A Firefighter to the rescue — 03 — The Accident

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#3 of Firefighter

Fresh from the correction Board. A new Story from me. Stay tuned for more to come in the future.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.

Tags : Lucario, No-Yiff, Clean, Accident, Blinded

A Firefighter to the rescue -- 03 -- The Accident

The Pictures and the writings were first only normal to Honon but once he began to read, he began to imagine the scenario and at a certain point he was so caught in it that he thought that he was living it. Now let's see what he is living.

Since that Day, when Tala had met Sebastian, three Years had passed by.

Tala had been grown up to an Adult and had evolved into a Lucario. He also had become a very good Firefighter. He had become so good that he had begun to thought that he was invincible, and that was about to become his greatest problem.

Each time they were called to fight a fire, he was always the first one who entered the building to save something or someone. Yet he always did that without some help or even Body protection and as always he got a serious word of disregret from Sebastian, but he as always only said that he didn't care about that. He always thought that nothing would happen to him, but then he was showed wrong on the hard way.

Today was a sunny Day and as the Day started, nothing was showing that something was wrong or would go wrong, but then they were called out to fight a fire in a chemical factory. Once they reached the place, the entire factory was already burning and once they had parked their Car, a Member of the factory came running to them saying.

" OH, Thank God that you are here. We are missing three of our Labor workers."

" Where had they been seen the last time ?" Asked Sebastian.

" Inside Labor Number 3. Our High security Area."

" High Security ? What's stored inside ?"

" High Explosive Chemicals, corrosive acids and such things."

" OK. Thanks, Sir, Now go back to your people and leave the rest to us."

The Man did as told. Then Sebastian spoke with his Team.

" Alright Everyone. Team Blastoise 1 and 2. Start fighting the Fire from both sides of the Building. Team Golduck and Wartortle start to fight on this entrance and Tala you..... Tala ? ..... TALA !!!"

Sebastian was able to see Tala a second before he vanished inside a burning Warehouse.

" GOD DAMMIT !!! I WILL KICK HIS ASS WHEN..... Team Golduck and Wartortle. Start where he moved in !!!"

The Teams then moved into position and began to fight the Fire.

The entire inside, the building, was a total inferno. Flames and explosions everywhere, and in between was Tala fighting his way in. After 5 Minutes of searching, he found the door to the Labor, or what was left of it. It only was handing in pieces on its hocks or was laying on the ground.

Damn !!! That must be the place of where the fire had started. I only hope that they are still alive inside. Tala thought while he slowly moved into the Labor.

First he saw nothing, then flames and smoke, but then he heard the low breathing of a person.

" HELLO !!!" Tala shouted out loud. " IS SOMEBODY IN HERE ???"

" HERE ..... HELP ME !!!" Came immediately back from somewhere next to him.


The Person did as told and after a few seconds, Tala found the Human. It was a female, who was trapped under a dropped desk, and right next to her was a Male laying. First Tala checked the Man's pulse but, as he had thought, the Man was already dead. Next he began to free the female, and while he did he asked her.

" Are you hurt somewhere ?"

" My Legs !!! I cannot move them. What is with Ben ? Is he alright ?"

" He will be alright...." Tala belied to let the female get calm enough, so he could carry her out. ".... But first we have to get you out of here. Where is the third Person of your Team ?"

" He's death...... He.... He.... Bombed himself. This was a Terror attack !!!"

" Crap !!! OK then. Can you move onto my back and hold yourself there ?"

"I.... I think I can."

The female then moved onto Tala's back and once he was sure that she was holding on tight, he began to fight his way out, but far he didn't come.

They were both nearly out of the building when a big explosion took place in the back of the building. It was so big that the ground began to shake and for Tala's sake, he became the target of it because right at that moment when it happened, he was standing next to a pile of barrels and those dropped on him. Two of them he managed to dodge, but the third one hit him on his Head, knocking him out completely.

One Hour later.

Tala woke up with a burning pain on his Head and he wanted to look around, but he couldn't. All he was able to see was darkness and once he wanted to move he found out that he was immobilized by something. He then wanted to use an attack to free himself, but before he could do it, he heard the Voice of Sebastian.

" Calm down, my friend. You are safe now."

" Where ....am I ?" Tala asked.

" You are in the Pokémon Center."

" Why can I...... Not move ?"

" We had to fix you. Your Body has been so seriously hurt that we had to set you under some serious drugs."

Before Tala could ask more, the door to his room went open and a female Voice said.

" Sebastian. Can I speak to you for a minute ?"

" Of course, Nurse Joy."

Tala then heard that Sebastian went out of the room and closed the door behind himself. Yet the door didn't close completely, so he was able to listen to what the two were talking outside.

" I've got some bad News for you, Sebastian." Said Nurse Joy.

" About Tala ?" Asked Sebastian.

" Yes. I've just became his test results and...."

" And what ?"

" Well.... You see.... His Body wounds will all heal, but...."

" But what ? Come on. Spill it out."

" He will never be able to see anymore with his Eyes. He will be blind from the rest of his Life."

" Oh Boy !! This is not......" Sebastian couldn't finish because right at that moment a loud scream went through the entire building.


It was Tala, who had screamed and immediately after he had screamed, Joy said.

" Oh No. The door was open !!"

" Crap !!!"

Both of them ran back into Tala's room and in there he began to fix Tala who had managed to free himself by wild struggle.


But Tala didn't calm down. Instead, he screamed out loud.


Joy had managed to place a sedative injection on his Arm, which she had placed as a precaution on a table next to the bed, and that sent Tala back to sleep.

" UUFFFF.... That was a close one." Said Sebastian.

" Yeah. What will you do now with him ?" Asked Joy.

" What do you mean ?"

" I mean.... Do you want to leave him here ?"

" Are you crazy ? Do you really think that I'm such a mad trainer who dumps his Pokémon if it is trash in his Eyes ? I will let him stay here until he's healed, and then he can live at my house, or anywhere he wants to. I will not leave him alone."

" As I expected. I'm sorry that I asked. It's only my Job to do that."

" I'm not blaming you for that......" At that moment.

* PIEP *

" Crap ! Another assignment. I have to leave now. See ya."

" Bye."

Without any more words. Sebastian left the Center and Joy began to watch over Tala.

To be continued.

A Firefighter to the rescue — 02 — The Aura sight ( Reforged )

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 01 — Prolog ( Reforged )

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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As white as the Snow — A Balto Fan fiction.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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