Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 17 - The Master Plan

Story by ErickTheClyde on SoFurry

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Adult stuff, though again not so much in this one. Still, don't read this stuff if you are not old enough.

Julie picked up the office phone and dialed Tom's extension. "I'm heading out, Tom, unless there is anything else you need."

"I'm good, Julie," he replied. "Lock the front door if you would. I'm going to work out for a bit before I head out."

"OK, Tom," she said. "See you in the morning."

"See you," Tom replied. "Oh, have Ken give me a call when he's not busy. I have a couple of things to tell him."

"Will do," Julie said as she hung up the phone. She gathered her belongings and stepped out of the front door, locking it behind her.

Julie stopped by the store on the way home so she would have plenty of food for both herself and Ken. There was no telling how long he might be staying with her. She loaded the groceries into the car and drove home.

"Good boy, Ken," she whispered to herself as she rounded the corner and turned onto her street. Tank's truck was parked in front of the house. She pulled into the drive and grabbed a bag of groceries to take inside.

"Ken, I'm back," she called out after entering the house. Curiously, there was no reply. She set the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter and wandered around the house to find Ken. Julie found the bathroom door shut and could hear the shower running.

"Mmmm," she murred to herself. "I could use a hot shower myself. First, though, I need to get the rest of the food inside. Leave it to a guy to get out of work." She laughed to herself and went back out to grab a couple more bags of food from the car.

Julie brought in the last load of groceries, humming to herself happily while she put away just the things that needed to be refrigerated.

"The rest of this can wait," she said to herself, a sly grin spreading across her face. She walked down the hall to the bathroom door and stopped to quietly open it. Her pussy lips were already wet just thinking about a long love-making session below a hot stream of water.

"Wait, better yet," she whispered to herself. Julie went into the living room and lit several candles on a decorative plate that she had on the coffee table. She carefully carried the plate back to the bathroom door. "This will definitely be more romantic. Candlelight, maybe a bubble bath. Mmmm."

Julie turned the handle to the bathroom door and quietly pushed it open a few inches. She slipped a paw inside the door and flipped off the light.

"Surprise, lover," she said as the door mysteriously swung open on its own. Julie felt a sharp sting on her neck and quietly slid to the floor.

Tom worked out for almost three hours. It was his time to reflect on all the troubles and concerns of the day. There were definitely plenty of those to think about now. Only the grumble in the pit of his stomach brought him back to the present. It was long past dinner time.

Tom walked over to the lockers and stripped out of his sweaty workout clothes and tossed them in the bottom of the locker. He decided it wasn't a good night to do laundry.

He reached up and grabbed a couple of clean towels from the neatly folded and stacked pile on the shelf. Julie must have done laundry today, he thought to himself. That reminded him that he hadn't heard from Ken yet. Tom checked his cell phone - no missed calls.

"I'll call him after my shower," Tom grumbled to himself. He hung his towels outside the shower room and smacked the button to turn on the water, stepping in and wetting down his body under one of the shower heads.

After thoroughly washing down, Tom stepped out of the shower room, turned off the water and started toweling off. That's when he heard a knock on the workout room door. He quickly sheathed what little bit of cock was dangling out and wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Come on in," he called across the room. "The door is unlocked."

Tom figured it was one of his friends coming over for a late workout session. Instead of a familiar face, though, two uniformed police officers walked in. They glanced around the room briefly before spotting Tom standing near his open locker.

"Tom Skytower?" one of the officers asked.

"That's me," Tom replied. "How can I help you?"

"We recently arrested a certain individual who claims to know you," stated the same officer. "He wanted to talk to you specifically before we took him downtown."

"Ken?" Tom asked out loud. "Is his name Ken?"

"No," the officer answered, then glanced down at a small notepad in his hand. "Says his name is Roger."

"Roger!" Tom exclaimed. "OK, yeah, let me throw on some clothes. Is he OK?"

"He seems fine," the officer replied. "Just a bit combative."

"OK, I'm dressed," said Tom.

"He's outside in our vehicle," the second officer finally spoke as he opened the door, waving Tom out ahead of them.

There was a black SUV with darkly tinted windows parked in the middle of the parking lot. The engine was quietly idling and the parking lights were on. The blue glow of a dash mounted laptop barely illuminated the front seat area of the vehicle.

Tom stopped when he reached the SUV, allowing one of the officers to reach over and open the rear door of the vehicle. The other officer was standing close to the other side of Tom. The interior light did not come on when the rear door was opened, but the laptop glow was sufficient to make out Roger's face.

"Tom! Run!" Roger exclaimed as the door was opened. The next move was unexpected. Roger jumped out of the vehicle with his paws cuffed behind his back, hit the ground between Tom and one of the officers, scrambled to his feet and bolted off across the parking lot into the darkness.

"Son of a bitch!" one of the officers exclaimed as he tried to grab Roger. Tom smiled at the irony of the expletive as he debated why Roger wanted him to run.

"We'll find him later," the other officer replied from behind Tom, just before stunning Tom with his Taser. Tom fell to the ground between the officers, his body involuntarily twitching from the shock.

He looked up and saw the other officer pull out a pistol and aim it at Tom. He closed his eyes and waited for the blast that never came. Instead, he felt a sudden jab in his neck and went limp.

Tank's parents sat on their front porch, a ritual they both enjoyed every evening when the weather was cooperative. Various neighbors would stop by and chat from time to time. This particular evening was rather quiet. The sky had turned dark and the last of the neighbors had left to go home.

"Guess I'll go in and see if there is anything good on TV," declared Tank's father as he rose from his porch chair and walked over to the door. He opened the door and waited for his wife to enter before he walked in and shut the door behind him, turning the lock.

"Ben isn't home yet, dear," his wife reminded him. "Shouldn't you leave it unlocked?"

"True," Tank's father replied. "Where did he say he was going again?"

"He said he and Ken were meeting to catch up with each other," she answered from the kitchen as she washed the evening's dishes.

"Must be some talk," he stated as he flipped on the television. "Been gone for several hours."

The conversation was interrupted by a short electronic sound.

"What was that?" Tank's father asked as he looked around the room.

"I think it was my cell phone," his wife suggested. "I've never heard it make that sound before."

Tank's father reached over and picked up the cell phone, looked at it for a few seconds then flipped it open.

"Was it my phone?" Tank's mother asked as she dried her hands on a dish towel and neatly hung it up.

"I guess so," her husband replied, reading the display with a look of puzzlement. "It says 'New Text Message'. What the hell does that mean?"

"I'm not sure," Tank's mother replied, sitting down in a chair next to her husband. He was punching random buttons on the phone and looking more frustrated with each random jab on the keyboard.

"These damn things are just way too complicated," he finally growled in frustration as he handed the phone to his wife. "Here! See if you can figure this damn thing out!"

"Dear, settle down," she soothed. "Let me see what I can do. I think a text message is like an email - I hear about kids sending them to each other on their phones all the time."

Her husband continued to grumble as she methodically pushed several buttons on the phone, carefully reading the screen with each button press.

"I found it!" she finally declared. "Oh!"

"Now what?" her husband growled.

"It's from Tank," she said. "It says 'Ken and I checked into clinic. Will be humans again soon!'."

"Well, that's good news," Tank's father declared as his face brightened up. "Ask him if he needs any money or anything."

"I don't know how to type a message back to him," his wife answered.

"Well, just call him," Tank's father replied. "You know how to do that, right?"

"Yes, dear," she answered, dialing the phone. She held the phone up to her head for several seconds before closing it. "It just went to his answering machine."

"Well, maybe he's tied up," her husband surmised. "He'll call if he needs anything."

Tank's father and mother spent the rest of the evening watching television, content in the knowledge that soon their human son, Ben, would be back with them again.

Randy got home late from his shift at the diner. As he walked up the sidewalk to his house, he saw Tank's truck out in front of Julie's house.

"Ahh, maybe Ken can come over and make good on his promise tonight," he whispered to himself as he bound up the steps to his porch and let himself into the house.

Randy freshened up, taking off his diner uniform and throwing it in the wash. He stood in front of his dresser for several minutes, debating on wearing a cute mini skirt or a nice pair of really short shorts. After picking a skimpy set of shorts, he found a nice little tank top to go with it and put the clothes on, shimmying into the shorts and tucking his small nutsack up between his legs so he wouldn't have any bulge showing.

He admired his feminine physique in the mirror for a couple of minutes, turning to check his tight ass, then winked to himself. After several minutes of making sure his mane and tail were brushed to perfection, he headed out to his front porch. Tank's truck was still there and there were a couple of lights on next door. He wondered if Julie was home and, if so, if she wouldn't mind loaning out Ken for a couple of hours.

As he pulled his door shut and turned to walk down the steps to the sidewalk, a black SUV went racing up the street and around the corner, disappearing quickly from view.

"Damn idiot drivers," he growled to nobody in particular. Then, yelling at the long-departed vehicle: "This is a residential area, you know!"

He went over to Julie's house and up to the front porch, making sure everything looked good and sexy, then knocked gently on the front door. He waited about 30 seconds and tried again, this time knocking just a little louder. After another minute of no apparent movement in the house, he shrugged and headed back over to his own home.

As Randy reached for his front door, he heard a voice whispering nearby.

"Hey, sorry to bother you," came the voice from the bushes next to the porch.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Randy asked as he slowly swung his door open, ready to bolt inside and slam the door shut if he needed to.

"My name is Roger and I'm a friend of Julie," came the reply as the figure slowly rose up out of the bushes.

Randy relaxed a little, seeing that the husky didn't seem to present a danger at the moment. Roger took that as a cue to slowly walk around to the steps in front of the porch so Randy could see him better.

"What are you hiding behind your back?" Randy asked suspiciously, again starting to open the door further and preparing for flight. Roger just turned around to show Randy the handcuffs.

"Just these damn things," he replied, then turned back around. "I can explain all this in a minute. Is it OK if I come inside?" Roger glanced around nervously.

"You running from the police?" Randy asked. "It looks like you escaped."

"I did," Roger explained. "But not really the police. Look, I need to get out of sight. I promise I'm not going to harm you. I was trying to see if Julie was home, but apparently she's not."

"Yeah, I guess you can come on in," Randy said as he pushed the door on open and walked inside, allowing Roger to come in before he shut the door. "Just in case, though, I would rather you sit on the couch for now while you explain your story."

"Sure, no problem," Roger said as he plopped down on the couch, then started fidgeting behind his back, trying to get his paws to slip through the handcuffs.. "Can you help me get these things off?"

"After you explain your story," Randy said as he remained standing, just in case he had to run from Roger.

"Well, there were these two police officers.... well, they were dressed like police officers. Anyway, they picked me up for no apparent reason," Roger started to explain. "They handcuffed me and threw me in the back of this black truck. They started asking me where Tank, Ken and Tom were. I really didn't know, because I ran away from Tom and Tank's apartment a couple days ago."

"Go on," Randy prodded, still watching Roger warily.

"I kept telling them I didn't know where any of them were, but they kept asking over and over again. Then, one of them got a call on a walkie-talkie. The voice on the radio said they had two of the suspects in custody. They were using funny code words, too, not like what I've seen on police shows on TV. Then the police officer plugged his headset into the radio so I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, but I heard him ask who they had picked up. After he was done talking on the radio, he removed his headset and turned around and pointed his gun at me. He asked me where Tom was."

"The two other you think they were referring to Tank and Ken?" Randy interrupted. "They had been looking for all three of them before they got that call on the radio, right?"

"That's what I figured," Roger replied. "So I told the officer again that I didn't know where Tom was. He asked me where he lived and where he worked. I kept my mouth shut, but then he put the barrel of the gun right up to my nose and told me if I didn't talk, I'd never get out of the truck alive. That's when I was pretty sure these weren't real police officers. But I was scared and told them where Tom's office was. They drove us there and parked in the parking lot and went in the door for a few minutes. They came back out with Tom."

"Did they have him in handcuffs? Did he look OK?" Randy asked, a bit of concern now in his voice. He sat down in a chair to hear the rest of the story. Roger seemed pretty scared and, at least for the moment, pretty harmless.

"He looked fine. The three of them walked out to the truck like nothing was wrong. When they got to the truck, I made a plan to escape. As soon as they opened the door, I told Tom to run away and I jumped out and ran away myself."

"Wow," Randy said, somewhat amazed at the whole story. "Did Tom get away, too?"

"I don't know," Roger replied. "I ran for all I was worth. By the time I dared to stop and turn around to look, I couldn't see them."

"Wait," Randy said suddenly. "You said you were in a black truck. Was it an SUV? Dark tinted windows?"

"Yes, why?" Roger asked.

"Come on!" Randy yelled as he jumped up out of his chair and ran through the kitchen, throwing open the back door.

"Wait! What about the handcuffs?" Roger yelled ahead as he weaved through the kitchen and out the back door, trying to keep up with Randy so he could see which direction he went. Both of them got to Julie's back porch at nearly the same time, both out of breath.

"Be ready to run," Randy whispered. "Just in case. And be very quiet." Roger nodded his acknowledgement as Randy tried the back door and found it unlocked.

Randy pushed the door open gently, standing outside the doorway with Roger right next to him. Both of them cautiously stuck their heads in the door and looked around. There was one lamp on in the living room, which shed enough light for them to peer around a bit before Randy stepped inside. Roger nearly ran into him trying to get in the door right behind him. Randy held up a finger as a sign to wait, then carefully made his way through the kitchen so he could look up and down the hallway. Satisfied that nobody was in the hall, Randy motioned back to Roger to catch up with him. Roger quietly padded across the kitchen and stood right behind Randy.

"The shower is running," Randy noted, cocking his head and swiveling his ears so he could hear better down the hallway.

"What's that on the floor?" Roger whispered, looking down the hall as well.

They both carefully crept down the hallway in front of the open bathroom door. Randy bent down to inspect the plate and candles laying on the hall floor, picking at some of the melted wax that had pooled on the hardwood. Roger carefully stuck his head in the bathroom door and crept over to the shower after glancing around the small room to make sure nobody was in it. He reached into the shower and turned off the water.

"This wax is still somewhat soft," Randy said quietly.

"The water was cold, even though both the hot and cold faucets were turned on," Roger added.

"They haven't been gone too long," Randy said as he stood up.

"They?" Roger asked.

"Julie and Ken," Randy explained. "Ken has been using Tank's truck - the one out front. Earlier today, he asked me to go outside and check the truck to see if anyone was watching it. I thought that was rather strange, but did it anyway. When nobody seemed to appear after I walked around it, Ken thanked me and said he'd be back later. Then he raced off in the truck. I guess he came back here while I was at work. I mean, Tank's truck is out there, right?"

"OK, then maybe Ken wasn't one of the 'two suspects' that were picked up," Roger guessed. "Who else would they have picked up, then? And where did Julie and Ken go? Do you think they went to hide somewhere? Why were you asking me about the black truck earlier?"

"Because, a few minutes before you showed up, a black SUV with dark tinted windows went racing up our street," Randy replied.

"They got Julie and Ken!" Roger exclaimed. "But why?"

"That, I don't know," Randy replied quietly. "Let's go back to my place and I'll help you get those handcuffs off."

Roger and Randy returned to Randy's house and locked all the doors. Randy tried various methods of trying to get the handcuffs off of Roger with no success. He stood in front of Roger debating what to do next.

"By the way, what's your name?" Roger asked.

"Randy," came the short reply.

Roger looked Randy up and down with a bit of puzzlement on his face. "That's an unsual name for a girl."

Randy smiled, unbuttoned his shorts and started to pull them down. Roger blushed and looked away.

"Does this help explain things?" Randy asked, his sheath and small ballsack now plainly visible.

"Oh, yeah, it does," Roger smiled meekly, blushing again. "You're pretty convincing as a girl."

"Damn, why didn't I think of this before?" Randy exclaimed as he dropped his pants onto the floor, stepped out of them and trotted down the hall. He returned with a bottle of lube.

"Uhmm," Roger started, glancing at the half-naked ponyboi in front of him holding a bottle of lube. "Shouldn't we get these handcuffs off of me first? Or is that one of your fetishes?"

Randy realized the situation, then started laughing. "No, I was going to see if the lube was slick enough to slide the cuffs over your paws. Silly husky!"

They both laughed at the situation, then Roger turned around and Randy drizzled lube all over his wrists and paws. After a bit of work, they had the handcuffs off.

After they both washed up, Randy pulled his shorts back on and they both plopped down onto the couch.

"We need to figure out what to do," Randy stated. "Have any ideas?"

"None at this point," Roger replied. "I don't even know who these people are or who they have taken. I'm definitely sure they aren't the police."

They both sat quietly on the couch for a while before Randy noticed that Roger had nodded off. Randy laid down on the couch next to Roger, resting his head carefully in Roger's lap and soon fell asleep himself.

I kept hearing voices talking nearby. I recognized one of them as Doc. The other voice was unfamiliar. I assumed I was dreaming but it seemed too real for a dream. I cautiously opened one eye and found that I was now in a different room. Doc and a human were standing in the doorway to the room with their backs to me.

I carefully glanced around the room. I was the only one here. I didn't see Tank or Tom. I carefully raised my head a bit and looked down at my hand. The tube from the IV bag was kinked. It must have happened when they moved me. I was a little groggy, but could start to understand the conversation between Doc and the man. I rolled my head back and closed my eyes to listen.

"We found the girl, Julie," the man stated. "Parking Tank's truck out in front of her house worked great. She didn't suspect a thing."

They also had Julie! Why did they pull her into this?

"How about Tank's parents?" Doc asked.

"I took Tank's cell phone and sent them a text message that Tank was in a clinic to change back to a human."

"You think that will satisfy their curiosity?" Doc asked. "I don't need them interfering."

"It should for now," the man replied. "His mother tried to call his phone back, so we have a GPS trace on her cell phone. We'll know if they go to the police. Plus, we know where they live now. I have a couple guys keeping an eye on them."

"And the husky?" Doc asked. "He's the one that started this whole damn thing. Where is he?"

"Roger?" the man asked. "Well, uhm, actually he slipped away from us when we were picking up Tom."

"Damn it!" Doc exclaimed, pounding his fist against the wall. "He's the smallest damn one of the bunch and he knows the most. He's already been to the police and tipped off the press. I spent a lot of time and money trying to smooth over that mess. How could you let him get away?"

"Sorry," was all the man could say.

"Get back out there and find him, then, damn it!" Doc yelled. "And don't come back until you have him!"

"Yes, sir," the man replied, his voice trailing off down the hall.

I didn't really think about it, but I was watching the last part of the exchange out of the corner of my eye. Doc had wheeled around to come in the room and apparently saw me watching.

"Well, well, Ken," he said as he approached the bed. "Hmm, looks like we have a little problem with your IV." Doc reached up and turned off the drip and fixed the kink in the tube.

"That's OK," he said as he pulled up a stool and sat down next to the bed. "So. What can you tell me about where we might find your friend Roger?"

"I honestly don't know," I replied. I told Doc about Roger staying at Tom's place but then running off just before the news crews started showing up. "I haven't seen him since. So what's the big deal about the world finding out that I'm transforming into a fur? That's what all this is about, right? You said all furs transformed at one time or another."

"Do you remember back when the first furs showed up in the world?" Doc asked.

I nodded my acknowledgement.

"Do you remember all the excitement?" Doc continued. "The news stories? How the whole thing was explained?"

"I remember it now," I replied after trying to think back that far. "The news stories basically concluded that furs just walked out of the woods one day."

"Exactly," Doc said.

"But why wouldn't any of these furs just tell the true story?" I asked. "It seems like such a groundbreaking discovery would make you rich and famous. Why the secrecy?"

"Initially, that was my plan," Doc continued. "But the first furs were being rejected by society as outcasts and aliens. That makes for very bad publicity. Plus, society as a whole had a higher moral standard at the time. If the world found out what I was doing, I would have been locked up forever. Before things got too far out of hand, I rounded up the original furs and wiped their memories so they wouldn't know the truth and tell anyone."

"Is that why you rounded up Tank, Tom and myself?" I asked. "Are you going to wipe our memories, too?"

"Yes," Doc replied. "Yours will have to wait until you've fully transformed, of course. Tom was a client of mine, so he has no memory of his former self, but I will need to wipe his memory of recent events. I had captured Tank before and wiped his memory, as well. I hadn't counted on him having kept diaries of his transformation period. That's what Roger found and took to the press."

"Why not just come on out and tell the world?" I asked. "Furs have become well accepted members of society now. Hell, even the moral fabric of society has become much more liberal in the past several years. Personally, I think you're missing a golden opportunity."

"You're right," Doc said as he stood up from the stool. "I should just come on out and tell the world the truth. It has become rather tedious trying to keep the whole thing away from the press and the world. And, I do plan on doing that very soon. The final step of that plan is getting close to coming to fruition, as a matter of fact."

"What step?" I asked, watching Doc walk around my table and prepare to open the valve on my IV bag.

"I told you yesterday," he smiled.

"The super-species?" I asked.

"Exactly," Doc replied. "My army is nearly complete. Once the world finds out about this whole thing, I assume there will be some backlash, which I will be more adequately prepared to handle. I believe the majority of people will look upon me as more of a genius, and a charismatic one at that. Soon, I will be ruling this country, backed by a military force of thousands and thousands of gigantic and formidable equine warriors."

Doc smiled and turned the IV drip back on, then leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Nobody will dare oppose me. Soon, I'll rule the entire world!"