Not So Home Alone

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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A young otter, newly come of adulthood, is home alone and oh so very bored - so he decides to 'rent' himself a birthday present, one that comes with exceptional ways to relieve a submissive young male otter's boredom...

Not So Home Alone

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

11thOctober, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Raleigh was bored, actually, bored was an understatement, the young otter was_beyond_ bored. Nothing he tried could or would, entertain him or keep his interest. Reading books? No. Playing with his xbox console? Nope. Sprawling on the couch and watching Netflix? Not even _that_worked - that was his usual go to when he had nothing else to do.

His father was out of town on business, so the young Otter had free reign over his fathers apartment. Usually, this would have, in his younger years, lead to wild and interesting parties - most of which involved him bent over a couch and...

A weak giggle escaped him and he slapped his webbed paws to his muzzle to stifle it, before giving rise to it. He was home alone! Why did he need to be quiet? Being an adult come with responsibilities and obligations - all his life, he couldn't wait to grow up, to mature, to become an adult...

Now, on his 18thbirthday, home alone, bored and restless - he didn't have a clue what to do...until he did...

No, you should not... A rational part of his mind argued with him. Absolutely not!

"Its my birthday, and if I want to buy myself a present, I shall!" Raleigh spoke, then giggled again. "Talking to myself...what next?"

With a quiet snicker, Raleigh pushed aside the mental argument he was about to immerse himself in and snatched up his mobile phone from the coffee table and pulled up the web browser. He didn't really know exactly what he was searching for, he'd never, ever, even _considered_what he was about to do...

His finger pressed down on the call button and he held the phone to his ear and heard it begin to ring.


Two hours passed, when he startled and head a gentle knock on the door to the apartment. Torn between fear and excitement, Raleigh quivered and moved to the door, before he peeked through the spy hole at the figure that stood on the other side.

He could only see part of it, an anthropomorphic Eastern Grey Kangaroo stood there, wearing a thin blazer and as Raleigh watched, it reached out and quietly knocked again.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this..." Raleigh murmured, before his webbed paw gripped the door handle and twisted it, then pulled it open.

"Hello," Come the sweet, sensual voice of the buck. "Mr. Otterfield? I'm Kevin, pleased to meet you!"

Raleigh squirmed and stared, his bright green eyes going wide like dinner plates, as he took in the masculine, dominant looking grey kangaroo, who flicked an ear and smiled at him.

"May I come in?" Kevin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, yes, please!" Raleigh giggled then blushed, before stepping to one side and allowing the male prostitute into his fathers apartment.

"A lovely place, is it yours?" Kevin asked, as he slipped past and quickly and expertly looked over the place, before he turned about and clasped his paws before him, his head tilting slightly to the side.

"No..." Raleigh murmured, feeling his cheeks burning with his embarrassment. "It's my fathers, he's out of town and..."

Raleigh squeaked, then blushed worse, intertwining his webbed paws before him as a breathless squeak come from him.


Kevin blinked twice, before a sweet smile spread across his furred muzzle. "Well, happy birthday! Now, some ground rules, before we, _I_get started, are you okay with that?"

Raleigh blushed and slumped onto the leather sofa, his paws hanging down past his knees as he listened attentively as the Kangaroo quickly went over the rules.

"This is a special case, usually, we do not visit our clientele in their homes - its a security precaution for us, as you can understand!"

Raleigh nodded, then inwardly, he sighed. For what it was costing him, well, his _would_he explain the charges on his fathers credit card? This Kangaroo offered services, and come from a very reputable establishment...

His attention suddenly snapped back and he glanced at the Kangaroo, who had finished going over the rules - only about two Raleigh had actually heard.

"Your pleasure is of utmost importance to me," Kevin smiled, then walked over and took Raleigh's paws in his own and squeezed them gently. "I am very well practised in many techniques and methods, how would you like to begin?"

"Oh, I've never...I mean..." Raleigh squeaked, eyes wide and muzzle hanging open.

Raising an eyebrow, Kevin grinned and come closer, then reached up and intertwined his claws around Raleigh's furred neck, before he began kissing and licking at the otter's neck and throat.

"How about we start..." Kevin murmured. "Right about here..."

Raleigh gasped as Kevin bit down ever so gently, the surprise and then almost instantaneous pleasure electrifying his nerve endings and quickly working on his arousal.

"Oh..." Raleigh gurgled.

He nearly melted, as the Kangaroo nuzzled and nibbled here and there on his throat, almost instinctively knowing how to draw out the arousal of the young otter. Raleigh tilted his head back as the Kangaroo snickered and slipped his paws up under Raleigh's shirt and teasingly pinched his nipples.

"Mmmmph - " Came the soft whimper.

Nodding, Kevin slipped his paws down and gripped Raleigh's shirt, peeling it off and then gazing down adoringly at the sable like fur of the otter's chest and belly.

"You're..." Raleigh giggled.

"Shhh," Kevin whispered.

Raleigh blinked as Kevin eased him backwards onto the couch and knelt over him, paws and tongue licking, tickling and caressing his throat, muzzle and chest, that muscular, thick tail laying alongside Raleigh's as the kangaroo lipped and nibbled his way downwards.

"Oh...feels so..." Raleigh squealed, placing his webbed paws on the kangaroo's head. "No...go...go lower...please?"

Kevin gave a barely felt nod, and he indeed headed southwards, his paw slipping into the tight waistband of the shorts. Already, Kevin was well aware of the otter's arousal - he could smell the tantalising scent and feel the firmness that tented the shorts. Rising off him, Kevin slipped the shorts down Raleigh's hips, then his thighs and finally off, to drop them casually on the floor.

"I can't...believe - " Raleigh giggled and blushed, once more slapping his webbed paws against his cheeks.

Kevin looked up from where he was sensually massaging and caressing Raleigh's feet, then he raised an eyebrow at him.

"You get what you pay for, in this case, you get it all, now, shush young one, I haven't begun to pleasure you yet..."

Raleigh's eyes widened, as the buck massaged and caressed the feet, then worked his way up the shins, the thighs and as his furred nose brushed Raleigh's thighs, the Otter thought he'd surely just turn into a boneless puddle there and then. Tenderly, Kevin fondled Raleigh's furred scrotum, his blunt claws tenderly scratching. Hefting them and giving them a ever so gentle rub, Kevin felt and heart Raleigh's breath catch in his throat.

"So full..." Kevin murmured, eyes wide as his smile spread across his muzzle. "I wonder if what they say about you Mustelid's is true.."

Raleigh gurgled and his webbed paws trembled on the edges of the sofa as he wriggled backwards slightly, getting a bit more comfortable.

"What do they say about us?"

Kevin merely smiled and looked down, his ears slicking back as he trailed a single claw tip from the base of Raleigh's sheath then back again.

"Mmm, just the way I like them..." Kevin whispered softly.

Using his leathery paws, he wrapped both of them around Raleigh's length and intentionally squeezed just behind the penile head that hid like a shy mouse within the sheath. It did not take long, before Raleigh squeaked and Kevin coaxed the full length from the sheath.

"Lovely prize..." Kevin whispered.

"It..." Raleigh giggled shyly. "You think so?"

Kevin looked up from the tops of his eyes, before he smirked and brushed his whiskers up one side then down the other, feeling Raleigh tense beneath him as Kevin looked back down and in one smooth motion dropped his muzzle.

"Eeek!" Raleigh squeaked.

Kevin's tongue swirled and enveloped Raleigh's length, his sharp teeth held back as Kevin used his powerful throat muscles and tongue to orally and thoroughly pleasure the squeaking otter.

"Nnnnhh - " Raleigh's gasp come from his throat.

Kevin slurped and suckled with eagerness and lack of thought on his behalf, pleasuring his client was all that mattered - and something he prided himself upon. Lifting his muzzle, he'd teasingly tickle the tip and the slender slit, before his tongue would swirl around the base of the penile head and as his muzzle lowered again and again, he felt the tension building in the young otter beneath him.

Not too soon... Kevin's mind whispered. Let the pleasure build, he is young, so if it does happen and...

Almost as if he willed it to happen, Kevin suddenly felt webbed paws grab him by the back of the head and shove it down before his throat muscles squeezed on the penile head that was thrust into the back of his muzzle.

Raleigh squealed, it was the only sound he could make, as his paws contracted and his body convulsed as he sprayed the back of Kevin's throat with hot, sticky otter semen. Pulse after pulse jetted down the kangaroo's throat, who squeezed his eyes closed and accepted the unexpected gift.

How much does he offer? Kevin's mind reeled as it felt like his client's orgasm would never end! It was almost like a fire hose of hot, salty fluids that kept coming and coming and coming... Such vigour, I've never...

"Oh..." Came the whimper and he felt the paws quivering against his head. "I - your tongue and...."

Slurping gently, Kevin licked the otter's length clean and lifted his head up, before he chuckled and wiped at his muzzle with his paws.

"The stories were right..." Kevin laughed quietly, then he swallowed and a tremble rippled through him. "Amazing..."

"I'm so sorry!" Raleigh moaned.

Chuckling, Kevin shook his head, his ears slapping from side to side and he looked down at Raleigh's still mahogany hard organ, then raised an eyebrow and looked up into his eyes.

"Its alright, really! I do not mind being given a reward for pleasing a client - now, what would you like?"

Raleigh stared, wide eyed, looking at the kangaroo who smiled sweetly and titled his head to one side.

" mean, would you..." Raleigh blushed and turned his head away.

Gently, Kevin turned it back looking into Raleigh's intense green eyes with his brown ones.

"You are my client, your wish - within reason, are my command. What do you wish?"

"I've...always been a..." Raleigh stammered, then swallowed the lump in his throat. "I've always been such a submissive - I don't know how to tell someone what I want!"

"I see," Kevin nodded. "May I?"

Raleigh blinked and nodded, then watched as Kevin slipped off the slacks he wore and Raleigh's eyes widened as he looked at the now naked buck's anatomy.

"Ask, I know what you'll ask me, so - shall I just answer it now?" Kevin chuckled. "Due to an unfortunate genetic throwback, yes, I resemble a feral in my sexuality. I assure you, even though my scrotum is above my cloaca, and you can not see my penis - it is there, and it does work. I may be a feral-like look in my sexual reproductive anatomy, but I assure you..."

Kevin relaxed his muscles and Raleigh's eyes went wider that Kevin had ever seen him, when the prehensile kangaroo penis slid from its protective cloaca. Whilst feral-like in its look, its length was something else altogether.

"As you can see, I have what it takes..." Kevin laughed quietly. "Not one to boast, but it is a good seven inches fully aroused and unlike some, well..."

"I've never...with a kangaroo you understand..." Raleigh moaned, then trembled. "How..."

Kevin smiled at him and gently took him by the paws and pulled him off the couch.

"There are multiple ways we can make love, that I know of - do you have a preference?"

Raleigh did not, his natural submissive nature seizing him and locking his vocal cords, all he could do was shake his head.

"Very well...allow me to use a technique I personally enjoy a great deal..."

Laying Raleigh on the carpet on his back, Kevin straddled the otter and bent his own knees until his shins and long slender feet were folded upside down, his tail laying behind him.

"How..." Raleigh squeaked.

"I'm fortunate enough to be double jointed in multiple places - besides, my tail helps keep me supported." Kevin smiled, then pulled his blazer over and took a small bottle from his coat pocket and set the blazer aside again.

"What are you going to..." Raleigh murmured.

"I am going to teach you gentleness, compassion and...what it is like to be made love with by a kangaroo buck such as I!"

Raleigh watched as Kevin's shearing-like teeth pulled the cap off the lube bottle and he quickly lathered his paws in it and began to sensuously stroke himself. Raleigh was surprised at how quickly the kangaroo went from flaccid to aroused. His penis flicked and quivered, as if eager to begin, as Kevin smiled lopsidedly and wiped his sticky paws on his belly.

"Are you sure you can..." Raleigh squeaked.

"Quite sure..." Kevin grinned, as he manoeuvred himself and slipped his paws under Raleigh's hips and carefully pulled the otter upwards.

At first, Raleigh felt nothing as the kangaroo's penile head slipped inside him, then as Kevin grunted and lifted him a little higher, Raleigh felt the lubed member slide deeper and quickly, Raleigh gasped and squirmed as the kangaroo grinned and tightened his grip on the otter's hips.

"Comfortable?" Kevin asked, as he leaned forwards and looked down into Raleigh's eyes.

"You're...quite a...buck - " Raleigh giggled nervously.

"So I've been told - " Kevin smirked. "Now, you tell me, how you want me to make love with you. Do you enjoy forceful and aggressive? Slow and gentle?"

"I..." Raleigh's throat tightened. "I'm not...a virgin, I mean, like_this_..."

Kevin kept looking down at him.

I can tell that, I'm quite a buck, but even with the lube, I'm not exactly hurting you little one...

" you...want to do?" Raleigh murmured, eyes wide in curiosity and a little fear.

"Well, how about...this?"

Raleigh squeaked as Kevin snickered and began an eager rocking, sliding himself free and pushing back inside the otter again and again. Eagerly, the Kangaroo alternated between almost feral like mating thrusts and slow, careful penetration, grinding himself down to the cloaca and pausing, feeling his penis flicker and quiver inside the otter, before sliding back out again.

"Oh, oh..." Raleigh squeaked in that adorable moan otters shared.

"I adore that squeak, now..."

Kevin grunted as he pulled Raleigh back and wrapped both paws around the otters trembling length and began to sensuously masturbate him.


"Easy there!" Kevin snickered and placed one paw on Raleigh's belly and stroked him, whilst continuing to use the other paw to tease and caress.

"You" Raleigh began to twitch and pant, his paws drumming against the carpet.

"Not yet..."


Raleigh squealed and he bucked twice, before his second orgasm spurted and Kevin shook his head slowly, holding the shaking member gently in his paw as he watched the spray of semen splatter over Raleigh's belly and chest.

Feeling the otter's anal muscles squeeze down, Kevin grunted and pulled Raleigh close with one paw on his left thigh as he began to enthusiastically pound his hips against the otter's rump.

"" Came the gasps and squeals.

Kevin released Raleigh's length and gripped him by both thighs as he aimed to pleasure the otter by giving him everything he had. Quickly, Raleigh was a quivering, whimpering mess in Kevin's paws as the masculine buck ground his length into him and began to pant with exertion and rising arousal.

"So...good - "

"Shhh..." Kevin moaned through clenched teeth, fighting the urge to consummate this unnatural lovemaking.

Raleigh seemed to sense the kangaroo was holding back and he pushed himself up and slipped his hind legs around Kevin's hips, then crossed them over. Kevin blinked and felt Raleigh pull himself up, so he was sitting up - which caused a whole new pleasure to consume both otter and buck as they continued their intimate lovemaking.

Placing his paws on Kevin's shoulders, Raleigh sniggered and rode the kangaroo with enthusiasm and energy - only to find the buck looking back at him, one ear forward and one back, before he smirked and slid his paws down and dug them into Raleigh's rump.

"Urk!" Come the squeal again.

Satisfied he was pleasuring his client, Kevin finally allowed himself the sweet relief he'd longed for for the past hour and he pulled Raleigh down hard with a loud slap before he bit down on Raleigh's shoulder and the otter squirmed in surprise and pleasure.

"Ugh..." Kevin gurgled, as he felt his scrotum tighten up against his belly and his penis slashed within Raleigh as his orgasm finally found its release deep inside the otter.

"Ooh...." Raleigh's eyes widened. " and..."

"Nnghh..." Kevin growled, sounding more feral than anthro, as he pulled tighter and felt himself unload completely inside the already hot, slippery depths.

"I've never..." Raleigh wheezed, his muzzle hanging open.

Kevin held him tight, his claws pricking Raleigh's rump as he panted and shuddered in relief and pleasure.

Raleigh leaned back, making Kevin gasp, before the otter smirked and cupped Kevin's muzzle in his paws and pressed his lips against those of the kangaroo.

"Mmmph!" Kevin's muffled cry come, as his eyes widened and he began to slap Raleigh on the rump.

"Ooh, spanking too?" Raleigh squealed.


Raleigh froze, his eyes widening as he recognised that voice and his small ears flattened against his skull as a involuntary tremble rippled up his spine.

"What in the hells is going on here..."

Raleigh, as only an otter can, twisted his head around and looked at his father, who stood just inside the door, staring wide eyed.

Images of being turned into a rug and hamburger instantly filled Kevin's mind as he saw the otter who made Kevin feel small and inadequate.

"Really?" Roared the masculine otter, as he dropped the suitcase. "You started without me...?

Kevin could only stare up at the otter, who smirked and winked at him.