Scales, Fur and Musk

Story by ForgetheRisk on SoFurry

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#2 of World of Light

An experimental foray into the world of writing smut, so forgive if it sounds a little awkward at times! Heavily inspired by Nemo0690's work, so credit to him for giving me an anchor while I stumble around to find a style that I like.

Forge isn't one used to finding sexual chemistry in the gym, but on one particular, empty night, when he's approached by Nick, looking for a spot, the dragon is only too happy - and perhaps too horny - to oblige. And in the haze of their growing mutual arousal punctuated by furtive, stealing glances, the workout continues past the weights and blooms into something more.

Outside the glass panes, the sky was nearly pitch black, the roads and walkways illuminated only by the glaring light of the streetlamps, and that of the light of the still-open gym, pouring out from the windows. Inside, it was comfortingly quiet, save the sound of the three or four other guys still hard at work pumping iron, the clattering of dumbbells and barbells being raised and dropped, and the too-audible grunting of one particularly loud gym-goer, striving to push out one each additional rep.

Forge had become accustomed to frequenting the gym in the wee hours of the night, and this was one of the few in the area that even had a graveyard shift. Never having to wait for the weights, or interact much with anyone, really, was something that Forge could appreciate. The gym may have catered to the kinds of guys that found pleasure in exerting themselves amidst other big, strong men, and was often - unofficially, of course - home to plenty amounts of debauchery. But after a long, mentally exhausting day, all he really wanted to do was fall, delve deep into the rhythm of his workout with the music blasting in his ears and forget the worries of the day, if even for just the hour and a half that his workouts lasted.

His luck when it came to particularly raunchy escapades was a little dry, at any rate. He'd chalked part of it to his terrible genetics, especially for a dragon, and though he had biceps and quads that would put most others to shame, he sometimes found himself lamenting the softness that had found a permanent place around his midriff, lamenting the lack of any visible abs.

Not that he particularly thought of himself as unattractive. For a green dragon, Forge was tall, and the two pairs of horns that adorned his head like a regal crown made him appear imposing and respectable. And as he ran a hand over his cream-coloured belly, he reminded himself that there were others who would have killed for his body. His workout attire was a little bit too form-fitting, showing off the curves of his chest, his thick, muscled ass, and even the bulge in his crotch, barely kept in place by the jockstrap underneath.

The timer on his watch ticked down to zero, and he returned to the bench and busted out another set. Lower, inhale. Raise, exhale. His arms burned with each movement, but Forge relished the bulging, swollen feeling that underlined the soreness, his clothes growing ever tighter as they strained against his muscles.

He was so deeply lost in the both the music and the mechanical tempo of the set that he scarcely realised the figure silently approaching him, not until he had hooked the bar back onto the rack, and there was a furtive tap on his shoulder.

"Hey," the person said, as Forge pulled out one earbud and spun his head around.

There was a moment of silence as Forge found himself face to heavy bulge, outlined by a pair of black compression shorts that left little to the imagination. Forge shifted his gaze upwards to the wall of muscle that was the bull that had interrupted him, his sculpted form powerful and intimidatingly strong, tufts of brown fur peeking out from underneath his sweat-soaked clothes that gave him an overall rugged look, accentuated by the long, thick pair of horns sweeping back from his head.

He coughed, clearing his throat of the lump that had settled there, tearing his eyes away from the flat, well-defined abs that peeked out from underneath the hike of sweat-soaked cotton. "Yeah? Anything you need, man?"

Forge wasn't well-acquainted with the other regulars, though he'd been here long enough to register the really long-standing ones, those who seemed to be here day in, day out. This bull, though, wasn't one of them. He'd started seeing him around during the gym's more active hours some couple weeks ago, and only recently had he shifted his schedule to the dead hours. He'd introduced himself as Nick, if memory served, although Forge had given the bull a cordial acknowledgement and moved on with his day.

A gulp of something like hesitation. "Yeah," his voice was deep, like a cavernous, resounding rumble. "You mind sharing the bench? Could use a spotter. Wouldn't mind spotting for you, too."

Forge blinked, his mind doing a double take. He wasn't used to working out with a spotter, more out of circumstance than choice, but still. With a tired smile, he got off the bench, gesturing to it. "Sure, man. Need help with the weights?"

Nick began with a few easy warm-up sets, but once those were out of the picture, Forge positioned himself over the bull's head, hovering his hands beneath the bar. With a deep breath, the bull arched his back, lowering the bar down to bounce on his pert, round pecs, grunting as his thick, powerful arms bulged and swelled. And as the bull huffed out, pushing the bar back up, Forge couldn't help his mind wandering, wondering how the firmness of those muscles might feel, imagining being drawn into a warm, unyielding embrace.

At the end of the bull's first set, the dragon cleared his throat as he swished down a growing heat with a prolonged gulp of water, ensuring that he was facing the wall when he reached down to adjust the growing tightness in his groin.

The two took turns at the bench, going through a second, third, and then fourth set, and without the buzz of the music to keep him distracted, Forge found his focus landing squarely on the bull that had unwittingly become his workout partner. He made sure that his benches were safe, and that his form was good, of course, but he couldn't stop his eyes from wandering further down, where the bull's clothes hugged and outlined each crevice of his well-defined abs, where the veins in his thick, burly biceps seemed to pop from even underneath the fur with each rep.

He wasn't a stranger to stares, both offering and receiving them. After all, the gym was regularly filled with a gamut of beefy, burly hunks, and in the lulls between sets and self-admiration, it was practically custom to shoot a few appreciative, perhaps even jealous glances at the other gym members. Most days, though, Forge was content to admire, and be admired, from a distance, pushing through his workout without so much as a peep to his fellows.

Now, though, as Forge powered through rep after rep, he could feel those eyes on him, mirroring his own wandering focus; the bull's deep-set, darting gaze seemingly drawn to each and every flex and wane of the dragon's respectable musculature. Attention that, all things considered, Forge couldn't quite find unwelcome.

Nick's crotch loomed just inches away from his snout, and he could smell the manly, musky scent pouring out from underneath the fabric, his eyes being inadvertently drawn to the outline of the bull's package, tightly and blatantly hugging against his thigh, the freeballing bastard. And as Forge raised the bar for his last few reps, he could hear his heart thumping, pounding in his chest, a heat filling his cheeks that could not easily be chalked up to the exertion of his workout.

That distraction cost him on his final rep, when his arms finally burned out and the bar threatened to crash onto his head.


And then his vision was filled with the sight of the bull as the latter leaned all the way forward, taking hold of the barbell and helping Forge guide it back onto the rack. All the while, Forge could've sworn he felt the heft of the bull's heavy, swinging balls thwap against his snout, and as he felt a tightness twitch in his own shorts, he started to wonder if the bull was doing this on purpose.

With aching arms and heaving lungs, Forge sat back up, wiping off the sheen of sweat that had pooled onto his scales, the towel strategically covering the tent that had long since been pitched in his shorts.

"Thanks for the spot," he said, choking out the words in between panting breaths as he turned to the bull, "I'm hitting the showers, unless you still need me?"

The question snapped the bovine back to attention, though his gaze was still unfocused and seemed to intentionally avoid Forge's own as he shook his head. "I'm heading off, too."

After re-racking the weights, the pair headed off to the locker room, Nick trailing closely behind the dragon. The gym was still about an hour out from closing, but by then it was deserted, the slam of the heavy door echoing throughout the otherwise empty room. As the bull trailed off to find his own locker, Forge felt the rush in his veins die down somewhat, and he'd just about resolved himself to brushing the strange encounter aside to move on with his night.

But he'd only gotten as far as tossing his shoes and socks off before he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. As he tugged his shirt off and reached for the waistband of his pants, he became acutely aware of someone copping a few too many glances in his direction, and he glanced back at the bull, loitering at the corner of the locker room, their gazes meeting for just the briefest of moments.

And when his eyes wandered down once more to Nick's crotch, his eyes widened at the tip of some monstrous beast peeking out from underneath his shorts, and he felt the blood rush back down.

"Need something?" Forge called out, gulping down to prevent his voice from catching in his throat.

Nick didn't reply, quickly shifting his gaze away back to his locker, but his movements were slow, sluggish, lingering on each item as if repeatedly second-guessing himself, visibly resisting the urge to turn his head back and catch another glance of the now half-naked dragon.

Forge sighed, a small one, just barely audible, more to himself than to anyone in particular. This wasn't on his plans, and he was rarely one to take part in the gym's raunchier practices, but there was something about the bull that had flipped a switch. With a bite of his lip - a habit, something for a little bit of courage - he let the inhibitions melt away, fully embracing the throbbing neediness of his crotch.

Slamming his locker shut, Forge wandered over to where the bull was fiddling with his stuff, coming up from behind him and placing one hand firmly on the lockers. Nick seemed to jump with a start, and when he turned to face him, Forge could almost hear the thumping in the bull's chest, his lips curled into something almost needy and pathetic, his thick, powerful arms straining desperately to remain at his side.

"What?" Nick quivered out.

"You know, if you wanted to get with me, or something, all you had to do was ask."

There was a long moment of silence, Forge's gaze boring into Nick's own, and he could see the bull's eyes darting left and right, as if desperately trying to make up his mind. In the back of his own, Forge couldn't quite understand why he was giving the bull such a hard time. He knew what the bull wanted, he'd made it painfully obvious, but there was something to the rush of going through this song and dance, of drawing it out like a long, unending night of foreplay, that only made the tent in his shorts even harder.

And then, without warning, Nick moved forward, pressing his lips against the dragon's snout, and pulling him into a firm, sudden kiss.

Forge leaned into the bull, who let out a deep, wanting groan as he reached up to pull him even deeper into the kiss, shoving more and more of his thick, long tongue into his snout. Forge pressed the palm of his hand against Nick's increasingly bulging tent, his shorts truly doing absolutely nothing to hide the silhouette of the gradually hardening cock underneath, and by the time the pair had pulled apart from the kiss, Forge could feel the bull's equally large and imposing friend poking at his gut, standing firmly at attention and pulling his shorts along with it.

"That's me asking. So?" Nick panted, his hands wandering down from the dragon's head, where the bull ran his hands over his chest and gave Forge's perky nipples a playful pinch, sending jolts of pleasure through his body, forcing the dragon into a breathless, lustful pant of his own.

"Fuck..." Forge groaned out, short of breath, relishing in the headiness in his mind as the bull's hands wandered even lower, his rough, calloused hands brushing sensuously against his belly. His fingers traced the outline of Forge's own bulge, now almost painfully straining against the fabric of his shorts.

A lustful, cocky grin. "Go ahead, big boy. Do what you want to do."

Nick pulled the dragon into a firm, warm embrace, and Forge breathed deep of the bull's earthy musk, a mixture of sweat and grime and a spicy, natural scent that burned in his nostrils and sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. All the while, the pair continued their handsy wanderings, groping and teasing at each other's packages beneath their shorts, but not quite moving onto the next step.

"Fuck, it feels big," Nick moaned out, taking a deep, audible breath as he snuggled his nose into the nape of Forge's neck, "scales feel good too. Slick and smooth and wet."

"Oh yeah?" Playfully nibbling at the tip of the bull's floppy ear, Forge whispered, his voice dripping with lust. "You want this dragon's cock, huh? Feel his scales against your fur as he rails into you?"

"Fuck, yes. Please," the bull whined, "I want it so badly."

Forge parted from the embrace, guiding the utterly entranced bull to the nearby bench, swishing his tail to playfully whip at the hefty package that swayed behind the bull's tented shorts.

Propping one leg up on the bench, Forge reached for the hem of the bull's tank top, pushing his hands underneath the fabric, and feeling the firm abs underneath. "Mind if I take this off?"

Nick shook his head, reaching down to help the dragon tug the shirt up; it caught for a moment on the bull's bulging pecs, his chest bouncing as the shirt rode further up and off. Bared in all his glory, Forge took a moment to admire the bull's incredible musculature, tracing the well-defined lines of his abs, running his hands further upwards to cup and squeeze the bull's chest, eliciting a low, rumbling moo from him as they brushed against the edges of his large areola.

"You're really fucking hot, you know?"

A playful pinch on the bull's nips. Nick bit the bottom of his lip, a futile attempt to hold back a moan.

"So are you," Nick gasped, reaching down to caress the dragon's snout, his thick, meaty hands squeezing Forge's shoulders, taking his arms into his own. "Fuck, these arms. Can't believe I finally get to touch 'em like this."

With a grin, Forge lifted an arm to flex a bicep. "Like 'em, huh?"

"Yeah. A lot. You look really good." Nick's gaze grew unfocused, wandering up and down Forge's body as he reached to stroke and squeeze the dragon's arms, marvelling at his rounder, beefier belly. "I like... uh... looking at you. Fuck, even started working out at night just to see you more."

Forge blinked. The cogs in his head turned. "Wait, seriously?"

"Is that weird?" Nick gulped, his eyes darting left and right before finally resting at the ground, though from where he stood Forge wondered if his gaze wasn't fixated instead on the dragon's crotch. "Sorry. Been a while, but you never seemed to want to... uh... talk with anyone."

"Oh." Something in his mind clicked, as if suddenly summoning memories of the bull's more lingering stares, faintly recalling one, perhaps a couple of times when the bull had attempted to approach him on his... more frustrated days. Heat burned in his cheeks, the embarrassment only fuelling the fires of his arousal. "Well," Forge said with a huff, "could've said something sooner, you hunk. What, you thought I'd say no?"

Nick's shrug was interrupted as Forge dipped his head forward, burying his snout in the cleft between the bull's fur-covered mounds, trailing his long, reptilian tongue across and flicking at the sensitive buds that crowned his chest. The bull flipped his head backward in a pleasure-induced moo, his body shivering, trembling as Forge nibbled on one, his fingers teasing and tweaking at the other. Gasping, panting, Forge brought his tongue up as he drank in the haze of that masculine musk, Nick's arousal soaking his brown fur with a copious sheen of sweat, all the while grinding his crotch against the bull's own, feeling the heft of his massive, leaking erection.

"Let me make up for the blue-balling then." Forge planted kiss after kiss along the bull's pulsing neck, "Why don't you get down there and start sucking my cock?"

Nick was only too eager to comply, planting his hands on Forge's sides as he reciprocated the dragon's movements. He started at the neck, moving down to Forge's pits where he breathed deep of the dragon's scent; even without fur, the bull drank in the dragon's musk and sweat, gasping and panting as he swiped his tongue across his scales, sending a tickling wave of sensation throughout Forge's body that wasn't altogether unpleasant.

And when the bull finally made his way down to the dragon's pants, tugging the shorts violently to the ground, Nick was quick to shove his snout into Forge's stained jockstrap, soaked in sweat and dripping with precum, rubbing the smut into his nostrils as if in a frenzied trance. He dragged his long tongue across the fabric, his lips moaning around the tip of where the dragon's cock strained against the garment, practically begging to be released from its bondage.

"Fuck, Nick..." Another long, sensuous lick. "Fuck... you're good at this. Breathe me in, man." Forge grasped to steady himself on Nick's hair. "Like it, huh? Want to suck on it like the slut you are?"

"Yeah... please. Fuck my mouth, Forge."

The dragon chuckled. "Gladly."

At Forge's approval, the bull reached up to tug the jock pouch aside, finally exposing the dragon's cock, long, thick, and positively throbbing with arousal, snapping up and almost jabbing the bull straight in the eye, brushing another healthy layer of pre onto the bull's waiting snout. Nick breathed a heavy puff of warm, tingling air as he slathered his tongue all over the dragon's hefty balls, licking and suckling as he made his way to his prize. With a lick of the dragon's sensitive tip, the bull leaned forward, engulfing Forge's cock into his humid, cavernous maw.

"Oh, fuck..." Forge leaned forward onto Nick's expansive back, the bull's head beginning to bob, up and down and up and down, swirling his tongue around to wrap the dragon's shaft in a bath of electric pleasure, polishing his glans again and again, luxuriating in the taste of the freely leaking pre that pooled in the bull's mouth.

"Fuck, Nick... Is... uh... this, okay?" Forge gasped, reaching for Nick's horns, but the bull only seemed to intensify his advances in approval, reaching for the dragon's plump, bouncy ass, guiding him deeper and deeper into his maw. Forge couldn't stop himself from fully face-fucking the bull, shoving his length in and out, again and again, his balls slapping against Nick's snout as he hilted himself inside, feeling the tip of his cock slam against the back of the bull's throat. He moved his foot forward, brushing it against Nick's own tent, which seemed to pulse and throb with each thrust of the dragon's member into the bull's hungry, needy mouth, where a visible wet spot had formed on the fabric.

"Take these off," Forge said, summoning a firm, authoritative tone into his voice, "and then get on the bench. I want to see that thick bull-cock when I rail into that tight hole of yours."

With an aching whine, Nick sucked hard on the dragon's wet, sopping cock, sticking out his thick tongue to pull Forge's balls into his waiting maw before parting with the trembling, throbbing member with a resounding pop. And like an obedient, pent-up pup, he parted with his musky, grime-stained shoes and socks, tossing aside his now-soaked shorts to reveal the monolithic erection underneath, swinging heavily from side to side as he straddled the bench, planking on it, face down, ass up.

"So," Forge said, wandering over to his locker to pull out a conveniently stashed condom and a bottle of lube, all the while his cheeks burning from the admiration of the bull's expectant gaze, "you're not new to this, are you?"

"No," Nick grunted, shaking his head, "it's just... uh... been a while since I've taken anything back there, though. Go easy?"

"I'll try," Forge smirked, flashing the bull a flirtatious wink as he approached the bull from behind, admiring the shapely, muscle-bound mounds as he took a hold of one in each hand, spreading it wide open to marvel at the bull's twitching, taut, tight hole, practically begging him to enter with a waft of heady, cloying musk.

Forge didn't realise how long he'd been admiring it, only barely aware of his erection growing all the harder, until the bull let out another throaty, desperate huff. "What are you waiting for?"

"Just let me enjoy this for a while," Forge gave the muscle-bull's ass a gentle, playful slap, before diving his snout straight into the cleft of the bull's hole, taking a good, long whiff of the intoxicating scent, baring his maw to let his tapered tongue jab and lick and poke at the bull's expectant passage. From Nick's loud, lustful moans, and the bull struggling to keep his legs from trembling on the bench, Forge figured he was doing a good enough job, pushing his tongue deeper and deeper as he reached around to cup the bull's balls, weighty and full of cum just begging to be released.

"Fuck, Forge... you're good with... ah!" Forge reached for the bull's massive cock, fondling and stroking along its immense length, rubbing it slick with the pool of pre that poured forth from the bull's dripping tip. "...that... fuck, you're going to make me cum..."

Forge pulled back, wiping some of the smut from his snout and leaving the bull painfully hard, tantalisingly teased, bringing him back down from the barest edge. Nick whined, jiggling his ass in the midst of fucking the air where the dragon had had his hands firmly on his utterly aching cock.

"Not yet," Forge teased, gripping onto the bull's sides to steady him, "you're going to cum when I fuck the cum out of your balls, and not a moment sooner."

Forge tossed aside his jocks and tore the condom out of its packaging, rolling it over his leaking length, lathering it up with a healthy dollop of lube, and squeezing the slick substance over the bull's pucker, digging his fingers inside to fill the void that his tongue had left, first one, then two, then three, stretching out Nick's hole and pressing against the bump that left him squirming and leaking even more pre onto the bench, a string of stickly, clear fluid gushing forth like a rushing waterfall.

Finally, Forge positioned himself behind the bull, grasping at his sides as he rubbed his slick cock against that quivering entrance, slapping his cock on the bull's tight ass in one final tease.

"You want this cock, huh? Want it bad?"

"Yes." Nick reached back to spread his asscheeks apart, exposing that winking pucker in an utterly fierce longing, a craving for cock that just had to be filled, stuffed full by the dragon that he had set his eyes on for so long. "Stop teasing me and just fuck me already!"

Forge lined up his cock, prodding at Nick's hole, poking at the warmth that radiated from it. Leaning forward. Pushing his hips against the bull. Finally, the pair moaned at the squelching, electric pleasure of the tip of the dragon's length finally straining past the bull's ring, gripping Forge's cock in a tight, tingling embrace.

The bull continued to cry out, groaning like a bitch in heat as Forge pushed ever deeper, pausing every so often as the bull's tight passage adjusted to accommodate the dragon's thick member. In, and then out. In and out. Gently rocking his hips to push his cock deeper and deeper, relishing in each little shuddering jolt around his shaft. Nick let out a sharp, whorish gasp as Forge finally hilted himself deep within the bull, the dragon's balls slapping against his jiggling cheeks.

"Oh, fuck..." Nick's voice was breathy, faint, "it's so big... so full..."

Forge ran his hands up Nick's back, pressing into the powerful, firm muscles of his traps, his delts, reaching around and caressing his face, his pecs, and giving the bull's massive cock a slow, sensuous stroke. The bull's inner walls pulsed and squeezed beads of pre from the dragon's own length, smearing the inside of the rubber with a healthy layer of slick lubrication.

"You doing okay?"

"More than okay. You can... unf... start moving now."

Forge pulled his length fully from the bull's passage, leaving just the tip kissing his hole, before driving it back in. In, out, in, and then out, each rocking movement of his hips a slow, complete, and forceful thrust, slamming his crotch again and again against Nick's rump, enjoying each strained squeak and punctuated moan he coaxed out of him, even as he raised one hand to his snout in a vain attempt to stifle himself.

And then, as the bull loosened, Forge picked up the pace, rutting into him faster and harder as Nick's walls flexed and clenched, milking his cock with the hunger of an undulating vacuum. The bull leaked more and more, filling the already stuffy, humid air of the locker room with a haze of choking, perpetual musk, each time the dragon drove his cock deeper and deeper. A fresh layer of sweat built up on the pair as they fell into the violent, fervent rhythm of their second workout, grunting at the exertion and the ache in their muscles. But with each shivering pulse of pleasure, the pressure roiling in Forge's balls continued to build, drawing him ever closer to the inevitable plateau.

Nick's massive frame trembled and shook, his cock bouncing and whipping against the surface of the bench as Forge rammed into him again and again. And then he let out a pained, desperate moo as the dragon pulled his cock out, leaving a throbbing, needy emptiness in its wake.

Gasping, panting, fur utterly matted with sweat. "Why'd you... pull out?"

Gasping, panting, scales thoroughly slick with sweat. "Turn over. I'm close, and I want to see your face when I cum."

The bull huffed, flipping himself over to plop his ass on the bench, his musk mixing with the pool of his own pre. He swung his legs high into the air to present his abused, gaping hole, placing his arms behind his head in a position that only served to further accentuate the thickness of his muscles. His huge, pulsating erection spurted rivers of pre into the crevices of his abs, smearing both him and Forge with his masculine scent as the dragon positioned his cock at his hole again, giving the bull's cock a lavish lick, lapping up the salty, heady liquid.

Then the pair cried out again as Forge plunged his cock back in, relentlessly pounding away at the bull's hole with the uninhibited fervour of a beast fighting for its survival as it clamped down on the invading member. The dragon's snout was curled into a growling snarl of sheer, unhindered pleasure as he groped the bull's pecs, pinching and twisting the sensitive buds.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fucking fill me..." The bull cried, overcome and lost in the pleasure, in time with each rhythmic thrust of Forge's cock against that spot deep inside.

"Yeah? You want this load, huh? Want me to cum deep in you, huh? Then. Take. It!"

Forge punctuated his words with violent, passionate thrusts, each one driving him closer and closer to the edge. One. More. Thrust. Then, Nick screamed, his balls scrunching up against his groin as his cock throbbed erratically, spewing out rope after rope of hot, viscous, sticky cum, splattering all over the bull's abs and chest and even reaching further to paint his snout. As the bull rode out his orgasm, the dragon buried his own length as deep as he could, the squeezing around his cock guiding him to his own orgasm. With a curt 'Fuck!' and a series of steady moans, the dragon emptied out the contents of his balls, his seed filling the condom further and further with each sensitive pulse.

Until finally the dragon's wobbling legs fully gave out and he collapsed against the bull's chest, diving straight into the mass of cum-stained fur, feeling his gradually softening length slip out of the bull's twitching hole as the pair took a moment to breathe, basking in the afterglow. Tentatively, furtively, the bull wrapped an arm around the dragon, pulling him into a cosy embrace. And then the dragon pried himself from the bull, flashing him a playful, tired grin before leaning into the embrace with a kiss, pressing his snout into the bull's own, letting his tongue caress the inside of the bull's maw, savouring the salty, musky, and only slightly bitter taste of his cum.

"Everything you hoped for?" Forge pulled apart from the kiss with as much of a smirk he could muster, idly running his fingers through the bull's soaked fur, occasionally brushing past his perky, erect nips as he basked in the incredibly-built form of the bull that he had just ravaged - been allowed to ravage.

Nick offered him a smile, pulling Forge into another kiss while grinding his softening, but still plenty hard, member against the dragon's sticky scales. "Everything, and more. You're a really good fuck, you know?"

Forge chuckled. "I'll take the compliment. So are you, for what it's worth."

The bull let out something of an exhausted sigh of relief, resting his head back onto the bench. "Didn't think I'd be finally getting dragon dick in my ass today. Fuck, I hope I can walk after this."

"Didn't think I'd really be interacting with anyone at this hour, but hey, sometimes it's worth changing plans. If you need help walking," Forge cooed into the bull's chest, "I'd be happy to spot you again."

"...this an invitation to be workout buddies?"

"Workout buddies... sure, let's call it that. Although we don't always have to be 'working out' in the gym, heh."

Now it was the bull's turn to smirk, which quickly melted into a warm, tender smile. "Yeah, I'd like that. A lot."

"A hunky bull as a workout buddy, eh? Guess I'm a lucky dragon."

"You?" The bull let out a low, deep, rumbling laugh. "Pft, I'm the lucky one here, snagging a husky dragon so soon after joining a new gym."

"Stop it, you handsome bull." Forge laughed in turn, planting another moaning kiss on the bull's lips. "We should probably clean up, huh? Gym'll be closing soon. Want to come back to my place for a post-workout meal? I grill a mean steak."

"A workout, a fuck, and a meal? Damn, you really know how to treat a guy."

Forge flashed him a grin. "I try."

When the afterglow had faded and the pair were ready to test their exhausted, nearly non-responsive legs, they peeled themselves away from the bench, Forge disposing of the filled condom as they stretched, the feeling quickly returning to their aching limbs. Then Nick followed the dragon into the showers, where, in the heat and humidity of steaming water, the two embraced each other as they scrubbed the smut from their bodies. The atmosphere gradually turned to something more cordial as they chatted, learning more about each other as they laid the foundation for a blooming friendship, and they looked forward to far more 'workouts' in the future.