatever monster--whether biped or animal--had killed her. He slashed the chains from her body and took off again, tears of silver raining the ground below and forming a garden of crystal in the forest. He took her body to the patch of ground where they had first mated; about four miles east of the cave, right next to the lake where they would swim after each other, and dive deep down to strengthen their love. It was also here where she'd had the first pains of labor, and had needed Glaedr to fly her home. He buried her there, and cried for a long time, he did not know how long it was. Little did he know, another of a dragon's unknown powers was taking effect there, for his tears turned her grave to a garden of crystal, a memorial to her for eternity, an amazing sight to behold. He said some ancient words, putting a spell on her grave so nothing could ever damage the tomb. He might have stayed longer, but he could feel the faint thoughts of his offspring, so he flew off to his cave. The inscription on the tomb said, Aura the Dragon, Loving mate, Dedicated mother, A perfect soul. * * *

End Flashback Glaedr had a tear in his eye from the memory. That was over five hundred years ago, and all his children were long dead, but the memory was as vivid as if it were yesterday. But the memory did not stop his arousal from the scent. He knew he could not come out of the cave until he either did something about it or Saphira stopped giving off her scent, which if she didn't find a mate, could take a month. He looked at his throbbing dick and thought, "I'm going to have to do something about that soon..." He reached down to stroke himself when he heard a slight noise. "WHO'S THERE?" He bellowed in his mind. Someone shouted, "Ahhh! My head! Did you have to tell me that so loud?" "Who are you? And what do you want?" he told her. "I saw your... problem... earlier today, and well, I've always wanted to, ah, 'help' a dragon in need..." she trailed off at the end. "And what makes you think you can help me with this?" "Well, I know more about dragons than you think, and I know that your problem won't go away unless you reach orgasm, and I also know that a dragon's paw is not very comfortable for that purpose." "Well, biped, show yourself." The elf moved from the shadows. "My name Is Saraha, I'm a bit of a dracophile, and I've never actually seen a male dragon, let alone been with one." Little did she know that Glaedr had a dark side when it came to sex. He'd actually been that way since his rider had seen him with an erection one day, and had "taken care of it". Ever since, any time someone was brave enough to ask him for a good time, he'd get a strange glint in his eye. Like the one he had now. "Well, Saraha the elf, you sound like you want something from me." Glaedr said this with an aura of darkness surrounding the mindthought. "I suggest you get to it, slave, before I change my mind!" He said this with as much menace as anyone has ever heard from a dragon in over a thousand years. End Don't you hate that I haven't gotten to the mating yet? Well, I'm getting to it! Well, Review it! If you want to know about the time Glaedr's rider served him, it will be in a coming chapter. If I like those reviews!

A Terrible Truth

Disclaimer, the normal stuff: I don't own Eragon or Eldest or any of the major or minor characters contained within. Christopher Paolini does, and he probably always will. I do however own this particular fanfic, so don't steal my work, even if you...
