Making Ends Meet

Story by Sandoval on SoFurry

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Disclaimer/warning/what-have-you: 18+, of course; the following is unabashedly several paragraphs of gay smut, and it pretends to be nothing besides. It includes kinks which may or may not be your thing, so check the tags before you read. The characters here are intended to be original, so any similarities between them and existing characters is a coincidence. Past that, enjoy, and criticism is always welcome.


Making Ends Meet

The sounds of shuffling papers and clattering dishes accompanied a tall grey tabby as he meandered around his kitchen, idly dropping dirty dishes in a dirtier dishwasher as he thumbed through the past few days' mail. With a disappointed sigh the cat tossed the unopened letters on the counter, turning his full attention to cleaning up from his meager dinner. His ears swiveled at the sound of approaching footsteps, and he straightened up, turning around just in time for a short timber wolf to wrap his arms around the cat's chest.

"Hey babe. Need a hand cleaning up?" The wolf pecked him on the cheek before releasing him and leaning on the refrigerator.

The cat shook his head. "Cameron, the day I need help putting half a dozen dishes in a dishwasher is the day you put me in a home, got it?"

Cameron grinned. "Fair enough," the wolf gestured at the pile of letters, "What's the good word, Sandoval?"

The cat scowled and closed the dishwasher with a clang, wincing a bit at the noise of the old thing. "Ergh. First, don't use my full name; it makes you sound like my mother. Second, there isn't one; it's just bills and 'thanks but no thanks' letters." He swatted the mail half-heartedly, spilling them across the counter, "I've put in like...forty applications, Cam. My savings are almost out and I know you can't keep paying for everything. I just...god, I'm almost out of ideas."

"You worry too much, hon." Cameron watched the cat pace around the kitchen for a moment before walking over to him, poking him in the ribs. "See, you're wasting away. I can see your ribs through your shirt, Sand. Stop fretting and things'll work out."

Sand stopped to look at the shorter wolf, before grabbing him in a tight hug and licking his forehead. "I ever tell you you're too optimistic?"

Cam laughed, picking up the skinny feline and twirling him around the small kitchen. "All the time."

"Well, don't ever stop. Thanks, love."

"Don't sweat it." The wolf set his boyfriend down, resting both hands on the cat's hips. "Anyways! News for ya. A good friend of mine from out of town got a job here, and his apartment doesn't open up for a few days. I told him he could crash with us, if that's okay?"

Sand scratched his head. "Uhm...sure? I mean, yeah, when does he get here?"

"About twenty minutes. Which meeeeeans I should probably clean up a bit." Cameron leaned up and kissed Sand on the cheek again before scurrying into the living room, grabbing discarded socks and shirts as he went.

The cat shook his head again, following after the wolf and helping. "Damn, Cam. Gimme a bit more warning next time, 'kay? What's his name, at least?"

"It's Cobb. He has a thing for cats, too, so maybe you two can have some fun while I'm at work tonight, eh?" The wolf grinned and skipped away as Sand rolled his eyes, the two busying themselves with cleaning up the modest apartment. Just as they had organized the living room into some semblance of presentability, a knock rang at the door, and Cameron bounced over to open it. Sand peeked over at the entryway as the door swung wide, catching sight of their guest -- a moderately tall red fox wearing a loose long sleeved shirt and a pair of baggy, worn cargo pants, with a hat low over his eyes. The fox grinned, setting down a bulging duffel bag so he could lean in and hug the wolf at the door.

"Cameron! It's been ages, man. Thanks again for putting me up, you're a real life saver." The fox leaned down to his bag and began to rummage in it, as Sand wiped his hands on a dish rag and started making his way towards the door to greet their guest. He saw the fox pull a small parcel wrapped in brown paper out of his luggage and hand it to the wolf, whispering something in the lupine's ear. Sand couldn't hear what was said, but came up on the two in time to see Cameron glance quickly his way and blush a bit.

"Er...Sand, this is Cobb. Cobb, Sand. I'll be right back." Cameron excused himself from the room as the fox and cat shook hands.

"Sand? Good to finally meet you. Cameron's told me all about you." The fox smiled warmly, pulling his hat up off his eyes and picking up his duffel. Sand chuckled in response.

"Not ALL, I hope. I'd hate to think I haven't got any secrets from you, eh? C'mon in, we've got some space cleared in the living room where you can stash your stuff." The tabby started walking towards the living room, brushing some crumbs he'd missed off the couch. "What was that you gave Cam, if I can ask?"

Cobb shook his head, setting his bag down. "Just a little gift, a 'thanks for letting me crash' kinda thing. I've got something for you too, but it's...packed away at the moment. We'll get to that soon enough, I'm sure." Any further pleasantries were cut short by the racket of Cameron dashing out of the bedroom, trying to fix his belt and stuff his keys and wallet in his pocket at the same time.

"Aagh! Gotta run to work guys, I'll catch you later tonight if you're up! Play nice now!" Sand and Cobb watched with blank expressions as the wolf spilled out of the apartment, leaving the two in silence for a moment, before Sand chuckled awkwardly to break the silence.

"Heh. I swear, he'd forget his ears if they weren't attached." The cat said. "So, um...what do you do, Cobb? Cam was saying you'd just gotten a job around here."

"Well..."the fox scratched his head, canting his weight onto one footpaw, "I'm a pharmacist, but that's boring. Let's pretend I said I'm a mad scientist, yeah?" He flashed that toothy grin again, before kneeling next to his bag, opening it fully to rummage around the clothing therein.

"Hah. Boring or not, I'm jealous. I've had a hell of a time trying to find any work lately." Sand sat down on the couch, watching the fox. Between his thick red fur and long clothing, he seemed to be over-dressed for the warm weather, but before the cat could think about it any further he spoke up again.

"Eh, the money's nice, but the classes were six years of annoying, and I swear I'm going to go out of my skull telling old women how pills work. Anyway..." Cobb yanked a bottle out of his bag, presenting it to the cat, "...Cameron told me you liked bourbon, so I picked up a bottle on my way here. What say we break this ice properly?"

Sand, wide-eyed, found himself agreeing enthusiastically and fetching clean glasses almost before the fox finished asking the question. He let the fox open and pour the drinks, and in no time the two were trading laughs and anecdotes over their glasses. Sand, feeling toasty and carefree after a number of drinks, didn't much notice that Cobb was pouring more into the cat's glass each time than his own.

Some time later, the previously virgin bottle nearing empty, Sand and Cobb enjoyed a moment of silence as they slumped on the couch, Sand purring softly as the room gently spun around him while Cobb looked intently at the cat. The fox turned and set his glass down, before shifting to face the tabby, resting one paw on Sand's knee, black-furred fingers creeping ever so slowly under the hem of the cat's shorts. Sand froze for a moment, trying to process his thoughts and figure out his body's reaction through the haze of alcohol, before turning and clumsily pulling the fox's hat off, tossing it past the far end of the couch. "Hmrrrr...Cam told me y'liked cats, Cobb...that so?"

Cobb just smiled at first, shaking his hair out a bit once his hat was removed, fingers slowly creeping up Sand's leg, rubbing the soft fur on his thigh. His free paw softly poked Sand in the chest, "Hm indeed! He told me you two weren't having nearly as as you used to. Why would that be?"

Sand paused for a moment, distracted by a stirring in his sheath. He wrestled his eyes for a moment, finding himself staring at the fox's crotch for a few awkward seconds before responding. "Well...'s just been tough, is all, I mean..." the cat blushed, averting his eyes, "Y'see, I can't top Cam, 'cause it hurts him...I mean, I'm a bit big for 'im, yeah, but there's the barbs, and..." Sand fell quiet for a moment, hoping that Cobb would jump in and say something, but the fox just sat there, waiting for him to keep going, rubbing further and further up his leg. Sand caught a moan in his throat as he started to become more and more aroused at the fox's touch, and continued. "I just...well, I can't top him, and so he's always on top, but I've always had a thing for, er...bigger guys..." Sand blushed again, not sure what to say.

Cobb just scooted closer, running a paw up under the tabby's shirt, rubbing his chest and stomach, drawing a deep exhale from Sand. "Easy now, kitty. Like I said, me and Cameron have talked about this. You like 'em big, and he's just not quite enough, which makes you feel like you're letting him down when you have sex, yeah?" Sand just nodded his head, and Cobb took that as a sign, pulling the cat's shirt up over his head, exposing his boney, white chest. "You just worry too much. Cameron said as much to me, and I can see it just talking to you for a little while. Just relax..."

Sand nodded again. Not sure what to say, he didn't say anything, and closed his eyes as the fox's paws roamed over his chest, beginning to breathe heavier. He gasped suddenly as the fox nipped his collarbone, sitting up straight as he became inexorably more aroused, the tip of his cock beginning to poke free of his sheath, rubbing against the coarse material of his boxers. He squirmed, and as though on cue Cobb deftly unbuttoned his shorts and pulled, swiftly stripping the cat of his last few pieces of clothing.

Cobb looked down over the now naked feline, taking in the details of his thin frame. He licked at the cat's neck, eliciting a soft moan, before nuzzling down the soft fur of Sand's chest, flicking his tongue at the exposed tip of the cat's member and wrapping one paw around the rapidly fattening sheath, which he began to slowly draw up and down. Sand just bit his lip and rolled his hips forward, his barbed cock quickly growing to its full nine inches at the constant attention. The fox just grinned, glancing up at the cat before sucking briefly on one of his digits, pressing the wet finger against the cat's tailhole, meeting resistance at first but soon forcing entry into the tight, hot passage.

Sand moaned again at the intrusion, clenching around Cobb's finger, cock bobbing in the open air. He regained his senses a bit, opening his eyes and pushing the fox backwards before seizing the still-clothed fox's shirt and drunkenly tugging it up and off. He started to make for the fox's pants, but paused. The top of the fox's sheath poked well up past his waistband, and it was thick. Sand caught himself almost drooling, marveling at what little he could see of Cobb's huge, gently throbbing sheath, and then rushed to remove the vulpine's pants. Cobb just smiled at the cat, wiggling free of the pants just as Sand tugged, sending him sprawling backwards off the couch. When the cat righted himself to a sitting position, he found himself nearly face-to-crotch with the fox, and was in awe.

Cobb's soft, white sheath and ballsac were utterly out of proportion to the rest of the average-sized fox, the bulging sheath already a magnitude larger than the cat's straining erection, never mind the potential it encased...and nestled below it were two massive, heavy-looking orbs. Sand reached his trembling paws forward, mouth agape at the package just before him, and nearly needed both his paws to heft one of the fox's balls, much less both of them. "H...holy shit, Cobb..." The fox just smiled, slouching forward on the couch with a low, content sigh.

As Sand gingerly toyed with the fox's balls and reached up a paw to squeeze the base of that sheath, the thick, bright red tip began to swell free, already spouting pre-cum at a ludicrous rate, leaving a glistening, sticky trail through the fur on the fox's stomach. Sand decided not to ask how such a thing could come to be, and instead leaned in closer, breathing deep the fox's musk and wrapping his lips around the still swelling tip, getting a mouthful of tangy pre. He crawled up along the fox's front as the cock swelled further and further outwards and upwards, feeling the girth of the member stretching his jaw beyond what was comfortable. Reluctantly, he pulled himself off of it, purring deeply and standing, looking down at Cobb as the fox's erection finally slowed down. Sand was amazed...the thing was nearly as long as his arm, and notably thicker than it, and the knot had barely even begun to form. He shook his head as if to dispel an illusion brought on by his drinking but no, there it remained, bobbing in front of him while a small river of pre dribbled down its length. Cobb just smiled, bushy tail lazily flicking back and forth under him. He nodded once, and as if under a spell Sand moved forward, straddling the vulpine.

The tabby had to raise himself up as high on his knees as he could to even have a chance at the right angle, which made it easy for Cobb to lick the cat's needy member, rough tongue catching on the cat's barbed penis, sending a small shiver down Sand's spine. Sand just pressed that tapered tip against his quivering tailhole, knowing in his mind he'd never taken anything nearly this big before but hardly caring -- he needed this, and it needed to be inside him. The fox's pre quickly made a mess, but lubed up the cat's entrance amply, and Sand began to press backwards into it.

At first there was nothing, just pressure and a strained look on the tabby's face. Then, slowly -- ever so slowly -- the pointed tip of the fox's cock began to sink into the cat's tailhole, stretching his clenching hole wider and wider, forcing his rumpcheeks apart. Sand groaned as the tip slowly sank into him, feeling like he was being forced wider than he ever had been. Cobb moaned, finally breaking his silence. "Damn, about tight..." Sand could only pant in response, digging his claws into the back of the couch and pressing himself downward until finally he felt himself stop stretching. Knees wide and rumpcheeks forced impossibly far apart, the cat took a short breather, his own cock drooling pre as the fox's meat pressed heavily against his prostate.

But just the tip was in so far.

The cat waited there for a moment, feeling himself grow adjusted to the fox's girth, until a warmth and a slight gurgling from his abdomen brought something to his attention. The fox was still producing pre at a copious rate, providing more than ample lubrication, but his tailhole was clenched far too tightly around that pillar of cock to let any escape. He gritted his teeth, looked Cobb in the eyes, and resolved to continue, pressing himself downward. Slowly, inch after inch, that hot, chiseled rod sank into his depths, until about a third of the way down, he felt resistance. Resting once again, briefer this time, he slowly raised himself up several inches, Cobb letting his head fall back in bliss at the tightness of the cat and the cool air of the apartment blowing over his slick member. He brought his paws up to rest on the cat's hips, still content to watch Sand control the pace.

Sand raised himself up until the cock nearly pulled free, then forced himself back down again, feeling his insides wrap around that member, slowly conforming to its shape as he sank another few inches past where he previously stopped. He repeated this process several times, each time forcing his intestines to conform more and more to the shape of the cock that was pressing deeper and deeper inside him, and each powerful thrust was accompanied by a louder and louder gurgle, as the ever-growing reservoir of fox pre was forced deeper and deeper into his system.

After doing this about a dozen times, Sand let his arms fall to his sides, breathing heavily. Cobb's throbbing member practically held him upright all by itself, and he felt fuller than he had ever felt. He closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of taking something so massive as far as he had, but his reverie was broken and his eyes snapped open when he felt Cobb's paw on his stomach. Glancing down, he saw the fox tracing the outline of the giant cock in his stomach fur, where a prominent bulge proudly displayed itself. He reached down, amazed, and stroked the bulge, which proved too much -- the pressure on his prostate, the constant stimulation, the amazing sensitivity of his stomach right then -- he groaned and grit his teeth, spewing rope after rope of cat spunk onto Cobb's chest, orgasming powerfully without even touching his member. Cobb, too, had to hold on as the cat's tail clenched around his cock like a vise, forcing another powerful jet of pre into the cat's intestines. After a few more spurts Sand tapered off, breathing heavily and slumping forward somewhat.

Cobb looked up at him, smiling again as he always did and stroking one paw along the cat's cheek. "Aww...that gonna be it for you, kitty?"

Sand pushed himself upright, almost insulted by the fox's tone. He said nothing, clenching his tailhole and eliciting a yip from the fox, before pressing himself down determinedly, sinking the remaining inches steadily into himself. He found himself watching the bulge in his front creep steadily upwards, fascinated by the shape and the reminder he was riding something so huge. He found himself forced to stop when his taut ring nestled against the top of the fox's knot, which was slowly and ominously swelling beneath him. He began to gyrate himself on top of the huge bulb of flesh, already nearly time and a half again as wide as what he'd managed to take so far. A hiccup distracted him for a second, tinged by the tangy flavor of the fox's pre, which was percolating steadily into his stomach. He shook his head. Never mind that. No distractions.

The pain was immense as he forced himself wider and wider on Cobb's knot, almost imperceptibly sinking down onto it. Cobb, almost entirely distracted by the tightness at his crotch, still managed to notice Sand's own member, which was bobbing at full erection again, dribbling a clear trail between its tip and his chest. It looked almost ready to blow again, in fact, but the fox couldn't really attend to it for holding on tight to the cat's hips, helping to pull him downward.

In a flash of movement and a flood of relief, the knot popped into Sand's abused tailhole, and he yowled like a female in heat as his ring squeezed close to the mercifully thin section of the fox's member at the base. Sand's stomach gurgled louder and louder as more pre was forced into it, and a large, spherical bulge formed quickly at the bottom of his belly as Cobb's knot swelled massively. He groaned and leaned forward, biting into the fox's shoulder and clenching his eyes shut as his cock fired once again, weaker than before, as he enjoyed his second orgasm in a short few moments. This time, though, the pressure proved too much for the fox.

Cobb howled loudly as his own powerful orgasm overtook him, flooding the scrawny cat wrapped around his cock with wave after wave of searing hot fox cum. Again and again he unloaded into Sand, his huge ballsac pulling tight to his body as he came. Sand, coming down from his own high, could only hold on tight as he felt himself pumped fuller and fuller, the previous gurgle of fox fluids within him replaced by a sloshing torrent. With no words, he looked down, seeing the distinct bulge of the fox's member lose definition as his stomach bulged out around it. Moaning uncontrollably, lost in sensations he knew by all rights should be incredibly painful but which were instead both intensely pleasurable and powerfully erotic, he laid both his paws on his expanding stomach, watching in amazement as they were steadily forced apart.

Eventually, Cobb's powerful eruption tapered off, leaving him panting and Sand moaning in ecstasy atop him, stroking his domed belly and rocking to and fro. Cobb came to his senses first, wiping sweat from his brow as he stroked the cat's side, eliciting more moans. "Goddamn, cat...I've never seen anyone who could take that before...that was amazing..." He jerked slightly, his sensitive member still occasionally spurting inside the cat, as the two of them settled in to enjoy their afterglow.

Until, that is, they heard the door slamming. Cameron, immediately alerted by the powerful smell of musk in the apartment, peeked mischievously into the living room with a grin on his face, but whatever he had planned to say died in his throat as he witnessed the scene on the couch. He stood there, amazed for just a moment, before Cobb smiled maliciously.

"Come on, wolf. This cat's got room for one more, don't you think?" Cobb grabbed hold of the tabby's tail, pulling it up and out of the way to give the wolf a clear view. Cameron needed no further encouragement, and in record time had cast off his work clothes and was moving towards Sand's trapped tailhole, rapidly coming to full arousal.

Sand, still only beginning to come to, glanced over his shoulder at his approaching mate, and what he saw hit him like a bucket of ice water. Where he expected his boyfriend's meager five inch wolfcock, he saw a bobbing footlong monster -- while nowhere near as large as Cobb's, it was still intimidating, and the heavy, pendulous balls swaying beneath it didn't help. Sand was lost for words. "" Cobb shushed him and licked his nose, and he remembered. The packet Cobb gave Cam earlier...

Any rumination was cut short as Cam pressed his much-enlarged tip right against Sand's abused ring, and any protest the cat might have had came out only as a strangled moan as his tailhole stretched open once again. The wolf pressed in harshly at first, his eager cock trying to force the giant fox knot to the side so it could press into the warm depths of his boyfriend. Eventually it worked its way by, drawing a trailing moan from Cobb as his cock was roughly stroked by the wolf's, the two sandwiching the full cat between them. The two big, sensitive cocks rubbing one another proved to be too much for Cobb and Cameron, and they began shallowly but powerfully thrusting into the cat, who between muffled noises of ecstacy clung to the couch for dear life. He came again, the third time for the night, eyes rolling back in his head as the two canids had their way with him.

Cam went over the edge shortly after -- unable to force his swollen knot into the cat, he howled and settled for forcing his seed as deep into his mate as he could, rope after thick, hot rope of it. Sand felt his dome of a belly stretch out even further before Cam pulled out, shooting the last heavy spurts across the feline's back before panting happily, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he watched the fox and his mate continue to go at it.

Cobb continued to thrust quickly into the stuffed cat. Sand could feel his knot swell back to where it had been, and he came to the chilling realization just as the fox leaned forward and whispered it in his ear. "Mmrf...gonna cum again, kitty...hold on..." Sand pushed himself upright as much as possible, paws gingerly clutching his sensitive stomach. As promised, Cobb began to spasm again, those big balls twitching and pumping another sticky, voluminous load into the poor tabby above. Sand just moaned and writhed, tailhole clenching around the firehose of a fox cock lodged in him, feeling his stomach bloat out further still, the skin of his midsection growing taut as a drum as he leaned back, the gallons of mixed cum within him distending his stomach to the point where he looked like a well-pregnant woman. Unconcerned with the seemingly impossible feat his body was enduring, Sand just rubbed his paws over his tight stomach over and over, reveling in the almost electric pleasure it gave him.

Fuller and fuller, the fox continued to pump into the moaning cat...

Sand awoke with a start, daylight streaming through the half-closed shutters of their living room window. His head swam in hangover, and he struggled to remember how the previous night played out. He felt his mate's arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind, and they seemed to be laying naked on the floor. He could hear the shower running at the far end of their living space. It was only when he tried to sit up, though, that he fully recalled the last night's events. Struggling into a sitting position, he rested one paw on the barely-diminished dome of a stomach, bulging in stark contrast to his otherwise thin frame. The contact sent a familiar tingle through his body, and before he knew it he was becoming painfully aroused. Looking behind him, he saw Cameron, still mostly asleep but sporting morning wood which...had it grown? It was definitely bigger than he remembered through the haze. Nearly a foot and a half now...Sand, assaulted by his own arousal and the intoxicating sight of his mate's huge tool, awkwardly crawled on all fours towards his sprawled-out lover and began suckling on the tip of the presented cock.

He was rewarded with a pleasured moan from Cam and a spurt of pre, which he drank down like a man dying of thirst in the desert. The loud slurping noises distracted the cat from any other goings-on, and he was startled by a pair of black paws clutching his hips from behind. He felt a familiarly huge sheath rubbing against his cleft, and a giant chisel-tipped cock swelling almost effortlessly into his packed passage, and he smiled around the cock in his mouth.

He really did worry too much, all things considered...


Aargh. It's here where I admit that this is my first go at writing erotica, so really any comments at all would be a huge help. I've got a few ideas for sequels, but before I do any more writing I'd really like to know how folks think of this one.

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves.